The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-22, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1948 Make Sure Of Comfort This Winter ORDER YOUR SUPPLY OF FUEL TO-DAY! Anthracite — Chestnut it EggS !H Stove »»Pea Alberta —Lumps Briquettes Chestnut Coke and Pea Anthracite Mixed We are agents for the New Luminous Flame Iron Fireman Stoker phone 33 Jas. P. Bowey Auto, Wind, Fire, Casualty and Hospital Insurance Ontario Bean Growers Receive 1947 Rebate Approximately 7,500 grower­ members of the Ontario Bean Marketing scheme will receive a $200,000 rebate this summer on their 1947 crop. The money was collected at the rate of 18 cents per bushel on the ’47 crop to bolster the floor price guaranteed by the marketing board. Payment of the refund at full 18 cents per bushel value was authorize^ by the Western Ontario Beans Limited, a com* j pany formed by the board to administer the money, Deduction applies pn all beans sold to dealers during the crop year from August 1, 1947 to July 1, 1948, R. E. McPherson, secretary­ treasurer of the company, was authorized to mail checks to all farmers eligible for the refund The cheeks will be mailed be­ tween August 23 and Sept. 10. Mr. McPherson said that for the second crop year the crop I this year will go over the mil- i lion bushel mark. Parcels Appreciated in Britain The following are seme of the letters received by Mr. Jas. P. Bowey, secretary of the Exeter Lions Club in response to par­ cels of food sent to Britain by the Exeter Lions: Dear Sir: I am writing to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the gift parcel sent to my husband.' It was a great surprise and there was much excitement when it was opened. I had often read of people receiving gift parcels but I had no things in idea they had so many them. (Mrs.) M. Gibson, 1 Fairy Terrace, Black Dyke Road, Amside, England. * * ** Dear Sir: This is a thanks for the magnificent par­ cel which I received on the 11th of June. My youngest son was in bed at the time (he hadn’t been so well) and it did him more good than medicine. We have never had a more welcome or thrilling surprise. We wish the Association of Lions Clubs and the Exeter Lions Club in partic- letter of grateful Hy-Way Hank onuuRts pmicrniwcy! \ in ffib txtra Classified Directoryular every success. Thanking you once again. Sir; wish * Ypurs faithfully, (Mrs.) J. Noble, 18 Greengate, Kendal, England. * ♦* Dear I much for parcel which I it very difficult to put into letter just how grateful I feel for your great kindness. It was more than welcome in my case as I am the widow of a R.A.F, Pilot and I have a small son of five years. He was thrilled when I opened the parcel and he saw all the lovely things it contained Food which we have not seen for a long time. Thanking you again and all the people of the Exeter Lions to the thank you ■wonderful received. I very food find a Club. Yours very sincerely, (Mrs.) Kathleen Allen, 24 Park St., Kendal. Westmorl and, Engl and. • * * ♦ 23rd May, 1948 Friends: take Sa Want Ads Serve You Well When You Want to Buy or Sell CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less.......35c (additional words l^c) Succeeding insertions lc a word (minimum charge 25c) Classifieds will bo accepted up to Wednesday noon FOR SALE I TENDERS WANTED “Hello, Exeter Motor Sales - It’s a matter of life and death , , can you send out a tire repairman right away?” Exeter Motor Sales Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Coates Fred DobbsTom = With your next Tip Top suit you will now be | able to have that extra pair of trousers. | We, as agents in Exeter for Tip Top clothing, | will be glad to show you their fine line of samples = for your next garment. The years of business behind = this leading firm assure you of a suit you’ll be proud | to own. Taman’s Men’s Wear FOR SALE——2 piece Birtch liv­ ing room suite. Inner spring cushions, with homespun cov­ ering, in good condition. J. N. Cowan, 1 mile east of Dash* wood. 8:15:22c RE—FAINTING Tenders will be .received by the undersigned until July 30th for the redecorating of the terior and interior of Schools 6 and 7, also the interior No. 12 of the Township ex* No of of Stephen. Work to be completed by September 1st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. Arthur J. Amy, Secretary. 22:29c BABY CHICKS LAST HATCH Sunday, July 25th. All breeds. Some started chicks on hand. Phone your order in to-day. N euliaiisei' Hatcheries 81 King St., LONDON, Ont. WANTED WANTED—Used piano. Apply Wm. Glenn, Dawn Restaurant; Grand Bend. 15:22c FARM FOR SALE—122 acres at Centralia, good buildings, farm in good condition, brick house, modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Her­ man Powe, phone 18rl2 Cred­ iton. 22tfc WANTED—Air man, wife and child seven, need furnished quarters immediately. Urgent. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* WANTED—3 or®> 4 unfurnished rooms on ground floor, before Sept, 1, with bathroom-facili­ ties, in Exeter, character re­ ferences will be provided if desired. Apply Box D, Times- Advocate. 22* REAL ESTATE THREE BEDROOM Cottage— With hydro and town water, Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Exeter. FOR SALE—97 acres with good’ brick house and fine barn. Hydro and water throughout. Accommodation for good herd of cattle as well as other live­ stock. 35 acres of land fresh seeded. Located on highway close to school and. village. Act now foi’ fall possession. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—On No. 4 Highway south of Exeter. Brick house, with hydro and furnace. In good repair. Three acres of land. Close to store and school. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Main St. Exeter. FOR SALE — Highway, 144 acres clay loam, bush, abun­ dant spring water, barn has good stabling, water bowls, milker, litter carrier, electric grinder, silo, driveshed; 7- roorn insul brick house. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 22* HOUSE FOR SALE—lj storey frame, furnace, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, heavy wiring, good henhouse and barn. Early possession. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 22* LOST LOST—On Saturday, a brown leather change purse, contain- a sum of money and keys. Reward. Finder please return to Mrs. M. Hardman, Hunter- Duvar apartments. 22* LOST—Truck wheel and tire between Bayfield, Clinton and Hensall. Finder please con­ tact Dashwood Planing Mill. 22c LOST—A .parcel containing red and white gingham material between Jones & May and Fink’s Butcher Shop. Finder please leave at Times-Advo­ cate. ’ 2 2 * FOR SALE PHONOGRAPH—With or with­ out radio attachment. Spring motor, ridiculously cheap. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—Massey-Harris man ure spreader, in good condi­ tion, convertable tractoi’ or horse drawn; also McCormick- Deering cream separator, No. 3, in good condition. Apply to Ancell Lee, R.R. 2, Ailsa ■Craig, five miles south of Crediton. 15:22c > STRAYED FOR SALE—Massey-Harris bin­ der 7 ft. cut, used very little. Guaranteed A-l condition. Edison Forrest, Hensail. 15:22* STRAYED—From Lot 21, Com lb, McGillivray Twp., 6 year­ ling Herefords, marked in left ear. Findei’ please notify Grant Amos, R.R, 3, Ailsa. Craig. , 15:22 Dear We take great pleasure in writing this letter in answer to your most welcome parcel which we received on the 21st of May 1948. We cannot thank you enough in this letter for the great plea­ sures we received when youi gift reached us. It touches iis very deeply to thing that are so many miles away and you are thinking about us and finding time to send us people of England such gifts, I’m sure we all appreciate your kindness very much maybe some-day able to pay you well deserve. This will have now so once again my family and myself thank you all, so, with good luck and be'st wishes I will close. Yours sincerly, Mrs. Walters and family. FOR SALE—1932 Chev coach, new tires, motor A-l. Apply to Lloyd Reynolds. Tel. Exe­ ter 1771’4. 22*FEMALE HELP WANTED Amb rose Powell Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell have received word of the death of the former’s uncle, Mr. Am­ brose Powell, of Great Falls, Montana. Mr. Powell spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Powell two years ago. The following clipping was taken from a Mon tana newspaper; “Funeral services for Am­ brose W. Powell, 85, former sheep rancher in the Hinsdale area for many years, were held at Great “ noon. He that city a month’s held at the W. H. pany chapel, with Davidson officiating. The was cremated in accordance with his wish, with the ashes to be sent to his daughter, Mrs. Neil Grant, at ’Wrangell, Alaska, for burial in the Grant family plot. Ambrose Watt born at London, da, August 27, 1862. to this country in settled in Valley 1898, operating for many years in _ with .the late J. B. Long. He took sick at Great Falls on his way to the daughter’s home in Wrangell. Mr. and Mrs. Grant and daughter, flew from Alaska on. word of his illness. After the funeral they came on to Hins­ dale to visit Mrs. Grant’s mother Mrs. Ella Powell. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Neil Grant, of Wrangell, Alaska; a brother, A. W. Powell and a sister, Mrs. Hester Mit­ chell, both of California, a granddaughter, Suzanne Grant; and a nephew, Willis Powell, of Exeter, Ontario, Canada. J. you yet all tlm good we shall back as and DP you $25; wagon, $4 5; small cutting FOR SALE—Hay loader, rubber tired tractor disc; box with pipes. W. B. Thomp4 son, Clinton, 2yz miles west. 22:29*:5c FOR SALE—E 1 e o t r i c train, freight, C/W transformer and track, hardly used, $25.00. T. M. Webster, Exeter 377w. 22* STENOGRAPHER-Bookkeeper — This position offers outstand­ ing opportunities to an effi­ cient young lady who is inter­ ested and qualified, chances for advancement, $90.00 per month to start, 38-hour week. Write Box E, Times-Advocate. 15:22:29c Falls Saturday after­ died at Friday illness. a hospital in morning Services George Rev. to be the end after were Com- Carl body Powell was Ontario, Cana- He came IS S3 and County in a sheep ranch partnership Suzanne, receiving FOR SALE—-5 inch jointer­ planer, % inch capacity drill press, both used only short time. Apply Box W. Times- Advocate. 22c FOR SALE—Cabin car trailer, sleeps two, in good includes Coleman stove. Can be .seen End Service Station 15 4R Exeter. condition, gasoline at South or phone 22c IFEMALE Help Wanted — Wait­ tress wanted. Call in person at Rether’s Coffee Shoppe. 22c WANTED—Office clerk must be quick and accurate in figures. Apply Canadian Canners, Exe­ ter. 22c FOR RENT Paper One Day Late Wednesday being race day Exeter and most of the town on holiday the staff of the Times- Advocate took time out to attend the races and the paper is being published a day lale this week. Injury to Foot Harold Fisher, of Mitchell merly of Usborne, foot Friday on the near his home. His placed in a plaster < x-rays were taken at ford General Hospital. IF YOUR RADIO ISN’T WORKING PROPERLI IF YOU FIND RECEPTION TO BE POOR—BRING RADIO PROGRAMMES Mp Baek Ailments Backache may be caused by dis­ orders of the kidneys. Consequently, if you suffer from backache, Doan’s Kidney Pills may be helpful to you. Because of their stimulating action on the kidneys and urinary passages, Doan’s Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes from the body. Safe, dependable and quick-acting, Doan’s Kidney Pills can be used by both young and old. Backache as well as minor urinary and blad­ der ailments may be quickly relieved by this time-proven treatment. Sold at all drug stores. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. WORKING CONDITION. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 10P Exeter, Ont. Dashwood YOURS IN TO US. WE HAVE EXPERT RADIO TECHNICIANS TO PUT YOUR RADIO IN TOP Ontario A View of Our New Landeau JType Side Servicing Funeral Coach which has recently been added to our equipment ■ in for- hisinjured sidewalk foot was cast after the Strat- FOR SALE—Westinghouse elec­ tric range, 4 burner, low oven, in good condition. Apply to Willis Gill Grand Bend. 22c FOR SALE— ing room case. Mrs. block east Station. Buffet, round din­ table, oak book Geo. Hay, Exeter, of Supertest Gas 0 9* FOR SALE—A good used gaso­ line stove. Phone 171r4 Exe­ ter. 22:29c FOR BALE'—Cream separator, in good shape, real cheap. Howard Kerslake, Centralia. 22* cleaners, 11C FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Beavers. Hardware, Exeter, MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM PLOWING, ING, HAY AND BALING—Apply Leon ner, R.R. 1, Hensall, 171r24 Exeter between 8 in the morning COMBIN­ STRAW Trieb- phone- 7 and St* BARNS WHITEWASHED—Rock lime and D.D.T. paint. Apply Fred Harburn, phone 44r9> Dublin. tie. Improving Mrs. letter ther’s condition Mr. Lower has a that he received cherries. It has John Taylor received a Saturday stating her fa- is satisfactory, broken left hip while picking been set and Mr. Lowei’ expects to be ing i« four weeks which markable for a man 84 FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers com bine, complete with scour clean and pick-up, A-l shape. Apply to I-Iomer Russell, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 36rl5 Dash­ wood. . 22 LET ME SPRAY your cabbages for worms; your turnips for watei’ core, or your carrots, and corn for weeds. Reason­ able prices. Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. ’22:29:5c- PERSONAL Soloist walk- is re­ years at Wedding Helen Shapton was .theMiss soloist at the marriage of Miss Audrey Gertrude MacMurchey of Ripley, to Mr. Lester Charles Ferguson, of Toronto, which took place in St. Andrews Unit­ ed church, Ripley. Miss Shapton sang “Because” and “At Dawn­ ing. Miss Shapton spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MacMurchey, of Ripley. .of Blackwell Quits As Attorney-General Attorney-General Leslie E. Blackwell has submitted his for­ mal resignation from the On­ tario Cabinet in order that he may return to private practice. He will continue to sit as pri­ vate member, representing Eg- lington in the Legislature. In making the announcement Friday, Premier Drew said Mr. Blackwell will serve as Attorney- General until a date which will be mutually agreed upon later this year. More than a year ago, Mr. Blackwell indicated to the pre­ mier his desire to be relieved of "s that he would be free to back to which he withdrew five years ago after he was raised to min­ isterial rank. “Again, early this year, he told me he had definitely decid­ ed to resume the active practice of law before the end of the present year,” Mr. Drew added. The resignation is not likely to become effective until general cabinet organization which is bound, to follow after Premier Drew obtains a seat in the House. A by-election for this purpose probably will be held In September. With the voluntary departure of Mr, Blackwell and the forced retirement of Provincial Secre- "tary, Roland Michdner, who was defeated on Juno 7, folios will have to bo filled •when the shuffle occurs. i bis cabinet responsibilities the law firm so go from two port- FOR SALE—Brand Dew Elec­ trolux vacuum cleaner for taking over payments. Phone 364R, Exeter. 22* SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5.00; at Robertson’s Drug Store. FOR SALE—19 46 “Nash 600” sedan, 20,000 miles, very good condition and reasonable. Phone 233 Exeter. 22* FOR SALE — ’31 Studebaker roadster in good running or­ der. Cheap for cash. Also one wardrobe. Apply to Walter Bentley after’ 6 p.m. 2’2'* FOR SALE—1932 Chev. coach, in good condition. Phone 300 Exeter. 22* FOR SALE-—New Oliver motor- driven 6 ft. combine for im­ mediate delivery. Apply to A. Kerslake, Oliver dealer, Hen­ sail, phone 40. 22c FOR SALE—Combine, A.C. pick­ up attachment, bagger, seives, D.T.B. drive, A-l shape. Vance Brothers, Forest, phone 611, rl, 4. 22c FOR SALE'—A Frigidaire elec­ tric range, nearly new; also a large quantity of good used lumber. Glen Desjardine, Grand Bend, phone .Dashwood' 50rl3. 22c SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5. to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; thy flesh; “get 50c. new new vigor, acquainted” size All druggists. heal- New only- Need a really effective laxative? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES,. famous herbal medicine used successfully if o r 45 years. Brings relief quickly — tones up liver — keeps bowels ac­ tive — restores .good health —RELIABLE. AUCTION SALES Exeter Old Boy Methodist Bishop The North Central jurisdic­ tional conference of the Metho­ dist Church on July 9 elected the Rev. Dr. H. Clifford cott of Champaign, Ill., bishop. Dr. Northcutt’s election FOR SALE—Cockshutt combine. Splendid condition, $450. San­ dy Elliot, phone 64w. FOR SALE- four good good 361J ■1939 practically spare, clean all-round AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The Estate of Mrs. Ella Walker The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on MAIN STREET, EXETER South of Huron Street on SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1948 at, 1.3'0 p.m. the following: 3 piece parlor suite; 1 square table; floor lamp; Marconi el­ ectric mantel radio; 1 oak rock­ ing chair; 1 oak extension table 6 oak dining-room chairs; 1 oak 1 sideboard; 1 dinner set, 2 bed; 5 small North as a broke a prolonged deadlock. The con­ ference previously had elected the Rev. Richard G. Minneapolis and the Shall Reed of Detroit cancies. After naming Dr, the delegates resumed for a fourth Bishop. Dr. Northcott, aged tive of Exeter, Canada, pastor of the First Church at Champaign since 1928. lie is a graduate of North­ western University and holds di­ vinity degrees £rom Garrett Bib- ■ Ileal Institute, Chicago, and II- linios Wesleyan university, ^Bloomington, Ill. Ford coach, new tires, upholstering car. Phone 22:19* FOR SALE—5 0 Leghorn" X Rock pullets, 4y2 months old. Apply to Cooper McCurdy, phone Exeter 178r2. 22c Raines of Rev. Mar- to fill va.- Northcott, balloting 57, a na- has been Methodist FOR SALE—-Second hand bi­ cycle in A-l condition. Apply to Mrs. Donald Cooper, Box 9, Kippen, Ont. 22* FOR SALE — Toledo counter scales, weigh up to 30 pounds, platform scales, weigh up to 240 pounds, both in good con­ dition; also extension table, coal stove, sealers, tools and numerous other articles. Ap­ ply to Mrs. j. B. Armitage, Lucan, 22:29*/ FOR Ford, dition tWben SALEr—1932 Model B sedan, in excellent con- Phone 63 Hcnsall be- 6 and 8 p,m. 22* china cabinet; Austrian couches; tables; ine; 2 linoleum chairs; ] bedding; en table trie iron 1 oak dresser; and mattress springs and mattress room suite, springs and mattress. 1 iron single bed, springs and mattress; 1 feather mattress; coal oil stove and oven clock; enamel kitchen cupboard; ing board mower; ; utensils; jars china day hall rack; sewing mach- ,rugs; 1 congoleum rug; l; 5 rocking chairs; odd linen; curtains; drapes; drop-leaf table; kitch- electric heater; elec- ; 2 burner hot plate; dresser and stand; 1 1 Simmons bed, springs 1 White ii’On bed, 1 bed- FoardCrokinole Findlay kitchen cabinet clothes horse; I; hand wringer step ladder dishes table mantel ■ white ; stove; screen - iron- ; lawn cooking., sealers and' numerous other articles. Terms—cash GEORGE LAWSON, Glerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct.