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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-05-27, Page 4
Page 4 The Famous FISHER MADE THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 27th, 1948______________ - _____ ______________ ft ......* Health Supports For Men and Women A registered nurse with special training by appoint ment for ladies. All Supports, Trusses, Elas tic Stockings and accessor ies are all individually fit ted f o r your p er so n a 1 needs, Your Drugs at At Goderich Festival Congratulations to Hodgins, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Ken Hodgins, _ piano contestant at the Goderich Musical Festival, who won the hearts of all the audience with her brilliant playing. She is only four years old and played with those six years and under com ing second with the high mark of 86. Keith, her older brother, came next with 85. Both are pre- WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Catharine and youngest WANTED — Stroller. • Apply at Tim es-Ad voea te. 2 7 * WANTED -- Respectable young couple require 3 oi' 4 room furnished apartment, no chil dren. Apply Box B, Times- Advocate. 27* FOR SALE—Deep well pump, 3 0 ft with 3i inch brass lined cylindei* and 1J inch pipe. W. J. Melville, phone Exetex* 61. 20tfc CENTRALIA BRICK house with conveniences, extra lots and barn. W. C. Pearce. 27* came next with 85. Both school age. Eleanor Mae entered seven years and undex’ reived 83 marks. Class 2, and re WANTED—Dairy cows. I have a dairy man from Vermont who will be here next week to buy springers. Anyone having* these cows for sale please con tact G. J. Dow. 27c FOR SALE—Buttermilk. Apply to W, G. Medd, Exeter Cream ery Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ont. 20tfe FOR SALE—Di'y hardwood $5.- 00 a cord. Phone G19i’2 Ailsa Craig. 20:27c FOR SALE—Small acreage, good house with conveniences barn, henhouse. Early pos- essioii. W. C. Pearce. 27* Applications will be received at the Clerk’s office, Exeter, Ont., fox* the position of Municipal Assessor fox' the Village of Ex eter. Assessment to be made undex* the new system, Salary, $600.00 per annum. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk FARM FOR SALE—Hay Twp., 100 acres, barn with good stabling, strawslxed, reason ably good house. W. C. Pearce. 27* AUCTION SALES Mr. of with Mr. i- Holmes- with Mr. Belmont, and Mrs. Hodgins, Glendale, and Mrs. Ankle-length Socks in cottons black full length line, too. and the par- Mc- Shirts by Arrow in solid col ors are now on display. Col ors are blue, tan and green. An attractive shirt styled by a leading manufacturer. WANTED—A number of six weeks old pigs; also chunks up to 100 pounds. Phone John Hodgert 184 Exeter. 27* WANTED—Cottage to rent for month of August by clergy man, wife and child, in quiet spot. Apply at Times-Advocate or phone 36rl5 Crediton. 27* BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Will Rodd, WANTED — The Times-Advo cate will pay 6 cents each for copies of the paper dated May1 6. * JUST ARRIVED! R. E. RUSSELL good quality Egg Anthra- BUY FROM Phones Office 287w Phone 266 USED Your some good. liberal old tires. Sandy Elliot. TIRE CLEARANCE — choice at 50 cents; bettex- ones, some real We trade tires allowances for giving your 20tfc FOR SALE—Used car parts for 29-30 Plymouth and 27-29 Chevrolet. Apply G. Bonnallie above Fink’s Meat Market, Exeter. 20:27* CREDITON HOME FOR SALE —Comfortable 1J storey house, hydro, been completely and is furnished, priced. Immediate C. V. Pickard, St. Exeter. first flooi' has redecorated Reasonably possession. Realtoi' Main APPLICATIONS WANTED BEVELLED Plate Glass NEWLY NEW Solid Oak 3 Mirrors in back 3 Sliding Panels 7 Feet Long; 2’6 wide; 1’6”. bin’ll APPLY CANADIAN C-ANNERS LTD. at Hotplate and Rangette Repairing HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Gus Votli and family, Mr. and Mrs. Boots, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Louis Simpson. Miss Helen Moir, of London, spent the week-end with and Mrs. Melvin Moir. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby Donna, of Blenheim, spent week-end with Mrs. Rigby’s exits, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Queen. Mr, James Sparks, of Inger soll, spent the week-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Daniels ■Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, of London, spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mrs. Elsie Case spent the holiday at the former’s summer home, Lake Huron. FOR SALE—Parts for a ’33 Chev truck and a ’29 Chev car; 2 wheel trailer, '29 Ford car. Apply to Walter Diebold, Zurich, after 7 p.m. 20:27:3* FOR SALE—Massey-Harris bin der, „ 6 ft. cut, in excellent c. o nd i t i o n. Cecil J. Camin, Woodham, phone 22rl5 Kirk ton. 27* FOR SALE—Two chicken shel ters, brooder stove, 1000 chick capacity. Douglas Gill, Grand Bend, phone 6 2r20 Dashwood. 27* FOR SALE—Clare Jewel stove, with low back, lining, $55.00. Phone Zurich. cook new 90r7 27* FOR SALE—19 35 Plymouth se dan, good tires. Ailsa Craig, 609r31 Ailsa Craig. in good condition, all Wilfred Windsor, R.R. 3, phone 27* HOUSE FOR SALE—Well locat ed in Exeter, 1J storey brick. All modern conveniences. Nice lot. Q. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. LOTS FOR SALE—Desirable building lots fox* sale. C. V- Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR RENT FOR RENT—3 - room furnished apartment, close to Exeter, ' with hydro, water and private entrance. Call Exeter 176rl2. 27c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Th© undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on JAMES STREET, EXETER FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1948 1.30 p.m. the following: Beatty electric washing mach ine, in good shape; Coleman stove; kitchen cabinet; 3-pi^ce chesterfield suite; dresser and beds; lawn mower; heater; Que bec cook stove; chesterfield and chairs; 3-piece chesterfield suite dining room suite, table, buffet, china cabinet, six chairs, in good condition;x axminstei’ rug 9.x 12; dresser; lamps; tables; mirrors; oil can; ash sifter; 3-burnei’ oil stove; and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH R. E. RUSSELL, Prop. ■GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. FOR RENT—2 rooms, furnish ed, bath and hydro, garden, if desired. Apply at Times- Advocate. 27* FOR RENT—2 rooms, furnished freshly decorated. Apply at Times-Advocate, 27c From iiowr oxi. you'll be using the hotplate gette more than ever. AncL of course, you’ll want to have them working properly. If they need repairing bring them to us. We ll be glad to repair them. We have a good stock of elements., switches and the other necessary parts. FOR SALE—194’2 Chev coach in good condition, will trade foi’ cheapei’ car. Apply to Alvin Gingerich, Zurich 27:3# FOR RENT—Space for car in a 3-car garage, lighted. W. J. Melville, phone Exetei’ 61. 20tfc cleaners,FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Beavers Hardware, Exeter.11c Phone 109 Exeter, Ont of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford, Shirley and Edwin. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lois and Lorene, of spent Sunday with Mr. Herb Langford. Mrs. Trewartha, of ville, spent a few days and Mrs. Kenneth. Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and son, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence and Elaine, of Metropolitan and Mr. and Mrss Fred Parkinson, of Baseline, spent Sunday with Mr. Harvey Parkinson and family. Miss Marion Parkinson, FOR SALE—3 furrow plow, on rubber. O’Rourke, phone 23r41. tractor Dennis Crediton 27:3* WORK WANTED ® We have some. Baler Twine on hand. © Just arrived,---a car of cite Coal. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE FOR SALE—China cabinet, in good condition. Apply to Har old Webb, Grand Bend, phone 42r8 Dashwood. 27c BABY SITTERS FOR HIRE— Joan Witmer, 179W; Marie Cutbush, 187 J. FOR SALE—Katadin potatoes, No. 1, 2 and small, good cook ing potatoes. Apply to A. J. Traver, Thedford, concession 6, or phone 472 Thedford. 27* FOR SALE—15’ cabin trailer, excellent condition, sleeps two sink, running water, ice box. Phone 345R. 27cof London, spent Monday with her father, Mr. Harvey Parkinson. Miss Madeline Dann, of Lon don, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Dann. Miss McCallum, is visiting with Mr, Fred Mills. Visitors on Sunday and Mrs. Fred Pattison were Mr. and Mrs, John Hazelwood, of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haz elwood, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Jimmy, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John, of Saints- bury. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dobson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family. ■ Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Her- TRAILER P0R SALE—$35.00. man Paynter and Raymond, of, 007 97* Kirkton, Mr. Bob Johnston, off ’ St. Marys , and Mr. and Mrs. GorJ s don Jones and Ross, of Glendale | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. At the time of writing Mr. Wesley Mossey is quite sick with the flu. He is confined to his bed and is under the doctor’s care. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. Little Helen Harlton, daught* er of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harl ton, had the misfortune to break her arm on Sunday when she fell from the car. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saakel, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch ell Leibler, of Mitchell, and Dr.’ and Mrs. Leroy Hiles, of London spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Milton Hooper. Miss Rosalind Adamson spent- the holiday at her home with i Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adamson. ’ NASH CAR FOR SALE—19 3 0 Big Six sedan, 5 passenger, royal blue color, in good running order, priced reason ably. Apply to Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont., at John Me- Beatlx's residence. 27c COME AND BUY AND SAVE MONEY—I have many Hard ware and Electrical supplies; Gift novelties: fishing reels, 85 cents; magazines, 5 cents; Good used bicycles, reason able. The house with the signs. A. H. Daynes, Huron St. West, Exeter. 27:3* FOR SALE— '2 burner electric rangette. Jack Morrissey, phone Crediton 20r22. 27c FOR SALE—-A small apartment washer, only two months old, $40.00. Apply at Times-Advo cate. 27* WANTED—2 men want work starting May 31 to June 12. Apply at Times-Advocate. 27* BABY CHICKS Neuhauser Leg. X Hamps Leghorn X New layers 4 J months; feathering; large eggs; around layers; easy to $15.00 Cross-bred Hampshire; early year raise; available weekly; per hundred. Pullets $30.00. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. NOTICE The Centralia Farmers Co-Op. Co. Ltd., requests that all accounts owing this company will be settled by June 1st as this place of business will be sold. 13:20:27e The Centralia Farmers Co-Op. Co.-Ltd., will be closed for stock taking on May 31st and June 1st and will open June 2nd for business, and will then be under a new management. 27c Positively NO TRESPASSING around Bell’s dam, except adult members of the fishing club.— Stewart Bell, Hensall. 27:3:10c MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—A play pen. Apply Box P Times-Advocate. 27* , CREAM SEPARATOR in good I working order fit ‘Wood’s, mile and a half east of Hensan. gUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i---------------- ---------------------------i : FOR SALE—Pop cooler. Apply j to Gord Appleton ox’ phone 11, Exeter. “ 27c GOING TO INDIANAPOLIS RACES—Room foi’ two, share expenses. T. 'm. Webster, Ann St., Exeter. ■CHUNKS FOR SALE—Apply to- I Dick Etlxerington, phone Exe- j ter 1711’15. 27c FOR SALE - Ford roadster, model A 1929, in good con dition. Apply C. J. Walker, Cromarty, phone 12rl3 Dub* lin. 27c OWN YOUR BUSINESS — Join the leading company of HOME SERVICE IN CANADA. Let your effort determine your income. Very little capital needed. If you have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full details. FAMIL- BX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont real. 27:5tc Bo You Like Dandelions Let Me Spray Your Lawn. Reasonable Charges FOR SALE-—One J.I. Case plan ter, new. Snell Bros, and Co., Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—Holstein bull calf. Sandy Elliot, Exeter. 27c BARN FOR SALE—55 x 80; al so rolling home, 20x10, mounted on rubber; also rot ted manure, by load or ton. Apply Box 221, Zurich, phone 214 ZuriclL 27:6:13* HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER — Wanted, Male oi’ Female. Apply in per son to Cook Bi’os., Hensail, Ont. 20:27c GIRL WANTED — As operator for Kirkton Exchange. Apply Blanshard Municipal phone System, Kirktoh. Tele- 27c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tlio Estate of Harry B. Bader. ALL CLAIMS of Harry Township County of Huron, ceased, Jwho died on the 1st day of December, 19 47, ai'e hereby notified to send in full particu lars of their claims to the un dersigned on or before the 1st day of June, 1948, after which HAVINGPERSONS AGAINST the Estate E. Rader, late of the of Stephen, in Farmer, date the assets will be distribut ed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of May, 19 48. McConnell & hays, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administra trix. 13:20:27c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES The undersigned Jias received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 31, Con. 4, Usborne Twp. SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1918 at 1.30 p.m. the following: Good Cheer cook stove, wood or coal; coal oil stove, 3-burner Perfection; 2 extension tables;1 5 small tables; buffet; ,6 kitch en chairs; 6 dining room chairs couch; quantity of dishes; one hundred sealers; 3 beds; springs mattresses; 3 dressers; mode; 3 sets; 3 hanging lamps; boiler; 3 small lamps; barrel; wheelbarrow; 2 rug 7x7; quantity of rockers; some , odd quantity of pictures; pail; milk pails; flower pots; wash stand; quantity of blinds; 2 wash tubs; writing desk; pots; pans; pails. TERMS—CASH ED. MacDOUGALL, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. PITTSBURGH’S NEW wonder-working WALLilii Not a water paintl Not a powder paintl Not a substitutel A real oil base paint that covers any surface thoroughly in one-coatl Can be washed repeatedly —■ painted over without streakingl com- wash stands; 2 toilet copper 45 gal. oil cans, mats; 3 chairs; strainer For New Beauty Waterspar Enamel is a high- quality, one-coat quick-drying finish for furniture or wood work. Brushes and flows out to a china like gloss. B COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE will bo held in EXETER on SATURDAY, JUNE Sth, 1918 This is your sale. If you have anything to sell please notify Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter Florhide For Floors! A floor paint that withstands heavy foot traffic. Use it on floors or steps of wood, cement, metal —or worn linoleum. ttf* Attention Farmers We have on hand registered Miclielite beans, grown by well-known local growers; also Board registered beans. These beans are all high germination test. Will exchange your seed for these as long as they last, allowing you market price on your own beans. We are also securing Spergon for the treatment of these beans wliich we would advise you to use. Spergoix is a registered seed protectant for the prevention of blight and other diseases and is of distinct advantage in the treat ment of seed. W. G. Thompson HENSALL, ONTARIO the de-