The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-11-27, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27th, 1947 t .i I "You ain’t got no brains.” “Ain't got no brains? Why man, Ah got brains that ain’t never been used. We heard a woman say that she felt better and looked younger, now that she was taking care of her feet instead of her face, rcaVictor 1 RECORDS PROM DATE" Tex Beneke with the Miller Orchestra ALBUM P-183 Price $3.75 The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi — Washington and Lee Swing — Alma Mater — The Eyes of Texas — Rambling- Wreck Prom Georgia Tech — Anchors Away — On Wis­ consin — The Victory March of Notre Dame. and his Orchestra 20-2421 Price .75 NEAR YOU PIC-A-NIC-IN Larrv Green No. THE STANLEY STEAMER JULIE Tony No. Martin with Orch. 20-2425 Price .75 THE STARS WILL REMEMBER Vaugh Monroe and Orch. BALLERINA No. 20-2433 Price .75 ZU-BI WHERE IS SAM? I HAVE BUT ONE HEART TOO LATE Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye Brice .75No. 20-2420 Tex Beneke and No. 20-2424 his Orch. Price .75 TENNESSEE —AND MIMI Charlie Spivak and No. 20-2422 Orchestra Price .75 Snelgrove’s Phone 18w SOKecord oarAndy Snelgrove, Mgr. SEE® A. E. MUNN 0000 costs so little and means so modi Hensail Pressure Cooker Includes complete accessories for cooking and canning, dual pans, colander pan, meat rack and canning rack. Also includ ed is a 64-page instruction and recipe book* NOW AVAILABLE AT Affiliated With UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATiVE (M Um. FOR RENT n v FOR SALE FOUND WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS i FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit, Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT—3 bedroom apartment furnished, large living room, dining room and kitchen, could accommodate two families Phone 335 Exeter*. 27c WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ross of Wood- stock, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens. We are that Mrs. in Victoria hope for a Mr. and family, of week-end with the former’s broth­ er, We Miss Sarah Shier are We hope for a Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, visited __ _____ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern. Miss Mary Wheeler, of Wellburn spent the week-end with her cous­ in, Miss Phyllis Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns and Dorothy, of Ilderton and Miss Muriel Stephens, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens. Mrs. Mitchell Willis visited on Thursday with friends in Clinton. Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Bessie spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCallum, of Munro, visited on Sunday with ■Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. A bountiful supper was held on' Friday evening when members of the Sunday School gathered for a social time. A short program was held which consisted of community singing and readings. Several games were enjoyed by all. Elec­ tion of officers took place. A col­ lection was taken to help the Food for Britain campaign amounting to $25.00. A large donation of flour canned goods and other foods was also received. The Young People”s National Night program will be held in the auditorium of the church on Sun­ day evening Nov. 30 at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Bryce Skinner, of Munro, president of Perth Presbytery will is very sorry to report Jas. Mills is a patient Hospital, London, speedy recovery. Mrs. Grant Hem Toronto, spent We and’ the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern, are sorry to report that' Lorene Jaques and on the sick list, speedy recovery. Clayton Hern, of on Sunday with Miss be in attendance. Everyone cordially invited. Mission Circle The November meeting of Mission Circle was held at home of Mrs. Arnold Hern Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ken Lang­ ford hymn 148 followed with prayer by Mrs. of To-day" by Evelyn Bullock, the scripture lesson by Mrs. Jack Smith, poem "God has a plan for you too" by Audrey Scott follow­ ed. The first part of the meeting was closed with hymn 263. Viola Jaques opened the next part the meeting lowed with unison. The carried out, ing” HI the the on opened the meeting with Oscai- Brine, poem "Youth of with hymn 48 8 fol- the Lord’s prayer in following program was morn­ story poem "In the by Mrs. Norris Webb; 'Two men and a vision” by Mrs. Bill Rundle; reading "My greatest Temptation to play God" by Flor­ ence Kirk; story "A Bible MM ney" by Mrs. George Webber; piano solo by Rhoda Thomson story "Chicken Pie” by Mrs. . Miller; poem by Mrs. Jack Thomson; and minutes. The meeting closed with hymn 69. A very delicious lunch was served by the hostess and committee. A social time was1 enjoyed by all. Jour- ; a l; a J aS. "Fireside Weather" roll call SMILES . to- Cupid makes so many bad shots because he’s aiming at the heart and looking at the hosiery. o-----o "And how is your husband day?" asked Mrs. Hobson. "Oh, he’s poorly," replied Mrs. Dobson. "He’s got a terrible expen­ sive disease. The doctor says he has got to be kept in good spirits!" o------o SONNY: "Ma says she could have soled her shoes with this steak I brought back.” BUTCHER (sarcastially); "Why didn't she?" SONNY: “ ’Cause she couldn’t get the nails through it.”o----_0 lad wanted to marry the he felt he would choke if to mention the words, or "marriage" to her. So, A shy girl, but he tried "marry" after giving much thought to the problem, he asked her in a whisper one evening, "Julia, how would you like to be buried with my people?" o- (nervously): "Please; you’re wanted On the —o Office-Boy sir, I think ’phone." Employer: the good Of "Well sir, ________T, .. end said, "Hello, is that you, you Old idiot?" o------o The drill instructor was barking out his orders, and two recruits just arrived, were finding it diffi­ cult to follow. At the end of a long and rather Involved order, the other; "Ere, say?" “I dunno “ came the reply, “but we’ve got io do It," "You think! What's thinking?" the voice at the, other ohd whispered to Dill, What did he FOR SALE-—A metal-eovered box suitable for feed storage. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—A lady’s winter coat, black chesterfield, size 40, Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—1928 Essex sedan, A-l .condition; also used car parts for Essex and Durant. G. Bonnallie, Exeter. Phone 258 20* FOR SALE—Privately at the home of the late Mrs. Priscilla Smith, a buffet, six piece walnut parlor suite, complete bedroom suite, al­ so bed and bureau six octave piano case organ, sideboards, parlor cook coal stove, etc. Ap­ ply to Mrs, Albert Fletcher, Woodham. Phone Kirkton, 84rll 27* FOR SALE—Boy Scout uniform, size 12-14. iPhone 158, Exeter. 27* FOR SALE—Canaries, choice sing­ ers, border fancy and rollers, an ideal gift for mother, also cages and supplies. Anderson’s Store phone 37, Exeter. 20:27:4o FOR SALE—White enamel Clare new. and Jewel cook stove, like Large size with reservoir warming closet. Laverne Hey­ wood, Huron St., west of tracks. FOR SALE—Ladie’s brownish tweed suit and coat to match, size 16, like new, $35.00, Tenor banjo in good condition. Phone Crediton 2W. 27c FOR SALE—Girl’s boots and skates size 8, worn twice. Apply at Times-Advocate. 27* FOR SALE—11 little pigs, seven weeks old. Apply Douglas Trieb- ner, Huron St. .west. 27c OR SALE — Young man's blue overcoat size 3 6, like new, sheap. Apply Chambers & Darling but­ cher shop. 14* FOR SALE — Man’s leather coat, size 44, woman’s winter coat, size 20; 2 girls’ winter coats, size 14. Apply at Mr. Sam Sims, Crediton. FOR SALE — War Assets Army blankets for sale now, new and used, $3.50 to $4.50. The Exeter Home and Auto Supply. Phone 342. c A FULL LINE of Avon products for the Christmas season is now available through Mrs. Audrey Moore, 3 blocks east of Texaco Service Station. 27:4:11* FOR SALE—Ladies’ brown coat, buttoned in chamois lining, size 16 to 18, 2 hats; dresses 16 to sweaters 11-12. Apply at Times- Advocate. 27c i, all $20.00; IS; skirts and FOR SALE—Genuine old style Northern Spy apples, also pota­ toes. Bring containers. Frank Ryckman, Hensail. 27:4:11* FOR SALE—Modern dinette in oak, excellent condition, dro stove, phonograph with records. Phone 212 Exeter. suite hy- 60 27* CHRISTMAS CARDS—A very large selection of the best' cards. We personalize them. Times-Advo­ cate. 27* FOR SALE—il9 29 Ford sedan new tires. Apply Iloss .Krueger, Cred­ iton, phone 19r41. 27e FOR SALE—Philco battery radio, cabinet model, in A-l condition. Herbert Jones, R.R. 2, Hensall, phone 1001’31 Hensall 27* UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER— A new, portable model with touch system. A swell Christmas box, $81.38, Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Good jersey cow, milking. Phone Dashwood 81. 27c DO YOUR SUCKING calves or pigs scour? Use Finn’s S.E.S. tablets—- easy to give. Guaranteed if used according to directions. If your turkeys are pale and scoury, use Finn’s KEWS and Finn’s Poultry Conditioner and Intestinal Clean­ ser. DEALERS AT; Robertsons Diugs, Exeter. Schatz’s Feeds, Dashwood.Kyle’s Store, liippen* Hensail Co-Operative, Hensail Williams Mill, Zurich. Ratz Mill, Shipka. Webbers Mill, Woodham. Gascho Bros., Drysdale. HELP WANTED WANTED—'Women or girl for housework, small home, half day h week. Phone 20 Gw. c Bookkeeper and Stenographer Experience preferred. Good salary, Modern office. Also patt time STENOGRAPHER. Apply Box 260 or Phone 02 FOUND—-Ladies’ umbrella and a pair of kid gloves. Owner may have same by paying for advert­ isement. Exeter Public Utilities Commission. 27c HIGHEST PRICES Paid for old or disabled horses. Ross Francis Fur Farm, phone collect 34r8 Kirk ton. 27tfc PERSONAL BARN JACK WANTED—Please re­ turn barn jack to S. M. Sanders as it is badly needed. 27* SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum­ bago is not necessary, Use RU- MACAPS at once for quick re­ lief. At Robertson’s Drug Store. WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 13 8, Exeter, MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT—A garage or barn in Exeter. G. Bonnallie,1 Exeter. 2 0 * i DRESSMAKING AND Alterations For further information phone Mrs. T. Semple, Exeter 351. 27* WE ARE NOW making arrange­ ments for fall whitewashing jobs, big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 35rl9 Dashwood. 13-4tp DO YOUR COWS chew bones? Do ■they fail to breed? Have you a cow in your herd which is not thrifty? Do you have deficiency abortion- or mastites in your herd? Use Finn’s Super Minerals, Dari-Min and feed Finn's Cattle Tonic daily. DEALERS AT: Robertsons Drugs, Exeter, Schatz’s Feeds, Dashwood, Kyle’s Store, Kippen. Hensail Co-Operative, Hensall Williams Mill, Zurich. Ratz Mill, Shipka, Webbers Mill, Woodham. Gascho Bros., Drysdale. AGENTS WANTED Dairy WANTED—DeLaval agent for Exe­ ter and vicinity to handle sep­ arators, milkers, pressure sys­ tems, heaters and many other lines. Reply Geo. Dunham, Mil­ verton. 20:27* WE WANT an agent in this loc­ ality for our chicks. One of Can­ ada’s largest and best known Hatcheries. Operating under Canada Approval. Liberal com­ mission. Advertising with agent’s name in local paper. Write now for particulars to Box 2SOB. 20:27c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Red roll brick cover­ ed house on 23 highway % mile north of Kirkton, 6 rooms, hy­ dro sun porch, large garden, barn, excellent condition. Apply owner Mrs. Donohue any time. 27c FOR SALE—100 acres in Tucker­ smith, house, water well, barn cattle milker, water bowls, This kind seldom offered. W. O. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 27* brick hard and soft systems, drilled driveshed, good strawshed, stabling, litter carrier, electricity. all fertile, tillable, furnace, pressure garage, and and hogs, FOR SALE—Immediate possession three bedroom house with hydro, town water and furnace, Garage one acre of good garden land. C. ,V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR ; twp., has ___ ,_____ ___ dro in, id acres bush tillable, bus to public school. W. C. Pearce, Exeter SALE—-100 acres Stanley , brick house, bank barn, water pressure system, hy- in, 1(3 acres bush balance 27* FOR SALE—Pasture farm of 10O acres, on No. 4 Highway, south of Centralia, Lot 4,Con. 11, Town­ ship of Biddulph, good water supply, well fenced. Apply Mrs. Byron Hicks, Crediton, R. R. 1. Phone 27r2 Crediton. 13:20:27 FOR SALE — Apartment house with oil furnace, 2 full baths, laundry room. A chance for own­ er to live in one apt. and have an income. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. • 27* FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house full basement, built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; early possession. W. C. Pearce. 27*' HOUSE FOR IMMEDIATE POSSES­ SION—We have a small home for sale at $2,500.00. Hydro and town water, Small barn and over an acre of land, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. DUPLEX FOR SALE — We have just listed one of Exeter’s finest homes. This house has been dup­ lexed and will accommodate two families in bathrooms, throughout; This place is in the best of repair and well located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. comfort. hardwood good heating plant. Two full floors FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exetet, Ont 2tfc FOR SALE—loo acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 90 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 21$ Exeter. .. 25tfc FOR SALE-—Immediate or spring possesion, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barii, good Water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter, 0. V. Pickard, Realtor, iSxetor, WANTED —■ Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. In i FORD, ALL against late of in the on or about the 19th day of Janu­ ary, 1934 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13 th day of December next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has the Estate of WILLIAM deceased. PERSONS HAVING Claims the Estate of William Ford the Township of Usborne County of Huron who died been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for Executor, Administrator.27:4:11 AUCTION SALES STRAYED i AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS i. ♦ i 1 > > » STRAYED—From the 19 th con. of Stephen a two. year-old red heif­ er, tag in right ear. Finder please notify Willis Gill, Grand Bend. Phone 38r3, Dashwood. 20:27c STRAYED—One Durham yearling with clover design in bottom of left ear. Phone 39r7, Dashwood. W. H. Love. * STRAYED—Onto lot 14, conces- session 5, Stephen Twp., a red heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. Adam Kirchner, R. R. 1 Exeter, phone 2'6r2'l Crediton. 27:4:11c STRAYED—-From lot 15, concession 15, Stephen Twp., a Holstein calf about 7 months old. Please notify Win. Ratz, Crediton or tel­ ephone 41 J. 27: 4c NOTICES NOTICE The Directors of the Hay Town­ ship Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insur­ ance Company have bought a num­ ber of Powder Tube Fire Extin­ guishers which they .are prepared to sell to their policy-holders for $1.50 and to Non-policy-holders for $2.00 each. Consult your nearest Director or the undersigned. H. K. Eilber .secretary, Crediton 20:27:4c I of I at CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1947 Municipality of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that have complied with section 7 The Voters’ List Act and that have posted up at my office Usborne, Ontario, on the 19th day of November, 19 47, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec­ tions, and that such lists remain® there foi' inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate have any errors or rected according to day for appeal being December, 19 47. Dated this 19 th day of November 1947. HARRY G. STRANG, Clerk Township of Usborne. proceedings to omissions eor- law, the lastj the 9th day of TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors the Township of Stephen will held in the TOWN MALL, CREDITON on MONDAY, DEO. 1st, 1947 1 o’clock in the afternoon of be forat the purpose of making and receiv­ ing nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilmen and also for Trustees of the Township School Area comprising sections (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Union 8, 10 and 12, two to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qua­ lifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER 8tl), 1947 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by the Township By-Law viz, 1. Mrs, Mills Shop, Lot 28, Con. 1, W. B. Willert, Gordon Wilson; 2. Penhale’s Kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 2, Preston Dearing, .George Walk­ er; 3. Council Chambers, Crediton, Thos. Trevithick, F. W* Morlock; 4, Town Hall, Crediton, Alvin Bak­ er, J. H. Gaiser; 5. Sullivan’s Kit- shen, Lot 9, Con. 13, Patrick Sul­ livan, James Mawhinney; 6. Nadi- gef’s Shop, Lot 6, Con. N. B., E. G. Kraft, Chester Gaiser; 7. Sweit­ zer’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con, 17, John Houiahan, M. C. Sweitzer, 8. Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S. B., Mansell Hodgins, Wm. Hicks, 9. Frederick’s Store, Lot 1, Saublo Con., Grand Bend; Colin Love, Leland Desjardine. And all quested to themselves electors are hereby re take notice and govern accordingly. LLOYD B. HODGSON, Returning Office? Centralia, November 7, 194?, 20:27 and Some Household Goods The _ structions to sell by public auction ON LOT 0, CON. 6, USBORNE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1947 One quarter mile south of Elimville at one o’clock sharp the following: Five section drag harrows and tree; three section lever harrows; steel roller, John Deere spring seat cultivator, new; McCormick-Deer­ ing plow; home made tractor, dou­ ble disc, threshing machine drive belt, grain drill, barn jack, two in­ ner tubes 24 inch for small tractor set of tires tubes and rims, swarth- er and binder, 45 gal, barrels, fan­ ning mill and one quarter h.p. mo­ tor, dump trailer, emery stand saw emery and motor;double barrel T,\ C. Smith 12 gage shot gun, Deer rifle; half share in new saw frame, stone boat, tool boxes, steel pig trough; hydrolic set for H or M Mc-Deering tractor, short belt and other articles. Household Furniture •— Complete dining-room suite; 3-piece bedroom suite; occasional chairs. TERMS CASH F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer. G, W. LAWSON, Clerk. CLIFF. BROCK, Proprietor. undersigned has received in­ AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 10 S. Boundary Stephen Twp. on SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 1047 at <L'.3O' p.m. the following: FARM STOCK—2 yearlings; 31 heifers and 3 yearlings; pigs; hens; sow. IMPLEMENTS—sugar ter; cream Lister; root pulper; hay fork rope sap barrel; fencer; 2 cedar posts. Hay, wheat, barley, oats. .Washing machine, kitchen range other small articles. TERMS—CASH EDWARD SMITH, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. beet lif- separator, Cockshutt sling ropes; electric rolls barbed wire; 7 AUCTION SALE OF LIVE­ STOCK AND GRAIN By direction of the^, Public Trus­ tee the following livestock and ■grain will be offered for sale by public auction on the premises of IVAN J. SHARPE' R. R. 2, Dashwood, Stephen Twp. 2 miles south of Shipka on Park­ hill road, on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3rd, 1947 at 1.30 o’clock p.m. LIVESTOCK—4 work horses, 101 head of cattle. HAY AND GRAIN—116 bus. Barley; 220 bus. Oats; 15 tons Hay TERMS CASH For further particulars apply to- HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Seaforth, Ont. A. RACINE, K.C., Public Trustee Osgoode, Hall, Toronto 2, Ont. AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the estate of the late Margaret Johnson KING STREET, HENSALL on SATURDAY, DECEMBER Gtli at 12.30 p.m... the following: A full including Sherlock-Manning piano; household chests .of line of household effect® furniture including 2: drawers; modern Clare Jewel range; dishes; antiques-a complete listing to follow in next week’s insertion, At the same time and place there- will be offered for sale and Subject to reserve bid the property on which is situated an eight room 2 storey brick house with full basement, fur­ nace and hydro; also a frame barn. 14x24 ft. Anyone desiring to place a bid on property before the sale may do- So by a marked cheque with 19 per cent, of their purchase bld to thh auctioneer. Termg on household effects cash.. Terms on property 10 per cent, of the purchase mones’- on date of sale and balance in 30 days* WILLIAM PARKE and A. T, DOUGLAS, Adminhiratoro for the estate. EDWARD ELLIOTT, AuCt, box 29J. Clinton. I* I I If 1 3 4 I i 1 i I < t I j f I t < *