The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-23, Page 4Page 4 MEN WANTED 5. to $60. A WEEK! Your own business! No buss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! If you own a car operate in the country, otherwise pick a city ter­ ritory. Full information free on request. FAMILEX, Dept. C, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. MALE HELP WANTED — Canteen stewards. Apply to the Senior Administration Officer, R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia. 23c PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum­ bago quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained bet­ ter health. At Robertson’s Drug Store. Real Estate Transfers Mr. Samuel Bowers has purchas­ ed Mr. C. Hoffman’s house John street. Dr. J. WT. Corbett, dentist, purchased from Mr, Jas. Grieve the newly-erected residence on Gidley street and gets immed­ iate possession. on has H. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MORNING, OCTOBER 23rd, 1947 COMING EVENTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT NOTICES Like explosions! Try a Want-Ad and watch the fireworks. BAZAAR AND TEA The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a bazaar and tea in the Parish Hall on Friday afternoon, Nov. 21st. Watch for further par­ ticulars. FOR SALE—Three to four tons of steel rods for construction. Ap­ ply Exeter Co-Op. 35c STRAYED FOR SALE-—Three sows due next, month; also some young pigs; a team of horses, gelding and mare. A. E. Oestreicher, phone 571’10 Dashwood. 16:23e FOR SALE—-100 acres gravel loam, bush, young orchard, large barn, water pressure system, electric grinder, crusher, henhouse, silo, driveshed, 7-room brick house, Lucan; fall possession. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 23* FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT—Two rooms, unfurn­ ished. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23* STRAYED—Two black and white hound pups last .Saturday. Kind­ ly phone any information to Crediton 47rll. ” 23*. PULLETS FOR SALE -40 Leg­ horn; 40 Rock x New Hamp,, laying 20 per cent. Edgar Cud- more, phone 1711T4 Exeter. 23c STRAYED—Onto the farm of Art Baker, four miles west of Dash­ wood, a dark red steer. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying expenses. Phone 52rl3 Dash-wood. 9:16:23c DRESSED CAPONS--These chick­ ens range from 6*3 to 8% lbs. dressed. Try one and put some in your locker. Orders for the week-end taken up to Saturday noon. Edgai* Cudmore, phone 171rl4 Exeter. . 23c FOR SALE—100 acres, good house with large barn on wall; hydro throughout; water in barn; good stabling; litter carrier; maple bush; school close; price $6,400. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont 2tfc WANTED WANTED—Quiet room for business man. Apply Times-Advocate, 23c FOR SALE—A boy’s winter coat, hat and leggings, one year size, color blue, in good conditions Phone 17r25 -Crediton. 23c FOR SALE—10 0 acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 90 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter. 25tfc HELP WANTED COURT OF HF VISION TOWNSHIP A Court of Assessment Roll Usborne for the , held at the Township Hall, Elim- ville, on Saturday, November Sth, 1947, at 3 p.m. H. H. G. Strang, Clerk. 23:30c OF USBORNE Revision of the of the Township of year 1948 will be WANTED—Help wanted to assist in general housework. Apply to Miss Stella Southcott, Exeter. FOR SALE—Spy apples, to be pick­ ed by buyer. Apply Fred Slavin, R.R. 2, Kippen. 23* FOR SALE—Storey and a half, six- room white brick house on An­ drew street; almost immediate possession. Apply at Times-Ad- vocate. 23* WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. ©FEATURES PUBLICITY INC. “I haven’t had cause for even a ‘shucks’ or a ‘gol- darn’ since I bought those Goodrich tires and tubes at Exeter Motor Sales.” Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Toni Coates Fred Dobbs WE OFFER — Subject to Prior Sale $300,000 wanted—25 cattle, rough feed­ ing by month, for winter season, straw, hay and ensilage. Clifford Weido, R.R. 1, Zurich, phone 99rl8 Zurich, 3% miles'west and 1% miles north of Hensall. 16:23c $10.00 REWARD to anyone find­ ing us suitable accommodation in Exeter, Hensall or Crediton. We need 3 (large) or 4 rooms, un­ furnished apartment or house. Present quarters impossible for . health of our 10-month-old baby in winter, Apply Times- Advocate. New Issue The Western Ontario Motorways Limited (Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario) 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference Shares (Par Value $20.00 per share) 4 These preference shares are preferred as to both capital and dividends. Cumulative dividends at the rate of $1.00 per share per annum will accrue from the First day of June, 1947, and will be payable quarterly on the First days of September, December, March and June. Preference shares are redeemable in whole or in part at the Company’s option at $21.00 on or before the 31st day of December, 1952. No bonds may be issued ahead of these preference shares or any stock created which would rank equally with them. A sinking fund of at least ten per cent of the net earnings of the com­ pany will be set up commencing on the first day of June, 1948. No dividends may be paid on the commen shares when the payment of such dividends would reduce the working capital of the company to an amount less than $45,000.00. The proceeds of the sale of this issue of both preference and shares will be paid into the Treasury of the Company. common CAPITALIZATION (After completion of present financing) Authorized 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference shares, par value $20.00 per *share ... Common shares^ no par value .... 00,000 shs. 100,000 shs. Transfer Agent and Registrar THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY London, Ontario Price To Be Issued 15,000 shs. 60,000 shs. 5% Preference Shares $20.00 per Share With the privilege of purchasing one common share with each preference share at $1.00 per share The right is reserved to allot a smaller number of shares than applied for. A prospectus describing these shares may be obtained from your invest­ ment dealer or broker, or from the head office of the Company; George W. Lawson - Insurance EXETER, ONTARIO FOR SALE — 1939 Fargo truck equipped with 7’xl2* platform, stock rack, hydraulic dump, mud grip tires, better than average, condition, ideal for sugar beets, turnips, live stock, etc., priced to sell, will take cattle on trade.' Apply to J. M. ScotT Cromarty. 23c FARM FOR SALE —10 0 acres of land, seven acres bush, drilled well, bank barn, and good house. Apply Alvin Grube, Mitchell, R.R. 4, Ontario ’ 9:16:23c PULLETS FOR SALE — 115 New Hamp.; 115 Rock x New Hamp., 6 months old. Apply to Joseph Ferguson, phone Hensall S0r2. 23* FOR SALE—Large brick house, in town, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold running water, 3-piece bathroom, built-in cupboards; can be used for 3 apartments; garage, large Tot. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23tfc FOR SALE — 125 Rock pullets. Fisher breeding; 65 Sussex x Red pullets, Roe breeding; one Pekin duck; pair of Rouen ducks, Douglas breeding. Apply to Ross Hern, R.R. 1, Granton. 23c FOR SALE—Registered York hog. Earl Neil, Ailsa Craig, R.R. 3, or phone 615r33. 23* Bar-FOR SALE—'150 choice laying- red Rock pullets, x months old. Apply Cliff .Tory, phone 9r2, Kirkton. 23c FOR SALE—19 3 6 Ford truck, 2- ton with racks and hoist, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Baker, Anne Street. * 23* FOR SALE — 19 29 Pontiac coach, good condition. Apply at Times- Advocate. 23* FOR SALE and reliable, hitch double, good saddle a number of choice black and white fox istered. Phone 33 on Black driver, quiet single or horse; also young pigs, hound, reg- 79 Hensall. ■2-3* FOR SALE—Large Quebec heater; Quebec heater with oven; three- burner hydro stove; Good Cheer heater with oil burner. R. E. Balkwill. 23* FOR SALE — Electric rangette, green. Apply John Wade, phone 49, Crediton. 23c FOR SALE — 10 choice young Shropshire ewes, priced for im­ mediate sale. R. D. Hunter, phone 113W, Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—Harris Tweed topcoat, dark grey, medium weight, ex­ cellent condition; also boy’s 3- piece winter outfit, 6 years old. Apply Box R, Times-Advocate. 23c FOR SALE — One covered record player, radio attachment, slightly used, in good condition $20.00. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23* FOR SALE—C.C.M. bicycle in ex­ cellent condition. Apply Bruce Rivers, phone 79, Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—Acme rangette; dress­ er, 3 drawers and mirror; ches­ terfield chair, green, modern; kitchen set, drop-leaf table and 4 chairs; 1000-watt electric heat- ter; single day bed, mattress and cover. Phone 143W Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—Ladies’ black w’oolen suit, size 12, tailored, $8.00; ladies* brown woolen suit, size 12 or 14, tailored, $7.00; ladies’ light grey coat with fur collar, size 12 $12.00. .Mrs. Trudeau, %Laverne Heywood, Huron St. 23* FOR SALE—New 7-ft. refrigerator. Hyde Bros., Hensall, Ont., phone 1'28W. 23c FOR SALE—-jBeach Co-Ed coal and wood range, nearly new. Bar­ gain for quick sale. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23* FOR SALE—A modern enamelled circulator coal or wood heater, like new, price $50. Arnold Becker, phone 21rl6 Crediton. 23c FOR SALE—Spy apples, hand picked, price reasonable, no de­ livery. Call at orchard, Bruce Tnckey. 23c FOR SALE—Second hand Cheer cook stove, cheap. .1, C. Shell, phone 341w. Good Mrs. 23c FOR SALE—Plate glass 7’ x ,5\ Apply to C. F. Pftlo, Dashwood. 23* I FOR SALE— > $2.00 .each. Beer, R.R, ] 92rl3 Zurich, 1 •2 male Collie pups, Apply 2, to Hensall. George Phone HOUSE FOR SALE—In Exeter, ,11 storey, extra land. Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—Immediate or spring­ possesion, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter. O V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE—143 acres, west of airport, ’7-room brick house, bank barn, frame barn with hay­ loft, hydro, hard and soft water in house, water pressure system in barn, 20 acres fall wheat in, 3 5 acres of fall plowing, 40 acres of hay, rest in pasture; river runs through pasture. Apply at Times- Advocate. 2tfc FOR SALE—-1'50 acres, frame house and large bank barn, close to town, i mile to Public School, productive clay loam, 10 acres bush, never failing water supply, I mile off County Road, hydro passes gate. Let us show you this property if you are looking for a farm that will carry a lot of cattle and hogs. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter, FOR SALE—=>100 acres productive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn 60x40, 40x40, driveshed garage, never failing water supply, 5 Immed- Hunter, 23*. FOR SALE—Dairy and poultry farm 9 7 acres choice level well drained land, all tillable on No. 8 High­ way, 3 miles west of Stratford. School is on the Farm and Toron­ to milk route goes by the door. Large steel roof bank barn with steel staunchions, steel calf pens and water bowls, good implement shed and garage, large silo and room for 500 hens. Good red brick house with bathroom and new furnace, hydro and water in all buildings. 12 acres fall wheat, field of turnips, mow of hay and mow of straw all go with the place for $1 1,000. You can haVe im­ mediate possession and terms if desired. Apply at once to Sandy Elliot, Exeter. FOUND FOUND—In Exeter a fountain pen. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property and paying advt. Phone 84 Exeter. —..-..- — ■ — ft ■ — -.....-...... — MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES Paid for old or disabled horses. Will also pay cash for any dead horses or "over 600 lbs." cin^e or disease and absolutely fresh. Ross Francis Fur Farm, phone collect 34r8 Kirkton, IGtfc NOTICE — We have on hand for immediate delivery the Harvey Red Head Hammer Mills, both large and small size. We are also taking orders for spring delivery of Fleury-Bissell tractor dises. Hyde Bros., Hensall, Ont., phone 128W. 23c The Smallest, Light­ est, Most Powerful All-in-One Hearing Instrument Ever Cre­ ated by Acousticon— Maker of the World’s First Electrical Hear­ ing Aid Free Demonstration CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER Thursday, October 30th 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Address Citv CUSTOM CORN PICKING DONE. V. L. Becker, phone 60W, Dash­ wood. 16:23* NOTICE — Will do sewing of all kinds. Mrs. Arthur Bierling, Exe­ ter North. 16:23* CUSTOM Combining $3.50 Plow­ ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 per acre. Phone Leon Triehner. 171r24. Exeter, 15tp WE ARE now making arrange- ments for fall whitewashing jobs. ' big or small, with spray motor i machine. Win. Watson, phone 35rl9 Dashwood.7-12tp W. S. Hammond, 214 Royal Bank Bldg., London. Send me full information about your FREE SPEECH­ HEARING TEST. acres hard wood bush, iate posesssion. R. D. phone 131W, Exeter. Name I I cattle free from medi- WNN NEVINS OLD SCRAP BATTERIES AT $1.00 EACH ALL KINDS OF IRON AND STEEL NEW AND USED DUCK AND GEESE FEATHERS HORSE HAIR For additional information regarding other prices telephone 245 Mitchell, or apply to the PARKDALE POULTRY MITCHELL, ONTARIO MONDAY NIGHT, 9 to 12 FEATURING THEIR -X- 'DAWN OF NEW RHYTHM' -X AT 0,15 * 10,15 ANO U P,M- I ^DANCING—JOHNNY DOWNS AND ORCH.^j a J 1.’°°° AD.vAnCE TICKETS AT $1.25W?" $1’56 ’ ’ * AdVa"<* tickets ndw on sale Irt hufi Record Dept., Embassy Res- OfficeInShop, Hotel Ridbut and Arena Box Street' ” St' Tho at Ahthdny Music Store, 627 Talbot