The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-02, Page 2THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2nd, 1947 Simes established 1873; Advocate established 18S1 amalgamate! No vein car 1&24 PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER. ONTARIO An Independent Newspaper devoted to the ot the Village o£ Exeter and Surrounding interests District Member of the ChWf'Man Newspapers* Associ^Gom of the Ontario-Quebec pivision of the OWN A Weekly Member 411 Advertising Copy Must be tn Our Hands Not Later Than Noon on Tuesdays SUBSCRIPTION’ RATE ?2,00 a year, In advance; six months. 91.00 three months 60c SOUTHCOTT of taking away the sources of interests that have ignored the requirements of the ultimate consumer. Canadians are a forbearing people but in the past the ultimate consumer lias so organized others who have suffered from the greed of the short-sighted. These men contend that the interests are to blame for our present general ill will. They contend that those who had such affairs in their control began the deso­ lating .scramble and confusion by charging all the market would stand. Labour replied by ask­ ing higher wages. The big interests and those, associated with them by raising prices and so the winding stair that leads straight to Vhe, spider’s parlour. Unless the present day condi­ tions are remedied, there will be a merry time in the not distant future, The higher-ups in bus­ iness and politics may as well see that a fevr not meet INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Co. World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual. FIRE Mill Owner’s Mutual Fire insurance Co* A rfvi|'end paying company fur *ver seventy years. HOSPITALIZATION Mutual Benefit Health and Accident; Association The largest company of its kind in the world. i. M.PUBLISHER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1947 bones thrown to growling dogs will the occasion.# * # * Falling Down on the Job Britain has thrown up her hands tine. She has told the world that she is of managing the affairs of a country Ernest C, Harvey Losing a Heritage Few really know the worth of the Christian Sabbath. When this great heritage is mentioned some thoughtless people commence to tell stor­ ies of the” extravagant observance of the day and so bring the day into disrepute. In view of those thoughtless remarks we give the sober verdiet of history that no nation and no com­ munity has survived the systematic continuous, violation of this day. One of Toronto s most distinguished lawyers, a man who loaned an­ nually tens of thousands of dollars of clients’ money without losing a single cent for them over a period of nearly forty years, said, I have watched things pretty closely. I can give you the names of dozens of men and firms who have desecrated the Sabbath and I never knew one. of them to do so without injury. The old rule that only works of necessity and mercy should be allowed on that day and the other rule, six days shall thou labour and do all thy work are equally imperative. In this latter rule note two words “labour” and ‘'all”. The man who labours six days and who gets all his work done finds the Sabbath a day of rest that he gladly uses. The man and his family who get their work done and who attend, once on a hearty, reverent, thoughtful divine service eager and willing to rest and to enjoy the lights of family life. Lately there has been a pinching in on Sabbath Dav. During the hours of that day hear the sound of hammer and saw and the hum of the farm machinery. Is this wise? Is this crowding of the Sabbath Day in the interest of cither the individual or the community? Does not the workman who thus pinches in on the Sabbath not see that his employer is taking note and silently but effectually seeing to it that the energy spent on the Sunday i.s wrought up into the week’s work, In any case we wish to defeucl the Christian Sabbath. It is a privilege so to do. The Sabbath is not a week-end but the Lord’s Day, a day of mental and physical and spiritual refreshment, a day when one meditates on life’s great purposes and becomes fitted for life’s real responsibilities and opportunities. We. nh- herve the day to our advantage. We profane it at our peril. * That Rationing / They’re talking seriously of a good many of the necessities of life, over there among our American cousins. We wonder if that sort of thing is coming our way? Why not begin with rationing the garbage can. That convenience is making off with a great many goodies. We need a few Aberdonians to N<> deem in Pales- incapable about the size of Scotland. It was not ever thus, The day is not so very far in the past when Britain’s words carried weight and her powers of govern­ ment carried weight. Still Britain’s goveimment was her own choice. The conquerors of Napol­ eon and the victors over Hitler are sure that it i.s quite the thing to show the white feather be­ fore a few Palestonian malcontents and a few dissatisfied Egyptians, Mr. Churchill said some­ thing about the dismemberment Empire. If the Empire dissolves selves will be to blame. Britons their own worst enemies. * * Insurance Agency Phone 47 Exeter •2- s. “TIMES* are de­ tilt! we w look after such affair sea gulls follow a ship sailing from Aber- *7? Glad To Hear It is abroad that the authorities j:i such matters have advanced so far * * * Word charge of with the Aux Sauble Valley project that action is soon likely to be taken. The prophecy, admit­ tedly. is a difficult one but difficult things must be attempted in the interest of progress. De­ tails of what is to be done are not as yet made public, but sufficient is known that serious ef­ fort is to be put forward to prevent the floods of last spring. Bridges on the Lake Road are Being constructed and a real effort in the pub­ lic interest is’ being undertaken. The good of this work will not be in evidence in a short time. The story of the Aux Sable is one of cen­ turies. Improvements will be a matter of years but advantages will show themselves from the very start. Drowned land is not brought to life without effort but when life is restored it is land of high value. «- A Good Move Collection of garbage was a good move on the part of the council. Insect pests have been under unusually good control this season to the comfort of the citizens generally. Unless gar­ bage is taken proper care of it is likely to be­ come a breeding place of disease. With polio and influenza and other diseases lurking about too much care cannot be taken to have the vil­ lage go the limit in the way of cleanliness, Health boards are to be congratulated on keep­ ing the standard high in the sanitary matter, Any who fail to cooperate with those authorities may as well look forward to stiff fines. The watchful eye of authority misses very little. •» * * * The Reply That patient worm, the ultimate consumer, is showing sings of resentment at the unreason­ ably high, prices he is asked to pay for neces- ary articles, This resentment is talcing a very practical turn by the formation of leagues or a big league and a threat to go into the manufact­ uring'1 business, The movement threatens to go further and to go into politics with the purpose 5 i af the British Britons them- thU hour are Go By •« Relieved We heard over the radio some little time ago that the prices of things being sold in the regular way were not to have any suggestion of a conspiracy or anything of that sort about them. There was to be no price fixing or agree­ ments entered into among the people who were selling things over the counter, so to speak Prices were to adjust themselves in the interest of the buying public. A dealer was to agree to buy as cheaply as he could and to sell as best business rules dictate. Everything was to he above board and okey-dokev in every sense.. Then we sallied out to buy a bunch of kale only to find that every store was charging the same price for this precious commodity. Next we sought a piece of soap or something like that to make clean our toil worn hands only tn find that the. dealers all were charging the same number of etceteras therefor. Next we sought to purchase one of those -washing machines only to find that the dealers all were charging the same number of yens for the machine. We hail set out to do a day’s shopping but the more we looked arofind the more we discovered the un­ animity of prices no matter wlmt we sought for. The price was the same in all the stores we visited. Then we thought of the heart-warming word we had heard over the radio. Then we wondered and wondered and wondered. Had we heard wrong? Was there a. sort of under­ ground communication among those dealers that enabled them to be on such utterly brother­ ly terms ? The only answer that we got was that there was a colored gentleman in the business wood-pile. Some one suggested that the higher- ups of one sort and another were telling the dealers the price to be asked for goods or serv­ ices. We started wondering again if we were, losing our freedom. -x- -x «• a- Prodding the Willing Ox Britain’s labor government is making the mistake of prodding the willing ox. Men who already are working up to near the limit are called upon to work harder and to work longer hours. The choicest souls among Britain’s work­ ers art.- willing and proud to do this very thing. They have been putting themselves to it for nearly ten years. If it will save their country, they are willing to keep right on and to' in­ crease both the load and the tempo. What they object to is the large number of the idle and of those who are engaged in non-essential occupa­ tions who are allowed to live on in the old prom- sers fashion. Gamblers and sports and toughs do no work that saves the day but eat the food the workers sorely need. Again, the labor gov­ ernment calls for strict economy in spending but allows cash to go the way of feathers and fuss in the wake of the self-appointed highei* walks of life. 'When money is in imperative de­ mand for industry to swell Britain’s export trade, sober-minded men see no sense in spend­ ing money for display. Folk who are doing their utmost to save every penny for necessary things only are angered at the sight and at the thoughtless expenditure for things that are at best firbilities. Dog races may be amusing but they are not much in the way of nation building. * # « * Note and Comment Guess that old overcoat will do for another season. a 4 ' -x- «• * That funny twist on the men’s noses is not facial paralysis. It’s just those long skirts. -X- 4 . Keep your head, Those panicky times soon will pass and we’ll have a good laugh at our present fussiness * ** * il those food strikers add their employers do not soon get together the farmers ■will do their own killing and the government will be doing the shipping. Then what? Do those mill­ ers imagine that they can hold up the flour supplies for any length of time? The farmers soon will cure that, The clays were when grind­ ing facilities were few and far between. In spite of this, this country prospered, Strikers and employers may turn back the clock but they can't stop it. # 50 YEARS AGO The annual Fall >Fair known as “The World’s Fair" under the aus­ pices of the Hay Branch Agricul­ tural Society, was held# at Zurich on Wednesday and Thursday last. Thursday was all that could be de­ sired. The exhibits were up to the usual standard. The Zurich Band under the leadership of Mr. Bennett, furnished the occasion. The amounted to ‘$182. The races held at day last under the Lucan Turf Club were a splendid success both in point of attendance and financially. The weather was tine and the races were good. While George Sanders was work­ ing around a cutting box on Satur­ day last the knife of the came in contact with his Dieting a severe gash. Bush fires are. Township swamp, dollars worth of ready been done. The Harvest Home held in James Street Methodist Church Sunday and Monday last was a cided success. Rev. W. S. Pascoe, of Wingham, preached to large con­ gregations both morning and eve­ ning, Sunday * afternoon a mass meeting was held in the church with Mr. P. Frayne in the chair. Addresses were given by Rev. Dr. Willoughby, Chas. Smith, Prof. Burgess, Huron College, London, and Rev. Holmes, of Blenheim. On Monday evening the usual tea was served in the basement at which a large number were in attendance. Rev’s Chas. Smith and Dr. Pascoe delivered interesting and instruct­ ive addresses. Rev. Dr. Willoughby, pastor, acted as chairman. T. the music for gate receipts Lucan on Mon­ auspices of the machine leg in­ raging Many damage in Hay hundred has al- the on de­ 25 YEARS AGO At Mitchell on Saturday, Lucan outplayed. Palmerston in the game which decided the championship of the North Wellington Baseball As­ sociation in the* senior series by 12 to 4. Both teams had won their home games. Major W. J. Heaman, of the Hur­ on Regiment, has been awarded the officer’s decoration for long serv­ ice. The of the Lucan, . .. . was destroyed by fire early Wed­ nesday morning of last week. All equipment had 'been recently re­ newed. The mill had been running for five years and was Lucan’s chief industry. About 500 bags of flour were also destroyed. A hot box is considered to be the cause of the fire. A. white frost visited this sec­ tion Sunday night. Mr. A. Easton on Monday evening the Old Country. Mr, Bruce Medd Guelph to take a Agricultural College. The choir of the James Street Methodist Church held a very jolly weiner roast at the farm of Mr, Cecil Rowe on Wednesday evening of last week. The. Zurich Fall Fair was held on Thursday last With fine weather and a large crowd present. The outdoor exhibits were fairly rep­ resented but indoor’ classes were keenly contested. Brodhagen Brass Band furnished the music. The Kirkton Agricultural Society held their annual Fall Fair on Tuesday and the excellent weather drew large crowds to the grounds. The Mitchell Band provided music. three-storey brick flour mill Crown Aiming Company, at conducted by H. G. Fairies, returned home after a trip to left Friday for course at the the 15 YEARS AGO The Hensall Town Hall was ed to capacity and almost as many outside for the nomination meet­ ing Monday afternoon. The meet­ ing was called to name candidates to contest the federal by-election made necessary 'by the death of Thomas McMillan, former Liberal member. Two candidates offered themselves, Wm. Golding, Liberal, and Louis H. Rader, 'Conservative. The fine bank barn of Mrs. Chas. Box, of the fourth concession of Stephen, was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday evening together £111- Huron County Plowmen Prepare For the Big Match Huron County plowmen, who brought many honors to the county a year ago when an international match was held at Port Albert on their own doorstep, are sharpening their plowshares now to go farther afield for plowing laurels, It is ex­ pected that a strong contingent of match plowboys will represent Hur­ on in the international match to be held near Kingston, ill Frontenac county, Oct, 14 - 17. Among those who are likely to travel to Eastern Ontario to com­ pete in The match are James B. Hogg, of Seaforth, in the walking­ plow classes, and a group of trac­ tor plowmen which will probably include William Rogerson and Alex Kerr, of Seaforth, Gordon Rapson, of Londesboro, Arnold Rathwell of Clinton, and William Coutts Walton. The two-man teams that will present Huron in the inter-county junior farmer plowing matches in Frontenac county next month, are to be chosen on the strength of their showings in the North Huron plowing match, which is to be held near Wingham Oct. 8. Leading competitors, from among whom the two young men for the county team in the horse-drawn match are like­ ly to be selected, are John Clark and Arthur Bell, of Goderich, Lome Ritchie of Lucknow, Norman Pocock of Wingham, and Graeme McDonald of Brussels. Junior farm­ ers who are regarded as possible material for the two-man team to compete in inter-county ‘tractor plowing include Ken Rogerson and Bob Irwin of Seaforth, Ken Mc­ Donald and Donald McDonald of Brussels, Gerald Dustow of Port Albert, and Donald Jeffrey of Ex­ eter. As tune-up matches for the coun­ ty plowing match at Wingham, a series of four coaching days is be­ ing arranged by LeRoy G. Brown, agricultural representative for Hur­ on. Dates for 'the four coaching sessions have not yet been con­ firmed, but it is expected that they will all be held during the week beginning Sept, 29. One coaching session will be on the farm of Rus­ sell Bolton in McKillop township, and another on the farm of James Michie in Morris township. Other coaching days, it is expected, will be in Colborne and in Usborne townships. Expert instruction is to be given by coaches appointed by the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, of which J. A, Carroll, Ontario De­ partment of Agriculture, is secre­ tary-manager. 'During one of the hectic days at the Pentagon an irate colonel flash­ ed the telephone operator several times. Receiving no response he shouted into, the phone: “Are there any blithering idiots on the line?" A meek little voice replied: “Not on this end, sir." with the season’s crop and three calves. Fire started when a dog chasing a cat overturned a lantern. Between two and three thous­ and persons gathered at the rinlj; Wednesday afternoon to hear the Liberal leader, Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King, speak in terests of Mr. Golding, candidate in South Huron. W. F. Beavers acted as chairman and Reeve B, M. Francis read address of welcome ,on behalf the town, Mr. T. Harry Hoffman, Jr., Dashwood, won the scholarship music at the Canadian National Ex­ hibition. Mr. Hoffman, basso, was one of the 61 contestants from all parts of the Dominion. Misses Ruby Stone, Helen Pen- hale and Mr. Gordon Greb left on Monday to attend University of Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. entertained at an eon on Wednesday of the Rt. Hom W. King, who was their pany with er cabinet Hon, J. C. minister. W. L. the in­ Liberal Mr. B. Albert Traqualr informal lunch- at noon in honor L. Mackenzie guest, in com Elliott, form- re- o£ of lines and or etmesday afternoon ROSS ANDREWS, R-0 EyUht Co»^‘ For Appointment Ph0„e 779 « W. ST, MARys> 0NT’ Funeral HomSrService in ch at 2 o'clock. Interment in Riverside Cemetery. Is* JOHNS, Philip Stephen.—Suddenly on Monday, Feb.17, at iris home in Jolmsport, Philip Stephen Johns, beloved husband of Lily Isabella Vincent and dear father of Roae, Tomorrow May Be Too Late If you are healthy you can buy Confederation Life Insurance at low rates. There are several kinds of policies to choose from: 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) 0) Straight Life Insurance. Limited Payment Insurance that becomes paid tip in fifteen, twenty or thirty years. Term insurance to provide protection immediately but which you can convert later on without further medical examination. Endowment Insurance to provide capital with which to start business. Insurance to pay off a mortgage in the event of death. A retirement income. See the Confederation Life representative. He can and will help you to plan your insurance properly. Confederation Life HEAD OFFICE AsSOCiatiOXL TORONTO A. W. MORGAN, Representative, Hensall Mt her fingertips IO Three candidates were placed in nomination for the provincial elec­ tion to be held in October, at a meeting held in. the Hensall Town Hall Wednesday names are; James eral; Dr. R. Hobbs Conservative; and Moir, Independent Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Crediton, Dashwood and Bend were represented at a social gathering at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend, Thursday evening of last week, and an organization of. a so­ cial nature was set up. Mr. Fred Walker was elected president and E. R. Hopper, secretary. Mr. Jack Gardiner, who has been employed -by Mr, Sandy Elliot at the IF'ord garage, has accepted a position at Windsor. Thirty-eight bowlers from the Exeter Bowling Club paid a visit to the St. Marys Bowling Club Mon­ day evening and enjoyed two Ven- end games. The players from both clubs were mixed. The St, Marys ladies served lunch, The Exeter municipal council at a special meeting awarded a con­ tract to Mr. John Hunkin to re­ build that portion of the dam that was washed out by the early spring flood. Mr, Gerald Ford, who during the summer has conducted a branch butcher shop for Mr, 0, Tanton at Bayfield has returned to Exeter and Is taking over the agency for ait insurance company. YEARS AGO afternoon. The Ballantyne, Lib- Taylor, Liberal- Dr. Alexander Temperance. Hay, Grand k EVERY LONG distance operator has every telephone literally at her fingertips. Through her switchboard and over a network cables, she. reaches out across the country across the world! Every month we are adding some 10,000 new telephones, catching up with unfilled orders as materials become available. More telephones mean more calls both local and long distance. To-day our operators are handling more long distance traffic than ever before. Our aim is continuous improvement — better service, More service plus better, service — and always at the lowest possible cost — means greater value to every telephone user. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ■ k TRY A CLASSIFIED!IT PAYS’ Don’t Gamble With Your Good Health Good health is a priceless asset that should always be protected, . For good health, once lost, may never be regained, If you are troubled by reBtless nights, irrita­ bility, or nervousness, try Milburn *8 Health and Nerve Pills, Manufactured under the supervision of experienced chemists and pharmacists, they contain only the purest of ingredients. For more than 50 years Milburn’s Health and Herve Tille have been used by thousands ah a tonic for frayed nerves or a general tun-down condition. They stimulate the nerve cells, help to improve the blood content, increase the appetite and thud help to promote peaceful sleep. Milburn’s Health and Netve Pills are sold at all drug counters. f ZZ. ' ' The T. Milburn. Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont.