The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-07-10, Page 4I Handsomely finished formal wed­ ding photograi>hs will last through the years, and you will have for­ ever a fond remembrance of that day of days . . . your wedding day. . . with an individually-styled bridal portrait and group photograph . . . PHOTOGRAPHER By Appointment Only Phone 343 | AKEVIEW p ASINO L---GRAND U---BEND Dancing Nightly and his GORDON Dance July 14th 12:05 a.m. Softball Ladies11 DELAMONT ORCHESTRA Thur., July 10 9 p.m. MART KENNEY and his WESTERN GENTLEMEN Featuring Ids great Royal York Orchestra, heard so often over CBC radio. Listen to lovely Nonna Locke and Kitchener’s own Roy Roberts. This is enjoy, band, dancer out, to an orchestra you’ll It’s Canada’s No. 1 Whether you are a or non-daneer, come hear them. Admission $1.00 each League Game Wed., July Sth Variety Entertainers THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10th, 1947 ——.................. ■■........... .... . ..............................-.(A—.....................■................................................................................................. ‘Hamilton-Kernick 1 Amid a setting of palms and.t summer flowers in Erskine United 4'n Sunday from the hospital huv- Church, Toronto, at 5 p.m.. June ini; undergone an operation for 28th. Marion Elizabeth, daughter apytndicitis. of Mr. and Mrs. William Kernick, 1 Miss Mildred Miller, oi London, Exeter, became the bride of RonaldI spent the week-end with Mrs. Thos. Jerome Hamilton, son of Mr. and;Bell. Mrs. Chas. Hamilton, Toronto, * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murcli and Rev. C. W. Down, of Exeter, grand- ■ Donna, of London, visited on Sun­ father of the bride, officiated. Mr. day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross ■ C. McRea was at the organ and Skinner. ELIMVILLE Miss Marie Cole returned home ; during the ceremony Mrs. M. Fow-| Messrs. Murray and Laurie Ste- her sane; “The Lord's Prayer” andtPhen, London, spent the week’ i “I’ll' Walk Beside You.” |end with their parents, Mr. and I The bride, given in marriage her father, looked exquisite m a j JlaJ?aid Maigison ^Irt ! JohnT o? on Friday mcc. The gatheied skill extenaea and. Mrs. IUmer Skinner and family. Mrs. Drummond, of Vancouver, is spending a few months with her daughter, .Mrs. John Miners. Sunday School picnic | The Elimville Sunday School held their annual picnic on Thurs- ---- „----„ .day, July 3 at the Seaforth Lions halo hat and carrying a ‘ club Park with about one hundred and Ed. LOST AND FOUND to a slight train from a fitted bo­ dice. Her finger-tip tulle illusion veil was caught with lily-of-the- valley and apple blossoms and she carried a bouquet of Better Time roses and white sweet peas. Miss Anne Kernick was maid of honor for her sister, wearing a gown of daffodil yellow silk jersey with matching 1 * _ ’ _ colonial bouquet of butterfly roses and mauve sweet peas. Her other attendants were Mrs. Norman Thvaites, sister of the groom, and Miss June Bevage, both of Toron­ to, wearing gowns of Chinese green and orchid with matching halo hats and carrying colonial bouquets of gloria roses and bridesmaid sweet peas. Mr. Wilfred Hamilton, of To­ ronto, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Leonard Newman, of To­ ronto, and Mr. Wilbur Kernick, of Exeter. At the reception held at Dalfrew Manor, the bride’s mother received her guests in a grey figured crepe dress with matching accessories and wearing a corsage of Talisman roses and bouvardia. She was as­ sisted by the groom's mother wear­ ing navy blue crepe with matching accessories and wearing a corsage Of pink delight roses and bouvar­ dia. For a motor trip chose an ice blue red accessories and of Johanna roses On their return, Hamilton will reside in Toronto. Dinner was served at Sports followed with races Supper was ser- Everyone reported a . and back rocker, 1 hair-seat arm chair, 1 hair-seat and back sofa; organ and stool; 2 centre tables with castors; 2 dressers with five drawers; full-length mirror on stand; guitar; what-not, 5 shelves; combined bureau and writing desk;, spool design bedstead, springs and mattress; 2-drawer wash stand; arm chair; 1 box to hold bedding, chintz covered; invalid’s upholster­ ed arm chair; % iron bed with springs and mattress; dresser, 3 long drawers; wall mirror; framed pictures; eider down comforter; 4 pillows; 2 white bedspreads; 1 patch-work quilt; dishes and cut­ lery; electric toaster; Good Cheer stove; 2-burner electric hotplate; 2 tea kettles; table linen; dinner glassware; wooden granite and tin drawers, 4’ table; carpet sweeper; 3 COMING EVENTS The Thames Road Farmers Club will hold a meeting of the members in the Thames Road School Friday, July 18th at 9 p.m, D.S.T. It is important that everyone attend. •P, Passmore, Secy.-Treas 10:17c COMING EVENTS — Carnival and fourth annual Pet Parade in Court House Park, Goderich, Wednesday evening, July 16th, under auspices of Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E. Games and Bazaar Booth for children and adults. Pet Parade assembles at 7 p.m. Clown Band in attendance. 10c FOR SALE FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet in good condition also Quebec heat­ er. Bruce Rivers, Exeter. 10c FOR SALE — Coleman stove, 3- burner with oven, porcelain fin­ ish, first class condition. Phone Mrs. Kenneth Johns, 44r5, Kirk­ ton. 10* FOR SALE —• Buckwheat. Bruce Tuckey. 10c FOR SALE—4000 good used white brick. Harvey Godbolt, phone Exeter 17 8rl3, R.R. 1, Centralia. 10c FOR SALE—2 acres of mixed al­ falfa and timothy hay. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 10* FOR SALE—Two months old fur­ niture, 1 chesterfield suite (two chairs), 1 kitchentte suite (two tables). Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. FOR SALE—10 acres of Timothy hay. Apply to Joe White, Credi- ton. 10c FOR SALE—Renfrew hand wash­ ing machine with wringer, both in good condition. Mrs. Frank Smyth, Centralia. 10:17* j FOR SALE—Cockshutt 4-row beet ■ and bean scuffler. Apply to Wal­ lace Wein, Dashwood. 10:17c FOR SALE — M.H. bean scuffler and puller combined, in first class condition. Wes. Venner, Kippen. Phone 84r3, Hensail. 10* FOR SALE — 2 hay fork pulley. Apply to Wes. Hackney, Hay P.O. 10* FOR SALE — Cement watering trough; can be moved. Apply at Times-Advocate. ’ 10c FOR SALE — Newly born Short­ horn male calf. Arlow Copeland, Kirkton. Phone 34r2.3 Kirkton. 10c EXTENSION LADDERS—Satisfied customers and prices are sure ex­ tending my business as I have received orders from Zurich, Varna, Brucefield, Clinton, Sea­ forth, Walton, Kintail, Staffa, Dublin, Farquhar, Kirkton, Lon­ don, five from Exeter, and a good number from Hensail and dis­ trict. These ladders are made in my shop. A few are kept ready for immediate delivery. All kinds of good quality axe, hammer and sledge handles are kept in stock and will be put in free of cost if desired- John Elder, Hensall. 10* FOR SALE — Baby stroller, navy with white trim, $20.00. Contact Mrs. Wilson, 36r21, Crediton. 10* FOR SALE—12 wean er pigs. Ap­ ply to A. Wright, Centralia. 10* FOR SALE—Ice box, 3 ft. wide, 18 in. deep, 4 ft. 6 in. high, recon­ ditioned. Apply to S. M. Sanders. 10* FOR SALE — 500 choice Leghorn pullets, starting to lay. Apply Times-Advocate. 3tfc FOR SALE—1929 Model A Ford pick-up truck; also 193 6 New Imperial ’motorcycle, both in Al condition. Phone 92r8 Zurich. 3:10’ NOTICES NOTICE—The Pride of Huron Re­ bekah Lodge will discontinue their meetings during the sum­ mer months.-—Mrs. Wm .Cann N.G, WANTED ’WANTED—Boy’s suit, Size 12 or 14, Apply at Times-Advocate. 10* WANTED—Young girl would like ’work as a mother’s helper, A-p- ply at Times-Advocate. ioc WANTED — Team heavy harness with lines; will buy one set or both; also 100 yearling Leghorn hens. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 10* LOST—A pair of boy’s glasses in case. Finder please phone Exeter 120. Reward. 10* PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. <‘WALK A BLOCK or walk a mile, Lloyd’s for your feet will bring a smile.” Lloyd’s Corn Salve, 50c at Robertson’s Drug Store. ft I v V V , 2 tea kettles; and tea dishes; dish cupboard; kitchen-ware; 2 Garden tools; mops; trouser press; 2 galvanized wash tubs; new sausage grinder, complete; paint; mason’s trowel; 2 stepladders; 2 jardineres; steam cooker; rolling pin; 2 oil lamps; boiling iron pot; copper bottom boiler; granite roasting dish; 2 hand saws; carpet beater; window cleaner; bake (board; bag truck; pitch forks; rakes; shovels; lawn mower; coal sifter; buck saw. TERMS O|F SALE—CASH For further information apply to present. 12.30. and a ball game, ved at 5.30. good time. The sports committee was Mrs, Harold Bell, Mrs. Clifton Brock, Mrs. Clarence Hawkins and Miss Ruth Skinner. Winners of races are as follows: girls under 6, Sylvia Johns, Grace Routly; boys •under 6, 'Grant Skinner, Leonard Hawkins; girls 6 to 8, Donna Gil- fillan, Mary Skinner: boys 6 to 8, Fred Delbridge, Bobby Pooley; girls 8 to 10, Hazel Sparling, Jean Gilfillan; boys 8 to 10, Ross Hun­ ter, Kevin Delbridge; girls 10 to 14, Dorothy Pooley, June Walters; boys 10 to 14, Billy Gilfillan, Don­ nie Stephen; young ladies, Wanda Stephen , June Walters; young men, Billy Gilfillan, Earl Hunter; married ladies, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Clifton Brock: married men, Howard Johns, Garnet Johns; ex­ ercise race, Kenneth Johns, Elgin Skinner; wheelbarrow race, Doro­ thy Pooley and Betty Bailey, Billy Heywood and Earl Hunter; minute race, Mrs. R. E. Pooley; soap race, Mrs. Clifton Brock's side; beauty contest, Elgin Skinner and Mrs. Alvin Pym, Alvin Cooper and Mrs. Gilbert Johns; spot race for ladies, Mrs. Everett Skinner, I north the bride silk dress with wore a corsage and bouvardia. Mr. and Mrs. THAMES ROAD Katherine and Glen Stone, London, are spending a few -days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey and family, of Hensail, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore spent one day last week at Hamilton and Niagara Falls. Several of the from here attended Farmers picnic which Stratford Wednesday this week. Mrs. Mair, Betty spent .a few days last week in Wes­ ton visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ferguson, and sister, Mrs. C. R. Marchant. Misses Laura Mae Rohde, of Mitchell, and Norma Kellar, of Exeter, spent last week holidaying with their grandparents, Mrs. H. Rohde. Wm. J, Stewart, of I spent the week-end at the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Stewart. j Mr. and Mrs. Percy i spent the week-end in v,’ith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gollings and William Rodd. ' Allison ispent the t ents. I Sunday 1 of young people the Junior was held at afternoon of and Joanne Mr. and Toronto, home of John W. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the redecorating of the exterior, and interior of two classrooms and halls of the iCredi- ton Public iSchool, also for the ex­ terior and interior of No. 10 school, Stephen. Separate tenders will be accepted until July 18th. ARTHUR J. AMY, iSec’y. Stephen Township School Area, Exeter, Ont. 10:17c Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willert family, of .London, ‘-pent the week-end at the home of Mr. Mrs. Douglas Triebner. FOR RENT and past and FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT — Rolling home at Grand Bend; accommodation for four. Phone 283J, Exeter. 3tfc FOR RENT—A cabin trailer at Grand Bend. Apply .to Hugh Wil­ son, phone 56 Exeter. 10* STRAYED STRAYED—A large brown dog in Exeter early Sunday morning. ■Owner may have same Iby paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. 10c MISCELLANEOUS TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received 'by the undersigned up to 6 p.m., Saturday, July 19, 1947, for the construc­ tion of the drain known as the Wein Drain and located in the north end of Exeter. The drain be­ gins on the south side of the Thames Road and has its outlet in a creek on the farm of A. Bierling. To complete the main drain will require the placing of 1100’ of 7-, inch tile, 710’ of 8-inch tile, 1030’ of 12-inch tile, and 2 catch basins. A branch will require the placing of 185’ of 6-inch tile. The contractor to perform all work and to furnish all materials less tile. The the tile. Engineers specifications office of the est or any tender not necessarily accepted, C. V. PICKARD, Clerk of the Village of Exeter, Ont. 2tc THE CANADA TRUST CO., 353 Richmond St., London, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk. ,F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor for Estate. Municipality to supply plans, profiles and may be viewed at the undersigned. The low- AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE—CATTLE Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, July li2th. Two car loads including good Hereford ■ feeders. Trucks to deliver. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. 10 c COMMUNITY Auction SALES are being held EVERY TUESDAY at 2 p.m., at MITCHELL sell cattle, hogs, calves, furni-We ture, and implements. Bring any­ thing that you have to sell. For particulars phone 319W Mit­ chell. 3:10* CO-OP FLOOR. WAX Sun., July 13HENSALL visitors and and Passmore Granton Mr. Mr. Morgan, week-end with his of Seaforth, par-vs. DASHWOOD W. Morrison, 7 p.m. $1,700 IN PURSES Races Start at o $500 $400 $400 Woollen Blankets Donated to the Winner of Each Race, new McDonnell starting gate will be used * Wednesday, p.m., D.S.T. 2.22 Class, trot or pace . . . Sponsored by Lakeview Hatchery British American Oil Co. Stake . . . 3-year-old trot or pace 2.28 Class, trot or pace . , . Sponsored by Newton Motor Sales 2.17 Class, trot or pace . . * Sponsored by Graham Arthur Studebaker Sales & $400 Service At Lakeview Casino Ball Diamond 9 p.m. A free show for young and old. Plan a Sunday at “The Bend” and see these grand entertainers! with Chas. Miller were of Goodland, ■ Man., and Mr. and Miss Cornish, of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller and family, of Woodham, and Mr. and »’ Mrs. E. Miller and family, of Zion. July 23rd LEAVE YOUR ORDER for Nut Alberta coal. Exeter District Co- Op. FLOOR SERVICE — Sanding, fin­ ishing; cheaper rates. Phone 454 Wingham or write -Ford Murray. 10:17* BABY CHICKS A-l STARTED CHICKS at reduced prices: sex x White Rock x _____ _ _ from blood-tested stock. Write dr phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, phone 3 8-B Granton. 5-tfc Barred Rocks, mixed; Sus- New Hampshire, mixed; Leghorn pullets; Barred White Leghorn pullets. All STARTED CHICKS Mixed chicks and pullets—all varieties. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. Open Evenings LAST HATCH JULY 16 Last call for chicks for this season. Phone your order in now. Some started chicks in brooders. NEVHA USER HATCHER IES 81 King St., LONDON, Ontario REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—-House on Highway No. 4, hydro, running water, 3 to 23 acres, immediate possession. Ap­ ply to John Caldwell, Exetei- North. Phone 13rll. 10c FOR SALE—Block of 4 or 5 lots, centrally located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. FOR SALE-—Some vacant building lots in Exeter, W. C. Pearce, Exe­ ter. 3tc Betting Privileges on the Grounds. One of the Best Half-Mile Tracks in Western Ontario EXETER TURF CLUB FRANK TAYLOR, JACK MORRISSEY, GEO. W. LAWSON, President. Chairman. Sec’y-Treas. FOR SALE—Immediate or fall pos­ session, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter, C V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOH SALE—One of Exeter’s most comfortable homes. This is a 3- bed-room house and has all mod­ ern conveniences. The whole property is in the best of repair. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. WANTED •*— Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel 01 RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Rhone 316 and ask for Housing Officer, AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND CHATTELS The undersigned Executor of the Estate of Katherine Mary McFaul will offer for sale by public auc­ tion on FRIDAY, JULY 11th, 1947 at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon at the premises of Grigg’ ’Stationery, Exeter, Ontario, the following household goods and chattels: 2 tables, 2y2’ x 1%’; stand with 6 2 V2” depth drawers; wooden rocker; glass-front dish cupboard; upholstered sofa; 5 armless chairs; 3 tea trays; stand wood basket; piano and stool in perfect condi­ tion (Sherlock-Manning, London); upholstered arm chair; table with leaves; drawers and centre table; marble plane 6 hair-seat extension dish cupboard, mirror; wall clock; 3 rocking chairs; stand; walnut set of chairs, 1 hair-seat One and Five-Pound Tins Excellent for floors - furniture - woodwork - linoleum - automobiles - etc. Buy From Your LOCAL CO-OP Affiliated with Co-operative Co. Ltd. United Farmers M* IB­ . J i FRIDAY NIGHT §In Person FAMED PIANO STYLIST * ★COLUMBIA RECORDING ARTIST and His Great Orchestra ★ [ 1,000 ADVANCE TICKETS AT $1,00 I He0Linrrth2dT?M°J? ?1,25 *6- “ Advance tickets now on sale I tau^ntd Fredrik Su" Co- Record Dept., Embassy Res- k Office'In st ThJ«0l<ej SAh0?L.’ Ho^‘ Rldout and Ardrta Box quince, m St, Thomas, at Anthony Music Store, 527 Talbot St. , »THp IS'