The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-07-10, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMEStADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10th, 1947
Cxeter <imeg=^ltibocate
Elmeis established J873; Advocate established 1881
amalgamated November 1524
Aw Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests
of the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District
Member of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers' 4 ssociAtlon; Member
of the Ontario-Quebec Division of
the CWNA
All Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Not
Later Than Noon on Tuesdays
52.00 a year, in advance; six months. $1.00
three months 60c
THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1947
Everything Depends on Coal
So important is the issue of the Paris con
ference that, we hear comparatively little of
what is going on in regard to the negotiations
between Canada and Newfoundland. XV e are
not at all surprised that this should be so. First
things must be disposed of first, we have got
into the way of saying. Yet the Canadian situ
ation is more important than it appears. We
are thinking of the electrical power latent in
Labrador, an essential possession of Newfound
land. Why not give considerable thought to
this matter? Why not set the. St. Lawrence and
Niagara and the water powers of Northern On
tario to work. We cannot’‘‘turn around without
our being told that everything depends on coal
for the sustaining of hundreds of interests. W hy
not turn to electricity? In Britain, too, there
are great swiftly moving coastal waters that
should be harnessed to generate, electrical pow
er. We have billions to send out of Canada.
Why not spend a few dollars in developing our
natural powei* resources? Why rest content
with the coal interests having its knee on the
chest and its thumb on the throat of civiliza
tion. We greatly need a few statesmen with
.initiative and foresight.
* * * *
Do You Wonder?
Last summer we came across a youngster
busy and contented at farm work during his
school vacation. This summer that same youth
is working in a city factory and getting a dol
lar thirty-five for an eight-hour day. Do you
wonder that boys leave the farm for city jobs?
And what is to be done about it?
4 4 4 *
The Cat Out of the Bag
Russia has at last spoken out in meeting.
She has told France and England and the Unit
ed States that she will not play ball with them.
She has said with the utmost directness that
she will have nothing to do with the Marshall
plan for setting European nations on their feet
-financially unless everything goes her way. She
insists on holding both whip and lines. She has
succeeded, in the diplomatic game, in angering
her opponents and in having them break out
into language. In this respect she has scored
heavily. In other words, Russia has openly
shown herself to be utterly selfish. Tine prob
lem just now is. “What are we going to do about
it? Unless the western powers get something
done Russia will score with the smaller nations,
the very thing she has aimed at all along. Im
mediate and effective actioA on the part of the
western powers is the only thing that will save
the day. Russia already is on the march.. She
has distinct offers to make. Already the small
er nations know what Russia has to offer though
even the most needy of them must fear the
Russians bearing gifts. What Russia has to
offer is a wooden hose full of powers of ruin,
to be released once Russian control is gained.
But what are the western powers going to do
in a situation so perilous ? Talk is cheaj) but it
takes action to save the day.
* * * ■*
Muddling Along
When the second world war was over, the
nations were pretty sick of slaughter and de
struction. At once a lot of well-intentioned peo
ple jumped to the conclusion that the proper
procedure was for representatives of all the
nations to get together and in so doing devise
ways and means of bringing about what Abra
ham Lincoln desired for his country—;a just
and lasting peace. This wish on the. part of the
choice spirits of the nations was eminently right
and commendable. Accordingly the representa
tives of the nations met and with their first
meeting began a series of blunders that is not
yet complete. The first blunder was a failure
to realize what the representatives were as
sembled for. /Allegedly these men met to insure
the peace of the world. Practically and really
each nation was bent on getting its own ends.
The nations did not say that their purpose was
selfish but actions speak louder than words, at
world conferences as elsewhere. The words
used in the discussions were smoother than but
ter but desire of the parties at the conference
were for self-aggrandizement. And this sort of
doubleness has continued ever since. In other
words the conference tried to ride two horses,
with the inevitable result. The second blunder
was the failure to send the right men to the
•conferences. While Britain cheered for Mr.
Churchill she was careful to vote him out of
power, While she praised Mr. Eden and recog
nized in him the. greatest of her diplomats, she
saw to it that he had. not lasting place at the
peace tables. Russia sent to the discussions,
Molotov, a man whose diplomatic weapon was
both sword and shield. Britain’s representatives
were men who contended with the skill of young
men in the early days of their apprenticeship.
The United States have been represented by
clever well-meaning men but by men who have
the ability to see only an inch before their noses.
Time is making this increasingly clear. A third
blunder lies in the diverse mentality of the na
tions. Two cannot walk together unless they
be agreed, Russia does not entertain the same
conception of human values as are entertained
by Britain, the United States and France. Let
us admit this fact and not deceive ourselves,
l^ranee and Britain are showing signs of agree
ment, but we are students of history and look
skeptically upon any agreement made between
these two countries. We greatly fear and great
ly regret that the nations will be obliged to
find the way to peace through the old and hard
way of trial and error, war and peace. We de
sire peace with all our heart and we’ll work
fox* peace with all our might as we persistently
have done. At the same time we are sure that
nothing is gained by hiding our head in the
sand and saying “Peace! Peace!’’ when there
is no peace. The desperately wicked and deceit
ful hearts of man must be changed before they
study war no more.
♦ * * ♦
At It Again
France must be geniuinelv happy these
days. She has discovered a plot to overthrow
her government to set another set of folk to
run her public business. What more can France
desire ? She has become tired of nursing star
vation. That way of getting on has become mon
otonous. Relief from hunger was in sight and
for her people to be set going in the way of
prosperity simply was too much for the French
mind. She must have something more exciting.
Accordingly she turns to the torch, the firing
squad and the guillotine, in the calm assurance
that should she be dragged into hunger through
her pranks the rest of the world will tumble
over itself to feed her. And this is the country
Britain has allied herself with to get things
running smoothly throughout Europe and the
world. What has Uncle Sam to say of this
kettle of fish ? And what has the council of
nations to say about it? What will the United
Nations do about it?* * * »
Is Russia bluffing? Until the turn of the
century, Russia, as a nation, was believed to be
very poor. What wealth there was in that
strange land, was in the hands of a few. Later,
Russia passed through a revolution that wrought
liberty for hex- people. Revolutions, however,
are expensive. Furthermore,, we do not hear
of Russia’s doing much except business. Hex
trade with the world . was on a comparatively
small scale. Since thirty-nine, she has had an
exhausting war on her hands and a desperately
costly reconstruction period. Much of her gran
ary was left a heap of ashes. We are aware
of Russia’s natural resources. We believe that
these resources are undeveloped and therefore
not available fox- immediate use. We see the
Russian policy to be one of the bold face and
the strong arm wherever the strong arm is likely
to prevail. Of course the appearance of the.
strong arm will not be surprising if Russia has
found out that her brave face and aggressive
ness do not frighten the western powers any
longer. Russia is too wise to have Moscow fol
low in the wake of Berlin and Molotov share
the fate of Hitler and Goering-. Russia has a
good deal of sense. She realizes that the west
ern powers can strike quickly and very hard.
The next weeks may see interesting things is
suing from Moscow.
Note and Comment
Saw and hammer are making fine music
this good weather.
* * ■*»
Too bad that warm showers failed us just
as the small fruits greatly needed them.
The strawberry crop has gone but the
growers tell us the raspberries are in good form
so far.
» » » «
Ixx some way we must engage unionism as
a building- force rather than allow it to become
a “hold-back” as the nations harness theix’ pow
ers for getting on with the world’s work.
And now for the haying! There is every
indication that frequent showers will cause
some anxiety not to say some lively stepping
in the, hay harvesting.
The old swimming hole is a bit chilly!
Johnny and his mother may as well take no
tice. XVe expect that a good many of those ac
cidental deaths ixx the water are due to the chil
liness of the. water. The floods have left a num
ber of deep places that chill the unwary.
Some farmers ure anxious about the growth
of the crops. The seed in the majority of in
stances germinated well and for a while show
ed a satisfactory growth. This was followed by
a decided slowing down in the crop develop
ment. It looks as if the crops in many instances
suffered from the loss of tlxe humus washed
away by the excessive moisture of the ehrly
part of the summer and the seeding time.
4 4* 'w
Take a look--a good. long steady look—
at the map of Asia and of Eurojxc. Note the
space occupied, by Russia and the powers that
dare xxot call their souls their own for fear of
the. tooth and jaw of the Ru’ssian bear. Then
take a look at the little, group of western powers
and at the United States and at Canada three
thousand miles away in space and six months
away through dilly-dallying and drawing their
own conclusions about a number of things of
pressing and great importance,
Hurondale Picnic
And Presentation
On Friday, June 27th, a com
munity picnic was held at Huron
dale school. A large gathering en
joyed a most sumptuous repast af
ter which one and all entered
whole-heartedly into races and
sports. The following were winners
of the various events: Children 6
and under, Carolyn Oke, Bernice
Strang; boys and girls 6 to 8, Jim
mie Etlierington, Norman Hyde;
boys 8 to 10, Bobby Down, Ronnie
Rowcliffe; girls 8 to 10, Marilyn
Strang, Phyllis Cann; girls 11 to
12, Patsy Turkey, Peggy Rowcliffe;
boys 12 to 16, Andy Dougall, Ken
Moir; girls- 12 to 16, Veluia Fer
guson, 'Donna Mitchell;. young men,
Hugh Parsons, Andy Dougall;
young ladies, Velma Ferguson,
Wilma Dinnin; married men, Bill
Rowcliffe, Oscar Tuckey; married
ladies, Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, Mrs.
Bill Rowcliffe; men’s shoe race,
Wayne Tuckey, Clarence Down;
potato race, Velma Ferguson, Wan
da Tuckey; ladies, kicking the slip
per, Wanda Tuckey, Mrs. C. Moir;
men’s kicking the slipper, Bill
’Rowcliffe, Archie Etlierington;
necktie race, Mrs. Clifford Moir
and Mr. Oscar Tuckey; two-legged
race, Lloyd Ferguson and Ken
At the conclusion of the sports
the gathering adjourned to the
schoolroom were a highlight of the
evening took place. Miss Wilma Din
nin, retiring teacher, on behalf of
S.S. No. 1 Usborne, was presented
with two beautiful colored wool
blankets by Mrs. Hugh Love and
Mr. Clifford Moir. Mr. Harry Strang
read the following address:
Dear Miss Dinnin,
It is with genuine regret that we
have come to know that you are
severing your connections with
Hurondale, and we could not let
this occasion pass without letting
you know that you will be greatly
missed in this community. For
three years you have guided and
directed our little Hopefuls, and
through them we have come to
know you as a kind, considerate
and efficient teacher. With our
community gatherings you have
shown a keen interest and been
always ready to take part in. the
program. The school concerts at
Hallowe’en and Christmas have
been a source of real enjoyment to
everyone. And now may we wish
for you continued success in your
future undertakings and we venture
to hope you will attend some of
our gatherings from time to time
and renew the happy associations
we have all enjoyed with you. So,
on behalf of school section number
one, we ask you to accept this gift
as a token of our esteem and ap
(Signed) Pupils, Parents and
Friends, S.S. No. 1, Usborne.
The 'president, Clarence Down,
then conducted a short business
session. Officers for the coming
year were elected as follows: pres.,
Earl Mitchell; sec.-treas., Mrs. Bill
Rowcliffe; press reporter, Mrs.
Clarence Down.
Ideal weather prevailed tor Do
minion Day. Many persons from
this district attended the success
ful celebration at Seaforth. A num
hex* attended the circus in London
while others went to Grand Bend
or took in the races at Strathroy.
A gasoline tank belonging to Mr,
Roy Francis, of Kirkton, was brok
en into early Tuesday morning and
about fifteen gallons of gas were
Six Exeter girls are attending
camp at Goderich this week. They
are Misses June Clark, Margaret
Melville, Alta Harvey. Marjorie
May, Jean Elliot and Florence
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler, of
London, Mr. Bert Butler, of Crom
arty, and Mrs. Harvey Perkins and
daughter Nola, of Exeter, returned
Saturday evening from an 8,000
mile motor trip across Western
Canada, through the Rocky Moun
tains to Victoria, B.C.
During axx electrical storm Fri
day of last week lightning struck
a .telephone line oxi the fourth con
cession of Usborne. Several tele
phone poles were shattered.
The Exeter Canning Factory have
started their pea-pack. The factory
has installed some new machinery
fox- speeding up the work." New cap
ping machines have been added.
cPcUy s
otl. ontarr°
. v/bet perla-
' v/ant to * * WuCC
d^lLtdU on victory
While Mr. and Mrs E. L. Gibson
were sleeping oix the morning of
July 1st their house was struck
during a thunderstorm and their
bed was shattered to pieces by a
bolt of lightning. .Both Mr. and Mrs.
Gibson were uninjured. The light
ning struck a lightining rod on top
of the house and came straight
through the roof into the bedroom
leaving a hole through the ceiling.
It also ripped up a portion of. the
flooring in the room and knocked
over the stair railing. Going down
stairs the plastei- had been torn
from the walls and a portion or
the ceiling in the kitchen and fol
lowed the telephone wires out.
Mr. M. C. Tanton, of Tanton &
Co., lxas taken over the butcher
business of Brown and Son and in
future It will be known as the
Ideal Meat Market. The shop is be
ing repainted and made very at
One of the largest crowds in the
history of Grand Bend were pres
ent oxi Dominion Dav. An aeroplane
pilot performed numerous stunts
and the parachute jumper jumped
off the plane and landed in the
water. The day was fine although
The prizes in the school garden.,
competition were won by Stewart
Fuke, 1st; Bob Elleringtoxi, 2nd;
Warren May, 3rd. Mr. Wm. Ward
and Mrs. Geo. Mawson were the
Messrs. Jack Pryde and Jack
Stanbury of Caven Presbyterian
Sunday School are attending Boys’
Camp at Kintail, north of Godericn.
When a visitor to our
province pays for fo.od
or accommodation or
gasoline or amusement,
we ail benefit. Yes, you
will be better off for
every cent the tourist
business brings to
Ontario even ifyou have
no direct connection
with any of our visitors.
So let us all do every
thing we can to "Make
them want to come back!"
Ono of o series of advertisements about
Ontario Holiday* published in the public inferost by John Labatt Limited
Car Owner
Donionion Day was quietly cele
brated in Exeter on Saturday. A
great many ears passed through
town. Many of the citizens spent
the day at Grand Bend, Centralia
and Elimville. The weather was
ideal for ah outing.
Huron County Loyal Orange
Lodge held its annual church serv
ice in Exeter Sunday afternoon
when about. 3 50 members of the
order attended Divine Service in
Trivitt Memorial Church when Rev.
A. A. Trumper preached a suitable
R. G. Seldon’s rink of bowlers
brought home the Hyndman trophy
from the Dominion Day tourney at
the Elmwood greens, London. The
rink was composed of T. ;S. Woods,
J. A. Stewart, W. W. Taman and
R. G. Seldon.
Miss Vera Jones left on Monday
for Guelph to take the summer
course in agriculture at the O.A.C.
Miss Amy Johns, teacher near
St. Catharines, and Miss Ruby
Wood, teacher at Thedford, have
returned to tlieir homes for the
A quiet wedding took place at
the parsonage, Staffa, on Thursday,
June 29th, when Miss Susan Klein-
feldt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kleinfeldt, was united in mar
riage to Mr. George Link, of Dash
wood, hy Rev. E. J. Roulston.
If von want better
performance,, freedom from
trouble, and quicker service, at
lower cost per mile, see your Texaco
1 Service maxi. A lot of motorists in this district
i solve theix- maintenance problems here.
Ij Your Texaco Sei-vice Station
Three Detroit residents were bad
ly shaken up at Grand early Thurs
day night when 'the car in which
they were traveling along the Blue
Water highway struck another car
parked at the edge of the road. The
three, Gordon Lowrey, 21, the driv
er, and Mr. and Mrs. H. IRusesill,
were taken to Forest for medical
treatment. About $35 0 damages
was caused the American car. The
parked vehicle, believed to belong
to berry pickers, was not immedi
ately identified. Provincial Con
stable Charles Wilkinson investi
Running water is a
necessity in the farm
home today. And in stables,
barns, poultry houses, green
houses and truck gardens if
adds production and profit
enough to soon pay for a
DURO Pump installation. The
new DURO is the Farmer's
Pump — built to give a life
time of satisfactory service.
See us for complete informa
Mt &e>ui
ReV Chas. Smith preached ’liis
initiatory sermon in the Main St.
Methodist Church last Sunday mor
Mr. W. G. Bissett has purchased
Mr. Bice’s entire stock of bicycles
and will conduct the business in
Miss Della Crocker has returned
from iBlyth after spending the mil
linery season there.
On Monday night last thieves
entered the private residence of
Mr. R. H. Collins by means of a
cellar window and aftex* ransacking
the lower part of the house carried
away a small money bank contain
ing three or four dollars and two
rings. The inmates of the house
were all sleeping upstairs at the
time and did not hear the slightest
Arthur G. Kemp has been ap
pointed as junior clerk at the Ex
eter branch of the Molson’s Bank.
Messrs. Seaman and Weigand,
butchers at Dashwood, have dis
solved partnership, The business
will be conducted by Mr. Seaman
while Mr. Weigand will move onto
his farm in Hay Township.
Messrs. Williams, McDonell and
Day shipped three carloads of
horses to Liverpool market on Sat
urday last. There were forty in all.
Mr. Williams accompanied them.
Can I Afford to Get
Away For A Holiday?
You Can, If You Plan
With the holiday season here,
many people have decided to spend
vacations at home. “We’d like to
go away, but how can we afford it?”
they say.
James Hendry, local Bank of
Montreal manager, was discussing
this problem yesterday. He thinks
a lot of people could fit holiday
travel into tlieir budgets by a
little extra planning, and the ex
perience of many B of M customers
confirm his views.
“Every year more and more folks
start a B of M account just for
vacationing. They set a reasonable,
financial objective and achieve it
by depostiing steadily every pay
day,” Mr. Hendry says. “By next
holiday time they’re all set. It’s a
wonderful feeling . . . planning and
saving add to the fun of the holi
day > . . and it’s never too soon to
begin. (advt.)
£m c o
Fixtures & Fittings
Styled for Beauty and Utility
for EMCO Kitchen, Bathroom and
Laundry . , . protect the health
of your family . . . add to tho
comforts of daily living. Learn
how easily and economically you
can modernize your home. Call
us today.
Smiles . . . .
The decrepit old car drove up
to the toll bridge. “Fifty cents,”
cried the bridgeman. “Sold,” re
plied the driver.
Customer: “Take a look at what
you did to this!” Laundryman:
“J can’t see anything wrong with
that piece of lace.” Customer:
“'Lace, nothing! That was a sheet!”
Jiggs: “Many a man has a talent
for conversation which he has had
no opportunity of turning to ac
Jinks; “Um—er—yes; I am mar
ried myself.”