The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-03, Page 4Page 4 REAL ESTATE COMING EVENTS FOR SALE THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 3rd, 1947 "ff NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR .SALE—Brick house and one- fifth acre of land, possession Ap­ ril 15th; frame house and four lots; also two vacant lots. Apply Geo. Barkner, Exeter. 3:10c FARM FOR SALE—150-aere grass farm, 1% miles north of Cor­ bett. Apply W. H. Hotson, Grand Bend. 27:3*i PASTURE FARMS ARE SCARCE —We have two fifties in Hay Twp., no buildings. Close to Exeter. Also 100 in grass with good set of buildings. C. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. VI FOR SALE—75 acres with build­ ings, 2 miles from Exeter. Must be sold to settle estate, other farms. C. Realtor, Exeter. Also V. Pickard. LOTS FOR SALE—Three on Sen­ ior street and ten on Sanders street. Fred Simmons, Exeter. * HOUSES IF’OR SALE— 1%-storey brick house, equipped with conveniences, nicely " ated in Exeter. 2-storey brick house with conveniences in Crediton. 2-storey brick house with veniences, Hensall. Gould be made into apartments. W. C. Pearce. Exeter 27* situ- some con- EARM FOR SALE—If it must be 100 acres of fertile well-drained land with 45 acres of fall plow­ ing done and ready to produce a good crop this year—If it must be near the city, on the highway, and you want immediate posses­ sion, I have just the farm, and I am going to sell it quick. It has a nice 1%-storey red brick house with hydro, new furnace and 3- piece bath, also large bank barn with steel staunchions, steel calf ■pens and water bowls as well as a good cement silo and good drive shed. The price of $10,500 would not replace the buildings and you can buy it with half cash; first farm east of Sebringville. The school is on the corner of this farm and you can purchase a new Ford-^F’erguson Tractor and full set of implements as well as my new Ford car with this farm if you want them. Apply to owner, H. L. Snider, phone 64W, Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick house, with conveniences, well located in Exeter. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. TWO ACREAGES FOR SALE — Edge of Exeter. 20 acres with good brick house; small barn and hennery; hydro and water pressure throughout; 3 acres of garden land with good brick house, with modern con­ veniences; small barn. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. FARMS FOR SALE— 150 acres, rich, well drained land, ■bush, Stephen, -buildings with hydro. 150 acres, fertile, well drained land, bush, Logan, buildings with most conveniences. 100 acres, clay loam, near Lucan, hydro, bargain. 100 acres, Con. 4, Hay, good buildings, bush. 75 acres pasture, some maple bush, Hay. Other farms also. W. C. Pearce. Exeter. 27* NOTICES OPTICAL PARLORS OPEN Zurbrigg Optical Parlors open Saturday, April 5th, o’clock. Mr. Shafer, of Toronto, in charge. Watch paper for future open dates. c will 9 to will be 5 be ATTENTION FARMERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN At a special meeting of the Council of the Township of Stephen held on (Friday 1947, it was Council would Power Sprayer for the control in the year 1947. The Council feel that spraying cannot be 10 0 per cent, effective, unless the adjoining Townships take some action or un­ til it is compulsory that every farmer must spray. This notice ap­ pears that you may know the de­ cision of the Council and that you may take steps to treat your own cattle. 3 L. B. Hodgson, Clerk. evening, March 2 8, decided that the not purchase a for spraying cattle of the Warble Fly, WE ARE NOW READY to take or­ ders for cement and road gravel, also filler. We have two trucks and can assure prompt service. Truckers Roy and Wilmer Mc­ Donald, Box 179, Exeter, or call Miss Jean McDonald at 95 Exeter any day except Wednesday after­ noon and Sunday. Hensail, phone Glenn 'McLean 84r21. NOTICE—I am soliciting orders for sand, gravel and fill. Please phone H. Lawrence, 126, Hen­ sall. 20:27:3:10* ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and Wanda were in London on Friday and in the evening attended the Technical School Revue, Mr, Mur­ ray Stephen took part in the program singing In the Glee Club, ANNUAL MEETING The Exeter District Co-Operative • will hold its annual meeting on Friday evening, April 11th, at 8 p.m. in iMeKnight’s Hall, Members and patrons are requested to keep this date in mind. The reports will be presented and proposed plans received. The special speaker for the evening will be Mr. Ralph Staples, president of the Canadian Co-Operative Unions and Director of the United Farmers Co-Operative FOR SALE — Six hundred used bricks. Apply Doug. pryde.* FOR SALE—Iron pump with about 25 ft. pipe, in Main St. Church shed. Apply at the Parsonage. 3c FOR SALE—An electric range $35. Trivitt Parish Hall or apply at the Rectory. 3c FOR SALE — Woods milker com­ plete with pipes for 14 cows. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 3* LOST AND FOUND LOST-—In Exeter on Saturday last, a girl’s billfold containing a small sum of money and snapshots. Finder please leave at Times- Advocate. 3* LOST—In Exeter on Saturday, Mar. 22, a small gold wrist watch with link chain. Reward. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 3c FOUND — A small locket. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3c BABY CHICKS APRIL CHICKS—make your choice Kitchener’ Big-4. Husky, healthy, from good stock, Canada Approved, breeders pullorum tested. Special April some Soon grow kets. 'Save time by contacting agent J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood, Phone collect Dashwood 32r4 prices. Pullets, cockerels; started. Immediate shipment, out on range — watch them to catch meat and egg mar- BARGAINS on two, three, four and five week old cockerels, while they last. Barred Rock, New Hampshire, New Hamp, x B. Rock, two week old $10.95, Assorted Heavies $10.75. Three week old add $2.00, 4 week old add 4.00; five week old add $6.00. Large Egg quality add $1.00; Specially Selected add $2.00 per hundred to above prices. Also pul­ let and non-sexed' chicks in above ages at rock bottom prices. Ship­ ped C.-O.D. This advertisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. TOP NOTCH CHICKEREES, Guelph, Ontario. GIANTS that grows, old liens are lift them.” JERSEY WHITE The biggest chicken One lady said, “The so big I can hardly Make wonderful capons and roast­ ers. (Great winter layers. Lange brown eggs. Chickens hatch­ ing weekly. $17.00 per hundred. Sold only straight run. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 King Street, LONDON. Ontario. PROTECT YOUR CHICKS Use Ren-O-Sal in the water. The double duty drinking water medi­ cine. As a tonic makes chicks grow and keeps them healthy. Works like magic on Coccidiosis. •Sold at NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 King St., ________LONDON, Ontario. A-l BABY -CHICKB, tested Large Barred Sussex Rocks. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list. Phone 3 8-3 Gran­ ton. tfc from blood­ stock; Barred Rocks; Type White Leghorns; Rock x White Leghorn; x New Hampshire; Red x Write or phone A. H. PERSONAL Men. use “VIGORINE” if weak, run­ down, nervous. Get renewed pep, vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum­ bago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief. Roberson’s Drug Store. MISCELLANEOUS YOUR OWN BUSINESS! This is very easy to establish by joining our 900 active Dealers. There are splendid territories in your neighborhood where you can ■make $35. to $60. a week or more. Very little money required. Write for full details — .'FREE ON REQUEST — FAMILEX, ■DEPT. H 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 2 WE CAN HELP YOU When you find trouble in your young chicks or your laying birds, let us help you. Our poultry health service is free. We have also avail­ able a scientific diagnosis by poul­ try experts from Dr. Salisbury’s Laboratories. You chance health cannot afford to take a and just guess when the of your flock is concerned. L. V. HOGARTH, Phone 266 13:20:27:3c RADIO REPAIR SERVICE — All makes of radios expertly repair­ ed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave radios at Beavers Hardware or phone 26. DUPLICATE KEY'S cut for most cars, and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware, FOR SALE—One % h.p. heavy duty motor; one wood turning lathe, 45 inches long, both brand new. Phone 259. 3* JUST RECEIVED a shipment of screen wire for fanning mill screens. Beavers Hardware. 3c“ In the Estate of WILLIAM II. BROWN, deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of William H. Brown, late of the Village of Crediton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of January 1947, are required to file particu­ lars of the same with the under­ signed executors by the 15th day I of April 1947 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 27th day of March, 1947. WILFRED MACK, IRVINE FINKBEINER, HERBERT K. EILBER, Executors, Crediton, Ont.3:10c FOR 'SALE—Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Tom. Apply to Mrs. H, Faber, one mile south of Hen­ sall, phone 85rl2 Hensall. 3* FOR SALE — 4-burner Hotpoint electric stove, also roll-top elec­ tric ironer. E. Hughes, R.R. 1, Exeter. 3 * FOR SALE — 100 used windows, suitable for poultry houses. R. E. Balkwill. 3c FOR SALE—Quantity of feed tur­ nips. Albert Etherington, phone 171r6 Exeter. 3c FOR SALE — 3-piece chesterfield suite. ’Phone 186W, Exeter. 3c •FOR SALE1—A few loads of No. 1 mixed hay, buyer to draw hay1; also 200 White Leghorn hens. Apply t0 W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 3* FOR 'SALE — Remington 12-gauge pump gun, in perfect condition. Leonard Sararas, R.R. 1, Dash­ wood. Phone Zurich 87rll. 3:10c PERMANENT PASTURE—We have at our warehouse on the farm a limited quantity of special fer­ tilizer for Permanent Pasture; also fertilizer for all crops. N. Stanlake, Phone 3 6r2 Dashwood. ■FOR SALE-—About 10 ton pea en­ silage; also some Galore barley. Ehone Jas. Gardiner, 21rl0 Kirk- • ton. 3c i FOR SALE—Fordson tractor in fair running condition. Apply to Arn­ old Gackstetter, R.R. 2, Hensall, phone 1001-33. 3* FOR SALE—-Two bronze turkey hens and one gobbler. These are good birds and should be laying before long. If interested phone 171-21 Crediton. 3c FOR SALE-—Filing cabinet, 6 ft. high and 3 ft. 29 ins. wide and has a depth of 16 ins., made of wood, is in No. 1 condition, col­ lapsible so that it can be moved easily. Apply at Times-Advocate. 6:13* FOR SALE — 'Circulating heater stove, cream imitation marble front, walnut ends, burns wood or coal, stands about 40” high. Apply iat Times-Advocate. 3* FOR 'SALE — Registered Hereford bull, 13 months old, good qual­ ity. Apply to Leonard D. Thack­ er, 1 % miles south of Woodham. Phone Kirkton 18rl9. 3* FOR SALE—An oil incubator, 400- egg capacity in excellent con­ dition. Apply to Russell Webb, phone 34rl0 Dashwood. 3* FOR SALE—Schick “Flyer” elect­ ric razor, smooth running. Harry Parsons, Exeter. FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet; din­ ing room table and three chairs; hall seat; wardrobe; living room rug, 9’ x 12’; Congoleum rug, 9’ x 10%’; rocking chair; three- quarter mattress; and four wall cabinets. Mrs. W. S. Cole, Exeter, corner William and Victoria Sts. Phone 19. 27tfc i SEED FOR SALE — 1,000 bushels Beaver and Ajax Oats, new heavy yielding, rust resisting varieties grown from registered- and certi­ fied seed, price $1.35 and $1.00 respectfully; 500 bushels Galore barley at $1.25. These stood near the top in field crop competition in large acreage. W. C. F. Oes-| tricher, Crediton, Ont. 20:27:3c REN-O-SAL Yes, we have it now; also at local dealers. L. V. HOGARTH, Telephone 266 WANTED all 3:10 c WANTED TO RENT—-50 to 100 acres good pasture. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3c WANTED — furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. ! I WANTED—Young married man as an accountant. Apply at Times- Advocate, 13c WANTED — A stenographer and bookkeeper. Apply at 9?inies- Advocate. 13c Swap it! Sell it! Rent it! Buy it! Usd the WantnAdS. In the EState of WALTER SOVEREIGN, of the Village of Lucan in the County of Middlesex, Deceased.Printer, ALL against the Estate of the above mentioned person, who died at the Village of Lucan, on the 15th day of October, 1946, are required to file proof of same with the under­ signed Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 10th day of May, 1947. AFTER THAT DATE, the assets of said Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. •DATED at London, Ontario, this 27th day of March, A.D. 1947. ELDON W. MITCHELL, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc., No. 169% Dundas Street, LONDON Ontario. 3:17-lc persons having claims IN THE MATTER of the Estate of SIMON V. RATZ, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate .of the late Simon V. Ratz, who died on the 2Sth day of February 19 47, are hereby noti­ fied to send them to the under­ signed, duly verified, on or before the Sth day of April 19 47. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrat­ or shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 13th of March 1947. G'LADMAN & COCHRANE, Solicitors for the Administrator. 20:27:3 AUCTION SALES day AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 8, Con. 4, Stephen Township on THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1947 at 1 p.m., • TERMS—CASH ISAM ROLLINS, Prop. GEORGE LAW-SON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS Wm. H. Smith, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at Main Street, Crediton on SATURDAY, APRIL oth, 1947 at 1:30, the following: FURNITURE- sideboard; two beds, mattresses; extension couches 7 kitchen chairs, 3 rockers 2 small table; alarm clock; dining­ room clock; Quebec heater; mir­ rors; Quebec range; lamps; coal oil stove;, trunk; kitchen cupboard; clothes horse; commode chair; ironing board; boiler; quilts and bedding; chamber pail; valises; chenille table cloth; dishes; kitchen utensils; carpenter tools; coal scut­ tle; garden tools; two single cord of birch wood; quantity of coal; carpets and mats; kitchen -cabinet; coal oil stove with oven; hall rack; plenty of other articles, REAL ESTATE' — A 1%-storey frame house with 1-5 acre of land on Main street, Crediton. Sold sub­ ject to a reasonable reserve bid. The Estate of the late William Brown. TERMS cash. Real of sale. WM. H. _____, Crediton, phone 43-2, E. SMITH, Clerk, IRVINE FINKBEINER, WIL­ FRED D. MACK, HERBERT K. EILBER Executors. ’Solid .oak antique springs and table; two OF SALE — Chattels, Estate, made known day SMITH, Auctioneer, CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions 'from STUART THIEL to sell by public auction at Lot S, Coil. 9, Hay Township 2% miles east and 1 mile north Dashwood on'Babylon Line, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1947 HORSES—Matched team of bay mares, rising 7-8 years, guaranteed true in every way; bay filly, rising 2, general purpose. CATTLE — Black tow With cklf at foot; Hereford heifer with calf of at foot; black cow, due to freshen before sale time; Durham heifer, due to freshen before sale date; Brindle cow, due to freshen in April; Hereford cow, due to fresh­ en in April; black Jersey cow, due to freshen in May; Guernsey heif­ er, in calf; 2 purebred Jerseys, 1 fresh, 1 due in July; Holstein cow, ................................... 5milking; Brindle heifer, fresh; 2-year-old heifers; 4 baby beefs. HOGS-—2 choice sows, 1 due April, 1 in May; 6 chunks, POULTRY—65 good hens; chicken shelter, IMPLEMENTS—IFordson tractor, in good condition; .tractor Cock- shutt 2-furrow plow; M-H binder, 6 ft. cut; McCormick fertilizer drill, good as new, 11-hoe; 2 cultivators, 1 3-horse, 1 2-horse; 4 section har­ rows; bean scuf fler; hand scuff - ler; M-H hay rake; Fleury walk­ ing plow; steel wagon; rubber- tired wagon; 16-ft. hay rack, good as new; Clinton fanning mill; set of sleighs; cutter; for sleigh; good as mounted ibritchen harness; tops; collars; cream separator, De­ Laval; 2 steel pig troughs; chop box, lined with tin; large water trough; shovels; hoes; neckyokes; pails; and other articles. •PROPERTY—At the same time and place the following property will be offered for sale, subject to reserved bid, Lot 3, Concession 9, Township of Hay, composed of 100 acres, fine 2-storey brick house, large bank barn with straw shed, cement stabling throughout, garage ■and work shop, 2 never-failing wells with good water, 10 acres of 8 acres of wheat, 20 mSres seeded, 30 acres ploughed for spring seeding. TERMS — Chattels, cash, erty, 10 per cent, day of sale, bal­ ance in 30 days. Sale at 1:00 p.m. EARL WEIDO, Clerk, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. in 1 good platform new brass collar bush, newly ready CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 21, Con. 6 and 7, Hibbert on TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1947 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp, the ■following': HORSES —■ Bay mare, rising 6’ years old; brown mare,’ rising 5 years old. CATTLE—(25 Registered Scotch ■Shorthorn Cattle): 12 cows, fresh; 5 bulls, 6 heifers, 2 bulls by Klay- niour Indemnity; 1 bull by Klay- mour Herald, that sired the top selling female at Russell sale. Herd sire (Braidoon Esquire. The above cattle include such famous fami­ lies as Myrtle, Orange Blossom. Eliza, Roan Lady, Claret, Jilt and Duchess; all heifers vaccinated and sold subject to T.B. test, cows, milking; 10 good steers, 1,000 lbs. each; yearlings; 4 heifer calves. HOGS — 2 brood sows pigs, 7 weeks old; 20 hogs from 120 to 180 lbs. each. FOWL—300 yearling hens. 'SHEEP—'30 choice Oxford ewes, some with lambs, 'balance due in April and 'May. IMPLEMENTS—Mc.-D. 3-furrow tractor plow, new; g ft- tandem disc; iMlc.-D. new 750 lb. capacity separator; Mc.-D. rubber tired wa­ gon; set of sleighs; 50-gal. trie feed cooker. Positively no reserve, the • sold. TERMS—CASH ALVIN VIVIAN, Proprietor, W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. 4 grade Durham 10 good with 21 elec­ is farm AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Con. 6, Usborne Township Elimville Corner, on 'TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1947 at 1:30 p.m., the following: CATTLE — 5 young cows "with calves at foot; cow, due in May; cow, milking good; 7 yearlings; 7 calves; 7 two-year-olds; purebred Durham bull. iPIGS — 2 sows with litters, 3 weeks old; 2 young sows with pigs; 25 chunks, around 125 pounds. IMPLEMENTS—Binder; mower; dump rake; seed drill; set of scales. TERM'S—CASH JOHN H. HERDMAN, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, .FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, IMPLEMENTS, AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mr. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell public auction at Lot 7, Con. 4, Hay,Township 3 % miles north-west of Exeter WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9th, 1947 by on at 1:00 o’clock the following: FARM IMPLEMENTS — log bunks for same; cutter: gravel box; hay rack harness, team and single harrow; root pulper; fanning mill scales, galvanized water fler; tion steel plow spreader er, 6 ft. cut ft. cut; hay loader, horse rake; chains; shovejs; forks; garden tools; etc, FURNITURE — Kitchen cabinet; •Clare Bros. Jewel range; 3-burner coal oil stove; kitchen table and ■Sleighs, wagon; top buggy; wheel- DeLaval cream separator; tank: single scuf- cultivator; disc; hoe gang plow; plow; stiff tooth harrows; roller walking McCormick (Deering bind- Brantford mower, 5 M-H side rake; : 3-sec- drlll; sulky manure chairs; dining-room furniture; 2 couches; rocking chairs; small table; complete furnishings for 3 bedrooms; Willis piano and bench; lamps; Aladdin lamp; 3 congoleum rugs; washing machine and wring­ er; tapestry rug; kitchenware; sealers; apple drier. REAL ESTATE—Subject t0 re­ serve bid and if not sold in the meantime, there will be offered at the same time and place (1) Lot 7, Con. 4, Hay Twp., being 100 acres with good brick house, gar­ age attached, barn 40x6 8, good stabling, straw shed 30x50 to form L, with henhouses, hog pens and implement storage, all with metal roof, windmill and good water sup­ ply. (2) Pasture Farm, being 75 acres, parts of Lots 6 and 7, Con. 5, Hay Twp., in one parcel, wind­ mill and never-failing supply of water, some hardwood bush. TERMS OF ’SALE — Chattels, cash. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. MRS. CHA'S. E. ADDWORTH, Proprietress, MR. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9th, 1947 Lot 4, Con. 6, Usborne Township 1 mile and a half south of Elimville at 1 p.m., the following: ■CATTLE—Cow due May 2; cow due M'ay 15; cow due time of sale; cow milking good; cow with calf at foot; 6 yearling heifers; 10 yearling steers; 3 heifers, 1 year old; 3 steers, 1 year old; 1 fat steer; 1 fat heifer. PIGS—8 chunks; 26 weaners; sow with 10 pigs; 2 sows due in May; purebred York hog; 25 chunks, 60 lbs.; 5 pigs, HO lbs. IMPLEMENTS—Stiff tooth cul­ tivator, power lift; International tractor disc; 2-row Cockshutt corn scuffler; iM.H. hay tedder; M.l-I. •hay loader; Deering mower, 5 ft., in good shape. 50 bus. Cartier oats, from tified seed. TERMS—CASH HARRY COLE, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. Cer- AUCTION SALE OF 46 HEAD OF CATTLE (Hereford and Durham), IMPLEMENTS AND STOCK The undersigned auctioneer received instructions from DAVID MORLEY to sell by public auction at Lot 14, Con. 13, McGillivray 3 miles north of Ailsa Craig, on THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1947 COWS—Reg. years -old; Reg. Hereford cow, 4 years, bred Jan. 27; Reg. Hereford ■heifer, 2 years, due in April (this heifer was one of the outstanding heifers sold at Stutt (Brothers sale at Forest last fall); Reg. yearling heifer; 3 heifer cows, 8 years old; Hereford cow, 7 years; Hereford cow, 6 years; 2 Hereford cows, 5 years; Hereford cow, 4 years; Here­ ford cow, 3 years; Durham cow, 8 years; Durham cow, 7 years; 2 Dur­ ham cows, 6 years; Durham cow, 5 years; Durham cow, 12 years; farrow cow. (These cows are bred to calve this spring). Hereford heifers, open; 5 yearling white-faced heifers; 4 yearling white-faced steers; 3 bull calves, about 8 months; '2 bull calves, 6 months; fall heifer calf; fall bull calf. All the younger cattle have been vaccinated for Bangs disease. YOUNG CATTLE — 7 2-year-old white-faced steers; 3 2-year-old This is a herd of good beef cattle in good condition. HORSES—'Team matched Belgian horses, 12 years. IMPLEMENTS — Case -tractor, Model D, on rubber, fully equipped, like new; 2-furrow Int. tractor plough, nearly new; Case hammer mill, 12”, nearly new; J. Deere forage harvester, used 2 years; McC. hay loader, nearly new; side delivery rake, nearly new; M-H dump rake, used one year; McC. mower; Bissel team disc; M-H team scuiffler, nearly new; sleigh; walk­ ing plough; steel-tired wagon; rub­ ber-tired wagon, with four new 16- inch 8-ply farm tires. This wagon is fitted with a one man hay rack, complete. FEED—A few loads of hay. Plan to attend this good sale. Everything to be soTd'-as proprietor is has Hereford bull, 5 giving up farming. TERMS OF SALE—CASH Sale at 1 p.m. WM. PATTERSON, OLIVER AMOS, Clerks, J. R. Mc'LEAN, Auctioneer, R.R. 2, Parkhill. CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FEED W. iE. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 14, Con. 11, Hibbert Twp., % mile east of Cromarty, on^ MONDAY, APRIL 14th, 1947 commencing at 1 o’clock the fol­ lowing; HORSES—Aged mare registered. CATTLE “ ‘’ - cow; years bull, fresh in April; Durham cow, due in Ap­ ril; Durham cow, due in May; Dur­ ham cow, - due in heifers, 2 years yearlings; 4 calves Registered Shorthorn registered Shorthorn heifer, 2 old; registered Shorthorn 1 year old; 2 Durham cows, 2 months; Hereford cow, due July; 6 Durham old; 4 Durham ; 2 young calves. HOGS—11 hogs, GO lbs. FOWL—150 yearling hens, Sus­ sex x Hamp. GRAIN—A quantity of grain; i ton picking corn. (IMPLEMENTS—M-H 15-disc fer- ; M-H side rake; M-H ; M-H hay tedder; Mc- 12-foot steel 9-foot stiff tractor culti- ■M-H binder; cultivator; •cultivator; fan­ grader; cutting box walking plow; root light sleighs; 16-foot truck sides; stock tilizer drill hay loader; Cormick corn binder;’ hay rake; vator; M-H binder; •Cockshutt 2-row corn John Deere manure spreader; ning mill and and carriers; pulper; set of rolling rack; rack; 2,000 lb. scales; Viking cream separator; % h.p. motor; buggy; colony house 8x10; brooder stove; feeders; fountains; steel supply tank 4’x4’xl2'; steel gas drum; set of double ’harness; single harness; bags; quantity of gas piping; wheel­ barrow; whiffletrees; fork; hoes; shovels; etc. (Positively no reserve. The farm is rented. TERMS—CASH MRS. GRACE SCOTT, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 24, Con. 4, McGillivray Twp. on TUESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES—Clyde gelding, 7 years- old; Clyde gelding, 12 years old; Clyde mare, 4 years old; Clyde mare, aged. CATTLE’—2 cows, supposedly in calf; i2' heifers, fat, if not sold be­ fore; 2 steers, 18 months; heifer,. 18 months; 2 .calves, 6 months. IMPLEMENTS — Deering binder, 7 ft.; mower, 5 ft.; seed drill; cul­ tivator, new; 14-plate disc; set of scow sleighs, new; wagon and rack; hay rake, dump; set of 4 wide har­ rows; set of 4 narrow harrows; cutting box; root pulper; ■ riding plough; walking plough; Oliver twin plough; scuffler; potato hill— er; clover buncher; cutter; fanning mill; 2,000 lb. scales; emery grind­ er; rope machine; rolling coulters; forge; anvil; work vise; pick-up teeth for of sleigh irons; cast of plank roller irons; er; blacksmith bench and binder; set knees; set set of double harness; set of hamesr 4 tugs, double; single -harness; collars and straps; cream separa­ tor; pea harvester; 40 gal. steel barrel and tap; 40 gal. steel barrel; 2 wooden barrels, 40 gal.; wheel­ barrow; twine, several balls; grind, ^tone; lawn mower; roll of woven wire; inch lumber and plank; ropes and slings; cant hook and swamp hock; crosscut saw; bucksaw; sev­ eral doubletrees in rough; yokes; hooks; thing that accumulates around a. farm. 'Shotgun; planes; squares; axes; ’hammers; hand axe; chisels; wrenches and tools; too numerous, to mention. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES—Cook stove and pipes; box stove; dres­ sers; wash stand; tables; -chairs; lounge; victrolo and records; dish­ es; pails; pans; cream cans; wash- . ing machine; beds; springs; pic­ tures; carpet sweeper; linoleum: sealers; bird cage. FARM—At the same time -and place there will be offered for sale- the farm, 100 acres, good brick house, bank barn, 3 acres bush, well fenced, plenty of water. •Positively no reserve. TERM'S O’F -SALE — Chattels, cash. Terms of Real Estate made- known 'on day of sale. H. W. BANTING, 'Prop. GEO. LAWSON Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct neck­ whiff letrees; scythe; corn forks; shovels; and every- AUCTION S^LE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 21, Con. 3, Steplien Township 1 mile west of Exeter, on THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, at 1 p.m., the following: HORSE'S—Filly, rising 3 2 geldings, rising rising 6 years. COWS—2 cows, old; cow, milking, cow, due time oY May 5th; 4 heifers, 4 2-year-old heifers’. (PIGS—2 sows with litter 6 sucking pigs, § weeks chunks, 100 pounds each. TIENS—60 hens, culled and T.B. tested, 1 year old. GRAIN—250 bus. Valor oats;- 200 bus. Valor oats and Velvet bar­ ley mixed, all fit for seed; 8 tons hay. IMPLEMENTS — .Int. walking ' plow; Int. cultivator; Int. side rake; Int. fertilizer drill; Int. team scuff- ler, diamond harrows, four section, Bissel packer, 10 ft.; Bissel disc, 16 plate, tractor hitch; tfuck wag­ on on steel, new; wood wagon, with flat rack; set sleighs With flat rack; root pulper; wheelbarrow; Case' 'hay loader; green pick-up, new; set double harness, new; electric brooder, 500-chick capacity; power­ clippers, new; chicken shelters; Int. cream separator with (motor; steel water trough; chop box; grain bags; cross-cut saw, ‘new; doubletrees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; pails-, and many other articles. TERMS—'CASH FRANK KING, Prop. GEORGE LAW-SON, Clerk, 'FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer.. 5 years; fresh, 3 ■bred in sale , rising .Int. 1947 years; mare, years- Jan.; cow, due1 1 year; at foot; old; 25-