The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-11-15, Page 44 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15tl>, 1945 * ' ■- *w re A Treat For Music Xdiyets « A CHOIR OF SIXTY VOICES from Talbot St., Baptist Church, London will provide a high class Musical Entertainment in James Street United Church Friday/ November J6th under the auspices of the James St. W,A Robt, Sproule, outstanding violinist, and Miss Alice Miller, a talented reader, will assist with the program. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M., Organist and Choir Leader ADMISSION: Adults 35c; Children 25c Do not miss this splendid program! EDEN RED CROSS UNIT 17 on Sat./ Nov, 17th from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Legion Rooms Home Cooking, Aprons, Towels, Everybody Welcome etc. Exeter Arena f Music by CKNX AMBASSADORS Dancing Nine to One Sponsored by . the Exeter Agricultural Society Proceeds to be used for the erection of new grandstand Admission 50c COMMITTEE FROM LIONS MAKE TWO-DAY TOUR A committee appointed by the Lions Club to formulate some plan for the spehding of some $8,000 in a project or projects for th'e betterment of Exeter and commun­ ity made a two-day trip last week and visited a number of towns to find out some of the things that are proving successful in other centres.. The $8,000 is a welfare fund that has been established dur­ ing the war years. At Petrolia the Lions Glub are remodelling the rink and have put in a cement flooring for the playing of basket-ball and other games. The finest piece of community work was seen at West Lome, a community of about 800 population, who have planned a rink something after the pattern of the Exeter Arena. They have a hall erected ana an enclosure- for hockey and are only awaiting per­ mission to erect the rink. There is a wading pool for the children and swings and teeter-totters. A number of the public-spirited citizens, of which Gordon Stonehouse of Cana­ dian Canners, a former resident of Exeter, is one, were the prime movers. At Kingsville the Commit­ tee called on Lyle Statham who has a flourishing drug business. At Blenheim they called on W. ‘ H. Moise, former manager of the Bank of Montreal and at St. Thomas they called on’Wm. Floyd, also a former bank manager. Friends of Jack Moise, who is with the Canadian forces in England, will be pleased to know that he is taking a course in art at Exeter, England. The com­ mittee comprised Sandy Elliot, Jas. Hendry, J. M. and H. O. Southcott. dance and presentation FOR NEWLY-WEDS . Tuesday evening a dance was held in the Slxeter Opera House in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer, manager of the Turnip Waxing Plant, a subsidiary ef the Canadian Canners Ktd, Mr. and Mrs. Winer recently returned frpm their honey­ moon and during the festivities they were presented with a chester­ field chair, a china cabinet and a large Jiving-rnom mirror, Mr, Ted Sims was chairman of the evening, Mr, Spud Nelson, brother-in-law of the bride, and his “Spud Nelson Orchestra” of London, Ont,, provid­ ed splendid dance music for the oc­ casion. Dick Howard, of Exeter, de­ livered tation couple. "Dear Friends:—-We, your friends and neighbors have gathered here this evening to spend a few hours together, and welcome you, Mrs. Winer, to our community. Seth, let US congratulate you upon your choice and wish you both a long and happy married life. May all your troubles be little ones. We ask you to accept these small tokens, as a remembrance of your many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Winer spoke briefly in response, after which the assembled guests joined in singing, “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows,” Among the guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Keener; Mr. and Mrs. Spud Nelson; Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Chapman, all of London Ont,; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bentley, of Hamilton; Mr. Erwin Scott, of the Scott Elevators, Lucan, Ont.; and Mr. Joseph Benn, Fruit and Vegetable Inspector, Ot­ tawa the address for the presen- of the gifts to the lucky service—2 boys ready now your car at The Ford Gar- Quick to wash age on Saturdays—49c. Refreshment Booth Farm Sold OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Mr. Frank Gunning whose farm was reported to have been sold to Mr. Lagerwerf, of Clandeboye, has recently been sold through the government to Mr. Klahre, of Gran­ ton, who is at present employed on the farm of Mr. Keith Riddle, of London, agricultural representative for Middlesex, for the price previ­ ously mentioned. Mr. Klahre will take possession shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Gunning intend to move to Exeter to reside in the house on Sanders Street recently purchased from Mr. H. Rivers. GRAND BEND RED CROSS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING At the annual meeting of the Grand Bend Unit of the Red Cross Society held recently, its members heard very encouraging reports of the year’s work. Total receipts for the year amounted to $1,955.83. During the years since its organiza­ tion in the fall of 1939 this unit has raised a total of $8,226. This •year the members of the unit com­ pleted and sent to the Exeter Branch the following articles. Knitting—24 pair socks, 12 pair gloves, 13 T.N. sweaters, 15 scarves. Hospital Supplies—2 pair pyjam­ as. Quota — 54 children’s combina­ tions, 4 boys’ suits, 8 pair boys, pants, 3 boys' jackets, 9 boys’ coats, 3 boys’ 2-piece suits, 3 boys’ sweaters, 3 pair boys’ socks, 5 pair boys’ shorts, 2 ladies’ dresses, 30 diapers, 9 rompers, S ladies’ bloom­ ers, 4 infant’s sweaters, 5 infant’s soakers, 1'0 girl’s undervests, 8 one year nightgowns. Non-Quota—10 quilts. The election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows:. President, J. W. Holt; 1st vice pres., Mary Yeo; 2nd vice pres., Marjorie Desjardine; sec.-treas., Helen Wal- per; social convenor, Mrs. M. Mason; press secretary, Mrs. Emery Des­ jardine. The Unit made plans at this meet­ ing for their annual community sale to be held early in December. JOHN EDWARDS PASSES Cadets at James St. Church /! II 5ft BOB MOORE and his 8-piece orchestra Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hensall Branch 167 On Sunday morning the High School Cadet Corps under the com­ mand of Lieut. E. D. Howey par­ aded to the James St. United church and occupied the centre pews for a Remembrance Day serv­ ice,i tllllllKIlltlllKUKUllKIIKIIUIKIlIUKtlllllltllinillllUIIIIlIlli Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pollen, of Flint, visited with relatives in town over the week-end. k CLOTHING GEORGE WRIGHT SHOES — An Outstanding Store in the Community It Serves -— STUDENTS’ TWEED SUITS Today we unpacked 15 Suits—strong, durable’ smartly de­ signed—suits for students and small men only—sizes 34, 35, 36 and 38—-Grey, Blue and Brown Tweeds. A factory purchase—these suits are selling fast in large places at $22,50. When you see them and realize their quality, you will buy knowing you have saved money on a useful commodity. SATURDAY ONLY . . . < -T QC A small deposit Will hold your suit, y ™ ■ 1 WORKING MEN AND FARMERS’ NEEDS Elastic Police Braces ........ 59c Elastic Dress Braces ........ 98c Bine Trench Coats ........ $7.95 Walker’s Smocks & O’Alls $2.69 Sanforized shrunk LADIES’ brown MILITARY OXFORDS Mr. John J. Edwards, a well- known and life-long resident of Stephen township passed away at his residence on the Fourth con­ cession, Thursday, November 8th, in his 69 th year. Deceased had been ailing since June and had been con­ fined to his bed for about two weeks. He was an ardent member of the L.O.L., of Crediton and last July was 'the first time he had missed a walk in many years. Mrs. Edwards maiden name was Isabella Sims. For nine years following their marriage Mr. Sims was a fireman at the gristmill in Credi­ ton and for the past 25 years he has resided on the farm on which lie died. Surviving, besides his widow, are three daughters three sons, (Melinda) Mrs. Garnet Wilson, of Exeter; ( of Exeter; Flynn, of Centralia; serving overseas in Wilbert, now on farm leave from the Canadian Army; also one Sis­ ter, Mrs. Fred Smith, and one brother, Joseph, both of Edmonton, Alta. The funeral was held Satur­ day afternoon last from E. R. Hopper’s funeral chapel Conducted by Rev. Mr. Trueblood, of Crediton and assisted by Rev, N. J. Woods. Service at the Exeter cemetery was under the auspices of the L.O.L., conducted by E. Faultier and Her­ man Powe. The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. Hepburn, Jos. White, Chas. Hoffman, Wilbert Sims, John and Samuel Sims. The flower bear­ ers Werd members of the Crediton and Exeter, lodges, and Melvin, of Thos. Smith, J Centralia; (Cora) Mrs. (Lillian) Mrs. Clayton Harold, now Holland, and Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week COMING EVENTS TUESDAY. DEC, 4th—Don’t forget the play “Busy as a Beaver” to be presented in James St, Church basement at 8 p.m. by the local young people. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19th — Keep this date open for the Minor Hockey League dance with Lionel Thornton and his orchestra. 15c WANTED WANTED—Oil burners. N. Hockey, phone ”239, Exeter, 15* WANTED—A. baby swing and baby toilet chair, Apply at Times- Advocate, 15* WANTED—100 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter. tfc WANTED—To purchase pullets all ages and breeds. High prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hat­ cheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 15:22:29c WE NEED MORE CARS and we will pay the highest dollar to get them for our customers. Liens paid off. Cash difference given. Cook Bros., Hudson Dis­ tributors, phone 54, Hensall. , 15:22c FOR RENT FOiR RENT—Garage on William and Sanders Street. Apply to H. Blatchford, Exeter. 15:22* miscellaneous FULLER BRUSHES — Miss W'in- nifred O’Neil, Clinton, phone 75J. 5t* RENFREW SALES & SERVICE— Anyone in need of a hand or electric cream separatoi’ or stove, call Hugh Thiel, Zurich 93r4. 6tp QUICK WARM WATER Car Wash, 49 c, Saturdays only at the Ford Garage. YOUR CAR needs winterizing— can do it. now .— Anti-Freeze, JVinter Grease, Winter "'‘Oil, care­ ful expert service” at the Ford Garage. PAINT 'SPRAYING — Indoor or outdoor, buildings of all kinds. G. Gratton, Grand Bend, phone Dashwood 33r3.' * TOP PRICES PAID for brick or frame buildings to be wreckea. Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth St., London, Met. 8280W. tfc. HORSES WANTED — Old horses suitable for mink feed. Goou prices. Apply to N. E. Hazelwood, R.R. 6, St. Marys, phone Kirkton 16-12. 10tp REAL ESTATE HARM FOR SALE—67% acres clay loam, brick house with hydro, bank barn, bush; scliool, church, store convenient. W. C. Pearce FARM FOR SALE—100 acres with brick house, bank barn, henhouse, driveshed, water in barn, bush, mile to Farquhar. 100 acres with frame house bank barn, hen­ house, electricity, bush, conveni­ ent to school and Hensall. W. C. Pearce. Exeter FARMS BRING GOOD PRICES— We are selling farms at good prices. We have buyers and would like to list a few more farms for fall or spring delivery. • If you are considering selling, see or write us. C. V, Pickard, Exeter. PASTURE FARMS—We have three good pasture farms. Buy now. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—We have just listed several district farms. We have two that can be bought- on exceptionally good terms. If you are looking for a farm in Stephen, Usborne or Hay, see us. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—Choice 100, clay loam, well drained, some bush, handy to school and village; large barn, well equipped, implement shed; henhouse; modern house, hydro and water on tap in all. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. I STRAYED LOST Phone 31w fpr an ad taker I ■i i STRAYED—-Onto the farm of Wil­ fred Herbert at Whalen, .3 hei­ fers, 2 Angus and 1 roan, Own­ er may have same by paying ex­ penses. 15* LOST—Between Centralia and one mile south, a 16 inch wheel and tire, Please notify James Hennes­ sey, phone Crediton 3'01’13, 15c FOR SALE LOST — Silver Thorne’s cigarette lighter, engraved E. Apply Times- Advocate. 15* washing machine; cage of stuffed birds; gasoline lamp; gasoline lan­ tern; big bird cage, 4 small onee; lamps, TERMS—CASH SILAS, STANLAKE, Prop. GEO, ILAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. t FOR SALE—6-tube General Elect­ ric radio. Phone 34rl5, Kirkton. 15c FOR SALE—Calf, suitable for veal. Apply to Bert Selves, R.R. 1, Hensall. phone 1771’23 Exeter. 15c FOR SALE — Second-hand kitchen sink with taps; 4 windows suit­ able for chicken house; oil stove; badminton racket. Phone 239, N. Hockey, Exeter. 15*t FOR SALE OR LET ON Shares— two No. Ij York sows. Apply ^t Times-Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—25 York pigs 30 to 5'0 pounds. Apply to James Hen­ nessey, phone Crediton 30rl2. 15c FOR SALE—1933 Chev. Deluxe sedan, in Al condition, good tires. Apply, at Wm. Hooper’s Gidley Sreet’ 15* FOR SALE—New C.C.M. bicycle, Gent’s model. W. M’artin, Exetex* South. 15* FOR SALE—One Hespler kitchen stove. Mrs. G. E. Lackie, phone 35r9 .Kirkton. 15c FOR SALE — A circulating heater, for wood or coal, in good 'con­ dition. Apply at the Dashwood - Locker, phone 98, Dashwood. 15* FOR SALE —• Cream all enamel Bridge-Wall Fireco range, water front and reservoir, coal or wood, nearly new, inspection evenings. Bruce Field, Centralia. 8:15c FOR SALE—North half lot 4, Con. 15, Stephen Township, 50-acre farm, with some bush. Apply to Art. Willert, Exeter, phone 4 3 J, Exeter/ 8:15:22:29* FOR SALE — Fox terrier puppies, 7 weeks old. Apply Dorothy Mc­ Donald, Cromarty, Ont. 8:15* FOR SALE—DEER LICENSES; also gun and trappers; litter carrier poles; posts; fence .posts. . Service Station. hydro poles; clothes line Gibson’s 8:15* FOR SALE — 100 little pigs; De Forest Crosley cabinet radio, battery, in Al condition; 2 Shet­ land ponies; team of iron-grey colts, 3 and 5 years old; 10 Dur­ ham and Hereford stock calves; Model A 1929 sport roadster, in Al condition, price $225.'00. Ap­ ply to C. J. Walker, Cavendale Farms, R.R. 1, Cromarty. 15-29* You look better and feel better when you drive, a clean car. We’ll wash it for 49c at The Ford Garage on Saturday. PERSONAL PAIN KILLER for -corns’ Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salve i prompt, sure relief. 50c Robertson’s Drug Store. NOTICES gives ; at NOTICE—'If you are in need of a new wardrobe, cedar chest, built- in cupboards, chest of drawers or any other woodwork, write oi* phone Lawrence Dunn, ~ Cromarty, phone 90r3, drawers R.R. 1, Hensall. 8:15c HURON FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. ' public meeting’ of special in-A .. . . . terest to shareholders and patrons of Huron Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd., will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall on Friday, November 23, at 2 o’clock for the purpose of con­ sidering reorganization of the Com­ pany on a loan unit basis in place of share capital as at present. Every­ body welcome. John Armstrong, President, Bertram Klopp, Secretary. 1'5 c LOST—A bag of Hog Concentrate between Cann's Mill and Elim- ville. Please leave at Cann’s Mill. 15* LOST — In Exeter on Friday be­ tween Jones & May and Grigg’s, a cameo necklace. Please leave at Times-Advocate. 15c LOST—A sum of money at Kippen, Exeter-or Lucan on November 9. Reward. Finder please notify Times-Advocate. 15c LOST—In Exeter on Saturday the sum of $57.00, five $10 bills, a $5.00 bill and a $2.00 bill, all held together with a paper clip. $5.00 reward. Please leave at Times-Advocate. 15* AUCTION SALES Strathroy, Saturday, Nov. 17th. 60 mixed stock cattle. Trucks to deliver. Sale every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSE­ HOLD FURNITURE W. E. Nairn will sell by public auction at Lot .15, Concession 12 Hibbert Twp. mile south of Cromarty, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1945 at 1 o’clock the following: IMPLEMENTS — Heavy wagon with gravel box; wagon box; seed drill; -horse rake; cutting box; set of harrows; harrow cart; scuff lev; 2,000 lb. stock scales; fanning mill; wagon springs; feed barrels; hog crate; cross-cut saws; circular saw; scythe; plank; lumber, „ , storm doors; syrup pan; kettles; pails and spiles, bathroom tank; whiffletrees wO vU-l OCh V» f VIXyUKlA DCtVY , grind stone; quantity of scantling; square timber; shingles; water tank; 2 sugar 30 gal. _______ __ _________,__S; neck- yokes; logging chains; hoes; shov­ els; carpenter’s tools consisting of hammers, planes, saws, broad-axe, chisels, bits, windlass, boring ma­ chine. FURNITURE — Beach coal or wood range; wood range; 4-burner coal-oil stove and oven; kitchen cabinet; combination china cabinet and writng desk; chest of drawers; glass cupboard; 3 clocks; victrola; 9 dining room chairs with arm chair to match; couch; rocking chairs; tables; verandah benches; table lamps; 2 hanging lamps; Aladdin lamp; dishes; cutlery; brass poster bed; 2 3-piece bed­ room suites; wood bed; springs and mattresses; 2 toilet sets; 1 con- goleum rug, 7x9, and 1 8x10; horsehide robe; horse blanket. THE FARM — Consisting of 100 acres, more or less; all in grass; 12 acres good maple and elm hush; windmill; cement silo; garage; good bank barn with cement floors; water in stable; good brick house; furnace; well located, only half mile from village of Cromarty. Terms on farm, made known day of sale. Chattels cash. Positively no reserve. Estate of the Late JOS. SPEARS, W; E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE The following articles will be sold by Art. Weber on SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 1945 at 2 p.m., on the Property of the late John Marriott at Sliipka. . Cow due in 'May; 2 yearlings; 10 hens; grindstone; emery stand; spades; shovel; 2-wheel trailer; axe; scythe; cross-cut saw; glass; tools; other articles. PANTS We were fortunate in securing a receilt shipment of Seinl-DreSs Pants, Goed patterns in Brown and ^rey. These can be used nicely for dress. Sizes 32—42 Noiv bit sale at Many of cur lady customers will be glad to know we now have these popular Cuban Heel Brown, Welted walking shoes in Stock again. Width AA to EK. Sizes 3 %-> to 9. $3.95 & pair FORMER EXETERITES TO WED SATURDAY Reg. $2.98 KEEP YOUR SUITS & COATS FRESH AND CLEAN AT OUR VALET SERVICE 500 PANTS 35c' YOU SAVE MONEY AT GEORGE WRIGHTS p Miss jean Isobel McKenzie, Reg, N., will have two attendants at her Wedding to Dr. Charles Borden Sanders, R.C.A.M.C., which is to be a smart event of Saturday, -Novem­ ber 17, at Chalmers United Church, Windsor. Miss McKenzie has asked Mrs, George Gray, of Windsor, to be her matron of honor and as bridesmaid has chosen Miss Dorothy Forrester, of Exeter, Who is a student nurse at Victoria Hospital, Dr. 'Sanders will be attended by his brother, Britain M, Sanders, of Lon­ don, as best man, and the ushers will be the bride's cousin, James McKenzie, of Windsor, and William McTeer, of London. The members of the bridal party will be guests at a dinner to be given by Miss Irene McKenzie, aunt of the bride-elect, at her home in Windsor, prior to the rehearsal on Friday evening the 16th. ■Miss McKenzie, daughter ... of t Mr. and ■ Mrs, Arthur . Finkbe'ineA Of Stephen township, a graduate of Victoria Hospital, London’ and was on the staff of the V.Q.N. in London before going to Windsor; her fiance, son of Mrs. Sanders, Chal­ mers avenue, London, and the late Charles H. Sanders, formerly of Exeter, is a 1944 graduate Of the University of Western Ontario Medi­ cal school. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters' Lists, 1945, Municipality of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that i have complied with Section 7 of The Voters* Lists Act and that I have pdSted Up at my office At Exeter, Ont, on the SOtli day Of October, 1945 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said . Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there fqr inspection., Ahd I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day for appeai being the 20th day Of NOVdmbef, 1945. Dated this 30th day Of October; 1945. C. V. Pickard, Clerk of Exetef, Ont AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on the Lake Rond, west of EXctcr oh THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1945 the following: Pig; 2 cows. IMPLEMENTS- ness; hay rack; wagon box; binder; Frost sleighs; fanning mill; weigh Scales and attachments; buggy; cutter; cow chains; 25 sap buckets; log­ ging chain; 25 ft. ladder; short ladders; gasoline drum; plow; set harrows; grind stone; incubators; vise; buck saw; sling chain; double trees; pea harvester; Viking create separator, nearly new; cant, hooks; stove pipes; tile; spade and shovel; forks; 2 corn hdeg;. 2% acres of corn* quantity turnips; 175 white leghorn pullets;. 40 white leghorn hens, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Ches­terfield suite; coal-oil stove; laun­ dry steve; kitchen table; drop . leaf table; 8 chairs; 2 beds; 2 springs; 2 clapboards; 2 recking chairs; ex­ tension table; side board; day bed; Bet double har- set single harness; wagon; stock rack; wood rack; hay fork; McCormick & Wood mower; AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned pas received in­structions to 'sell by public auction at Lot 27, Con. 1, Usborne Twp., li -miles north of Exeter, pn TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1945 at 12 o’clock, sharp, the following: HORSES — Mare, 8 years old' gelding, 3 years old. CATTLE—2 roan Jan.; 3 cows, due in Feb.; 2 fresh heifers;. 2 heifefs, due in Jan.; heifer, due in Dec.; heifer, due in March;-heifer, due in Feb,; Jersey heifer, due in March, will register; 3 steers, 2 years old; 2 steers, 1- year-old; 3 heifers, 1-year-old; 4 spring calves; bull calf, 4 months old; Durham bull; 2 small calves. 2 sows, due time of sale; .18 stocker pigs, 100 lbs.; 50 hens; collie dog. IMPLEMENTS—Farmall tractor; fertilizer drill; electric grinder; grain roller; cream separator with motor; side delivery rake; McCor­ mick binder, 8-ft.; McCormick hay loader; McCormick cultivator, 6-ft.; packer; roller; C _ rows; tractor with Oliver bean puller; wagon; McCormick steel wagon; sleigh; cutter; fanning mill; horse cultivator; tractor plow; walking plow; turnip and potato lifter plow; 2 scufflers; well windlass and tressles; stock rack with .box; col­ ony house, insulated; electric brooder; chicken trough; 4 chick­ en shelters; cutting box; slings; sling ropes; snow fence; 40 rod wire fence; hay tedder; grain drill; electric fence; canning factory pea harvester; cultivator whiff letrees; wagon whiffletrees; brooder stove; hog feeder; 2 hay forks; root pulp­ er; ladder; grind stone; hay fork rope and pulleys; 40 rods of woven fence; pig trough; lumber; 2 hay racks; double harness; horse col­ lars; 1| in. line shaft, 14 ft.; 1 in. lineyshaft, 10 ft.; 3 hangers; 2,000 lb. "scales; logging chain; walking plow; riding plow; iron kettle; trailer; keg roofing paint; 12 win­ dow sashes; corn. • sheller; step ladder; cedar posts; forks; chains; whiffletrees; neckyokes; boxes; bar­ rels;- carpenter tools; garden tools; and other”"articles. 30 tons of hay; 100 bufehels of Valor oats; 300 bushels of Valor and No Barb barley; 1500 bushels of mixed feed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--.China cabinet; parlor suite;. 2 bedroom suites; day bed; secretary; coal­ oil stove; coal heater; 6 dining room Chairs; table; rocking chair; cupboard; 2 tables; 2 toilet sets; churn; paper stand; apple peeler; quantity of jars. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM WELSH, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYiLQR, Auct. r cows, due in v Hl11V <XL vl j V"lv», disc harrows; har- bean puller; rubber tired AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, A!ND HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned has been in­ structed to sell by public auction at WINCHELSEA on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1945 at 12.30 o’clock' sharp, the follow­ ing: FARM—One hundred acres, more or less; 2-storey brick house; bank barn; drive shed; henhouse; hydro in barn and house; water; well fenced; well drained; on north-east corner of Winchelsea; close to store and school. This is a fine farm and well located. Sold subject to reserve bid. HORSES — Roan horse, rising 6" years; grey mare, rising 5 years; black horse, rising 4 years. CATTLE—8 cows due in February and March; 2 farrow cows; 6 heif­ ers, 2 years old; 2 steers, 2 years “ 2 steers,. 28, 1945 acres, more old; .6 heifers, yearlings; yearlings. HOGS—13 pigs, 150 ■pigs, 100 lbs. IMPLEMENTS—Wagon; lbs.; 10 IMPLEMENTS—Wagon; walking plow; binder; set of harrows; mow­ er; dump rake; sulky plow; side, rake; hay loader; seed drill; 2- furrow horse-drawn disc plow; disc} roller; sleighs; fanning mill; cut­ ter; buggy; DeLavai cream separa­ tor; light sleighs; cultivator; gag. drum; grind stone; 'scuffler; elect­ ric fencer; root pulper With motor; Corn cutter; colony house; 2 range- . shelters; brooder; harness and trailer. Household effects—chest- of drawers} coal oil stove and 2 ovens; coal and Wood stove; floor lamp; vadium cleaner; dining-room, suite, 6 chairs, table and buffet; combination book base and secre­ tary; Pliilcd electric radio; 2, ;beds; . mattress and springs; 2 drpssers; Several rocking chairs; day bed;- couch; ice box; several small tables; odd chairs; cupboard; 2 toilet sets; robes, hand washing - machine;' dishes; antique dishes; and numer­ ous othdr aHicfes. ' ’ TKRMS OF CHATTELS—Cash. MRS. WM. VKAL. Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, AUCtiOheef;. i a » I ■> ■f < ( * » » ■ Jt r J I r 4 f I I 4 r V 4 » i ■ t k V < I I I f 4 n 9ft s 1