The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-10-18, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18ft, 1945 HEAVY BOLT MATERIAL (Bed nnd This is tnanufaetnrer’s Doeskin.* suitable far Shirting, Seat Cavers* Heavy Skirts, etc. 38w wide........ 50c yd* Makes up real warm Plaid Shirts, NOTICES jjWi * We have purchased 200 pairs of WOMAN’S FLEECED LINED RUBBER GALOSHES Nearly all types of heels and sizes, Friday and Saturday $1.00 pair Keep your suit clean and fresh—We steam clean and press Suits and Coats 50c Quick Service Pants 35c aBORGE WRIGHT Radio Forum FOR SALE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It has come to my ears that there is some person or persons in Kirkton making libellous state­ ments against my character, bo you not realize that one must have proof before making these remarks? It I find ■obt where these untruths originated, I will prosecute to the full extent of the law.(Signed): Mrs, ‘Frances Donohue WANTED WANTED TO RENT A 4 to 6 room house oy downstair apart­ ment, preferably unfurnished by an officer who will be at the Airforce camp during interim period at least two years. Apply at Times-Advocate,18* Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Times,-Advocate readers every week Tn fl—m—i'—11—Tii-mirtn wi.iiiMiii...... Strathray, Saturday, October 20. 2QQ Western Stock cattle, including steers, heifers and stock cows. Trucks to deliver; sale every Sat­ urday; private sales ta the "week. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. „ Phone 31w for an ad taker Meetings OCTOBER 23rd Wingham - Town Hall OCTOBER 24th Clinton - Department of Agriculture OCTOBER 25th Exeter « Town Hall 8.30 pan. Mr. Wesley Neelands, Secretary, Ontario Forums Mr. A. C. Savage, Secretary, Ontario Cooperative Unions National Film Board Pictures •—.Admission Free — — EVERYBODY WELCOME — FOR SALE—75 New Hampshire x Sussex pullets, 7 months old. Apply to Ray Perkins, R.R. 3, Exeter. 18* FOR SALE-—75 feet of 6-inch rub­ ber belt. Apply to Jim Miller, Woodham. 18* FOR SALE — 130 White Leghorn and IVhite Rock pullets. Apply to Silas Stanlake, phone 25rl3, Dashwood. 18* FOR SALE—Three pairs of shut­ ters, six feet long. Apply to Times-Advocate or phone 249. 18c FOR SALE — A quantity of used lumber, two doors and a four- burner Westinghouse hydro stove. Phone 145, Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. FOR SALE—12 York pigs, six weeks old. Apply to Paul Boa: R.R. 1, Hensall. 18* Trusses, Belts', Supports of all kinds, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience, e Your drugs at ’S Phone 30 Exeter WOODHAM Miss Helene Roadhouse, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with Miss Dorothy Thomson. Miss Myrtle Haist, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Miss Rhoda Thomson. Miss Kathleen Johns, of Zion, and Miss Jean Humphreys, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Misses Muriel and Marion Stephens. cedar posts; quantity of lumber; grain bags; twine sacks; logging chains; whiffletrees; eveners neck- yokes* steel sledge; vice; crow-bar; tools and wrenches; electric fencer; good set of single harness; set of heavy harness with britchen; 3-horse harness; 5 horse collars; horse blankets; colony stove, 500-chick capacity; chicken hoppers; feeders; Renfrew cream separator, 600 lbs.,, new; gasoline More well washing machine, nearly new; large Quebec heater; quantity of household ef­ fects and other articles too numer­ ous to mention. Every article will be highest bidder as proprietoi* haa sold his farm. TERMS—CASH WALTER McBRIDE, Prop., R.R. 2, Zurich, EARL WEIDO, Clerk, Auctioneers: ARTHUR WEBER, R.R. 1, Dashwood, Phone 57rl2, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Clinton, Phone 203. 11:18 AUCTION SALE QF FARM, STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE •The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Part Lot 18 and 19, Con, 17, Stephen Township, 1*6 miles north of Shipka, WDNESDAY, OCTOJBER 24, at 1 p.m., the followirig; HORSES—Bay mare, five old; bay mare, 11 years old; bay horse, seven years old; bay gelding, one-year-old; bay horse, fourteen years old. PIGS—8 York brood sows, due at time of sale; York hog, 4 months old; 7 young York sows, bred; 70 Stocker pigs. HENS—800 New Hampshires; 550 Leghorns; 150 Rocks; these are all pullets. IMPLEMENTS — Cockshutt rid­ ing plow; Massey-Harris binder, 6- ft.; Cockshutt 2-furrow tractor plow; model H John Deere tractor, newly over-hauled;; International tractor; double disc; 4-section har­ rows; real McCormick-Deering trac­ tor trailer with brake attachment, 600-16; 2-wheel trailer; scuffler and puller attachment foi* tractor; Cockshutt chopper; 15 scalding barrels; forks; shovels; chains; neckyokes; rope; 3 portable colony houses, 12x16, new; 3 portable colony houses, 10x20, new; 4 colony National coal stoves; Chainsway coal stove; 25 steel fountains with wire stands; 50 feed hoppers and stands; 12 chicken crates; 20 mash hoppers, 10 feet long on stands; 3 6 flat mash hoppers; 6 steel water troughs for. chickens; barb wire rolls; electric fencer, Shur-.Shock; 5 dropping tables for chickens; steel barrels; 800 feet of snow fence. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS —i Cup­ board; McClary kitchen stove; 2- burner gas stove; kitchen table with 5 leaves, new; small kitchen table; pocking chair; 6 kitchen chairs; day bed; single bed; 2 double beds; Medium heater, burns coal or wood; dresser; «wash stand; Beatty tub stand; washing machine; boiler; 3 lanterns; 2 tubs; small table; steel stand with mirror; quantity of dishes and other articles too num­ erous to mention. REAL ESTATE — One hundred and seventy-five acres, more or I less; brick house; large L-shaped barn; part of barn built in 3-storey hen house; plenty of water; rock well; deep well; • pressure system; hydro; most of farm seeded down; water piped all through hen house; barn filled with cut straw. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE— 10% to be, paid On day of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a cabinet, hall tree anfl mirror, gar­ den tools, lawn mower, wash tubs, floor lamp, stool, linoleunj 9x10, mats, ironing board, clothes rack, mop, chest of drawers, carpet sweeper, gramaphone, stove, picture frames. LAURENE BEAVERS, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. I AUCTION SALE OF STOCK AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at WINCHELSEA <• on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1945 the following; 1 cow, due in December; young Jersey cow, milking good; 10 pigs, Wheelbarrow; feed boxes; chick­ en crate; chicken feeders and foun­ tains; wire stretchers; scythe; fence slate pinchers; iron pump; shovels and forks; saw horse; hand saw; milk can; step-ladder; International cream separator; fire extinguisher; strainer pail; lawn mower; butter bowl and ladle; set of scales, 200 lb.; sledge; 15 cord wood; cutter. Cupboard; drop-leaf table; bak­ ing cabinet; kitchen Stool; kitchen table (extension); 4 kitchen chairs (nearly new); 2 couches; Singer sewing machine; buffet; oak ex­ tension table; 6 dining-room chairs; number of other chairs; rocking chairs; high chair; small tables; Morris chair; 2 upholstered chairs; davenport; tri-light floor lamp; chest of drawers; 2 bedroom suites; springs and mattresses; single bed and springs; bed springs and matt­ ress; linoleum rugs; 2 wool rugs; mats; coal oil stove; electric iron; curtains; table glass-ware; bread utensils; numerous ■Two small Apply at 18* WANTED TO RENT- unfurnished rooms. Times-Advocate. I I I : WANTED—1P0 horses, any kind pi a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them, Frank Taylor, Exeter. STRAYED « STRAYED — From Hay swamp three last winter calves, nick in bottom of right ear. Please noti­ fy Garnet McFalls, phone 176rl3 Exeter. tfc PERSONAL PAIN KILLER for corns! Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief. 50c Robertson’s Drug Store. at on 1945 years Auctioneer, instructions sell at .his sold to FOR SALE—10 young Yorkshire sows, ,6 due in a few days. Apply to Roger Brown, Centralia. IS* FOR SALE—A dark striped boy’s overcoat, good as new. Apply at Times-Advocate. ISc FOR SALE—McClary cook stove, in good condition; also 2 paii- of steel gates, 7x5 and 7x7. Apply to Andrew Hamilton, Exeter. 18c FOR SALE — Allis-Chalmers scuff- ler with hydraulic lift for Model B. tractor; also a ”60 Harvester” with scaur clean. Apply to Alt. Hopp, phone Zurich 91rl3. 11:18* REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE—133 acres, Lot 8, Con. 9, Blanshard, lots of water, 2 barns, driving shed, hen house, silo, brick house, 2 miles from No. 23 Highway, hydro throughout, well fenced and drained, good land for hoe crop. Apply Norman Hodgins, R.R. 6, St. Marys. 18:25* FOR SALE — Renfrew 6-hole cook Stove, used only one year, med­ ium size jacket heater. Apply at« Times-Advocate. 11:18* ( FOR SALE—1937 Ford motor and transmission, all in good con­ dition. Apply Wallace Becker, Dashwood.11:18* FOR SALE^—Tweed coat with coon collar, size 40; also blue cloth i coat with fur collar, size 16. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 11* PASTURE iFARMS—We have three good pasture farms. Buy now. C. V, Pickard, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—We have just listed several district farms. We have two that can be bought on exceptionally good terms. If you - are looking for a farm in .Stephen, Usborne or Hay, see us. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. 'FARM FOR SALE—67% acres of clay loam, frame house, bank barn, bush, hydro available, Handy to school, church, store. W. C. Pearce. i X CSO } mats; window dishes; cooking articles. cloths; box; other TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, FRANK BROCK, Prop. Misses Anna and Irene Brock, of. FOR SALE^ — Power oil burner, Zion, snent Sunday with Miss Lorene { electric ignition with controls. Jaques? j W. J. Melville. Mrs. E. Hooper and Harold, of TSt, Marys, and Mrs. V. Gunning, ot i15 U-K •Granton, spent Sunday with Mr. and , Mrs. J. Millar. ; . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dock­ ing and family, of Munro, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNaughton .and Lynette, of Glendale, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Par- FOR i HOUSE FOR -SALE ’—" 1 ¥z storey brick with garage. Modern con­ veniences. Well located in Exe­ ter. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. A boy’s navy blue overcoat, size 12, in good condi-I tion. Apply to Mrs. Sam Jory, I Simcoe Street, Exeter. 18* FOR SALE—A litter of young pigs, fit to wean, also a few stockers. Apply at Times-Advocate. 18c FARM FOR SALE-■5 0 acres rich good set of 2 miles south-west of level soil with a buildings; Dashwood, school quarter mile; fall possession. Terms. Pearce, Exeter. W. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Lot 22, North Boundary, Stephen Township, 14 miles east of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1045 at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp. HORSES—1 bay Clyde horse, 11 years old; 1' ba^ Clyde horse, 10 years old; 1 ba^Clyde, horse, 6 years old. CATTLE—Roan cow due in Nov.; red heifer due in Nov.; red cow due in Jan.; black cow due in Jan.; roan cow due in Jan.; roan cow due in March; roan heifer due in roan heifer due in Feb.; in calf still milking; \ fresh; white heifer 1 Clyde, horse, 6 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr. M^ton Brock, has been favored with from W. T, Colwill to farm Lot 1, Con. 1, McGillivray Twp., one mile south of Tentralia, Ont., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1945 at 12 o’clock sharp,- the following: HORSES—Team of good bay 15 Hereford This is an bred, first calves, guaranteed in calf again. 3 cows in calf; 15 nursed cows all these are an extra lot of 3 spring calves; 42 yeai- “ ~ " some ready to butcher; 2 Hereford bulls. IMPLEMENTS—Binder; mower; cultivators, manure spreader, side delivery rake, 2 hay racks, wagon, 2 sets sleighs, 4-row scuffler, hay­ walking buggy, 2 sets screan- double ■uni j.cM, vx .jjw vfa&vu. uv.v, 2 John Deere tractors in first class work­ ing order, double tractor disc, sugar beet lifter, 3-furrow tractor ■plow, Waterloo grain separator in No. 1 condition, new drive belt, new deck, new teeth, new knives this summer, ready to do a good day’s press, yokes, tides too numerous to mention. Durant car, 1931 model. REAL ESTATE—Lot 1, Con. 1, McGillivray, with large barn, silo, straw barn, room to stable 80 head cattle, large implement shed, pig pen, windmill, 10 to 11 acres goon bush, never been culled; brick house. TERMS—All chattels, cash. Farm sold subject to a reserve bid. W. T. COLWILL, Prop. MILTON BROCK, Auct. ALONZO C. HODGINS, Man. This is a large sale and will be­ gin sharp on time. mare;horses; grey driver. CATTLE — nursing calves, good lot, well all _ milked all summer, Hereford calves, summer, calves; lings and 2-year-olds, loader, corn" scuffler, plow, 2-row corn scuffler, cutter, roller, sulky rake, harrows, gas drum, wheat ings; grind stone, 2 sets harness, triple wagon box, work mare; cows, extra work; grain grinder, hay forks, shovels, hoes, neck- whiffletrees and other ar- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bain, of Granton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, SALE—55 year-old hybrid pullets, Buxxex X New Hamps., laying good. Apply to Jas. Squire Granton, phone Kirkton 35rl4. 18c of Thames Road, visited on Sunday'FOR with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Scott. [ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pridham and [ family, of Kirkton, spent Sunday s with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. | RENT—Can provide board and room to elderly couple or semi invalid by Nov, 1st. Apply at Times-Advocate. 18c LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS LOST or .STRAYED—Big Clyde roan horse, six years old, weighs 1900 lbs. Any person knowing where this horse is please get in touch with G, J. Dow, Exeter. 18* PAINT .SPRAYING — Indoor or outdoor, buildings of all kinds. G. Gratton, Grand Bend, phone Dashwood 33r3, * LOST—On Main Street, a black Waterman’s fountain pen. Julia Dunlop, Exeter. 18* LOST—At the Lions Frolic, a gentleman’s felt hat. Will the person who took it in mistake please leave at Times-Advocate, LOST—In Exeter on Monday night a pair of glasses. Apply at Times- Advocate, 18* LOST—In Exeter on Monday at the 'Chainway store a ladies’ change purse with $5, $2 and $1 bills and change. Reward. E. S. Busch, Southcott Bros. 18* FOUND—A man’s leather coat on Main Street Tuesday' morning. Apply at Times-iAdvocate. 18c AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 5, Con. 3, Hay Township on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1945 the following: HORSES—Roan years; bay mare, good work horses, old. mare, rising 5 6 years old; 2 6 and 10 years CATTLE—8 cows; 2 steers ris­ ing 3 years; 6 heifers and steers, rising 2 years; 8 rising 1 year; calves. ■IMPLEMENTS Deering binder, /-iv., i*b-<uq McCormick-Deering fertilizer drill, like new; Frost & Wood moWer, 6-ft.; McCormick-Deering manure spreader, good; 2 wagons; 2 hay racks; 2 walking plows; hay rake; drag harrows; Oliver tractor, 60 Model, 2 years old; rows; Oliver Cormick-Deering corn scuffler; disc; sleighs; der: McCormick-Deering cream sep­ arator; 2000 lb. scales; roller; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains; shovels; hoes; and many other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH JOHN TRIEBNER, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. heifers and steers, 2 baby beef; 3 — McCormick- 7-ft., nearly new; tractor, 6 0 diamond 2-furrow plow; and 3 2-ft. har- Mc- bean lad- AUCTION SALE OF FARMS STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr. Harold Jackson has been in­ structed to sell by public auction on. Lot 1, Con. 2, Stanley Township, 114 miles west; of Kippen, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1945 at 12 o’clock the following: HORSES—Clyde mare, 5 years old; Clyde mare, 6 years old, with filly colt, 2 months old; Clyde geld­ ing, rising 2 years old. CATTLE—Hereford cow, 6 years old, due Dec. 20th; black cow, with calf at foot; Durham cow, 6 years old, due April 25th; Durham cow,. 5 years old, due Jan. 13th; Dur­ham co^, 7 years old with calf at foot; Durham cow, due March 5th, 6 years old; Durham cow, 6 years old, Jan. 25th; Hereford cow with fat calf at foot, due Jan. 13th; red cow, 4 years old, milking good; 71 Hereford and Durham steers, 900 lbs., this is a choice lot of steers. POULTRY — 50 year-old Leg­ horn hens; 50 year-old Hybrid hens; 50 Mybrid pullets, 5% mos. old; 1 colony house, 10x12. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. manure spreader, (new); ’hay tedder; sulky rake; hay loader; set of good farm sleighs (like new); low farm wagon with sliding hay rack; 11-hoe seed, drill; 4 section harrows; walking plow; gang plow; scuffler; 2 steel water troughs; 3-drum steel roller; stiff tooth cultivator; 6-horse gas. I engine; grain grinder; sap pan; 100 new Sap buckets; feed cooker, in perfect shape; set of double harness; set single harness; num­ ber of-horse collars; fanning mill; 1000 lb. ............................ ... ber; 5 0 of tools 25 cord HAY mixed hay; 10 tons of loose hay; remainder bailed with pick up baler; 800 bus. choice mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- glass cupboard tables sionai chairs, dining room chairs goleum rug, 9x10%, suites; wardrobe; quantity of dish­ es and kitchen utensils. FARMS—Parcel 1—Lot 1, Con. 2, Stanley Township, 1 % miles West of Kippen, county road; 2-storey brick house in perfect condition, With bathroom; large bank barn with n*w stabling; buildings With, all new roofs; hydro throughout; pressure watai' system* i>00 acres of clay loaih; 7 acres of bush (hard­ wood) ; running water for pasture; farm in good state of cultivation; 14 acres ploughed) remainder ln> grass and hay, Farce! 2-—75 acres of grassland, 5 miles West of Kippen; windmill; never failing well. TERMS-—cash on chattels; on itar.hi made known on day of sale.. Estate of late EDGAR BUTtB*. E. P. CRKSNEY, Clerk, HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. Jan.; white cow white heifer, supposed to be in calf; red heifer in calf; black cow, still milking, in calf; red cow due in Jan.; dark roan bull, 2 years old, bred by Roy F. Pepper, Seaforth, registered; 3 baby beef steers; 2 baby beef steers; 2 baby beef heifers; 2 small calves. All cattle are tested for Bongs Disease within one month of sale, and all heifer calves vaccinat­ ed. HOGS — Pure bred Registered Yorkshire sow both sire and dam of the sow are qualified in Advanced Registry, sow is in pig; 2 pure bred Yorkshire sows due to farrow 3, 5, and 7th of December, all are daugh­ ters of the above sow and sired by a boar, also qualified in Advanced Registry; York sow with litter at foot; 11 stacker pigs, 2 months old; 5 stacker pigs weighing about 150 lbs. each. HENS—20 New Hampshire cross with Leghorn pullets. GRAIN—175 bushels of fall wheat; 100 bus. Galore .barley suit­ able for seed; Ajax oats, 500 bus.; 500 bushels of Erben oats; 500 .bus. of mixed grain; quarter ton of oil cake. w HAY-—40 tons of mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS — International H. tractor, one year old; 2-furrow International plow new. both if not previously sold; International binder, 7-ft. cut, purchased in 1940; •M.H. mower, 6-ft, cut; McCormick 11-hoe fertilizer drill, practically new; stifif-tooth International cul­ tivator; International manure sprea­ der bought in 1939; International side delivery rake bought in 1940; Cockshutt 4-row bean and beet scuffler; 3-drum steel roller; walk­ ing plow; Oliver bean scuffler and puller combined M.H. rake; frew; 16-ft loader, electric fenCCr; fanning mill; 1200-lb. wheelbarrow; tension ladder, 'ony house, 8x12 10r logging yokes; hoes; work •pars; steel pig troughs; oil burning brooder stove; •LsectiOn drag har­ rows; fire extinguisher; set heavy britchen harness, brass mounted; set of heavy plow harness; single harness; 5 horse collars; 2 horse blankets; grain bags; twine bags; 1 bed room suite; and numerous other articles. No reserve, as the proprietor sold his farm. ARTHUR WEBER, (Auct ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk, LEONARD BIRK, MISS VJEteNA BIRK, proprietors. reserve bid. TERMS OF CHATTELS—Cash. W. E. REID, Prop. RHINOLD MILLER, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R.R. 1, Dashwood, Phone 57-12. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 20, North Boundary Hay Twp., 2% miles north-of Zurich, 6 miles west of Kippen, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1945 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES—/Matched team of Bay mares, 8 and 9 years old; black mare, 8 years old; gelding rising 2 years old. CATTLE—Roan cow, fresh; 2 Hereford cows, fresh; red heifer, fresh; Hereford heifer, due time of sale; red heifer, due time of sale; red heifer, due in November; white Durham cow, due in November; white cow, due in December; white­ faced roan heifer, due ip.. Novem­ ber; black cow, due .in November; red cow, due in February; roan cow due m March, still milking; red Durham registered pure bred bull, raised by Robt M. Peck; 3 red and roan steers, rising three years; 5 heifers and steers, rising 2 years; 2 heifers and steers, ris­ ing one year; 7 spring calves; 3 small calves. SHEEP—10 Leicester ewes; pure bred Leicester lamb. PIGS—2 York sows; 8 stocker pigs, 2 months old. HENS^—130 Barred Rock pullets. GRAIN—1200 bushels of mixed grain and oats; 40 tons of mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS—1929 Ford half­ ton truck; W-9 McCormick-Deering tractor,- 1941 model on rubber; Waterloo grain machine, 28x42, on rubber with cutter; bean machine, if not previously sold; 125 foot belt, nearly new; Massey-Harris binder, 7 foot cut; McCormick- Deering mower, 5 foot cut; 15 run hoe fertilizer drill, practically McCormick-Deering tractor new; set of spring-tooth drags, McCormick-Deering 3-furrow tor plow, dew; Ideal manure spread- ‘er, hew; 2 draw bars for 3-section also 5-section, McCormick-Deering __ _____, rake; Massey-Harris culter packer'; McOotmick-Deering bead scuffler and puller combined, 'practically new; McCormiclo-Deering Vessit . 1-horse McCdr- 13-tooth cultivator} 1 in-throw horse disc; low down Massey-Harris steel Wagoh; low down farm Wagon foot fiat bay rack with 1 .man er cOnibined hay loader; cutter 200'0 'ibs. rapes, „ __ ____, new; pair of sleighs; pair of bunks; gravel box; wagon box; quantity of AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, on Lot 6, Con. 2, Biddulph Twp. miles south of Exeter and one and a quarter miles east, on TUESDAY, OCT. 23, 1945 one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Percheron, 9 years old, weighing 1800 lbs.; Percheron mare, 6 years old, 1700 lbs.; bay Percheron, 4 years old, 1700 lbs.; bay Clyde mare, 14 years old. ■CATTLE — Part Jersey f.cow, fresh; black Holstein cow, due time of sale; red cow, due in March, still milking; Holstein cow, due in 5 i at TOP PRICES PAID for brick or •frame buildings to be wrecked. Ivan Lankin, 7 - - - London, Met. 8280W._____ MISS WINNIFRED O’NEIL, Funer; - Brush representative, will be in Exeter in October and November "" If interested in special line for Christmas, leave name at Times- Advocate or phone Clinton 75. 11:18:25* I _1_M _Langarth St.,;mulIlwi. ,;u„_ u„,; [March; roan cow, open; red cow, Fuller ;open: black cow, open; black heifer, RENFREW SALES And Service- Anyone in need of a hand or el­ ectric cream separator or stove, call Hugh Thiel, Zxirich, 93r4. St* HORSES WANTED — Old horses suitable for mink feed. Goou prices. Apply to N. E. Hazelwood, R.R. 6, St. Marys, phone Kirkton 16-12, lOtp B«W Ed’s Machine and Body Owing to the increase in business we have added two more Body and Fonder men to otir staff and are now pre­ pared to give better service. Machine Work Welding — Body and Fender Work TWO BLOCKS EAST OF MAIN ON JOHN STREET E. HUNTER-DUVAR Phone 38 .; 2 Durham steers, *2 years old; Durham steer, rising 2 years; 4 yearlings; 3 spring calves; 3 small calves. PIGS AND HENS — York sow, bred; 100 yearling Rocks, 75 pul­ lets, 40 roosters. GRAIN AND HAY — 500 mixed grain; 325 bushel of 150 bushel of wheat; 25 mixed hay grown in 19 45. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris hay loader; Massey-Harris binder; McCormick-Deering 13-hOe grain drill cultivator pair roller, rack; gravel box; 2 walking plows 4-Sectio-n harrows. root pulper; buggy with new cutter; wheelbarrow; sling Cross-cut saw; large hay fence stretchers; grain bags; sacks; 2 sets of heavy har- With britchen; set of light ; 6 horse collars; shovels; eveners.• neckyokes; wagon ; quantity of plank; horse ______ _ 2 robe; 6 barrels; chop boxes; chicken coepfi; chicken hoppers. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Organ; sideboard; hanging lamp; box Stove; other lamps; kitchen table; kitchen stove; buck saw; Renfrew cream separator, 600 lbs., new; milk pails; and other articles too numerous to mention. Every article will be sol'd to the highest bidder as proprietor is giv­ ing bushel barley; ton of mower, 5-ft.; ; spring-tooth 1-horse scuffler, new; of bob-sleighs; steel rake; ; low-down farm wdgon; hay stone boat; twin out-throW disc; hay loader;- steel hay cutter; cream separator Hen­ wagon; quantity of planks; flat hay rackplow; tires; ropes; fork; twine ness harness forks; tongues, blankets, 2 pair bag truck; chains forks; grass seeder, bench; mangels also 1-man bob sleighs; Cap. scales; lantern; ex- ____ , col­ l-horse scuff- Coleman 5 small ladders ft.. block and tackle; eveners; neck- shovels; spades; cross-cut saw; feed hop- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell .by public auction at Lot 18, Con. 22, Stephen Township 1U miles west of Greenway, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1945 at 1.30 o’clock the following: HORSES—Clyde mare, 5 years old; Clyde mare, 10 years old; general purpose horse, 5 years old-; aged driving mare. CATTLE — Grey cow, 8 years old, due May 26; grey cow, 5 years old, due March 6; Durham cow, 5 years old, due March 28; red cow, 6 years old, due May 6; far­ row cow; 4 two-year-old steers; two-year-old heifer; 2 yearling steers; 3 yearling heifers; 4 spring calves; bull, calf, 5 months old; brood sow; 75 yearling leghorn hens. • IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 6- ft.; Deering binder, 6-ft.; McCor­ mick mower, 5-ft.; M.H. side rake ■and tedder; McCormick dump rake, 10-ft.; M.H. hay loader; Cockshutt manure spreader; heavy wagon; hay rack; spring wagon,; set of log sleighs; Frost & Wood cultivator; Bissel disc, 14-plate; Bissel 3-drum roller; set diamond harrows; maple leaf twin plough; Fleury walking plough; walking scuffler; McCor­ mick seed drill; fanning mill; root pul'per seeder: double harness; Chatham 125 incubator; kitchbn cabinet. Every .article will be sold to highest bidder as the proprietor is giving up farming. TERM'S—CASH CHIDLEY WOODBURN, Prop. JAMES R. McLEAN, AuCt. set beam scales; viurntp top buggy-, box cutter; set egg the new; disc, new; trac- I , scales; quantity good cedar posts; of all kinds, good of dry wood. AND GRAIN—60 of lum- ful] line as new; tons of' 'Cherry number of small number of rockers; occa- extension table, six couch; con- 2 bedroom up farming. TERMS—CASH JSAAC GOWER, Proprietor, RHINOLD MILLER, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER. Auctioneer, Phone 57rl2, bash wood. has AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has structed to sell by public EXETER on THURSDAY, OCTOBER Settee, dining room chairs, kitchen chairs, small stand morris " , _ __’___, 'stands, table, fernery, large chair? leather chair, parlor table, 2 feath­ er ticks, 2 beds, springs,, mattressbs, quilting frames, ourtain stretchers, mat frames, screens, dishes of all kinds, kitchen table and 4 chairs, cupboard, small tabla, chine, hydro stove in __ tiow, cooking utensils, chesterfield dresser, wash stand chair, cloek] been in­ auction at 104525, table and 2 rockers, sewing hia- good condi- desk, china 4-section harrows; 4-section, 2 walking ‘plows; side delivery ■puller combined, <t McCormickrDeering grain grinder, new mick-Deerlng scuffler, new hay rack with 1 -man ioad­ stock rack; Maxwell rubber Hre buggy; fanning mill; ,set of scales, , large hay fork; sling extension ladder, 32-fOot,