The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-20, Page 4MISCELLANEOUS Announcement PERSONAL FOR RENT FOR RENT—A furnished apart­ ment. Apply Mrs. G. Anderson. Victoria Street, Exeter. 20cread in a book where chasing a nymph and into a tree." T/5: "He Those I chase always I wish to announce to the public that I have pur­ chased the furniture and funeral business of Mr. R. N. Rowe including,' the Funeral Home and will take pos­ session on October 1st. For over three years I was in the employ of Mr. Rowe and am a graduate from the Canadian School of Embalming. It will be my endeavor to give the best inc service and quality. Your patronage will be appreciated. Apollo was she turned was lucky, turn into a night club or restaur­ ant.” sow with litter at , 6 Durham old; Durham year- Durham calves; 1 the balance in 30 days. FRANK ANDERSON, Executors John T. Hicks Estate FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. 13:2'0:27 EXECUTOR’S AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE 40 bushel Carter oats; 500 Banner oats; 6 0 bushel ; red clover seed; timothy 1 acre of turnips. •chains; boxes; harness; double lb. scales; pig for an ad taker FOR SALE WANTED I day chairs; STRAYED AUCTION SALESREAL ESTATE copper co on and TRY A WANT AD—THEY PAY! A spring 2 July on 1945 witn with carrying calf; Jersey Chairs to (dark wat- SOt; Quebec cupboard; FOR. SALE—A good work horse. Apply to Wm. Fischer, Dashwood. 20* green size size size FOR SALE—About 100' spruceleigh leghorn pullets, April hatched. Apply Roland Neil, Ailsa Craig, Ontario. 13:20c FOR SALE—Colony house, 12x14, in good condition, easy to move, cheap ‘ for quick sale. Gordon Ratz, phone 24r31, Crediton. 20c FOR SALE—A Quebec heater. Ap­ ply to Lloyd Hodgson, Centralia, phone Crediton 40r22. 20c FOR SALE — About 250 onion crates, 2x4 feet and larger sizes. Apply to Restemeyer and Miller, Dashwood, phone 3W.20 c FOR SALE — Choice Jersey cow; also a No. 3 Malotte cream sep­ arator. Apply to Robt, Belling, Snell Bros. Garage. 2'0* stove; hens; whif fl etrees; boxes; team, lbs.; foal; FOR SALE—Cockshutt riding plow, "ILittle Beaver/’ single furrow; and 11-disc M.H. fertilizer drill. Apply to Jas. Miller, R.R, 1, Woodham. 20* WANTED TO PURCHASE pullets FOR SALE—A White threshing ma­ chine, 28x50, new roller bearings for cutting box. Apply to John Kabot, R.R. 1, Lucan. -6:13:20* all ages and breeds, High prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hat­ cheries Limited. Fergus, Ont, lltc FOR SALE—A baby carriage, new. Phone 33rl3, Grand Bend. 20c winter 16; grey 16; also 12. Apply 20* HELP WANTED—Capable woman to do plain cooking and house­ work for adult family in London; live in; evenings free, Apply to Box T, Tinies-Advocate. 13:20* FOR SALE—Good ro.’king chair. Apply to Wesley Hackney, Hay P.O. 20* FOR SALE—2-storey brick house, metal shingle roof, corner of Huron and Andrew, 2-piece bath, cistern, wired for range, Posses­ sion at once. W, C. Pearce. WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter.. tfc FOR SALE — 55 acres, Stephen Township, brick house and bank barn- Owner must sell on account of ill health. Quick possession C. V. Pickard, phone 165. FOR SALE—Ladies’ coat, fur collar, tweed fall coat, girl’s winter coat, ‘ at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Good winter coat, (blue), good as new, size 10 year-old. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. ‘ 20c FOR SALE—15 0 Leghorn and Red pullets,' four and a half months old. Apply to M. Pullen, phone 17r2 Kirkton. 20* FOR SALE—10 York pigs, 8 weeks ■old. Geo. Dunn, phone 177r43, Exeter. 20c FOR SALE—50-acre farm, 2 miles southwest of Dashwood; good buildings, hydro available. Pro­ ductive soil, abundant water. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE — Brick cottage with bathroom, hot water heating, wired for range, 4/5 acre planted to fruits. Fall possession. W. C, Pearce. FOR SALE—Doherty Superb, wood or coal cook stove, white with green trim, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Earl Witmer, Exe­ ter. 20* HOUSE FOR SALE — iya storey brick with garage. Modern con­ veniences. Well located in Exe­ ter. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE — One 2 h.p. Woods grinder; one oil bath pump jack. Apply to Morris Hern, phone 4r9 Kirkton. 13:20* FURNITURE FOR SALE — 2 pre­ war spring-fined studio couches, small table; small dining room 6 chairs, buffet); dress­ mat to match dinette suite (ivory finish); lamp; bridge smoking cabinet; rocking china cabinet; wicker chair; FOR SALE—Casual brown furfelt hat, good as new, for teen-age girl, reasonable. Apply at Times- Advocate. 20c FOR SALE — Ladies’ winter coat, chamois lined to waist, black, size 40, good as new. Apply at Times-Advocate. 20 c . | like new; 1 kitchen set (buffet, ; at j THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1945 MISS WINNIFRED O’NEIL, Fuller Brush representative, will be in Exetei’ in October. If interested in special line for Clrrlstmaft leave name at Times-Advocate or phone Clinton J5.__ ___ R. B. WILLIAMS, Massey-Harris Dealer,, w ........................ .Leland Jory, Mechanic We are now in a position to give on service on Tractors or any machine in the field or shop when needed. For Sale—One used Culta Packer in good shape; one used Cream Separator, PAIN KILLER foi* corns! Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve j prompt, sure relief. 50c Robertson’s Drug Store. Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Tinies-Advocate readers every week FOR SALE—-10 u acres, corner lot North Boundary, Middlesex, large barn, 17x4z, electric Doyle, 13:20c 23, brick house, hydro, driving shed, hog pen large water tank with pump. Apply to Mrs, M, 85 Thornton Ave., London. mmster rug 9x10; 3x5; wheelbarrow, floor lamp; smoking chair; card table; hay fork, TERMS—CASH JOHN C. FARQUHAR, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct, table and 4 chairs; 2 bedroom dressers; 1 commode; 1 settee; 1 living room table; 1 end table; 2 small kitchen, tables; 2 bridge lamps; 1 baby carriage. A’pply to Sandy Elliot, Ford Garage. 20c FOR SALE—A Frieco bridge wall range, all enamel, with reservoir and water front, good as new. Apply to Bruce Fields, Centralia. 20c FOR RENT—Furnished and heat­ ed rooms. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 20* TO RENT — Small heated apart­ ment; private kitchen with sink and electric stove; small living room; dinette; double bed with spring mattress; semhprfvate bath room; and electric refrig­ erator. $30.00 per month; would like yearly contract. .Sandy Elliot. FOR SALE—1 new 1% h.p. gas engine; 1 new' Superior cook stove; 6 new and used, electric .motors; 1 used 750 Cream Sep­ arator (good). Wanted: 1 oil burner for Quebec Heater. R. B. Williams, Massey-Harris Sales & Service, phone 88. FARMS FQR SALE—Three Exeter district farms. These are all good farms with comfortable houses and good barns. 100, 100 and 150 acres. These farms are priced reasonably and can be bought on liberal terms, C. V. Pickard, Exeter. NOTICES FIRST1 POSTING OF VOTERS’ LISTS, 1945 Miuiicijiality of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that. „ __, I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Cen­ tralia, Ontario, on the 17 th day of September, 1945 the list of all persons entitled Municipality, at and that such for inspection. And I hereby to take immediate have any errors or rected according to day of appeal being October, 19 45. Dated at Centralia, this 17th of September, 1945. LLOYD B. HODGSON, Centralia. Ontario. call xpou all voters proceedings to omissions cor- law, the last the 8th day of to vote in the said municipal elections list remains there L i|IKIIIi8l!1B!!ia3llimiS5iilffl!IIS!IIEI!ll®liE!ll!l The Exeter Lions Club will hold their Eighth Annual Frolic in the Wed., - Thurs., Oct inimniJHnjninuiinmtnmiiijiuinmumiuimtnuiuuuiHiittutnuaiiummmummHinmnmHimmmi Entertainment-Booths & Bingo-Games of all Kinds Enjoy the Gaines as You Donate Your Money for Lions Welfare Work niiilimitiiiiti imiuimmtmiiimitmiitimimmiimmimnfmmifiHiiiiijiiitHriiiiim (txiifniHitiiiiiniiiiittiimiiiilimimiitiiiinimiiiHiififiiiinnmnimiiiimimmiiHiil $420 Entertainment IN PRIZES both nights at 8 "p.m. awarded as follows:One hour and over of top-notch entertainment. 1st Prize—Electric Stove, value $150.00. 2nd Prize — Electric Washing Machine, DIFFERENT PROGRAM EACH NIGHT Dancingvalue $110.00 3rd Prize—$50 War Savings Certificate 4th Prize—$50 War Savings Certificate 5th and 6th Prizes —*■ $25 War Savings Certificates each night commencing at 10 o’clock 7th Prize—$10 War Savings Certificate GOOD MUSIC The. draw for these prizes will be made : Thursday night The Exeter Band $25 in DOOR PRIZES 5 PRIZES OF $5.00 EACH IN ATTENDANCE THURSDAY NIGHT The Entire Net Proceeds for Community Welfare Work. Admission 25c; Public School Children 10c; Service Personnel Free. “God Save The King” FOR SALE—A table model Philco radio 1940 set; a1 twin oil burn­ er and stove; a white enamel kit­ chen cupboard in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Norm Hockey. 13:2'0* STRAYED—Onto the premises of Roy Ballantyne, Usborne Town­ ship, 2 steers and 3 yearling heifers. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. 3tc WANTED TO RENT—10 0 acres with complete buildings. I have a client with a full line of im­ plements and stock who wishes to .rent a farm in this district. 0, V. Rickard, phone 165 Exeter FOR SALE *— 100 acres of land situated on No. 23 Highway, lot 21, concession 10, W.B. Blan- shard, one mile from Whalen, one mile from school and church: land is well drained and fenced, buildings in good condition, ex­ cellent stabling; hyrdo and good water supply, For further par­ ticulars, apply to Frank Gunning, phone 17-3 Kirkton. 13 In the Estate of Ahnina Parsons, late of Exeter, ’Ontario, widow de­ ceased. All persons having claims against the late Almina Parsons who died on or about August 13th, 1945, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned .solicitor for the Execu­ tors on or before October 1st, 19 45 after which date the assets will be distributed. Dated September 12th, 1945. W. B. PARSONS, CLARENCE A. HEYWOOD, Executors, J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for, Executors, _____Exeter, Ont._______13:20:27 In the Estate of Fanny Bissett, late Of Exeter, Ontario, Spinster deceased. All persons having claims against the late Fanny Bisset who died on oi’ about August 3rd, 1945, required to send particulars their claims duly verified to CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot Con. 3, Ijtiddulph Twp. 1% miles east of Centralia MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, the following: HORSES -t— Matched black five and seven weighing 1600 roan mare, seven years old, in 1’oan horse, 10 years old. CATTLE—2 fresh cows calves at foot; Durham cow __ calf at foot; Durham cow, fresh in July; Durham cow, due May 15; Durham heifer, due May 5; Ayr­ shire cow, due March 20; Ayrshire cow, due May 30; 20 yearling steers and heifers; 12 calves, all white faces; calves; 1 fat calf, 4 months old. 31 pigs from 75 to 100 lbs. 100 yearling hens, laying, hybrid N.H. and B.R. 25 cockerels. IMPLEMENTS—Frost & Wood binder. 7 ft.; Tudhope manure spreader; 'Cockshutt mower, new: 12 ft. hav rake: 3 drum steel roll­ er; 16 plate disc; cultivator; 2- horse scuffler; 13-hoe McCormick- Deering fertilizer drill; 2-furrow riding plough; single furrow riding plough; 2 walking ploughs: 3 sets narrows; wagon; flat rack; 4set of sleighs; 2 buggies cutter; root pulper; Clinton fanning mill; 2,000 lb. scales; electric cream separator, Ankerholt; 2 sets -double harness; set new collars; bags; i colony house, brooder ter for shovels; chains; articles. Chrysler 50 in good running order. Quantity of mixed grain; barley and oats. FURNITURE—-Davenport; bed; mattress: arm chair; rock/br; par lor table; quantity of dishes: Good Cheer white enamel kitchen range' rug; Williams sewing machine, new tension ladder, 32 ft,; 3 cedar lad ders; electric brooder; 2 iron ket­ tles; forks; shovels; hoesf whiffle- trees; neckyokes; barrels; single harness; 2,000 scales; and other articles. FURNITURE day bed; f small tables; chen table; wood stove; er mattress; faio robes; estry rug, stands; 2 pictures; springs; ter worker. TERMS—CASH CHAS, KEDDY, Prop. ' GEORGE DAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. Kitchen range; 8 chairs; 3 rockers; 2 ,; sewing cabinet; kit- ; dishes of all kinds; ; coal oil heater; featn- >; feather tick; 2 buf- fernery; bedding; tap- 9x12; dresser; 3 wash toilet sets; number of 3 beds; mattresses; churn; butter bowl; but- The undersigned auctioneer has: received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on the premises on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1945 at 2.00 p.m., the following real estate: Lot “C”, concession 6, in the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. The farm is seeded in grass ana is well watered, On the property is a brick house and a frame barn, 36’ x 52’. TERMS OB’ SALE: The property will be put up subject to a reserved bid, 10% of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and w collars; single harness: feed .sacks; 2 hay forks.- 10x12, on spider; feeders: rain shei- gas barrels; forks; neckyokes: barrels; and other TERMS—'CASH ALBERT MITCHELL, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR. Auct are of ___ _____ ___ ______ „ the undersigned solicitor for the Execu­ tor on or before October 10 th, 19 45, after which date the assets will .be distributed. DATED September 17th, 1945. HERBERT B. BXSSETT, Executor. by J. W. MORLEY, ' Solicitor for Executor, Exeter, Ont. 20:27:4 PRIVATE SALE Kitchen range, white and green enamel; 3-burner oil stove, with oven; baking cabinet; kitchen table and ■rocker; card table; suite (table, iron bed, springs, mattress, ing table; den table, 2 chairs mat­ ching; 5 small stands; Congoleum rugs; electric fixtures; lawn mow­ er; second hand clothing; quart sealers. Articles may be viewed evenings from September 20th and Wednes­ day afternoon, Septembed 26th, ai my present residence on John -St. I A. B. BUSH-ELL Strathroy, Saturday, September 22nd. 150 Western stock cattle in­ cluding a choice run of Hereford steers. Trucks to deliver; Sales every Saturday; private sales in the week. A. G, McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in Honsall oil Mill Street, the property formerly occupied by Mrs. T. Berry 1045SATURDAY, SEPT, at 2 p.m. Studio Couch match; dinette suite nut); breakfast nook .heater; antique settee; cupboard; book case; glass china cabinfet; couch; Philco radio; 606 used slop brick; odd tables and chairs; beds, springs and mattresses; end tables; 2 bedroom suites; chester­ field suit; enamel cook stove; AX* AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Main Street, Exeter, across from Tom Coates gas station on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp. Kitchen stove; kitchen table; couch; mirror; floor lamp; 2 small ; clock; 6 kitchen cabinet; bed; dresser; com- sewing machine; 5 number of Settee with vvUVH) IHJLLJL. j LX tables; 'linoleum; chairs; .kitchen springs; mattresses; i ■mode; carpet; t ik_ rockers; chesterfield; pictures; book-case; chairs; Wilton rug;\ small rugs; hall rack; case of stuffed birds; step ladder; 3-burner oil stove; quilts; blankets; wash tub; garden tools; quantity of sealers; crocks; clarinet and piccilo in 'good con- Hudson seal coat, good as dishes of .all kinds; pails; pans; Quebec heater stove; carpet sweeper; Brussells ; walnut parlor suite; elect- iron; electric toaster; outside and other articles numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH JOHN BRAUND, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRlA-NK TAYLOR, Auct. dition; new; i pots; Bissell carpet; ric ladder, 16-ft.; too AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot ~8, Con. 3, Usboriie TwpM on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1945, at 1 o’clock sharp: . STOCK—Good work team due Oct. 12, cow due in Feb.; spot cow due in March; gray cow due in April; fat cow; Jersey cow due iii Jan.; heifer rising 2 years old; steer rising 2 years old; 4 spring calves. 20 pullets. IMPLEMENTS—iM.lL binder, - 6- fb; Brantford mower; stone boat; cultivator; disc; wheelbarrow; hay loader; plough; manure section sleighs; rack; CUttef; ----- -- *,«**,«*, vuowue uujvi 2 stool drums; steel drum with quantity of inoliisses; light wagon with pole; quantity of lumber; ox- /X U, lilVYYpI j oLUHU POSlLj disc; wheelbarrow; hay riding plough; 2-f arrow walking plough; hay rake; set 4- hay rack; set of wagon box; pig in good shape; : cutting box; scuffler; spreader; harrows; wagon; top buggy root pulper; AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot .14, Con. 16, Stephen Township, 1 mile north of Shipka, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER Sth, 194b at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES — Percheron horse, years old; Percheron horse, 5 years old; bay mare. 10 years old. CATTLE — Roan cow due in March, still milking; Durham cow, fresh; Durham cow due in March, ■still milking; Durham cow due in. April; Durham cow due in March; blue roan cow due in April; 2 pure­ bred Jersey cows, eligible for regis­ tration, both clue in January; Here­ ford cow, bred 2 .months, milking; Hereford cow, milking; Hereford baby beef; heifer, 2 years old; Durham steer rising 2 years; Here­ ford steer, 18 months; steers, 1 year ling heifer; 5 small calf. PIGS—York foot. 10'0 Hybrid IMPLEMENTS Deering binder, McCormick-Deering spring i harrows; ~ scuffler with puller combined; 10- ft. steel rake; 14-plate disc; riding plough; walking plough;- low down wagon; 16-.ft. flat hay .rack; sliding rack and tracks; fanning mill; sling ropes; 32-ft. extension lad­ der. new; set of sleighs; set or hunks; 3 wagon tongues; lumber for gravel box; quantity of lumber; 2 sets of heavy harness, 1 set new; 4 horse collars; wheelbarrow; root % h.p. motor; milk pails; 2 sets of double 3 neckyokes; 2-wheel trailer; reach; quantity and many pullets; 27 ducks. — .McCormick- 7-ft., nearly new; _ mower, 5-it.; tooth cultivator; 4-section ; McCormick-Deering bean ■pulper; separator; forks; shovels; 3 logging chains; ’ 2 whifflptrees, new; steel farm wagon; wagon gear; wagon •of twine; grain bags; axj ■other articles too numerous to men­ tion. 19 28 Chrysler coupe with 4 new tires; ‘ bushel barley seed; HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Cofield electric washer; electric clock; electric iron; electric toaster; z- burner electricplate; electric floor lamp; 6 electric table lamps; elec­ tive radio; quantity of blinds; Singer drop head sewing machine; book case; hall tree practically new kitchen table desk tub; ers; H s«hall tables quantity of forks; c. oak barrel, room suite; al chair; rove; studio couch, : kitchen cabinet; Cupboard boiler ironing board; 2 9 kitchen chairs 'iPdtfed dishes; crocks; i writing galvanized electric heat- ; arm chair pails; pans knives an -J churn; jLO-gallon new; mahogany dining chesterfield; occasion- dining room table; mir­ rors; pictures; 2 walnut bedroom' suites; 2 linoleum rugs, 6x9; bed­ ding; quantity of sealers; heater; alarm clock; quantity of lGMnch wood; buffet; table; chairs; single bed; spring-filled mattress, new. Every article will be sold to the highest bidder as proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS—CASH CARL GUENTHER, Prop. JIM DALTON, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R.R* Dashwood, Telephone 5M2,