The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-11-04, Page 2& Page 2 yimes established 1873; Advocate established 1881 amalgamated November 1924 PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER, ONTARIO An Independent Newspaper devoted to the of the Village of Exete? and Surrounding Member of the Canadian Newspapers’ Association; of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MPRN1WQ, NOVEMBER 4th, 1943 interests District Weekly Member All Advertising Copy .Must be in Our Hands Not Later Than Noon on Tuesdays SUBSCRIPTION RATE $2.00 a year, in advance; six months, $1.00 three months 60c PUBLISHER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1943 A New Force? Has Russia come upon the world as a dis­ tinctly new force? Does she bear the mint marks of a new human coinage? Does Stalin come under some Mother category than any we have used hitherto in measuring men? Is he not only a very great man but an essentially dif­ ferent man from any we have known to date ? Is Russia contributing something unique? Must we find out something new in human nature before we tell what Stalin is ? Is he quite beyond us because of his being a character ive know nothing about? So far he has shown himself not only superior to his own contemporaries but new in kind. Is Russia going not only to upset our ideas so far held regarding human nature., but is she going to make a contribution to our western way of thinking about human nature that we never thought of to date? Per­ haps Anthony Eden and Cordell Hull are find­ ing out something about all this. We wonder what Shakespeare would make out of Stalin and the Russian people. * * * * To The Bridge Head The critical hour of the war is here. U-boat and bomb are ready for their thrust by sea and city. Poison gas is ready to pour in death upon every city in civilized Europe. The dull., brutish, but armed and trained legions of loatliesome Nazidom are facing towards our homes. Russian chivalry is fighting waste deep in snow and blood. Workman’s table and royal plate alike face shortening rations. Cannon and rifle and aircraft call aloud for replacement. Where we have one aircraft we should have ten. Where we have one fighting ship we appallingly require five. Where we have one trained airman we need one hundred. Plowman and workman alike must be to, the bridgehead. Those who cannot fight must build. Those who can drive neither lathe nor guide the plow must give and give till they can give no more. The Victory Loan is the lifeblood of tbe hour. It is the bulwark of Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights and of trial by jury. It is the Golden bond wound about the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes and the might}' emblem of Russia. Every dollar suscribed to the Victory Loan purges the blood of every son of Adam of the triple curse of Nazidom. Canadians must not fail in this hour when mankind stands at the judgement seat of history. ❖ * v * * We Wonder Just what would be taking place these days of strikes if Stalin were the chief magistrate in the United States instead of Roosevelt? Then again we wonder if it is better to allow Lewis and his folk to have their way than for the liberties of the world to be imperilled and for tens of thousands of people to shiver themselves into sickness? That neat little cubical structure, the ballot box, is not an unmixed good. * * * * A Fundamental Error All the world stands amazed at the accomp­ lishments of Russia, in agriculture, in engineer­ ing, in electrification, in medical science. This awakened giant has caused us to do some real eye rubbing. We find ourelves pinching our­ selves to see if we are really awake. While we admire Russia for her advances in so many res­ pects we should take time to note that she has- accomplished what she has because she has res­ ponded to the leadership of one man, Stalin. Wherever one goes in Russia, lie finds the domi­ nation of Stalin. We understand that unless anyone living in Russia steps lively when Stalin requests him to be on the move that the un­ responsive one finds himself liquidated. Let us not forget this fact in our admiration of Russia. We have no Canadian Stalin. Should Stalin pass out, what would become of Russia ? The Commonwealth in England disappeared like snow in June once Cromwell was removed, for Cromwell was the Commonwealth as Stalin is Soviet Russia, Those who are bent on form­ ing a state after the model of Russia should first decide who is to be the Stalin of the state they would set up? If the state is to control the banks and the railroads and the insurance companies and the steamboats and the airlines and the educational interests, he the state? There will be elections we are tolclj but elections will have little to do with the ruling of the country. we ask who is to the ruling of the country. The elected ones will select a few folk to do their thinking, These in turn will select one man to do the thinking of the smaller group. Hence the rule by one man, Who is to be that man? Things are stupid enough as they are with us this moment, Would they be one whit better if the elected ones xindex’ the proposed form of government passed their day uncritxcized by a live opposition? Would the way of living he any better than the present way of carrying on ? It must be remembered that the Russian method of administering public affairs always implies revolution in its inception and in its being established. To be like Russia and still have the life as we have it in the United States and Canada, is the same sort of thing ns trying to ride two horses going in dif­ ferent directions. is In an is In the democracies the ideal the spiritual development of every citizen. Russia, the ideal is to make every citizen efficient economic unit. In Russia the ideal harnessed rivers, blast furnaces and electri­ city everywhere. In the democracies the ideal is manhood at its very best, with economic ef­ ficiency following as a natural consequence.as A Triumph We have heard of the Burma Road, the life line in its day of Chinese safety, as far as the allies were concerned, We recall the consterna­ tion of Christendom when that road was cap­ tured by the Japanese. “Until that Road is rebuilt anil in possession of the allies,” we said, “we cannot render the aid to China that she requires.” Most people thought aid to China was held up. The Chinese did not fall in with this way of thinking. If the Burma Road was not available, the Chinese determined to build another to take its place. The task of doing so was appalling. It was equal to building a road involving labor equivalent to building the Chinese wall, ment foi- all upon building one of the wonders of achieve- time. For the Chinese resolve the road was for them to get at the job. Accordingly five hundred thousand old men and women and children got busy. They had no steam shovels. They had no dynamite sticks. They had no trucks or miniature rail­ roads for moving rock and dirt. All they had •was baskets and primitive picks and bare shoul­ ders and -wooden shovels and bamboo rods which they made into gunpowder cartridges for explosives. They had to build around mountains They encountered malaria Leopards and kindred But the road was The Russians at Nothing that has and over morasses, in its deadliest forms, wild built their been these was colossal, manded were blood cannot built and China exemplified again that what­ ever men dare they can do. beasts assailed them, and built in one year, best were surpassed, done by modern nations has surpassed Chinese in building this road. The labor The courage and endurance de- terrible. The cost in life and be estimated, but the road was Is There a Panic? We hear two stories regarding farm life. Some farmers report agricultural conditions as being difficult beyond endurance. Others tell us that they are making a nice lot of money., Along with this state of affairs goes- a large number of farm sales. We cannot but wonder if some farmers have allowed themselves to be­ come panicky. Are they paying too much at­ tention to the conditions that followed the close of the last World War? We have no idea of what may transpire in the next few years, but we are certain that should the Ivar end tomor­ row that farm products will continue to be in demand. The prices for farm commodities are good. Should the war be over soon, labor will he more abundant. Machinery soon will be available. Ontario has been very hard hit this year by an unusually bad grain harvest, but banks are reasonable in loans for grain and grain is abundant in the western provinces. A little care and foresight will insure plenty of seed for next spring. Farm conditions are diffi­ cult, but other workers find the situation trying. The farmer who “sticks it” and who uses charac­ teristic mother wit will win through on the right side. We have confronted difficult times before and were little the worse of the experience, * * * * A Cheering Bit of News Feeding pigs these fine days? We inquired in oui- best reportorial style of one of our South Huron farmers. “Of course, of course, what did you think I was doing to put in the time?” “You are doing this for purely patriotic pur­ poses,” we continued. “No. I’m feeding those porkers to make some good cash wherewith to feed my babes and wife and myself.” “Yes, sir,” he continued, “I can make five to ten dol­ lars per pig by doing this very thing and buy every- grain of feed fox- that purpose.” We came across two other farmers who told much the same story. It may be added that these farmers bought the pigs as well as the grain. One farmer told us that he paid for the milk and roots as well as the grain. , Note and Comment What a fine autumn we have enjoyed. One of the finest opportunities in the county for reforestation is along the banks of the Aux Sable, What is being done about it? There is some demand for the Education's opening a Commercial Exeter. The demand seems to be and is- being considered, 4 * * * We gratefully acknowledge the liberty in this broad land, It is now Mrs, Smith to pass a drawin’ of tea over the back fence in exchange for a teaspoonful of molasses to her tried and found true neighbor, Mrs. OTtcilly, We earnestly hope for the day when Johnny will be able to swap three marbles for Bill’s ally, Board of course in reasonable * growth of lawful for An unto accident resulting in slight damage to two ears took place on Main Street,. Monday afternoon. Keddy, of Usborne, was of turning around when bumper of his cai' was another car driven by Mr. 0. W. in the act the front struck by George Tride, of London. A fender on the latter car was damaged. No one was hurt. A deputation from one of the large city churches was in Exeter on Tuesday and waited on Rev. D. McTavish, pastor of James .Street United church with a view to secur­ ing him as their pastor for the next conference year. Deputations have visited the church on different oc­ casions to hear Mr. McTavish preach and were so favorably impressed that the deputation on Tuesday was the result. Mr. McTavish has dec­ lined to commit himself and is taking the matter under advise­ ment. Mr. Ed. Lowery, of Brussels, who recently purchased the furnishings of the Central Hotel from Mr, 0. Lee and who has rented the build­ ings for a term of years, has taken possession and Mr. Lee is moving With his wife and family to London, 25 YEARS AGO Miss Icla Armstrong is home from Toronto owing to the schools of the city being closed. She has been con­ fined to the house for a few days owing to illness. Norman Norry and A. T. Harness, of town, have each been, awarded War Service Badges in Class A and B. Pte. Jos. Davis and Maurice Quance returned to the Guelph camp last week after a holiday here. Harness Brothers are again on duty at the barber shop, after several days absence caused by ill­ ness. The question is—Have you bought your• Victory Bond? October was an ideal fall month and the farmer is pretty well with his fall work. up 50 YEARS AGO Mr. Joseph Senior attended Canadian Photographers’ Convention at Toronto last week. Messrs. Wm. Dearing, Sr., Wm. Hoskins and Thomas Cornish, who have been on a visit to England returned home on Thursday last. Messrs. Thos., Oke, Thos. Prior and George Blatchford are shipping quantities of hay from this station daily. Messrs. Dan Davis and Wm. Balkwill each shipped a carload of cattle to Montreal on Monday. Rol­ lins and Williams have shipped several carload of flour to Lower Provinces during the past week. The Bobier Produce Co. shipped a carload of eggs to Montreal on Sat­ urday. MILK DRINKING CREATES PROBLEM the M Canadians have taken so literally the advice “drink more milk”! that they have created a major problem for federal authorities. A week ago, J. O. Nadeau, Prices Board deputy administrator of dairy products, said some action was neces­ sary to check the increase in milk consumption or productions would be unable to keep pace with demand. Behind that warning was the fact —termed “extraordinary” by offi­ cials here—that Canadians have in­ creased their annual consumption of fluid milk by more than 30' pounds in prospect. Fluid milk utilization in Canada increased 370,300,000 pounds to 3,- 387,900,00 pounds between 1940 and 19 42. A further gain, estimated at 10 per cent., has been reported for the first six months of 1943. At a time when Canada has been meeting British contracts for cheese and other dairy products, the fluid milk consumpton at home has re­ presented an even greater part of total milk output. With total 194'0' milk production 16,283,000,000 pounds, fluid milk consumption represented 18.5 per cent. In 1942, with total production raised to 17,528,200,000 pounds, the fluid milk share represented 19.3 per cent. Smiles . . . It Wag the day alter tlie party. There were two oranges left on the •plate, and mother said that Mary and Jack could have them. Sad to relate, Jack took the big­ ger orange, leaving the smaller one for his sister, whereupon she begad to cry. “Now what’s up?” “Why, you’ve got Wept Mary, “Look here,” said out the two oranges. “If I asked you to take one, which would you I take?” | “The small oher of course,” said ’ his polite sister, | “Well, what are you growling about?” asked Jack, the big one,” Jack, holding M | LETTER BOX I The following letter was received by Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert, of Lucan, from tlxeir son, Sgt. Ivan Cul­ bert, who is serving with the Sth Army in Italy. Ivan has been over­ seas nearly 4 years, A3463 Sgt. Culbert, Ivan IL, Siipport Coy., R.C.R,,Central Mediterranean Force My dear home folks: To begin with this is the first opportunity I have had tp write over a week. Just after writing last letter to you we started on move and prepared ourselves for invasion of Italy, and here I am ting jn a large house high i\p in mountains overlooking the Messina straights. We thought they had mountains in Sicily, but they were only ant liills in comparison to what we have to climb here, on foot, Our mule teams help -out quite a lot, but we have had some tough days just the same. The weather has changed since we struck the mainland and the rainy season has set in. We appreciate the cool weather but the rain we do not welcome. We used to be able to •wash our clothes and have them dry ready to put on in fifteen minutes but now we do not know how long it will take to dry them. I will not mention anything about the progress and our successes in Italy. You will have read all about it before this letter reaches you, The chief thing is I am in very good health and making the best of each day. It won’t be long now, With the great advances the Russians are making. We may not be home for Christmas this yeai- but most cer­ tainly will before Christmas 1944. This morning we all had a great surprise when word came through, that parcels were in, and sure enough I had one from you, mother. It was dated June 3rd, just a bit over three months on the seas. It went to Scotland first, then to Sicily and on here to Italy, so you never know these days when you pack a parcel where it’s destination will be, but despite the long journey and very hot weather, the parcel was in good condition, and I don’t know when I ever appreciated a parcel so much as I did this one. There will be several more on the way and with my new address, they will come direct to where we are and should not take much over the month to reach me. I had two letters from home both dated in June and one from Ross Hern written in June. I-Ie mentioned sending a box of chocolates but they have not arrived yet. I believe I told you to send air letters, as they come in two weeks oi' slightly over. I am sending a telegram today to let you know all is O.K. Living conditions in Italy are better than in Sicily. The houses are more modern and they tell us bananas grow here. We had our big Brigade .Sports meet on August 27th, which was a great success. The R.C.R. won the cup again this year. The first ball game was played between the 4S Highlanders and the R.C.R. We won 5-1. I took part in the high, jump and the obstacle race. The cup won, was made by a Pte. Soldier out of German and Italian shells. He made an. excellent job of it and it will be a good souvenir of Sicily. If you ever get a chance to sub­ scribe for the Canada Weekly Maga­ zine be sure and get it. In it are pictures and write-ups of what the Canadians are doing in action. They took several snaps at the Sports meet the other day and I am in some r; If Necessary, To Raise More Food Farmers raising war foods, supplying all kinds of products for export to the fighting fronts, may find it necessary to borrow at the Bank to cover their extra requirements. It is the policy of the Bank of Montreal, at all of its branches, to co-operate at all times with farmers, and especially at the present time when their work is so essential to the war effort. Do not hesitate to talk in confidence with our nearest branch manager regarding your need for credit. ©f MONTREAL “A Bank Where Sma.ll Accounts Are Welcome” MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . . . the Outcome of 125 Years’ Successful Operation Exeter Branch: W. J. FLOYD, Manager 198 of them. Well, I think this will be all for now. I do not know when I will be able to write again but always re­ member no news is good news. Sunday, being a National Day of of Prayer. We were unable to hold service, but our prayers went up just the same. My love and God’s blessing to all. our loving son, Ivan.I thought about you so much las STOP fire ^“pROPERLV/ ifc''"7Ar~" 4 J Coal is the backbone o£ our entire war effort. Every ton is precious and is needed to help speed victory. You can do your part to meet the emergency by budgeting your coal pile .. by practising the conserva tion methods outlined in the free booklet illustrated at the right Study COLD Prevent excessive heat loss by clos­ ing windows and doors promptly. Draw shades or drapes over Win­ dows all Evening ahd night. Save up id 10%onyour fuel this Wav Get your FREE copy from your local dealer, This booklet shows you how to avoid having a chilly home this winter. MSI5W