The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-06-10, Page 8Page 8 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, TOVESPAV MORNING, JUNE 10th, 1943 Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.0 S. Creamery Hutter, 3 De. Eggs, A Large, Eggs, Medium, Eggs, B, 24c. Dressed Hogs. Marion Pooley reauty shoppe THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE at 2.30 Special Feature “Forest Rangers in technicolor, starring FRED MacMURRAY, PAULETTE .GODDARD and SUSAN HAYWARD JJullets TODAY Prop. Leavitt’s Theatre 'Exeter Ont. Phone 135 V’s Beauty Shoppe Canadian Women Help-*— “PASS THE AMMUNITION” A «3c Stamp Buys 12 BUY A STAMP HERE VERA C. DECKER, Phone LOCALS AH Work Guaranteed Phone 245 The Exeter Ladies’ Bowling Club will hold Ladies* night every Tues­ day beginning June 15. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies interested in bowling. Games will begin at 7.30, Snell's Taxi Service Phone 100 MONDAY AND TUESDAY 2 Nights Only 9 2 Features ‘The Road to Morocco' starring BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE & DOROTHY LAMOUR “Blonde from Singapore” Hairdressing * * * Tomlinson's Phone 146 visiting Hunter, Aylmer, Coming............ “Flight for Freedom” “Bambi” “The Crystal Ball” “Journey for Margaret” Miracle ■ B Don’t Miss the OPENING DANCE.. at Spruce Grove Wed., June 16th Clayt. Steeper’s Orchestra Jitney dancing Free parking FUN FOR OLD AND YOUNG a Mr. < Jim home and Mrs. William Venner were Sunday visitors at ; of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mr. and Mrs. George Dalrymple and Marjorie, of HensaJl, Pte Wil­ mer Dalrymple, of Camp Ipperwash and and t«he Ryekman. In the Mrs. John Hern last week an error was made in reporting the bearers. The bearers were Messrs. Edgar Gorvett, Kenneth and Tennyson Johns, Ephraim, Melville and Well­ ington Hern, account of the death of Dr. Scholl’s Foot Expert at Jones & May’s Thursday, June 24 visited Brus- Wing- Mrs Richard Davis is visiting with relatives in Detroit. Cpl. Fred Walters, of Angus,, visited with friends over the week­ end. Miss Muriel Rowe spent the week­ end with Miss Maxine Lawrence, of Seaforth. Mr. A, R. Tomlinson, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his family in town. Mrs. William Hunter is with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton in Toronto. L.A.C. Gerald Lawson, of spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson. Pte. Gordon May and Sgt. Mel. Hackett, of Ipperwash Camp, spent Sunday in town. Miss Margaret Ritchie, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with Miss Alice Handford, Miss Florence Dunsford with Miss Mary Baeker, of seis, on Saturday. •Miss Florence Angus, of ham, is relieving at the Bell Tele­ phone this week. ■Mr. Charles Coates, of Detroit, spent the week-end visiting with relatives in Exeter. Mis Alma Hill, of St. Marys, is instructing for a few days at the Bell Telephone office. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wilson, of London spent the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks. Mrs. Lome Johnston and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis at Lucan last week. L.A.C. Murray Moore, of lin, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore. Mrs. Wm. H. Wood was in Tor­ onto on Friday attending the funer­ al of her cousin, the late Mrs. Ivan Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Clark, of Drayton, were- the guests of Mr. and over the i Bobby Harry Crum- 1 "We expect to have with us on Thurs- vday, June 24th a Foot Expert from Dr. Scholl’s. Look for full advert­ isement in next week’s pajier. This will be his only visit this year. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Galloway Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m—-Public Worship 7 p.m.—-Evening Worship New Dresses for Spring.. Some very smart styles in Spun Rayons in one and two-piece styles, Some exception­ ally good patterns that are real value. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Bey. N. J- Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A, Y, Wizard, Organist 11 a.m.-—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister 7 p.m.—Public Worship. The Min­ ister. .Thursday, June 10, 3 p.m. —W.M.b. at.the church. At 4.15 p.m,— Baby Band picnic. j JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH 10 Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. sz W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M* == Organist, and Choir Leader I == a.m.—-Sunday School and Bible = Class. i == 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Rev, Jas. Anthony. i == 7 —public Worship, Rev. Jas. = Anthony, j ~ ! = TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH New Patterns in Congoleum Rugs I We offer a full range of sizes in Congoleum rugs. These lovely rugs brighten up your rooms and give splendid wear. 6 ft. x 9 ft., $3.00 71/2 ft. x 9 ft., $6.50 Krinkle Crepes for Dresses In stripes, broken checks and lovely floral patterns. A good quality crepe that does not need ironing. Special, at per yard, 89c Curtain Nets Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Mid dl emiss Whit Sunday j 8,30 a.m,—Holy Communion 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and mon “The Birthday Church.” The choir of St. Kirkton, will assist Let each one make fort to be present to of Ser- the Church, service. . I . I Paul’s in this an earnest ef- honor this day. Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” where shoe repairing is neatly and promptly done Exeter, on Tuesday, June 15th 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE successfully proven by our• many scliool-10.30 a.m. satisfied customers in this I, service—11.30 a.m. district. | Evening Service—8 p.m. I Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 p.m. ------------------- ------—........................ All are welcome. illlllllllllllllllllHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIUII; Pastor—E. Clemens DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Deader 9 ft. x 12 ft., $10.50 and Draperies Whether it is a low priced 'curtain or better qualities, you will find a big ection to choose from in our well-assorted stock. ' 1 the sel- New Dinnerware and Breakfast SetsJ” .'■■■■ A new shipment of smart patterns in dinnerware & breakfast sets, service of 6, 8, 12 at $12.95 to $35.00 Grocery Specials for Thurs,, Friday and Saturday BABY CHICK SCRATCH FEED Ogilivies ......... 8 lbs. for 25c HI HO PUDDINGS assorted flavors 2 for 15c HEINTZ BEEFSTEAK SAUCE for steaks, chops, fish or gravy... bot. DEHYDRATED APPLES makes lovely apple sauce ..... per tin Oxford Inn VEGETABLE SOUP very tasty ............................. per tin B——-.......... ............................ 27c 10c 10c McLAREN’S FREEZE EASY for frozen desserts, flavors maple, strawberry, vanilla ... 10c a pkg. Catelli CHEESE & MACARONI cooks in 8 minutes for a tasty lunch or supper, per pkg. 19c WHITE BEANS for cooking saves the potatoes per lb. 5 c CANNED PUMPKIN for pies 16 oz. tin 10c; 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Southcott Bros.10 a.m.—The Christian and His Church Envelopes. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 pan.-—What is Truth? Saturday, June 12 th.Mrs. Harold L. Sturgis week-end. F.O. Laurience Snider1 Snider, of Arnprior, spent end with Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot and family. Mrs. Robert Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. McAlpine, of Lucan, visi­ ted with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates on Saturday. «> Miss Alma Richard, who under­ went an operation for appendicitis a week ago, returned home Tuesday of this week. Mr, Russel Balkwill and two sons Paul and Clare and Mr. Wm. Snell and son George spent the week-end up North. Sgt. and Mrs. Ted Wilson, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dolphin, Gary and Sandra Gail, of Strathroy visited on Sunday with Warden and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey. Sgt. O. P. Lawson, of Summerside, R.E.I., and Mrs. Lawson and Gail, of Orillia, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis, Jean and Peter, of Tavistock, spent the week-end with Mrs. Francis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. Misses Alma and Dorcas Sillery, of Usborne, spent the week-end as guests of their grandparents., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sillery, of town. AC2 Clarence Simmons, who re­ cently completed an course at T.T.S., St. been posted to No, 9, S.F.T.S. Cen­ tralia.LAC. David Wethey,~"son of Mr. E. J. Wethey, of town, who recent­ ly completed his I.T.S. course, spent two weeks’ leave with his sister Helen at Summit, N.J,, and has now been posted to Crumlin. Cpl, Don Jolly spent a 48-hour leave at his home near Hensall. O. Coder Norman Jolly, of the R.C.N.V. R., has been attending Coding School in St. Hyacinthe, Que., for the past month. * Mr. Gordon Lamport, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, returned to his home Thursday of last ‘Week. His many friends hope to see him around again Mr, and Mrs. onto, are making their home Mr, Fred Elliot, Mrs, Moore niece of Mr* Elliot and is a mer resident Exeter, We come them to our midst, L. Cpl. Wes, Ryekman and Mahlon Ryekman, who have stationed at Dundurn, Sask., been transferred to Camp Borden, They spent Sunday at their home here and returned oh Tuesday on a 48-hour leave, and Mrs. the week- Clayton Steeper’s Orchestra Admission 35c Monday at 8.15 Mission Circle at the home of Mrs. Earl Ratz. Watch for announcement of oration Day on June 20th. Welcome Dec-Phone 16 Exeter 1 CORNISH REUNION The annual Cornish reunion was held at Riverview Park, Exeter, on Saturday, June 5, with a fair at­ tendance. The afternoon was spent in games after which supper was enjoyed by all. Officers were elec­ ted for 1944 as follows: president, Danny Gliddon, of Holmesville; secretary, Mrs. Trewartha, of Holmesville; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penhale; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford. electrician’s Thomas, has Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter INSULATE YOUR HOME ROCKWOOL INSULATION—Blown into walls and ceilings of your home, saves fuel with more com- tort. Fifeproof, permahcnt. Our equipmeut Will be In Exeter and district for two weeks commenc­ ing June 30th. insulated now pointment next “Work done in For free estimate Write or phone UxetOi4 Times-Advocate, i 20:2713:10* soon. C, Moore, of Have your home hhd save dlsap- fall arid Winter* town or country. Tor- witli Is a for® wel- Tpr. been have FISH! FISH! We carry a complete line of fish for meatless days. Jumbo Ice Cream, 20c per brick Exeter Frozen Food Lockers iii Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, of Detroit, and Simpson, of Port. Huron, with Mr. and Mrs. John Prout over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. James visited PLANTS FOR SALE 13 Mrs. Agnew, of Winnipeg, is visi­ ting with her mother, Mrs. Char­ lotte Taylor, Her sou, Pte. Howard Agnew, of Barryfield Camp, ‘spent the week-end here. Mrs. Agnew has been in London visiting brother Frank at Victoria I-Ie is improving and strength and expects to an operation when a little Best, John Beef Steak. Tomatoes: Bonny Bear, Earliana,, Petunia, Snap Geraniums, Ferns and other Flowering Plants. Dragon, witli her Hospital, regaining undergo stronger. . L. DAY & SON aa In the softball league Fullarton plays in Exeter to-night Thursday. Our “All-Out” Sale of Watches, Clocks, Silver- ware and Jewellery has been going well during the past week. but do not delay. Lady’s 15 jewell gold filled case Wrist Watch, regular $22.50 . . .now $16.00 Mr. K. J. Sims lias resigned bis position at the Canadian Canners after a long and faithful service. Mr. and Mrs. Sims moved to Exeter front Crediton 19 years next October and since that time Mr. Sims has been employed at the factory. For seven years he was night watchman, but the past few years he has been on day duty. Mr. Sims says that he has enjoyed Working with the com­ pany and their employees and wishes them every success in their new plant. Mr. Luther J. Penhale, now district manager, Was manager at the local plant at the time Mr. Sims was first employed. Mrs. Sims was also one of the lady employees for a number of years until her health prevented her. Mr. Sims intends doing light work around town. Gents’ Watches, 15 jewell, gold C1C fifi filled case, regular $22.50 ............llUlf $ I O.UU NICE SELECTION OF DIAMOND and WEDDING RINGS AT BARGAIN PRICES* Remember 25 to 50 % discount. We want to complete this sale before the end of June* .Tames St. Mission Circle The regular meeting of the James St. Mission Circle was held Tuesday afternoon. The National Anthem was followed by the Mission Band purpose and prayer and roll call and minutes. The next meeting will be in the form of a picnic. The Worship service “We worship through tihe Bible” was taken as follows; Call to Worship by Jeah Taylor; response by Gloria Appleton, hymn 243; reading by Mary Hannigan,* scripture lessen by Ann Marie Rivers; prayer by Lorna Taylor and the Lord’s Prayer. Recitation by Richard McFalls. A chapter of the study book was given by Miss Coates. The Litany by Ida Blanchard was followed by the re­ sponse, The meeting closed with a hymn, prayer and vesper. James Street Evening Auxiliary The June meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary was held in the church parl’or Monday in the form of a supper meeting. The president, Miss Helen Penhale, con­ ducted a sing-song during the eve­ ning. The roll call and minutes of the last meeting were taken by the secretary, Miss Jean Shears and re­ ports were given by the treasurer and the secretary of the Red Cross. Miss Elizabeth Gladman favored with two piano solos and Mrs, M. A. Hunt gave a very inspiring talk on the Ascension. Mrs. Percy McFalls and Mrs. William Murdock render­ ed a vocal duet. The meeting closed With the Mizpah benediction Caven Congregational Circle The Caveh Congregational Circle meeting for June ivas held at the home of Mrs, John Galloway with a good attendance, The roll call was answered by a 10c donation to the Red Cross, The business was dis­ cussed* Rbv. Grigg whs guest Speak­ er for the afternoon and was great® ly enjoyed. Joyce Simmons and pearl kirk favored with two duets. There will be no meeting in July and the August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James Taylor. Mrs. Mason closed the meet­ ing with prayer. A social half hour was spent and refreshments were served by the hostess. Street Evening Auxiliary Tom Walker was the hos­ tile June meeting on Wed® evening, which was excep- well attended. The con- Main Mrs, tess at nesday tionally Venor, Mrs, 0. Tuckey opened the service with the use of hymn 21, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The president was in charge of the busi­ ness, Another liymn was sung and Mrs. R. Balkwell read the lesson, . prayer being offered by Mrs. N. Hockey. The guest speaker was Mrs. (Rev.) ■ -Hunt of Trlvitt Memorial Church, whose address wag most interesting and inspiring. The Dougal trio, of Hensall, sang two numbers unaccompanied, and were enjoyed very much by all* Selections on the marimba by Mrs. K. Brown were also" greatly appre­ ciated.-'Hymn 3 84 closed the meet­ ing and a dainty lunch was Served by the hostess and Mrs. Tuckey’s group.