The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-04-01, Page 4fage 4 u EXETER ON THE AIR CKNX 920 KYS EVERY WEEK FRIDAY, 11.45 p.m,—“THE DOUGHBOYS” Presented by ROBERTSON’S DRUGS FRIDAY, 5.45 p.m,—KAY KYSER ORCHESTRA By J. H. GRIEVE’S RESTAURANT WEDNESDAY, 6 p.m.—BILL BOYD OLD TIMERS By G. A. CANN & SONS MILL THURSDAY, 9 p.m.—VAUGN MONROE ORCHESTRA By E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE Make it a date to listen to these programs. We welcome your comments. YOUR STATION — CKNX WOODHAM Rev. A. L.aing officiated at the Rundle - Levey nuptials last Satur­ day at the Woodham parsonage. Next Sunday morning, April 4» communion service will be held at the close of the morning service. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. James Mills, Alon­ zo and Sidney Mills, in the passing ef their brother, Wesley Mills, of St. Marys, early last Saturday morn­ ing. Mr. W. Mills was a former re­ sident of Woodham, He was bur­ ied on Monday afternoon at St. Marys. We are glad to know that Miss Marion Parkinson, who has been in­ disposed with scarlet fever, is feel­ ing •much, better, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dykeman and children, of ’Galt, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Frank Mr, and Shirley, of week-end visitors at the home of and Mrs. James Squire, Miss Cook, of St, Marys, is spend­ ing a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and' Mrs, Dickey. We are glad to report that Mr. William Sinclair, who is in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, is getting along as well as can be expected, having been operated on last Sat­ urday. We hope lie will speedily recover, Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Squire last Sunday were Mrs. T. Harris, of Chiselhurst; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dayman, of Kippen; Mrs. John Oke, of Exeter and Marshall Squire, of Detroit. the home of "Mr< McNaughton. Mrs. H, Anderson Washington, were RBC Box Social & Dance Red Cross Unit S. S. No. 2, Hay FRIDAY, April 9 Program at 8 p.m.. Draw for Quilt now on display at E. R. Hopper’s M. A. Harlton, of Centralia, is among the recent enlistments at St. Luke’s Road Barracks, Windsor. 11 AND HIS SENSATIONAL “TOP HATTERS” ORCHESTRA Friday, April 2nd DANCING 9 TO 1 ADMISSION $1.25 8 xlOAdvance tickets $1.00 and pictures at Heintzman & Co. Rec­ ord Dept., Embassy Grill, Freddy’s Smoke Shop, Hotel Ridout and Harding’s, St. Thomas. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Maud Heywood has return­ ed home after visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and family, visited in Kitchener on Sun­ day. Mrs. William Lawson and Jimmy have returned to their home in Lon­ don. L.A.C. Gordon Cudmore, of Fin­ gal, spent a few days at his home here. Mrs. Edward Sproule, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Rus­ sell Skinner. Mrs. Hugh O’Connor, of Detroit, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rd, Davis. Mrs. Robert Wenger is spending two weeks with her father, Mr. Wil­ liam Martin, at West Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson and daughter, of Dresden, visited with friends in town on Monday. r Miss Edith Parkins, of London, spent the week-end with Miss Nor­ ma Wilson and her parents in Hen­ sail. L.A.C. and Mrs. Hutchings, of Clinton, were guests over the week­ end at the home of Mrs. C. A. Southcott. Mrs. Murray, latives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Messer Betty Ann, of Toronto, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. lary Horton. Dr. O. G. and Mrs. Truemner Virginia Ann, of Strathroy, visit- , ed with Mr. and Mrs. William Winer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Rollins and Vaughn, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Rollins’ mother, Mrs. T. G. Creech. Madge, Miss Marjorie and of London, visited with re- and friends in. Exeter on and the Hil- London Arena i Tweeclsmnir Branch Can, Legion $400.00 $400.00 MONSTER BINGO ONE $100.00 GAME $400.00 TOTAL CASH PRIZES Special Features Tickets 50c--On sale at the Arena and All London Cigar Stores LONDON ARENA Wednesday, April 7 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIl 1st, 1943 NOTICE TO CREDITORSFOR SALE Classified Directory THERE’S NO PEAD HEADS HERE—EVERY WANT AD WORKS HARD Announcement Birth, Death and Marriage Notices Jiurie inserted tree of charge, Card of Thanks 50e. 1» Me tn or jam Notices 50 c for slnsle verse, 25c extra tor each addi-s t ioual verse. Engag'eni ents 50c Classified Ads—l Per Word Each Insertion. Minimum Charge 25c Per Insertion; 10c When re- plies are delivered to the Times-Advocate office. A charge of 10c is made if not paid within ten days. and and last Mr. Mr. BIRTHS CLARKE—At fit. Joseph’s Hospital London, on Tuesday, March 80, 19 43, to L.A.C. and Mrs. Gerald Clarke, of No. 9, a son. CURRIE—At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, March 27, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs, Sproule Currie, of Dashwood, a daughter, FRAGEAU- pital, on to L.A.O. and Mrs. Camille Fra- geau, of Summerside, son, (Philip Robert). DRENNAN—At Mrs, Godbolt’s hos­ pital, on Sunday, March 28, 1943, to A.C.l and Mrs. William Dren-^ nan, of No, 9, Centralia, a son (James Robert). HALL—At St,. Joseph’s Hospital London, on Friday, March 26, 19 43 to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hall, of Mt. Carmel, a daughter. HAMILTON—At the home of Mrs. George Hunter, Exeter, on Thurs­ day, March 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, of Hensail, a son (James Gordon). JOHNS—At Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Wednesday, March 24, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns, (nee Marion Miners), of Usborne, a daughter (Carol Eliza­ beth). VENTON—In the Metropolitan Hos­ pital, Windsor, on Sunday, March 21, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Venton, of Windsor, a daughter (Penny Mae). DEATHS COLLINS—At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Wednesday, March 24, Florence May, widow of the late Rev. Canon D. W. Collins, in her 68th year. Beloved mother of Paul R. Collins, Windsor, and Nursing Sister Patricia Collins, R.C.A.M.C. 15tli General Hospital Overseas. FOR SALE—Ruescher C Melody saxophone, tenor banjo; both like new. John Plumtree, Clinton. 18:25:1* ■At Mrs. Godbolfs Hos- Thursday, March 25, FOR SALE—Soya bean seed, $2.60 per bushel. Phone 128, Hensall, John Hyde, Hensail, 18:25:1:8* P.E.I., a FOR SALE—Four good work horses, 2 greys, 2 bays, about 1,400 lbs, Will sell or exchange for drivers, Frank Taylor, Exeter. 25c 1942,, are FOR SALE—A quantity of hay. Ro­ land Neil, Ailsa Craig. Phone '61-51’14. 25:1c FOR SALE- generation registered, ciai grade No. 1. 90e Harry Strang, phone Exeter. •Erban seed oats, 2nd Commer- per bus. 1771’16, 25:1c FOR SALE—Holstein heifer calves. These calves come direct from Ingersoll dairy farms. Apply to Harold Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 39r8. 25:1:8:15* WHALEN Mrs. William Morley attended the Sherwill-Weir wedding in Lon­ don on Saturday., Mrs. Cameron, of Motherwell, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mrs. Frank week-end with lance Westcott, Misses Shirley and Merle Squire, of London, were week-end visit­ ors at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, of St. Catharines, were week-end­ visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson. Mrs. Clark Sherwill, of Norwich, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- to all who gave their assistance son Morley for a time. j during the illness of Mr. Johns and Mr. and Mrs.-William Smith, of i at the funeral; to those who gave Belmont, ~ ' . ' " . ■Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gunning.\ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley are i who sang a solo. moving this week to their new | hpme in Exeter and Mr. Wm. Og- r'ttbn to Lucan. We regret to,lose them from our 'midst. Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, of Granton, are moving on the farm recently owned by Wilson Morley and Mr. and Mrs. George Lackie, of Lucan, into the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ogden. We welcome them. Mr. Marshall Squire and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Helen Hart, of Detroit, visited with relatives during the past week. Miss Dorothy Hazelwood, of Thames Road, spent the week-end at FOR SALE—Red clover seed, clean­ ed. G. Broderick, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 83r25, Hensall. 1* FOR SALE—Two bronze gobblers. Apply Times-Advocate. 1* IN THE ESTATE QF JAMES DIXON, late of the Township of McGillivray in the County of Middle­ sex, Farmer, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of the above named de­ ceased who died on or about the 22nd day of December, hereby notified that the same with particulars thereof duly ^Verified should be sent to the undersigned solicitor for the executors op or be­ fore the 10th day of April, 1943, after which date the assets of the said estate will be distributed, hav­ ing regard only to the claims of which notice has then been receiv­ ed. DATED this 15th day of March, 1943. Beatrice Dixon, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig, Ontario and James Glavin, R.R. 1, Credi­ ton, Ontario, executors. By their solicitor, A. C. Thomp­ son, Canadian Bank of Com­ merce Building, London, On­ tario. at and Co., AUCTION SALES ............■ . .................„............ AUCTION SALE QF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by Pub­ lic auction on LOT 11, CON. 4, BIDDULPH m miles south of Saintsbury, OU TUESDAY, APRIL O, 1048 one o’clock sharp the following: STOCK — Percheron gelding 5 years old> Percheron gelding 4 years old, 2 mares rising 4 years, 2 mares rising 3 years, mare rising 2 yrs., Clyde stallion 6 yrs., aged mare, cow due time of sale, 2 Hol­ stein cows freshened, red cow due in May, 3 Holstein heifers in calf, Jersey heifer, Holstein heifer 4 years old, Polled Angus heifer 2 years old, steei- rising 3 years, Polled Angus steer rising 2 years, 2 Hol­ stein heifers rising 1 year, 2 Polled Angus heifers rising 1 year, 1 Poll­ ed Angus rising 1 year, 3 fall calves, sow due time of sale. IMPLEMENTS—M.H, binder, 7- ft. cut, hay tedder, stiff-toothed cultivator, Bissel disc, 16 gon, double box, walking rack, 2-furrow plow, root ning mill, root pulper, kitchen stove, forks, chains, whiffle- trees, neckyokes and other articles. Quantity of oats and barley. TERMS—CASH WESLEY CULBERT, Prop, FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer plate; wa- plow, hay drill, fan­ separator, FOR SALE—Team of Percherons, 6 and 7 years old. Apply John Heywood, Elimville. 1:8* Baillie. Gunning Mr. and of Usborne. spent the Mrs. Roy- CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Henry Johns wish to express their thanks were Sunday visitors of; flowers and loaned cars, also to Rev. Mair and to Kenneth Johns Bend, visited on and Mrs. James and Mr. and Mrs. spent a lier home. over the the Mis­ home of 50th ANNIVERSARY (Continued from Page 1) er of the Grain Growers’ Grain and the Pool Elevator company. In fact in all movements for the bene­ fit of the forming district he was in the fore front. For the past quar­ ter of a century he has been a live­ stock buyer, carrying on with this business after his retirement from the farm. Mr. and Mrs, ’Campbell retired from the farm to reside in Killarney in 19 35. They have one daughter and three sons, Mrs. W. A. iMiller, Russell and Guy, Killarney, and Dr. Wilfred Campbell of Medicine Hat, Alta, There are eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Campbell has four brothers: Archie, of Snohomish City, W^asli,, Andrew, Exeter. Ont., Wilfred Re­ gina; and Donald, Killarney. ........ ........................................................Hi!.....................................................'........If.............. ....... Place Your Order Now for June Delivery Practically everything booked until Juno 1st. But can supply in most breeds and grades for early June delivery* Unless you have your total requirements on order we would advise booking inamediately. Come in and see us about Electric Brooders. Ah electric brooder is the ideal Way of brooding chicks, especially in warm weather. Open daily and Saturdays until 9 p.m.Phone 78 Lakeview Poultry Farm BRINSLEY Mrs. Emerson Paton and Raulene and Mrs. C. Switzer visited with friends in this community week-end. The regular meeting of sion Circle was held at the Marion Morley on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil enter­ tained about 25 of their friends at a euchre party on Thursday evening. The prizes went to Mrs. Lavern Al­ lison, Mrs. J. Hotson, Deen' White and Murray Hamilton, served by the hostess Miss Gladys Neil. Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Crediton, visited in this community on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. L. Amos is slowly improv­ ing. Her many friends hope to see her up and around soon. Mr. and Mrs. Orville ited with Mr, and Mrs. over the week-end. L.W. Francis Mazur, of Galt, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Lewis. Her home Is in Dauphin, Manitoba. Carleton Lightfoot, a former Brinsley boy, is recuperating in Vic­ toria Hospital, having undergone a very serious heart operation, We wish for him a speedy recovery. MisS Marvel Watson, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr, and son. Aircraftsman Guelph, spent his parents, Mr. Mrs. John Brown, of Greenway, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thompson, of Lieury, called on friends Wednes­ day afternoon, Mr. both, called noon. Mr, koua, Mrs, Geo. Hodgson, GREENWAY Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent a few days last week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Curts. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Taylor and family, of Grand Sunday with Mr. Wilson. Mr. J. B. Nichol Wj. Wilson, of Hamilton, few days with relatives here. The Red Cross Society is holding a progressive euchre party and dance in the school west of Green­ way on Friday evening. Miss Ula Ulens, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. T. Ulens and Dorman. Mrs. Douglas McGregor has been quite ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steeper. We hope to see her out again soon. Mr. R. days last don. Misses L. Sheppard spent a few week with friends in Lon- Lunch was assisted by Turner, of Farrell vis- Roland Neil W.R.C.N.S., Mrs. William Wat- Harvey Lewis, of the week-end with and Mrs. Dan Lewis, and Mrs, TOm Wilson, Eliza- Alan and .HUton, of Carlow’, on friends on Sunday after- and Mrs. John spent Sunday Turner, of Ar- with Mr. and The Ice has all but disappeared I from Exeter’s main street. FOR SALE—Two purebred dual­ purpose Shorhorn bulls. Apply Wesley E. Johns & Son, R.R. 1, Woodham. Phone Kirkton 44rl0. 1* FOR SALE—Three York brood sows due in April. John Wein, Dash­ wood. 1:8* FOR SALE—Durham cow, just freshened. Apply William Welsh, Exeter. 1:8c AUCTION SALE OF HORSES On and after Saturday, April 3rd, 1943, I will sell by Public Auction a list of horses every Saturday af­ ternoon at my sale barns, Exeter, until further notice, consisting of every kind of horse from the best horse I can buy to cheap work horses. Parties with horses for sale might let me know. No h’orses tak­ en in as I guarantee and want to know what I am doing. Terms— Cash G. J. DOW, Prop..25:1* Evelyn and Mary Bullock, of Woodham, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bullock. iMr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock, Margery and Peter, of London, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ ton Pollock. Miss Doris Isaac spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. ILloyd Love in London. Canvass For Fats fatsThe C.G.I.T. will canvass for on Saturday. They are an absolute •necessity for the making of muni­ tions. Give your bit so the boys over there can do their bit. Please greet the canvassers with a ready re­ sponse. Corn Growers of Huron' The corn borer tions are in force County this year, portant than ever er, urban and rural doing his utmost to see that his own corn remnants and those of his neighbors are cleaned tip in com­ pliance with the regulations by May 20, Failure to comply renders the offender liable to a fine and to bear­ ing the expense of havih£ the neces- clean-up work done. R. W, THOMPSON, .Provincial Entomologist R L, McNAUGHTON, Corn Sofer Inspector, Hensall clean-up regula- again in Huron It is more im- that every grOw- l, cooperate by SUry FOR SALE—10 pigs 7 weeks old; 10 pigs 5 weeks old. Phone 58r5, Dashwood. x 1* FOR SALE—Seed grain, Cartier oats; O.A.C. No. 21 seed oats; soya beans; beet pulp. G. A. Cann & Sons, Exeter. ltfc NOTICE WILL the party who took chop from Cann’s grist 'mill by mistake, kindly return, as the party is known. lc WANTED WANTED—'Furnished house, or ap­ artment. Apply Box 28ON, Exe­ ter Times-Advocate, Exeter. WANTED—Would pay cash for sec­ ond hand electric washing mach­ ine in good condition. Apply Box 16 6, Exeter. THE UNDERSIGNED will take in 20 head of cattle for the season. Ed. Broderick, Exeter. ltfc LAND WANTED TO RENT—By acre or on shares. In replying state acreage. Apply Box 280H, Exe­ ter. Would accept acreages of 10 to 100. 18:25:1:8* CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi­ ton 47rl5, collect. Jack Wil­ liams. REAL ESTATE FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE — In Exeter. All conveniences. Nice lot and garage. Other homes. C. V. Pickard, Main St. FOR SALE—Some very good hous-, es in Exeter and other villages, and farms, mills and stores. W. C. Pearce. lc HOUSE FOR SALE '— Two-storey stucco, 8 rooms, running water, ■electric water heater, 3-piece bath upstairs, 2-piece bath downstairs, new furnace. Now used as two apartments. Main Street West, Lucan. Apply Box 33, Lucan. 1:8* FOR SALK-—3 y2 acres land, brick house, Stable, drive shed, hen house, couple of other buildings, on the east side of Andrew St. Estate of the late Mrs. Tllos. Houlden. Apply on property. 1:8:15* FOR SALE—50 acres, comfortable house, good bank barn, Well fenced. Close to school and viR ' lage. Easy terms. Other farms. 0. V, Pickard, Exeter; ltfc AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS EOT 17, CONCESSION 2, McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 1U Miles West of Clandeboye FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1943 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES—1 Percheron gelding 8 years old, 1700 lbs; 1 dark Per­ cheron Gelding, 3 years old, broken. CATTLE—Entire herd, about 5 0 head, to be sold without reserve; 15 head purebred registered Short­ horns. * Registered Cows: 3 cows with calves at side, 2 cows due in June, 1 cow due in July, 1 cow due in August, 4 registered yearling heifers, 2 heifer calves, 1 bull calf eligible for registration; registered ■Shorthorn bull, 2 years. The above Shorthorns are of good low-down type selected for milking qualities as well as beef. Cows have been hand milked and blood tested. Pedi­ grees will be produced day of sale. Grade Shorthorns—3 cows with calves at side, 1 cow due at time of sale, 2 cows due in April, 4 yearling heifers, 3 yearling steers. Fifteen head of well-bred Aber­ deen Angus yearlings and baby beef. HOGS—One Yorkshire sow, due June 1st, 7 Yorkshire shoats. IMPLEMENTS—-McCormick-Deer- ing binder, 7-ft. cut, used very little; Cockshutt beet and bean cul­ tivator (new), equipped for 2, 3 or 4 rows; 3-horse spring-tooth field cultivator, M.H.; 2-furrow Coflk- shutt walking plow, nearly new; corn binder, Massey-Harris; manure spreader, Massey-Harris; 2-wheeled Canada Carriage Co. trailer; set of good breeching harness, collars, etc.; quantity of hay, 100 bushels Car- tier pin oats, graded from register­ ed AUCTION SALE OF STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Don’t forget Jim Breen's Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture, including 40 head of Durhams and Herefords, at Lot 5, Concession 21, McGillivray Twp., six miles north of Parkhill and 2 J- miles west of Mt. Carmel, on Tuesday, April 6, at 1 p.m. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSE­ HOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on the farm of the late John Hern, Sr. NORTH HALF LOT 6, CON. 8, USBORNE One Mile South of Winchclsea, THURSDAY, APRIL 8th, 1943 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: IMPLEMENTS — Cutter, rubber- tired top bnetgy, Deering mower, Peter Hamilton cultivator, 3-section Diamond harrows, double wagon box, wagon, Fleury walking plow, land roller, pair of wagon wheels, Cockshutt sulky plow, set single harness, set double harness, robe, disc harrow. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Mc­ Clary cook stove, couch, sideboard, 6 kitchen chairs, organ, kitchen table, -bedroom suite, bedstead and 2 dressers, 6 dining-room- chairs, TERMS—CASH MRS. JOHN HERN, Sr., LEWIS JOHNS, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. , Executors of the late John Hern Estate. FRANK COATES. Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer seed. TERMS — CASH L. A. KILMER, Proprietor MILTON BROCK, Auctioneer FOR SALE OR RENT—200-acte farm of H. G. Glanville, 15 miles south of Exeter, Immediate pos­ session. W. C. Pearoe, Exeter, * life AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on albert street on THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1913 at 1 oclock, sharp, the following: HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—Kit­ chen range, drop-leaf table, couch, kitchen linoleum, 3 kitchen chairs, hydro lamp, 2 sewing machines, small table, chest of drawers, 3 cane­ bottom chairs, 6 dining-room chairs, dining-room table, buffet, 2 rockers, dining-room parlor stands, pans, washing machine, tubs, boiler, gar­ den tools, wheelbarrow, 2 ladders, pictures, kitchen cabhiet, some lumber, 2 trunks, cellar table, small table, coal eil can, 3-burner Coal oil steve, electric plate and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS — CASH SAM SWEET, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer table, hall some rug, parlor bed, dr,eSSer, tree, - 'clock, dishes, lawn suite, ■ Wash­ pots, mower, AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, BARN, BRICK HOUSE, IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction -at WOLFE’S LIVERY YARD, CREDITON on THURSDAY, APRIL 8tli, 1943 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: IMPLEMENTS—-Frost & Wood binder, 6 ft. and truck, nearly new; Frost & Wood m'oWer, 5 . ft. cut, nearly new; Frost & Wood out- throw disc, nearly new; low wagon, medium-sized wagon, nearly new; 10-hoe grain drill, set bob sleighs in good shape, gravel box, 14-in. sides, binder Whip, 3-section Dia­ mond harrows in good Shape, set of double harness and set of high tops, scoop shovel, iron 'butcher kettle, iron pump and household effects too numerous to mention. Five or six loads of timothy hay. REAL ESTATE—On lot 8, north half concession 4, Stephen, fra>me barn 50x35 feet, granary 20x24 feet; also brick house, brick kitehen and lean-to at back of kitchen' Lot 8, south .half 9, Greditoii; 3 acres of land, includes % acre of garden, 2*4 acres of wheat seeded but with timothy, TERMS—CASH JOHN HAIST, Proprietor E. W. MORLOOK, Clerk WM, Hr SMi’i’H,Auctioneer, Phone 43-2, Creditor* Anyone Wishing to bring articles for sale should seo Mr. Haist Or Mr. Smith,