The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-01-25, Page 8THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1040 . V’» Beauty Shoppe For ’Charm, ami Beauty Ooquinole, Combination & Spiral Permanents Phone 11# Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Miss Audrey Yearley, of Crediton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. .Geo. Lawson, Dou’t forget the Oyster Supper on Thursday, February 8th, at Ca- ven Presbyterian Church. The regular meeting of .the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held at the New School on Tuesday, January 30th at 7-45 p.m. Miss Tape is tak­ ing the topic and also giving a dem­ onstration. The meeting ’’Home Economics” and a tendance is requested. is under good at- the Exe- will be The annual meeting of ter Horticultural Society held in the basement of the public library Friday evening of this week, January 26th. Reports will be re­ ceived and officers elected. All in­ terested are urged to be present. FOR SALE—Yorkshire hogs ready , for service. Apply to R. D. Hunt-1 er, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39r7. Itp FOR SALE—Electric washer.- Apply W. C. Pearce, Exeter.itp ■ FOR SALE—100 acres of full set of good buildings, 10 bush, balance tillable. County close to village. Real price foi* W. C. Pearce Exeter. land, acres road, cash. Itp. WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from .Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back­ ache, use Rumacaps — their Two- Way Action attacks the cause. BROWNING’S DRUG STORE FOR SALE—Modern home, 3- piece bath, furnace, hot and cold running water; nice grounds, 1J acres, garage, stable, hen house. Suitable for retired farmer or gar­ den hobbist. Reasonable. Apply to J. W. Powell, Exeter The new Ford Tractor is now on display at our show rooms.—'Sandy Elliot. WANTED—Walnut chest of draw­ ers, 3 drawer type with low carved back also oval walnut framed mir­ ror and walnut drop-leaf table with straight legs.—-Phone 95, Exeter. Thames Road Farmers Club will meet Monday, January 29th at 9.30 Orders being received for soya beau meal.—<P. Passmore, Secretary. HJE'LP WANTED — Married couple to work and manage fully equiped 200 acre farm near Den- field on shares commencing April 1st, steady work, separate house. Apply to John T. Shipley, 852 Heljmuth Ave., London. STRAYED — Five yearlings from N. J lot 4, Concession 6, Hay Town­ ship about January 1st. notify H. H. Brown, Exeter oi’ Armstrong, reeve of Hay Twp. Kindly Geo. 3tp WANTED—Six cords of maple, delivered at S. S. No. phen, to be sawed and piled woodshed. James E. Willis, Treas. hard 3, Ste­ in the Sec'y.- 2tc WANTED — To rent, a 50-acre grass farm. Apply to Wm. J. Thom­ son, phone Kirkton 48-4. FOR SALE — Fur driving mitts and robe; wringer and incubator. Apply at Times-Advocate. 2tp. APPLE BUTTER FOR SALE- will exchange poultry, seed toes, etc., call ter or at the V. Cann & Sons. -Or for any kind of live or feed grains, pota- at Shell Station. Exe- farm, Bayfield—S. J. HOUSE FOR SALE— A medium sized home complete with all con­ veniences, with nice lot and barn equipped as workshop. Reasonable price and easy terms.—C. V. Pick­ ard, phone 165. FOR SALE —Genuine coonskin overcoat in good condition. Inquire Mrs. Chas. Roeszler, Crediton. 3tc. FOR RENT—House, modern, all conveniences. Situated on street. Apply, Miss Weekes. Main tfc. FARMS FOR SALE — 100 acres, near Exeter, best of land, ploughing all done. Low price and easy terms. 190 acres on No. 4 Highway, good buildings, hydro, etc. Also good 50 acres and ture. iG.’ Exeter, 100 acres suitable for V. Pickard, phone pas- 165, MEN WANTED YOU THE MAN? You solid business established three months. If you are canARE have a within tired of working to earn profits for Someone else OWN YOUR BUSI­ NESS and enjoy every hour selling necessities used in OBLIGATION. Get alogue FREE DUCTS, 5*70 St, Clement, Montreal. amazing profits 200 guaranteed every hottie. NO details and cat* FAMILEX PRO- 811.50 Butter A large medium B 15c. dressed *1* Comfortable SEA HERRING FILLETS 22c. a lb* Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53ic. (according to grade) Oats 30c. Barley 52c. Buckwheat 55c, Creamery Butter 32c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs t SALMON CHILLETS No Bone, No Waste 25c. a lb. The Ideal Meat Market Phone 38! Main St. n I I1 LOCALS i iWi RWWHKW ■» II —W <I The A. Y. P. A. will hold a pro­ gressive euchre party in the Parish Hall on Monday, January 29th at 8 o’clock. Good prizes given. Lunch will be served. Special door prize. Admission 25c. over tlie andMr. Carlisle, Mr. and aunt, Mr. home for University examinations of 15 an Mr. Archie Towers is in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, for treat­ ment. Miss Ada Gaiser, of Shipka, visit­ ed with Miss Barbara Dinney the week-end. Mrs. W, A. Rearnan spent week-end in London with Mrs. Howard Morton, Mrs. Carrie Sheere, of is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. W. F. Abbott. Mrs. Westlake, Exeter North, has returned after ten days’ visit with her daughters in London. ‘Mr. Gordon Koch was off duty at the Exeter High School Thursday and Friday of last week owing to a bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevethick and son Carb of Brinsley, visited .Sun­ day with their uncle and and Mrs, M, Amy. Mr. Borden Sanders is a -week from Western where the mid-term have just finished. Miss Ruth Fraser and Mr. Gor­ don Gemmett, of London, spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Fraser. Mrs. Wm. Laverty had the mis­ fortune to slip and fall fracturing two ribs and bruising her hip badly. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Edward Triebner who un­ derwent an operation for appendi­ citis in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, was able to return to his home on Monday. Mr. W. H. Rydall, of Shallow Lake who has been secretary-treasurer the United church for the past years has been presented with electric car heater. Mrs. Ben Neal and daughter, Miss Joyce Neal, of Pt. Huron, and Mrs. John Harrower, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B, W. F. Beav­ ers this week. Mrs. John T. Stewart, who on Wednesday of last week underwent an operation for appendicitis in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, is improv­ ing nicely, her son, Mr. A. L. Ste­ wart, of Montreal, spent the week­ end with her. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers and Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, of Sar­ nia, motored up on Sunday and vis­ ited at their respective homes here. They were surprised at the amount of snow we have here, there being very little around Sarnia. The local hockey players were given a stiff work-out Thursday evening of last week when Eric Pet- tinger, hockey coach from London, came out and gave the boys a few pointers. He will coach the boys at practice for the next few weeks. Among those from this commun­ ity who on Tuesday entered Victoria Hospital as nurses-in-training are; Pauline Follick, of town; Laurene Hern, of Zion; Beulah Holt, Grand Bend and Barbara Thomson, of Clinton,. The probationer class comprises forty young ladies. A Wolf Cub Pack has been organ­ ized in Exeter in connection with the Boy Scouts and sponsored by the Lions club. The Cubmasters are Dr. Cowen and H. Sturgis. The Cubs meet in the Boy .Scout rooms each Tuesday evening. The Sixers, or leaders of the groups are Bill Moise, Gladstone Watson and Dan Davies. A meeting of the Exeter branch of the Red Cross was held in the James St. United church Monday afternoon. 'Several Of the outside units were represented. The presi­ dent, Mrs. N. J. Gore, was in charge of the meeting. There was a dis­ cussion of the work already accom­ plished and of the plans that have been made for future efforts. A number of articles that have been made including refugee clothing “was oh display, 1 C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office o-pen 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, every week day except Wednesday k Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 “Since We’ve Burned D&H ANTHRACITE Our House is Always Warm” “It’s no problem to keep our house at just the temperature we like— since we began burning D&H An­ thracite. has had the same quality, which of heating easier,” Try it in your fur­ nace. Every ton we’ve ordered even burning course makes JAS. P. JBOWEY Phone 33; Residence 157 A lady’s or gent’s Bulova wrist watch will be given away as a grand prize to subscribers of the Exeter Times-Advocate who renew their subscription before February 17th. Second prize $5.00; five prizes of two dollars each and ten prizes of one dollar each. One coupon for each 50e paid on subscription. Re­ new Now. A Correction Last week we made mention that Mr, W. J. Seymour, of town, was a member of a mine-sweeping crew in connection with the British navy during the last great war. We have received the following note from Mr. Seymour: Dear Sir,— Will you please correct the state­ ment in the local paper. I was not a member of the mine sweeping crew. Admiralty were than those of the honor to them. My Articles signed with the entirely different mine sweepers. All W. J. Seymour A. Y. P. A. EUCHRE Trivitt A. Y. P. A. held a success­ ful euchre in the Parish Hall, on Monday evening. There were sixteen tables in play, prizes were won as follows: Lone hands, Mr. Harry Lewis; ladies’ high, Mrs. D. Thomp­ son; gent’s high, Mr. Frank Taylor; special door prize, Mr. W. Pass- more. Mrs. Gib Dow won the that was given away. Lunch served at the close. cake was beenMr. Chas. Monteith, who has suffering from an attack of influ­ enza for several days, is improving. VISIT Added Feature “The Family Next IN LEAVITT’S THEATRE, EXETER MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY January 29, 30, 31 UNDER AUSPICES OF THE RED CROSS General Admission 35c SPECIAL MATINEE WEDNESDAY 4:15 P.M. for Public and High School Students Admission 10c and 25c THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D, Minister »Irs. J. G. Cociwane. Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 7 p.m.-—-Public Worship, Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 11 a.m.—Public Worship »■ “The Sure Calling of God” Thursday, January 25th, 8 J>,m. meeting of the Young people’s So­ ciety at the home of Mr. Wallace Seldon. Friday, January 25th, at 8 P.m. Preparatory Service. Tuesday, January' 30th, annual congregational meeting. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—-The Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Thursday 7.30—Prayer Meeting 11 3 7 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.G.M. Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—Religion: Bad and Goad No. 2 — “Is Religion a Gamble” p.m.—Church School p.m.—The Minister During the service the choir will render a program of favorite selec­ tions. Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MaeFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemfss Sexagesima Sunday 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Life and Character of St. Paul” ' , , Caven W. M. S. 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c The monthly meeting of the 'So- ciey was held on Thursday, Janu­ ary 18th at the home of Mrs. Strang with a fine attendance considering the stormy day. Mrs. Hill the presi­ dent was in the chair. The devotion­ al part of the meeting was taken by Henry .‘Strang. The reports of the various committees viz: Supply, H. Helpers, Mission Band, etc were presented and considered. Mrs. Sil- lery gave a summary of business of the Presbyterial held the pre­ vious week in Clinton showing the splendid enthusiasm and interest of the women of Huron Presbytery in the work at hand viz: Home & Foreign Missions in their contribu- tons thereto. The the meeting was given by Rev. E. speaker in which ons for missions viz: the need .for and the result of bringing the Gos­ pel to others who have not been so highly privileged as we have here. After the closing hymn and prayer by Mr, Grigg a social half hour was spent. special feature of an able address Grigg, the guest he gave his reas- A skating carnival will be held at the Thames Road rink Friday ev­ ening of this week. I Youth’s and Men’s Winter Coats Many people are beginning to realize that if they will need a new Winter Coat next Win­ ter it will pay them to buy this season when you will be able to get much better quality and at prices that will look very cheap next year, Buying clothes at present prices is a real investment. Let us show you some real money pavers. EXTRA SPECIAL 15 only all wool Jersey Dresses. These were $2.95 to $3.95 and are pure wool. Take your pick. EACH $1.49 BATS FOR COMFORTERS Lovely Ffuffy Bats for Comforters that open up full size. EACH 39c, 55c and 75c 27 IN. WHITE FLANNELETTE SPECIAL 15c 3 pieces only 27-inch White Flannelette. A value you will not see again for some time. SPECIAL PER YARD 15c LOVELY ENGLISH STRIPED FLANNELETTES 36 in. Wide. Splendid for Men’s Night Gowns or Pyjamas. You will like the bright cheery patterns. PER YARD 30c New Prints and Broadcloths Our New Prints are bright and snappy. You will like the new bright patterns that are found in larger patterns. Splendid for smocks, etc, Prices are 20c, 25c and 29c. O. V. FACTORY YARNS That we will soon have to raise the price. Greys, Black, Heather, Blue, Red and White. PER SKEIN 30c STAMPED MATS Quite a number of new styles to choose from. The popular sellers are 30c, 60c and 70c BARGAINS IN REMNANTS We have just finished stock taking and we have a lot of small remnants that we are offering at wonderful savings. TURKISH TOWLINGS Eight good patterns to choose from bought early last year. Today’s price would be 5 cents a yard higher. OLD PRICES 20c, 25c and 30c ..-.... .-....-...........-- ------- New and Attractive Wallpapers for Spring This week all of our new wallpapers for Spring will be in their racks and ready for the early buyers. Neat and attractive patterns that are wonderful values for the[ money await your inspection. We also have a number of room lots at $1.29, $1.49, $1.79, $1.99 GROCERY SPECIALS SHORTENING Schneider’s AYLMER CATSUP 2 bottles . . 25c DAIRY BUTTER 1 lb .............28c Southcott Bros Exeter, 1 Walker’s 1 Condition Aowder § An t’« client kxu* tor § Honw.GWf.Shflp HodifMry • • NaalMtMUifW k • • M.WALKER PW •. The Perfect Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep and Poultry For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store and Holt’s Grocery Store Grand Bend Mrs. Tuckey was to attend and Mrs, Hockey chair. The meeting open­ singing “All the Way the Leads Me” followed by part in the Main Street Evening Auxiliary The January meeting of the Main Street Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Russel on Wednesday, January 10th with an attendance of 25. not able took the ed with Saviour prayer, then the Scripture reading by Mrs. Lee Wilson. We then sang ‘Work for the Night is Coming”:- The president, Mrs. Gordon Lam­ port then presided over the busi­ ness. Miss Marjorie Broderick -was appointed to take World’s Day of Prayer. Mrs. Cope­ land then very nicely explained a chapter from the Study book. We sang “In Christ There is no East nor West” and closed with prayer. A social hour was then enjoyed. Miss Helen Dignab ibvited the meet­ ing to her house to be held on Feb­ ruary 7th, CLUB FORMED A -Sub-Deb Club has been formed by a group Of teefa-aged girls, hold­ ing their meetings Thursday even­ ings at the home of Miss Shirley Penhale. The girls correspond With Miss Elizabeth Woodword, of Phila­ delphia, Pa., who is president of all these Sub-Deb Clubs in Canada and the United States, Important meet­ ings are printed and may be found | in the monthly edition of the Ladies Home Journal. REX COFFEE Fresh Ground CANNED TOMATOES 1 lb. . . .. 45c 2 tins...............19c APPLE JUICE SOAP Assorted Toilet 5c Cakes 8 cakes.... 25c TEA Lipton’s Black or Mixed x/2 lb. pkg.........................33c 1 lb. pkg..................... .. . 65c Stock Taking Sale , ooooo—O—ooooo January Clearance Sale of Men’s Furnishings ooooo—O—ooooo This annual sale offers great savings for the thrifty buyer W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 3James St, W. A. Group On Thursday afternoon last 3 o.f the James Street W. A. the convenorship of Mrs. Group under T. ,0. Southcott held ‘their first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. A, Page. Despite the stormy weather., a good attendance including five new members was reported, Mrs. J., H. Jones was appointed secretary­ treasurer. The ladies spent the af­ ternoon knitting and sewing for 'the Red Cross. An instrumental solo by Mrs. Victor Kestle and a reading entitled “You” by Mrs. Page was much appreciated. A dainty lunch was served. The next meeting will be held On February 22nd at the home of Mrs. J. H. Jobes. Mrs. Lome Sholdice, of Watford, in renewing’ her subscription to the Times-Advocate says: “It is just like a visit up home when I get the paper. Work sure stops until it is read,” 2 tins.............19c JAMS Raspberry, Strawberry Plum, Orange Each 25c Phone 16 k J EXETER, ONT. Death of Mrs. Roadhouse Word was received in Exeter re­ cently of the death of Mrs. Thomas Roadhouse, Toronto, Whose maiden name was Dinah Ellen Brownlee. ' She 'passed away aftei’ a short ill­ ness at her home, 9 Roblock avenue, on January 13 th. (She was prede­ ceased by .her husband twenty-three years. She is survived by three ’ sons and three daughters, Trueman, of Kingston; Ellis, of the Peace River District; William, of Wind­ sor; Mrs. jack Gettler, of Stratford; Vera and Ethel of Toronto. The eldest son, Earl, gave his life in the •Great War, She is also survived by two brothers, William, of Lucan and Robert, of Bath, N.Y. The fun­ eral took place from a funeral home in Toronto to Kirkton cemetery for burial, The greatest power in the hu­ man heart is desire.