The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-01-25, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY aS, IMO ZT u lTLj DINNER COMPANIONS Beechef* parkhouse once made a selection of five dinner companions for all time. His list included Moses, Aristides, Mary the sister of Martha, Chris­ topher Columbus and Henry W. Grady. Moses was selected for his intel­ lectual grandeur, the altruism of his soul, and his steadfastness of pur­ pose. . Aristides, called the Just, was chosen because of his integrity of soul, his purity of personal life, and his conception of morality. Mary the sister or Martha is the only woman invited to sit at this mythical dinner table of all time, and she, because of her chaste and exalted purity as contrasted with t-he salacious, gangrenous, cheap pliyscial manifestations of love as ordinarily seen today. Columbus was selected because of his vision that1* remained unchanged despite the bigotry and ignorance, the duplicity and conceit that first sent him begging before every court in Europe and then when his great work was done, cast him aside to die in poverty and want. “The Son of the Old .South” Henry W. Grady, was invited to be the fifth guest at the table, because he ‘found Idealism swooning in a welter of blood and tears and helped to leave it reviving in the stimulating air of a new opportunity.” This selection of four men and one woman of all time as compar- panions bring to mind the thought that each of us might well select companions of the mind with at least a semblance <pf the same discrimina­ tion.* * * Talent without courage is worth­ less.* * * We are all born helpless — and some help less than others.# * * Difficulties and adversity are the stepping stones to success. * * * Some people mistake obstinancy for perseverance.* * * HUMANITY IS ONE Humanity is one; no weaker brother Can fail or falter, sin or suffer woe, But that the suffering reacheth ■every other And all the world with him faint­ er grow. Humanity is one; who thinks to con­ quer By crushing down a weaker in the way, Knows not that in his own unreas­ oning rancor He beateth down the steps that lead to day. Humanity is one; thou that o’er- comest, O thou be strong for those who are but weak; So shall a thousand triumph where thou winnest « And many find what few know, how to seek. * * « The absent-minded professor call­ ed his biology class to order shortly after the lunch hour and said: “Our special work this afternoon will be cutting up and inspecting the inward workings of a frog. I have a frog in my pocket here to be used as a specimen.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper sack, slfook its contents out on the table and out rolled a nice-looking sandwich. The professor looked as it perplexed, scratched his head and muttered: “Strange; I distinctly remember eating my lunch.”* * * ® To Increase Life Span, Eat Balanced Meals Protective foods should be includ­ ed in the menu of everyone — men and women as well as children. These foods are particularly rich Nagging,Dragging Pains In the Back Many Women have to do their own housework, and the constant bend­ ing over, lifting, making beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces­ sary to perform' their household* duties puts a heavy strain On the back and kidneys, and if there were no kidney’ Weakness the buck would be strong afid well. Doan’s Kidney Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, kidney suf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with our trade mark a ’‘Maple Leaf” on the wrapper. Don’t accept a Substitute. Be- sure and get ‘’Doan’s?’ Tha T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, OnU in vitamins and you need vitamins to remain in health. The protective foods include leafy vegetables, fruits and milk. Medical and scientific studies have demonstrated that their use aids in warding off disease, and so help to increase the life span. Leafy vegetables include lettuce, romaine, spinach, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, dandelion greens, tur­ nip and beet tops, celery and endive. Besides these, although not leafy vegetables, string beans and toma­ toes are rich in protective substance. Every full meal should include two cooked vegetables as well as vege- able salad, the latter* preferably of raw vegetables such as lettuce, to- I matoes, celery and carrots. Oranges, grapefruit and lemon, in other words the ‘citrus’ fruits; bananas, apples, apricots, grapes, plums, pears, cantaloupes,. figs, pomegranates, are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, and should be eaten freely. Every man should drink at least a pint of milk every day, for milk is the most nearly perfect food known. Dairy products, cheese and butter, also are fine for health. Both milk and cheese are rich in calcium, a mineral which the body must have.* * * SUMMARY Birth — growth — mating — Ecstacy; Work — pain — waiting — Eternity. * * * Can You Figure This One Out Today was tomorrow yesterday, but today is today, just as yesterday was today yesterday, but is yester­ day today, and tomorrow will be to­ day tomorrow, which make today yesterday and tomorrow at once.* * * Perhaps it was. easier to learn geography forty years ago because of the fad for saving the pictures that came in a package of 14c. cof­ fee.* * * It used to be that people went to a corn-husking Bee and hunted for a red ear in order to kiss a girl. # * The worst enemy of Progress is ignorance.* * * Waiting for instructions seldom helped a man achieve greatness.* * * But Where’s the Margot A writer whose interest in or­ chards probably exceeds his know­ ledge of supply and demand: “If, instead of boring holes in earth for oil, everybody would dig a hole and plant a fruit tree, there would be millions in it. A fruit tree is al­ most a sure thing. An oil well is a guess.”* * * When You Hear a Kindly Phrase. Pass It On I f you hear a person compliment­ ed, why don’t you find an opportun­ ity to tell him about it? This world needs more pleasant reports and fewer biting criticisms. If you want to be popular, remem­ ber the nice things which one per­ son says of another and then tell them. It is such a little thing to repeat a compliment. No matter how big and impor­ tant the man or woman, a genuine compliment gives pleasure. You like to receive a compliment — so does everyone else. * * * “I caught my wife flirting.” “That’s how I got mine, too.”♦ » * Interrogatory Department Have you ever noticed that when a man wants your praise, he gener­ ally seeks your advice? If there is no marrying in heaven, what will the poor movie actors do for a pasti,me? When dad tries to tell you that ’our youth of today’ is motivated 'by sex lure, ask him whatever be­ came of the cigarette pictures he used to hid in the. barn? Which parent does the child yell for when it gets ill in the night?* ♦ • The submarine had sunk the steamer and McTavis and McPher­ son had been adrift for two days in an open boat. Finally McTavis got down on his knees and said: “0 Lord. I ken I’ve broken maist o’ thy commandments. I’ve been a hard drinker all my days - but, 0 Lord, if we're spared this time, I promise never —” Macpherson -— “I widna commit mysei’ over far, Donald, I think I see land yon.”* * * Readers one —- readers many Perhaps this issue just hasn't any. 1 -—the colonel There’s little need to exhort the axerage owner to keep his premises well ventilated.** ****** The present war cost to the British Empirie is approximately one billion pounds per month.* ******* We don’t like the expression on the face of the coal man when he reads his thermometer these mornings,******** Lord Tweedmuir has confirmed the rumor that he is retiring from Canada as the representative of the crown.******** Early in the present year Britain closed the Port of Hong Kong, about the busiest port in the world, to general traffic,* * * * * * *'* The Dominion government issued a war loan recently which the Canadian people over-subscribed in less than a week.******** Grave fears are entertained lest the war between Russia and Finland should spread to all the nations of tho world.******** news high lights .Last week King George called 2,000,000 more men to the army, bringing Britain’s total army at present to 3,500,0'00 men,******** The decided water shortage in Elgin and Middlesex counties seriously menaces the dairy and general livestock industry in those regions.******** The legislature of the province of Ontario opened last week with simplicity becoming war times. The session promises to be a special­ ly heavy one.* * * * * * * * The flu-cured tobacco growers of Canada are faced with a serious problem in the marketing of their product. Many of them have suf­ fered heavy losses.******** The United States deficit for the» financial year just closing is two billion dollars. She has cut all her public expenditures except those .for national defence.******** Goering has been placed in supreme control of the finances of Germany. This means that he has the say in regard to what Germans shall eat and the shoestrings they use. His is a dictatorship that is bound to result in severe oppression.******** x France and Britain have agreed to aid Finland in every way possible. Italy has shown herself friendly to the Finns. Many Ital­ ians have volunteered to fight in their ranks.******** The war between Finalnd and Russia is likely to prove one of the major battle fronts. Some believe that the result of the war in that quarter of the globe may deeply affect the struggle between 'Bri­ tain and her allies and Germany.******** Right Honourable Arthur Meighen addressed a mass meeting in Toronto in behalf of the Finns who are now contending for their national existence. .Sentiment in Toronto is very strong for this patriotic people.******** The onslaught of winter in 1940 was both sudden and severe A storm lasting for days with temperature between ten below and twenty degrees above zero, with blocked roads, were features of the early days of January.******** Two outstanding features of the world situation marked the close of last week - ‘the resignation of IHore-Belisha from the war ministry in Britain and the deepening resentment of Germany at neutral na­ tions for aid extended to Finland. Fears were entertained that the whole world would soon be at war.******** The problem of the over-producton of wheat in the United (States gives promise of solving itself. 'The drought in the wheat-growing areas of that country at the period when the crops-.should be develop­ ing, makes the prospect “of a fair harvest a remote possibility. ******** Prime Minister Chamberlain broadcasted a war message to the Empire reiterating the aims of the Empire in the war, telling of the progress of the war so far and indicating the hopes of the allies when the war is over. I-Ie intimated that the people of the Empire may prepare for further hardships and self-denial in the interests of a successful prosecution of the struggle.******** UNREASON AT ITS WORST The reason and conscience or the race are outraged by what is going on in Belgium and Holland and Denmark. What has been done to Finland is so outrageous that no comment can do the occasion jus­ tice. Holland and Belgium and Denmark have not ambition but to excel in all the arts that promote the good of humanity. Yet in face of this they are obliged to call every man capable of bearing arms to the colours to ward off, if possible, the legions of a country bent on trampling them into .the earth merely to meet the exigencies of war for which they have given neither provocation nor occasion. Surely we are approaching the limit of Unreason.******** THE EFFICIENCY OF DEMOCRACY We have been told by a whole lot of people that when it comes to efficiency that the dictatorships have a very decided advantage over democracies. Some of us who have noted the attendance at al­ most any nomination meeting for public offices have been inclin­ ed to speak favorably of the readiness with which dictators get things done. -However, when democracy is well worked as it is in Finland we have unmistakable evidence of the efficiency of government by the people. 'Finland demonstrates that in the multitude of counsellors lies safety. A democracy makes possible the focusing the last ounce of wealth and of mental and spiritual .power at any desired time or place for any desired object. A dictatorship means but the narrow­ ed and narrowing power of but one man, hampered by jealousy and zthe hatred of all who do not see eye to eye with him.******** < THERE WERE THREE MEN They were all about the same age. Two of the three could each do a little chauffeuring, a little cattle feeding, a little carpentering and at a dozen oi* so odd jobs, provided they were superintended. If it came to a pinch they could play a little at baseball or hockey or' even gamble a little. But they were master of no job, and had prec­ ious little in the bank. The third was a first-class mechanic and as the other two sat crouched beside the stove, with palms outstretched to the heat he plied his trade as busy as a bee in clover.time. He owns his premises and was eagerly sought during the campaign for the last Dominion war Loan. Why this difference? Forty years ago the unemployed two did as they pleased. They were not bossed about anything. Since then they refuse to call any man master. They’ll not stand telling to this day. They’re on the way to government relief, at the expense of the worker whose heat they soaked in, and whose busy fingers they idly watched that fine winter day. They have neither cash nor self re­ spect, thanks to the neglect of those in charge of them when they were youngsters.******** “WHAT MEN DARE” Those Finns are teaching the world a number of lessons. By all the laws of war as we read those laws in the light of modern times the Finns should now be'the slaves of the Russian hordes. “What,” we said, “can four millions do with one hundred and seventy mil­ lion?” Well, we've seen so far. We've seen, but has the sight done us any good? For one thing, the Finns to a degree that the rest of us do not approach have Shown what may be done with such means as lie to their hands. For instance, when the Finns went out to intercept a Russian brigade they took dogs along. Those dogs Were not -the barking, yelping snarling nuisances found In so many parts of Canada where dogs are greatly needed. These dogs had been trained to keep their tongues quiet but have very keen ears and noses. Along with the well-trained dogs were men who knew how to read a silent dog’s nostrils and countenance, The result was that when this Finnish patrol neared the enemy the dogs gave silent signals that were quickly read and studied by their masters. From this simple bit of patrol- ing and observation there issued the destruction of a division. A simple thing, this affair of training dogs and of understanding his signals but the consepuences were fateful. Further the incident tells the story of a Finnish character and education. 50 YEARS AGO January 30, 1800 At a recent meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society the fol­ lowing officers were elected: Thos, Russell, President; Leonard Hunt­ er, 1st vice-president; Hugh Mc­ Carty 2nd, vice-president; directors Henry Beacon;, Goderich Tp.; John Murdock, Stanley Tp.; Robert Mc­ Alister, Hay; John Willis, Stephen; Jas. Pickard, Exeter; Wm. Kydd, of Usborne; Alex Ross, Bimcefield; T. F. Coleman, Seaforth and John Kit­ chen, of Stanley. ■ Snell - B'alkwill On Wednesday, January 29th, at the residence of Wm. Rollins, Esq., brother-in-law of the bride, by Rev. Jasper Wilson B.A., Mr. Jas. Snell, of Stephen, to Miss Mary Balkwill, of Exeter. The wardens for 1890 in the coun­ ties of Perth, Middlesex and Huron are respectively John McMillauT, reeve of North Easthope; ’ F. H. Taylor, reeve of McGillivray and John Britton, reeve of Hullett. Mr. David Steeper of the 11th concession of McGillivray has pur­ chased a farm situated south of Corbett. Mr. Fred McDoneil, of this place, is at present running a planing mill at Blyth. 25 YEARS AGO January 28, .1915 At the fortieth annual meeting of the Hay Township fire insurance, election of officers was held and re­ sulted in W. T. - Caldwell, Henry Neeb and John Pfaff, Alex Rennie and Oscar Klopp. Wm. Consitt was elected president and John .Sherritt vice-president at a later meeting. Mrs. Thos. Keys who recently moved to town from Stephen has purchased the residence of Mrs. G. Hedden on John street. Mr. A. E. Fuke has sold his dwell­ ing he has been residing in on Wil­ liam street to Mr. Philip Hern. At a meeting of the directors of the Exeter Agricultural Society Mr. R. G. Seldon was elected secretary over Mr. A. G. Dyer and Mr. W. D. Clarke in place of Mr. N. D. Hurdon. Reeve Taylor, of Exeter; Redye Etherington, of Usborne and Deputy Reeve Love of Stephen attended the County Council at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Hy Jackson, Alberta are visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. E. Benton and two children of Bxena, Sask., are visiting Mr. Benton’s brother, Mr. Wm. Fraser. 15 YEARS AGO January 29, 1915 Goderich defeated Exeter by a score of 5-2 in an O.H.A. game. The line-up: Exeter: Goal, Walper, de­ fense, O’Brien and Knapp; centre, L. O’Brien; wings, Wells and Stat­ ham; subs., Shaddock, and Hey. Goderich: Goal, Stewart; defense, Fox and (Brough; centre, Govenlock wings, Elliott and Chas; subs., Young and Brownlee. Mr. Andrew Allison, of Roland, Man., is visiting his sister, Mrs. ■ THOSE Hamilton and other friends. Mr. C. W. Ford has resumed his duties at the Ford Garage after an illnes of a month. Reeye W. D. Sanders, of -Exeter; Reeve John Hanna, of Usborne; reeve Alex Neeb and deputy-reeye John Hayes, of Stephen are attend­ ing Couny Council at Goderich. Mrs. J. W. McIntyre and three children of Watson, Sask., are visit­ ing with the former’s parents, Mr. and the Mrs, Thos. Sanders . The Comrades class of James St. S. S. held their annual meeting and election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Win. Welsh; vice-president, Walter Cutbush; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Frayne; secretary-treasurer, Milo Snell; as­ sistant, E. J. Shantou. DUGAN HOTELMAN LS FREED ON CHARGE AT LONDON LONDON, Jan. 11. — A charge against William J. McFall s of 'per- miting drunkenness at his Central Hotel at Luean was dismissed by Magistrate C. W. Hawkshaw in county police court yesterday as Crown Attorney Newton agreed, with denfense counsel perhaps there was not sufficient evidence to convict. The crown’s case against McFalls was that Cecil Bowman was con­ victed of drunk driving on December 12, after having had six or seven beers at the hotel; that Melville Potter was similarly convicted after he had been at the hotel; and that Dr. Watson, -Lucan, had been sent home from the hotel on at least two occasions. However, Defense Council Mayer Lerner brought out the fact that in Bowman’s case four hours expired after he had left the hotel before he became involved in an accident, and that Potter had secured several bot­ tles from another source. Potter told the court he had lost consciousness 15 minutes after he left the Central Hotel. GREENWAY (Intended for last week) Mr. Seibourne English, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheppard, oT -Lieury, visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wood­ burn. We are glad to see Mrs. Robert Pollock out again after her recent illness. Mrs. Ervine Eggert entertained a few friends at a quilting bee one day last week. Miss Mary Bullock, of London, visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Bullock, The member of the Harmony Class of the United Church present­ ed their teacher Mrs. S. McIntosh with a beautihful Aladdin lamp at Christmas. A gift which she appre- cited very much and which will hold many happy memories of her class. Mr. R. L. Sheppard, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. English and" friends at Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love, of Lon­ don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Woodburn. IV4IKM ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Hurda Old Boys’ Association £>f Toronto will be held at the West End Y. C. A., College St, and Dover.couH Road on Monday evening, January 29th, 1'940 at 8.30 p.m. All form­ er Huronites are cordially invited to be present. R. S. Sheppard, Secretary Phone DL4134 .SHOLDICE — FOLEY On Saturday, at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Robert Hicks, Grosvenor street, London,. a quiet wedding was solemnized when Dorothy Lillian, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foley, who re­ sided ’until recently in Teeswater was united in marriage to Merton Harold Sholdice, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iShol- dice. Mr. and Mrs. Sholdice left on a trip to Toronto and other points east. On their return they will re­ side on the groom’s farm in McGil­ livray. A man took his daughter On ' a trip to New York. They went -to one of those plays that made father blush a bit. “I’m sorry, Dorothy, that I brought you here,”.he said, “this is hardly a play for a girl of your age.” “Oh, that’s all right, Dad. It’ll probably liven up 1 a hit before the end.” 0—0—0 * “ . A- Susie, our pert, saucy young steno opines:'11 “The woman who drives from the back seat of a’ cat' is no worse than the man who cooks from the dining‘room table.” '• O——O—O , . The tightest closed mind is', untidi­ ly equipped with the loosest1 open mouth. PROSPEROUS BBOWNS And for this third generation of Browns at the Bank of Montreal/’ ★ Ask for details of our various savings plans for all purposes... education, travel, home­ building, investment, insurance, for emer­ gencies and opportunities. here.... a $10.00 deposit * young Brown starts the BANK OF MONTREAL Established iai7 •*A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME” Exeter Branch: W. H. MOISE, Manager .................... .JU.