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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-01-25, Page 2
TMVUSVA1-, JANUARY as, 1040 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE | “MARK 1702” | If by Eardley Beswick || iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM So I got up again and telephoned a certain permanent official. It took about an hour to verify that in one •of the most secret strongrooms in all London there were reposing two tubes of a deservedly famous purga tive, while, by inference, lying loose in your kit was enough genuine ex plosive to lay half Shalbridge in ruins.“ He paused to grin at his mental picture of this situation, “Lord.” he said, “When the govern ment realises what’s 'happened there’ll be a stirring in official quar ters compared with which the pre sent activity will seem lethargic.” Hendringham wrinkled his brows. “I’m not sure I'm quite clear yet.” he said. “Bit dense this morning. I suppose. Anyway, why didn't the chap who made the substitution just hand over the explosive to his pals?” “And have everyone suspicious at once? Don’t you see there had to be two sets of tubes, and if the one in your possession was actually mislaid or stolen from you, no one was go ing to worry very much so long as they thought it was only Gregory’s Powder that had gone astray. Ob viously the right thing was to see you got the genuine stuff and then to relieve you of it at their leisure. Convincing?” “More or less, but let’s see if I can get the story clear in my own mind. First they want to delay the sample, and thereby the whole contract, while they catch up with their own production. Then they learn that the explosive is more important so they set themsedves to get hold of it.” “Correct. I wish. I had your gift of compression.” “Don’t rag. There are still things that puzzle me. For one thing I can’t see why the contract at, say, Woolwich instead of farming it out to a comparatively unknown firm in the Midlands.” “Ah, that was where they were being subtle. For a long time now there’s been a serious leakage of in formation from Woolwich* and some one suggested that if they treated this contract as one of the many ob scure ones they've been placing with outside firms of late no one would ever imagine it was anything out of the ordinary. Unfortunately even that seems to have got out, if we’re to judge from the date of certain new financial arrangements of the Gresham Works.” “But, Good Lord! Surely people can’t be as ready as all that to sell their country, people in high places, too!” Johnny Cope waved his skeleton- ous white hand. Airily he waved it, and-his eyebrows raised themselves in a despairing grimace. “■Geoffery, my dear innocent,” he protested, “Where the bribes are as impressive as in this case there will always be people, even in high places who can’t resist them. Why, the gentleman responsible for dishing you out with real explosive seems ■not to have been above cheating his own customers at the same time. He has obviously sold in more than one quarter, for in addition to the original gang I was more or less prepared for when I heard of Pan- dolfius Mench, I found myself hav ing to deal with the representative of a Mediterranean Power this morning before you woke up. What is more, I shall be surprised if a Far Eastern Power hasn’t cut in on another point in our front already The gentleman who peddles primar ily to the Near East ought to be •here now almost any minute.” Hendringham gave a gesture of perplexity, almost of abhorrence. “It looks like, being a pretty foul morn ing.” he commented. “But do you actually .mean to say that they’ve started in already. “Precisely as I say.” “Then there’s been something pretty awkward going on while I’ve been sleeping off that dope?” “Oh, quite a lot, believe me. But 1 couldn’t really help that, really. In a job like this you’ve got to deal with things as they turn up. Can’t ask the other side to wait while Stop that Tickling In the Throat That tickling in the throat is most distressing, and is caused by a cold settling in the throat. The dry, hard cough not only keeps you in misery all day long, but also prevents you getting a good night’s sleep. What you need to relieve this tickling cough is Dr, Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. This valuable prepara tion is composed o£ the most sooth ing and healing expectorant barks and herbs with which is combined the virtues of the world-famous Norway pine tree. When you ask for ''Dr, Wood’s”1 see that you get it. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. your friends get over their night’s debauch, you know. Still, if it will put your mind at rest . . . .” Me proceeded to describe his en counter with the man called Pam- plilett and was early interrupted by the question how that gentleman could have known enough to pass himself off as Cope in the first place “Well, that particular leakage,” Cope explained, “seems to have had its origin in the fact that the ’phone line here passes remarkably close to that particularly fine lime tree in the next garden.” “You mean they tapped it?” “Precisely. It’s tapped now. Bet ter bear it in mind if you’re ’phon ing anyone privately. I rather sus pected something of the kind last night—a tapped wire has a sound of its own for the experienced ear. That’s what caused me to drive a considerable way round so as to en ter Chaibridge from the North. I was rather glad I’d done that when I heard Pamphlett congratulating himself on not being in my beauti ful shoes. Him in my shoes for sooth! The fellow’s got flat arches and hammer toes and I daresay bunions. However, it was pretty clear from the way he gloated that his friends had laid wait for me ef ficiently on the London-Shalbridge road, and he reckoned they would be so good that he could rule me out in future.” Unwelcome Visitor At that moment they were inter rupted by a sharp rap on the door. “Come in,” they cried simultaneous- .ly. The opening door disclosed a very distraught-looking Miss Silvane “They’ve gone!” she cried. “What’s gone?” snapped Hend ringham. Cope merely bent to pick up his damaged shoe and. bending his big head, to scrutinize it rueful ly. "Those tubes are gone!” Cope looked coo’lly up at her. “That’ll be the representatives of the Far Eastern Power,” he said. His voice sound contented. “Told you they’d butt in, Geoff. Th’ey did n’t take the model, I suppose?” “I don’t know. Shall I look?” “If you don’t mind. It’s just as well to make certain.. We shall want the sample to^ay.” She hurried out and in less than a minute was back bearing the sample in her arms. “Glad that’s safe, anyway,” com mented an imperturbably good-na tured Johnny Cope. “You can blame me for the tubes. Indescribable carelessness. The fellow ought to be sacked. Ah well, all my fault. All my fault. Peccavi. Mea culpa. They’ll be half way across Europe before tea time. Ah, well, well, well, the only thing that remains to such hopeless duds as ourselves is to see if that aramature’s still use- able.” “But the tubes, man. The tubes. You said yourself they were impor tant.” Hendringliam’s face was des perately convulsed, while Miss Sil vane looked from one to the other in obvious perplexity. “Ah yes, the tubes. Important. They were. They are. But perhaps it’s not too high a price to pay to be rid of the representatives of the Far East. Always were a difficult lot to handle and they’ve been a sight too many fingers „in this pie if you ask me, Geoff. Actually I’d give a lot more Gregory’s Powder than that to get rid of one or two more of them, only it never pays to play the same trick twice.” He leaned back and from a chuckle worked up to a long gurgle of laughter chokingly suppressed. “There’ll be enough Gregory’s Powder in a certain For eign Office by Thursday morning to j keep a whole Victorian family heal- ; thy for a year!” he chortled, beam ing on them benignantly like some primitive carving of the god, respon sible in the savage mind for good living, a sort of cannibal .Silenus. “I ought to have apologized for en tering your room last night, my I dear.” he now told Miss Silvane. I ..“Certainly I should never have for-! given myself if I had wakened you.” | She coloured, but it was with an-. noyance at the reflection of her I earlier belief that she had failed to | close her eyes all night. j Hendringham’s short laugh was j more a demonstration of relief than of humor. “Well you’re certainly the limit, Johnny Cope,” he protest ed. “But where have you hidden i the original tubes?” j “They are now in a position to • shed a light upon one of the most soothing of the arts, But, on the j whole, perhaps you’d both act a little more naurally if you would I allow me to keep that to myself for the present. You wouldn’t have to go about burdened with an awful secret.” He turned to Miss Silvane. “Now suppose you just go out to your job my dear, and pretend your mind is solely concerned with the designing of a new tennis frock or the pattern of a jumper. Geoff and I will see if this armature’s still useable.” “Can’t do much without tools,” objected Hendringham as the door closed behind a reassured and once more intensely secretarial assistant. And then, without listening to Cope's “Who said we had no tools?” he hurried to the door exclaiming “Good Lord, I haven’t even thank ed her for last night!” Half way down the stairs she turned at the sound of his voice, looking up at him from the shadowy stair well, very fresh and cool in spite of her “sleepless night.” “Here, I say,” he called over the bannisters, “I haven’t told you how grateful I am,” She said she -was sure there was nothing to be grateful about, her voice just politely casual, “Well, I am all the same,- and more than I’ve any time to tell you now, and Johnny Cope thinks no end of you foi’ it.” “I-am delighted to have secured the approval of Mr. Cbpe,” she said demurely. Whatever he might have been about to reply she was not fated to hear it yet for at that moment they were interrupted by the ap proach of the proprietress, who, se verely businesslike in her morning display of black silk and white ruf fles, was escorting a stoutish, for eign-looking man up the stairs. Miss Silvane immediately began to descend but Hendringham waited long enough to see her pass beyond his vision .and to receive a keen look , from an upturned face which had a sharp, enquiring pair of little black-centred eyes in its ivory-sal low complexion. The proprietress was explaining: “I’m afraid I can’t show you any of the first-floor rooms — they are all occupied — but I have two very nice rooms va cant on the second floor.” She caught sight of Geoffery. “Oh good morning, Mr. Hendringham,” she said. He called “Good morning” to her over his shoulder as he turned back to his room, feeling somehow as if he had been compromised, or as if Miss Silvane had, and excessively annoyed by it. At the little table in’the window bay Johnny Cope was painstakingly dismembering the battered sample with the aid of a combination tool that seemed to include every pos sible form of screw-driver, spanner and wrench in the neatest possible compass. He scarcely looked up from his task to remark: “Please lock the door this time, Geoff. I fancy I heard a strange voice.” A Foreigner With Phopias Without question Hendringham turned the key. It was silent in the wards and although he had never turned it before he felt an amused convicted that the lock had been recently oiled. New boarder by the look of it,” he explained. “For eigner I should say, fattish, black gimlet eyes and a coffee-tinted skin. With black trimmings. Looks as if' he’d had a nasty smash some time'— one ear is beautifully cauliflower- ed.” “I rather expect it was I that give him that,” remarked Cope with a reminiscent melancholy. ”In Am sterdam about five years ago. Name ought to be Morganthau. I’ve rather expected him to butt in. An affair of this kind’d hardly be complete without him. Seems as if we’d no sooner got rid of one lot than an other turns up to keep the pot boil ing. One thing abut Morganthau, though, he goes straight to the point. No beating about the bush with him. If he’s going to be nasty he’s exceedingly nasty and you won’t be long finding it dut, but most of the time he uses politeness, the un derstanding man-of-the-world touch you know. He’ll probably call on you within the next half hour. .Seems to me as if there isn’t very much wrong with this armature after all.” His powerful fingers wrenched the casting into shape to allow of the extraction of the piece in question. For a moment he spun it, between finger-tips studying its balance. Then, shooting a sly glance at his companion. “Get a chance to tell that girl liow much you’re gone on her or were you interrupted?” he asked. “Interrupted. Don’t be an ass, Johnny.” “Well, did she get a chance to explain how fluttery she felt where you were 'concerned?” “As a matter of fact she seemed to be more interested in you.” “Inevitable, my dear chap,’ com mented the grotesque man compla cently. “You see, women always do tend to fall for a very definitely ugly man, but it ends at tending as a rule. When it comes to the abiding thing it’s you manly lads With crinkled hail* and cinema pro files that do the serious business.” Hendringham ran his fingers ten derly over his face. “Hm. I hadn’t realized I was attractive,” he said. ■“It seems to me I haven’t washed since yesterday; I simply daren’t contemplate shaving and’ my skin’s mildly scabbing all over.” He 'peer ed at himself in the cheval glass. “iClothes might have been borrowed from a particularly weather-beaten scarecrow,” he commented. “I fancy 1’11 have to change them pronto.” He took another look at his scab bing face. “No, it isn’t exactly a heart-breaker this morning,” he concluded. He was in the midst of dressing when Cope remarked. “Oh, by the way, when Morganthau knocks, Geol’f, take your time over admit ting him,. I’d rather prefer to be out of the way." “You seem pretty sure about him coming." “Oil, I know his technique, I tell you. You can trust him to walk straight into the middle of things and to try the effect of big money right at the start. Here, if you’ve finished tying that tie you’d better help me to collect the bits and pieces. Shove ’em in your suitcase for the present. I’ll look after the armature. We don’t want to have that pinched.” He gathered the bits of metal and dumped them in to the suitcase the other man was holding open. “Just in time. Here he comes,” he remarked as the case snapped shut. “Give me half a min ute after I get inside.” Now he made three quick steps to the big wardrobe, his stocking feet making no sound. Silently he got inside, and silently Geoffery closed the door after him. “Half a minute, please!” the latter cried in answer to the knock that sounded before the concealment was com plete. As if in reply there came a faint, steely rustle, and, glancing towards the door, Hendringham distinctly saw the handle turning smoothly, very smoothly. It turned, paused and turned back again. “If it had not been for Johhny,” he told him self, ‘the bligliter’d have been in the room already.” Clearly Johnny Cope had not been boasting when he claimed to know Mr. Morganthau’s methods, and evidently politeness was not always among them. When he unlocked the door the foreign gentleman was standing waiting outside. “A few words with you, Mr. Hendringham?” he beg ged in a language that was English accented a trifle un-Englishly. (To be Continued) CANADA'S SAFEST CAR I BIG 92 HORSEPOWER 2-DOOR SEDAN DELIVERED IN EXETER ..H015 NOTHING MORE TO PAY (Except local taxes) MOST AMAZING LOWEST HUDSON SIX •J • :•<. YOU GET ALL THIS AT NO EXTRA COST No other lowest priced car gives you so much room, such power or luxury, such easy riding. No other has proved such endurance ... in an official 20,000-mile test, certi fied by the A.A.A. Contest Board. No other full-sized car ever went so far on a gallon of gas, in an official 1000-mile test of economy, also A.A.A. certified. It leads all the rest in safety, too, with Hudson’s ■ Patented Double-Safe Hydraulics—two brakingsystems work ing automatically from the same foot pedal, so that if hydraulics should ever fail, as they can in any car, you just push farther on the same foot pedal—and STOP. Among other unmatched safe guards, you get Patented Auto-Poise Front Wheel Control and Hudson’s own Dash-Locking Safety Hood. You also get, at no extra cost: Body and Hood Trim Strips of Genuine Chrome • Finest Type Independent Front Wheel Coil Springing • Park ing Lights on Bonnet • Handy Shift at Steering Wheel • Airplane-Type, Double - Action Shock Absorbers • Automatic Choke • Voltage Regula tor • New Sealed Beam Headlamps • Cushion-Action Door Latches • Front Dome Light • Finger-Touch Starter . . . ahd many more attractive equip ment features, all included in the price shown above, HUDSON ALSO PRESENTS: CANADA’S LOWEST PRICED STRAIGHT EIGHT, NEW HUDSON 8, AND HUDSON 8 DELUXE... NEW HUDSON SUPER-SIX... AND NEW COUNTRY CLUB SEDANS, LUXURY SENSATION OF THE YEAR ATTENTION I Make money during the Fall and Winter months by selling HARDY CANADIAN NURSERY STOCK Exclusive Territory for Local Salesman. Handsome Free Outfit Supplied Largest list of Fruit and Orna mental Stock, Etc,, grown in Canada. Now is the time to or der for Spring planting. Write for Particulars STONE&WELLINGTON THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES Established 1837 TORONTO 2, ONT COURTESY Treating a person like a rich uncle so that you may extract coin or services, is not courtesy — that is foresight. Offering your seat to a man who enters your home or your office is not courtesy — that’s duty. Helping a pretty girl across the street, holding her umbrella, carry ing her poodle — none of these are courtesy. The first two are a pleas ure, the last, politeness. Courtesy is doing that which noth ing under the sun makes you do but human kindness. Courtesy springs from the heart; if the mind prompts the action, there is reas on; if there is a reason, it is not courtesy, for courtesy has no reason. Courtesy is good will and good will is prompted by the heart full of love to be kind. Only a generous man is truly courteous. The generous man has developed kindness to such an ex tent that he considers everyone as good as himself - treats another not as he should be treated, but as he ought to treated. Did You Know That Excess calls in the doctor. Second thoughts are often best. 20 million cups of coffee are drank every sixty minutes. Every' sixty minutes in the whole world 6$ billion lbs. of bread are baked. Hens lay million eggs every sixty minutes. Man's heart beats 92,'0'0'0 times a day and the human body has 240 bones. 27 million cigarettes are smoked every 69 minutes in the world. London, England is the world’s largest port, was visited by 15,000 ships from foreign ports during the p'ast year — fifty per cent, were British ships. An average of 25 persons apply annually to the United Statse Pa tent Commission for claims on per petual motion machines. The yellow-billed cookoo is some times called the rain crow because it is popularly supposed to make warning sound before a storm, S. J. .S. CARS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED IN CRASH ON HIGHWAY Two cars were slightly damaged in a crash on highway No. 21 about a mile south of St. Joseph, January 14th. Gerald Moss, R.R. No. 1 Dash wood was driving his car in reverse and crashed into a car driven by Alfred L. Miller, Detroit. The acci dent occured about 9.40 p.m. Traf fic Officer E. A. Webb, of Goderich, investigated. Two actors who were jealous of each other met in a pub. They ex changed frigid nods. “How are you getting along?” asked one present ly. “Pretty well," replied the other. “Still keepiing alive.” The first man eyed his rival steadly for a second and then asked casually: “What’s your motive?” ©Ije Exeirr (Jimru-Aiffincuir Established 1873 and 1887 gt Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday jqprnin^ SUBSCRIPTION—$2.0'0 per year In advance RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subse quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, oi Found 10c. per line of six won!*. Reading notices 10c. per line, Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad vertising 12 and 8.:, pot line. Il Memoriam, with one verse 50c. extra verses 25e. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HE NS ALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANd, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office- Carling Block, Win Stree1, EXETER. ONT. ’ Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S, DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS. DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 38J Closed Wednesday Afternoons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed • EXETER I*. O. or RING 188 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ............ JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. R. 1 Vice-President .... JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. DIRECTORS W.. H.. COATES ................. Exeter ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell, R. 1 WM. HAMILTON ... Cromarty, R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE ... Woodham, R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ............... Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS ..... Mitchell R. 1 THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............„ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Lumber Shingles Our Prices are the Lowest they have been for several years. If you are building it will pay you to call and get prices. Just think Matched Lumber at $35.00 per M. feet A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Granton We Deliver I Phone Exeter 235, Collect DAY OR NIGHT SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Our drivers are equipped to shoot old or crippled animals DARLING and Co. of Canada, Ltd. CHATHAM, ONT.