The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-12-17, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER Wth, iWB V i 14 r -> T t, > r t. i !«■ * t t A '‘hi;. J HENSALL Miss Stella Robson, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, H* Arnold. ; Mr.C. Kennedy of the R.C.N.V.R., Stratford, spent the week-end with friends here. The annual public school concert ■ will pe-held on Tuesday afternoon, December 22nd. Mrs. Lorne Elder, of Hamilton, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, The annual Sabbath school en­ tertainment of St. Paul’s Anglican Church will be held on December 18, Pte. and Mrs. Wilfred Klopp, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr- and Mrs. J. Parkins. Miss Helen Glenn, bride-elect, of London, is spending a holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn, Miss June Saundercock spent the week-end visiting with her ‘sis­ ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moir, Miss Sally Manson and friend spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rigby and Donna in Blenheim, The Mission Circle of the United Church are holding a bazaar on Saturday, December 19, both after­ noon and evening, at Ken Hicks’ store, Mr. Kenneth Hicks, prominent businessman of Hensall, has enlisted With the R.C.IA.F. and reports -for duty in January. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks came here after their marriage and have operated the 5c to $1,0'0' store for several years. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Hicks and family will continue to reside in the village. Dr. and Mrs. D. G, Steer and Patsy accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Cam­ eron Steer and Sandra, of London, visited on Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr." and Mrs. Charles Steer, at Mount BryJges, The Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a free picture show for the . children at which time Santa Claus will call in the village? Parents are asked to keep the night open. Saturday, December 19th. Mir* Charles Jinks, }local and rur­ al mail carrier, has been confined to his. home during the past week, ow- . ing'to illness, but is somewhat im­ proved at date of writing. Mr. John Pfaff has been relieving Mr. Jinks on the mail route. Word has been received here that Captain W. A. Young, of Kitchener, former minister of Carmel Presby­ terian 'Church has been transferred overseas. The best wishes of his host .of Hensall friends follow him.; Christmas Sunday will be observed in Hensall United Church on De-’ cember 20. At 11 a.m. Rev. R., A. Brook will speak on the' theme, “The 'Christmas City” and in evening there will be a White service. This evening service commence at 7.30 instead of usual hour of 7 p.m. Local members of the Exeter- Hensall Branch of (the W.C.T.U. will motoi’ to Exeter and attend the meeting at the home of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Thursday. Mrs. Hed- . den and Mrs. Hess will contribute a vocal duet. Injures Back When Falling on Ice Mrs. J. D. Stewart had the mis­ fortune to fall on the ice in front of the post office and in so doing in­ jured her back. She is being attended by Dr. D. G. Steer and Mrs. McCul-. lough. . I Red Cross Holds Euchre Party A very successful Euchre party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall on Wednesday evening sponsored by the Red Cross Unit of S. S. No. 16 Hay, There were eleven tables and the total receipt amounted to $14.50. The ladies first prize’ was won by IMrs. Jack Ingram and the gent’s first prize by Mr. John R. MacDonald. Lunch was served, Observes 89th Birthday Mrs. Robert Bonthron, a life-long resident of Hensall, observed her 89 th birthday at her home here on Saturday. Born at Rodgerville, Ont­ ario, Mrs, Bonthron was formerly Marion White. She IS wonderfully smart for her advanced years and), still does her share of Red Cross work. Mrs. Bonthron received during the day with her daughter* Mrs. Lou Simpson, and welcomed her many guests and was the recipient of many beautiful gifts and bouquets of beautiful mums. She has a family of three sons, William, of Detroit, and James, furniture dealer and un­ dertaker, and Fred, Postmaster, of Hensall, three daughters, Mrs. Edith MacMartin, of Barrie, Mrs* Margaret Vairi of Toronto and Mrs. Lou Simp­ son, Hensall, One daughter, Florence Mrs.-T. C* Joynt, died a few ago. Wohelo Class Holds Christinas Meeting The Wohelo Class held Christmas meeting hi the school­ room of the United Chutch on Fri­ day evening with Mrs. Peter Mc­ Naughton presiding. After singing the Christinas catols, ‘Hark The Herald Angels Sing/ ‘Joy To The World’ And ‘It Came Upon A Mid­ night Clear’ the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison* followed by the scripture, Mathew 2S: 3'1—40. A piano solo,The Holy City,’ played by the Gift will the years i their Miss Greta Lammle was very much enjoyed. The business was followed by a delightful vocal solo entitled ‘A White Christmas,’ by Mrs. Hed­ den accompanied on the piano by Miss Greta Lammie, (Miss Mattie Hi­ lls gave the topic, ‘(A Christmas Message' which was very interesting. 'Silent Night, Holy Night’ was sung and Miss Gladys McKenzie directed a contest, followed by a quiz directed by Mrs. Peter McNaughton. Rrefresh* meats were served, Cannel Church Notes The annual Christmas concert of Carmel Presbyterian Sabbath School will be held on Wednesday evening, Decembei* 23. Arrangements have been made to present two lantern lectures, both dealing with the mes­ sages and spirit of Christmas. This occasion will also provide an op­ portunity for the children to bring White Gifts which will be sent to the patients of the War Memorial Children's Hospital, London. Next Sunday, will be Christmas Sunday at Carmel ’Churjsh and the music and the sermons at both ser­ vices will proclaim the message of the Holy Season. The series of Ser­ mons on “The Lord's Prayei* in War­ time”, which has been occupying the thoughts of the evening congrega­ tion will be resumed on the first Sunday in the New Year. Arnold CSi’cle Elects Officers The Arnold Circle held their De­ cember meeting in the schoolroom of Carmel Presbyterianv Church on Monday evening with the president, Miss Sally Manson, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing Of Christmas carols, ’after which Mrs. George Moir led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Miss Jean McQueen. The business followed and the officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Presi­ dent, Mrs. Melvin Moir; vice-pre­ sident, Mrs. A. Orr; secretary, Mrs, George Moir; treasurer, Miss Jean McQueen; pianist, Miss Irene Hog­ garth; assistant pianist, Mrs, Law­ rence Baynham; Home Helpers’ sec­ retary/ Miss Beryl Pfaff; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs. A. Orr, Misses Irene Hoggarth and Lois Mac- Laren favored with a vocal duet. At the close of the meeting refresh­ ments were served, Mission Circle Holds Christmas Meeting Miss Margaret Shepherd was host­ ess to the Mission Circle of the Un­ ited Church for their Christmas meeting., Mrs. Lorne Elder presided over the program which commenced by singing carols, ’ after which Mrs, I Hedden led in prayer.. The roll call was answered with a 'Christmas poem. The devotional was taken by Mrs. Harvey McLarnon entitl- I ed "Keeping Christ in. Christmas” The Circle will hold a ^azaar at Ken- ne.th Hicks’’ store on Saturday af­ ternoon and evening, December 19. It was decided to forward ten dol­ lars to the'Queen’s Fund at London. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the hostess. Institute Give Gifts For Sick Children’s Hospital The Senior Women’s Institute met on Wednesday evening at the home ' of Miss Beryl Phaff with the pres­ ident Miss Gladys Lukei? in the chair. Following the singing of “Silent Night, Holy Night” the Lord’s Pray­ ei’ was repeated in unison. The Ode was sung followed by the minutes and the roll call which was answered by the presentation of gifts for "the Sick Children’s Hospital, London. The business was then taken up and it was decided to hold a rummage sale in January, This being the Christmas meeting, the home was beautifully decorated in keeping and a Christmas tree was also arranged around which the gifts were placed. The motto entitled “The glory of life . sis to love, not to be loved, to give not to get; to serve not to be served,’,’ was very ably taken by Mrs. N. E. Cook. An interesting demonstration on how to fill a school-age child’s stocking for Christmas, Was very well demonstrated by Miss Beryl Phaff. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale gave the recipe for the cranberry salad mould The guest speaker for the meeting was Miss Mattie Ellis, who delivered an inspiring message on tile subject ' “What Does Christmas Mean To You?” in her usual pleasing manner. The current events were given by Mrs. James "Patterson* Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin will be hostess for the Jan­ uary meeting of the Institute .and" Mrs. ®. Ch ip chase* co-hostess. The president moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and all taking part and the meeting was closed by singing "O Little TOWn of iBethleheni” and “God Save The King." The social committee Was Mrs. H. 0. Dayman, Mrs. R. Cameron, Mrs, Drysdale and Mrs. J» Patterson. .. Red. Cross Six more boxes of finished goods were sent on their way last week and every article will do its job somewhere—*all under the flag of mercy, the Red Cross flag. ' is what was sent: Box 1* 10' quilts, ' ii children’s helmets, 1 pair slacks, 2 blouses, 2 bed jackets, 1 dressing 1 gown, 1 girl’s jumper, 3 pairs boys’ : pants 6 pillow cases; Box 2, 20 bed ■ jackets, .20 sheets, 40 slings; Box i 3, 15 sheets, 240 slings, 5 bed jack* i ets; Box 4, 25 sheets; Box 5, 10 bed . jackets; Box 6, 10 bed jackets. This ■ column would like to pay tribute Hare IP DANCE Mount Camel Parish Hall FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th Sponsored by the Catholic Wom­ en’s League in aid of War $ervfce$. Dancing^ 9 to 2 Lunch to Ken Hicks for all his splendid work on the shipping committee. The above shipment is likely the last that Mr. Hicks will pack and ship as he leaves fop active service soon. He certainly did a good job as convener of the shipping commit­ tee and Hensail Red Cross Branch is going to miss him and his faith­ ful work. Word has been received 'that the Red Cross Society is able tn handle all kinds of good clean used clothing for men, women and children aS well as washed woollen underwear- of all sizes, This clothing is gath­ ered and prepared for the survivors of the many torpedoings so if you have anything that can be used in this way kindly bring it to the Red Cross rooms in the town hall It is cold these days and we are getting a faint idea of what the winds must be like on the Atlan­ tic. Our brave sailors must be find­ ing it bitterly cold midst lashing waters and biting hurricanes. With this in mind we are asking you to search for all the old fur coats and large pieces of fur around your place. The Red Cross has made arrangements to have such articles converted into fur vests for pur sea­ men. It is cold these days, ’isn’t it? And it is a lot colder on tic. Don't forget it. The executive of the met last Friday evening arrangements to hold the annual meeting of the local branch on Tues­ day, January 12. It is hoped that at that meeting besides hearing the reports foi- 1942 there will b.e en­ tertainment and information provid­ ed" which will make this evening one long to be remembered. The fol­ lowing members were appointed as a nominating committee: Miss Beryl Pfaff, Dr. Steer, Miss Reyolds, W. O. Goodwin and W. R. Davidson. It is expected that in the future arrangements will be _ pleted whereby the people of Hen- sail and district can donate blood through the travelling Blood Donor- Clinic which is visiting Sea­ forth from time to time. A com­ mittee consisting of Dr. A. R. Camp­ bell, Dr. D..G, Steer and Rev. Wil­ liam Weir has been appointed to investigate the matter and they will receive the names of all ..those who are willing to further the war ef­ fort by donating their blood. 1 DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Hopcwft and I Russel left for Port Colborne last I week where they intend spending I several months.j Mr, and Mrs. Czar Steinhagen, of Port Dalbousie, spent the week­ end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles gteinhagen* Miss Eeta Nadlger, R.N., of How­ ell Hospital, Mich., is visiting for a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Nadlger* Mrs, Edwin Miller, who underwent an operation for appendicitis, was able to return home on Saturday. Miss Belva Truetnner, of the 14th concession, is visiting with Myrtle Gaiser, The following is. the Red shipment; 6 large quilts, 3 quilts, 1 bed jacket, 2 pairs ladies’ pyjamas, 2 ladies’ nightgowns, 12 masks, 6 pairs 18-in. socks, 1 turtle­ neck sweater, 2 V-neck sweaters, 1 boy’s cardigan, size 8; 1 wash cloth, 2 pairs mitts, 2 pairs gloves, 1 al­ ternative cap, 1 aero cap and 1 lay­ ette of 32 pieces donated by the Lutheran Ladies’ Aid. The following is a shipment sent to the Russian Relief of good used clothing; 32 ladies’ coats, 4 boys’ pants, 1 man’s pants, 17 men’s and boys’ coats, 3 men’s overcoats, 3 leather jackets and mackinaws, 4 ladies’ ladies’ shirts, 3 ladies blouses, 3 skirts, 20 caps and hats, 1 boy's suit, 1 child’s apron, 1 slip, 3 girls’ coats, 3 hath robes, 1 pair slacks, 3 sets woollen underwear, 3 pairs boots, 1 pair galoshes and numerous children’s garments; 1 (large bundle of baby clothes. : t Miss Cross small suits, 14 ladies’ dresses, 2 capes, 2 men’s and boys* the Atlan- Red Cross and made GREENWAY near com- their The Sunday of the United in the church on Tuesday evening, December 22. Mrs. R. L. Sheppard visited foi’ a few days last week with friends in London. Several from this community at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Andrew Turnbull at Grand Bend last Wednesday. Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent the week-end with '-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curts. Mrs. Ervine Eggert visited last Tuesday with her mother, who in the Hospital in London. Schoo] Xmas concert Church is being held On. iSunday, December 20, in the United Church Sunday School the C.G.I.T. group will hold their Christ" mas vesper service and candlelight- ing ceremony. Everyone welcome. Creditor W*L The Women’s Institute held their annual Christmas party in the town hall with the president in the chair. The meeting opened in the usual manner with the singing of the Ode and repetition of the Lord’s prayer in unison. The motto was "Peace on earth, good will toward men”, and the roll call was answered by a Christmas message. It was decided to invite the Paul brothers to give a program instead of holding a Rpd Cross tea* It is expected to be some ■time in. the latter part of January, Watch the paper for further an­ nouncements. A sum of money was donated to the War Memorial (Children’s Hospital, London- In memory of Mrs. C. Zwicker, honor­ ary president and also first presi­ dent of the Crediton W.I. a few min­ utes’ silence and her favorite song, "Long, Long Ago”, was sung. Al­ though She had recently been un­ able to attend she was greatly in­ terested in the Institute work and will indeed be missed. Mrs. H. Shenk took the chair for the follow­ ing program. Christmas carols were sung, followed by an intsru- mental, "O Come All Ye Faithful”, by Mrs. E, Fahrner. Donald Fink­ beiner and Jeanette Shenk sang a duet, “A Million Little Snowflakes , after which gifts were exchanged. “Silent Night, Holy Night”, was sung. Mrs. C. Sims tendered a vote of thanks to the hostesses, Mrs. H. Shenk, Mrs. I. Finkbeiner and Miss A. Smith for the successful meeting and Miss M. Wein seconded the mo­ tion. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem. Annual Meeting annual meeting of Association of the Church was held in •> ELIM VILLE Mr. Will Johns, Mr. and is Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long near Atwood one day last week. Mrs. John Hern, Sr., of Zion, is staying with Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Johns for a time. Next Sunday evening Rev. -Mair Will conduct the Christmas service here at 7.30 p.m. The choir will have special music for the occa­ sion. Mr. and Mrs. Mullen, who recent­ ly purchased Mrs, J. Johns’ property are at present living in part of Mr, Wes. Horne’s house. Mr. Bill Johns spent the week-end in London with his aunt, Mrs. Maria ’Heatherly. Red Cross Unit Meets The local Red Cross Unit held their meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Johns on Thurs­ day evening of last week. Roland Williams took charge of the meet­ ing- which opened with a sing-song. The president, Miss Ruth Skinner, took charge of the business. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods on January 12. Committee to be in charge of that meeting are: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman and Mr. -and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Some of the articles *m-ade for the December shipment were displayed. A piano solo was given by Miss Doris Elford. Mrs. Harry Ford read an interesting article on ."Waste”. Another sing­ song was enjoyed. James Smith gave a very interesting reading dealing with the customs of the na­ tive population of the city of Al­ giers. Meeting’ closed With the singing of the National Anthem. Fourteen were present. WOODHAM Rev. Duncau. .McCrea, a returned missionary from China, occupied the pulpit on Sunday' evening last and gave a very interesting address on his work and experience in -that country. He had gone there in 1914 during the last world war and has •been home on furlough for a year oi’ more. He expects .to return in the. near future. It was with in­ tense interest that the congregation listened to this worth-while address. Rev. -.McCrea was not far distant when many of the heavy bombings by the Japs took place in some of the cities in China, bringing death and destruction to thousands of the Chinese, and he also aided in ■helping hundreds of their refugees. The annual Christmas entertain­ ment will be held in the Orange Hall on Tuesday evening, December 22. A good program is being pre­ pared. The W.M.S. met in the basOment of the church for their December meeting with an attendance of 16. Mrs. Delmar Johnson, convener of group No. 4, was in charge of this Christmas program’ and was assist-. ed by Miss Louise Hackney, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. W. Sweitzer, Mrs. Ben Wilson, Mrs. M. Hooper, Mrs. W. Mills and .Mrs. A. Rundle. Dur­ ing the business ession it was de­ cided to send the bale to ’ Russia ahd donate $20.0*0’ towards support­ ing a Bible woman. The meeting Was closed by prayer -py Mrs. John­ son, after which Rev. A. Laing took tlie chair and conducted the election' of officers for the coming year. A few changes took place. A hew pre­ sident, Mrs. Fred Doupe, was elected in place of tile retiring president, Mrs. F. Pattison, with Mrs. Will Mills, first vice-president; Mrs. Ce­ cil 'Camm, second vice-president; Mrs. Ray Mills, third vice-president, All the other’ officers were re-elect­ ed* Mr. and Mrs. James Squire Mr,. arid Mrs. Laverne Stone daughter, DOnha, motored spent Friday last with Mrs, Howard Anderson, iiigtoHj Oxford County* The Misses Viola Jaques, Gladys1 _____ Shier and Laura Rundle, of Hespel-1 McCulloch, of Cromarty, spent the er, were Week-end visiters at their week-end at their respective homes, homes here. j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merriot and family, of Waterloo, called on Mr. children spent Sunday last in Lon-( and Mrs. Jack Delbridge on Sunday, don with friends. Mary Millson, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at her home here. . The’ Red Cross ladies of the Base Line, quilted a quilt on Friday last at the homo of Mrs. Ben Wilson, ' WINCHELSEA Mr. W. F. Batten is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Willard, of Hpnsall. Corporal and Mrs. Harry Mutch spent the Mrs. Jack and and and family* of London, Week-end .with Mr. and Delbridge. Miss Mabel McGugan week-end with relatives spent the In Strath- down Mr. of Wash- ’ No. 9 S.F.T.S. spent the week-end at j the home of Mr. R. E, Pooloy. Misses Lila McCulloch and Jean Corporal Orville Hagerman, of | Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Moore and son, of Thedford, spent- the week* end with Mr. and Mrs. John Trance. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock spent Monday last with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Glen, of Brinsley. ft CREDITON NOTICE The business places will observe Boxing Day, December .2^ as a pub" lie holiday.TOWU AMOUNT TO MORE THAN ; c± ■i- It yd 'if, «when you feed SHURGAINBIG5O" Average egg production record per All Canada Ontario British Columbia 1940 111 1119 132 hen for one year 1941 112 120 132 figures must be brought up to the “200” mark. It is an open secret that this can be accomplished by feeding Shiir-Gain Big 50. Just figure that one bag of Big 50 mixes with seven bags of your grain to make a mash at a REALLY LOW COST. For ALL OUT PRODUCTION these brought up to the “200” mark. We have a car of beet pulp to arrive at a very attractive price of $34.00 a ton off the car. It would be advisable to leave your orders with us immediately. the Wo- Crediton the base­ The men’s United ment of the church on Thursday, December 1-0’th. -The president, Mrs. Mack, presided and the meeting op­ ened by singing “Joy to the World! The Lord is Come”., Rev. Turner led in prayer and Mrs. Roy Swartz read the scripture lesson. The min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and reports of treasurer and committee were .given. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” was sung. Mrs. Bert Kestle gave an interesting read­ ing and Marion Wright a piano solo. The free-will donations for. the year were brought in. Rev. Turner then took ‘charge of the meet­ ing. He paid tribute to the splendid work done by the late Mrs, Charles Zwicker and of how her fine char­ acter had enriched the lives of others in the community. The following officers were then' elected for 1943: Honorary presi­ dent, Mrs. W. Jones; president, Mrs. Alvin Baker; first vice-president, Mrs. Gerald Zwicker; second vice- president, Mrs. J. Woodall; third vice-president, Mrs. Roy Schwartz; secretary, Mrs. James Mawhinney; assistant secretary and press re­ porter, Mrs. W. D. Mack; treasur­ er, Mrs. T. Trevethick; pianists, Mrs. L. Turner and Mrs. E. Law- son; good cheer, committee, Mrs. A. King, Mrs. Brock, Mrs. G. Mawhin-* ney, Mrs. Ed Beaver; parsonage committee, Mrs. T. Yearly, Mrs. Ed Chambers, Mrs. R. iSwartz; visit­ ing committee, Mrs. F. Clark, Mrs, J. Woodall, (for January); repre­ sentative Zwicker; and Mrs. It was to the Canadian Aid to Russia fund. The meeting closed with hymn 307 and Rev. Turner pronounced the benediction. A dainty served by the hostesses, and Mrs. W. Wright. (Intended for last Messrs. H. K. Either Beaver attended the Meeting- of the Hay Township Far­ mers’ MutuS.1 Fire Ins. Co., in Zur­ ich last Saturday. The pupils of the Crediton Pub­ lic School will render the Christ­ mas Concert in the Town Hall next Monday evening. These concerts are always a success and we know the teachers and children are working hard to give their best. Be sure and come. At the Sunday School Session of the Evangelical Church, last Sun­ day, the Superintendent, A. J, Amy unveiled an Honor Roll giving the names of fifteen boys from the Sun­ day School who are now serving in the Army, Navy and Air forces. Several of thorn are Overseas and numerous Christmas (Parcels have been sent to the boys away from home. Don’t forget to write them ft letter. Nothing is mote appreciated. Albert Wolf had the mis* to get her left hand in the of the electric washer on and seyeral stitclws were (for January); to Red Cross, Mrs. G. auditors, Mrs. F. W. Clark Bert Kestle. decided to send a donation lunch was Mrs. Kes tie week) and Harry Directors* Mrs. fortune wringer Monday necessary to sew up the wound, /wo also learn that Thomas Chambers fell while going up a ladder, break­ ing his leg. He is how in the hos* pltal in London, We offer a trade on bu'shel per bushel basis of good western feed wheat plus 20c per bus. (subject- to change without notice) for Ontario wheat. Keep those young pigs and hogs and your laying flocks in good health by feeding additional vitamins. We sell top grades of Cod Liver Oil at $1.30 and $1.80 a gallon. Cann & Sons Phone 35w KIRKTON •Miss Elizabeth Shier returned to her home in the village after spend­ ing the past -two weeks with her niece, Mrs. Howard Balfour, of Lon­ don. Mrs. Hiram Hanna was called to Toronto this past week to be with her daughter, Mary, who underwent an operation in a hospital in that city. Mr, and Mrs. John Hind and Mrs. T. Baker, of Exeter, spent Saturday with Mr. -and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher at their new home in Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall and Billie, of London, spent the week­ end with friends in the village. A social evening was spent in Aberdeen Hall on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John. Mc- Elrea (nee Verna Brack), ning was spent in social dancing. Miss Joan Parker, of jspent the week-end with Mrs. George Hall- Gordon Burgin, of -the St. Thomas, spent Sunday brother, Mr. G. H. Burgin. The eve- chat and < London. Mr. aJ R.C.A.E with h CENTRALIA j L.A.'C. and Mrs. W. Drennan vi ited a couple Of days last weJ in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden v ited on Sunday with Mr, and Mi Frank Smith, of London. Choir practice is on Friday nig at <8'.3O p.m. I Mr. and MrS. Fred Ford and M and Mrs. J. Pollard visited Sunday with Mr. Tho.mas Brooks St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Remember -the Sunday Scha Christmas Concert on Monday, Fj cember 21. ing a number Miss , Marjorie Birch, S.F.T.S., was a week-end Mr. and Mrs. B. Fields. Mrs, S. Brokenshire couple of days last week tives Each class is preset . Everyone is welcom of No. guest wi in London. spent | With rel SHI FKA I The annual Sunday School meeH ing was held in the United Church] on Tuesday last with Rev, L. Hj Turner in charge. The meeting open! ed with a hymn and prayer, afteil which reports were given, In thei absence of the secretary Mrs. Tur| ner acted as secretary for the evdl ning. Officers for the ensuing y^fl are as follows; SuperintchdejM Ernest Keys; assistant euperiniJM dent, John Lamport; secretary, old Finkbeiner; treasurer, Mrs. Mil­ ton Ratz; teachers, vMatt. Sweitzer, William Sweitzer, Mrs. William Sweitzer, Miss P. Keys and Mrs. E. Keys; -assistant teachers, Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Ratz, Mr. L. Schoeder; librarians, Jack Ratz, iStuart Sweit­ zer; pianists, Mrs. Milton Ratz, Mrs* V. Sharpe; temperance superinten­ dent, Matt. Sweitzer; cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. E. -Keys; mis­ sionary superintendent, Mrs. 0. ' Sharpe, Miss P. Keys. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. L. Tur­ ner. Mr. and Mrs. William Ratz moved to their new home in Crediton last week. Mrs. N. Clark still continues quite ill and is confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. W. Desjardine and Dorothy spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ford McGregor, Park­ hill. Mr. and Mrs. Vansteenkist and family movnd-into the Lochner home.