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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-10-01, Page 5
inwwwMji'i. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THUK5PAY MORNING, OCTOBER M, 1942 Armouncomofi? t-4 1 riirthi Death and Are i«verted freie ri* Vhaiwe* mt Tbauifcis W<s« MewvTjam JVeiticeis grie itor single extra, tar each addi tional hmkakeinehits 5bc Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson, R.0. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at w, O. GOODWIN’3 ■ Store, every 1st and 3r4 Tuesday in the month, for the, purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses, present in spite of the threatening weather and the service was con sidered one of the beef in many years. Edison Forrest, the effic ient Sunday School Superintendent, conducted the service. The junior and intermediate scholars took an impressive part in the service by presenting an exercise based on the Rally Days of Bible times and the challenge of Rally Day, to-day. Miss Ellis and Miss Lammie train ed the scholars for this exercise and Difficult case? and those ™ Pres,e»fcea very acceptable havn * manner, The choir sang very ac-sneciX inSS'ceptab1^ ‘'Hear Gw Call Ringing”, specially recommended to_ corif 'ytey, jt, a, Brook gave a brief ad- suit me. Hours 10 a«m. to 6 p.m* Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL *1 t ■5.x Mr. Neil Bparks,. of Detroit, spent a few days recently wjth his father, Mr. Alex Sparks, Mrs. a Noble, of Parkhill, .vis ited for a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Matt. England, Mr, Melvin Moir has rented the Supertest Service Station on No’, 4 Highway, formerly operated by Mr. Allan Solden. Mr, Ray Lammie has. been ap pointed assistant at the O.N.R. Sta tion at Centralia and commenced his duties there on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Homer -Conley, of Winni peg, and the Misses .Lily and Edith McEwen, of London, spent the week end with their brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. McEwen, Mrs, Robert Grigg, of London* formerly Miss Lucille Bybus, visit ed with Mrs, Morley Cooper, of Kip pen, recently,, and also With Mrs, C, Jinks and other friends in Hen sail. 4 The Late Alexander Buchanan The funeral of tlie late Alexandei* Buchanan, which was held on Wed nesday last was well attended. The pallbearers were Peter Moir, John Stewart, Walter Fairbairn, John Wood, James Smillie and Robert D. Bell, Rev. R. A. Brook and Mr. W.-O. Goo’dwin sang a ‘beautiful duet, “In the Sweet Bye and Bye”. The service was conducted by R. A. Brook and. interment made in Hensall Cemetery. Shower for Bride-Elect An • interesting event took place ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Thomson on No. 4 Highway, near Kippen, on Friday evening, when a number of friends met to honor their- daughter, Myrtle, brid.e-elect of Saturday. She was presented ’ Mrs. Ernie . A served which evening to a Rev. was 4* < A i 5 i < * with a miscellaneous shower, Norman Stanlake and Mrs. . Chipchase, doing, the honors, dainty lunch was brought a pleasant close. Honored Before a. Marriage On Wednesday evening, Septem ber 23, the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Alexander was the scene of an interesting event, when guests to the number of ’40 gathered to honor their daughter, Miss. Doris, bride-elect of Saturday. During the evening a basket decorated in pink and white and filled with lovely gifts, was brought in by Mrs, Alex McMurtrie and Miss Jean. Ivison, of Kippen, and an address was read by Miss Margaret McGregor, of Hen sall. The bride-elect, although tak en by surprise, replied in a fitting manner, thanking the donors for •their kind thoughts. Later a dain ty lunch was served and a social hour was enjoyed by all. Church. Notes dress on the theme for the day, “Looking Unto Jesus”, During the service Mr, and Mrs. Carl Passmore presented Norma Pearl, and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Jones presented Pat ricia Marilyn, for baptism. The eve ning service was withdrawn in fa vour of the «Chiselhurst United church, where anniversary services were being held. A very successful anniversary event was held at Chiselhurst Un ited Church. The Rev. David Wren, M.A., B.D,, of Central United Church, Stratford, was the guest speaker. Mr, Wren's visit was deeply appre ciated because Chiselhurst Church was Mr. Wren’s boyhood church, and the “first church in which he preached a sermon. Mr, Wren touched upon a few reminiscences in the opening part of his after noon address that caused laughter, and immediately won the wrapt attention of all present to his in spiring address on the theme, “An Old Gospel for a New World” The evening service wag as helpful as the one in the afternoon, when the tneme was Flock”, The both periods messages will for their qualities. .also sparticularly enjoyed. Much credit should go to the choir leader, George T, Wren, and the pianist, Benson Stoneman. In the after noon the choir, assisted by mem bers from the Hensall choii’ sang “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”. Benson Stoneman, sang a beautiful solo, “The Lord’s Prayer”, accom panied at the piano by Miss Greta Lammie. 1 sang two numbers, “Temple .Bells” and ‘4The God of the Nations”. Z.L— Lammie played a solo. The church was beautifully- decorated with autumn flowers. ‘ Rev. R. A. Brook was present at the afternoon service assisting Mr. Wren, but had to substitute for the latter at Stratford in the eve ning Pre-communion service will be held at Hensall United 'Church Fri day, October 2 at 8 p,m. On Sunday, October 4 the Lord’s Supper will be administered at the United Church in keeping with World Communion Sunday. This service takes place at 11 a.m.‘The. loose offering will be devoted to the Flower Fund of the church.. On Monday, October 5, the young people of the United Church lyill meet-at 8 p.m., sharp,-when the Christian Fellowship department will be responsible for the program. Miss Margaret Shepherd is head of this department. Miss Gladys Mc Kenzie, who heads the department, will lead a al period. The second Sunday in “The Shepherdless church was full for of . worship and the long be remembered searching and Inspiring The music this year was CREPITQN Mr, and Mrs. G. ,E. Wenzel spent the week-end at Millbank* Harold Brown, wireless operator with the R.C.A.F., who has been sta tioned at Manning Pool, Toronto, has been transferred to Winnipeg. Mr. August scheffbuck spent last Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Pletch at Chesley* Mr. Bernard, Brawn is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Krueger and grandson, Lurry Krueger, of Water loo, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Fahrner and Mr. and Mrs, Ross Krueger. Miss Berniece Fabmer turned to her home after two weeks in London. The Crediton Women’s will meet at the home of Sident, Mrs. M. Ewald, on Monday evening, October 5, at 8 p,m. It is hoped there will be a good atten dance, this being the first meeting since May. Mr, and Mrs. C. Mawhinney, Mrs. Mabel Ewald and Mr. .and Mrs. Roy H. Ffnkbeiner were in London on Monday on ‘business. C.G.I.T. Meeting; The-O.G.I.T, girls of the Crediton United Church held their meeting on Friday at -the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herb Mitchell. The meeting open ed. with a prayer, after which the O.G.I.T, hymn was sung. The min utes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and the roll call was answered by “Why I Like Au tumn”. Business was discussed, af ter which hymn 217 was sung, A poem by, Eunice King, an instru mental by Elaine Mitchell and a poem by Evaline Mack were much enjoyed. Games were played by all. A corn roast and Taps brought the meeting to a close. RaIIy,,Day Observed on Crediton. Circuit has re- spending Institute the pre- CENTRALIA Mrs. Wilson and Doris, Miss Johnston and Miss Wyatt, of Strut- fefrd were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden on Wednesday of last week and attended the open ing of the Centralia Airport. Visitors with Mr. and Pollard last week were Mrs. I. C. Goodhand and Mrs. con-Rev, D. J. Lane, of Clinton, ducted services in Carmel Church op Sunday, while Rev, William Weir preached anniversary services in Clinton. At the morning service in Carmel Church Mr. Lane took his text from St. John, !8>:39, “Jesus saith unto them, ‘If ye were Abra ham’s children, ye would do the works of .Abraham’.” The morning anthem by the choir was “He Shall Give His Angels Peace”, with Mi’s. J, W. Bonthrori as soloist. Tn the evening Mr. Lane preached from the words found in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”. The evening anthem was “Hymn of Peace”, MiSs Margaret DoUgall tak ing the solo part. Dilling - Alexander Beautiful autumn flowers decor ated St. Andrew’s United Church, . Kippen, on Saturday, September 26, when Doris Mary, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Alexander, was married to Mr, Arthur Cecil Dilling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dilling, of Brucefield. Rev. A. M. Grant of ficiated. The wedding music was played by Miss Jean Ivison, Of Kip pen, and Mrs. IFrank Rockivood,jM ■ London "" bride, ther, with -tulle roses. __ . _ . Dilling, wore pink net and carried Madam Butterfly roses. The grooms man was Mr. John Alexander and the ushers Were Pte. William Mc Lean and Mr. Robert Cook, Hensall, A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, after wlhicilf the young cbuple left on a motor trip through Eastern Ontario. On their return they- will reside in Lon don. Guests were present from London, Toronto, Mitchell, Exeter, Georgetown and other United Oiiiirich On Sunday last the sang “Because”. The given in marriage by her. fa- wore a gown of white sheer her mother’s veil of white and carried red Briarcliffe The bridesmaid, Miss Hazel (points. Notes „„ __ ________ annual Rally Day service was held In Hensall United church, when the program, outlined by the Department of Re ligious Education was carried through^ A large congregation was Rally Day services were conduct ed at all three charges of the Cre diton circuit last Lord’s Day, the theme -being, “Looking Unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our | Faith”. Mrs. Milton Ratz gave splendid leadership at Shipka when In .the evening the choir four scholars read the scripture se-. * K-"*-" lections, Miss "Verna Baumgarten Miss rendering a solo, Paul Webb add- splendid violin qd greatly to the effectiveness of ...................: tne service by singing a solo and 1 Lila Finkbeiner gave the stoyy. The service 'at Crediton Sunday School was conducted by the super intendent, ”~Mr. Herb Mitchell, ably assisted "by members of his staff. Recitations and vocal numbers were giv-eu by scholars- of the school. Elaine Mitchell, Lois Schwartz, Phyllis and Edith Hill rendered a ■quartette with Betty Mawhinney pre siding at the piano. Billy' Hayes, Rosaline Mack, 'Doris Wright and Master Tilley recited. The story for the Rally Day service was excellent ly given by Mrs, Sam King. Brinsley Sunday School also re cognized the claims of Rally Day, the choir ^loft being occupied by youthful members under the lead ership of Mrs. Dan. Lewis. The Misses Neil and Morley read the Scripture selections with Leslie Morley giving the story of the day For this service -Douglas Lewis very ably presided at the piano. Anniversary Services Crediton United Church will cele brate its birthday on Sunday, Octo ber 11, when anniversary services .will be conducted by-the Rev. W- J. Moores, of Lucan, in the morning, with the Rev...A. B. Irwin, B.A., of James St. Church, Exeter, officiat ing at the evening service. The aug mented choir will he under the dir ection of Mr. Lawrence Wein, the musical director. Next Lord’s Day, in keeping with .the whole of Protestant Christen dom, the churches of Shipka,-Brins ley and Crediton will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. This Sunday Will be known as “World-wide ~ when, despite the fact that the world is virtually divided into two hostile camps, Christians of many lands may sit at.the Lord’s table, renewing their fidelity to Him, the Author and Finisher of the Faith and pledging another, Recreation recreation- The second Sunday in the month, October 11, will be observed in the United Church as Thanksgiving Sunday, when. Rev. R. A. Brook will preach sermons suitable for the oc casion and the work of the choir will be augmented by solos by Ar thur Palmer, of London, boy chor ister, of St. Paul’s,’Cathedral. Ar- thu'r won the Gold Medal at Strat ford Festival this spring, also the iCnampionsiiip trophy at .He J unior Stratford- and Niagara Falls, was present at the'anniversary ser vices on May -31 and delighted the congregation .with his selections and has promise'ii to ’be back, again, for the coming service. Additional Hensall news appears on page six. • . ELIMVILLE A.C.l Earl Coultis,"of CampA.C.l Earl Coultis,”of Camp Bor den, 'was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen, of Woodham, attended the funeral of the former’s uncle, Mr, Wm. Mor- cnz in StTcitford* H© w&s father of the late Howie Morenz, National Hockey League star; Sgt. Clarence Ford* spent the week-end at his home. He reported at Aylmer S.IF'.T.S. on Tuesday. Mrs. Hogg and son John, Thorndale', Miss Betty McKellar, Cromarty, visited at the home Mr. W. ROutly last week. Mr. and Mr$, J. ’Dykeman and fam ily spent the week-end with relatives in Galt. * Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch and Mar ian and Mr. visited with Murch and Sunday, Mr. and Seaforth and. Mr children, of Dashwood, Were visitors at the home of Mr, on Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Shier spent tlie her of of Of and Mrs. Harold Bell Corporal and Mrs. family in London Hy. on Sister Sacrament Sunday”, of anew their loyalty to one 31W Arid insert that Class-Phone ified in the Tinies-Advocate. Mrs. W. Hawkins. Sam Miller of and Chas. Stephens Week-end Mrs. J. Woods , of Bryanston, at the home of the courageous few whoAmong have ventured to define ’marriage' was the witty Sydney Smith, whose effort reads as follows: “Marriage resembles < pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in op posite directions; yet always punish ing any one - who comes between them.” DASHWOOD Special anniversary services will be held in the Evangelical Church on Sunday, . October 4. Rev. F. Faist, of Milverton, will, be the guest Speaker. Mr. and’ Mrs. Earl Thiel and Mr. and* Mrs. Ted Steinbach, of Zurich, were -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. Mrs. Elmer Witt (nee Mildred Luft), of Pembroke, is spending a few days with her parents, Rev. and Mi’s. T. LUft. Mr. Clayton Pfile is on the sick list, dry, A number of Red Cross members attended the special meeting in Exe ter on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O’Neil) Mr. and Mrs. Chester Reynolds and Mrs. Jack Bell arid daughter, of Hamil ton, visited with Mr. arid Mrs, Louis Rader and other friends in this vicinity last week. Mr, Theodore Luft* bf Whitby, spent the week-end with his par ents. * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coak, of Windsor, were Sunday visitors with Mr; and Mrs. D. Tieman. On Tuesday evening Mrs. T, Har ry Huffman entertained 23 girls of the Statistical Division of the Lon don, Life Insurance, where’ she formerly employed. After a licious supper, a very pleasant riing was spent. We hope for a speedy recov- Whs de rive* Drum Majorette Meriza Holt, of Montreal, who heads the Trumpet Band of S. F. T. S. No. 9. There are 180 women stationed at the new school. Mrs. *J. Mr. -and Mr,, and Eldon Steeper, of Parkhill; Mr, and Mrs. S, Webb, of Green way; Mr. Johnston of Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs, W. Molitor, of Thedford- Mrs, W. Bird, of Strathroy, vis ited with her sister, Mrs, T. Willis, on Wednesday of last week,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin, of St. Thomas, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pen warden, Mr, and - Mrs. Wm, Skelton and Donald, of Lucan, visited with Mr, Arthur Brooks and other friends in the village, on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Gordon Baynham, of the R.C.A.F. is spending a two-weeks’ furlough, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Baynham. Mrs. George Flynn and Marjorie attended the anniversary services at St. James.’ Church, Clandeboye, on Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Field, Robert ,and Winnifred spent Sunday with relatives in Princeton.Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Toronto, and Mr. Wm. London, called on Mr. Thos. Boyes and Mr. and liam Bowden, on Friday of last week. Mr. Leonard Mitchell spent the week-end at his home here, Mrs. Mitchell and children returned to Tillsonburg with him. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mills, of Wood ham. were Sunday visitors with Mrs. H. Mills. Mrs. Wes. Hodgins, of London, visited with Mrs. T. Willis on Tues day. Boyle, of Boyle, of and Mrs, Mrs. Wil- BIRTHS BEAVERS—In the General Hos pital, Sarnia, on Sunday, Septem ber 27, 1942, to Mr, and Mrs. R, L. Beavors, of Sarnia, a daugh ter. HODGSON—At Mrs. Go^holt’s hos pital -on Thursday, September 24, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hodgson, a daughter (Barbara Irene), HORNEY—-In Ridgeway on Satur day, September 19, 1942, to Mr, and Mrs. Edgar J, Horney, a daughter, TRENTOUSKY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on September 23, 1942, to Mr. and, Mrs. Gustave Trentousky, Hay P.O., a son. RAMSAY—-At Scott Memorial Hos pital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, Sep tember 22, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay, Cromarty, a daugh ter. i i DEATHS McDONALD—-In Hay Township on Saturday, September 26, Mary Ann Cottle, beloved wife of the late Robert McDonald, of Usborne, aged. 76 months- and 21 days, STACEY—In Exeter, on September 24, Joseph . his 83rd year. formerly years, 6 Thursday, Stacey, in MARRIAGES New Ford Ferguson Tractor outfit, tractoy, plow and cultivator—the only one in Canada for sale, Fords on Tractor, newly overhauled...........$150,00 9 1934 Ford Truck...$350,00 1937 Ford Coach, good tires.......... 1934 Ford Coach, a riice one...........$295.00 1930 Model A Coach, all overhauled $165.00 $495.00 Sandy Elliot MRS. JOSEPH WORDEN DIES GREENWAY Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on October 11 at 2.45 p.m. and 7J30 p.m’. Rev. Cleave will be the minister for these services. We extend our sympathy to the family and relatives of the late^ Mr. Ed. Mason, who passed away last week. Mr. Dawson Woodburn,, of To ronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chid. Wood- buVn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsberger, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Ratz (nee Nola Isaac) who were married last Saturday.woraon JLutner, of Kitchener, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. Luther, while recuperating from, his recent operation. Mrs. A. McIntosh is visiting with friends in Port Huron.1 Miss Ula Ulens, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Ray Eagleson, of Hamilton, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wil liam: Eagleson. Berton Brophey, of Toronto, vis ited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey. A number from here’ attended the funeral of the late Mr. William Lovie at Grand Bend on Sunday. Mrs, R. L. Sheppard and Mrs. A. Pollock spent a few days last week with GRAND BEND Mrs, Bruce Bossenberry is iting with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Simpkins, in Stratford. Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss A, L. Sanders returned td their home in Exeter Monday .after a two-week's yisit at the home of Mr. and Mrs- -narmon Gill, Lakeview House. • Mr. Albert Tyler, who had charge of Mr. H. Gill’s booth during the summer, has taken over the shop vis* GIBSON—FLETCHER — At Wood ham on Thursday, September 24,, at high noon, Greta Eloise, elder daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Fletcher, to Mr. Murray El liott Gibson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gibson, of Denfield, by Rev. A. Laing. 'engagements Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gill, Grand Bend, wish to announce the en gagement of then- daughter, Phyl- V A resident of Hibbert Township, Mrs. Joseph Worden, succumbed at her home on Monday from a sudden heart attack. She was formerly Miss Margaret Norris and spent practi cally all her life in Hibbert She ■was married about 35 years ago and is survived by her husband and two sons, Alvin and Russell, both farm ing in Hibbert. She was a member of Staffa ’United Church and was active in Women’s Institute and var ious eral day. welfare activities- The fun- • was held in Staffa on Wednes- KIRKTON friends in London. SH I FKA and Mrs, George Clark andMr. two. children, of Thedford, and Mrs. William Bassow and family, of Zur ich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Sweitzer on Sunday. iniiHiiiitiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKU HERE AGAIN! A special return engagement after three record, breaking appearances at the arena. Canada’s Favorite & London’s Own BERT NIOSI and his orchestra Last appearance in London season on of Mr. John Walper, who has gone pis Anna, to William Dickson Glenn, *- T.r-.„jack will‘only son of Mr. and Mrs. Georgeto Windsor to reside, be much missed in Grand Bend, but his many friends wish him every success. Wedding bells will soon be ring ing in our village. Messrs. Rector and Alden Gill spent last week in Tobermory, re turning Saturday evening with a new boat. Thieves .have ‘been operating in Grand Bend and Dashwood during the past few days. Citizens of Grand Bend > were sweltering in the extreme heat the latter part of last week. The tem perature failed to hit the 75 degree mark, but high humidity made a close and stifling warmth. After a drenching rain on Saturday eve ning, however, the weather took a sudden, change and turned extreme ly cold. The funeral of the late Mr. Ed ward Mason, beloved husband of Susanna Mason, who passed away at his late residence, concession 25, McGillivray township, on Monday,** Sept, 21 took place with inter ment in the Grand Bend cemetery on Wednesday of last week. The Rally Day services were well attended on Sunday and the Rev. Mr. Cleave delivered a very inter esting and appropriate sermon to the children and also, to the entire congregation. A number from here attended the official opening of No. 9 S.F.T.S. at Centralia on Wednesday of last week. I Glenn, Kippen, the wedding to take place Saturday, October *17, ,1942. . CARDS OF THANKS Miss Ruby Latta wishes to thank her many friends for cards, letters, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, * Mr. and Mrs. William Green de sire to thank their neighbors and friends for the many acts of thought ful kindness extended to 'the late Mrs. Robert McDonald during her last illness and all those who as sisted at her funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness dur ing Mrs. Walker’s illness; also for those who sent treats', brought or sent flowers and cards and es pecially to the Guild and Auxiliary of Trivitt Memorial Church and to' the quilting gang for their sunshine box. ' \ e Mr. rind Mrs. Russell Brock spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff, of Kitchener. Pilot Officer Harold McLaughlin and Mrs. McLaughlin (nee Lois Wa terton, a former Kirkton girl,) now stationed at Centralia, spent the week-end with Mr. Roy Switzer. Don and Billie Brock spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, William Morley, at Whalen, Miss Hazel Williams, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Miss Roxie Doupe. We are. pleased to report that Mr, E. N. Shier has returned to his home after being a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, for the past three Mrs. James Kemp, of London, spent the week-end with her daugh ter, Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Christie, of Sudbury, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross- Marshall this past week. spent trie this 2 IN MEMORIAM SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs, Minor Dobbs FRIDAY, OCT. ; dancing 9 to 1 Advance Tickets 75c at Heintzman & Go., Record Dept, Embassy Grill *— Hotel Ridout —— "Arena**—Harding’S St. Thomas LONDON ARENA THE BAND OF THE WEEK Saturday, Oct. 3rd. arid every Saturday Night Presenting Western Ontario’s Finest Dance Band BOB WYBROW his piano and his orchestra dancing' 9 to IS Admission 50c LONDON ARENA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiriiiiiinniiiniuiiiH Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs have been celebrating a family reunion during the past week as their three sons are home on leave, A.C.l Har vey Dobbs, of St. Johns, Quebec; L.A.C. Lloyd Dobbs, obUcleulet, B.C. and L.A.C. Harry, Dobbs, accompan ied by his bride, of Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Dobbs and Patsy Ann, of Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. William Dobbs, of Windsor, and Miss Lor raine Dobbs, of London. This is the first time the family has been together in nine years. Mr. Fred Dobbs left Saturday on a business trip to the West. Thanksgiving Services were held in St. Patrick’s church on Sunday last, had and ton, ing. Centralia, assisted Canon James with the evening service and Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul, of Kirkton, and Mrs. C. Ings, of London, assisted the choir. Mrs. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. W. Garrett spent Sunday With Mr. Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brock family, of 2Ion, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs Bill spent tile week-end at Niagara Falls, RAVELLE—In loving memory of my dear husband, John Ravelle, who died A.ugust„ 17, 1941. One year ago, dear is the spot Where you are laid. Many a visit to you is paid, Nor will you e’er be forgot. —-Loving wife and daughter. BAKER—-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Nelson Baker, who passed away four years ago, October 4, 1938. Surrounded by friends we are lone some, In the midst of pleasures we’re 'blue; We smile, but our hearts are broken. We’re lonesome, deal* Dad, for you. by his wife and KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and son Gerald and Mrs. J. Baker and Joan attended the funeral of the for mer’s brother, the late Mr. Edward Mason, of Greenway, last Wednes day. Mr. Mason has the sympathy of this community. Miss Reta Willert is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. and Mr. Ed. Wurm, of St. Catharines. Miss Lorna Kraft returned to Lon don on Sunday after spending the past couple of weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. The Misses Eileen and. Ruth Wil lert spent Sunday with the Misses Berthi and Gladys Becker. Miss Leona McCann, R.N., of London, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. Mrs. J. Baker and Joan spent the week-end with relatives at Grand Bend. Miss Aldene Eagleson spent the week-end with Miss Jean Willert. Rev. M. A. Hunt) of Exeter, charge of the morning service Miss Wilma McCurdy, of Kirk- assisted the choir in the morn- The (padre of No. 9 SMT&, —Sadly missed family. KEYS—In loving mas Keys, who _ ___. . vember 29, 1929, and Mrs. Thos. Keys, who passed away October 1, 1939. In the city of light, on the hill far away, ' Where the sun never sets, nor the flowers decay; They have gone to their rest, free from sorrow and pain, Where in God’s own time,-we shall meet again. -—Ever remembered by the family. ’’WRIGHT—In memory of Tho- passed away . No- loving memory of Mervin Ross Wright, who passed ‘ 2,■October and andf With arid and Robert Dalrymple Prisoner of War Harry Dalrymple, Brucefield, re- recived word Saturday that his son, Lance Corporal Robert Dalrymple, who was reported missing, Is now a prisoner in Germany. He was in the Battle of Dieppe. He is 24 years -of age and enlisted in June, 1942,. away one year ago 1941, He hade no one a last farewell, He said .good-bye to hone, The heavenly gates were opened, And a loving voice said come, —Sadly missed by liis mother * . * Canada’s Largest Rural Fair TEESWATER OCTOBER 6lh and 7th Fair officially opened by Col. George Drew On October* 7, at 1 p.M Trotting and Running Races, Ex cellent Horse Show, Square Dance Contest, Freak Vehicles, Profes sional Clowns, Hurdle Jumping, TWd Bands, Scotch and Tap Dancing, Acrobatic Stunts, Antique Show, etc. AH surplus cash goes to Wriri Charities »T. Reid, Alox. B. McKaguc, President Secretary J. and sister Huron Old Boys to Hold Bridge arid Euchre- ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER The Huron Old Boys* Association of Toronto will hold a euchre and bridge at Haddon Hall, Sid Bloor St. Wo on Wednesday evening, Oc tober 7.1 All former Huronites now resident in Toronto are invited and a cordial welcome also awaits friends from Huron County who may be in Toronto on that date. This event will mark the 43rd anniver sary of the founding,of the associa tion. 3 Ibs. $1.00 9 lbs. —- $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will fliitl this powder nnetpinued ns a tonic fori all farm stock # * * Robertson’s Drug Store Cann’s Grist Mill Roy Francis, Kirkton E, Alleri> Cromarty