The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-06-05, Page 5the EXETER TIM^ADVQCATR THURSDAY, .JVW fftth 49M
(formerly Walker’s)
3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. $2.45
Further Reduction on Larger
Guaranteed no Filler
Results considered, you will find
this powder unequalled as a tonic
for all farm stock
* * *
Cann’s Grist Mill
Robertson’s Drug Store
Reserve Friday, June 6th, for the
recital by the pupils of W. R. Gould-
ing in James Street church, .Exeter,
See advt.
Additional Hensail news will he
found on another page.
Mr, Carry Joynt, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with his fath
er, Mr. T. C. Joynt.
Mr. Jack Simmons, of Windsor,
visited on Sunday with his moth
er, Mrs. Alda Simmons.
Mr, Burton Keyes, of Bowman-
ville, visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Parker.Mr, and Mrs. Keith MacLaren and
family, of Cromarty, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell.
A number of the local boys in
military training attended the cele
bration and rally held ip London
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and
daughter, Eleanor of Thames Road
Visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and
family visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Corbett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Morenz, at Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz, of
Dashwood, visited on Sunday at the
. home of the latter’s parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Wesley Coleman.
The members of- the Marathon
Bridge Club were, pleasantly en
tertained at the home of Mrs. T.
J. Sherritt on Friday evening.
Mr. Morris Tudor, who is train
ing with the non-ipermanent militia
in London spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr, and Mr.s Stan Tu
Mr. and Mr,s. Enoch Parker re
turned to. their home at Bowinan-
ville after spending the past 'sev
eral weeks with their’ son and
1 daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Blackwell and
family, of Lansing, Mich., and Mrs.
Wm. Blackwell, Stewart and Da
vid, of the Parr Line, spent Sunday
with Mr. and'Mrs. Chas. A. O'Brien,
of Usborne.
The Blue Boys, of Port Albert,
by permission of Group Captain P.
B. Robertson,' presented, a .program
consisting of choruses, quartettes,
comedy, etc., under the loical Red
Cross. The hall was beautifully
decorated in red, white and blue,
for the occasion,
St. Paul’s Anglican Church will
hold their anniversary services on
Sunday, June 8th,- when Canon
Townshend, of London, will speak
at the morning service and Dr. Bur
ford, of Seaforth, will be the speak
er at the evening service. There
will be special music by the choir.
The Arnold Circle packed their
bale at the home 'of Miss Sally
Manson on Monday evening which
consisted of numerous articles and
a baby layette. Miss Irene Hog
garth led in prayer and Miss Jean
McQueen read the scripture. It
was decided to hold the annual pic
nic to Grand Bend in July.
War Victory Ldans Begin
The sale of War Victory Loans
for Hensail and Hay Township be
gan on Monday morning at 8.3'0
when the pupils of the rural schools
gathered at the Town Hall with
Dr. A. R. Campbell as chairman.
The ipupils sang "Onward Christian
Soldiers”, led by Mr. Sam Rennie.
Rev. Wm. Weir led in prayer. Rev.
R. A. Brook gave an address and
all joined in singing "O Canada”,
when the flag was raised. The al
location for Hensall is $19,000 and
for Hay Township, $71,'000. Reeve
R. E. Shaddick was the first to pur
chase a victory loan. ’ The sounding
of the fire siren and- bombs were
added to the opening of the sale.
Canvassers for Hensall are Donald
McKinnon, Peter McNaughton, R.
J. Patterson. On Tuesday morn
ing the Kent Regimental Band play
ed when passing through on their
way to Goderich. On Wednesday
■evening the Torch Parade passed
through town.
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald,
south of Hensall, celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary, i\e-l
Gently, with the members of their
family in attendance. They were
married by Rev. Jaseth Cood, of
Hensall, at the home of the bride’s
parents. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald
have a wide circle of friends. About
sixty guests gathered at their home
for the celebration. The living
room was filled with large bouquets
of flowers and the dining-room was
decorated With gold and blue. Ser-1
ving at the tea table were Mrs. J.
G. Davis, of Toronto, and Mrs. Rus
sell Love, Owen Sound, daughters
of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. The
table was beautifully decorated with
roses, golden candlesticks and
centred With the wedding cake. Mr.
and Mrs. MlcDonald received many
beautiful cards, flowers and gifts, in
cluding a floor tri-lite and roses
from the family, Mrs. Gordon Davis,
Toronto, Mrs, Russell Love, OWOn
Sound, and Lloyd, who all attend
ed the celebration. Guests were
present from Regina, Saskatche
wan, London, Exeter, Mitchell, Sea
fort, Rochester, NX,. Toronto,
Owen Sound and HeriBall.
Reserve Friday, June 6th, for the
recital by the pupils 0? W, R. Gould-
ing in James Street church, Exeter,
See advt.
Mr, Jack Preeter and Mr. Russell
Preeter, of Kitchener, visited Mr,
and Mrs. F. C, Brown on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder, of
Detroit, visited Mr, and Mrs, Lack
Wein on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Wein, Miss
Leitha Keever, Mr, Edwin Silence,
of Flint, visited last Friday with
Mr. and ,Mrs. Godfrey Wein.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Haumeiier, of
Detroit, Mrs, Marr, of Cleveland,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wind, of De
troit, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Eilber,
Mr, and Mrs, Johanna, Mr, and
Mrs. Richard Hopson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Moir and daughter, Jean, of
Detroit, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser,
Mr. Irvin Treitz and Miss Gladys
Erion, of Fenwick, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fink-
Mrs, Howard Haist and daughter
Marilyn, of Fenwick, are visiting
fit the- home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Finkbeiner.Mr. Bob Blackwell and Mr. Mar
tin Morlock returned to Brantford
after spending the week-end here.
We understand that Martin is tak
ing a course at the Technical School
of the Bell Telephone Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ken* and
Mrs, Walker, attended the Canad
ian Indians School at Hespeler last
Remember the Strawberry Sup
per of the Women’s Association of
the Evangelical Church on June
Early Thursday morning Crediton
and district residents were some
what rudely awakened by the most
severe thunder storm of the sea
son so far, The crash of thunder
followed almost before the flash
of the lightning 'had faded out. A
cow belonging to Mr. Ed. Sweitzer
was killed by the lightning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love
and family, of Grand Bend, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed,
The Women’s Missionary Society
of Crediton United Church spon-
soi^d a guest tea in the basement
of the 'Church last Thursday after
noon. Amid a beautiful setting of'
spring flowers sixteen tables were
gayly . spread, attended by eight la
dies of the local Missionary Society.
The guest speaker of the afternoon
was Mrs. (Rev,)' Moores, of Luican,
who delighted and equally inspired
her audience by the reading of
poems possessing moral import and
spiritual inspiration. Mrs. Sturgis,
of Exeter, very efficiently rendered
a vocal solo entitled “An Old-fash
ioned Garden”, accompanied on the
piano by Mrs. Victor Kestle. A piano
duet was beautifully rendered by
Mrs. Penwarden and Mrs. West, of
Centralia. Mrs. John Lovie, presi
dent of the W.M.S. very fittingly
officiated with Mrs. (Rev.) L. H.
Turner presiding at the piano. A
vote of thanks was accorded the
artists 'by Mrs. Elmer Lawson,
heartily seconded by all present.
The thanks of Mrs. Elmer Lawson
were augmented by Mrs. Alvin
Baker. Congratulations are tender
ed to the loical society for the
sponsoring of such a delightful and
inspiring afternoon.
The Brinsley Sunday School will
hold its picnic at Corbett’s Grove
on Saturday, June 6. An elaborate
program has been prepared and it
is confidently hoped that the pro
gram will be started at 1 o’clock
sharp. A booth will be operated on
the grounds. Come and enjoy an
outing with the young folk. Re
member, the time set-is 1 o’clock.
Next Lord’s Day, the minister,
Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, B.A.,
will terminate the series entitled,
"Approximating the Ideal”, when
the subject will be "The Ideal Fa
of the churcli will he held at
Thames Road United Church
Sunday, June 15 th
At 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.nj.
The morning speaker will be
of Fonthill,
and at night
College St, United Church, Toronto
They will be assisted by former
Thames Road ministers and
The Sunday School will provide the
music in the morning and the
church choir at night
* *
Monday, June 16th
will be held at the church
The Wesley United Church Or
chestra, of London, will provide the
music and former ministers and
others will bring their greetings.
Adin.: Adults 50c, 'Children 25c
The public and all friends are cor
dially invited to the services
Arthur Gardiner, Session Clerk
Rev. Wm. Mair, Minister
Services commence at 11 a.m.
and 7.30 p.m.
Rev. Aidworth, of . Staffa, as guest
♦ ♦ •
Wednesday, June 11th
Under tile auspices of the W.M.S.
A Ham Supper
will be served in the shed followed
by a play entitled
“Erin Slick from Pumpkin Creek”
by the Kippen Young People
Adm., Adults 50c Children, 25c
Reserve Friday, June 6th, for the
recital by the.pupils of W. R. Gould-
ing in James Street church, Exeter.
See advt.
Miss E. Walcolm, of Munro, spent
the week-end with Miss B. Doupe,
Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Hiscock and
family, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent
the week-end with the latter’s moth
er, Mrs. A. E. Doupe.
Mr. and, Mrs. I. N. Marshall, Mr.
and Mrs. Lome Marshall, of Lon
don, and Miss Bertha Lankin, of
Granton, were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Butcher, of
Mrs. A. Robson and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Francis spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Routly.
Mrs. David Rodger returned home
after spending two weeks with her
sister, Mrs. MicLeod, of London.
Mr. and Mi’s. Lloyd Sawyer, of
Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Glen Saw
yer of Port Stanley and Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Hallan and family, of
St. Thomas', were week-end guests
with Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer.
A. flag raising ceremony in con-
nelction with the Victory Loan was
held on Sunday afternoon at the
ElimVille Township Hall. Fred
Dawson was in the chair and the
following speakers took part: Thos.
Pryde, of Exeter; Ed. Pooley, of
Winchelsea and Rev. Wm. Mair, of
Thames Road. Mrs. Morgan ‘was
at the piano and four young ladies
from Thames Road sang "O Can
ada”. A very fair number of the
citizens of the township were pre
sent. The township hopes to reach
its goal.
ReV. E. Grigg, of Exeter, spoke
in this church last Sunday even
ing. The service was under the
auspices of a group of the W.M.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams, also
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Williams and
daughters spent a few days at the
end of the week in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Newmdn Baker, of
near Welburn were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford.
Mrs. Fred Long and baby, of At-
Wood, spent last week with rela
tives here.
Members of the First Hussars
were in London on Sunday and the
Middlesex-Huron members were in
There will be po preaching Ser
vice in this church next Sunday.
Keep' a date open for the dance
in the hall on Friday night.
Mr. T. Roach, R.C.A.F., of St.
Thomas, spent the week-end with
his, aunt, Mrs. Kate Carey.
Mr. and, Mrs. J. J. Coughlin, of
Windsor, spent the week-end with
the former’s brother, Mr. T. Cough
Mr.' and Mrs. H, McDonald and
family, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Glavin.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Barry and
family, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Miss Jean McCann, of St. Mary’s
Hospital, Kitchener, is spending a
few days at her home here.
Master Jimmy Dalton has been
on the sick list this week.
Miss Lorraine Glavin, of Kitch
ener, spent Friday With her sister,
Mrs. Joe Carey.
Mr. Benny Morrissey purchased
a new Fargo truck from Herb Hart
man’s garage last "week.
Mr. Johnnie Mahoney is all
smiles. It’s a girl.
Dance at Spruce Grove
On Highway No. 4, 8 miles
South of Exeter ;
Buddy and his Buddies
Adam Brock’s Cohnnbiansi
Dancing 0 to ? Jitney Dancing
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Baillie, Mrs.
Laverne Morley and Marion, and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morley spent
the Week-end with friends at Wiar-
Mr. Lyman Tapp, of Varden,
Manitoba, is holidaying with friends
in this community.
Mrs. Alf Brock, of Union, Mrs.
Baker, and Mi', and Mrs. Ed. Ward
and Joy, of St, Thomas, were re
cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gunning. ' !
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and
Shirley Visited on Sunday at Kit
chener with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Beck
ett and Grafton Squire.
Miss Freeda Pierson returned to
her home, at Lakeside on Saturday
after Spending several weeks with
Mr., and Mrs. Milne Pullen.
Miss Jessie Finlayson has been
hired for the fourth term at Whalen
School with an increase of $100 in
The Red & White Store
Family size, 59c
.... 6 and 5 for 25c
10 lb. Bag Redpath Sugar ................77c
Ice Cream, Pop, Cold Meats, Tobacco
Phone 102
to say she
Just two
Table Salt, plain
or iodized
2 boxes for 15c
Pork & Beans
20-oz. tins
3 for 25c
Oranges 18c, 23c, 25c, 29c, and 39c doz.
Grapefruit . . .
Reserve Friday, June Sth, for the
recital by the pupils of W. R. Gould-
ing in James Street church, Exeter.
See advt.
Mrs. Schmook and daughter Lu
cille, of Detroit, spent a few days
with relatives here.
Mrs, Lucinda Mcisaac, who has
been, visiting in Detroit has return
ed home. Her son, Mr, and Mrs.
Milford Mdsaac and family, of De
troit, spent the week-end with her.
Mr, and Mrs. William Schroeder
and family, of Detroit, visited with
her mother, Mrs. Hamacher, over
the week-end.
Mrs. Hopcroft visited friends in
Wroxeter on Monday,
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Raschke and
family and Mrs, Raschke, Sr„ of
Detroit, were holiday visitors with
Mrs. Raschke’s mother, Mrs. Mer-
■ Mr. and Mrs, Otto Schatz, of
troit, spent a few days with
and Mrs. Verg Schatz.
The nstrawberry social of
Evangelical church will be held on
June 18th,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gaiser, of De
troit spent the week-end with the
former’s brother, Chester Gaiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Henderson,
Mr. Orval Henderson and Miss Eve
lyn Puhf-ol, of Galt, were Sunday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. E. Na-
A number of relatives from here
attended the funeral of the late Mrs.
May, in Kitchener on Monday. Mrs.
May was formerly Miss Annie Eh
lers, eldest daughter of the late Mr,
and Mrs. Frederick Ehlers, former
ly residents of this vicinity.
Mrs. Dan Normyle, of Kalamazoo,-
Mich., is visiting with relatives here,
Rev. and Mrs. C. Becker, of Lis-
towel, the new minister, have ar
rived and are getting (comfortably
settled in the Evangelical parson
age. We- welcome Rev. and Mrs.
Becker to this community.
Mrs. Stacey was suddenly strick
en with a stroke while at the din
ner table last Wednesday and for
a time was in a very serious condi
tion, but we are pleased
is now improving slowly,
weeks ago Mrs. Stacey
her 86 th birthday.
Miss Hope Roppel has
her final examinations at Western
University, London, and will gradu
ate with a Bachelor of Arts degree
on June 5th. Congratulations! This
fail Miss Roppel will continue her
educational work at the Ontario
College of Education, Toronto.
A new telephone office Is being
built on the land adjoining the
Kellerman block by the Hay Munici
pal Telephone Co.
Mrs, J. Wein and daughters Maida
and Margaret and the Kraft sisters
motored to Kitchener op Sunday.
Rev. H. E. Roppel, pastor for
nearly six years at Calvary Evan
gelical Church, Dashwood, left for
his new appointment at St, Jacobs,
Ont., last Wednesday afternoon. On
Sunday, prior to their leaving, Rev.
and Mrs. Roppel and daughter
Hope were all honored, each with
a handsome and useful gift present
ed by different departments pf the
church in appreciation of their
friendship and service during their
sojourn here. Rev. Roppel’s fare
well message was based on the text
as found in II Cor. 13:11, "Finally,
brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be
of good comfort, be of one mind,
live in peace; and the God of love
and peace shall be with you.” He
leaves the congregation thoroughly
organized, in good working order,
with a healthy membership and a
promising future. Rev. and Mrs.
Clayton Becker, of Listowel are suc
cessors to the Ro-ppel family and we
wish for all of them a happy and
successful entrance upon their
fields of labor.
Mr, and Mrs. Loren Hall
Judy, of Detroit, and Mr. and
J. S. Motz, of London, visited on
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Newport Wheat Fluffy for
A whole bushel hag -full of health
*9 w
Maple Leaf Salmon, Vo-lb. tin, each 49$
Dewkist Uomhayd Flwirn^ choice quality, 3 'ttos 25c
Red & White Fancy Pineapple Tidbits ,,, . tin, T5c
EfiiNEW Gold Medal Crabapple Jelly, 32-oz., 25c
Minute Tapioca, with tumbler free, 15c
Stuart’s Raspberry or Strawberry Jana
32-ounce jar, each t .29c!
Medium size Prunes ..... .3 lbs. for 25c
Champion Dog and Cat Food , .2 for 19c
Cowan’s Cocoa, % and 1 lb. tins 14c, 24c
Rose Baking Powder, per lb. .15c
Club House Coffee, 1 lb. tin..........50c
Harvey & Harvey
We deliver. Please phone early
Buy Your Victory Bonds Today
You’ll feel like a million dollars the minute you step out in
that fine new uniform now ready for you. You’ll be a man
among men, a vital cog in Canada’s great mobile war machine.
You are needed to handle guns, tanks, armoured cars and
other motorized equipment. Canada is waiting for YOU to
spark them to victory. Canada wants ACTION. You want
ACTION. This is your chance to get it.
The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery,
Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Trans
port and Supply, Medical and Ordnance and other branches
of the Service. The Army is prepared to teach many trades
and to train you to efficiently handle Canada’s weapons of war.
Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about
these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where
you’ll fit in. See where any particular skill you possess can
best be utilised. Then join up for ACTION!
$1.30 per Day with Board, Lodg
ing, Clothing, Medical and Dental
care provided. EXTRA: (1)
Rates varying from 25£ to 750
per day for skilled tradesmen
while employed. (2) Dependent
Allowances in Cash: $35 to Wife,
$12 each per month for 2
children—only 3 dependents pex;
Apply to nearest District Recruiting Office
or any Local Armoury
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