The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-23, Page 8JANUARY THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
V;s Beauty Shoppe
Croquinole and GhmblmtiO
P^immnents .. ■:. . ‘. . ,•
Evenings by Appointment.
Phone tl3
Exeter Markets
Wheat for Wheat Beard, 53%c»
New Wheat, 74.9. • • • •
Creamery Butter, 38c ','.. ■
Eggs, A Large* X-8c .
Eggs,. Medium, 16c
Eggs, B, 14c
Dressed Hogs, §10.50,
Course! in Motor Mechanics
A number of young men from
this community who nave been
ti’alhins with the First Hussars,
non-permanent militia, left Monday
for St, Thomas to tube a course in
motor mechanics at the training
school there. They nre Mas Har
ness, Wib Coward, W. Abraham, H.
Lome and MA McCullagh,
Slowly Improving
Mrs. Nelson Statton, who has
been seriously ill in St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London, is slowly improv
ing. It is hoped by her many
friends that she may soon be
around again.
The Trivitt Memorial Red Cross
Unit will hold a bridge on Wednes
day evening, January 29th, at 8
p.m. in the 'Parish Hall. Admis
sion, 25 c. Everybody welcome.
The annual meeting of the Exeter
Horticultural Society will be held in
the Library on Wednesday, Jan.
29 th, at 8 p.m.
Mrs, N. J. Dore, Pres.
The James St. W.A. will hold
theix' hot roast beef supper on "Wed
nesday, (Feb. 12th.
LOST—Masonic ring in front of
Hawkins’ hardware store. Finder
please leave at Times-Advocate
office- Reward, " P
.FOR SALE — C.C.M. Bicycle,
1940 model, regular' price, $37.50,
Sale price, $25.50. Martin’s Music
FOR SALE:—Bronze turkey toms
and Spy apples at 75c a bushel. Ap
ply at the Times-Advocate. Itp.
FOR SALE—1 Gobler. Apply to
Mrs. Wm.White, R.R. 1, Crediton.
Sale—Three Bedrooms, hardwood
floors, all -conveniences. Like new.
Low price for quick sale, C. V.
Pickard, Phone 165.
STRAYED onto Lot 16, Conces
sion 5» Hay Township, about the
end of. Sept., one cattle beast.
Owner may have same by proving
property and paying expenses. A.
B, Bell, R.R. 2, Kippen. l-9-3tp
•FARMS FOR SALE—Fifty acres,
house, bank barn, well located. Very-
easy terms. Several othei’ farms.
Acreage with comfortable home
and henhouses. 'C. V. Pickard,
Phone 165, Exeter.
STORES, Dwellings, garage, saw
mill, woodwork shop and farms,
large and small, W. C. Pearce,
FOR RENT—'House; three bed
rooms. hardwood floors, and all
conveniences. Garage. Well locat
ed. Possession, Feb. 1. C. V. Pick
ard, Phone 165.
Brick house, two-storey, over acre
of land. Immediate deed. Right
price for quick sale. Apply to J.
W. Morley or R. N. Creech.
I -—■----------------------------------------------
"DEAD ANIMALS—Two hour ser
vice, day or night. Phone Credi-
fon 47 r 15, collect. Jack Williams.
r ------------------
1. ■ . ■
The annual meeting) of the Exe
ter Agricultural Society will be held
in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thurs
day, January 23 rd, 1941, at 2
o’clock p.m., for the purpose Of re
ceiving reports, election of officers
and the transacting of any other
business hi the interests of the so
A meeting of the directors will
be held at 1.30 o’clock p.m.
Wax, Coates, president
Clark Fisher, Secretary.
Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago
Is nbt necessary. Use RUMACAPS
at once for quick relief. Browning’s
\“Have you ever appeared as a
witness lit a suit before?** asked
•the attorney,
“Why, of doutfie,” replied the
young lady on the witness stand.
“Will you please tell the jittry ta&t
what suit it was?** demanded the j
lawyer... ' ’ ; •?
“It was a, blue suit with white
collar and cuffs and white buttons
all the way down 'the back,” replied
the young lady,
Dinner Served from 12.30 to 2 and
5.30 to 7 o’clock
Price 75c
Central Coffee Shoppe
Open every Saturday from 7 to 12
’BAKING SALE—at W. J. Beer’s
store on Saturday afternoon, Jan.
25th, undex* the auspices of the
Main St, Evening Auxiliary.
Mr. H. O, Southcott is spending
this week in Toronto.
Miss -Olive White, of Ax'kona, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. White.
Miss Doris Hay has’ returned
home after a week’s visit in Kitch
Reeve B. W. Twckey is attending
County Council at Goderich this
Mrs. D. Lippert, of Melbourne is
visiting with hei* mother, Mrs. L.
Mr. D. B, Stewart has .returned
home after* spending several weeks
in Toronto.
Mr. Stewart Johnston has return
ed" to Exeter after spending the
week-end in London.
Mrs. Chester- Cornish spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs Mel
ville Hern of 'Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques at
tended the -Spence—Hern wedding
at Zion on Saturday. -
Mr. Elwyn Kerslake has returned
to his home in Usborne after visit
ing relatives in Londesboro.
Principal E. J. Wethey was off
duty at the Exeter high school Mon
day, owing to a severe cold. .
Miss Shirley Coates of Usborne
spent the week-end with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis and
Jane, of Tavistock, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques.
Signalman Warren Sanders of To
ronto and Private Hilton Sanders of
Camp Borden spent the week-end in
town. '
Bert Pilon left for Goderich on
Monday where he has accepted a
position as engineer’s apprentice at
Sky Harbor.
Clerk Jos. Senior reports that the
vital statistics for Exeter for 1940
were 6’8 births, 19 deaths and 21
Messrs. R. E. Dooley and J. A.
Traquair are this week attending
the Purina Convention at the Royal
York Hotel, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson and.
Iris spent Sunday with Mr. and"
Mrs. Sam Lawson of Crediton. Iris
is remaining fdr a week.
The many friends of, Mr., Sidney
Davis, who has been ill for some
.time will -regret to know that his
condition is not Very satisfactory.
Mrs. Sweet, of Frobisher, Sask.,
Who has been visiting in Ottawa, lias
returned and is spending a few days
With het sister, Mrs. 0. V. and Mr.
Rev. and MrS, Turner, of Credi
ton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Cook Friday of last Week. Mr,
Turner addressed fixe James St.
Bible Class in the evening.
Mr. Fred Hatter, of Blyth, visit
ed in Exeter on Friday last. Mrs.
Hatter returned to Blyth with ’him
on Saturday after visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. j. Sims.
Mrs. ’F. A. May is in Toronto cw-
ing to the critical condition of her
sister, Mrs, F. A. Matthew. Mrs.
Matthew Is at present very low With
little or no hope for her recovery.
Mrs. Mercy Quance, who has been
ill far some time, on Saturday last
celebrated her 85 th birthday, Mr,
and Mrs. 0. J. Patterson and Marion,
motored over from Detroit and
spent the week-end with her.
Canadian Legion Building
Main Street, Exeter
15 Rounds Door Prize
Chickens, Hams and Ducks
Admission 25c
Marion Pooley
Beauty Shop
Exeter Phone 245
Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D.
Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist
10 a.m.-—Sunday School
11 a.m.^Public Worship. Sacra'
ment of the Lord’s Supper.
7 p.m.—Public Worship. Sermon:*
“Fire in Your Bones.*’ ’ •
Friday, Jan. 24, 8 p.m.—Prepara
tory Service and reception of new
Monday, tan. 27—Annual Congre
gational meeting, beginning with
Pot Luck Supper at 6.30 p.m.
Gas Pressure Mined
Makes Its Bow
A New Standard of Excellence in
Western. Goal
Local Dealer
t • ...............- • •...................... ■■■•■
Car Just Arrived. Try a Ton
Phone 33
Rev, Norval J.‘ Woods M.A.
Mrs. N. J. Dore
Organist and Choir Leader
11 a.xn.—The Minister
3 p.m.—Stxnday School
7 p.m.—The Minister.
Thursday, 7.30' P-nr. — Midweek
meeting of Prayer and Bible
Study. "
Monday—Y.P.U. Sleighing Party.
Annual Congregational meeting .Fri
day, January 24th, at >8 p.m.*
Permanent Waving
Mrs. A. T. Coakwell, of St. Cath
arines, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Seldon.
Messrs. Stewart Fuke and Grant
Taylor of Western University are
spending a few days at their homes
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edworthy and^.
Elaine of Tillsonburg spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hillary
Messrs. Walter* Cunningham and
Tbps. Pryde are in Toronto this
week attending the annual conven
tion of Memorial Craftsmen.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and
Myrtle Walker, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Walker of Stephen attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Edward
Merner of Bayfield on Saturday.
Mrs. R. E. Balkwill and Marguer
ite Hogarth and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Traquair attended the capping cere
mony of Misses Betty Hogarth and
Dorothy Traquair, nurses-in-train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London.
Rev. Arthur Page
W. B. Goulding, A.T.C.M.
Organist and Choir Leader
11 a.m.—-The Minister. .
3 p.m.—Church School
7 p.m,-—The Minister.
Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Y.P. Union
Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service
Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt
Organist, Miss MacFaul
Ohoir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss
Third Sunday After Epiphany
11 a.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m.-—Evensong and Sermon:
“The Conversion of Paul”
Thursday, <;8 p.m.—Intercession and
Prayer Service-
Ladies’ Silk and Crepe Dresses
A rack of Good Quality Dresses, good materials and values up to $9.95. While they last
your choice at $1,98
New Prints and Broadcloths for Spring
Dozens of new patterns tq show you in small and larger patterns. Lovely bright
colorings and fast colors, at per yard 20c, 25c, 30c
Rack, of House Dresses
Buy two or three at this low price. Many of these dresses sold for $1.00. They
are last year’s lines and some are a little soiled. This is a real bargain.
each 59c
15 dozen Sub-Standard Silk Hose
We have an extra supply of Futll Fashioned, Sub-Standard Hose. This is our
regular 69c line.. We have a gool assortment of shades in Chiffon or Service
Weights. These are on sale for one week only at
per pair 59 c
In only two sizes. These are very
scarce goods. We will have new patterns
to show you this week.
35c and 69c
Everyone seems to be quilting these
days. Try one of our Economy or Dominion
Bats at
40c or 59c
New Wallpapers for Spring
It is time to think about wallpapering. The paperhangers do not charge as much
early in the season. Our new wallpapers for 1941 are all in stock. Papers for every
room in your home at very moderate prices.
Room Lots at 99c., $1.29, $1.49, $1.99 $2.49
3 Ihs« • a »» 0 • 12c
Bxtlk, Fane or Coarse
6 lbs..................25c
The Weather
Exeter’s weathei’ has been in a
class by itself during the past week.
On Thursday last motor cars were
stalled in the snowdrifts in a one-
mile stretch on the highway south
of town. In the village there was
little or no sign of a storm but a
ground drift with .snow like sugar
packed the highway and made mo
toring difficult. A snow plow was
temporarily stalled near Moores
ville. On Sunday Exeter was the
centre of a severe storm while to
the north and west of the town the
sun was shining brightly most of
the day. The storm began early in
the morning and raged most of the
day, considerable snow having fall
en. A few people faced the blizzard
to attend church but the congrega
tions were small both morning and
evening. Since Sunday Street Com
missioner John Norry has 'had a
gang of men engaged in removing
the snow from the Main St. It was
piled several feet deep in places.
This (Wednesday) morning a light
rain is falling.
Bible Class Elects Officers
The Adult Bible class of the
Jaxnes St. United Church 'Sunday
School enjoyed - a social evening in
connection With fheii’ annual elec
tion of officers on Friday evening
of last week. A short program was
enjoyed with the president of the
class, Mr. Wm. Cook, acting as
chairman. Solos were sung by
Mrs. M. Fletcher and Miss Helen
Rowe and an accordion solo was
played by Miss May Snell. Rev. Mr.
Turner, of Crediton, was guest
speaker for the evening and gave
an illuminating address on “Higher
Democracy’*. Mr. J. H.- Jones, su
perintendent, brought greetings
from the Sunday school. The sec
retary-treasurer, Mr. John Jones,
reported that $50,00 had been con
tributed for missions and a substan
tial amount for the school treasury.
Messrs. Hector Taylor and Wm.
Welsh sponsored a vote of thanks to
the speaker’ and those taking part
in tlie program. Rev. Mr, Page
presided for the election of officers
which resulted as follows: Presi
dent, Wm. Cook; vice-presidents,
Dr. H. H. Coweh, Chester Rowe and
Wm. Welsh; secfetarywtreasurerV
John Jones; teacher, Hector Tay
lor; assistants, Rev. Mr. Down*
W. J. Pybus and Wm. Cook. A
contest was enjoyed and lunch was
Served by the social committee.
About forty persons were present.
Watch Wright’S store this week
and next,
. Mr. R. J, Green of Port Stanley
visited for . a feW days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Green.
Hydro went off for about half an
hour Wednesday’morning. A brok
en pole near Ilderton was the cause.
Slight Increase in
Christmas Seal Donations
In a recent interview with the
Chairman of the Christmas Seal
Committee, Mr. Arthur R. Ford, of
London, said that so far the Cam
paign has been progressing splen
didly and already many cities have j
passed or ’are approaching the
amount of "their 1939 contributions.
Mr. Ford explained that the pre
ventive work Which Queen Alexan
dra Sanatorium/-is carrying on
throughout the seven counties of
Western Ontario is not merely a
Christmas activity but an all-year-
round effort to check the spread of
disease which yearly takes such an
unnecessary toll of young and pro
mising Canadian lives.
So far over 10,000 residents of
Western Ontario have answered the
appeal by sending in their contribu
tions, and for. these the Committee
is deeply grateful, but no reply has
yet been ■ received from 15,0*00
Several thousand little cards
reading “Please dont forget to send
in 'your contribution to the Christ
mas Seal Fund”, are being mailed
to the former contributors and new
friends. ,
Mr. Ford said that last year, be
tween the 1st of January and the
close of the 1939 campaign on the
15th of -February, 1940, the sum of
$2,734.43 was received. This year
the demands on our Travelling
Clinics are greater than ever be
fore, due to contacts discovered
through the medical examination of
recruits in the Canadian Army.
$3,000.'00 for the same period
this year is needed, and Mr. Ford
asks that all who can enlist in this
worthy cause, and with their dol
lar help to prevent any rise in Tu-
bel’Culosis which may come With
the stress of war.
Exeter has this yqar Contributed
$84.50, a slight iri'erease Over last
year’s total. If the many who have
hot yet contributed will do their
share the committee is assured of
their objective.
James St. W.JMLS.
Group I of the W.M.S. met at the
home of their leader, Mrs. C. W“»
Christie on Wednesday last. There
Was a large attendance. A profit
able and enjoyable time was spent
together. Plans were made for the
' next regular meeting of - the So
ciety on February 13fh. Sufficient
blocks for a quilt were patched dur
ing the afternoon. *rhe next regu
lar meeting df the group will be held
at the home of Mrs. N1. Hannigan on
April 23rd, 1941,
White Cooking
6 lbs. ...... 25c
Fresh Ground
1 lb . 35c
Choice Sweet
3 cans ..... 25c
2 1-lb. pkgs . ,28c
both for 25c
• e • • • • 10c
Hot or Cold .Drink
1 pound tin......................34c
1/2 pound tin.................. 1c
Both for ....
.... 35c
Did You Ever Buy a Truss that
Didn’t Fit? That Can’t
Happen Here
You are Properly Fitted by an
Experienced Fitter in our Private
Truss Room and Protected by a
Signed, Money-Back Guarantee
Your Drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Word of Brother’s Death
Mrs. Edgar Brodej’ick has just re
ceived word of the death of hei’
youngest brother, Mr. Frank Rennie
of Frobisher, Sask. He passed away
Friday. Deceased was in his early
forties and was unmarried. At one
time -he worked as a barber in Exeter*
with the late A. Hastings.
/ Birthday Surprise
Mr. C. W. Christie received h
shipment Of a box of oysters in their
shells from the Cape Breton oyster
beds. They Were ■ shipped by his
son, Aylmer, of Halifax, as a birth
day gift. One of the oysters mea
sured 2 ^x4 Cut of the shell. Some
of the shells have been on display
in the Times-Advocate window.
Hugh 6rown of Parkhill was fin
ed $25 and costs in magistrate’s
court in Sarnia on Wednesday,
January 15th, following .conviction
on a charge of failing to remain at
the scene of an accident.
Indian Constable .Peter Williams,
of Sarnia Reservation, testified
that while investigating a com
plaint he foiihd Brown’s truck
parked on the 'highway. He claim
ed Brown backed the truck Into
his car and the vehicles became
locked. Brown then drove on,
dragging the constable’s car 200
feet before it broke lobSe and
plunged over an embankment into,
the river.
A complete up-to-date
Men’s Furnishings
... including ... ,
Men’s Suits and Overcoats,
Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Mufflers,
Underwear, Socks, etc. -
f, St. Young People
The James St. Young People held
their meeting on Tuesday, January
21st. The meeting opened with the
use of the hymn “Jesus Calls Us
O’er the Tuxnult”, which was fol
lowed by a prayer by Almp Rich
ards. “This Is a Fountain Filled
with Blood”, was then sung. The
minutes were read and adopted.
The scripture lesson Was read by
Alden Walker. The topic Was taken
by Mr. Goulding “Living fox' Jesus*’.:
“Take My Life and Let it Be” was
then sung. The. meeting closed with
the singing of “God Save the King”
and the Mizpah benediction. The
topic Will be taken next Tuesday
night by Mrs. E. B’usweii.,
.Three may keep a secret if two
of them ate dead.
* * « ■
He that scattereth thorns, let him
not go barefooted.
f(* *
The worst wheel cf a cart makes
the most noise.
Who’ll promise she will love, obey
Then lets her mate support and
At llome, while she goes out, so
A Woman!
Who is it that, if all men knew
Her mystic mind, they Would es
Until the next one came to view?
A Woman!
Whom will I never, never trust
Though stones may float, and gold
may rust—-
Unless, of course, I find X MUST?
■A Woman ’
in spite of this, when life seems ill,
Who does our troubles always still.?.
Whom do we love, and ever will?