Clinton News-Record, 1965-12-30, Page 8*,,-C*"tQ" -Nows-Recoo'T hukt, 0'.o, A '00
Auburn r,,v.W
l+�� ��
r stmas W
o , ., ix.n..
. ay
_e t.p
r_d, alae y
dpeorations •created a pretty:and
Mrs,J, (di le) 'Warta. -setting
for the Chili1stmas ipeekt-
atornic war. For the most pant
ing of the Auburn 'WOMW I's
Wd the
In Au4urn Con=uTdsy
lucky 'ticket -at "Tobmtow-s
MemoOlal H4, PWsldent, MM
t Saturday
H'ar'dware last and
Donald Haines opened !A Ow
won a. bliwauet. Wdsis Maury H,0!u-
usual way and led In mml
,Moan drew the tic)wt,
s1inging with Mrs. W O- J�
a,T . i Atwoo4, As-
Crl;g At the piano,
-ted W, week wM W111%M
quest !W041W, p4v. Q, g
Pakenlkbgn, rector Of St,
Coroan, Shultz regowed
Friej I App -Ili. tho vWagp last
e� �,,,T,ranChurcb
Week. He ]vats oe�en, emo0yed
IraRgitt. He chose for h1.4 an-
the paint sielason with the Thun-
s2�iriiurg message, "`Telae Message
der Jaay $4, on. the Great
.of ChristMas—The
Nation and The`WOrld".
Conontubtlops are extended
He '4tated, that - it Christ. wast;
to Miss I&odla An:drews pnd
made, central in Chris#nas,
M1W Carole Brown who were
peace in our Hearts and, the
succiessfulzn exams in the nurs-
World would make peace on
es assistants course At Wing-
eoirth maxo secure, 13P6 stressed
*at if we set Christ and all He
WjUiam Hunt, 1xnpen,' Park
stands for in the centre of
of Qxnmerm is v I amflonling at
Christ alas it will bring love. and
bit home dnPalpvrsWn,
cb-vAty into our lives!.
Mr, W! illus, JIames Hembly,
Mrs. Andrew Kirkeonnell
Attwood, vWted last week with
ttmked the speaker and on
Mr. and Urs, Ed Davies.
behalf of thg members pre-
Misses' Jean Houston and
ren't'ed him WIth % gift A solo
Man, Jh4xileison, lbrontoo, spent
was sung by Mrs. Gordon
the weekend with the formws
parents, Mr, and Nrs. John
Houston, farrW.
Mrs. WH11am. de Jong gave
and Y.
an interesting account, of bow
Mrs. Harry Arthur end Greg
they celebrate ChTfttmas in her
and Mrs. Robert Arthur and
horneland, Holland. She toad a-
Jayne visited in London last
bout -their cibservanoe of Dec-
Thursday. I
eWber 5 with Saint Nicholas
Mrg. Ralph Munro dr; supply
and Black Peter and also that
teaching At US$ 5 Rullett and
ChTfttmas 1hak wars spent at-
Ken Scott, Hullett 'Township
tencEng churdi servxes.
was supply last Thursday.
.Mrs. Thomas Lawlor -read.
. F-tiends, are pleased to know
the minutes. A letter of thanks
that Mrs. Geoaige W, lion is i1m-
was read from theChal&en's
provedi in bealth.
Aid SoMety for gifts and money
X'vs,, MaTgue*tO ChOin,
received and for tire gifts sent
Wingham visited last SundLV
to the ontamio Hospital.. Mrs.
width Mists Margaret R. Jack.
W. Bradnock reported that the
4-H Homemakers. meetings
'CCxIT Meet!
were completed.
Mrs. Ancbew 'Kirkewmell
RAW Moss, President Of the
gave the card xle-port and read
Auburn OGIT group was Im
the dtpik-you notes. The Mem-
cbMIge of the meeting held Am
belt: deoldbd %to have the com-
the Sunday School room 01
mittee send, Chr�tmas greet-
Knox Pa edbyterian Church
ings to all shut -'urs. Tvhg. W.
ScAptpre ;ftm 2 Matthw was
Bradnoick Tepwted on business
read by Wendy Sclineader.
carried aT on recently at FWJ.0.
Joyce Leatherland and Sh -
medft,g at Guelph. An ex-
on Collins gamg a duet. Offering
change of ChnIstmas deicom.
was received by Brigi!tte Sch.-
tions was in charge of Mxs. Ed
lidbldnIg and dedicated, with
prayer. .
Pkais were made for the Jan-
Plans WeVid made for the Ves-
ugry n1jeeting, When mat. Robert
per Service •and all taking par0
Turner and Mrs. Frank FjaithbY,
rdlelalrsed- Roll call was an$-
vAl give, a •demonstation on
wered by each tellang whk-flt they
qukit inaking which they learn,
wmild like for Chmtn=
ed at a recent class at Clarlow.
munro, Tunerai
There will also be a blind sale
lays the. too often, expressed
(wrapped parcels vdued at 50�
1U� and, Mrs. Ralph Munrc
attended the funerallast Thurs-
A ChAstmas lunch waig pre-
day of ]%As brother Roy Harvey
pared by Afm Vdoaa Thompson,
Munro at Port Colborne TbE
1&s. Sam Daer amid' Mrs'. Gor-
late 2&. Mumu was 74 yem
don Dobie and served by Mrs,
old. He was born, in, Auburr
Dobie, Mrs'. Ed Davies and ]Nits.
the son, of the late Mr. ane
Andrew 1rurkeonneM.
Mrs. D.E. Munro.
Surviving are his wife the for•
Auburn rersonals
mer, Minnie Gibbs, one son,
Thomas McPhea received
Donald, Port Colborne, one
word on .8unaay thathis, cousin,
dhughter, Aft.. William (Peg.
MT. Gordon Y. McPhee, Cam-
gie) Turner, Vancouver, ani
rose, Alberta, had passed mvey
brothers, Elwyn, Orangwft
it- haspital,there. He -ds sur-
and Ralph, Auburn. Burial Wla-c
-%Airved by two -daughters, Mrs.
in Port Colbome cemetery.
HATS —In Paper Board
& Straw—Sc to Paper,
Sc - 10c & 29c
SERVIETTES . 29c pkg.
to you
- ...... . . . . .
_e t.p
r_d, alae y
Q�, their on M'Prnd4y
evpnft, jamaiu,, 3. Fust
MAI happiness be vourd
MC1-1 1 -
. E
Members Hear Briefs
Elected members pushed chairs back from the
table at Hotel Clinton on Tuesday, and settled down
to wade through a-23, page brief from 18 different
commodity igroups and farm organizastions within
the framework of the Huron Federation of Argl-
-culture, FrGm the right, Warden Glenn Webb, I>ash-
wood; Robert McKinley, MP forHuron, Zurich;
Marvin Howe, MPP for Wellington_ Huron and Mur-
ray Gaunt, MPP for Huron -Bruce.
(News -Record PhotQ)
of 6 AL.
Respomsipluly., 1*06141
Of Farmers, . flode TQ
Wivthm4 from. Faye Anel
4nom- esume. ploy
SQp!YYlsttiStaitea fOrgra Of t%b npl-
C-1 ntQ
P,Bullae t he Wag We have
LeAgpe beg,gins ig, WMnd half
_e t.p
r_d, alae y
Q�, their on M'Prnd4y
of T04 o'I
evpnft, jamaiu,, 3. Fust
atornic war. For the most pant
is aj$, o"q1004 And
wow cmcand imectiodo,
at 9;X
and bioddolis, ongl4im"A 1),o.r,
whe st o
ing a,, end f
sexy p ftuW.,pse
Emphasizing the value of
W@4m 4meetly lvm=X
Bankers, TOachem, HY41ro and
'Chna(Y6 of
9y the n0W te
W Vet err .
t_4";dq4ta prop qsing ma
og pbi�o to
The schedule k .as.
gulps entin thef
pocora l0eeping, t#Pnqagg Ana
3—Tea,cbw % vs, .ers
breqdipg and 14
Vs. Hyotro
the field of producti
al4ancOs not OW -y inalcP PaPit-
s ters
17—Bankers vs. Hydro
allzpttQn more 4vfflc ult -b4talso
XaiM' tr'Oe`tQV4, W. Teac'he's
,the V' L , VV0,�leqi edgcU-
2, --T.egch&�, v4s, )3
tion and.
.01ing of famem
Mainstreeters vs, Hydro,
in the hPst use: of these toeb"
31 _To4chers vs. L Hydrlo
"Wdth milk bedng such . a
Xialnstrqeiters vs, Bankers
Paxmers of the future May
have to spend several wpdm,
7-90insO vs Teachers
each yeiar attendrinig courses And
Bankers vs. Hydro
tows just to stay gbMast IDT
a,� treeV11,e
acl �s s7i��J,
new dWelopments.
21—Ma Mstreeters vs. Bankers
The DepartnTent or
Tleachk-Irs w. Hydro
tuveis already offering uiany
28—WainstreeteTs vs. Teachers
such, cou0se4but 1 believe other
Bankers vs. Hydro
fain oroganizWAon should bear
16th, 1966,
most j)f the rmpopsAbUfty for
farmers who aro now eptablish-
orgarOzipg =d opndqcdog such
ed and we operating efficient
programs so lbat the Dept.
well-cmanaged, farms.
could devote more time to re-
The future looks: less bdgbt
source material and per4onnel,
for the new dndividual tryjn�
11he future of agriculture
to S thrit with too little capital
looks' very •bright for those_
aid educai%on.
Milk, Eggs, Solis and Hogs
From the left, Simon
Hallahan, fluid milk;
Robert Broadfoot, poultry and eggs; Ian McAllister,
soil and crop; Robept McAllister, hog producers
were four of the organization leaders presenting
briefs at the Members Meeting staged by the F of
A on Tuesday this week.
atornic war. For the most pant
Dairy Farmers 14eed Uniform Policy
On Milk Prices In
George R. McLaughlin, chair-
other major industry.
man, Ontw1o, Milk Marketing
Emphasizing the value of
Board, has detailed the urgent
milk, the-Ontarlo. Milk Market -
need for a more, uniform prig
ing Board Chairman mentioned
ing policy in regard to Thodies
that in 1950 one, hour�s, wage in
paid to. Ontario. dairy farniers
manufacturing industry would
for milk.
buy 5.6 quarts of milk. In 1962
"Based on constant 1949 dol-
it would buy eight quarts of
lams, -the average, weekly wage
milk. In, 1964 the samp hour's'
for induttital workers has In-
work would buy 9.1 quarts. of
creased 54 per icent., while that
for dairy farmershag decreased
The producers' problem is
30 per cent," said 'Mr. Me-
furtheraggravated by wide dav-
ex"gence of prices, between, vari-
"Wdth milk bedng such . a
ous milk markets across the
vital food, it is imperhtive that
Province. Accordingly, the Ont -
we eneourage, the production of
ario, Milk Marketing Board is
Grade A tr0r," he added.
currently preparing a [regula-
"It would be tragic, -indeed, it
tion providing for price dnereas-
Ontario's Oalry output were re.
es to proclucers, shipping fluid
shritted by discouraging dal
milk to distributor,& or dables
farndng through economic in-
in Ontario, The now -regulation
equalities thereby driving ]a-
will become effective January
boor to more probtable indus-
16th, 1966,
tries." I
in addition, industrial nillk
In praising the productivity
prices ,are also being reviewed
of Ontario farmers Mr. Me-
by the Ontario Milk Marketing
Laughlin said that, since 1949,
Board, with the aft of attait-
de5pite a decrease in the nuni-
hig a mueh -needed increase it
bei of farms, Ontario farmers
income for all miilk produceat,.
have increased the production
The endeavour to correct past
of food by 1.50 per cent per.
)inequities, by w1riving at more
muni, Statistically, the average
uniform prices for d1alry farm-
OntaAno farmer now feeds-, him-
evs across Ontario, could result
self and, 80 other people. This
in increases in the cost at some
representsa, greater increase lin
dairy 'products nn some mar -
paid Veltiv(vty-1per-man than any
Clearing Sale of Substandards
of our Regular Lines of'
$eamles #osier
6. pair dor bok $1 i, 50' ..
MIded, Mes, Sheer 15 b6nlee
Walking Sheer— 30 behier; S6drnJegs Sft6,tthr
hosiery Ltdo
'P. r Knit ,
60on 0 t6,1 04111y kkdeot Saturdays
Glorious Pro '
M idget$ Rore
1 T -pp $0ror s
we will aftays have among us
the gloomy guy.% who- constant-
ham, former vice-president of
Qam =4tiled 7 12
the official accommodation bur-
atornic war. For the most pant
'' . . .0
Fl-(,�Ot .............. . 5 9
In 60mes
4, lWtw. -f "' 4 1 5
a i 14
1Q1.WtQn X-314 .
e4m= 3
Dave 5r,,�evo'
hoatlen JA theiVfO, -t Ave 'PM'es,
Demon aamlw
they 'have sco—wea 30 goap.
r I *
George EM
O 0. tt ' 1
71heY wop, '04 At 14tchgal
MoutMal's fair. It is a demon -
Mon Pty T49ht. against 14U
Bruce Sc4
The year that is about to
mens or ow coudTy over its
close bas not been the most
.tear I 1P
Mitchell , .gin' W�W4C,to
, 'M
eventful this country has, ex-
last night,
job1n, , Owper And 4T�W Cot-
11106 EVENTS
who. Ar p t he
who . ., o
qubou Ing t
teked such prospects for the
team for tlz'e. TAP3 A
n4' CaU
�f, M7
us ',they have aP)04 blIP0
New Years Evq Dane
:gall Bayfiel 9, qp, Town
Bayfield,, Ad I
Of fellip". I* wclrl�-V#11• Al-
I'll I
though, Oea m has been able
Nqln! Year's Eye — Dan
t0get their share goals they
LOn&esboroHall, Xt
aevery good, defLnslyely.,Rqmblers".
Everyone wqlcome,
Their four defeMpmen. carry a
48450b -52x
lot of weight, the four of t6eM
Tuesday,. 4n, A. — BINGO,
Fremlin, Schoenhals, Bartlif-4
At Nbxoti F474i andGame ChXO,.
,and Johnson -.average between
Jackpot $59-00 !T1 59 numbers,
,160 and 165 pound§.
S* door priZoq, 8*z3o p.m.
New World. Other World
A Memlaqrsblp Meeting of the,
Faftt have been held in North
Huron County Farmers" Union
AmerkA but Expo, 67 will tile,
will be heic
I in the agricultural
board roor-4%, -01-Intop on Janu-.
cry 5, 1966 ;at 8,30 p.m. Guest
ExMIAtion to, ;be sanctioned by
speaXer will be a member of
the Inten-ational Exhibition
the proviAcW executive Lunch
will be sery.pd. Bring g q4tigh-
Pour. - , , 52b
A series of prenatal classes,
vital begin Wedne4dayJai
yffI b wary
Londes4oro Hall
5, 1066, at 2 QO P,mf at the
Health Unit Office, Clinton
I confess I was, guilty of an
Nurses' Itesideme, Clinton,
These wild be held at, weekly
Music by
intervals tor nine weeks. Those
7he Ramblers"
interested are invited to Attend
on the above date, or phone the
crease the size of ne Ste.
Fldibne?'. The fiat those in
Public Health Nurse Clinton
charge of opeMdoAs did is past
482-9661, between 9-,00-9;36,a.m.
mstary. Not only has ne St.
or 4:1$0-5:00 P.M. 52br
Thursday, 27 Annual
the exhibition will speawl -as
Banquet, ( ;Soil and. 'Cro
Improvement Association, COIF
souni, ExhibiOnn Park, Toronto.
land, Notre Dame, and Mackay
Convention is from January 26-
-.28 inclusive.
I suppose ft is Inevitable that
ed greatly to 4s spectacular
we will aftays have among us
attractions and John E. Grar•
the gloomy guy.% who- constant-
ham, former vice-president of
ly predict ruin, depression or
the official accommodation bur-
atornic war. For the most pant
eau for the Seattle WaAft
Canadians aro an optimistic
Fair, are among- those, whose
breed and well aware of their
advice has, been sought.
prospeidty. 71hey are th'amkful
Not Just Montreal
they are living in an era of the
greatest progress the world has
This is not, however, just
ever known.
MoutMal's fair. It is a demon -
stvaltlo'nof pride in tbL- achieve -
The year that is about to
mens or ow coudTy over its
close bas not been the most
fk%t hundred yearg of con±ed-
eventful this country has, ex-
erajtion and should receWe, the
petrienced. Ithas, howevier, ft-
support it deserver; from coast
teked such prospects for the
to coast.
future security of out, citizens,
With an anticipated attend, -
I'll I
ance of 30,000,000 the effect
their spending will have on tra-
that, we all look Sarwiard to Our
vd facilities and our national
centenTW year, not only with
economy is astronomical, to say
patriotic pride, but with sett'-
notWng of the millions that are
tadn excitement not usuaUy ex-
being spent on construction and
hibited by tlAs conservativeRV
preparation, for the fk%t such
,oriented nation.
exhlb6tion to be held in the
Expo 67 and the development
New World. Other World
for thN, our first -and only
Faftt have been held in North
World FAlblition. has a lot to
AmerkA but Expo, 67 will tile,
do with our natiand optimism.
the only first-ealtegory Wor'l'd
I weme-niber more than two
ExMIAtion to, ;be sanctioned by
yews: ago, as I sailed from Mon-
the Inten-ational Exhibition
treat to Europe, watching dump
truckaffiter thump truck bacliiing
up to witbin , mchoo of the
mighty St. Lawrence River, and
seeing their leads dissolve like
sugar in, the surging water.'
I confess I was, guilty of an
inward observation, "They'll'
never find . enough fill to in-
crease the size of ne Ste.
Fldibne?'. The fiat those in
Community Centre -
charge of opeMdoAs did is past
mstary. Not only has ne St.
1-161bne been tripled in size, but
Sp6nsored by
the exhibition will speawl -as
The` Zurich Lions Club
well over another man-made, is-
Dancing 9.*30 - 7
land, Notre Dame, and Mackay
Hats and Horns
$1.50 per person
I have chosen Expo 67 to, di-
lustnLtt, prospects, of contiliued
prosperity for 1966, chiefly be-
cause it x, devefloping on sche-
dule as Canada's gTeat show-
caje. with :a• year an -d some
months to go bedlore opqming
day, April 28, 1967, it will Sur-
ely be interesting for Cana&-
afts ito leans that a construction
program known as 'the! Caitical
Parch' has been adopted.
It is desadbed as the careful-
Calculation Of tune reqWr(3d for
,or boglns, In
each job, bef es i
this way contriactom can deter-
mine the. length of Ume requir-
ed to complete the project, That
lays the. too often, expressed
fear that the exhibition will
never be ready on, time.
I leave been interested, too,
to note the publicity, releases
I have, received that personal-
5uN A
ifles op'erJ.eftced in exhibitions
on this manimoth stale have
been called dh, lbr iconsultation,
wait Disneyl Whose-. Partiolpa-
t1oh in, the NeW York Vair add,,
May it Prevail
in 1966
Many thdnkk & all who 0ordnit6i u$ *hit 000 Year
Trip For 2 To Nassau in The Bahamas
Winner May Take Trip- or $500.00
Draw to be made at New Year's Eve Dance at Legion Hall
TICKETS,, 25o Each or 6 for $1.00
Available from Legion Members.
(Trip arranged courtesy Stan Blowes Travel Sery
SUCCESS 10 `7rL,- 4�9,
Clinton Community Credit
Union Ltd. -
"afoot wishing
out May folsods
tho best of we phl"I to the Volt 06441
30dritatiaSt, — CLWON 481-9321
Your. Imondly Chdv, - 014s, -'EnVOY Dealer