Clinton News-Record, 1965-12-30, Page 6y , . , Cll e e;9r,4 hers, , C, 20 0 _....., _ KAUTiF L MEZY . Py r0ELLCHAMBER 'D B�A PEWNAL TEM$ 0 CHURCH NEWS - CLUB ACTIVITIES i Yl,LAOA HAPPENINGS. Corrosp. onden ' MOREY 0ELLCHAiv KR opne, Bayfield, 3.$: Subscriptions -Plgssi jod Ades., .Display Adys, and Jpb ,Printi:.ng all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent Mas.: Reg:, Fa" ricils,' wind Maroon, sit Day in St. Marys Fraods' sister and end !Maty Ray ICeW Of on wem; Mr. !.Ad Itf. W. E; GayleMx, and ,Mrs. "s. D, Gornp, Derek am Tom- GtWlph, and Nigel 13r Lozndon, weave With ris'sbri 'rnts, Mr. and M6- lin, rslin L chamlber over the datersholiday, Sam Miss JoanneHq;lj John' Mr, and Mrs, Ken R, J 1�irsan is visiting tela- Potter and wiper meas 1pay with _ r, an. s, fives and frtlends in S'ask,#che- treat, for the holiday weekend. F, Hulls, y an °fior several weeks, Mm. and Mr's. Adam. Flowers. The annual .Christmas Carol MrSs, E, A, Featlwrston re- were iia Stre�ville for Climast. S'ea ice in Tarunity Cgiuxah, held turned[ home on 'Sunday from mas vibiting their soli and faire on Sunday, December 26, was a �svX-iweOc std' with her dau- ily, Mr..and:. Mrs. R. Flowers. conducted by the Rev, E. J. 'B, ghjtes and family, W. and Mrs. Kms, and Debbie returned with Harrison, •under whose direct- K.etbh LeQnovd, Wiliowda).e, their grandpamenrtis for the re- 'ion, a shortened form of morin, Mr. and Mrs:Clarence Lax- Waftid(T of the week. >mg 'pra0'er was read by Terry son x�aand Kaden, London, were .has riioawr, Mrs'. R. Rev. and Mats. Peter Renner Wharton, accompanied by Mrs, FtitzslmawZ In the sax-,less'on carol service guests of J, Lamson, over the Chris" John Gibson stmt Boxing Day lessons were read by Lloyd wee+Meuid with their soiY, Mr, ;anal Mrs, Sro�tchrner, Nigel Be]1ah'amber, a boli NLc- Mr.. and Ma's. FL ez Percy Renner children. J, B. Higgins, Harry Baker, Laughlin, Jinn McLeod', Torun; ..and Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, William Hulls, Michael Scotch- ta; Mr. -and AMM S, S'cotc�hmer, : London, spent Christmas week- mer, -and George Bellchamber; Sairnua; Caannen Burris, Wind- en with Mr, and Mrs. Amold Music higlud'ed solos by Cathy sor, were guests of Mr, and Makims and famlaly, and Mr. and MbLe0d, Rhea Stturgeon and Mra. A. F. Soutchmer frown Mms. Lloyd Makitxs. MoRilJca Gemdimhardt, accom- Friday till MQxtdaY. Other Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frazer paned by the 'orgamn st, Nfgs. guests during the Christmtas Mir. and Mrs. W53119m Parker Betty MOLebd, holiday maud'e'd Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. W. VanEgmond spont TO mark the end of the fall. :k'aabl Mass and Mr. and Mrs. Christmas with Mr'. and: Mrs. ,'the pupils of Bayfleld Rabea�t Cluftf, London, William Parked" Jr. in London. Public School held thear'Christ- Mr, and Mr's. Ivan Ste de Mr. and' Mrs. G, N. Rivers in L=ibeeth andLondon' mas party on Wednesday, Dec- ember 22, Each student me- and Ivan Jr., spent Chrbtnas in Iaordon with their daughter were v&iting relatives, over the ceived a gift from . has teacher and farr,6ly, Mr. and MmJ• Chrcdsitrtnas weekend. and cadt�liY and an Orange from W. Taylor. They were jobiled W. ^and Mrs. R. T. Parker the school board. MC': and Mrs.. R. Roy 'i t4- on, Chrtistmnas Day by Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kyle and Ken from Paan, Jatald!e and Davdd, Dor-' chester, spent 1304ng Day with di'raonts, Karen, Kelso and Mrs. 1=1 -On Svndsy they 'lit- etemdled t'h+e chrdsten)ung of their blich'ael, in • Villagers Hope Pearl Sha;ddnck were the guests :of Mr, aHyl Mrs. James. Smith, Errlssels on 1Vlonday. grandson Paul Pearl spent T'raniity United 'Church, Landon. Miss M� Marks, accoz To Save Schools ek .dick Christmas weekend at her riss home tined ended 'by Victor Pickard, To- i'0 nto, were guests 'oNea tale Seeking alteaivatnves to Ait1e .Mr . d • Otto, Suruaae, Darlene land John, Hengall, holiday of Mrs. C. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dewar, proposed pl dal . for a combined spent Christ Eve with Mr. • Janice -arid David, returned dao publico school at Brucefneld to and Mrs. R. Roy F'litzsurnons Kungstori on Tuesday after h'av- serve the townghMps of Tucker- and attended Trinity Church, in g sipent 'a week with Mrs, smith aned Stanley, villagers un Guests at the Ken Ferguson David Dewar and Mrs. W'1 � Egmondvillte, Had'purhey and honnc� during the Chrdstmas Metcalif. Ba5dield are conflnuiing their 'holidays were . Mr. and Mrs. Muss M. Monaghan, Toronto, the guest of W. Met- is ts attempts to, find accommod'att✓ ion for their, ch ldirem closer to Don Ferguson, Dark, Debble and Paul from Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. Ken tFerigusbm; David, David Dewar, Toronto, spent homes. Carolyn, Judy and Johrn. from the weelaD. with has norther, Egmond lie and Harpurhey London; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mrs. D. D. Dewar. ratepayers met on December .Molaito Cathy Jane and' Patty fi, Mm. •and Mats. Glen P. Smith, 16 to i'o¢Srn a �nmi�tte'e ;to , fronrt Stxathroy, Mrs, Peter C rtL�;bne and Jan9te, Brant- continue exiplbnng the situation. Wartws from London; Mrs. ford; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse', • On this comimittee are War- Ruby Molitor from Crediton; Jirrimde, Cathy, Vdeki and Jill, Welland, spent the lwlidtay den fey, Kean Smith, Gordon Hulley and Tuekeltsmtith court- Mr. and Mr%. Bill Longhurst Hen - froom London- Mass Beth Hen - weekend with.spen their 'Parents, Mx. and 'Mrs, L. E. Smith; Mr. error -elect Cleave Coombs, shmv from London; Mr. and Mrs, J. W, .Riayananm, Ebree. and and Mrs. E. J. Reid joined' them, Councilor Coombs x'el�'t� � Burly from Birmingham , Mich.; fox, Christmas Day. the Huron Expositor last week Mid Dorothea. Raymond from OPPP Cpl. and Mr's. L. We)st- that they have made an Inform- Toronto; Mr: and, -Mm. John " lake, fUtc'henuer, and -their three al request to the Seatfomth Pub- Keys, may, lig, Elva and Children spent ChristanaL% With lic School board, vola itse Chair- David, fnoan Varna; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms. man, John Longdtaff, to dis Aft.- • Omv'al Greer, Harvey and Ricky ' aand Catherine Ann are steyialg " the remainder of coven" it arrangements could be made for rhe iboard to pravdde Hazel, from S'eiatorth; Mass e e Lou Ferguson, was B'owi'e - rite Chad�tnvas holidays with 'heir oZn accommodation for the youn- from Pamlbduol, Sask. to spend .the holidays with family and W. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell sters an Egm ondville and Har- 'friends. entertained th'e6r family on pug�h'eY- • ,Mx. Longsttaff as reported by the Exp'osltor as seeing some Mrs. C. W. Brown Lindsay Smith Is �1 'a small number - ivuxxuber of pupils, but felt the Ails, but Bayfield La Y's board would continue >le to be pre- Master LOL No. 24 paredd to work out Borne- Funeral Held rangenients to house all Sea- BAYF, D— Officers elected for 1966 iia,: Loyal Orange font'h area pupils. Ae vtisuath'zed ,BAYFIELD — Funeral ser- .Lodge No. 24 are: Masher, Lindsay :a that this; could involve and ad - vacs for Mrs. Cecil W. Brown Smith; deputy master, John diction of from six eight ad- held in Knox Pres'byteo�ian Hamnmond; treasurer, Harold ditiomal classrooms, which would Church Bayfiteld on December i 22, '1965 at 11 was Sithmn; tianancial se'cre'tary, serve wine part of McyAhp as a.m. well - Wilfred Castle; chaplain-, Wil- well as. Egmorldville and Har- 'attended. loam 'Mcllwalsl; recording sec- purhey.The Rev. D. Fry, Seaforth, Teta*, Emerson Heard'; mar- shall,Harold .Penhale; At Bayfield, the Save Our SchoSchool comnlitttee is continuing officiated. Pallbearers were: Cliff Utter, Firlecturer, W. E. Parker; 2nd lecturer, Ninian Heard; its aitte>�r>pts to keep the village James A. Cameron Wil -Ram, Talbot, Jr., Granit Turrrar,' Ver- tyler, :Bruce Norman,; commit- two •roohi school open — and non Oeoch and Russel Heard. toarrien, Malcolm Toms; Roberlt have expressed their de+termdtna- Flower bearers: Allan And Mellwain, Dewar Talbot, Iieh- tion to canny their appeal direct Douglas Armstrong. eny La:rtson.,. John Watson. I to the provindal government. Imlmedi'ately following the sea+vtice, the cortege left for Clintrnv. Iowa. where internnent B�rueefleld. Wins Turkey In Ladies softball Christmas 'Draw Alvin .Sharp, Queen Street, won a turkey on Chars r ps Eve, which had 'b!een. offered do a seasonal d!rW by the Brucefaeld. Ladies Softbalu Club, The draw wail made ah Mrs, Patters„oali% stare an Brur�e� field. Brucefield I'ersonalti 1vlrs. H. F. Berry tis in Cailut'-. onua, where she is visiting for at least three weeks. She .mot+ eyed to fr@i there wroth. n1?r. laid Mns. John Mofht, WW am also vdlsit ing friends in than state. UrAil bktq. Berry returns, penrptle dlt the village area with news means, are 'asked to tele- phone direct rfJo • the Clinton News -Record', 482-3444. Mrs. William. Dinnin is in Clinton Public Hospital for the past three weeks; over the Christmas ;holiday, morA mem- bers of hem family were able, to visit with her. farm Labour How Covered By Compensation At a meeting in London on January .7, staff members with the, extension branch of Optario Department of Agriculture wowll meet. wilth officials of the Work- men's Compensation Board, to obtain: detains albout the cover- age whitch will be available to farmersandfarm wovIcers as .off January 1, Douglas H. Miles, agricultur- al representative; informed the .Nev&-Record that some persons interested an farhn safety will be urged •ta attend this meeting, m the ad1ministt+athan building, Westem Fair Grounds. Huron has not had a, farm safety council in 1964 or 1965. Following this,. arrangements will be miadLe to hold informa- tive sessions within the county to inform Huron people dliredt, about the coverage. According to the Hon. Wil- liam A. Stewart, minister of i agriculture, dmmedaarte inform- j anion concerning coverage for i faxen labour may be obttained at any office of the Workmen's Compensation Board m Ontario. However, also according to the hifu niatilan branch of the Departumnt of Agriculture, 'Sall farm employees are covered by the Compensation Act' effect- ive January 1, 1966. Scout and Cub Yuletide Campfire at 'Bayfield An indoor campfire enjoyed by the cubs in, the' games for all ages, and Christmas carols sung in- Bayfield Pack, was joined -by mothers and fathers, stead of the more itypical Scout and Cub songs. in !a :pre -Christmas gala evening, Which .-included Photos Bellch tuber Knot Tying for Parents Scoutmaster Percy Renner', ,took time out at the Scouts Christmas party in Bayfield to tinstruct Walter .Pierson, one of the fathers taking part in an interesting knot tying competition, in: which fathers and •boys hied for excellence . NEWS OF.MID.DLETON Mrs. Alex Sundstrom of The Fred Middleton fam ay Sault Ste. Warie as spending met on Boxing Day at the home the holiday season with her of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Camp - daughter and son-in-law, W. beth, of Clinton. There were 41 and Aft. Ross Middleton.. persons present :at this annual Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton family dinner including - Miss spent ChAstmms with Dr, and Agnes, I id'dleton of .Goderich. Mrs. Andrew Griandlaty and fam- Auary of TheWonven's xulil ;ly, London, Sit. James' Anglican church, SVLr. wild Mrs. Stewart Mid- Middleton, will meet Wedhes- dletorn and Stuart McEwan day afternoon, January 5 at the spent Christmas day :'as guests home of Mas. Stewart Middle - of Mr, and Mrs. Will Tebbutt 'ton. The roll call will be the of Goderdch. payment .of membership fees. Scouts and Cubs Hoats at Gala Christmas Me't n q BAYFIELD — Parents and special guests were-entterWine'd at a Christmas meeting of 1st Bayfield. Scouts -and Curbs on December 22 in the. Village Hall. Flag Break bye troop was followed by the P'ack's Grand Howl, after which Group CoimandtteeChairman, George Bellchmnber welcomed all and paid tribute to the excellent. work dome by to leaders part and present. Ile • drew attention to the presence of D.C. Jack Gallant, a former Hayfield Cubrnaster and called for applause of the work clone by the viultage leaders S.M. Peroy Renner, A.SM. Pay Scottch- mer, C.M. Mrs. M. Erlc'ics'on and A.C.M. Mrs. Betty McLeod. Guests were entertained by Cubs .and Scouts wwth skits, .akc* by a "Jungle Dancer' by the Cubs. They joined the boys - in a "Knot tying contest" wbkh (fortumiattely fon' the parents) ended, in a tie. St. Lukes Christmas Story was read * Scout Robert Mac - Wan, followed by a short a'd- lrmts by the D.C. Jack Gallant. 11h'('A7.,parents, guests and boys joined an singing Christmas car- els iaround the campfire. Mrs. W. Pierson, president of ane Lady -s Auxild, y, Presented gifts -to .the leaders from the LLA. in appreciation of their ser - Aces. The evening ended with 3race said by Cub David Reen- raer and refreshments, served by meuxl�bers 'of the Ladies A uxilntary, 0 Siddalls Haul Perch By the Ton BAYFIELD--Siddall's Msh- ales, .Bay eld, Was a„ busy plane on Christmas Eve. By 3:30 .at night 1% toil of perch urs packed -- and They were = 'tanug a somewhat larger nea�I latter in the evening. DX h the"Playfair" and the ' Bert mid, Dick" had docked h Godedi lll with exceptiotw2i, Bine hauls. NOTICE Inaugural Meeting of 1966 Council y of the Village iof Bayfield will be held n the Village Hall on Monday, January .10 at 8 p.m. (Signed) Clerk Treasurer, Mrs. P. Maloney" Startinc; Jam-acarylst alb 1 -farm employees join 2,400,000 other Ontario workers with cole-fie prote fl -d -IM undker Wo r '- e 's Compensation With the co-operation of farm em- ployers throughout the Province, the Ontario Workmen's Compensation Board is now able to provide full compensation protection starting January 1st. Protected how? With 'benefits up to $86.54 a week if an employee is- disabled sdisabled for more than two calendar days by an on-the-job accident or related disease happening on or after January .Ist. What about permanent dift- bility? He's covered. Benefits in- i elude all medical expenses and pen- sions for permanent disability. How about the worker's family? In death cases there are allowances for funeral expenses and pensions for widows and children. Is this the same Workmeifs Compensation that , 000, 000 men and women in other lines of -work havo protecting them? Exactly the same. What aboutt the Farmer? He and his wife also can be covered by Workm:en"s Compensation, by malting a special application to -the Workmen's Compensation Board. And his Family? If they work on: the salve farm and get a stated wage, they are automatically covered, as is the Farm Employee. Is there a, charge to the Farm Bmployee for this ? Xo. Farm sm- ployers provide this proteietion thrqugh assessments based on their, 1966 payroll payable in August. • For full information, explanatory booklets and forms for reporting Accidents, write or telephone' The Workmen's 06m;pensation toard, bnif4rlo go'Xgtb6it Streetf Toronto 11 (362-941.1) D serict'Of:ides i Xitohener (5764130) ,Port Arthur (D'I54500 Ild th Bay (472-5200) Ottawa (129-3i4g) " ijadsar (256-5464)