Clinton News-Record, 1965-09-30, Page 10LAC j, McDonald "Cleans and Jerks" 225 lbs. at the commencement ' of
weight lifting as, a fall and winter sports activity at Station Clinton.
Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every Afternoon
PHONE 482-1712
At other • times contact
Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642
',!f•;$ 1,!*:
'Page. 10 Platpa dews-Recur4, IQ, 1905
Flight Lieut. R.. A, "Dick"
Mart., RCAF :Station Recre-
Otion. Officer and his team of
mcreation .speetalists are be-
gimping the annual turnover
from summer to fall sports
As softhall and swimming
schedules draw to a close,
the spits minted yo.Ing
RCAF begins fall Sports Program
men at •Clinton are beginning
courses in weight lifting,
wrestling and ;ludo ,under ex-
pert instructors.
Judo is a very popular in-
door sport, :since it is one 42-
timity in which a phYs:'70.11Y'
small man elan easily over-
throw a larger opponent. The
it 1,-,oree Judo team was a
major attraction ,at tbiS
year's •CN1F,,, The Want was
lead by Cpl. Masao Taka-
hashi, who is but five feet
three inches tall and yet
4th degree Black Reit judo
expert. Under questioning,
the modest Masao admits
that he could defeat men hke,
Cassius Clay.
Ao .0,00oProduct,
• . rapes Mak e a Valley
of Tasty Deserts, Sol.acts
It is just 'about tae time
when grapes — juicy. and ,sweet
will he available for eating.
and canning.
When choosing grapes the
Food Department at Macdonald
Institute, ‘GuelPh advises the
purchase of plump, fresh-look-
ing grapes in well-formed bun-
ches. Good color indicates opti,
mum. flavor and sweetness,
For those who bUy grapes
'strictly for eating pleasure,
food specialists say grapes
should be purchased in small
quantities and used quickly,
Unlike some other fruits such
as pears, grapes do not improve
in color or quality after har-
Grape jelly is best when made.
from a mixture of ripe and
slightly underripe grapes,
Grape jam is ideal for those
early morning and late evening.
snacks, As well as being easy
to use, this recipe for grape
jam tequires little cooking and
is simple to make. Housewives
should take advantage of ant,
ari.0 grapes now, while they're
at their height, suggests home
economists • at Macdonald Insti-
tute, Guelph,
Grape .Tarn
3 cups finely mashed Concord
6 cups sugar
1 package powdered pectin
1 cup water
Simmer grapes without add-
ed water until skins are broken
and .grapeS have softened. Sep.'
irate seeds. Put Nip through
a colander or food mill before
measuring, Combine grapes and
sugar, Let stand about 20
utes, stirring occasionally, Stir the pectin into the water, bring
to boiling and boil for one min-.
In% :stirring constantly. Re- •
move from, stove, Acid the
grapes and. stir about Vvvo., min-
utes, Pour into jelly glasses.
Cover and\let stand at room
temperature 24. to 48 110=S or
until gelled, .Seal with paraffin
and store in freezer. Or it will
keep several weeks at refriger-
ator temperature. This makes
about nine glasses,
Note; To use liquid pectin
for this jam, omit the powder-
ed Pectin and water and use
one-half bottle of liquid pectin
(half cup). No cooking neces-
Girls coming over for bridge
and dessert? Here is something
different in the way of a salad
that will please them.
Grape 'n Pear Salad is sure
to show who has the know-bow
about fruit combinations and it
is recommended_ by food spec-
ialists at Macdonald Institute,
Grape 'N Pear soad
8 halves of raw pear; peeled,
core removed, and brushed
with orange juice
2 cups blue or red grapes
1 4-ounce package white
cream cheese
Orange coloring
mayonnaise to moisten.
14,.. cup mayonnaise
cup Chopp .d walnuts
Combine cheese, orange col-
Aging. !and mayonnaise to 11101..
WA. Frost the sounded side of
pear with colored cheese, Press
grapes into cheese Drop a
spoonful of mayonnaise cm
bined with nuts in individual
nests of lettuce, Cover with- de-
corated pears, Garnish with
stem of candied ginger, and
watercress, Serves eight.
Flintstones 6:30 p.m.
Bewitched 8:00 p.m.
Andy Griffith 8:30 p.m.
Country Music Hell
9:00 p.m.
Big Valley 10:00 p,
Classified Ads Bring Results'
°Chicken in a Baskee
Friday Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight
Phone 482-3421 for Reservations
We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions
The Canada Pension Plan
and its benefits
Instructor LAC R. Pine! flips his opponent Cpl. D. A. Matthews at the
judo instruction classes at RCAF Station Clinton. (RCAF Photos)
Here is what
. the Canada Pension Plan
will do for people like Robert Martin,
a 55-year-old skilled tradesman
who earns $100 a week ($5,200 a year).
The manufacturing industry
directly provides employment
for about 1,500,000 persons in
Sometimes it takes drought conditions
like those suffered in Eastern Ontario
to make dairymen appreciate the value
of forage feed produced in their fields,
Every extra mouthful you produce
helps keep outside purchases &kart,
To get more forage from your fields
you need an Agricb Fall Fertilizer Pro-
gram. it will pay off in extra yield,
extra grazing days and extra feed
value for the animal.
Mensal! Kinsmen
Hensall Kinsmen officers:
past president, John Baker;
president, Jim Hyde; vice-presi-
dent, Murray Baker; second
vice-president, Bob CaldWell;
secretary, Wayne Reid; treas-
urer, Alvin Campbell; registrar,
Harold Caldwell; directors,
George Beer, Robert .Reaburn,
Ron Wareing.
Hensall Kinettes officers:
past president, Mrs. John Bak-
er; president, Mrs. W111. Fuss;
vice-president, Mrs. Jim Hyde;
secretaa-y, Mrs. Bob Baker;'
treasurer, Mrs. Ron Wareing;
registrar, Mrs. Harold Cald-
1. Topdress pasture and hayland to boost
yields, extend grazing time and Improve
nutritive content.
2. Topdress alfalfa and other legumes this fall
to build a vigoreus stand that will resist
winter stress and get off to a fast start In
the spring.
3- Use Agrico bulk delivery And bulk Spreader
SAVE TIME—spread 20-0 acres per hour.
SAVE LA SOU R no bags to handle.
SAVE MONEY $5,00 per ton dist-bunt for
Agrioo's new 4-ton spreaders are available for
your use at a nominal bost.
If Robert works full time until age
65 he 'can look forward to a
monthly' retirement income of
$104.17 from the Canada Pension
Plan and $75 from Old Age
Security—a total of $179.17 a
month. When his wife, who is
two years younger than Robert,
receives her Old Age Security
pension, the Martins' monthly
income will rise to $254.17,
If Robert 'becomes disabled at age 60,
having contributed for five years,
he will get a disability pension of
$103.13 a month until he reaches
65 when his retirement and. Old
Age Security pensions begin.
If Robert dies after contributing for
three years, his wife Will receive
a widow's pension of $64.06
a month until age 65. From then
on her widow's pension will
become $62.50 and she will also
receive the $75 Old Age Sdeurity
pension---a total of $137.50
a Month. At the time of Robert's
death, Mrs. Martin will also be
paid a lump SUM of $500,
All benefits under the Plan will
maintain their value. The
actual benefits payable will
probably be higher than those
given here since benefits will
be adjusted to meet changes in
living costs and in Wage levels
before they are paid and changes
in living costs after they become
What will the Plan cost you?
If you, like Robert, Are employed
and have earning of $5,200
spread evenly over'the year, you
will, commencing in January,
pay at the rate of $1+59 a week
until your contributions for the year
amount to $79.20, Your etnployer
will pay the same amount.
This advertisement is one of a
series which relates some of
the important benefits of the
Canada PensiOn Plan to
individual circumstances.
Issued by
authority Or the Minister of
National Health and Welfare,
The nondurable Sucty LaMatsta.
The value of goods imported
into Canada last year was $7.5
billion, compared to $5.5 billion
in 1960,
See your local Agrico representative today and let hint help you
thith your Pall Pertilizer Program,
A., J. MUSTARD, R.R. 1, Varna Phone 4824435
ROB TAYLOR, R.R. 3, Clinton — Phone 402,9144
HAUGH BROS., Lk Orocefiteicl Phone 5217-0927