Clinton News-Record, 1965-06-24, Page 114� ...... .... . .. . My $14040y lcqllor* bne THE NEW 9,M,P90tih Y.ear CM* readers Thu ar4ayQ,P Homoappr Wththy: "ow C1,14T6N , ON'..t1le Very last tino -Vbi�- P01p4ri l w *4 appy _4 t X n" 2W ingy be 'A the ye will :be XOaftg this paper, or The word is oo# t th a . this weelk %s our last q4 -earth Yes andeed. These�f-appqintqd, ON:" wtvhovp once mre designat- ed a time for'the ruination, of mankind and the universe, and to the 1pitest -repoots, ►ie week as IT. Cyrus: Vptmhpa,been b1m. n -ed in part for the rumwur, in his 0em 'for the.'sorry sitate of w'orl'd, ld,=ai he is reported to Ve c �tqd thatthe world WzAdd be b�own to Kts wWiin jammith. That was three weeks ago. As, for me, Ithoughtthe end W come alniost two weeks I agoand at the time; I would have welcomed it. t4l­.,sugfferedl - i;or: four days, with dnfocte'd tooth. It took the ponibined elforts of, spy "- I - mid Tny pill-push- axfg doctor to 0". 3330."0 " rto what I believe is a. =ark! able -recovery, S1,00—pless 'yAghts, and Pak p Clinton's Newest BuildIng Threatened` wrabked - da" are notconducive to omid4eei4ng, let me tell you. -Corrie's Red and White F*oQdmaster which had just completed a success- When,you have two, bubbling ful four-day official o ening on Saturday night could have, had tb bol!s�trouls. brats Playing hand -he ghortest. jia,ll 'in tit's living -room. and. business life in Clinton's1,ihistory if the above fire had- not, bben checked. In to mid-afternoon on Sunday . last fire broke out again in a, pile of cartons which Jumping w 'and down . the the. proprietors had been-, burning earlier in the day. The temporary hydro rhylthm of. "Juvt c6dl On Me" nerves' Wear than, in a I flrf wires were burned off and cement blocks and door. blackened., Clinton fire body. brigade answered the call and are seen here soaking the remaining cartons. Not the least of my troubles- (News -Record Photo) was MY eVerlOwng husband. He has a quirk. Whenever I have an.a,che, he has one too LETTER TO EDITOR. only Me is worse. In all oor married life, I have never had • the pleasure to, be sick alone. loft No. sympathy, Na moral sup- e4 I d Remve Summms an •''j the port. It's terrIblo. And to add fuel to the al- mad�r blazing fho in my swiftly viflc3ge,!; vir(poly"W514 010421 Sc.,hool ,swealinghead', the children were plm=ig an outing xadth their To, The Editor, Council at the March session in detail I or cost .any alterna- school motes. the form began to change. In biles to a I6 -room central sch- Our Von Was off on -a bus trip Clinton N&Ns-Record the *,absence of, a County School col, It seems to have disregard-- toNlagara Falls, but not bel,, There has . been SCR Much said Area Board, Which wijI not be ed the procedures which the flare he had begged enough and.,%vitten about the Bayfleld set up un W. the beginning of Minister of EldUcation. get out spending nioney to, buy out ev- Sdiool questibn that th:ere is next Year, the two Township in a letter dated 28 December eery, souvenir booth hvm here danger of the issue being lost Area. Scliool Borards began to 1964 for the guidance, of County ta.,the Fa -%. planned and r"-- sight of in thebushes of detail receive advice from Inspector'Public School Consultative planne ' d 'big ' travelling wavdr&e and emalon. Perhaps we may Burrows that a 16 -room school Committees. We qubte, "Dach wit h A "CaXLYQU-)MOa.- loe-afiaw.ed, to sum up the: pre- to. serve e wijole , County Consultative Commitiee should sent- .situation from the. 'stand- Schaal the new raorly �aa batt (Without bl�G Area wag a much more YoW, to a thorough aver -all. etuo test - for once) until the • hath - point of Bayfleld w -A the West- preferable 1)1", This opinion of its county or district taking room Ifloor was, flooded with -1i pant of the Stanley Town- I tten into consideration such factors el was set out in a report written =aSuds and greyish - blue, sbip School Axea, by Inspector Burrows and Kin- as geographic features,, high- tper. Our daughter was to, enjoy a 'What d4 y Bayfield and West- kend during the last week of ways, -location. of seedndary sch- ! - piwit, with bar classmates and ern Stanley want? They want April. ools, existing public schools, her -teacher. Lunch of a pawtic- what was suggested by Iftspea- The report Is inadequate. and distributdion, growth and likely ularly fIne variety had to be tar Burrows darher, this year incomplete. It fails to consider (,Continued on page ten) Provided, -and because it washer when he.advocated the Idea of birthday and I had made a rash 'a County. School Area to in - Promise" a birffiday cake com- "chide Tuckerswith and Stanley Townshls% Reeves Still In Dark plete with candles had to be Townships and the village of P baked. Bayfield. He suggested this, would. make possible a four- Over Reported School Area M"eeting ;Got over to Hen$all Spring room school at Bayfield. At the Mair Wednesday evening,whee same time it would enable an Since the 1-jur<)n County Con- story wednesdSy morning the (Continued on page ten) eight OW nine room -school near sult.ativ.e Commilittee agreed last three area councils would meet Ah hin en ays Brucefteld and also. enable a week to meet NA the councils wit ithe next ten d The Weather sensible solution for the pro- of Baygield, Stanley and Tuck- The News -Record contacted LUgh Low High Low bleni of HoznIng the ptwhey and Rg- ersinith concw - cOntro- the reeves of both Stanley and 1965 1964 moadville. versa- 16 - room. centn-A schocyl TuekevsrrAth Just before pactss rune 16 64 49 60 - 38 There is no, reason to doubt at Brueefield proposed for Hur- time weddnesday. 17 70 61 66, 35 that each of the three muhici- oli, County School Area One, in - ,It was news to me;" said 18 70. 41 78 54 pal •-councils sincerely believe dimtIons are that Such a meet- Stanley reeve VAmie Talbot. "We 19 79 43 89 631 they Would achieve what was ing may take Place, al'thOugh have the running of the town 20 84 49 81 66 suggested when they asked for most o6fictials concerned have ship to do, not the school. It 21 78 56 80 58 the formation of a County Schr not yet been advised of the iset; our baby. But if Mr. Kin - 22 83 48 82 57 ool Area. However, soon 'after date - kead- (secretary of the consul - Raint .24"' Pain>2111 this was approved by County A distelet daily reported in a tative committee) asks for a meeting, I will notify council: We are going to gain by a meedng, I don't know." Cleaning Foreman Retires At'Station What Thompson, reeve of Ttickersnifth said he had not After working at 1>.CAF Sta- After -the war in 1945 now- Social Centre and a retirement beard of an upcombng meeting, foul Olinton for 12 years, How- and returned to Canada to work cettifleato was presented to him "The, consultative committee rd C. Tait, a veteran of both a the Depaftnent of VeteTan by the Commanding Officer, had asked me if I thought a Vbrld Wars, retires at the end Affairs Hospital In London un- Group Captain X. R. Green- Ineeting of the councils would f this month. til -June 1958 at which time he away.,be of any advantage " he rem Mr, Tait served during the came to Station Clinton. Mir. Tas, ftmily. lives in Tnarked. "I said I CZli't See, it. hrst world War with the goy- Since December 1953 to *ds Clinton with married son HOW- After all, we have " school I Canadian Anny m France date he has beld sthe position and living on Pcaglan St., his board to look after 9dioca alf- rid England wAh the 68th of Foreman of ataning Servk- married daughter Elizabeth JSv- fairs." iattalion and With the 48th e15and with his wITe Mary he Ing at Fulton St. and son- Gor- * NelthLr James mantosh, ,C, Wbalion. In the period lives at 172 We St., Clinton. dbn, aged 17, ttiff at home, clerk-itmasurer of Tu&,rersMftN 340-45 he again served' in On Tuesday eve&ng, JdI* 15 With all family ties in. the nor Mel Graham, clerk-ti-easur- urope with d -le Army and a farewell party Was held, for local area, M, and Mvs, Taut of Stanley, bad received any field Engh-ieet CompaliYo Mr. Tait at the RCAF Clhiton plan, to retire in Clinton: word, by We( es;dW noah of the I P. Wn Legion P. Olays IRMAy Night mesvole So e Of F"rst Hol it I P4440414,&n-Ope w 11 thW Of #*P sbOOt CM- ry )p�grl� F�ifty .evening, An added 4ttracUoq C ., , -- h-" - F t Ve . i.1cle Sa e y Ibis wepk will be J�vo yourq ion d4meM from God erijeh, who' the Orut *nt of paronent, and Mrqe Ontario 404, '%Ut Vaal$ may bp,datglned will iWIce S*Ush Aulaers Ver tb.js week J�wce ma- = Police officers, the *1 4 lk%e-up for as long w . gO muqpvvi,ed,thY ule bano. 'nev, toxiists, in 014. - area � to think sta - row .ve, PAW and Ela inQ WOkIns. tion pave pass". W 00at. mech4pleally sound , and om a *oro In gmg-over I $afe driving, The safety check Units. axe Fbvd J. CrOnkite, Accident shifting every f%vday� to neW Chrane 4.,coWnpUlsory mptor, vehi4p Prevention Qrgonlier of the locations, azo=d the province. 0;'Jonnco .41R),'ectjon blockade was ;get up ;�ne - I Xperien own Safety B�.ancb of the E ce so far ha� shown ftt Abqat 40 percent of cars at irolmesville weigh scAles on Department of Tr -1 remained there t4) aid the of _onoreed.At Dinner -e ujii- part, s,. compuls;ary check examined have d ects most of ail.tadStaffed W thr4 point was the I first of several a mOhor nature. 04 'rare oQ_ g, I Department of Tram, planned I)or this vicinity. have reMoved phates' of cars, and.Pr' iorTe leavenPW "The check takes only sux the licence stln,or seven mInqt%," Cronkitead- )4$d 01=ges against _&4vgm A Jestin�onlal dinner ]last operiating on unsafe yehicl,% nlight at Hotel , Clinton honoured depart' g DHSS Princi-I I passing the Holmesv!�Qie wat P. ri M►arCh,� "n Royals tests were given win44hield John who has been %wllappointe& an tinspector of See-• g ottiokers. Drivers whose oars had ondlary Schools by. the Ontario defects were bisit -meted to re- �s and repo", Department of Bducab�,on. T, F mhSeither to the vehicle Inspection Mt. Cochrane and his family Gown o a a* how pa�r their vehicles will torte reWenc& in Wood- s ood- 9.% unlit or to the local OPP off - stock, tbr, centrO of his insPOZ- Just • -an extra bit of.,,ppit and ed, pressed, repaired or shIned Ucers, tmiate On Norfolk, Oxford, Brant polish Will be used this Weekend as the case mW be", says During the check, -OPP of - and Perth counties. He has been by the Clinton Marching Ray- George Wouch, the band diwec- ficers directed, cars into the at CRSS since January, 1960, als, as they prepare for a giant tor.' scale areas and examined &I, and will be succeeded bere, by' band show at Fansh, e M ch W rmed aw Park . r. Won also, o , the vers' licences and liability in Hon-A.,itb, now vice-PrIn- in London on Sunday. News -Record by way of a letter 11ance lert4wates or evidence Pipall. I The day -long event 'is Spon- that a .depleted bank awount that paw neat bad been niade Also honoured at the dintier soridd by London's Young Can- will make it necessary for the to the Motor Vehicle Accident was• Lmxzence Denomme who querars, Fife and Drum. Corps members of the band to help Claims Fdnd has been chief custaddiaw at which, -has, pawaded In Clinton finance, the cost of transporta.- Cars then proceeded to, the CUSS for the past 25 years. at a nand tattoo. t . ion to the city. check Units where a 38 -point Dinner guests included board The 'Clinton Majorettes, the The group will leave the, Cljn:- safety inspection was made, members and their wives, mem- Colour party, and the Drum ton Legion Hall at 12:15 noon -Cars were examined on brake hers Of the Advisory-Vboatlonul C Sunday I ng machines and front-end Comps making ' the trip have on S to participate in the tcsti cbmmitt.ee and their wives, Mr. -been directed emp'haticalJy to church parade, service, band alignmmt equipment, and then and Mrs., Robert Homuth, CRSS have all uniform's, baotts, hats, show and SOicnlc planned in Lon- hoisted for a check of king bu8iness.,administrator Robert shoes- and any equipmel-it clean-, don, pis, bell joints, steering, wheel Maloney ;and Mrs. Maloney' and bearings and tie rods. Z'xhaust former board members Who ser- systems, lights and mirrars ved during the past five yel4m, were also tes,te:d Irwin Tebbutt,.Goderlch Town- In past yearn, the provincial ship, Del Phin, 1p,. Blyth and Pu6lic&'hool Inspector Kenneth McRae, St. Marys, and police relied on. vuual evarnin- the2ir 14ves., ff% for inspection, while the De- Walter� Newcombe,- CEISS Saus Must Look 11"ANhead at"ons when cars were 'halted hak 7 partmeiitvf T=8port has used vice -c -inian, , presented Prin- its mobile equipment for volun- cipal Cochrane with a portable GODERICH — The public lishment of a county area to taay safetychecks only, television set and Mrs, Cochrane! school consultative committee, include all properties in, the Ash, "This i-.. the first ohne the ivdt:b, a bouquet of yellow roses, of which Reeve Airchie ,Father- field Township School Area and two. cheekbig units have been Gieorge Falconer, Pr(*,itY ingtoo of Usborne is chairman, the West WaWanosh area- The used together," the Hon, Irwin comm;1ttee chdirman,. presented In its, report' to county council c6mm$ttee recommends this ac-, HaSkett, Minfi§,ter of Transport Denomme wiIth an arm- last week, acknowledged a Bay- tion and that the necessary by- for Ontario, said recently, chair and MM, Denomme- with field request that a county area law be, passed. a bouquet of yellow roses, be formed to inciude the village lnspect;or's, Report and certain parts. of Stanley. "We have terrific Problems The committee met with the ahead, and I am not sswi 'sure we m Lessons PostOffice council, of Bayfield on June 15. are doing everything wecan. at It "does- not recoinend action tfte, :m'omen't,,,said Inspector' J. Sta is petition., bmut has agreed H. Kinkead, speaking tothe re�- rt N ext Week to meet with the municipal pant. "The economic con&tions SWIMMing instruction will be Closed July 1 on t" councils concerned and will, if in this county make at ampem- avalRable agahn -this su=.,ier in In order that the greatest -requested, meet with the school Live that we look to the type of Olint-on at the pool -in the Com - possible number of postal em- boards concerned." education of the 80s and 90s munity Park, but since only a ployees may enjoy the holiday, Morris Township recommend- for which we have'a chance to limited number of students. will Post Office lobbies will be clos- ed that Morris, Brussels, Blyth plan now, As long as we can- be eaVolled, of-Acialls: have been ed and there will be no Rural and Bast Wawanoshbie amalga- not absorb our young people forced to, employ a first come, Mail Delivery on Dominion Day, mated to form, a school exea, Within this Part Of Canada, it first gervedsystem. Thursday, July 1st, 1965, provided that schools be situart- follows, that if We Wish to have Regi0tration for the July Maul will be despatched: at ed in, Brussels, Blyth and Bel- them gain employm'ent in a clas's'es will be between the 6:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. from the save.' The consultative com- competitive society, we dare not hours pof nine and 12 noon this Clinton Post Office. mittee held meetings with vagi- send them out ill-prepaxecL We Saturday, June 26. jChildren 0 o-iis, groups but "makes nairec- must .hive 1training whereby should be on hand early with Mr. and Mrs. George McGee oniniendation to, counell that an children will! reach. their poten- their signed registration forms and Geraldine, and Len McGee, area. be , established aft this tid and I think It Is miles oft. to avoid, d5sappointment, Regis - all of ClOhton, motored to Ed- time." We must have assurance that tvation form appear in thits monton, Alberta, to visit: with Councils of Ashfield and West pupilswill have training leading issue :of the News -Record. Mr. and Airs, Harvey McGee, Wawanosh -had requesited the to employment aAd dtizenshlp.," Swimr-mbng instructors are and, tan -Aly, omYzn4ttee to recommend estab- added the Inspector. Rolfe Cooke and Lynn Rees, Which Comes First Chicken or Egg Pu6lic School Kindergarten Pupils WatchiCten .Being Hatched The kindergarten pupils, of "They have long 'legs," offer- cry like 'peep, peep'," explained '"I think the ya, ow ones are Wn. Dorothy Williams may not ed Patsy Proctor. Paul VanDamme, "And the. girls," scald' Debbie, Know which comes• &tt, tht "They look ugly at first," add- chickens go 'peep, peep' lou'd'er; "Thephtlastmts are all boys' chicken or the egg, but they ed Patsy Crich With her nose Mrs. WIX iaYns said she was go- Paul told us, "And the d-Acken's certainly know that chickens cuinkl6d up in, demonstration, ing to take them to the farm are all girls." and ph0avantis do come from "They can't walk when they after awhle." Robbert Leppington just eggs! And what Is morethey come out of the egg. 7hey just 7here WaLs, some aagument his shouidem and Ad. have seen it happen. . sit," concluded David Boyce. ho"ver, over the sex of the witted he Wmn't sure which An, incubator set With dozens' "The pheasants: have a little fl'u'ffy fowl, (Conftuied on page ten) of common hen eggs and some -rather ubcomawki. rQ-uftd. brawn pbeosant.oggs was the main at- tvaction last week in Vwt class at 'ClIh-ton Public school, Tho . ........... .... meeiting. excitement heightened as the Baybeld Reeve 'F, A. Clift 9&M'P- PeCUI-bg 'Of the birds, in� Was away and could not be coal� side tneegg was-heaTd and the tazted •for comment, vater shell began to crumble away, Interest wasa* confined, to t"- "ndeegar'en, 4 . Party- Today F clms' either, INft. willWns repwts that tN,_ Kindergarte'n -entire, student body 'converged onfiet clas'aroomat afto time or towatch the � tiSi . ano*W mWadle of ett.Corbl 69 Of & very new lift To ensure that their cimportant' concert W* scheduled v1silws Would Witness the Whole f 1aIntbW,01sL today eg- 01intobiabs With thild- c1rmyVatic tftjr, "ruhnWW' were, pedoAly redi 4�htaljijea in the kindejg�d _.. to thei (11166riiiit daktl6otn8 just :1.- dlas.q At MnOn. Public School, . as toon as It -was bvident that anoth& alttl& Vird Was h W -Ag V� f 'tAccording to a, "A6ft release ' 11 11*1a Mrs- 1way fhbom t�lachers 15drothy Uralliams and Mit Ahoft Jones •it� Ther tiAh- Way theyi 0*04. in the of tho floor and their little studell-ts- t1lo and W'"tchtd &g the Inorhing slow is, ttt fry 0:30 !lobo itseg of a.M and the 91erhoon n%ftte how ;free itsfead e gets Utebby at 1-45 pxn. WVWW the 101965rbOhi on to attelxdt even if they do. have 40 lively b6Y chickens and til61V 'work :for 4boUt afewbiloWn stiptd phftsantt 45 niihuib6gi Oustomet;§are altk. were Ili a, pbrtoblk 6d 16 W oft fiffidl bft ge �ft v,,arpi tb6dp Wa ated the 1NI&JUIr ow fit: IV* al Me IrSir Statiofi Clintoki 0" Farewell lro,A Foreman Ms. 11sh6W will &Ahldh, 'thty oh-11dren top tbk Us thtr, rtoey o' 'Willi Cllfitbh public Se sol J,,st 'Ofare WM have to restrict them- the hat4filntl ta thW ttweMbe- Mrs, Dorothy 'ams, liffidergartenpilpils at 1i -Vant a C, Taft Plotenlaft of C etffiffig S0VV.i1dd9 116 jftesentbd with t�Av&q ft a LOd agend?a of split 66 it, Week Saw, ftftZ of chldk§ and Ph6,UAAt9 haiehilig. All tie kids N -6d t6 be Croup Captaift wtio�d 0 A I Pzgarg M. the statiorl, thblog, A- th.0 da boi. )Vim` at6. we� hooli bolid W-0. pfekdd this -J�Iatur,6 kab'dom 11, n tv ii f it dertifidate after gerviffig tho '061 tbgaPhed Itist Priday 'fift6t offig ee,e Ve , L dawav, c6inihatic �,Iltz ther d&t1fi1dd0'f PrOd Milldtf WM6 �Wldfiffi bxd 4ibkaft&- —A, 6at 4 4,ha, hg6k)), sa., M N. hi%. laf &A '04A'+�, 'AhkwAii tiilky'p 110 .it! obat mi at