Clinton News-Record, 1965-05-20, Page 11'A�
Aull-,burn and
,MRI, Wg$,
of Jin
_*Mmm Zft and Ausp., 4o-4
Ing at
d: If",ai 18-4 A WedO AYkner *,t
Wilfred Plunkett, Frances Houston v14te4!0n PvLt, Sa.
Mip4 SW1VyBruwn,a Gom-e uMay aifternpoA with Miss, SFa
is r0cme4na fr-= surgery 1.4 Houston In, V00VUL :t 4rs
C Public Hospital, 4er 4qudiop, 444' W.�. W_
'lintoA,. , ,
t0: re- da
,ma w1shhqg a speedy i4 makings
Mr. and Mrs. 9X,4
qn,p, 71", Diet A
W W d* YQUnt
',..o hs r ! s y
vorand Mr, a OU g.d' o at
,nd Mrs, Wes, 13ra& TOMMY Of *b Visit. - _' I I -
mock attended the =A W, meo- $AWd4y with Mr, aria yrs,
mg of the I I" nospital
Hu" Tjw�qas Johnston.
socipty 04t Qowoil W. and Mrs. Liloy-cl 44fty Mxs, Ida M, jorios, Clinton,
TINTAPOP qlabb returned 14A Of Loiidoil islient weOWAO died Sunday, May 16111 Clintoo.
*eek after, .4 S- in C�� wkW Mr, and Mr Gordan A P6,�
few dRys 114 Hospital.
--bD4 1"tiblip HoVital. Taylor, Born. in Topptn
g, the flarpiqr
Ralph McPhee 3n,,it;reat 13paigriatplations are ext6ficW Ida M;
o" e 0 last
a Peame wias th
few days last of 6191# dau, ti* J�Atq
we to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
birth f ghters -0
MqPbee and of W -W al-e� :the Dr. and Mai. W$1,11ax Steele,
th r 'am Douglas, a formerly of 175 O1ntar1q.i$)treeti`,
a, on WW
�6m. Wilfred Sianderson, UL -A brother for Anne ana a grand- Stratford. The late D Stacie $ -AF Ten 09Wling Cham , aMpi
Wapogaret R. Jackson and Mrs, son for Mr. and! Mrs. Worthy was B, veterigaxy
,Thoknas� Haiggitt attendW the Young, RR 1 Auburn. surgeon,
Forth 'last 40 year.$, Vis, T-een Bawling amplons are s.howp here
Member of the RC ng LeAgu.p ch
1juron, County 14brary ban and Mrs, Ross Daer nave ,tones 'h'a'd lived In Clinton and
quet Mr, receiving their trophies froin.the'acting mayor of tral Parl, W01 P. J,
,ayo AdaS
last Wednesday evening an moved Into Auburn PrGgbyter- had been A. patient in Clinton
English at a. banquet laSt Friday night. 1
Goderich, ian Mans.e. Vlembers of the -team :are, from t
Mr, and Mrs. Amos Andrew' Jack SprungPubbe Hospital since Phrlitmas.
week- left, Bill MacKay, Francine Paquette, Linda Spano, W01 English, Bryar -
spent the we Survivdaig are a aiuMber of Connell, Me owell, Karen Baum, e Me
acid Miss Ethel Washington vis- end at his home here; he is nieces C M, Leslie Palm r, (RC -0 Phot.
-and nephe-,"-, including 0),
.Ited friends in the village lot working with !a construction Mi!s. Lmvia, Murray, 57 chest -
Wednesday evpjwi�;.. firm near Toronto.
nut Sit
Mrs. Margaiet Hast-
tnp, 25-8.. Nile Sit., 4
selth, 163 Whitelock St., all of T
Stri,atford, Uirs, Bernice
-s 9. Church Auxiliary
St. Jame An lican
Dicke St. Marys,
r.%Qn p
The Tuneral service was'
Yiews Mrs. Fred M e 'a il,
iddl tons 1111113 Tuesday, May 18 u "'13
pml. - t
W, 7
the Ball and Mutl�h Funeral
The Womon's AuxWiaryof St. Thank-you's were received from Ho;ne. Rev, R, U.. MacLean, of
,JAmet Anglican Church, Middle- Oardston, Alta., and Lor4on, St, Andrew's Presbyterian Ch-
evening for ,article's' sent.
t* me -arch odaited. Burial. was. In
Xay 12 at the home of Mrs. Ar- The annual spring session of Clinton Cemetery.
gold Miller•, with 13 members the Deanery of Huron, wM be PaJIbeavers were N-orman,
d , a imctor, the Rev. E. J. held lix -St. �ThOnM church
an th Tyndoll, �Br Bartlif Mae r,
�, Harrison, -present Seaforth at 9:30a.m. Tuesday, Cameron, Harry Coch, mane, El -
The president, Mrs, Fred Md- June 15. win Merrill and'Dick Jacob,
dketoon opened the meeting with Mrs. Joe 'Storey, the prayer 0
a1hyaria, FoEowin•g regular pray, partner secretary, dispI ed an
ent. to the NN
-ers, the Scrilpturre, lesson was Easter card s .4y WA UIL, Ty �t
lead by. Mrs. Dutot. Mrs. John •&1om Wass Y<ishikoXonaka of
.,GrIgg igave the socretarys re;, JOau, k0LMESVILLE The UCW
_pOrt -and Mrs. Keith Miller, the The central theme of this of Hobnesvffl, a United,N
fini report. May, meeting was flowers and met in, the Sunday School roam E
Nfirs; Avaialid Miller reported growing thujas, and in keeping for their Way meeting. The
for ihe the dorrinAttee. with this motif the hall call was leader Mrs. Jaick, Yeo was, as., RCAF Teen Curling Champions
answered by a. Biblical verse sisted' by Mgrs.Eftat'd Grigg. At a banquet at RCAF ' Station last Friday, Sgt., Wilf Bowman, Centre,
Hosts contedirving the name of a,plant They took as tfieir theme Wei Sflensall
or tree. I Pattern, and Mrs. Yeogave the Curling co-ordinator for the teen league, presented a 'trophy to the winning
�&s. John Smith read a lovely oalll to worsb'p. The team. From, the left the 'champs are; LynnPalmer, Maureen Driscoll, Sgt. Bow -
p Scripture
poem, "Our England is a. Gar- lesson was (read by aWxs. Morglazi man, Brian Burbridge (skip), Bob Reid. (RCAF Photo) -
by, RUdyarid Y
Grandmothers ip1,ng.,L Jones, and, Niue Bible study was
HENSALL — 'Oftardmothers A flourishing, plant sale was -given by Mrs, Edward Grigg.
were special -guests, of Hensall also a feature of the meeting. Mrs. Jack Yeo read a storyHuron county
Women's Institute at 'their His- Mrs. Ray Wise gave 'her m- -about a, rug made by a
torloal, Research meeting held pressions of the Diocese of Har- pers6n and, Mrs. Irvine Tobbat t
in,the Legion 1-T;&U last Wednes- on. WA Aymuail held recently in led in prayer., The Mission Participates In
day evening. Over fifty - mean- St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Study an 'Trinidad Was, taken
bels and guests were welcomed 'The president, Mrs. Fred by Mrs. D. E. Gliddom'
by, 'the. pres,4:ent, Mrs, BeverJY Middleton showed, slides of their The business w" conducted EMO EAVJ L13C
i3eaton. Ira appreoldition of her 1964 trovels to- Dawson Creek by the president, Xzs. Lloyd
-woa:* on the Tweed-sanuir His -'and Victoria, B.C., etc. These Bond, and Mrs. Harry Cudmore The Huron County Emer-
toryand lilalir Exhibits, Mrs. R. were codbrMPictures taken, at •reaA the minutes of the last genoy Measures , Organization
M.. Peck was presented with'a 4ompayne; Fort St. John., the: meetings. Mrs. Harry William held an Exercise last Sabard6y
vast expenses of prairie; the read the coxwesporidence, and
gift. 0 will
v Peace River; sunset at Mrs. Frank McCullough gave for evaluating the capability of
Plans, were n aide for the - an- mil 71W a municipal Government Emer-
nuial pledic to be hold on the Prince Rupert, and the r1iodod- the treasurers' report. , MN Headquarters.
lawn at Mrs. Garfield Broder- endroxs in Stanley Park, Van- Pl'an's for the annual hang and genoy
idk'g home Jurie 9. C014ver, salad" supper on June, 16th, were It was a simulated hurricane
Guest speaker' Mrs. W. D. Mrs. Middleton, also showed left in the care of the Vodal (By JOHN G. FISHER) of 120 mile.per hour winds-, and
Mark of Crediton spoke on rare pictures of the Annual comn-d-ttee, headed by Mrs. Ken torrential rein. It tore through
'Thstorical ResearlIN', present- Tournamerit of Roses, first hold Harris. Coffins are well worth investi- =d enjoy finding and arranging the County from the south -
I . ng air outline of early customs. in 1890 and developed, from a The meeting closed with gating. Coin clubs offer the cealtain set4 as a hobby. West, cutting a wide math be -
?&s. Edna Caldwell dem6nstm- small village hesita to the mod- prayer by Mrs. Yea. An auction best way to enjoy the rk"j. pop- dinton, Odin Comer Will be tWeen Clinton -and Exeter until
ted quilts- and home maile'raists. earnfloats, made of thousands sale war. -held with Mrs. Reg ular hobby of numismatics. featured in the News,Recotd it roared out aver Lake Huron.
Grades one and two of Hen- of roses, orchids, -'raurns, etc. Mi11kr and Mm. Lloyd Bond as * Last week a, friend told me ealch week. Your comments' AdlCounties between Niagara
Sall Public School entertained These floats were on,a mag- auctioneers. Hostesses for the that he Was gathering a collec- would be appreciated and' Blallls and Godevich participatet)
With square dange selections nificant scale -and pictured nur, day were Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs. tion Of sm'BA1 Canladian cents. times or suggestions should be for a six -hour period.
641d Mrs, Harry Hess, Zurich, sery. rhymes, current events,. Orville 1311ake, Mrs, Irvine Tab- I Was very pleased to see the addressed td yours truly c/o Warden Gleam. Webb and the
sank. etc. The projector was run by butt and Mrs. MoTigan Jones, edthusWasm with. which he �e- this newspaper. Emergency Measures Commit -
Program conveners were Mrs. Mrs. D -on. MicIfflaton. gan, to gather this series. The tee of Council, -authorized each
.1 move and the Co-oixldnator, W.
Elgleand Mrs. Sherritt,and the A delicious lunch was served small cent began by the Issue Stuart Forbes, acted as, staff
hostesses were Mm, Coal,. and and c& present repwted -a most Baptist, Mtn of some 15 nifflion coins the Hensall Kinsmen offlcqr •in conjunction with, the
mri,. Peck. enjoyable meeting.
County Civil Emergency Plan
Two or three days later my Elect Officers ung Group.
Meet At Auburn Year "'.
U friend anno-Unced how well he Brigadier Fred A. Clift, Reeve
AUBURN — The regular -was getting along, and informed HENSALL — Tlie following of Bt of eld, an active -member
monthly meeting of the Baptist me (halt -lie had, collected the persons will form the 1965-66 of the Emergency Measures Or -
Men from Goderich, Clinton and Caaiadjanl cents from 1964 back slate late of office,,$ for Hensall ganization, refereed the learn.
Complete with 7 -piece color coordinated ac. Auburn met in. the, Auburn Bap- to 1930. The chall, mge begins j�lnsanen Club.:. ing exercises.
cossory assortment., Ousting Brush, uphot. tist Church with, the president, here, and everyone who 'has Past -president, John Baker; All the participants fek thak
O n l J y B95 'story and Drapery Nozzle, Crevice Toot, Bud Kuelhl in charge looked oareftffly through their President, Jim Hyde; Vice presi- th&y were 'in command of the
see,!.al 3 -position Rug Arid Floor Nozzle, He spoke of his activities. in pocket change will find very dents, Murray Baker, Bob Cald- simulated dismter at all. times
I ang Life Hose, 2 non -slip wands. the work of the Bible Society few "Jif any" small cents under well; Secretary, Wayne Reid', and worked together in a bus -
before coming to •t1le. Clinton the year 1930, Treasurer, Alvin Campbell; inesslike manner,
district. He, introduced, the mov, Same People will buy ralls Reentrex, Harold Caldweil;and If a real emergency should
-supplied 'the of cards fToini the bank, *Me Dftvcto�rs George Beer, Robert occur in the County, the Grgan-
ing picture by I
Bible Society entitled, "The cooldo Jaws or Iold P1,9gy banks Reaburn, Ron, Wareing. ization, dawell disliplined and
Bible on the Table." Followiti dis
g sometimes hold the iolusilve coins John Baker, Jim Hyde and able to copewitli any situation.
this there. was a , oussiNo on of needed for aeollection. mat- William Fuss were appointed 0
Con- k
the place the Bible Should hold ter where you look, eventually delegates to the DisWict C Take time to think it is
in our daily lives and this was th6 close friends- an neighbours vention in Buffalo in May, the source of power,
`<" ' • % led by Craig Peters. are asked to bring forth their
The 11ext program was Plan- treasure Jails and -piggy banks,
ned for June and this will be More now .fti ends are made in
held at camp Hermosa. Atthe than you can imagl1noa
father and, son night to, be the numismatic. hobby cirti (UT THE, (OST OF
conclusion of the meeting the If they happen to, posses any
Auburn mon served lunch. old or Interesting coins, It is
ALI,'NEW trade
possible that y0u.would
tam, Not everyone is in
like to
FpASUAF Kinpen UC`11111 See the 001,11• dolledhig department,
H my wife for instafice has a very
V JNY VACUUM tUANER . large aird. Interesting button, tdol- MOORE REGISTERS AN FORMS
E T A r iocan Films, lection. Many of her buttons
%vith METAL 000 Wfllfe Use — to ttropg an auto flea!!
were obtained by trading other .0GET ALL THE FACTS ON- EACH
Can be driven over It Without harming it 5-yeat Reports altidles. TRANSACTION ... RIGHT AT THE
base gilaraptet...The colihs in my* collection are
KIPPEN — The Unit,_6d, Ch- of a Wide variety of types and TIME. i. . RIGHT ON THE JOB . .
tl_- NON a MULTiPLE FJLtEft Lt%,ch Woar%eil cif kippen held dates, I began collecting at the IN ONE WRITING
th I May xneetft in the church 'age of 14, and it is only in the
BAG ow. SPEED SAKS la,,8t Tuesday Waning, Thirty past yabir,that, my interest has
BUMPER NOZZLE ladies attended. focuqed on Such ft-016bles as, the
%I'{ EXHAUST T& Kelith Lovell bpow-d the avadian, dents.
rfteeting with the worship. Two Today I am v coin club itember,
EVE b$k
06MOA0 A Swectiong were tendered
UPSWEEP sTYLINd Sharon Strong and Jdari,
05RAGE Ofift WHrELING- Misses
, I a . I the
Eft I gincla1r;i kacconipaftie 6ri KIPPEN
,T.. TH STORA E 0; CORD, 14 plano by Mils, John, Sindleir.
• PAOUWTOII,. V,�D OL118 Wick *1 Thoifty Rloildinbita
• En 1PIL rONTRO,� FOR EITHER A 3011 Mr -S. Rob<
TH V DO a.
V- MOW ON -OW, PEDA11 . T .
DI Re "Y� IRULA , AHAOLk 4�#, '14avy-boy toob the guest spaakeri Mts, JD,117A, eating of 011;LKLNOOLS UQMAC INIANDA ALWAYS !Ne -second an P the
bbth Moore- Exciter. Mfr gooro Tfib-"TtY XIPOenbttes was held
FREE with 96th at the hdth,6 of, the assistant
ihowbc! 'and coninlehtea oh,pac- leaner, fqrS. Br�uc6
tolestt&eh in kftida� last sm- on.d&y id.
Odd fnorlr The T1611 dati, "Why f pta-4 -to
Sforaqd Chet`Value$14.0 Different repdrts� were givell grow a garden" wfis aisweted A MOORE REGISTER Mb F09A POR
and tentNtivd, Platt MWO f0k by igght rn"6,g Thei se&dm
tht StrawbL, $'uppet. Mrs. tddd th& ��ttet'of the EVERY FORM OF BUSINESS
f1arbia Jofte�.t i6oqtted on tht tial
„12 meeting AA4 Barbara aarfi� CALL US t0bAY 009 COMKOE #069MATION
klinual xoetvig htAd in %I�*' M611 was �ij6�6ft secretary kt
Ball & mutch�� nth M1 Wrah'Which whldhl hi t6 �6
t6hdad. With the Pr6slddfif, UTto held. itnt JMd ffea dt thd home
ftber), and;lmesl T, Wi, A MM, Bry,& Mi2dregor, EW
est r .. H.a-rdwaL AIWID&V . lun& Was ,served VY Of CLINTON ��'��CORD.
Cr -rel
R,10 't'ul�n`r '&Iftd Mrs ft"Adi§ld ftldl: for Put on
dh-AA6§ me Phaod 482-3441
th d&dlm via . X 16W notes 'W N,
Phoot 4$99515 dregs 6wid'dam 'a, "feA Ulid -t�,IkZ ttb 'be iWWoa- an it'he
.1-1- . I 1 11- -A a F hoilt'Was 80%4
Th4r;,f M9V-40 1
layfleld toundl Be _10 _e
0a $t
. _PL Sn Ener
PoA$'$ured of0 .11.0
At ft rog*iar
Tleard -be %oprovpa for amep,
06 k166A° .6mo
W064 AA' Phow 404646
Monday, A PVP# ftnl Ole-r0d
-94�,iteld X-OUrary 3a Oe proo,
sqpe%1*te de bn T
showed repairs to ste”
X donated by ' and pd Mrs,
04 �4ha4 tb the b6nb
E. W. OdOleifson.
at Pioneer Paxk,'Dej,evgn$
, tre
and frowh Sweet have reee y,
oed n the 'Va. being rano
Oodexich D
$4t, ).Dall, Qi.,L
I Vaftni�nt spbkat the irlv#41
Llan ,
4 of 900i0*1 oR o, services a -
Fete Mrs. Weston
Mailable 9 needed. 1�prd g the
summer, pottraftig of 016 vii-
lage will be arriariged. jf,4ei!es-
Saw, and va�lar speed traps will
rnee0tig 91X trap Toadies' 9000
be set up to him -reduce tile
Wes 140d, at the home of. Mrs,
speed on, the. highway tbrlouob
, y
the village
evening, I ay 11 with IQ rp x
e rit,
. ,
Building perrnW, are needed
=.,a a Ar. 0guast Present, The,
for strucibrii.1 Tn
podifiq4tion and
nioet., was opened by ft
addMons to existing buildin, 98
presi ent, W.T. F. ArkQ.
�- 1
and it -was reported that; where
The secretary,. Mrs. Lloyd
such qhaingo.s involves expendi.
$cotclimer read the minutes of
ture of 1%v than a $1,00() a
the April The twas-
permit will cpist,$2.
urer, Mrs. Len Smith being .1b -
A letter from the MinlistW0f
Sent, her report was read by
Public WoA<s to the president
Miss- LWsell-
''of the Busln* Men!Sr Associa-
The president gave.a. report
tion, was Mid and it was noted
on the Cubs and Scouts Father
that a detailed survey o
r , f the .
.,* son. Banquet which wais halted,
harbour situation will be car-
in the Parish Hall on Wedneg-
ried out shortly.
day .evening, May 5 for WIACh
Tarrders' for Supplying gravel
the Guild had catered. It was
for Bayfield Streets were read
moved that .4 note of 'thanks
and it was moved and caa-Aed
be sent tothe L.A. to the Cubs,
that the tender of cordoji
and Sooutg for their assistance
in furtughing waitiresises and al-
Messengers Me
so, helping in the kitchen.
m Bryant and Mrs. Fraser
dth_e ladies, to the Parbh
I the June meeting when
they, Will be co -hostesses fox
'the evening.
The Rector, Rev. E. J. B.
songers of Holmesville United
Harrison closed the meeting
\Mtth. prayoxs.
Church Met 14 the Sunday Sch-
ao"roorn, wlth'M.s. Ray Pother
A. happy little surprise party
giving the call to worship. Jan -
followed the meeting', when
Mrs. Larson expressed Sincere
lee Trewwtha Was the pianist,
thanks 'to former presidents,
far the Singing of the hymns,
Trewartha read the
Percy Weston Oor her ten
years of leadership in, the Guild
Scrdpture lessron, and Mrs. Pot-
and pregented� her with a gift
-led In prayer, coardludin-9
'With the V"essengees Prayer,
of a sugar and cream sand salt
Ricky Blake received' the offer.
and pepper set with watching
ifig, -and it was dedicated' by
tray. Mrs. Weston, although
taken by surprise very --
Potter. Wendy Miller
ars, or
ly thanked her co.�workers, fol,
was named secretary to replace
Karen- McClhwhey who has
their gift and assured them that
to be
moved to Ran-d1ton.
she will still continue an
active member and worker of
Riddles were read by Mary
the Guild. '
Heard and Glenda Bliake, A
duet was sun-- by Wendy Miller
, .
bh�s.' Gadrdner assisted by
Mrs. Arkell served a very lovely
and Marlene YeD, •and Janice
lunch including a delicious and
Trewartha played a piano solo,
Mrs. Francis Cantelon showed
belaodfully decowated anniver-
for Mrs, Weston.
the dfiadren 'low to make early
salry cake
CanPaiull and ' Mrs,
spring Tlowerg, 'and' owh, child
dropped in for a few minutes
made -some to take home.
and also enjoyed a piece of eake
Marlene Yeo glave out the
and. a cup of tea with the ladies
World' Friends The meeting
closed with prayer. JaniceGuild.
Gerald Trewartha are the pro.'
gram 0oninufftee for the next
Failure is the line of least
persistence. I
WRIFACIE UNITS Adds a juicy and Large lower drawer
Drip pans and deliciously different 4onVBnI"tfr
trimrings b flavor to roasts storing !ng
att 'nk: and P�OultrY-
to give your kitchen 4t Oft. You too,
V061t hide: the
back panel And oontiroI&
1ht 4004nt, blind you ;_t shineb oh the
19 suppds4d to, Th6 e s; �to read dotitrdis
ter Control W,
oven/spoiler With 140* Warming
2 chrome 60 reversible oven racks,—tho
ies and thb I§Uilt-lh Rotissiere mAke It
-lift up surface' elernents<--rthiovable oven
porcelain Interior with rounded corners
yda to didian, CoMe in to see the many
oven de
1 Omit
easy to
it" to n
Electric 31hop
Oi W, Cotm6h
llyboe W,6stlitlghouto 0,W6r,"
06 k166A° .6mo
W064 AA' Phow 404646