Clinton News-Record, 1965-05-20, Page 8I
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P900MAk, ITIMS ACT W.9 tQ. Md ftmwbpol ropullaum 'up
were asked last T4404 rXight. He said ft was certainly .0jr-
Qprre,.$ dent-, PREY BE44CHAMUR,, Phonc' 0 % D15pp9o4 ftwod. t1* pygr
pon P ay at A pul*, meetft called by, Ult IQ Pee Ikow the average
yfield 1, p the past two :yo4r
the $c1low Corm..baneto s, j3ayX, eW$
, 4,parent
Sqbscriptl -,19ps dyp,, Pisplqy Mys, and 494, Printing �.Opulw had by 23%.
,4, 1.�
.1fied, A
one -9, by
n tee, tq Appep W :gown
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P1lr'0r,;pptP4 by tho. 59yfiPld corres lee d w on
p.. _gs p" a di
a�klng t -h 991b
q Kment two,- Merton Merpep, pch
Of the future 00;4
M M.cqn eleplep
a,. Pan pg "I
Kpl) q d muss sx4ftoq
Vqt V top their- almjghtpr, apd �op_ tp .1 in,,B.V- member, read ;% letter fwwn J, Addittonally, rvoy
MW f >S Bros4els Mr, Mrs, R..Qluff,,S ey V'10' bdo su . ,
a f in- APla be retained A4 enlarged. -B rW bW 14,
fm n`qAWM. X� Od Aur. F4 R shown t1i the 33ayft
jg.,;�qtff whq,hasJq43jq4__ e
t4 _tAff of t4w_ Qr, an
_d >.,r, and Xn,. IF,
1� t 04 Out t 10*r 15,.0
hoppe and Mlcl4aughlh� visited with. their and family. The Pet*on W4* drawn up�U ,4.,
196 T,4
S � , _ws school pop ]tJ will, ft'04'1, at q
ing recent events that h'aye nr wa
WI�Ko w", 40-1,4t
re�� m Wednesday.. the tnotbpr, Mrs. J. Cluff h4ve
rpc� oadu��, ftun for the Mr, And ATM, FP, J. Rj4d every WeAtion the expected growth' be in n:,
.1 village," to �elievq U4 Your recommeT I .
Th R -W 041061 of hai;ldr�, is 'weekend'. turned W fileu- summer honv tpl4e4 far enpxt five ye rs.
Rev, Dr, b4Wo p fir* oppor0nifty in
, � _W
t t, their, 4
ay19rofLWxbn, caaiod -11M. of MM, Um COMA Dt an rg. W_Tplma ;and in Bayfipl opl, wM
of this ppntentlop.
On, the A P I' U=
In favour, of p. 16-rgom central the. new year,, 91'he Architect,
VW44 and while in the village ftniby TAmdbn, spent the Week- 19n WAshlngtoja Tri # wZj 04 that 1 the ne
p f w
'Me Rev, labn W�,R T9%00 W44 Mr, and *�- end - J their 'Hqpsoq apd, Mir school near Brupefieldi 12 mil. DaivI4
po1pgp,, on BA Ws. George $te-VP=, has assurred. me ft%j teleplIgne exe g,
,�hp.n p build
and Lloyd Scotqhmer ottended X. Tom B returned early F�ri_ the Additj.o4 cgAbe Appomplis ! tb ,sc'hed'uled t9beco.nit u
filelo TlerTace, oiley re 1W ot
Syed proposed central school ed at reag Ba-
. W, of the Mftsf s Hipits Mr. and Mrs, Grpgory pxd day. morning, f n yfield, provUllms, had been
the Atqg` returned ollowing a fo .9 e expense,"
M, of t1le
'�.n Monday to her bonV ;.q '110 t4 would serve the Townships, of Xerpw went on to say that Made for 'an antia�
D.dqwe`.0 ffi te were f,�t their d p. tQ Washingt
� 4 W fam pn, D,C,; 'ated sub.
to. ily, Iz:400n,
TuqRja he Clinton Tucker=lth and Stanley, in- Burrows had
.y 4W Wednegft spendin or.1 =tly 11110e stantla1l in4w�
three weeks with her pumn r, home for the keekend. in the, company
Beverly Hill, son of Mr, and daughter and' family, Mr, and NM s Jessie L. Metcalf qf De- mid Blyt4, WOW42A'S Institutes, vaudigg. the 08 !4w Al�w •'no of Wt to that rec" q in. local sub-
They left 'cin W nrolled at :Layfield!; Pmmend'060n, A*ely: that Another resident from Stpp-
ws, rete poompp" M4 �Tw� trtdt, spent -the week at her"were nd4y and BVfield'gs ixtpospi' is for a Bayffeld .School, built in 1955,. ley Township, protested Oiat, as
his fft%�t year ard. home in4he village. delayed at, Fort Erie by ,�on of Mr, and MM A. IF, two.,rioom and pllymoom qddi
n�cd fade pending _ should be enlamged
mecha fW 0 cater io far, :ass he h
GrueLph University, W been Mr. and M4:is. J. Charle;3 Mon the &-otebmer, Bayfield, graXlua-concerned,
d with 'arrivaa of a0Qthe _tro tion to the school in the village the, in=ediate, vlcinj�by, while
wl thot, 1,1 spent pr bus m ted with hpnwr to alecommodate -pupils from the not interfering with the build- s - chool section had voted ta-
_p passe I of I in 0hem! ted in
With. ivi" , ., I , V., nt Sun
WOW M. V, -and Mrs. G. N. Rivers, London. Am.mving at the Hotel cal vier
of aceatxle& school'andhe
Iffi 4 12- Ing Of a1
Fomer.Blyth. I of Stmt, rhirga engIneerillg from Grant West end of Stanleywith 2-,r'oomed centra
... I Q sch- deplored, the fact that a recent
'Universaty, rp&n school to be constructed cal elsewhere,
,Mrs. BeecWW of Zoaforth, Mrs, Lem Duggal�, Washington on tue
� , s- Hall, Queens
Wm at her cotta for the ford, ,,as at her cottage this day, On. Wednesday mmming N1ngL%ton,,,a the Spr�ng` canvass had shown a. reversal
weekepidl ge -ta 8 Con- at Bruceflield toihousp children
1 dteO the White House, vooation recently, Attending from Twkersnlith d t t of publit opinion. He contended
Resident Dies Weekend and joined by her dau- they v Voice Of, Protest
Buildings an he east
Mr. and MM Torn Logan glAter and sop -da -law, Mr. and Capital a0d other from this area were his pat- end of Stan, that a cazimass or petition
4nd fanlily moved into their Mrs. Victor H. Murator, Lon- points of interest in Washing- ants and his wife's parent's, I Spey, Chairman Odddlleifson called, should not be allowed to sway
4ew home last Saturday.. In. Oshawa 'aXL. ton. After luncheon at Hogates MT.' and Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Chairman E. W.. Oddleffson. for conjm6nts from the flom souch a,dectsion,
emphasized that, tube effe`tLve, A lady from Stanley Tomni- He was 111 canvass
The; death .0 George 'Harvey AQ, and Mrq. Gerald Wqston Seafood House, the party Went Goderich. , tol4, t1lat e v
. I an signatures on the petition slft said B�trX-, formerly of Whftby, Oc_ and family of London-, were at to Arlington National Cemetery d when the election of wads freely and honestly con-
curred W-ednes�dlay, May,5, 1965, theaV cottage for the we , ekend Where they sawthe changing of must be legally acceptzible and School Board. members was glucted in the interests of par-
Bayfledd a3: the freely given, Without; coercion -ats and obildren, in the light of
at •the Oshawa General Hospital and had. as guests, Mrs, Weston the guard at the tomb of th or d-upalcatfilon. held, the village residents had e
He was . in, hia 75th year c� Sr..,nkmwrt Soldiers; joining the Ontario St, UCW voted tor orgy the three nom- a change of locatlon for the
p., and Miss Weston, Toronto,
Barber Beauty had been in failing health for Mr. and Mrs', Bill Carson and pfigrimage of, the late J F inees who favo.ured, their -wishes. proposed central school which
some ane. fanlily, Londbn; Rev. R� Carson Kennedy, Mrs. Hopson jrloiic-� Unit Hears Report st%te ]c'acts I She said she thought , they involved a greater distance to
He was, born and educated in and Mrs. Carson and Billy of the profusion, of fresh wreaths. Mrs, Leroy Poth, chahrman should have cast five votes, be covered d1dily by school bus-
Sho,ppe Blyth, the von of the late Sollin. F'Ore9t; ..and Mrs. John, Carson, She also, said that the presi- Group One of the Ontario St. 'of the recently formed Western even 1-f , it meant voting for es.
and Bil
.Introducing ancl AnnieRarr. ladley, London, spent the dential lane, starting at the tilited -Church met Tuesday, Stanley Township Save Our those opposed* to their wishes.
o MacNaughton Symp
In 1914 he marAed the for- weekend at their respective. main, gwte to the grave is espec- May 11 when president, Mrs. School Con fttee told more An ther man expressed. di!s- - athetic
MISS PAT EVANS mer Edith. May Lockwood, dau- lake9hore,pottages. wally rnaxked by every flft� post M. Batkin, opened the meeting than 160 BaAeld. residents as- appointment that such strained Mrs. Leroy Poth gave a re -
Also at their Lakeshore c it- being painted yellow, and board- by reading 'a poem. *embled in the Village Hall that relations had .developed) between part of a delegation of mothers
— — — — — — — — -- otter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ;0
Special Until June 19 nvCi, Lqckwood, CU.-inton. She tWe for the Weekend were: Wialk in the vidlwty of the -grave Mrs. G. patter and. Mrs. H. th& purpose of the meating was Stanley and Bayfield, and SOS committee- members
predeceasied' him in 1960, Mr. and Mrs., J. Fisher and •being specially designed to re- Murch took . devotions,. Mrs. to state facts as they affected A vlUnage, resident, who�e son itch was sympathetically re -
Child's Permanents St. Agathe; Mr. those in, former school sections had' attended Bayfleld's
Barr was a grocery mer- FxaV1k and_duce noise, so that three, people Pofter spoke on Rear. Morgan's . I two- cetvedl by the Hon. C. S, Mae -
Re . $5.00 .for $4.00 chant ft�4 Toronto until his re- Vbs. E. Heintz,- Waterloo; Mr. could. walk abreast, towards the address at Alma College. ;Xn. 3, 4, 9, and Bayfield. r0cmed school, said that his Naughton, MPP, Huron.
,9 grave, silently, d Mrs. Potter at- Chairman OddRdefson called son, had graduated.from, C -ISS - jai 0ddleff
tiremexxt. In, 196.2 he, moved. and Mrs. C. McAuley, Rex M, Batki an I Ohairman son, pointed
dale; A& , and Mrs T. Hutchin- From there they went -as the scb_ on the Reeve of Bayfield, Ba?1j7 -last year, at 16 and a half
,ZULT PERMS.. from, Toronto, to WbAby. to tended �delegates, to out that if deprived of its sch-
$5.40-$7.5 1 0-$10.00 He •-is surviviedby a daughter, son and family, Wolodstock; Mr. Mmmt Vernon and 'toured the oul for leaders. affier F. A. Clift, to start pro; years of age. He also questioned ona, Bayfield would -be the only
M,$. j. I -I. (Ruth) -McBride and Ifts. P. Mur may, T�ronto, home and estate of George and Mrs. M. Blaitkin and two other ceedings by reoding one of three what benefit might have ac- incoppovated village in Huron
and $112.00
and Mr: and Mrs. C. Guest and Martha Washington; 7bey then members plan an a4tique dis- briefs, prepared to ensure that crueld, had the 'child travelled County without a school situa-
WWtby; one grandchild, and
CIA, S4 end Styling ' r their son, from Wh4by. Mowed the path through the: play on June 17. -the public was. made aware of an, estimated 30,000 miles, thus ted w1thin.1ts, boundtries.
Included one brother, Earl, ]XIdgetown.
Rev, John Smith, - of St. Professor -and Mrs. Kalb- park taking them past the tomb The group was invited to Lon- the facts, spending a full school year or Membem of the West Stanley
For Appointment. Madc,s United Churph, Whitby, Medsch of Lqndon, spent the of the Washingtbn's. At the d,esboro churdh on May 30, 8 BAg. Clift told the audience over 1,000 houit, -in a school Save Our School comnAttee are:
funeval serv&ce weekend at their cottage. whaxf a steamer waWwalting •to pza. when Rev. Mathm will be that two elected, school board )>Us. He indicated, that time chairman, Mrs. Leroy Poth; see -
Phone 15 Bayfield c'�dfted the was at% and. Mics. Ray Bentley, take theril back to, Washin members had appealed to coon- would be more*prottalbly spent retary, Mrs. E,` W. Oddleifsion;
Friday, May 7. Interment m gton. the speaker.
20-1-2-3-4b in.Pine ffi%ls� Cemetery, Torontol. Jeffery and Scott, and' Mr. and Both Mrs. Hopson and Mrs. Bambara Syn-16ns played twoc
- @l for support due;,to absolute in study or recreation,, ' vice secretary, Mrs. J. E. Hb -
Mrs. Leo Martelle all of Lon- i3ailey said that they had a p1a4lo, solos during the, lunch disregard of all efforts on their , Another resident pointed out vey; members, Mrs. j. Maynm,
don, were guesIs on Sunday of thoroughly enjoyable trip, hour. t to convince the,Yownslidp statistics showed the rapid jack Sturgeon, ulrgeon, Frank McFlad-
1�ft. and, Mrs. Ken Mackle'and •School Asea. Board that the growth of urban areas, and the den Russell Snider, Arthur,
fan,4ry. wishes of BaAeld, area roll- migraition away from small are- F�1, Paul Steckle, Gordon Frb,
Happy W. and Mrs. Otto Srnale and and others not yet elected.
T -T baby Darlene 9f Hensall, v1pht- sideding. She said that in 10 years or
I Bayf ieldc' ut News d"Xm0me0,
they - so, Bayfield and the adjacent
VA -a. L S ed wff As Previously reported; cairn- ed t parents, AR. 'h
oil at their meeting on, May 3, lakeside area could furna
and IT". A, Roy Fitzsimmons Scouts ors camp at the Salvation
As Advertised In Our Spring and Summer Catalogue on, Sunday, permitted some discussion of more pupils than the whole of
1pbell 71he regular meeting on May Army Camp North of Bayfield_ the em, and adjourned to Stanley Townshap. if this be -
Wk. and Mv, •Don Can Guides prob]
allow ratepayers to, form the came the case, long distance
and family, of Dom Mills, spent 11 included -a talk by Sgt. Gar- Lynda Pierson received her nucleus ransportation, of the, bulk of
the weekend at the Fisher tort- don Ebel, fire chief at RCAF
1 of a "Save Our School" t
Religion and Life award on Sun- connnittee to deal with the pro- public school students could be 0 AND PROPER KNOWLEDGE
tage; Mrs. Munroe Fisher, and Station Clutton. The talk was day, in the preseftce of the. blem Sint MEANS A tor,
W Swan are t6uring in Europe.' *tended by"the Guides. a needleso 'and expensive bur -
SILVER StAt 7 Sgt. Ebel gave instruction. on , Guide Company at ninity An- Reeve ClIft, continuing, read ' it WHEN IT " COMES TO HEATING
Stephen Scotchmer graduated glican i0hurch. EL report by School Inspec"
IRONING, with hocriours this past Saturday the claj�ca-Uon of fires ac -
4 Cubs 1Unkead and' Burrows, re first Year Bowl WE E
at. Grant Hall, Kingston Univer- cording to the nature of t1le * At the regular meeting on ding that a simple central Bowler BE E �N
PAP SEF) sity, where he received his BSC. combuodble matelial and * the menMay :10, David Renner Was of- ;cl ol be bdUt near Brucefield.
,Tg[�WH. coated His parents Mr. and Mrs, A. F. -correct 'type extinguisher for fidla[Ily 'invested in the presence Brig Clift pointed 0' Wins Trophies
I that
EASIER, - I Scotichmer, Bayfleld, and his use in each case, He also lec- Of h1s parents, Scoutmaster and the d�olsjlon had been forced Two trophies, were presented
$ 3.7 SMOOTHER �1 pleCe Cookware Set Wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. tured on the correct procedure Mrs. Percy Renner. . on Bapheld area by the arbi- 1to Miss Rita Flynn, on Friday
IRONING lJoyd 19tue, GbdeAch, were at to follow it fire breaks out in During the remainder of the
trary removal of two legally- evening, May 7, at the bowling
7 the paduation ceremony and the home.
evening, games instruction elected school board represen- banquet of the Ontario
remadned for the weekend. On May 14 and 15, Scout Hospital
were followed by a camp fire. tativeson the grounds that they Bowl -mg League, Godemicb.
OU PONT APPMOVED FINISH Mr. mond Mrs. L. B. Shilth Michael ,Gallant, Lorne Merner Tentative plans were formu-
resided in Bayfield. They were 4 A -first year bowler, Miss
returned home on Monday from and Te=5� McClinchey attended lited for a Cub Camp On 'May replaced by a single -appointee Flynn, won the ladles? high 4
Welland where they had been a Huron DistrIlet Patrol Lead- 22.
from Bayfield 'and an extra �slngle with ascore of 271, A
0 member from Stanley Town- Member of the Winning team',
SUTTER = DUE S, lap* Rdta was also presented With
Eugene McAdam, Prop. Phone 482 Councillor Wonders
-7023 LONDESSOPHO tH6 trophy for the championship
w k team.
10% to 50%
AUEAN 'Wool Slacks & Bermudas
KORET' Cotton 'Knits
DALKEITH Wool Sweaters
SHAM -1.0C X Blouses
EA 0Battling t I g Suits
al Prid6s Oh Malahy-M06 1+0MS
(Piro ! 11
Month of May Aiiniversary Salo.
Fathor Congratul Pots Cub Son
Scoutmaster Percy Renner of the Virst Bay.
field Scout Troop congratulates his son David, after
he was enrolled, as a cub in the, Bayfield Pack.
Cubmaster Sack MadVicar, shown at the -rear offici-
ated at the initiation ceremony
(Photo by Mrs...80chamber)
Cm-ftmencing Sunday, Mar 23
acrd continuing throughout the
SiUmmer months, thp service od
morning prayer will be held in
St, Jones Cfiutich, Middleton at
hf-401-4 Mr, and Mrs. m14n, White of
4, BUMQ WIff Ottawa visited on Sunday with
t1le; Clinton area,
A ZMrAF relatives di
Mr, Al White formerly of the
• "CA" Cl irntan, an naw cinployed
by tyre
ing Branch, -and has bee3i ta»
tending a conference In London,
"Accidents are 1brm of
social sldloidW" says the :Ron,
X 8. Dymond, M:D, C, M.
Ohtwo Minister a Health, 96ho
JACKMF ER pikko OiNfAtlo, Safety Letague ri
roen, preven ive irxexl%ine.
,dose, for drivieft Is two C.bls-_
Came and Cauum, c1ons4dem.
. .... ... ......
.......... . :._ .. ....... .
Mr. aald Mrs. Ed. Youngbilut
took in the four-day conducted
bus tour to Washington last
week, which was sponsored by
the Clinton Women's Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. David Mair of
Detroit visited last week with
Mrs. Robert Fairservice. Miss
Ann Flairservice was also home
for Mother's Day weekend,
Dave Ewan is again a patient
in Clinton Public Hospital un-
dergoing treatment for a heart
Mr. and Mrs. William Hamil-
ton, Moorefield, spent the week-
end With M17. and Mrs. Robert
r1hompson and family.
Mrs. Umbel Scott and Ms.
B. Allen, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alister Broadfoot,
The Airnwell unit of the
UM, held' their meeting at the
home of Mrs. Ross Lovett on
Monday evening. , -
ri,rnea7 Hathaway of Court
right Will occupy the pulpit
next Sunday on behalf of the
Ontailb Temperance Federation,
Coundfflor F. McFadden said
that he -felt there were many
contradictions In the official re
polft to date but that he was
struck by a statement concern-
ing the Kindergarten -proposed
for the 16 -room school. He won-
dered' whether this, meant that
five-year old children would be
away from home all day or
Huron County
Farming Report
(By D. H. Miles
Agricultural Representative
for Huron County.)
"Plantbag conditions vary
cobddorably throughout the
county, some have finished with
grain and corn, while others
have Just nicely started. Storms
with hall and frequent heavy
rains in a spasmodic pattern
have caused this condition.
"Pasture and hay fields are
making good growth despite
soiree frost' damage, Cattle are
nearly all out to pasture. Wheat
looks fairly prondsing."
And Every Friday Night During The Season
0 Finger-Tio ftd ... world's
LAWN BOY eaeiest
0 Exclutivd cto"Mof
* Uftm-Ught Magi*sluln
}i COi1StrUCtlOtl
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POWER MQW R 6 Overslize Muffler 4
quietest mower of all
9'hp. enginb
46 9 yede Warranty
out LAWN -96Y b6dier It
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