Clinton News-Record, 1965-05-20, Page 1-eco_ -ERA qr TK N�W, Mh yp -THF,,H0RQN RK9RP­.­ -PnO Year 1_4 Too pages One CUNTON, QNTAA16 96 4,00 ent Plektqpi�j� 0 thepMtdpSt .9 jn� H19ing f0pr Wi Npw�. Y!pq ag Of juron County 1,104, niqw, V 'Vou-0.1 of-' tile, jtrid over field Rjv6r, Q01," �v_vomen x.nuit 00� the view i om'.i ay, ur of the bill o4 13ay Highway 4, d tho rive, itsw .r 44 1, '74 d View', the Varr *94pd gre-dim, in the tre sur- esen te _s o spe o urrows oS. -V n in t r B, roundi. g It.more #ian en - I , _. Sato I'm svwe all -'of Burrows I_ School . He p'p) there'w�w Still jioffi� permwion The schopi boards ��t�shades of Kripen,arepa- wd wor tpw rds nt In*e0or, TueWw afternoon ing,jA writing to indicate that then vote to k a rc- M%jWe 'es frw om gntraft sebool or s those billsand ilothifig, j16,6n9W, Former 'Me ha 1 4 three ladl n'Bay- 'that W timot' has' bVenr Bayleld's, Saw b � I s, a ed, but c V�d chools 0 -Wtgt.e�t ever field's ','Swe OtW SQb9oiV1.co&- the 'vMmen th�at a. co4ldL Prq e gTaded ealicatiM "Do you MOM, to. say. tbatthe five tp three'majority vote a- WRIJ. Perdue mmee, that he would PZfit rw"Aded WVd Parmtsuf child1rezi -and thO Pe -Q - dA 3 WOUIP slow down, their (request for A tw , 8� pwng board mentbers sb ver :D, room, an . d' gyrat addition en- ple at large ftle, V It ffifV� nulght 11 t ius� a,11 them in, fayour of eqmplete _q have no, say in le to Bayfleld% -F School An4 'tr4lizatign at scho m, er?" asked Mrs. Path. K 'je pat .,n facilitiM &tt to as I mauve, myrtles' a 12 -room, central � �cbaoj Af ,,�ou g dn wild "XenlberEi of the board- we Bruc eRd, to; the Stanley ,e- N]ilhiam' Ernept Pebodud, fbr- reAlizp we bavea,qn e A ope" �d board," Sal arents abandon, on AbQr, I _4,., .,,hey 4 Township Sd ,*I Side a Mrs. Cleave, there to represent the p weave. a pastel cgaV6f%,f6r,tbe 01r,1111 PVTOner in SutterPerdue h, -,Area Board,, , and in turn the chilcTren, from 'That has nothing to do with .'Mai6sele treest,tw &wp, for- so" harc prdbab�y at.the Aine, 2 Meeting, their Areas," -replied. Burrows lWoreand one of ,.Afs ;� B many years formeda graceful urrows, met. wlthMrs, Lerdy rae," answered� B.uM.w$, �"TheY will make the deoisim'.." eption en died poth., an qf the ,� , plainod. that When sch- Most - c1*!-m1TTded, m 30S , He 6x Tuesdlay d, cha= Eleote . 0 Members mied -and, th* VLlsit�ml. h, Victoria Hospital, Oommittee, Mrs, E, W_ Oddleff- 001 jK010116 b0t11 in StaTaey.and London. He; was hi his 83rd son'and Mrs, James Cleave in Tuckersmith asked to be re- The tr!0,'eXPressed their be - year, Txeter to discuss Bayteldis con- leased �o attend �.schools'more lief that the original oleption �­Learned lastweel� that when The. tuneral service Will b tentlon that Strong public opin- ��ccessible to, them, their re$Pec- for school board members Was - Clinton ,has, 'a rain, a,434hiDg e ton should be heard and con- tive. coundils, had denlett them the voice of the people. They held- Filday, .21 from the Sider, hap May can , pen. ed Strongly crfticlz�d the legal a& 0 Beattie riunewa Hmne" $5, R#t. tion that forced them to. drop Just a0aSs,'tbe street from Kinsmen Minor, Raseball Under WC1 Report Aired )Xce y tenbu Street East at 2 o'clock, I me Dayfleld representative in 'the News,�jRa(zard off' a Clin. -Elect Mnsmen' favour of another member from ton businessmaq�. was ha�,ing 4 The coaches and managers of the f our -team Kinsmen Peewee baspball lea- P.M. A ingsonk service is being , The'Bayfleld oamn-&tee-came vislb.le: problem.. It was a. questw 946 have their,hands full -this year with over 70 players signedup. Tiger coach held at the funeral home- to- right ta, tbehea�t -of the matter .4 They �ndlcated that theL ion.. of watex, water every- Ken.Clynick is shown here p! n 3 game. �t, night at '9 oldlock. When they questioned Burro ; Andy'Peterson pre- cking his . ihe-man team fdr,Mondayl., where'but i . * -a drain 0 take ClintoWPublic School.grounds. H,§,L choice must have been alright bec4Vse his Mr. Perdue had, been a.rnera� on his; apparent Jack of sympa� sent school board was preju- team- beat'. ]�ert Clifford's Indians 5-3. (�Iew&-Pvecord Phpto) ber of C1inton,'Publ1c Utilities. thY for taYfield's cause. -The Next Pr(!sldept dicedand -that ill feelings exist - Iii the midst, of the torrent, 5 1 Commission ror $2 years-,. over. ladies wonderec! why Burrows ed between BayAeld and Stan- . ..... . . . . ........ ......... .... �, ha led the Village ratepa the vfflage�s re. lail-type c1midburst, the yooi df of this timehe was chair- had ley because of yers At Tuesday night' -s me incorporation, over Red Garons , !'Speed n active mason to believe that a school in Bayw eting not and shriner, And jpst la§t field was, Wash!', -looked 111�e - a btoken Hensall-Child maA. lie was� a -only feasible, but Of Clinton- Kinsmen Club, Mrs. Oddleffson repeated that P�eterson� was elected �Aood, gate. - The water poureO Andy month was electedes eSi- acc6ptable, and then put his vice -W, Bayfield bad no objection to -a �7q ­­ i N" band to,a rep dent of Clinton and District ortadvdcatink the R motion ofa 16 -room cen- presIldent f or the 1965-66 central school at Brucefleld but earthward into tan already full 0" eave and Dies After term. stres.sec! that since the rate - dawn -pipe, causing ;W Chbmber, of Commerce. 0ansti payers he.moistener to spill over 1b Mr. Perdue retired from the tral s6hool at .13"tucefield, thu's in,the area of Baybead -i askiing ol at Bay side of the, roof and do its IS1011 hardware business on July,2, proposing the* scho had signed -a petiboa ` Auto CoM t e dampening dirty work, ori the 1963, when he and J., A, S11ttex field be closed, that the BaYfleld school be util- 5Q& ANDY 5 HENSALL Kimberl" zed for the west end,of Stan,. sidem�alk below. sod Sutter -Perdue Ltd. to,]Qu- "I am in favour of th e cen- PETERSON Apparently die drain -off to zel Corbett, 5 -year old daughtOxl gene. McAdam. trhl. schlool," admitted Burrows. ley, that plea. should be con - the street.,,gutteT, 0as plugged, of And Mrs. Ross Corbett, Bbrn in, Goderi Township I "But Idid not exclude the pos- Clintoh Kin, I sidered. ch t1h. a. long slendj�r !,fish— -son of the�, late Mr. and Mrs, sibimy of doing somethting in She Said that some board so wi. RA I Exeter, died late Tuesday *Olell and:a determined water- evening fTom injuries- she rg- Willi -am Perdue, he iPent his, Baytield. The project did not resident- membeav were "hahgtng like.a iplashed� face, 'Red - se-V'about ce4ved when she 'was hi dollis- early y I ears in the United States seem to have jupport from the Elect dog to a bone"' to, their ideas of totall Icentralizatioai. to unclog. the &ain. ion with a car Mbfiday'ln Hen- at various job�. Board. Time -after7 time - under, the sail. In July 1,919 he returned to Others elected were: first (Continued on Page 12) 'peltlng'r�dndrqp�, he poked At X . imberley; ta kindergart4w Gader-loh. Township and in Jul vice-president David Beattle __0 the relentless pipe under the student At Hensall -Public Sch- iq2Q went hito, partnership with epresident, Robert y 135 Patients. second vie siderwalk. Th�., anly- break he ool, was crossing tha main John A S�utter. Mann, secretaM Larry took was to occasionally 6xt street to her mother's c4r, when Mr. Perdue was apast presi- Jones; treasurer, Steven News-Recdd Will iftto the store to thew�el,&=e she was struck by a vehicle dent of Clinton. 141ons; Club, ln Local Hospital Bromm.;. bulletin editor, Clar- p absorbpncy, of- a w�Ating vivid operated by Met Zw*I,, 26, RR -(194748) and in earlier years ence Dimomme; assistant bul- ublish All phiR towel..Not until thestorm Hensall, oneof the, club's Vest'support- letin. �ditor, Dave Ferguson; stopped, did- the battle end. She was taken by ainbulance err.. The Clinton Lions will at- During"April' directors, Alan Finch, Bert 'Pictures' Just what or. hwo Grods I �vas victor�, to Vilatoria. Hospital, L�)ndon, te#d the funeral in a, group. Clifford an(i William Flem- lin ibus wecould.not tell. from our suffering head, chest- and ab:- 0 Tom Steep, administrator at ing. 'Ous axii'd Vkutage point, bat, this we dominal -injuries. C1jntafi.Pubh1c,H6srj1taJ, told.the This -11 take of-. The News�Record is amm St execudve wi 'of ':M6nd#y,, f1c hnow, Both Nature and -,Red SuMvors includblier Board 06" -to Oublish the pictures and pox- foughiaimd fQht. and- we: The fl�dl Str6te''g y, two brothers, Steven and Jid�, ag omorrow., evening that $�1,328.30 W�'ais''-the Act'aars, of All. Clinton and area the better one won. frey, bath att home; and h total money paid out during the, students, who are graduating s1u" Three CHSS teachers talking over baseball grandparerAs., M . and. month of April with $21,20b.34 4res. To'Raise Funds 'bers' colleges, univer- strategy prior to Monday's Kinsmen baseball game., John- C)GrbettRR I Exeter, And of thart amount representing C of C Banquet '�rftznels, teaucrsing schools and vari- I woilld judg% �,fmm my cur- I I From the left they are, Brian Heyes, overall chair- Mr. and- Mrs. J. Harvey Taylor, air wages. ou§ other institutes of bigiber, rent experience with a nine- -shown here reviewing the first booklet printed by Varna. For1r. Hock He Said records show there learning this spring. year old smand my cbnversat- asch,, coaches. On the right is Tiger catcher Brian The 'private funerd service ICY bad been 135 patients admitted, Meeting Tonight Graduates or parents, and ion with othqrmothers -of other Edgar -who hasJust made a perfect throw to second will'be from the 8onthron Fu-' The officials -who are tryinn� 13 bables born 361 x-rays tak- friends of graduates Should forr- sow about that age, that' -the -lensall, 6n Friday, to rai�e nlMey topU�rehase, gifts en, 94 su- The Clinton and District ward bliack and white photos Shoe Stores are having quit'e a' ba:s6.'. (News -Record photo) neral Home, I rgival operations per- Chamber of Commerce sp May 21, at 2 p.m, Rev, Haxo1d for. Clinton, .D,, Ont fornied, 1,353 lab units done rIng not over two inches wide and run on sneekers., s junior dinner meeting is being Currie of Heniall United Chu,r- axio chan1,p1-9njhjpho,14tey team, and 6,099 meals served during held full details giving the name of W,ith the baseball and field (OU60(il. (I ch will officiate. still needs lots of donations to the same period. tonight (Thursday) in Ehn the graduate, place and date of day season up -coming, the light- 0 b1r. Steep annoubeed he 'Haven Motor Hotel at 7 ol- graduation, the degree held by lamps f. achieve their goal. weight, rubber -soled, traction- Dowil 1:,date only $93.91 has been would not be present for th& 'clock. the graduate, any special a - giving running def- inite and, absolute MUST., With ''Cenotaph Funds turned in. During. the past week Board of Governors meeting in slipes awe. a Main topic of discusSion wards or honours conferred on the following persons donated: June. He leaves to enroll in a will be on 'proposed street the graduate and, the place of thern boys'ean become compet- On Firaworks' Laws course on hospitca administra- changes in downtown Clinton. employment following gradua- %0 7W Don Xiy, $5.00; C, J. -Liver, itiorr' for Mickey Mantle Or Drive, Mon.,, June., more, $5.00; Bob Draper, $5.00; tionat the University of Mani- All persons attending will tion, Bruce Mdd. Without them, -the lack toba on. May 30 and will no� have a chance- to express There is no charge for this budding atheletes: of Grades i Clinton Town Council, in by- cy explosives-. Clinton and District , Ceno- 'Doug Thomd1ke, $2,00; � St., return until the end of June. their opinions. service. three, four and five are useless; aw 15, 1965, has made the I. 'Remember that younger taph Committee will, caWass Livermor6, 765 Little Grey sale London, $2.00and $1.50 miscel- ineffective, barren of the ability , exploding and setting oft chifidren N�111 always be fastin. the town for funds on -Monday, of fireworks. unlawful except on laneoml� Jon�Jtions. to produce'speed. the "two business days prior to ated by firewolks and make a June 7, Members of the town's At press time yesterday, a in our part.of the country, Victoria Day and Victoria Day," glood audience, ;but they should four service clubs will canvass $15:00 donation came from Bar- calour �is, almost, as important A fine of from $10 to $25 may NOT participate in, the actual their 'usual wards: �t. An& tlfffs Bakery Limilted. 13 Ginton Kinsmen To Attend as the * Shoe itself, Sneekers be imposed on persons disre. ffiiln�- of the pieces. rew'g, Lions Club; St. James', must be wWte, must be laced garding the warning. 2. One. person should be in Legion; St. John% p1sl, And Stag Friday Night a like a skate boot to enable them Those persahs who Still, want Th,19 bylaw hereby repealing charge of the display. Game Club, and St. George's, to give towards the champion - to be -drawn up tight, and must 8. With tl e si gl c t n en Clu Dist ict C."onvention In Buffalco bylaw 30, still provides that 1 "n e Ox L -P 10 Kinsm b. Ship hockey team may attend never ever be cleaned. of sl)arklevs, NO firework is - There is one thing to be said public bodies may sponsor fire, designed to be held In the hand Headquarters for the drive a stag night in Clinton Legion Members of the Kinsmen convention, The hos t I-Chr club Hamilton. in TavoUr of those SM011Y add- Works ditplays at anytime un- will, be the Legion hall And hall tamorrow (Friday) night, Club of Clinton will attend the is Port E rie and naturally, they Business at t6a convention when lighted. Older children starting time, will be 7 &clock. The $1.00 admissl9n, gives you District I Convention being held h itions to the wdrdt-obe. , they der' the supervision of compe- should be taught to participate Imn ave caftle up Nvith a "race wM include the campaign for leal of the tent individual*. and when spec. � iediatclY after the calWass, a chance dn the draw for three in B f on May 21, 22, 23 and track" therne, for the conven- the next distZict governor, and eliminate a good t under adult suporvh,�Ion. uf alo, noise that usually tators are not likely to be in- the Cenotaph Committee Will Wood golf clubs donated by J. 24. tion in Buffalo, accompanies t 4. Read the printed instime' meet to plan future steps if H0,Nvard 131.qnsdo-ft. the next Xinnette governor; excited little boys who 'rush, lur0das a Tesul tions on each piece, mid Local delegates to the Con- Clinton ExecittiVe processing 16 resolutions and home with'the news,'VeY Mom, Monday, May 24, is Victoria the ar er of Wing. Kee Plan not enough money is collected, The- con�mlttee composed of in d p in il,,other sports� vtntion, and their wives Are ards and trophies. 'M awt my jeahs." Day, and is part of the first mind that the flring lo'cat*ion eve Ing, chaired by Oeorgb m ' Would to� collect and Mrs. Robert Mann, Mr. and Kinsmen District One which as I've got a big hole &t the meeting laqtThursday team -Of�ftclals and T1, ie fuAl. executive councal. of presentation of several district en long holiday weekend of the should ba clear of ove"rhead ob- Wohch, it was learned that the enough money to, purchas`� Mrs. David Beattie, Mr. mid from the Clinton club and head- Visit L, 01110 " eami. According to Clint0l"8 structions, trees or wiring, cost of the 16 suitable Mrs. Larry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. od by District Governor Mait traditional fitbworks 5, Ass ble -foot high ce'10- iacketg� or Some other Over last weekend, Governor era bdekets or boxes tkph to be, built in Library gift for 25 players, and tnanage. BIR Fleming and President Toni Edgar, will. attend. This' will be AAdt Edgar and district secre 'eeney, C.S.WcNaughton nbiya-lyawbe, enjoy ed. of sand or a wheelbarrow filled Park would be $4,253,00. Ad- and' Mrs. T� of the last official functions tary, ir However the 'following re- with earth to, be used aS Your d tio one Bill Chowen and their. Presents, 04. Book fninders are reprinted hete fw ffiling base. 1 nal money will be required Also attending -vV!ll be presi- of the District Cou:ftdl,- Men'* %vives attended a convention ot your safety when using the fan- (Continued on Page 12) for proper faotinga' and Im id- dent -elect Andy Poter'son, who bert. of the counoU are pictured the Active 20-30 International ocaphig, VART11 SAFETY DIRMS Was elevated to that position in adjoining columns. hi Wooster, Ohio. This group, To Huron Museum The white gr*te ceno"p" V A=, AS ACROSS CANADA on Tuesday evening, Approximately 1,000 persons Along with the Canadian Kins, 18 being ordered from T, Pry'de rates The Clinton delegg are will be attending ftvm District men are members of the Young F and Son, ownert 'of Clinton While Cana4a has no national dressing as "green horses" to One which covers a triangle Men's Servlce� Clubs�- within The '1464. ChUrles S. Mac - Memorial Shop, It is, expe�atcd &.ftn safety week yet, farm fit in with the theme of the from Windsor to Collhigwood to World Council. Nailghton, Anister of 141gfiw the montrial will be erected in safety m, upaigns will be con - Ways for Obtal-io has presented ojv Augusti ducted in eqrtain areas during to the Huron C661tY Historical A replica of the cenotaph will the summer period. Ontarlo Soolety'an old minute book dat- be erected on a float and Cant- plam a farm, safety week from '&p; 'I" g ed 'back t�, 1904. Llred in the parade on Clinton May 30 to June 5. The �rairie it is a cotnplete recorld of the SPring Fair Day SaturdhZ Provinces will observe a farm then -Liberdl Conservative As- June 5. S&ety drive from Jul, y. 25 to 91, tod�AIUon with date_,:� places, and maThes, of many. well known AUb* ODUnty people., It is "*ften In longhand in C08o ara 11, Pay. TheirDebt .4. ia permanently bound book ano shows the gradW� change frtldih the Viberal 00)�Servative party To Ret Comm, ittee for Park tD the PXogress1lv� Consetva- While CHSS Board will pa� saiaOotmtdr, The 4nvb1ce from 'The Histo ft" Nal 90clety Will its $250 d0ht to CH01011'9 Red- the' rLi-ttleation, <&6nm1tte6 had redtibh COnunittee, at xna-de ffidleated the chArges weiv'foor vh�w this precious, valtune, in the aftlivos, which. will bci -sot swift strides toward 'tho 000- t964 alone, �truotlon of. the loying. counter lain ct e new J-Itlroh County bield planned to the n0rtil"Of tibn dofi=itfee fin& the park wing presently being. th-6 Scihooli Ivqhireg addlUmol lawn mow. Not�nan 06tinter tind George ing, rclling and cleWlIng when ti�attfe two board members it is jased riegula, *,, by �lg000 tho Woothef a last month t6 Auddift a 'Ared,_.�' JAe reported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'rdbet with offichIA'd thO rec th4t, unless Vie $ZO t&Okmt Judge �if Historical S06 cdlhTnitteO conc6nivg 016 illse wag Pald the paric ftiid hdto -on on a recent ,M,Igh I iety meetolhq Th6 full ek4au&6 Of Xinsmen bistriot No. I rhet in Clint 10gh Low M-rs, 'W' d Clinton ComnitiftitY Park, be t6 dksd at &. t t w6elwhd td atrange for the distridtlg convention In V ort 8rie this -weekend, May 12 11 42 67 41 D. Mack, Ctediton Who was reently �i told their assodAfts last Wed- n�ght,�'May 1�# 0. tb "i0tfot C&&A May 21 tO 24, Front t6W1,16ft tO Ajht� torhO Coleman -Chathaffi 'dep. gov,� zone 13 61 - to r&-elteted President Of FlUrofi )CoUntV J-Jjstorjc�l I neSday bi 61f ftt thO'Otltstand- Insnecubn on SW 2L C� !an Belton M&af6rd,'dep­. g6v.0 ZdAti B,- M ICAV,� C lht6n, dlstriet,co-o6r- f . i ' . '�ffln f-1. . t . I 14 '70 ' '34 59 43 Ing bM to the CUSS b%M I.t F '15, 40tY and RUrbh JUdge R. 140therihgt Robeg AM Xdfrr Ldhdqn� d6p, mo 10 '44 �6 �8 On are the Rec CkAnmllftee re it�enfcd t"ney,preseht6d inVoice, from dinatot, al ClInton district govern6k ftt .5 man of the Xin leagw; Xen Clynick -atid Vie bArl. gar') 6 vight,'Prank C6ok 16 -V 56 12 41 rent fbk the ydars 1962i �M thi� ch-Aton JWd t tOnd D, 1:)oug- Butt St. 0ithatineg, zone Ba�k r6Wt,'l6ftt$ CMrdt ee not - 17 Q 47' 78_ 86' tha society, 15ach, Yn4mber of the s6diety ndeiwig p 11 11 phairmall Z11 mid 1964.r bwlet editor, AhdY Pef6i's6fir, tteag&er' 1<L:1n'8dOft 6k. & :§Jo 1 L, eide 11 84 '13 140, f "7hat pUt A- jdWeitenf 001111 on thd 0�� Sc Idt Denornine iftf6ft0LtfOn6-ff1eeV andG h G1)1gg,,:, 18 'One of the ftei� booldd-ts 'On. the early histoky 6 Chow6n, s MAI n C rpho�v 1), 6kdo lWh�-,OWI 1WMM11 AUtOn. (Ph&6 bP 91i. Brddfto&)� PUMbift ­bh 'tfie' A616 "t'hkg," (C6rfflnJJed o'ft"Page, qwd) diAtict Mild Coifildil Adiftano all'OP"Clint6n, XdWg �e;;Xj ....... . .. ... .. .... . ..... .............. .