Clinton News-Record, 1965-01-07, Page 6;intoe ;ir+to�vs*�!i�caird�Tftur�,, .Jatrup� . 7'., 0EAWTIF.M. DRIEEZY-, A 1011, By U40HAMBER P 11'l'r, �?d Mx"csa�JeWa ll`rysdal 17s� Ikt:� Hr*b��i�4 e 4MW. Im ode for $.aO.OQ vau ax�xarnzXce rhe l bill :for first pz'e, and n $IQ,OC T of a ,t 4?g'htexs Mari' Ma?r ?ret, tau #am second pili, Mrs, O"ha Jllnu y > 7965, at Som rur, QW41izlabam, f :(7an kt�on:was ?e PERSONAL ITE�!t R " i 1 VILLAGE art � tx ,. 940ter., A slsW winner of �e At# prize, a?xd: A _...'� H RC." NAW 4 CLUB ACr`7<'IY_T, 9 .' ,A Y_ ... AGE HAPPI I,NGSr #or, Jill, Ciaue4nce vollattd :of Heail' Corm, nd�nfc AUDRE BE CMAM Eft ,- P fie 'AT!p,. pd: Mr$, Hawn►ra . Alin$ won •t,he second prize ;nee ]$ ?, RR. 1-, Zurich, were for the 1.3, in& fur}d, $Oscriptions, C-lgssified Adys., ;Display Advs, -and Job, Rr. intin . axrxwune0 taiie lxiatla oar cis^ son Allan 'Reid of Henea kv�as: elft ;c,c epltpd by the Bayfield cgr�esA4ndertt t St. Jasepi�'s Hospistal, Lon- e ►^k er of the money dill' d..Femb'ex ;ill, Yaiued at $25.00., _drawing; his osda xri s lays. past .f4n"t t d d Dr, Mets xn. Till- t X12 11N'l, a brother` for Gloria, ;lean Owen ticket, The pirpject wa+s' Hu t . e4s Ts?1? 1 P . a�? Lor .. an acid W>lliia. u?*ned to , . rkbo?? last wick 1V?feg?ilbk a of Hex�sall. Wa?nen p. spax4sored: by tb.e Legion Ladzes weelK. ,m-$arlpa visiting his TorMta, map{ -1)4 .incl Mzs; :J. Wd am, . a:. Au�i!l�a!ry, .Jia�'�, . Dpys�l4 . e� woe► after spex>;ding rlst is Wit 14$#t4 w!)I. ai�!I t on Act aunt end, uncle. Mr`. and Mrls, Mr,..and Mrs. x?'alc'k Sfie:war't t�'ne�,; 'Mr d..7,1�frs, J. Beechie a tih� Qhr�fmas .cafe .- Mrs, A. and Mr and .Mrs, Gre Mr; and 1Vfrs. Cert Diehl, , t GF TPI,; LOYxSliar?, xn th Tullx, we m 1 andon over the tela N b'oa",i',. D near future. The l??$ram tYill J, ArYsdata the five pou�?d Mil , Jessie L, Metcalf re= clay. se'ason}. Lonatnx:, xeesed 'The Artbron Ha- enais Logan and lV1gf .BeiIl tel Thu ;.' to Sandia Chaxnbe ret- to L4ndorc4 bn • be 'taped s5alturday, January 4• C ,chocalfaltes• Throws were made, turned io Dettrollt on Sunda,Y, Mr, and. Mrs, Robert .Cloff of f3o'm rwaY .. ' lixid Mr and Mzss. Gary Brander- Christ Frye .at 'tlze Legal for a New Ye'ar's bo 'se party. S ' to resuxlae Th r :studies Grill Rc t?au xtt. Tile latter two accaomapanied by Mrs. W. Met S'boney, Cre* Mr, and Mrs', A in ,tli a!t the U�wersity of Weistea�x, ho%t.:of Mount Hope, foxm�iY golf who tori; leave for MAnt: Fl McT:anu hlixr :of oro-nuP+ax1y-._g ....e1?1 Wel"e tAx4r a71 :anmo c e . h dra'1'rs were sponsored by the atahor g T . n Clxntarw. of Hems.. , un e tb biz retlaurtu}t. real at a ;:alter dote. 2Q cku1dKen rand Master Andy of ;thou icon, NJ 1. Docein , ti Mr. and Mrs, Panxl lVTpss of Tao r Bttx xr 1 Bxl.gtad�•ier e:nd Mrs. G, L, Landon and Mr. and Mrs. B' 1 Reldfertn, Toronto, 'Th'e ya?tin'g l� ss _ +ira a Clift returned ter 2$ 196 , At TrwLns Ladies fi,cad,V^tKr- ?l .'cafe si? i a grand tune, slon'g, to .o+Utrawia or; :S'aiturday affter { .. 4 Wear the l dsprerdd wgs Yvan' Morgan Smith returned' n9me %ialier and ;baby of DetMt, Miss Wilmg Brande*orst !togibo gaffing and taking x"ides srpend�ug 01nisttmas and, 'N w on. Thuaday af1r visit h? t g by Peggy Vaxishane, ,and the seen Thursday'tij Sun 'with ;around the village in cutteus, Year's with hese patients. Bei a- underwent surgery in St. �0- O'tfaWm, mrs, Jack_ aufff, , g.. sweater by `Mrs; Clarence Vol - Mrs. Maurice Durham re'- dies and Mays,. T, A. C i t, setts Hospital London, on land. C�ue4ts of Mr..allO Mfrs, A, F: Staying with, Mx and Mrs, H. Monday, De nbw 28,. _ ..... _ . Parke underwent Scoot c mxer last week included: Mrs. Leona li, Ormond last. week. were. ^•- iIxttpnclecX For Last '^Week2 surgery ,aft Clixxton 'Pu'blic Hos- Mr. and Mrs, Bill Bwber Jr,, theifr sop and daughter -in laiw, Mx, and Mrs, �'r�d G, Bon- pilt�l on Mos�dfay, Dec. 2$, Minden; Miss Sharon Bal and their family, Mr, anti :Mrs,'t�hron left on Monday for' Flor- Mr, and ' Deeves St. Thomas,' XA$ Carolyn David Ormond, Lucy, Brbmand Adastral- utla where they yyill slyexrd tl#e t a Mx$. ASk�r.Downham, Stx'allfoad, and Mr. S' tee h of Livo. la, Mic�h:r also; � wignitex monlibs, spent Christmas with members J. McLeod, Toronto. Mrs Harald March, CaxnWn, Qh>?:stangas visitors with Mr, of their +iain'izy in Lambeth. . Mr, and Mrs, Stephen $catch- Ohio, sand Mrs, J, E, Kulbach Dai d guests with. Mrs. mei' returned to Kin scan on -and her dale++gb ter Blnzaibeth of Social and Mrs, Wm. Kyle and Al,P,1 .of Harry Caldiwe�1. were 1VIx, and g Ku+t pen, were Mr. 'and Mrs, Har- Mrs, Jahn D. 1VXoare; Janice incl Sunday, N4iVV York Cilty..old Caldwell anti Jamie, Mr and David, Stratford; Mr, :and Mrs. News �dltfAr: Anne Alexon�,�-.-, Phone HU 2,749 Mr's, Julia Fulton of Edmo - Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Lar- Mrs. Fr :c Mansfield and. Paul, . Verne Alderdice, Garry and ton, is ilia guest of her sister San and Kamen, of London, stem' t1 Mrs, Jack Beaudin, Mr, and Mrs,, Tom Kyle :Jr. and Lypne 'Mpppenl Mrs, Edna and brotrher-in-l'aw, Mr, and Christinus with his parents, Mr. lege at Hamilton i +spenrt the boli• Flight Sergeant and Mr.'s; fmilay, L1ayd Verner And Jimi] M Harry . Cagdwe , and r H ry Faber Mrs. Percy' Wesiton, gmd Mrs: R, Larsoxt. days wi th his parents, Sgt. and Earl: Giles �we�re in Oit'tax>!a to VmmV, a>l of Hens'a�l, Mr, and Mrs, Sixty Roobol Mrs, J. E, Hm axd ,and Mrs. Mr. and Mays. L. B. 9n:dth 1 x . P, A. Griffin. visit their &ughttem at, Christ- *.'and Mrs: E, R. Davies, 'spent Christmas Day with Mr.. Robert Blair were m Moortown were in London from Wednes- Vnsitorys on New Year's Day mas. Michael, sand Katy, spent Christ- and Mrs, Fred MacGregor, last Tuesday and Wednesday, day until. Salturday, staying at the home of Wing Commfan- __ � � m>as Day with Mr ;and Mrs. $rucefiead', Mr. :and Mrs, Rfay. Bentley_ with their dau'gh'ter and her der, and Mrs. Lew Lomas wear, WA's Xrbst Meeting Drew Fowler and family, Lon- ' Christtrias guests With Mr. and family of London, ardivW family, Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Rowse, Mrs. fl ofmW xnother, Mrs, P, ..The Womenps Auxiliary held don. and Mrs. N. E', Cook Were Mr. last Thut'sd'ay to spend New They also ousted their son E. Scant from Gaut; Mr. Tong its general mee+tang on Mnndhv,' -Celebrating and Mrs, Gary Corlett andfam- Yeiar's Day wdlhti Mr..and Mrs. Glen, Caxtter fma n Walsh ngton, 'DC el .. riole g Schwalm wubtr DC; January nth at the Cornm'wvilty Mrs, Violet Schwalm were Sy, T.Orontta; Mm', and Mrs. Ro- Keh Miackie and d ardiien. Mr. and Mrk.R, Larson spent ,and Miss Pam Lomas from Lon, d members of her ita:muy: Sgt. Mr's. Wiliiorn Metcalf fins New Year's in Landon with Mr. don. The eang�a:genernt of Miss Marge, Span. The secretary, Diel SchnwWrn; Mrs. Schwakn, and t CMrs.ook DougCoo dand purchased the' Main: S'tr`eet and Mrt. C. Darson and Kraren..Lomas to Mr. Carter was an- Mrs, Gladys. Marshall read the family, Hensall. Rzclty .and' Terry, Peflaw'atwa:; ' . home of 'they hate Mr's.Fanny Miss Mary Howey was' tare nouncecl January x coinnciding minu�tegs of the last meeitirngand Mr. ,and Mrs. Ausftin Schwalma Ri! hardsexi, iiia Keh Mackie guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. with her birthday Mr, suer • Mrs, Dorothy Worth gave the and Susan, St atford; Mr. and • • goats pur'ohlased Ille ]opts; also 6hn Hovey fern ''11vux+sd'ay 'til Sun- is a Anden+t at Arizona State t�rerasurevs report. The nomzina.- Mrts, Lee Schwalm, Elaine, pat/- �r e d Main Street, owned by ,Mrs. G, dray` `last Week. College. ting comxaxiittee rtoolc „over the id acrd Brifan, Haan icon; Mr. * ��` '� � Ca'stler, Mit. W. 'Ti'llxnlan: Natthy Weston .spent last 1Vitiss Margaret Hasgood; Lon- mal tter of the yearly eleritions. and Mrs. Arthrup O'Hara and. Mrs. R. B. J(dlu +stitm re,tdrn i tvefek in London, white her aunt, don, England, flew , to Mialton Mrs. Shirley Servos and Mrs. Peter, London Mr. and Mrt, Wed At Woodstock on Sunday 'after Vending the. Mr's. 'Keil .PAASIsl A'nrpart via BOAC, and Is pre- Vi Marshall were the officials in Jack MacFarlane,. St. Thomas; sertly vidtingher daughter and charge. . son-in-law, Corporal and Mrs. Mrs. Mervyn Schwalm and Brcrb The slate of officers -for the Stratford, !and Ran McKenzie Ronald Marin: new term is as follows: Hon and 'Ray' Schwalm, HensWl Miffs Maureen Bugg has rye- ���,, •, oz+ary president, Mrs. Hazel Other member's from B.G. and u . Entertain:nMent High* ,turned to Br'ocicvutile to resume ;her !stud'ies in nursing at St. Greenaway; 'president, Mass. Stratford were unable to attend AT THE. � Olive Lomas; vice-president, the Chrrsrtmias dinner held at . Vincent de Fact Hospital. Mrs. Shirley Servos; secretary, the New Commercial Hotted in ' . David Mrs. Nettie Barton'; treasurer, Henzall on Sundray. Sergeant and Mrs. Doyle are amply .tta announce , QUEEN'S ITEL Mrs. Dorothy Worth, entertain- MTs,_ .MiamguezriCe Ulclr of !the birth .of a son Stephen, on h ment, Mrs. Jackie Woods; +assts Windsor, Ostwald Bxbwn, Q.C., SEAFORTH December 26 at Gtin�ton Public ' Hospital. rta�mi, Mm. Gladys Marshall; afi�;d Mr's. Brawn of Detroit, � Coma. and Mrs. Yvon Oue- News -Letter, Mrs. Marg. Amar- Mob., were Christmas guests _ .:.... _ . +ault• County Home; Mrs. Marge With N1.r. "and Mrs', Ed, Little, Uat and their children 'have re- turned from a trip to Hull, Que. ST�ano7 NfMr. and Cheryl, I eading Airciraftman Michael Ways' and means, Mrs. Elsie. and Mrs John Soldan Beaudin, Westwin Manitoba Oevering, Mrs, Hazel Howland, and Mike. of Zurich; M2. and asiMrs, Dolly Stumpf; luncheon 'Mrs. Carl Happler of Water- vted the Al McKenzie' and loo; Mr. and Mrs, John Munn, B L 0, N E Bob Ha'spook randlies last convener, Mr's. Merle Prest, i week. LAC Be+aud'in proceeded Mrs. Marg. Groves, Mrs, Slrir- Jahn and Dammed of London and ,� ngm �► ad,to RCAF` Station Trenton to ley Court,' Mrs, June Folks; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and memiber$M convener, Debbie of Exeter, were Christ- � see leas parents Flight Sergeant Marshall; well baby clin Mrs. mos Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoff�iran, Dashwood: y, �► ®e !, Juan Boers. f ` The Misses Carolyn and Beth c 1V%m>bexs• ,of ;lie WA will 17e Cook, Janice-Bonthron, . Linda Mitt, BER,r ALLEN assis•1,•ing at the blood donor Keys and Linda Hay, brought clinic to be held on the S'ta- x z SECCI$ev0 `PFiUlt51?AY OF EACH MONTH Correspondent ple'a'sure on Wednesday evening, tion on January 19 and 20. g shut-ins o Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dec 23 by collie on THURSDAY, Willows M'ounttain and Miss. in tihe village ancd singing a JANUARY 14 The Pratestaxnt Chapel Guild Howes Robt.. Yoduvgbltut%rNewYe�ar's medley of Ctrxis�xvas carols. #', �$�� �`��l'S. will 'hold a general meeting an° - were Mr. and Mrs, William Gl'o- .Monday, January I.ltir at the Mr. .an'df `Mrs. Laird Muckle; .Married December s 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. ver and sox; Willows of Mar- -Charles, Bob and Ann; Mr. and Chapel Annex. Padre Swaren Marriage vows, were ex- lertte Mich, Mrs. Wei Mrdde Pamela Jud- ' will speak on "The Movement ' Changed ce Woodstock Mar by .Ellen HOTEL CLINTON ;Mx. and Mets. Gerald Hunk- p ith 'oriel Jahn and. Mrs. Florence zea Boyce and Mark James Towards Church Unity". in'g and Brianspent New Years Jaynt were guests on Sunday Sponsored b Newcombe's Drug Sforte with Mr. and Mrs, Rm ve Hun- , ,We would like toblake a cor- with the ibmem's daughter and Howes on Saturday, December : y king and Don. Motion regarding an item which b• s'an�ixi-lav✓, Mr, and .Mrs. Ross Miss Norma. Scanlon appeared in the column, of De- The bride is the daughter of Phone for Free Home Appointment '° a cennber 31. It have read' MacMillan hen and there son David, Mr. and. Mti& F. Boyce of fferw days recently with her 'in Kitchener. Mr. Gordon English of •the Uxu- Brucefield' and the groom is the SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING t AIDS stunt, Mrs. E. S'chopf, t7wen Wriitners axz the Christmas vers$ty of Toronto in tead of , son of Mn' Olive M. Hooves Sound. draw at Ai s: Supersaver Market , E R THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE the Eniversirty- of Western On- of Woodstocak and the bate Mr. lYix. and Mrs. Robert Thonsp� were: Stuffed Santa Claus Mrs. • son and: daughters spent New 'o' H: Taarratra RR 2 Hens'ald• N. M. Howes. $8 Queen S#. S. Kitchener Yetars +wilfb. W. and Mrs. Haan- hair dryer, Donna Richarrdsan,' After the reception t gh• e ilton, M'ooredzeld. Huron APPA 1 Zurich; 'turkey,` Mrs. Otto cou+p'le'left Pori a homeymoon,trip i ix' da Thompson uric as. in WMert, Das'hiwfaod. to Magas and other points. ;;> i home. the Christmas Par >�g of London n They will, reside in Wood - -training in Stratford s Richard T '' stock. Wafaatloxi week at her home. and Mr, and Muds Edith and Haxbid Seg Mrs, Richard McKellar, Teddy . JANUARY corer entertained alt a family A U B U R N --The annual and David, ParMWx , were Tuekersmlf h Club galthering on N`ew Years Day. Christmas parity of the Dean- Chrifsrtuna's Day vLsitUxs with Members of the Tuckersunifth Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Gaunt sp- ery of Huron of -the AYPA was Mr. and Mrs..,Alfred Smith. Wibmen's Club wilt hold bheum ent theweekend in Hangover held Last week in tire' Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mirlde, monthly meeting on Thursday, (ONTINUESw1th, Mir, and Mrs. ° Ken Gaunt. Community .Memorial Hall with Charles. Bob and Ann, spent . January 7 at the ;home of Ms's. Miss Dorothy Littleand Mr's. over 200 teenagers from Exefter, Chrintmnafs Day in London, Ernest Crich. The roll call wild Millie Bend -tam called on neigh- Clinton, Seaforrth, Bayfield, At ;the regular meeting of be answered with payment of bars in, the village an Thurs- Blyth, Beflgrave, Wingham; Port Murphy LOL No, 710, Clinton, the members'hi'p ffee. • day. Albert, Brussels, Goderich: and at IRWINS •Mrs. Robert Townsend, 3s 3n Auburn attending.' - HATI'l Western Hospital., Toronto,' un- The hg was' decorated with d:ergoing testis. a :large +Christmas tree in the On Friday, the, YPU are to centre of the dance flour. Music vasvt +the 'union apt Oakvulle for' dancer: was rbvided b the 1/2 Price 0 Dresses Look these over. There is volae here. 1 OFF. COATS WOOL. and SIMOTTA Materials CAR COATS -- SKI JACKETS All -- W o slims Stretch Ir 20%bl r 5nts Skirts-- Sweepers Flartnelett'e Py* amas G awrls OFF • QuseS04444,040000 .. �,,ai..�... WOOLS -- COTTONS -- SILK$ lard Goods RAYONS �LANN> UTTES Buy AT , ,,.,,, 20%. off Reg, Price boas a"d Girdles, Draper Iv dtoribl �iearing Lines Kifdhersy iving Room, 86d Roo1'i�r 1/3 OPP 20'6/6 CUFF IR W' INS �ad`iei' 1Wear dill Dry +load ln-Ears Memorial'Shop. Tt 'PRYDE and SON �LINTON IIXs Open tvoohy Aftetn,00ry u. 0HON9 H(,l 11.1y'i2, At othif times aaetact Local Rooitasentative— A. W'' 0ciep— 482-6641 FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL; IN OUR DINING ROOM 1C, hicken-,, in a Basket O'rldny--Served frim 9:30 Pitn. to 1146 Saturday- $e,rvd�N from 9;$0,rn. #o Mldhighih' Who le 482-7011 f6r Reservotiet W6• bkt6e to binner Is006ii -k hd W6+dd np h6cepttbhs iss Reall ;. Boosth Work Ay Audrey pelichf moo Bay leK re 14y 111iad a :bgll.' :on dew 'year' $. Eve, The yi zage dot its yesar• ,ps mi incorporated. tral -of Auld :twig v��age d q�ff to the SYne w4tb about 200 persons gathered, in the TQw Hail, The dAgpQ w'as convened: Th14 evgot rsa sed a Otgl by a numdxer of publlc spzr'- $l Q4 wdzyc wlti be d*Ar tilted citizens to ra.?se A4* ed erlually Q zMog Biwjold far wrious :you�?.Arga r SQa!xfls{ ?l>t1s, pad es razx'd tions and .the e fart was ba•gyyrr1es tic fuxythpr the ,lea1_ +%ox Yom,n; atg from neighboring to,w'n- People of trhp .ggamnun1W. ships., UX tmar►'s Band .played from: 9 P.M. to 2' a,m, and At inioniight hats and f4vors' r. ,showered e bol . ca n ., ed .. . _ from ' flz. .. y V , and balloonsdr,i'fted down;, from the cerrlixrg. FOOS ALL %i�MQi*V 441504 .$1 TH�,PLACE 1l1 GO Conveners of the dance included,, W. and. Mrs,. K. Brandon; Mr. and :Mrs. J', 11410ay; Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong; Mr. and Mr's. v 'l; Pe. 'g e; Mr. and Mrs, Mrsl Ja Mexrae�r, Mr, and. RECEPTION Bus will leave from -the church g p Y Oop-Prk.:orchesttra of Goderich, For Mr. and Mrs. Gary Triebnpr, of Ki lPete a+t.6.:00 p.m. and they will re- :Rev. Robert Meanly and Rev. • Friday,Jan. 15 • LEGION HALL, SEAFORTHWIN16C ,turn Saturday night. This visit Will provide the young people J, P. Gandbn.of Exeter wdconrr- ed everyone and, they were as- *: /! �j Featuring Cloud 9 ROOM Lunch Provided SER\ with sine chance to see the work sisted by Mr, 'O. Slamini, Gode- of the United Church in Toron- rich, and Mrs. Page of Exeter. to. _ This event was planned -SBORD, A Boit/ Scoiut troop is being the members of the Haran SMORGA formulatttd, Ala bays' froom 104 APPA executive composed of W 14 ye'am faire welcome. Miss' Barbara Snell has ere- her Cheryl M6C hrrthy, first vice- presidt-int, Godetich; Miss Wendy Cronkwright, p l�� Every Wednesday & Sunday signed position; as organist Wingham, afrt r Pour years na" service, secreUary, end Miss Judy Pat - MM Tian; Alien 'aria Mrs, Hem rtexslan; Goderiah, treasurer. ,Lear Lear will share tiro post, joint hapl:ain, Rev. eft. Gwidon, of the Deanery AYPA said plans Miss Doris Lear of. t° have a $ pert/ XbW Years at h ome Om in liixntan n,� � Q'Xft rl'ioTlith for Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Lear drhis Deanery which consists of and Doris spent New 3da;rs nine Parishes. 'There Will also y with Mr, and Mr's. itnder�woao+d ,bei +a ShAtin+g peaty to Brussels and family at Wixngham; some time fbelbee, the wmukd -Mr. and Mr.. James Scott, ban'queit and business meeting Sr;, and Mr, and Mm; Nelson in theh- ig. The, Auburn and Le& spent Sunday with friends Blyth A'YPA Wear•et in charge of s r� ;., ,11 in Strattt'ord the lurwh W U.I1144 Y � ' ln-Ears Memorial'Shop. Tt 'PRYDE and SON �LINTON IIXs Open tvoohy Aftetn,00ry u. 0HON9 H(,l 11.1y'i2, At othif times aaetact Local Rooitasentative— A. W'' 0ciep— 482-6641 FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL; IN OUR DINING ROOM 1C, hicken-,, in a Basket O'rldny--Served frim 9:30 Pitn. to 1146 Saturday- $e,rvd�N from 9;$0,rn. #o Mldhighih' Who le 482-7011 f6r Reservotiet W6• bkt6e to binner Is006ii -k hd W6+dd np h6cepttbhs iss Reall ;. Boosth Work Ay Audrey pelichf moo Bay leK re 14y 111iad a :bgll.' :on dew 'year' $. Eve, The yi zage dot its yesar• ,ps mi incorporated. tral -of Auld :twig v��age d q�ff to the SYne w4tb about 200 persons gathered, in the TQw Hail, The dAgpQ w'as convened: Th14 evgot rsa sed a Otgl by a numdxer of publlc spzr'- $l Q4 wdzyc wlti be d*Ar tilted citizens to ra.?se A4* ed erlually Q zMog Biwjold far wrious :you�?.Arga r SQa!xfls{ ?l>t1s, pad es razx'd tions and .the e fart was ba•gyyrr1es tic fuxythpr the ,lea1_ +%ox Yom,n; atg from neighboring to,w'n- People of trhp .ggamnun1W. ships., UX tmar►'s Band .played from: 9 P.M. to 2' a,m, and At inioniight hats and f4vors' r. ,showered e bol . ca n ., ed .. . _ from ' flz. .. y V , and balloonsdr,i'fted down;, from the cerrlixrg. FOOS ALL %i�MQi*V 441504 .$1 TH�,PLACE 1l1 GO Conveners of the dance included,, W. and. Mrs,. K. Brandon; Mr. and :Mrs. J', 11410ay; Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong; Mr. and Mr's. v 'l; Pe. 'g e; Mr. and Mrs, Mrsl Ja Mexrae�r, Mr, and. RECEPTION n For Mr. and Mrs. Gary Triebnpr, of Ki lPete (nee Alice D'evries; 13rwssels) • Friday,Jan. 15 • LEGION HALL, SEAFORTHWIN16C Wilbee's OrchestraCOMPLETE Lunch Provided SER\ THANK YOU HARD assn s t/1 To all those who voted 'for me in the recent election in Bayfield, a, sincere , "Thank You". . Eddie Qddleifson Stanley_ Township School Area Board are inviting applications for the position of Secretary -Treasurer must be bondable. Please state qualifications and salary expect- ed. SeQled applications to be in the hands of the undersigned by noon on January 18, 1965•; " Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. JOHN TAYLOR, Chairman, Stanley Township School Area Board, Brucefield, Ontario, 1.b MONEY TR E Keop looking for one if you wish but it's strictly fietitiout — we think: A better way to flake money grow is by the regular purchase Of Guaranteed Investment', Certificates from I.M T Available In units of $100 for 2, 3, 4 and 4• years at a very good 5t%s% interest, For one, year, 57*. We're not a moneytree but we have brdnehK. of Forest and Petroila. Write or ask for but -descrlptivir foldor. arlA 5` �.. trot WOUS RIAL MORTGAGE A IU TRUST COMPANY' FORDS;` SONIA P096LIA • CUNVa~NI�Nt Hf'OtiilS Mbhcldy to Thursday 9.00 4.m. to 5106 p.rn.• #rlday 0 dant. to 6100 p.m. C lo0d sed 3106 p.tn. tcz 4 $b p,m. Eric byi