Clinton News-Record, 1965-01-07, Page 2F09P 2—ClintOn NPWs4R;Qr0""Th9r$, 4Pnuqry 7, 190
E dit Or" I" als.
Stop Crucidyl'ng Your Neighbour
FOR THE past three weeks, the eyes,
Letters to tbe 4ditor, columns, of this We have learned th4t to achlove
newspaper liavo be sma
n pluttpred wit
success A
. , in ,,. 11 coni
0 Rlvps anc of indignation from munitips one mus 4q. -
, �1 b t be 4.fe esitter With
readerswUp appare4tlyregent the ftot a very delicate- sense . f b
Q .alanqe. One
that their friends, Peig.hbqrs an 'not to
0. fell a4e an t
,citizens 'of C y s..And for or g inst
linton 11ave any is e -because that st.and,my -coTi-
the r! bt to su
I g
express an 'vinion which differs'from fMt with the ideas of someohe whose
their own. friends
4.1p or pp0qn4ge is 'top valuable
We have du�lng that time s4t,q4iet- to lose,
ly to one side hoping Tbe Great Cwia- Those men and women who did
dian Flag Uassle ()f Qinton would die bave the courage to st4te how they felt
down. We did this because -it wasret 4bQ4t 0anadWs proposed new fJ4..g'hAve
our argument . and never had been. just been re-t6ught1liat lesson,
The Great Hassle started on Wed- They h4vebeen Attacked publicly,
nesday MorniAg, Dece 17 when the in letters to the editor, and mostly be-
Kew�"Remrd was going to press9 It had hind their backs ... notfor what they
been a particularly slow news. - week in thought, but bepai
ise they dare4 to state
Clinton, and there was (xUy a handful their -opinion on arf issue.
of stories and pictures whic rated T11iose people 'learned that, in some
�Iage One play. Cltntonlans ther' a
. e is f r less Cl�ristian-
But across Canada that week,' t h, e,re., Ity, fairness or. jlemocr4cy than in the
-had been ,a. great deal of discussion darkest reaches of communist Cbina,
.about the proposed new Canadian flag, It is a sad commentary on our times
, We decid PL "man on the street" type when a citimin cannot answer a report�
of -survey Cli n about peo Of .
in. . nto I � Vle's 'ers question because -lie is in fear at
reactions to the. proposed flag might tacl< on all fronts by people whose
make interesting reading, It would also. sacred cows he has affronted.
fill that gaping hole. on Page One. This fresh, crisp, unsullied , year
It wasn't . all that easy. To find 20 which stretches ahead of us all would
persons with enough faith behind their be a good juncture to end the bickering,
own conviction$,. we had to approach malice, bigotry, egotism and stupidity
about 40 people. Most of the 20 who bein by ' any who should
g &h1bited m
were afraid of. what people might say know better and who could be setting
if they expressed their - opinion had a better example's. .
very definite,opinion. I We may not agree with what an -
However, they lacked the courage other per -son says or writes, but let us
to stand behind what they believed. defend to the bitter end his right to say
We how are beginning to under- what he -thinks. Without this basic ele�
stand the reasons for theirL lack of ment of democracy not even a flag that
courage, although the reasons certainly is the choice of the people willsave any
in no manner elevate their stature in our nation.
When Old -Timer's Are "U'ropped
IF MOSES can be called a politician,
he was the first one iii. history to have
seen the promised land but failed to
reach it. Other politicians, including
some great ones, have had their disap-
pointments, Charlotte 'Whitton last
month "said confidently that she had
never been defeated -for any municipal
office -for which she ran, but she failed
to get herself re-elected mayor of Ot-
tawa. Another woman in politics in a
less conspicuous way' announced 'that
she wanted to be re-elected because that
would- . complete for her 25 years in that
particular office. The. Voters said nay.
A' former mayor of Ontarlo's largest,
city an election or so ago allowed it to
be known that he. wanted to be mayor
when Canadas most peculiar city hall
was opened. The voters said nay.
On the basis, of recent evidence, and,
going back to Moses, politicians should
make no reference to the fact that
they've been in office many years� and
-deserve on that. account to -be re-
elected. Voters sometimes seem to think
that a man who has been in office for
quite a. number of years sFould not be
. The most painful, startling -and per-
haps unfair rejection was that of Win-
ston Churchill'in 1945. Under his re-
gimd all the king�s enemies had been
defeated. But the king's subjects. *in
Britain did not on that occasi . on permit
him to stay in office as leader.of the
British people.
The mood of the electorate Is diffi-
cult to fathom. A horse race, if one
studies the charts, may be a little more
predictable^. —Phe Printed Word;
Now''Th " 're Persofiabzed
� elly
Readers will be delighted to know into the mailbags in Ontario starting
that this year those - . Canadians who jalivary 19.
filed income tax last 'year. will be mailed In 1963, our tax dollars brought
a "Perso,nc-dized" tax form. about many improvements and advances
According to arelease received this
week from the Department of National for our country in all areas. Additional -
Revenue the "personalized" tax form ly, they paid for 33 da�s of debat� at
will bear'the receiver's name, address Ottawa on the new flag which involved
and identiiicationnumber, together with 270 speeches.,*
an extm copy he may keep for his 011AM While none of us may like paying
records. taxes they.snust be paid--,-iwless one can
. The joy package will include a tax manage to survive happily on welfare,
guide, a brochure explaining the new relief, unemployment insurance and all
procedure and a return envelope. the other benefits waiting for -the man
The' new forms will start getting or woman to lazy to work for a living.
A Pox,On Their Owners
THERE ARE any number of rea-
sons why it may be difficult to get to
sleep some nights, but,most of the fac-
tors which eduse restlessness can be re-
medied by the individual who is afflict-
A dripping tap. can be wrenched
off, or left, to run continuously until
the plumber can be called in, the next
day. A nagging toothache can be stilled
—sometimes — by a number of patent
pain killers on the market, and again
until anappointmont can be Set up with
the dentist thenext day�
Loud music from a neighboring
house or apartment can be Weted with
a telephone callo persona:l visit, or if
necessary, by telephoning. the police
and making an official complaint.
A rumbling stomach can be quieted
with a peanut butter sandwich, and an
ove,r-attive i'magination or nagging. f e4ts
and doubts can be dispelled with an
mpiritl oir a couple of engrossing ch6p-
ters, of a novel.
But theres, not a singic- thing you
can do about a dog' barking'at three
o'clock in the morning short of getting;
fully, dressed and tracking hilm,down.
And therLY8 the -risk 'of loghm ;a
hand when you do find the animal-, or
the possibility that he Will stoPbatkffig
just as you arrive on the scene.
So you. toss and turn, wxiggle and
squirm trying to drown out the discord-
-alit, incessant cacaphony of the unceas-
ing barking, hoping that a neighbor of
tN4 dog's owner will call the police,
shoot the dog, or� Wake up the dog's
But the yapping goes on and on and
on and -on ...
It is true that stray dogs do barki
but theY. do not reniain in one loca.
tion and bark consistently for one to
three hours. The dog who baAs that
long in onoplace hag som-eithing to bark
about. � . I ke it's cold and he wants, to
The person- who owns the dog 19
being unfair, on two counts when he, doeg
not heed the, persistent barking: he is
not being fair to the dog; and he cer-
tainly is not being fair to his neighbors
—naythe, peoDle who live withina Tour-
bloo'k-radlus 6f his house,
Some cold, grey dawn after a dog
has kept one end oftown awake fortw(i
or thr6e hburs we may be r6w�Lrdedby
hearing the fraca� brought to a swift
torminitioli by the report of a rifle
. Pray God it is not the dog which
it shot. His oWnek desei-ves Wo bWlet,
more . . i
P-sti 1866 Pubi !shed every Thuttday ikt the Est. 1681
-t $1 Heart of Hurch 'County
Clinton( Ontario PbPUlAtloh. SiS60
6AVID vi SCOTT, ltwtde
A. L Cbt,40146UNj Pubilihee
16 611 okwfafl* AtA ffit b C N R
*14�% 0 the "WiOA,06f.
Asthork4 Air iibcohd' clan Malt. lksit'601ci Nomarhont, 044*4, Aod for, oi*mtof ;of 000,t4a fit �Ath
s0WAt#T10l(iATst-.P*yifik to
unow 644%, �Aw' otw*foov #A" siaoicb6ow li4 doof
Huron County &ene
From Our E.arly f -A
40 Years A, ii Ago
15 Year,
waray Tltursday, 4ron4,4ry 5, 1909
If for no, other reason vie
Pm-oh-darnas '40t�vnl% of
snow last week wa,,
it oovered up the ice on streeits the, m=bers of Dayfleld Mons
Club in distributing gift to,
and road,�, We, bavo seldom had
singing carols for the bezieftt
for i59 rn�,ny days in sucl-ession
such ley walks as we bad-bofqre of the shutlp$ of the oum-
st h w In
all muni Y, were well re , arde-4
t_hQ la, eavy snowf
letters of appreciAtIoA rpad by
'We heard #io other, fty, we Secretary R
have not asked the twn cle* Cl s _Acis 4t the.
to yer1f ab regular dinner meotipg
Y the story, bipt 'we �A the New Ritz Hotel hwt
beatd thlat 4 ypm
g mq me
town ono,oay last, week 0 Xembovs of St, M4rWp A
into evorang,
purchase a marriage Rjeewo
And the OwA plerk, the conly 91104n Church (A4bqrq) learn -
person in the mu Icipali al- e I With regret 'on Sunday jof
the res1gppt4o4 of the rpo�r,
1DW-ed to carry fmch hecessm, 7
Aev� % M, Wyatt, who is going
(1peuments, wa�g o4t of forms
and had to send off Post baste to St. Alban!s Cathedral,
W. for one, delaying for some time,
inquest will, be un%ossory
the iziterosting rceremony� Per- A4
haps the ia�bresaid town official,,
in the case of Richard Robert
never having had use for such
M-cDool, 62, Bayffieltl, whose
a document battered body was found by Ws
laM on
consider marrlag�- liceme one brother Will the bW.b
himself, does not
of the pepesshries of life, at BaYfield, about Qllo-guArteV
'v of a mile south of the pIer, a,
so doesn!t stock up, HW
. ever, a
marriage license is one of the. bout. 8.�O axn. last,
'The Bayfield - River things which when wanted must A total of 1,028 Clintonip=
(News,Reco?-4 Photo By John Visser) be produced by book or. by thelargest number to vK>te a� a
crook. There's nothing else that mtvdcipal election in recent
Q= be -said to, be- "just as good" blotiory -- trooped to the p&N
in s4ch a case. Thursday last, anderldeal wea-
.thv conditions (no snow, slush,
Letters To The Editor 25 'Years Al, -- nor rain) to reeioct Robert Y.
go ElUttin Mayor by 78; pick Dr.
Thursday, Jpguary 4, 1940 - George S. Elliott as Reeve by
This is a message from Santa with -a truly national emblem, ries�, and we must now pray for Wee4ther and Toad conditions 132; and dhoose six Councillors
aaus to all the little people of to be flown even if the "Re- unity and falth in, the future, werebad dn this district for New four of them not members oi
Clinton and surrounOAngg dis- memiberer$" wished, alongside or a new 'leader for Her ATa- Year's traffic. Snow fell stead- ttbe 1949 council,
trict. 1 did, enjoly so much any other traditional eniblem. I jesity'6 loyal opposition. Be pa-, ily. from early Saturday TOrn-
meeting with so many children should remindhim too that my tient, Mr. BEulcer may have the Ing until Monday night and a 10 Years Ago
and parents cl�ir�ng'-ray visit to late father Nv.ent overseas with answer this week, my partic- nwth-west wind, driving the
your town�'tast year and this b4m, entraining at ainton with 1pation in the debate may have ligi-it snow Into drifts, soon tied
year. .1 also thank the merch- the 161st i4 World War 1, After been tataly unnecessary, up traffic,. especially on the Tliursd4y, Janu4ry 6p 1955
6rits and business men fo,- their the first were sarted out In My regards -to Peter for a highways goath and north of �Crime appeared to be on the
'kindnm% and help in maWng England, 114 Went On. to, fight most intelligent and ernbracing tQwn.
increase in 1954, according to
my stay with you so- pleasant tbrough France, transferring to reply, I wish I had the quailties A newly organized dramatic the annual police report, re-
ar4'al,4o thanks to Mrs. Santa'a machine-gtax coirps to endup of expression he possesse-qc 1 society should prove to be of lease by Chief J, Ferrand this
for her help, Thanks to Mr. a wounded veteran at war�s end, consit er hil a ba n a th�r, a great interest to, Clinton and Week.
Turnbull and staff of Stedmans they must haVe lost track of refin-adgentleman and a wond- surrounding territory. This voc- Vetemn pUC me ber W, E.
Store and to Mr. H m
arveY John- each other somewhere, But he erl-al friend. I have also, always loty intends staging a number Perdue was appointed chairman
ston of Huronview who fnadf,� should know that I would not considered him. above any of of plays throughout the winter -of that body at rthe inaugural
this possible, 'hat short, my punitive eftortis at brain- months, the proceeds of which
sell his memory t meeting held.on Tuesday even -
Signed thmigh I feel that he and a washing (sorly, F.W.) are to al�d our local, Red Cross
Norman Spier MajOrity'b0day look to the fut-
Dave, my compliments,of the society. Mrs. Harry Ball was re -elect-
-As Sant -4 1blaus ure of this great country with season to You and a, your rea- Margeret Lockwood, daugh-
Pride in an emblem which was ders, ed president of the Clinton
I they seem, to be many 'ter of Z&, and Mrs. Charles W 's Hospital Auxiliary at
Wishing you all the Seasons hopefully designed to promote from the goord-natuf-ed ribbings Lockwo4 Orange- street met omen -
Best. Than4 you. 'unity in a bilingual land., We I've had, Best Wishes for the with an accident near th� I the annual meeting Monday
ca afternoon,
must always remember that it future, for many years I hope legiate last Thursday afternoon.
Editor, News-Recard, was. by sheer luck and not by in our mdJd.%t,' my regards to The appeals, of the Town of Clinton Firemen were called
Dear Dave, good managOnient On Our Part Your wonderru,1 wife and to aU Goderich and�the Township of to alal Braceffeld Fire Depart-
tqia:t we were bom to ourAn- the staff. Call me'anytime I:F Stephen against the -equalized ment in extinguishing a fire in
Like my Biblical friend, I hpritance, we could have been You lack an lintelligerut (orun- agsegment of. the County of the brick home of Seldon Ross,
have been -turning the other b dened as easel, �r da
W ly With the pro- inteMagent) answer -to any ww. Huron, made by Mogg and R. R. 1, Brucefield last I i y
cheek for several weeks till I blems of the Asiatic nations, we rying questl6n, even if, I have Quinlan, county Valuators, was morning. The bl�ze'whfch start-
h4ve become dizzy.'eno-ugh tQ may have been born black or to personally proof-read your dLsmissed In a judgment hand- od in the cell-ar and spread up
Ot a erno n P�rtltions on one side of the
draft a reply to the several let- yellow or Eskimo, they All de. copy to f.yel sure it is n be, ed down Friday � ft o. by the.
ters Printed in reply to my sup- serve a peaceful'and 4 cult&al Ing pab]dghed. I do know sonle thetribiunial composed of Judge house was first noticed by Mrs.
i posed answer -to your question, co-ex.istence with us to share of the answers for I've been E. W, Clement, Of Waterloo, Ross. Damage was- mostly
"What do you personally think our blessings, . through the mill, in faci I feel Judge T. M. Costello, and Slier- caused by smoke amd water.
of the n6iw flag." I Tecall a visit -to the House much like Mickey Mouse after iff Rabeilt Johnston. Despite adverse weather con -
Yo U must re�jlze as I do that of Common$ "Ift Ottawa some going through the dombine, I The members of the 1939 ditions, a repreA-tative grbup
my answer was not published five years ago when the shoe think I've been reaped. Re- council held the final meeting of county officials and local
,as given, and that the remark was on the other foot, and mind me to proof -road that, on, Tuogday evening, all mem- citizens gathered last Thursday
about a political figure was not Mike's slim opposition forces too! bersprosent with the exception afternoon for the official open
part of my quote. I do not deny tried to keep up to the haxan- Yo I ur friend of councillor Livermore, . ing of Patterson Bridge.
1--m—r. Ulu TeM--, 410—y—s
but I do recall saying before
it was made that it was not
for publication as I had. no do-
sire to harm, any filendiships
with a personal opinion. Your
memory seems very accurate dn
the reporting of the remm*,
surely you also remember the
guing John. It was a pitiful Herb.
sight and I PiWed then for a H G. Brid-le,
-stronger opposition to make
our government truly of dem, Clinton.
ocilatic form, but strength now p,S. Thanks for ail the spam,
has grow to strong -headed. I hope lt'g a lifetime allotment,
admonition against Publication.
No doubt your School of Jour-
nallsm taught you a umv&gal
code of ethics designed to sult
aal sttuations and localites but
I still madntain that in a town
such as ours where'we live a
. . . . . . . . . .
closer existe�nce than gay for
bX Bill Smiley
example --border bitles, no, edi-
tor should s6t fillerid agaim, 't
friend or nolghbour agahist
Winter Leaves.
Him Cold
neighbour for -the mere sake of
providing sensational news' or
excitement By the way, two
This is -the time of year When
the average honest citizen,
The zleighbells are more like -
others whom you interviewed
at thevame time recall my full
however -bravely the tries to con -
ly to be fire sirens as some poor
answer, and the roquegt to de-
ceal it, is about as warm, live_
ly and full of vitality as the
sots,the pipes. on fire,
tryang to sbay ahve. The crunch -
late the perlsonal remark.
also recall that the quoZahey
discarded CbriStmas treelean-
ing underfoot is more likely to
be your -toes breaddng off by the,
to be published war not reread
drunkenly against the back
steps, a'few morsels of t.Lnsel
numbers, from the right, The
to lne, they are also available
to testify to this. I would rath-
fluttev�qg from As px7mjurely
snappilig 15 more likely to be the'
roof of back porch cavang d*n
er have lost a right ann, dn, bat-
tie than a friend in a fight I
aged frame.
Prematurely aged. That's the
under the snbw, No self -respect -
was not conciDus of, tbll the
Wc1Y I e-eOl ill January. Like a
Ing' fairy would be caught dead
Under the �anuary sun, w-hich
damage Was dlone..
woman of 35 who had had 12
children dn 15 years. As -though
gmiles at you with au the geii,
It was not my desire to, coll-
I can't f acelt again,
iahity of A. cold filed egg. The
_ this nonsense into another
year; I was prepaired to fWget
By the middle of FebrUaty, of
gatherift9s,aVe m0reW
Rely to be
melancholy huddles of taipay_
it till -a nate dn your column
couilse, Tdl be jA cheered up,
s -exch a
ei anging cold remedies
lwc�t - wee% from, A. Vespd6ted
and wilil be going around 14ke
and talking about -their fur-
neighlbo-ar questioned myohlis-
411 the other idlots, blitheay
tianity, and 1, rose to arms for
the battle on !bohdif of hund-
ag"e0ing Ahat "the� days sure
are stretching out, aren't
Winter ds fine, up until New
reds of our local young peoR�
they?" But right now I look
Alfter that, you cangive
it to the Russians,. In fact, if
with Whorn I served as a San-
uPDA life With the wild enth'as-
they over invade us, they should
day School Super3ntenaent for
some, 14 Years, I could not lot
iasm. of a nitari-L-Ming tiger Pon-
fronting a bow.1 of c6rnflakog.
do it in lanuary 1 Half the popu-
that -go by, I know I roalld
First, and worst, part of the
lation is ml Plorida. The other
hgf ds down With the 'flu.
nWer gand human �udgment
but I wn prMared to let 'the
January nlisenies ds that hild-
eou.5 otrugglc, to get out <xf the
I wouldWt even give this eoun'
tty back t6'th6 -
Lord be my judge. Somewhere
�sack. 00awling out of , the
Indirans, mid -
tor. in the flest plat'n
win e, they
Pve road- '1ud,go nat� ye
be nat judged." Political fetv,
Wailm'dtowsiness dnto, the grey
horror of the day is g d gper-
wouldrift take it. In the second,
handed themenotighbuin
our does oda, things to some
ate a business as any I know,
deals In. the -past.
people -somefinies. W619M
There are days When I'm sure
if my ot.her fmiend goes by
th,& office, tq�il Wm �to do�ilje
rK hever maiZ- it, woube it not
for fh&�Vbddft demanding holp
les onougli to vurdlo your
blood when you hear pi�ople
ba& over to the sunny side of'
Witil Olbthffig and bteWast,
duck into -the coffee shop, faces
the street to ;sAY bellb, to his
And the tow, alloiftce frofti. the
gray With bold, hoses running
g1d flilendt and baslne& associ-
otthw dide, of the bod. I
and WheAe2ilig. "Isn't that a
ato,§1 before spring comes And
VlnaUy, having suMved the
grand winter's day," as tboy
blow on, their claw-Uk4�i ingerg,
ffie *eSh fruit tlPem, We, miss
him, Wb had many goodnat-
1-Irst hour Of tho day, theres
tho dash for the cari A f4attfiat
before wl'ping the :�,totkm from
ared di8datsions About Issues I a . n
ta:,* s i I n my . mind with -M,
, th6r specs,
to that we
Nneral and I Was §urprb9W
ffiat he'sh6tild -be the dhe to gelt
laey'Wdmh for the �outh 11�e,
Big difference Is that 8.1v Ed.
lfe�Seemt me all suf.
from an advanced case of
�motionally Upset,, I bA-,,+d j)ev
Itund didnt lea" W &Albthe�
self, �ddcepfidh. Just bL-cau§,�(oUr
told - b) M, ghd I Should' 111W &I,
At the offio� ytst6rdaz
Ance§tba:t c6tidn't irntigine, ally-
�bout MYbWft term of war,*ho.
;6rviderwIth 1116 ACAP, and-, the
'ThierdSL n(yth11% I enjoy mo�o
thing worse thaii their Irish
ghahties Italialt �Aums or Polis -h
nag I roni�mber best wat the
in the qvjhmL�r, than reading
dboat thor simple pld4surbt of
V11111a969'atid came, to Canada
klogU6 toWed by Ahoithdr alr-
Valt at which We gtUdtnt alr-
oldtitne Winters, SleighLb6119i
we think wV�ro automaflcal�
fUggeq and physicaUy fitted to
shot va6,colourdd am-
the crtlnch�illg 'Of 8n6W Under-
ehclun� the 611IMato which, fett-
nUhItl0h in our trdinffig-, NbVel-
r6oty the snjrVlhg or. tec,C4 ln
L r o
tho r 694 th .wCbhg midwint
6,lg On us ovevywhood but Ift
lo I recall teeirig 6fit' of our
lfogu& Pla gg shot as flail or hol�
tvil suft oll -ale snow, jolly gath*
.80 uth.
This d6ah&V in J-Anu-&Ty, is
�'g 0 was the P(MbOA pefttbht
&1bgg of b6ngonial 8ottl§ about
afl opm thapladd,
fit & jackrob"bit§ gb6holket,
, , , , 6
5y th-6 0i"k,"U'do, 8bffibWhdft
"d uhd,��r
P"It �
4ge, br- 12,
n (Alftda 0. majority of (idg-
"IV, 16110W who, wAta thotd at&.
The s6otior W6 roallte It and'
b16 CA*M&4W kilko L
468 hover lived wheiv X 11OVe
domfid fr6eft th6 9wel . Tnm�w
yo bw wd&, a, om
f rAy , -
d tuat thbw pfig
t6 Mtdda goo d
mblah lri�A� Pr6VIdlifig t4.
&w Winters,
f(W i-twe's moigl*, tho bLodt"
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Rockwell Power Tools
R. L. Jorv,S_69 Albert St.
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GODeRICH, ONT. 52A_7562
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