Clinton News-Record, 1964-10-22, Page 7G Notice To Crediitars ltl persons h4vi ng 14ai ol,' ,dint the Estate ,of ,�OH1V XPORIGE, WOOD;• Retired 'arrner, rate of the Q,ownship t, Hullett, in the County of Wron, who died of or about. he 1Ftth day of October, 1964, . xe required to file Vhe s; le *h ;full particulars with the, 'ndersagned by the 21st day +f Navenbex, x964, as after. haat: date the assets of the ,state wird be 'ftstriiiuted, DA' 'i D at Goderich, Ontario 13ALC1N 4-40 Nery4' Moilnt Sfir al I-�ospital, TQrga,o, on Til&s, Ocatobea* t3, 1964, `rya ,Mr, and. Mrs, St hen Baton: (nee: A1nne Radley} or Toron.to,, a son, Steuhen Wayne., CHEVALIER-•- 14 Clinton lilt• lic Hospital on Monday, October 12, 19.64, -to Mr, and Mrs. Philip 0heva'ilerr of clantonn, a son, David Mark. Estgte, AUCTION SALIi of f rOf?er#yr mpchinery ped v,av,vlh.,ay y;�, V111141A .4 5b a of 100 Alvin 4, Austin, ad.jolut s ing tho Village of Vitirilit, Notice To Creditors Stagloy Twp„ on Wednesday, October :Z8 In, the Estate of T1zARY ANN at 1:00 p.in, RATHINWLL, late of tiro Vii, Machinery •-•- Small Ixnternia+' cage of Wtyf eld in the County tion Farina]], tractor; x958 Of Huron, Widow, deceased. VolksWagen car, good condi, All laertsons havislg claims tion, woven wire stretcher; oil against the Estate of the above- drums. forlts; tools- shovels; named who :died on the 171ih awn mower; 2 wheel trailer; set day of September, A.D. 1964, chain barrows; 6 fit, mower; ax. required to til'e 'full partic- ulars 'thereof with the under- wagon box; cedar rails. ; cedar posts; fertilizer sower; 35 3 -in, signed on or before the 2nd day November, A,D. 1964, plank, 16 fit long; garden wheel Renfrew lb, -of after whroh date ithe asserts Will be arrow; 2,OQO sial"- es; paint sprayer. ,distributed, hawing regard only Household Effects - wall, .nan to the claims of which -the und- paper; Cole gas stove;. Tn,ag, tws fined "haill then have nodee,, azine rack; extension table; DATED at Clinton, Onitario, tranalstou radio; large antique -films :.8th day of October, A.D. sideboard; small commination :1964. safe. E. D'. 11ILNZIES, Property - At 3 p. -m., the Clinton, Ontario, farm will be offered for sale, Solicitor for the said Estate. 100 acres more or less, all 42-3-4b. workable- land, frame 'house Highway and barn, excellent locatiiion. Notice To Creditors Chattels: Cash In the :Estate of DELLA Property: 10% d balance In 30 days. MWE O'NlEIL, late of the Sold subject to reserve bid. Town of Clinton in, the Count Prop., Estate of late Alvin lir. ,of Huron, Spinster, deceased, Austin. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above= Executrix, Alice•• -Schell Solicitors, McConnell Sc Stewart named who died on the 6th d"ay Auctioneer, Harold Jackson .vf September, A.D. 1.964, are 42-3b required to Me full particulars Auxiliary, will also attend the thereof with the undersigned DATED at Clinton, Ontario, on or before the 26th day of this 30th day of September, October, A.D, 1964, after which A.D. 1964. date the assets will be distni- E. B. MENZIIJS, ' buted, +having regard only to Clinton, Ontario, the claims of which the under; Solicitor for the said Estate. ,signed shall then have nottice, 41-2-3b .. Attend Your Church t,�4,4i his Sunday CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist. Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Sunday, October 25 84th ,ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p:r$. Guest Speaker: Rev. W. Lloyd Pierce, Kitchener Sat., Oct. 24, 1964 ---Fellowship Hour with Rev. Pierce and slides from South America. ALL ARE WELCOME �.v Ontario Street United Church r° �ofo "THE FRIENDLY CHURCW' Pastor: REV, GRANT MiLLS, B.A. Sunday, October 25 . 9 :45 a.m•-;Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship, TURNER'S sO� '2:00 p.m. -Anniversary Service , elle ------------- ------------------- is nlmne�tatl a Anicteir (9illix 420 REV. CLIFFORD G. PARD, M.A., Minister Guest Preacher .at :both Morning Services Rev. W. H. H, Stewart, B.A., B.D., of St. John's Church, Stratford HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.-Church Service 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45.a.m,--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Church Service 8100 p:m,--UCW Thankoffering Service; Speaker: Dr. Mary McKim of London, M recently of Ludhiana `Hospital, India. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Organist TRINITY XXII •- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:30 a.•m.-Holy Coanmunion BAC Breakfast 9:45 am.. ---Church School 1:1:00 amt -Morning Prayer Wed., Oot, 28 --Friendship Guild, Parish Fall, 8:15 p.m. Thurs., ;bot. 29 --Chancel Guild, Rectory, S:15 p.m. . ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 2$, 1964 11:00 A.M. Cuest Speaker:. THE REV, D. NEIL MCCOMBIE, B.A. Ripley, Ontario, Special Music St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Choir Cktiistian Refor d Church Rev. G. J. Heersihlt, Minister sunday, October 26 10.00 aim, --Service in English 2:36 p',kzi.- Sezvice in batch Every 8uAda`y 6.15 p.m„ Vial • 680 CiTL.O, St. Thonnas. Utteri to "Back to God flour.» EVEPWONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL ! lLlNTON 11.00 a.'tti..-._-reaping of Bitead 3.06 p,rd,-4imday 'School 1.00 pan.-•-Oobpel &Mce 8.00 'p.m. Thursday --Prayer Meeting aiid Bible' Reeding. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON SundAy, October 25 9,45 a.m.- Worship Servioe IL00 a.m,-•-•Sunday Schbol 8,00 p.m,•- Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Mt, Fred Munhings, Clinton. TuesdAy-4 p.ift.-•-Prayer Meet= Ing and Bible Study. All Welccnie 0htdri6 ,Apples i Onta`io's climate ms suited I to the gr6witY9 of- beautiful,' appdtizilig apples, This ;yyaar' Oi c third -of Canada's 20 scallion bu, shell of Dapples will be ,grown in Ontario. I•Ialf OnrtarWt 1964 crop of GA million, bushels 'will be eaten fresh; the rest pft� cossrd into lafee, mace, solid pada, pie fillers, dried syr fro" zei't, 'PGUSON in Clinton •Pub tic :�Iospital err `SunrtaY, gcto bei' 11, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs D.. Ferguson, Clinton, dall�hter; GOVIER -^ In Cldnrton 'Public 1-100f*41 0n Nfonday, Ootobex 19, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Gooier, BJyth, ,a daughter, MELITO -- In Clinton 'Public Hosl7ital on Iihurs- y O.cto• ber 8, 1964, to Mr aid Mas, A. IVKalta, Clinton, a daugh- ter McNAM•ARA---In ;Clinton Pu:b- lic Hospital on 'Wedne'sday, 1 October 14, 1964,• to Cpl, .arid Mrs. P. *Na vara, Clinton,a son. ROY In Clinton•Public Hos!t?'a- tal .on Friday, October 16, 1964, to W. and Aft . P. Rpy; Clinton, a daughter, SWAK� In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Saturday, October 17, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. G, Swain, .Clinton, a son, WISE --In •C.hmton Public, Hos. pital on Saturday, October 17, 1964, to Mr: and Mrs. G, Wase, RR 3, Clinton, a son.. ' CARDS OF THANKS I wish to .express my apprec- ration 'to all .my friends Who sent me cards, letters. and Rowers While I was a patient in, Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to 'those wha V-1sked ane and those who provided trans- portation to .and from London.BERT ROWDEN. 43p I wish to thank my friends for cards .and treats, while a Patient in Clinton Public Hos- p'it'atl. Special -thanks to Dr. Newland, the nursing staff and the Willing Workers of the Bayfield United 'Church. -FRDD WATSON 43b Mrs. Cree Cook and family Bake this opportunity to, thank Bh'edr many friends and neigh- bors for kindnesses shown- dur- ing their recent bereavement. 43b I wish to 'thank my re4attlives and friendys for their cards, treats and visits while I was a patent an; Clinton HosrAtal. Special thanks to Dr. R. W. Street, nurses: and staff. --NIRS. MARGARET CLARK. 43b The famlily of the late Ross Fisher 'wish to express sincere thanks to their relatives, friends: and neighbours for flor- al ,tributes; -cards and expres- sion of sympathy shown them in the loss of a dear brother. ' Special thanks to Clinton 'hos- pital staff, Dr. Brady, Dr. E. Malkus, Rev. C. Dukelow, Lodge Funeral Home and also to those who helped in any way in the past years. 43p I, wish, to thank my friends neighbors and relatives for cards, •treats, flowers, and visits while ca- patient in Clinton Pub - Lie Hospital. Special }thanks to Dr. Addison .and all the nurs- ing staff. EARL FULFORD. 43p Foresters Convention Eric Anderson (at microphone) was chairman of the annual Western On taro Provincial Assembly convention of the Canadian Order of Foresters convention held at the Elm Haven Motor 1JQtel over the past .weekend. Others in this picture.of the head table at the evening banquet are; J. Albany Richard Br nt r ana is president- af. a to d, C d it lir s dent; 1V[rs, Allderspn, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parsons, Walter McClure. (News -Record Photo by John Visser) 10rder of Foresters.A. Convene at (linen Mayor Welcomes Foresters Clinton Mayor W. J. Miller was on hand Satur- day afternoon to welcome more than 200 members of the Canadian Order of Foresters to the Western Ontario Provincial Assembly convention, held at the Elm Haven Motor Motel. In the above photo, to his left, are Canadian Order of Foresters presi- dent J. Albany Richard of Brantford, delegate Marjorie Anderson and convention chairman :Eric Anderson. (News -Record Photo by John Visser) Hospital Board, Hensall CGI ° Group Elects New Executive I3ENSAT X Mi Batba a I wish to express any sdneere names m s Schvwalra was electedspresadent thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for thedr many o C� ��� of Canadian Girls in Trradning art a meeting last week at Car - acts of kindness, sympathy week of their leave with Mr, mel Presbyterian Church here car beaubvful floral tr' uses ds ab , Q rnee�tan The• re ular monthl Y g to h Leila M Falls over whac Mrs's Lea c s during m recent sad be- sent du ag y of the beard of CCinton Public presided. reavement Special thanks to i the,,. staff Clinton Iospntal was held Monday Other officers elected were: MRS. JOHN evening,at the hospital. he Miss Marjorie Schwahn, viee- OcHospital. WON. 43p Mrs.•MarjofrYSpie leburg, president; Miss Margie Allan, j(Mr. and Mets. Qordon Lep- nursing supervisor, and Miss secretary and Miss Sharon I wish to thank my friends, Kathleen. Elliott, assistant sup- Lavery, treasurer. neighbors and relatives for erinttenclent of nursing, were --o cards, greats, flowers and vi'si'ts named delegates to tie 40th William Cook,, 126 Maple St,, while a .patient in the hospital. annual convention of the On - don, Ont., .and Karald Baxter illness, Special thanks to doctors -and trarhio Hospital Assoolatioan at Reconstruction of Mr. and Mrs. -'morn Oliver, nurses. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. �- MRS. Toronto. The convention will be held � Highway LiLLIE CANTELON. 43p Pingle of Toronto; Mr. and , F/L Hugh M. Colqub-oun, � Colquhonln and son Blatfr, this year `on October 26, 27 and Harold Er]!an'd'sen .of ;Mtchener. 'Are wish to expres our ap- 28 aL ithe Royal YorTc Hoiteti. " preciation -to aA who "a4bended Mrs. R. U. MacLean, a mean- OK'd Council . our party and sent cards on ber of the hospital's Women's Services' the occasion of our 25th wed Auxiliary, will also attend the Clinton town council cleared ding, anniversary, HAROLD AND DONNA TYNDALL. 43p coiiventtion. • the way for tenders to be call - Board chairman Jae Murphy,,ed for the reconstruction of _ I vwis'h -to thank all my rela- med-nber J. Williiam Conuiter Highway 8 and installation of tives, friends and neighbors who and hos>prhal business manager s,torrn sewers along Highway 4 remembered me with cards, Tom Steep said they expected ail: its regular monthly meeting visits and calls while I was a to be able to attend at least last Tuesday night. in Victoria Hospital. one day of -the three�day can- Council voted to accept a re- gabient ipecical thanks to all those Who venrtion, port by Proctor and Redfern, helped out an any way, its was o _ a Toronto civil and consulting n'lueh appreciated. --ALFRE) HUDIE. 43p K of C Gathering , engineers firm which estimates the cost of the. project at I' would like to rt'han3z friend's and neighbors for cards and Tr 4' RCAF Station $584,525. 'Fire town's share of that am - a patient in c- treats while Vri l ou�+ r conne 't,o attend -the special ser- vicesand the 8 p.m. gathering. ount is $100,270; the balance of to la Hospital; also Dr. L, Mc'- (Continued from page one) $484,255 will be paid by the Anincl7 and the' :hospital stbaff. --IJARL SWITZi✓R. 43p B. R. Rafuse and Win t g Com- OnbAauo Depariunent of Hi�gh- 43p mender, L. Lomas. ftys, The project was started ab- IN MEMORIAM Tour Departmen.4, During the afternoon, Whig out one year ago with soil mm - drainage thsreb It L09B --- In memory of a Commander L, Lomas C77, briefed the visitors on the furl,'c- involves wldenin a:hd rebuild- involves g dear wife, mother and grand- tion of NORAD in the def -once rang Highway 8 for abouttrthree- mother, Flossie Ann Labb, who pas.5ed away Oct. 18, 5962. passed Canada and the USA, Spec- quarters of a mile and the in - 5tallation of storm.sewers along Honored is the sot where p ifically he outlined the danger the highway rSgiht-atf-whY and you are laid. of nuclear ra t ek .from guided along streets that drain toward Where oft an silence a 'visit missiles, manned bombers, and the highway, is paid. To place. a 'flower in remem- every satellites which could be launched by the Somiot bloc, Clinton wail pay 10 percent trance of you, It was comforting as well es of the highway irisins and 1b0 - percent of the cost of the file p Too dearly loved to. ever be forgotten." � • informative for the vastto to Im, adjaceaf lentis, incl: the -Sadly missed by nusbanrl � learn that Canada is qutto Ade- draitt system W3,l1 serve- mast of- fClifford, Clifford,daughter Beleh, sons quately protected th'ro'ugh the the ',.own. Orval and Everett and 'their coniplac4ted, expensive; but ef= children. 43p ficie'nt defence a forded by We easily believe that 'which c--- - NORAD. The Wing Commmati- We wish, nURONVl7 w NOXILI'AItY tier outlined the tremendous TO MtEt OCTOBER 26 contribution Which -the RCAF # . The regular meeting of the mattes to the over-all defence , auronview Ladies Acuxilittiy of 'this tontinentt, MM will be hold this coming Mon- The briefing Was followed by day, October "6, 1964 aft 2;30 an, o9ttinive tour of the 14aoa� prn in the RuronvleW Arts rand ghtional. Aids detsar!tmont and Craftits room, the Radar Tower linst'alliatiobs, TURNER'S UN17'50 CHURCH Clinton Cora munify Auc'tIon Sale More than. 200 members of the Canadian Order of For - eaters, r�presentlnig 117 lodges attended the aamual Western Ointarlo, Provincial Assembly convention 1•ield .over the week- end at. the Elm Haven Motor Hostel„ Clinton, Delegates attended from as far north as North Bay, the Toronto area, and from as liar soutlh as Windsor. Harley Switzer of Woodstock was, elected president, succeed- ing Mrs. Joan Miles of Norwich, and Mrs. Dororthy Smail ' of London was elected vice-presi- dent. I.'.resideut Attends Other officers elected includ- ed; treasurer, Ellis Wilson, of London; Mrs. Edith Campbell of Suncoe, chaplain; Mrs; Mar- jorie Murphy of Caistor CexAxe, recording secretary; Mrs. Marie Walters of London, registrar., Auditors: Jack Youngson, of S:t. Marys, and Mrs. Munro Mc- Cready, of Welland Point. Members of the executive com- mittee include: Ralph Green- wood, Wellandport; Mrs. Jean Parney of London and Vern IvVbltwell, sof Binbrook. The president of the Canad- ian Order of Foresters, J. Al- bany Richard, of Brantford, at- tended the convention. .School Committee Ponders Addition To Ease Crowding I The advisory a cry vocational com- mittee ofeavtr C a1 Huron S•e - C ondary School will study the need for an. addition to the school's vocational section, school board meanbers were ad- vised at their m r - fonrthl m e Y et ing last Wednesday night. The decision was reached following a meeting last week When D. W. Scott of Loudon, secondary school inspector for the area, told the connrnittee action should be 'taken "to re- lieve congesttion in the voca- t'ional area of the school." Board representative Norm- an 'Counter of Clinton, *in his report t . . • p o -the high school board, said Mr, Scott had pointed out portable classrboans and shops Should :be avoided. He recoin- mended a thorough study be made .to And out how large ,an extension was needed. Mr. Counter said the com- mIttee was told the Ontario Department-ofEducation wound not consider, provision for stu- dent populaiion projected be- yo'nd five years. The Depaxtmen+t, according to the inspector, would accept a provftional figure for around the 1,500 nnArlc, ThYrs„ Uhf, 22, 1164•-4 iof'on7 IV141 i Mr. 444 Mrs. Lloyd Johnston Chatham, X.B,, are spending a of Londo.4, Ont., vasited with week of their leave with Mr, Mx^, slid Mrs, Albert Leribold and: Mrs, E. W. Colquhoun, 111 and facially at RR 2 Olinton, Huron St•, and with -'slier mem- last Friday, bells of the :famby bi the area, Mr, and Mrs. Uoyd Johnston' Mr, and Mrs. Gordan Mae - and family of Landtrn, Ont„ kterlane and Robert of St. visited last Thursday with rhe Thomas Visited the latter's par - lather's parents, Mr' and Mrs, encs, AZr. and Mrs, Bert Lobb, Thomas L•eppington. Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. I)on j(Mr. and Mets. Qordon Lep- Lobb, RR' 2 Clinton on Samir- pington and file!ir two d'aug(h- day ten from Scarboro visited Dr, R. C. Cook, Toronto, and Thanksgiving Day with their Reg• Com, London, Visited aunt :and. uncle, Mr: acrd 1Vfrs, G1l►e1r parents, Mr. f1s1d Mrs. `i'oni Leppington. William Cook,, 126 Maple St,, Miss Esther JohmWn of Lon- this week due to their f#vtltem'p don, Ont., .and Karald Baxter illness, Of Iardung's Paint, N.B., were Recent visuitors at the home Sunday visitors with Mr, and of Mr. and Mrs. -'morn Oliver, Mrs. Thomas Leppington and 1.72 Isaac Sit„ were Mr, and Dgr, .and Mrs, Alb vt :eibold, Mrs. Lawrence Hall anti ;Mrs. RR 2 Clinton.' Pingle of Toronto; Mr. and , F/L Hugh M. Colqub-oun, MTO, Vernon Huller and familyMrs. Colquhonln and son Blatfr, of Aylmer, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Er]!an'd'sen .of ;Mtchener. Ra t� t ssPlan J. E. ",Cap" Cook has receiv- ad Word of the death of his . inter, Mrs. J. G, Ross (Lydia), of Willawdal�e. 'Me. funeral was Special Services' Tuesday. On Anniversary Starlight Circle Thle 84th anniversary of rope congregation of Cl+t-ton Bti'tip- Meet Was Oct. 12 tist Church will be marked this Sunday With speo Yal .services at The O.otober .meeting of ,the 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p,nr. T . fanlight Circle of Wesley- . Guest minister Rev, W. Lloyd Willis UCW was held Monday, Pierce, pastor of Highland Road •Oct. 12. Baptiislt 'Church, Kutch?ner, will Thanksgiving meditation was preach at both services and at h=id and unit leader Mie, Jef- 8 p,m, will show colored slides ersan presided for the re i ar of :the Baptist World Alliance business period, Assembly he attended do Brazil Mrs. Harold Wase io am and Bolavda in 1.961. convener, outlined the complain II the entered the ordain- ed plans for the Thankorffeming iris ministry, Mr. Pierce served meeting to be held in Wesley - in in the RCAF. Willis Church 61 Sunda Oct. will be 25th, at 8 pm. Dr. Maw Me- er t au ices of sondes' 'the auspices of the I� el- Kim a returned. missionary lor,vs'hip Group. All are Wel- will speak at the meeting. conne 't,o attend -the special ser- vicesand the 8 p.m. gathering. Onfario Street !PC's Holds Regular Meet Unit Three of Ontario, Street United Church met recently in the church parlour. Mfrs. Juan Mair was in charge of devo- tions assisted by Mrs.. Charles Crates, -and Mrs. Bert Pepper. Miss Olive Johnson gave a reading, and the business sec- tion of the meeting was handl- ed by Unit Leader Mrs, Jack IrWirn. Mrs. Cecil Elliatt reported on a clay she bad spent at a pro gtram for units at Wesley -Wallis United Church. Lunch was served at the, close of the meet- ing. -•!, �kt�C2jny ri lowers z J K I Telegraphed � Anywhere if T tl_,, ti2:`sl.,'.:::Yt:;'; al•J Est. ::c',.:;d ::....: f....::::.:. SC3WLM,cSTER BURLING :< j4 V s.. 4s ^{ for t Men and Women $4.89 to $6.95 Complete Selection BAUER SKATING OUTFITS For The Family AIKEN FOOTWEAR and CLOTHING 482-93&1 eNDS ON SATURDAY MIGHT Get Your Loney Saving Barg ailfits Now While The Sale Is On ipCiChYSr'u14'n . I �Y E FRIDAY 5UNOAY, OCTOBER 25r 1964 2+ADV fs.69i. �at • p.m. ust Mlirtister, REV, W. J. `SEN N-ItIN Gioverhhleht inspected sealers PRESCRIPTIONS Cattle sold by Weight Coderich TBRtytS, CASH phwib 482-9,511 firi ortr Ontario SP90AL MUSIC ,l(jI; •C".OltEy, $Wd# Mat ager m