Clinton News-Record, 1964-10-22, Page 4piaye 4,00P. -it n Nr s -fit GQr Qcfi,. 4.9j. 1964 , How Would You Like It? IT'S LUCKY for one thoughtless. Clntonian he .doesn't have a front lawn. He might have woken up one morning this week and found a carefully selected cross-section of garbage spread across it. It might have been .spread there by the rrlan who usually collects garb and hauls 1 away ito the town dump, Not that Clarence Neilans would have let longer •overcome rational think- ing Still, a lot of us might have done just thait, Because we're not all that easy-going, or sensible. Mr, Neilans' blood pressure went up a few points this week when he :arrived at the fawn dump and found some else had been using the premises, Well, after all, it is the town dump, But it is managed by one man who op- er ates a garbage collection service ... , which, incidentally, 'saves money for ratepayers. Operationof the dump is Mr, Neil= anst business, and he sees'to it that the dump is open .on -Saturdays for the alis- poral of garbage by private individuals. The manin question :apparently couldn't wait for Saturday, or accumu- late d ccumula+ted his garbage after .Satturday. m So he duped. it outside the dump, and in front of'the main gate., He is not the first person to da this, But nor was he the most careful, Be,. cause his. garbage contained information which bore his name and address. It was an easy matter to track him down and confront him with. his viola - tion , , . and his rudeness, and to ask him to please .'take. his garbage inside the dump proper-, or face prosecution. Authorities hope this example may prompt others to use common sense and just a little common decency in the disposal of their garbage. How would you like a swath of garbage across your front lawn? ,A Be A Fink. WHERE WAS your son or daugh.- That's two per shift, and only one per ter last night, and did you ask him ab- shift for a number of shifts. And the out that little piece of soap -you found in window in -the next block can get soaped his blue jeans pocket when you were when his back, is turned checking a door ; putting 'them into the washing machine? or answering a house call at the other Doesn't he know better than to go end of town. out and smear soap across the windows If we had two or three thousand of stores, businesses and Automobiles? police officers in Clinton it wouldn't take Doesn't he know it's against- the long to catch, the kid with -the bar of law, and has no 'one ever told him it's a ' soap. - damn 'nuisance? So why don't you keep your eyes It's about time someone did, open. You might catch him. That sort of thing might be excus- And you could report him to the able on Hallowe'en night, though barely, police. but it's far from funny at any other time Then, one of two things could hap - of the year, pen. -- Before you get all hot under the The police might require the boy collar and head for the telephone, don't to clean all the soaped windows on Al - take this personally .... bert Street in broad daylight. .Or, they It's just possible it could be your might charge him, and send him to court son or daughter we are talking about. where a crafty magistrate might sen - but it probably isn't. The offenders may tense him to just the same punishment. even be a couple of punks from same And if that happened, it would be neighboring town who have watched one of the best things that ever hap - too many soap commercials on televi- pend to a boy Who, thought he. was be- sion.., ing funny. The point is this: So keep your eyes open . and Clinton has only four policemen, be a fink!! A Good Choice AT THE LAST regular meeting of Clinton. town council members voted i unanimously to terminate the proba- tionary rob a tionary period of constable Leroy Oesch. Mr.-Oesch was added to Clinton's police department on July 27 of this year and was to have been on probation until the end of January, 1965. That period of probation is an ex- cellent clause for any employer to have in any contract or agreement with new employees. During six months most un- desirable traits show; -and' in that length of time a lack of ability becomes evi- dent. So too, do any shortcomings u1 any area of the new employee's make-up which were not evident at the time he was hired, Councillors, the mayor, the reeve and the deputy reeve wasted not one moment at, their last meeting in agree- ing with. the idea that Clinton's new policeman should be "welcomed aboard" on a permanent basis. (The only ques- tion that ever arose was whether the Ontario Police Commission allows pro. bationary periods to be abbreviated:) Their action clearly indicated that what Const. Oesch has shown during his three months on the. Clinton force has been nothing but fairness, fifmness.,' honesty and ability. - We have heard nothing to dispute this, although Const. Oesch must have crossed a number of persons since he started to work on the force. Well Never It will probably never be possible to make artificial whisky or brandy, according to the Laboratory of the British Government Chemist. This was the conclusion of research- ers who' had tried to analyse the dif- ferent chemicals present in samples of these liquors. For one type of brandy alone, 23 'distinct.. chemicals were analysed, but .: present, ac- cording of others were nese cording to indications, The many fan- known substances . apparently react' within each other' most Uhpredictably. - He must have crossed a number of persons in Clinton. because since he startedr the' i A nc it work. here he nsta es of e squealing have all but died out, and the list of names on the monthy court dock- et has become longer. Yetthere have been no gripes from any quarter. We have heard no sour grapes .from his "victim", and his fel. low police officers have nothing but good to say of him. We must conclude he has been fair to all with whom he ,comes in contact. But Const. Oesch would give his mother a speeding ticket—we feel—bei cause a good police officer must be as firm as he is fair. It must be that those who were brought into court were fully aware they had broken the law: At - the same time council gave Const. Oesch a full vote of confidence, the Clinton Police- Department in gen- eral was briefly discussed, The police— who are usually the first group in any town to get criticism—drew none from councillors; and councillors are the ears, eyes and mouths of the public. We must Have a good department, for which some credit must go to the Police Committee. It was the police -committee and chief Russ Thompson who picked Leroy Oesch from the list of applicants; it is the same group which organizes ' the Clinton Police Depart- ment. They must have done a good job , . . R Re lace : The Nose p The Chemical changes in Scotch Whisky are generally complex, and take place over .a period of seven years --the length of time whisky needs to mature. Some special whiskies take tip to 15 years to mature. No two whiskies are alike=even from the same 'distillery, and nearly all the brands on sale are the. 'skillfully blended products of several distilleries: The blending is done by a skilled blender who relies entirely on his sense of smell, and nal ;machine has ever been invented to do the job satisfactorily. Chn-Wft' NOWS*Recowd ,.. Arhalgahat&d THE GLINTON NEW ERA i92a THE CLINTON NEW$=RECORD 'Est. 1865 shed v" r Thursd Paabil a e,y ay at the -Fist. 1$8'1 >f A A Heart of Huron County y� Lllnton, Ontario Population 3,369 I DAVID E. SCOTT, !Editor A. L. COi Q0HOUN putilfsh'er P 0.. dignorJ contrlbutioM In Aft pubOcelot are #hM G 0 N R botntons of #fie wriish only, eid do hot oecesYarfly elfpf-u fh4 Ylsyn of thr 4V"Plpsr. Aofh&Itio Mat 'tecand chit mail, Post Office Diparfmshf, oftaw*, and for payrhinf of 060a44 It( 644 Sall $d*lf'tI6N itAttSt Iay4b(6 IN advance—••daheda and deaf erlftfn: $06 i yiAFl Vow 3fafoi and I10644at #.60; Sl4k Oof►W `yi t 646ft ' Scenic Falls (hews -Record Photo) w A Tubeha s In (Rditorls. Note): The following article recently appeared in "Canadian Consumer," the official organ of the Consumers' Association. of Canada. The. article was thought to be of interest to all readers, as the tests described herein were performed on standard brands of toothpaste which can be found on the shelves of your local stores.. -The article is reprinted with special permission, to the News -record .from the editor of "Canadian Consumer.' given the go' -by and the, tixri- pair, That :jg the word that have measured well over 100 "Naw let's see. I've gat ,ba tubes :of toothpaste in the goe. 's t toothpastHerea e. re many sizes :and brands—by brand I like. on al. no means ll .that 'CAC shop a 2 ,for 49c +for the size labelled pew found on the market., 79.4 ,grams, and the bigger included in our tests size says 2 for 89c and it's s thhrr paalcages — a uxnsquueeeze labelled 158.8 grams. I won- plastic squeeze bottle of dem how much that worksPlus, :a plastic tube -out to, for an ounce—1 seem shape 'like shaped a toy rocket of to remember it's 28,35 grams nal Orbit,. sand 'a squirt can of -to the ounce, so if I divide . Pepsodent. Our ,samples for 79,4 and 158:8 by 28.35, and testing—two',-of each brand then divide 49c and 89c by and size of tube — were the result . . . - bought in Montreal, Ottawa, Oh well, here's another Toronto and Vancouver, and brand I like; in 'the `large' toothpaste. prices were also size. But that's the smallest surveyed in Halifax, size, and the tube sounds The meeting was attended awfully loose in the carton. � The Weights The next size tip is called It is CAC's policy -to eh - 'giant and labelled 82 'grams courage labelling in both the (wish. I could do that arlth- metric and foot-pounds sys- metic), but wham's this? This tems, but, of the 56 brands canton says '8c off and the and sizes of toothpaste we price sfiamped on it is 55c bought, nearly half the. con: - but this salmon right next :to tainers showed the net weight it says '10c off' and yet the , only nn. grams', as yet an un - price is 57c. familiar unit for the vast Ah, :here's one 'that tells majority of Canadians. After me both therams and oun- g measuring the- actual weight ces: it says 161.3 grams is of the toothpastes in the lab- -the same as 5.69 ounces. But. ,oratory; we decided . that then I stili have oto divide weights stated in such 'fine' the price. of $1,09 by three units as grams, and certainly numbers oh dear :' those in fractions of grams, * are not .only confusing but This, as so many CAC "sleading--the actual weight members know, is a typical of the -toothpaste in the two monologue they hear them- samples could differ by as selves muttering as they try much as: 5 grams, and very to decide which size (not often differed by 2 grams. which brand) of toothpaste We have, therefore, trans - to to ' buy. lated both the labelled We were asked to study weights and the wei'gh'ts the this shopper's nightmare, and laboratory found :into the r At .B'enmili er ounce equivalent, showing therm to the nearest one tentih of announce' (about 3 granas), These -are the weights of all the -toothpaste in the tube; including the bit that even the most expert tube squeez- er has to leave behind, After half the tubes meas- ured proved to contain as much toothpaste as they claimed; of .the rent, more were underweight than over- weight. The most under- weight tube was Orbit, but the paste in it was badly, dried odt. The squeeze bottle - of Ipana Plus contained well -over its labelled amount of 7 oz., and the can of Pepso- dent. also contained 7 oz. We wondered >how much. a con- sumer might remove from these two unusual kinds of container, and we asked, two husky lab technicians to squeeze and squirt out as much of the paste as pos- sible. They had to leave be- hind over 15 percent, a much higher proportion than the 5 percent or so you have to leave behind in a tube. The Packages All the tubes of tooth- paste we bought came in cartons, somd of the big- ger sizes Having a protect- ive piece of cardboard fold- ed across they seamed end. of the tube. Food andDrug regulation'scontrol the size Of the carton, but we wand- er how much of the total space in the carton is occup- ied by the. tube Laboratory measurements showed that none of the tubes tools up even half the space in the cartons, and some 1e8 t more. than two- -thirds of the space for Air— or for consumers to speculate (-Continued on Page Five) Letter To The Editor .. . To The Editor: to just what the regulations lousay, although, the application Clinton Lions Arena is doom-< were. for centennial grant has to. N ed, can only be carried on a Weill knolving the committee in by November 9,ih. It: wa: short -tion, and is beyond re- had in mond applying for the given the go' -by and the, tixri- pair, That :jg the word that freezing unit only Of they Cen- prelsisiion left once again thai went out from the Lions Club tennial grant could be obttadned evetythdng had to go, through a'yeax ago. on that: alone. as' stipulated. This very de,f A commlititee of very intte•- Before the meeting it was irAtely, according to Mr. AMa re, estted men flew to work and told by Mr. FVwvk Cook dist Is not so land obligates no one, really assembled a great deal after calling at the municipal • On Wednesday, October 2'1si of Imf'oombbion of what other offiices' tliart they had to have there is to be another meeting arenas accompU h'ed under sdni- they plans -for the. buidddng and of this committee off which. I mlar oirO=,— ances ani recent the fund's •in hand or definitely am temporary only, secretary, years. With a fund of infor- that they could' get the funds and art it, 'in addtiihion to retp- naattuori as 'to cost, how money or. +there was no use applying resen'tatives' from the 'ave or- rad,ed, wheat upkeep amounted for sante. gantizations mentioned above, -to, and las to how it paid its The meeting was attended there Will also be representa- way, what improvements on by perhaps 85 cittdzets and Mr, tion from the Agriicultural So - plan could be and errors im.de. Allaire explalved that they clebYl' Also quotations from many could not give the centennial Noor .,in, puttintg in the pro - builders, what kind of constxuc- grant on such a tieing as the posed building: The building tion best. Certainly a very freeAng unit only: It would which stood out, was Hanover. complete inverstigation anda have to be a building. Tihat This includes a convm+untiity very valuable fond of in°for- they did not have to have the centre—and I ani quite sure mitaitiali obtafined. . money on hand at all . but tthat it wasn't put in witli theNaturallyin a new buil.ddng, they alit -need to have a definite Mea of having it included -abut the logical place to Wild it plan -and that while the build- it was' Sncluded solely so that would be on Clinton Com niun- ing had -to be erected — and in planning itt could be built so r'ty Park where it could also be speelfically neat riece'ssary sft ct- than it could be added at a used by Agrticulttua%l Sooietty 1y to. according to plans, But latter crate, wheal wanted. and would reaetive as such an they did have -ti-11 1967 to have Now with six omganizattions addtitid ial grant frig n agrticul- it up and if not carried on ex- womlding for this project, if it tore. AtAking a building Which adtly as planned, a saitistfactoty is welll organd2ed and with en - would serve two purposes in subgtaitute in Which expense' had •bhusii'asaxi behind ,vt, there it no fie.. been passed, or Out to what' telling h1oW much money can Anter •a 'thorough inveamtngb.- coulld 'be finanoed. gat the V- be raised separate fforn deben- tion the cotnmtiittee found out plication th ad to be In by No- tures: there• is a cebtenn'itai granit vembe+r' '9th, and It did not (eammta hly so for it has the Which would amtount to an ad- n6cessatrily obligate either the indication of the support of all dition'al grant of $2 per 'person m.ut11dijpa1,ity of Clinton, nor these organizattions Mind the or 'iii Clantosi's cased $7,000M, anyone. Because It it couldn't {thing very definitely to do is at on as MY Informr i that a be done, wt lust couldntt be to get the enthusiasm behind was doA:ccor'cI port aiitl Ttbeil own Councilrin March of this ' igly, another ritedding anthuy iasnl big donle m more than any year. Butt no action ww•ts taken; "5 calletd for botoberr 7th debentures have done in the 1 believe this could have been at which each of the following past more ishan 'once, It rriisundwstanding•. But iii any were to have represen?tLvtive's, But this, above ever4ythitig case it was overlooRt d. Recent. vat,- liin'stnen. Club, Lions Club, else is a case of ouncil witch ly, tet a regular council meat- Phil and Game Club, and Clan- these organizations to get down ing, of Which the council had adian L6,4'nn, xis well as the to thinking ,and planning ser- bem notified, there wasn't a Chamb6r of Conifterce, 'Each :iously to se+e what sari ba clone. quorum at the meeting; $o no. 'ewes to send 'at loast two ic> Not 'ter see libw little can be �Q thinsaxl ,U done'. rl e d tic. L� ry t L Ut �� 4W11'l�Lt �e' � on t e to be dome, but to s -how faiilCii can Council was to ;have a meets formed as a bu'ilabig commit- be done, Arid I pari quntte sure ing on October the 2nd at tee, Th45 'ComhAttee Was to b% if gone. tLbout �roper.)y, tt7he rey wth'tch lvir Sob Allaire, the of- I andeistand, tomporary only. sults can be tahlAing. 1C iaf responsible far the raps- Coundil had a, raiboting b.ft n....rs v . truly, S.y `al Yr plications fir coittenttial rant;,Odtober Isar= Dial 524-8787, Godedth was to be piresenst t6 461,16' as Buts did. flag go' into nirfi s —ALAN 'fit, EDWARt5S, .Our Early F 4 Tears Ago I$ 'Yeon ,Ago Oetoiters .2„3, Zfl2h Okked?or 9Q, if)4fJ lylr, W, lblulhol'iand (Of Flo!, �oa�e King is :coa>isined 10 mesville) •cut a, cabbage 44 bis bed anise suffering coilsidevalbly garden 'the Other d'ay which foti!lowing an accident About ti'pp'ed i'he iscales at fifteen noon on Thursday, go bad, d ri- patarard , That ougka�t to snake a ven. down to F"ank Keegan's nice bit .of sauerkraut, anal was standing up on i he ThA S$avfaiPti:d'' nPW'C f'Olfiimrl. .vomi- nit i.h. hiiumr mlinlrin,o- Chris we-ek contkiAs..a. x-veord of piles -of f a tree -When' ithe horse the death of a wgR-•J mown Citi- took a Step forward, lie lost zen of that Vyflfage $4 the per- h+i:, ba)iance, :and fell over th sta41 of Henry' W. L`rwan, for back, hitting his head ,on ! he Many .year» village clerk, W. ground. Ewwian: was for Eby year's the Fire Chief Qrant Rath tolls Nowvs-RRmord's B!ayheld ,repa.e- us that the new We, truck, wull sentartive and h!is breezy cmres- arrive in Clinton on Saturday, pondence, was $oo'lced for Week- and That the boys, ape aR set ly by a large circle of readetrst, for a. real, raotdse aPternooi..., anpmssive ceremony mamleed But was before lac knew the taking over of two mtaehane ,that there was going to be a. ball guns captured from the Geer-. game! . . , However, all the mays, by his Lordship, Bishop boys rare glad that the truck Wdlliamg, for St. Patn1% Church is caring; tine w'ai't has been on Sunday Week, long . The bazaar held by, the Mas- Tuesday :morning mmiked an sion Band of WQs Church In important occasion for the per - the school room of the church sonnei of RCAF Station, Chn- on Shturalay af't'emar004' wast ton, when more than 350 off c - proved to be quite a success. ers and airmen m1ceived their The London Road U.F.W.O. wax” medals and overseas' sem- club enter+tahned the Brucefield vice stars, at a special parade Club at the home of Mrs'. Perry held by the Commanding Offic- C7ole on Thursday last. er, Wing Commander A. C. M * Hull. 25 'Years Ago 10 Years Ago October 26, 19$9 Lar. W. A. Oakes captured October 21, 1954 the trophy at a Golf Tourna- ment herd in. Seaiforth last An all -tome, record. at rarinfaA weeds, recorded in Hurn County at Several raids: have been stag- 8.15 .inches during the, first 16 ed on dairy and creamery days in October, has caused un - plants in Western, Ontario in told damage rte farm crops In recent weeks including Luck- the .area.. The loss In the wh81te now, Tara, Dundee and'Fores+t. bean crop alone is estimated at Late Thursday night or early between one half to three quar- Fr+iday morning thieMs visited ter millions of dollars, the Poul•tiy Plant of Canada Word of disaster from the Packers here and made off with flooded area along the banks of a 400 lb. safe. the rampaging Humber hirings Tuesdlay and Thursday nights no' news of serious' trouble to have been -seleoted for 'tradn- res:id'en'ts from Clinton now liv- ing members of the non-active ing in the City of Toronto. permanent militia here and The agricultural representa- training got underway this tiives ,have been busy for recent week in the Legion Hall where- weeks coaching the 16 4-B it will be continued for the pre- teams which will take part in sent. the Ontario 4-H Inter -Club Although Halloween rAghrt is competitions at OAC on Friday not until next week, reporits tin- October 22, dticate that some of the boys A, quite successiful paper vol- are apparently get=ting 'in a lit- lection was made 'by menibere t1e practice prior to, the date. of the Clinton: Branch No. 140, Duck hunting parties are Canadian. Legion yesterday aft - meeting with success. Over ornoan. Cam Proctor, chairman the weekend a party including in charge of the opeWt!ion esti- M. SlieVing was at Turkey mates -the total weight as in Point and bagged thirty-Eow. the neighbourhood of 20 tons. TRY ATLANTIC"S "THRIFTY RIFT Y F (ONE WEEK) $50.00 cod's only 23c till pay day. Phone 482-3486 tlAantic-"Finance 16 CORPORATION JOHN HARPER 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Business and Professional • Directory PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE HADDEN'S STUDIO x, W, COLQUHOUN PORTRAIT -- WEDDING INSURANCE +& REAL ESTATE and CHILDREN Phones: Office 482.9747 118 St. David's St.. Res. 4t2-7804 Dial 524-8787, Godedth JOHN WiSE, salesman 6-1$p Phone 482-7285 PORTRAITS -- WEDDING$ COMME//.��RWAL tr H. C. LAWSON 1044"4" First Mortgage Money Available, 20 Isaac Street Lowest Current Interest Rhtes Friday and Saturday 2 to 9 pan. INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phone 482.9654 after 6 p.m. for Phones: Offlee 481-9644. .appointments Abs. 487.-4!787 OPTOMETRYH. .. _ E.HA TLEY R J. E. LONO$TAFF LIFE INSURANCE Planned- savings .. , OPTOMETRIST - . Estate Analysis Mondays and Wednesdays CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO CLINTONMEDICALCEN PX Clint onhOntaelb � 4$2-7010 _ .. _ SEA#,ORTH OPPICE 701 AL MI M PRODUCTS V NU G. S. CLANNCY, 0.0, For Air -Master: Aluminum Doors and Windows --- OPTOMETRIST and oi` AP ppiintment ay Rockwell Pbwer Fools Phone 524.1161 JERVIS SALES GC)L1ERfCFi R. L. Jervis -68 Albert St. s .8-tfti Clinton_482-9390 , R. W. $ELL Classilled..Ads OPT'OiNETRIST_ it. 'i'... Ag RM6tkONG w Orlon,Quick Comultin' Optometrist 'The Square,, GOI )RICH 524«7661 Results IA E HAKrr.K CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 St3lJ1"H ST., T5UPHONE GODMCH� ONT. 52A.7562