Clinton News-Record, 1964-09-24, Page 11VARNA PIMP lgePkilagOlsilc Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, Sept, 27 at 1140 .4,m, and :M0 p.m. with Rev, Thigh. Wilson. of Thames Road in charge Of both services,. Rally Pay ,Sel,140e was held on SnridaY last in, the United Church wftit. the .Sunday School superintendents, Mr. A. 4, tard and Mrs, Wm, io.Ash charge, assisted by Mrs:. les .1i,e5.4 and Mrs. -Gordon Hill and several members of the choir. Rev, and Mrs. M, Morrison visited with relatives in Nor- thern Ontario last week. 11101Noo MEND-N FIT) WERE THANKFUL FOR FR/,ENDS WEI/ WON, THROUGH ALL THE . HEATING JOBS VE HAVE HEAT) PROPERWo - FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM Thum, Supt, 24 1944 •c.lintpn% ilpwS-POgnyd,?9, LINTON Featurin "Clood 9" Room ORGAS_BORD Every Wednesday_ .& Sunday 6raiidmothers Honored. At. Auburn WI Meeting By Sit$, Wgs. fif0.4nock Giandroptliers of the CerninUnitY were ,honored guests the September meeting of the Auburn 'Wernere$ Institute. When they met reeently in the Commupity Memorial modell ed at 'ale Lond011 Area rale president, Mrs. Bert • cram was in charge of the meeting which opened in tne Vrtes Tor 13anquet. usual way, The pi a ni s t Members were asked to .cat, was Mrs.. William J. Craig. er to the county Road •riiploy- The president 'tNeleometl. tie ees nquet and the Corrupittee grandtrtothers to the meeting in Charge are Mrs. Donald ' and said Was an. honor to Haines, Mrs, Arnold Craig and pay 'tribute to grandmothers on Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. Mrs, An- this occasion. drew Kirloonnell gave the card Approve Minutes report and read 'the thank-you cards, The minutes of the previous The roll call was answered 'meeting were approved as read by each. member relating an by the secretary, Mrs. Thomas Incident that happened at .Hag-gitt, She also gave the fin- school. Mrs. Oliver Anderson ancial statement. • gave a message on the motto: A lettar was read about the "Just When you are making 'County Rally at Bens.all _on oc- two ends .meet someone pulls tober 5 and Mrs. Robert Phil- the end." lips and Mrs. Lloyd Humph- Mrs, Lloyd HumPitreys gave .reys were appointed the dele- a reading .and a quartet corn- gates for 'this meeting. A let- posed of :Mrs, Gordon R; Tay- 'ter was read from C.1\1113 and lor, Mrs, Donald Haines, Mrs, the members. vetted to send $10 Gordon Ch'ap-mey and Mrs; to assist with this work. Wes Bradnock sang „two songs. A request from the district • field Contests for wedding gowns of 50 years Mrs. Keith Machin thanked ago was read. These are to he all Who had assisted in. the pro- convention in November. OSIONAMONNIN4 ;ENNES:i0lagiegig4: •.. `Chicken in ,a Basket' Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Phone 482.7011 for Reservations We cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions 11111.1.1.111111111111111111. Zurkh Agricultural Society CENTENNIAL FALL FAIR Sat. & Mon. — Sept. 26 & 28 I 9.00 p.m.—CASH BINGO—In Zurich Arena Monday Afternoon, September 28 1.00 p.m.—MONSTER CENTENNIAL PARADE — Led by Seaforth H.S. Girls Trumpet Band and the Zurich Majorettes, 1.30 p.m.—OFFICIAL OPENING 2.30 p.m.—PET SHOW BABY SHOW 4-H CLUB CONTESTS MIDWAY CATTLE SHOWS RIDES INSIDE EXHIBITS Monday Evening - 6.00 p.m. Sharp Saturday Night, September 26 7.00 p.m.—Dedication of Centennial Pillars 8.00 p.m.,—Variety Concert in Zurich Arena (no admission charge) 0000 a••••••1•4••• 0111•••*0•400• • • • • • • "[WEE • • 0 ••••••'••••aaaaa*.**** • a AT YOUR CHRYSLER CANADA LTD, DEALERS • 11010•• • • • ••O.* 4114 • ••II It • • ••a•0 •0•••••0••00••••astbs . Hi MIDDLETON Mr. J. M. Johnston of Gade- ridh, spent Sunday with his sis- ter, Mrs. Fred Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Middleton and. Billy of Stratford. were al- so Sunday guests at the Fred Middleton :home. Miss Kathleen IVfcNaughten of London, spent the past week visiting With her cousin, Mrs, - Fred Middleton. CUSTOM 100 2-DOOR HARDTOP VALIANT 100 SERIES 066piet the eonfldetice they have in the way their productS are bluff AN ADA THE CARS WITH THE 5-YEAR.-50 000-MILE fq,mous Power4rairi warrality...uniqiie in the t er r industry—tells you two linportant things about ChrySipr Egt CHRYSLER POWER4IIAIN WARRANTY and the concern they fed' for these who buy their products. SEE KYMOUTH,VALIANtbetlitYSLER ....,.... MURPHY .......__•„„„..._ 134. Huron Street Clinton Ontario. LoD. MRS. n it A v !IR v . , SORT AW-gN, Correspondent gra,:rn. The committee of Mrs,. Keith Mohan, Mrs. Charles: Stranghan,, Mrs, Clifford' Brown and Mrs. 1)artaid caltwriot • were in charge or .the -rontests, and Presented prizes to the grandmothers, Mrs. Roy Deer won a pri'40 for having the most butlors on her. dress. Mrs, 'Bert .Cratfg won a prize for having the most articles in her purse (58); Mrs' Roy Dater for having the .yonng, est grandchild (two weeics old); and lucky cup prize went to Mrs, Gordan R, Taylor. A bake sale was held with Mrs. Donald Haines as the auc- tioneer. A lunch was served by Mrs. Keith Machan, Mrs. -Char.; ies .Straughan, Mrs. •Cliffortl. Brown and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright. -Mrs. Keith Lovell and Tim- othY are spending a :week in Chatham. Mr. Pearson Charters who has been a .paitient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seafortb, has returned 'to his borne much improved in health, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones and boys visited Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride of near Blake. Mr. •ancl. Mrs. P. Sproule of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Meals. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. N. Lang included Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Long, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kealing of Owen Sound. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Charters we're their daughter and son-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Middleton wild Glen of London,- Special Services At St. James The Service of Morning Pray- er will be held in St. James Church, Middleton, on Sunday; September 2 7 at 9:3 0 am. This , schedule will be follow- ed- until Sunday, October 25, When the Rt. Rev, H. F. Apple - yard, Bishop of Georgian Bay., will conduct the service of the Order of Confirmation 'in St. James Church at 11 a..m. The annual Festival of Thanksgiving for the Blessings of Harvest, held in St. James Church on Sunday, September 20, was well attended, This traditional service was in charge of the Rector, Rev. E. J. B. Harrison. "The farmer is an integral part -of the divine plan 'of God in nature,":-,Mr. Harrison. told the congregation. "The farmer exemplifies hope and faith as he sows his annual seed." Mr. Harrison thanked the ladies of the WA for decorat- ing the church with flowers, fruit, vegetables and colorful autumn leaves.- The Junior Choir was under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Storey. During the offertory, Misses Patsy and Sandra Wise sang a solo. ' A. basket of floWers was placed . on the credence table for this service in loving mem- ory of Mrs. Benjamin Rathweil by her daughter, Mrs. John Grigg, secretary of St, James 'WA. o • The WI will entertain "The Grandmothers" at their Octob- er 1st meeting at .2:00 There will also : be a bake sale, Hostesses, Mrs. Gordon Rad, ford, Mr$,. Tank Medd,. Mrs'. Beg Lawson, Mrs. .110C1Y and Mrs, Norman Vin, cent, The .Airoweil Unit of the ',vow .their September' .meeting at 'the home of Miss Ddith on Monday eve- ning with .the Berean Unit as guests. The president, Mrs. Hugh Millar, conducted the devotion- al period. The program, f011ow- .ed with Mrs. Neville Forbes giving a resume of the first Mr. -and- Mrs. Bert Thornson and family .attended the Wes-. tern Fair at London on Fri- day and visited .Sunday after- noon with Mr, and Mrs, Sam- uel Storey and Bill of near Seaforth, Mrs. Thomson was the, lucky winner at the Fair Of D. free beauty service, a shampoo, and finger wave, or manicure. J, A. Watson of Johan- nesburg, South Africa (nee Hazel Bayes), formerly of Kip- pen, spent Tuesday Afternoon and evening with ..her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson and children, It's been 2$ years since she left to go to Africa. Mr, and Mrs. .W. A. Law- rence of Moose. Jaw, Sash., are visiting a few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Ted Robinson and Mr. Robinson and. family. Chapter of the new book,- "God, and His pnrpose":. A reading was given by Mrs. Good. The ne.st speaker was tint able to.attend. 13eacorn substituted„ with slides .of Flor- ida, scenery taken during her Christmas vacation 'last winter, LoAnch. was served by the hos, tosses, Mrs. Dva Doti-gap; of Walton is -spending a :feW.daYs. with friend, Mrs. Townsend. Mr, and Mrs, Graham CentP-:-bell of. 1.31.11S'SelS YaSlit04 with Mrs, Bert Alien Ort 'Monday- St. Andrew's Holds Rally Day.. Service Sunday Rally Day service :WAS, held Sunday St. Andrew's United Church with Rev. Howard Plant in charge. The Sunday School pupils anti their teachers occupied the front seats. Kathy and Karen Hendrick sang a duet and the New Testament reading Was taken by Grant Jones. The presentation of Sunday School awards for attendance was made by co-superintend- ent Leonard Lovell, The Sunday School staff were also dedicated during the service. The choir, under :the direction of Miss J, Ivison sang an anthem. The pastor chose as his ser- mon "The Church's. Teaching Ministry”. NEWS Of KIPPEN (Correspondent, MRS. N. LANG, Phone tionsall 278-W-1) • . 1,74,111547;e/VA''.114 ......... ... .51 • Val VI I SE PLUMBING.HEATING ELECTRIC 482.7062 CLINTON *1 SPORT FURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP SPORT FURY • FURY III • FURY Ii • SAVOY laorotonm..M•0114000.11mmtaloomimonlminfilmonlieolmmlnomm, Plymout BIGGER, ALL-NEW: PLYMOUTH '65 A flashing, mile-eating tiger on the road . . a lithe, sleek beauty in the driveway. Bigger than ever—inside and out, Dashing new styling, sizzling new "tiger-power." And the value has never been bigger, the choice has never been wider-28 bril- liant models in 4 great new series. Ha nit NOBODY BEATS VALIANT FOR VALUE AND CHOICE HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST and BEST HORSE SHOW Over $1,500 in Prize Money M. L. 'Tory' Gregg, M.C. AI" .. . • . , , • SIGNET 2-DOOR HARDTOP VALIANT 200 SERIES New Valiant 200 Series...Bigger, Bolder, Powered to Perform! New new series that give the discerning new-car buyer a choice of beauty, per- 'Ialiant 100 Series . . . Nifty, Thrifty, Priced to Please! Two completely formance and thrift that has never been equalled. ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR BULK SPREADING SERVICE BY CLINTON FEED MILL 17;t1.Z•ZifiMq • • • • ....................................................... ? It makes good sense to have your fertilizer spread on fall sown groins . grassfandS---hay and pasture on cash crops—for next spring . acturatery, easily cod economically with the new' SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Spreading Service, Makes good dollars and Cents tOttr may cost you no 'more to have SHUR-GAIN delivered and spread than you are presently paying for bogged fertilizer, Selected-granulated The Finest Fertilizers For Your Good Earth 114,11 1111•••'.16•604 1•k****40444*****IF YORKER 2-DOOR HARDTOP THIS YEAR MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, ENJOY THE CHRYSLER WAY OF LIFE Par l065, iGhrySter has attained tieW heights of In short, Chrysler hives spared no effort 111 1965 to handsomeness,iteW levels of luxury and dratnatic bring the very best to you ... to ensure that Mere new dimenStOnS in style and performance. than Oct, you'll enjoy the Chrysler 'Way of life., SHUR-GAIN NEW )(mot • SARATOGA 300 6 WINDSOR FERTILIZERS Your Load SHUlt,GAIN Fertilizer Dealer is 28 Huron -tree Cliiitotit 1Ji t, two Phones: 492-4484 be .482.148S