Clinton News-Record, 1964-09-17, Page 8..... . ... ......... . .. ...... .. . . .. ....... . .......... .. .. . . ... .. ..
.. . ...........
,PorrPspQn4ent: AWREY 0ELLCHAM$,ERPhone 8oyfi,04 38
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Mr. and Airs, Carl rpyston Eric.Cleave -.fU!lzd the pulpit T, Parker, Dor0e.s.tert will be. Messrs, Hen and Robert'
04 spe%tia, In the Baptist Church op Sun- glad to bear he as moming � guson wment. to Essex on UQA_
at f
the cottage b day, Sept,' 13 , in t.1be pjb�qp rom. si.3 victoria day to spend a few day,$ with
�nce of f surgery In, V . 044 Hos
Mr. B. E, Foys,ton- the Bruce'iotas' who pitti, I Ken's ,brother,
with -.,on
and 1qrS.L J,. Hugh ca; w
I$ va oning up Mr.. -gpd, Mrs, , R. R
R. . oy Fitz an d Hoard
Dir. es Mrs, Eaton. �Fll Mr, d Mrs. Lloyd
north. I Simons visited re
-spent the weekend recantly and fam4y PIPr y with and fargW accompanied
at the J. O. Rqgb nd
Mrs, R. H. King gnc
Hughes cottage. : Recent guests of - Mr, a I miss mother, Mrs., Nelson H,6apd,
W ay.d Ms. Gordon porter, Mrs. Gordon Scotchmeri Bron- Hazel W_QckS, Teeswater, Mrs, spent Sunday in Deir*,
-4 Mrs. � Raymond Sect, sox, Line, -were, Mr. and Mrs, X, FDewth and Mr. andt, Mrs,
Mm. iM, ix Iliggim, , Toronto, t
Robert S. Hampton, Land Taj, George Braithwaite Jim Higgins , I en
and. fam, with his chmer and Mr, and Mrs. John, the we*4hd 'is parents,
Slept r Mr. and Mrs, J. B�. Higgins at
sema were in Windsor on •and Mrs. Stuart Mgthersop, all fly, Hanover.
Saturday for the silv4w wedding Of Scarbor.o. Mrs. M, Toms, Mrs. Harold their home, "The Maples, Mrs.
nivers.47 celebration of X.r-, Miss Mary Keyes, Toronto.. King and Mr. Ed, Reld s e t H G. Chet -
,an -tL . p n iggins, aunt, Mrs. M.
and Mrs, David Davidson. Miss BratthwO. .-, and the On ney was their gqeit Sa
At their lakeshore cottages t,.h . weekend in Toronto I t4r_
eir rot=1 they weroaccomp- dqy.
Margaret I both ani�ed -by At . �. Claytop, G _ R, A. Patchell of New
UMU, wqeRend were 3 and we , qest Dr.
okend Auest
Mrs. Uartin� Andrews,, LondoTl; of Mss Ruth 11 who is spending -some time with Jersey, ds staying At The Little
Mr.. a George Fox, De- Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Er- her sister, Mrs. M, Tom$. ilia,
reparatory to writing ex -
Brigadier and Mrs. J, N. 4minations in -London for his
and Mrs.
Mr. and Ta%, Edward vine Ind 'Mary'F abeth.
Kerr, S.A, (retired), returned Canion and family, London.. . Companied, by Miss May 94e, to their home at Fen Fellowship in surgery..
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McAul"4Y and- Wayne Dupee, were An
elon Falls,
and familythis m�eekend after having been. Mr. and Mrs'. Frank, Mae -
were. at, Mil cot- Corkwrigbt on; Sunday visiting 9t Louls, are visitin-
omFri brother and
tage iday ti the guests of hil
Sunday- Mr. and Mrs, Earl Strong.
Staying a Nfr. and Mrs sister-in-law, Mr, and. Mrs. R, Vie, siisiei, 'Mrs. J.
t the Erb :and Ewart Whlt� !sister
d TO
tric cottage over. the'ivoek field, Gorrie, were gupsts on Kerr -for 'the past ten dayo,, ' an Mr, anti John Mac -
were Mrs � Ray* Morley,. Mrs.. Sunday of . Mr. and, Mrs. Wll� Mr. and Mrs. Basil I -lender, Kenzie 4his week,
James Hopper, Mr. and A070, li son, Coni ton, called' on his Mr. and MrS, Garnet and
am Parke�. Friends of Robert
Ralph SWilliams,, Willand Mr. and aunt, Mrs, Russel .Kerr 1"t family are occupying the Adam
Mrs. Donald P. Kotts, all of Thursday. Flower's apartment,
Detroit. It is understood the meMbers Mr. and Mrs, Keith Le&Ard
Mr, and Mrs, William Cv-' of Pioneer Park Association
have forwarded.
L Ray and Cal from,W4o
.$04 and family, London, were, . ed a petition• to ' with Mrs. 'E. A.
at their village 'home: this, week- Stanley Township council re- ��ere staying
Ba f9eld Featherston this weekend,
'y 1.
end. q the Impositi6xi. of a M and Ms, J. R. R. W11111ock
ten r
The Bridge Club of the W- en males per eel limit
hour sp and family were at thesummer
ernationad Institute of Metro- ■on motior v iOles within, and home over the weekend. They
poiltan Toronto met, -at the Edit6riah in the vicinity of Pioneer Park, ha
� I I d as guests on Saturday, W.
Weston cottage this Weekend. Bayflield. i A, C, Conner and Mr. H. Kitt-
Tbe, followilig., guests - were, The group committee, Ist her, both from England.
present, MrS. Mary Weston, Most Of us have never Baybeld Boy Scouts of Canada.home Mon -
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Green, seen a rabid ardmal and it are pleased to announce that. George Ben WAS I
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest'Baiv Mr. is hoped we never will. C , rom S nedale. Mrs. Bell
,pl. & V. MadVicar, RCAF day fill Thursday on, leave
and Mrs. Kyel F,,Mntzen,'XTr. On Saturday last, one of has agreed (to be registered as S- , PI
and Mrs. George Peters, Mr. the.young men of the vil- Cubmaster of, the Bayfield motored to -Clarkson to meet
and Mrs. Stephen Crawford, page encountered, near our Pack, - hO husband.
Mrs, Helen Medvickers, Miss northern boondaries, a ra- Private Chris Gallant and Mr. 'and' Mrs. Herbert Mrk-
'th Mr
Charlotte Murphy and Gus. cocn, which was Obviously Miss Diane Boulanger of -Camp 'ham spent Saturday w.4
shlcuviM Borden were guesti of his par- and Mrs. Emerson, Heard, wh�
-Mr, and J. Charles Mon. 'fttressed, appeared to be ents, Qpl, and Mrs I . J. H. Gal- accompanied -them on thedr re-
1frathing at the mouth, and
telth and their son Rick, Lam- 1pt this weekend.-. turn, r o London for a short
beth, were guesU of Mr. and which refused to move Rr- and Mrs. Gordon Stewart visit.
Ms. G. N. Rivers on Sunday;'' when approached. and - family, and Mr. and Mrs. Rev. 11, G. E. Crosby and
recent visitors. have included, He consulted with, the Walter, Erickson and family Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. J, E.
Mrs. Rivers' sister and her, hus- assistant game warden and. spent Sunday together. Howard accompanied by
band, Mr. rand Mrs. G. S. Poul- the Opp and on their ad- I In honour of Mrs'. -D. H. Robert Blair, left last Thurnsda',5�
ter, Ottawa, and her aunt, -Mrs. 'vice destroyed and buried Raymond's 83rd birthday, her to spend a few days in Brent,
W A. Monteith, Stratford, it. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. at the home of Mrs. Adam
and Mrs. Ken Ferguson gave Boyd, sister of Ms. Crosbyand
We occasionally wander and
party on Sunday, Sept. 13. Mrs. Howard.
how anyone can let h,6use- The following gut'5,16s were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston
Soo Of Bayfield hold pets run loose in the present- Mr, and Mrs- A. J- accompanied Mr. and Mrs,
face of contamination by Molitor, Cathy, Jane and Patty, Harry Bosnell on a trip to
such a deadly disease. Strathray; Mrs. Ruby Molitor, North CoUingwood last Slatur-
Dies At Kitchener,, Your trustees Rave pub- Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. day and Sunday.
lic�hed warnings. Your pets Rayfiiann, Joanne, Dorothyand We learn, with regret. that
Wilber G. Erwin, a former Billy, Birmingham, Ml -h; Miss Mrs. Harry Bauer passed away
office manager of the tire divi- may have had -anti rabies I V
I Dorothea, Raymond, Toronto; on,S,undaylast upon her return
innaculations, but -what W.
sion, of Dominion Rubber Com- precautions have v -e y a and Mrs. X, R. Ferguson, to Kitchener.
pany Limited, died suddenly u David, Carolyn,. Judy and' John, Mr. Ian MacRae Clinton,
last Saturday afternoon while . taken ? Mr. and Mrs. Alan, Mountain, entertained his wife MacRae,
p1dying golf at •the Westwouht Jim. ' John., Fred -and Jennifer, at a d . inner p
Club. Mr. Robert Ferguson, Miss The Lsgerltn last Thursday,
Beth Henstan, all of London,,
Mr. Erwin was 69. He, was A minor mishap at Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ferguson,
a resident of Kitchener for 45 G. Hopgons on Sunday Dirk, Debbie and Paul, Bay- ADDITIONAL RAYFIELD
years, and was born In Bay- morning should serve us: field, ON PAGE ELEVEN
field, Until his retirement in all as a reminder of the
1960, he was employed ait Do- necessity for clear- flues
minion Rubber for 41 years. and chimneys at the onset
A son of the late Mr, and of fell, NEWS 0-F -LON1ES110110
Mrs. Henry Erwin, he is sur- Smoke from the furnace,
vived by his wife, the former caused by an inoperative MRS. BERT ALLEN, Correspofident
Florence C. Miler, whom he damper, gave rise to an Miss Marguerite Lyon lefton
married in Kitchener on Aug. alarm which was answered Monday for London, where she
15, 1925; a son, James, of Fort promptly, by the Bayfield has accepted a 'position on the
Frances; a brother Frank, . of Volunteer Fire Department teaching SWf of Chelsea, Ave,
Kitchener, and two grandchil- led by Fire Chief Walter PubllcSchool.
dren. Westlake. Mr. and .Mrs. Stewart Bry-
The funeral was held Tues- . Fortunately, there was am of Mitchell and Mrs, Viva
day with Rev. F.'M. Faist and more smoke then fire. Are McGregor spent Sunday with
G. F. Barthel officloiting. Burial your stove pipes blocked Miss Edith Beacom and Har -
was in Woodland Cemetery, by soot and birds' nests? old.
Miss Linda Thompson left
Monday of last Week to go in-
to training in Stratford Gener-
al Hospital.
TV CLEARANCE H! F! Miss Beth , Thompson has
taken a position -with the Dept.
of j064 Models of Highways,, London; her work
Reduced Prides — Higher Trade-in Value will be in, the drafting dept.
The Berean Unit met at -the
For Your Set --While They Last. home of Alm. Lily Webster.
The president conducted the
A- devotional period,, Mrs. H. Hun-
} Mpg. Harry Snell and E"RRILL TV SERVIO, Uri, Durmin -eachgave read: -
and the guest speaker,
Authorized Philips Dealer Nelson Reid of Walton
Radio -- TV ond Appliance Repairs gave a talk on the activities
Reg -
ional Meeting which She at. Victoria Street Phone HIU 27021 which took place at 'the
tended recently at Alma Cal
1%ervice Is Our f-ho"blem" lege, St. Thomas.
The Aimwell _J Unit of the UCW will meet' on, Monday
Ball Family Reunion
EMore than 101 members of
and Ann Ball gathered lastda
Bunchy at Lions Park, Sea.
the family of the late, William
forth, for a reunion.
SAO FOsfer MOther RfLces fof the younger mem�0bers were held under the lead.
erShIP of Doug Mair, and prizes'
The Original Milk ReP1040st for were given to the winners.
Calves afr�d t..a ft Animals
A nutritious, Wholesome milk food powder
just MIX With hot Water- Will replace COW'$
Milk after only 4 days old,
hicher in Afanilins And m(neraft than muki
C6htAlhsi antibidtids that are not f6und In horibal
cow's' milk:
A Milk Replacer for Wising
Veal Calves
Cab be fed when Calf is only 4 days did, d6htalni§
mare fat thmi FoxMd. Will produce better fino
Ithed veal Calve&
Peeb, Mfi�
Mary Street — CLINTON � 489-9102
Mr. as)4 Mr.'. .antes4
Cghobmte GalOrk Wed-diiis Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs, Names RQberton were honored
last week on the occasion', of their Golden Wed
Anniversary when over 75 friends and relatives
called to congratulate them.
The open house was held in Earl Gaunt, Londesl)ora,
the Board Room OT' HurvIrvieW -Mr, and Mrs. Roberton lived
where they have resided for the lo the Auburn community be.
P three years, . fore going to �Iuronview. N—fr
The tea table was covered Roberton going
born in, Hullett
with a Scatch dace 'cloth and Township, the son of the late
centred with an arrangement Alexander Roberton and Sarah
of 50 roses grown by Alex Heapy. Mrs, Robertbn was the
JManning of Blyth, flanked by former Mary Townsend, boat
goldeii t,�pers'. 1 Ht
n illett TownsMp,' dauglitex
Many Flowers of the' late ]rllzab Townsend
.,and Sarah Hun1jing.
The room was decorated with They were married at the
bouquets of flowers, gifts and home of the late Frank Wood
cards to mark this occasion.
I , v
by Re, C CK41 e, minisitex
Guests were welcomed by Alex I n
Manning, assisted by Mr. and of Londesboro. In. 19$$ they
Aft, William Manning and Mr. sold their farm on the 13th
concession of Hullett and re -
Ad Mrs, Edwin Wood, all of tired. to Auburn until they went
Guests were served by Min. to Frurorrview.
Ida Townsend Londeshora; Mrs. Guests Call
William Wanhing, Blyth; 'Mrs,
John Manning, Blyth; Um Mr. and Mxs. Robei)ton are
Harry Lear, Blyth; Mrs. Stan- members of Knox United Ch -
lay Johns, Seaforth and Mrs. arch, Auburn, where she is a
life -member of the WMS, now
the UCW. Mr. Roberton. Is a
trustee of the Hope Chapel
Presbytery Meet- Cemetery Board.
Mr., Roberton is the last
To Be At Varna member of his family while
Mrs. Roberton has two, broth-
ers, Rev. Elisha. Townsend, Ot-
September 23rd tawa; Walter Townsend, Brant-
ford; two sisters, Mrs. Rebecca
The Huron Presbytery of the wood, Clinton and Mrs. Millie
United Church of Canada will Part;Ibw of Toronto.
meet in Varna United Church Guests called from Goderich,
on Sept 23 at 9:30 a.m. I Clinton, Blyth, London and
The meeting will be conduct- Auburh to congratulate Mr.
ed by -Rev, William teriffoopen. and Mrs. Raberton on their
Rev, Harold Vaughan, secre- golden wedding day.
tary of the Board of Colleges
and Secondary schools will
speak to -the court on "Recrult-
ing for the Ministi-Y." ANA
Rev. Grant Mills of Clinton PR.ED McCLYMONT
.Ontario Street United Cbuxleb
and Mr. S. Scott of Seaiforth Rally Day will be observed
United Church, delegates to in the United -Church an Sun -
General Council, 'will report to day, Sept, 20 with the superin-
the Presbytery. tendert and young people in
The noon meal will be Pro- charge of the service!. .Mn said Mrs. Verne Terry-
vided by the ladles of -the Var- berry of Goderich called on
na UCW. friends here Monday,
o Miss Mary Mistle of Rodhey
spent the weekend. at the 'home
of Miss Joan McClymolit. -
Leatherland Clan Gary - McAsh and Murray
Morrison attended a conference
on boys work at X'-omoka, over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Keyes
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keyes,
Varna ATr, arid Mrs, Donald
Keyes, Sarnia, Mr. I and Mrs.
re- Wilber Keyes and Mrs. Mer-
ton Keyes, Seaforth, attended
the the 25th wedding anniversary
es of Mr. and 1&s, Stuart Keyes
.ayes on, Saturday and the Open
de- House of their, new home• at
326 Highland, Avenue, OrMa.
Rayfield UCW
ea- Holds Meeting
The United Church Women
rinheld of .Bayfield held their regular
9 September meeting at the home
old of Mrs-, William Harris.
The devotions were led by
1r8, MTs, A, Dpnn and the scripture
Xle passage was read by Mrs. A,
re Mrs. Lloyd Making reported
the On a UCW conference she al-
re- tended at Alma College, St,
Thomas, in August,
The group; decided the thank
offering meetingwould be held
Oct. 8 at the church,
� I
evening, Sept. 21, at the home
of Miss Edith Beacom at 8:15. Annual Reunion
Members of the Berean, Unit
are irmited, to attend. The
guest Speaker will be Mrs. Held,,At Walton
Munnings, formerly a mission-
ary in India, The second Leatherland
There will be no service in union was held recently at
LondeabOrO Church next Sun- home of Mr. and Mrs. Jai
day. 'Constance Church Will Bolger of Walton with rela
hold anniversary services. Rev. *present 1, T,,,,Io, 1,
Ure Stewart of Seaforth will
occupy the pulpit, and Miss boye, Stratford and the Aulb,
Evelyn Storey will be the and Blyth district.
soloist. The afternoon was spent
0 newing friendsbVs and a
grain of games and cont
was held.
MIDDLETON Following the games, a p
nut scramble was held for
The service of the annual children.
Thanksgiving for the 81estings A short meeting was h
of Harvest will be -hold In St, after the supper hour 'du
James' Church, MI'adleton, on Which it was der=ided to h
Sun -day, Sept. 20 At 2,307p.m. .
the reunion next year.
Miss Ada Spading and Mr. A committee includin
Michael Slater of London spent 1 9
Sunday with Mr. ..,and Mrs, Gordon Chamney, Miss M
Stewart Middleton. Leatherlaiad, Edgar Leath
The local fruit growers are land and Wayne Millian
now busy harves what named to take care of
promises to be a, Mfer crap spoets eventsait the 1965
of apples, union.
Mum B I RTH DAY ?a
MP INWREDI When ym'reoch your 10th birthday
YOU are no longer covered by your parents' certificate.
Register separately within thirty days to keep insumd.
FO.nns are tiVallable at hospitals, banks and Commission
KEEP- INSUAMD1 If you cha6gb. jobs, QJ6Wcdee(uJ1*y the
instructions on the back di 66 Cerfifiedlie of Odytoenti
Form t04, which ybur group is
required to give you,
IdEPINSUR. t6l When you mar' ,the
th6 odmily, pp6in'luth
must be paid to cover husband, Wif6 and olfo%6
ddo-odtints. f6il Y60. ot-dup 09t if you pay direct,
tell the cornib'IssIdn's:
210S y6Ndli ttittliti t6116M �'e ONfAgld
EmArrifil foam
I I 0�1'.F�_Ij 30�w
Wine At Bayfield
The Ladies Aid of Clinton
-Chrisitian. Reformed Church
dined ,it the , Albion Hotel,
Bayfleld, on Tuesday. A total
of 15 ladies were present,
Ppers OPPIM: iwrok hoy, c
It IR AIAPPA410,9 how even pests coma 4XI V in M04
e 14 b, d times
Qf. 040s,
This time it wAs a relatively minor crisis at "Th _I
The power mQWerr just gaVeup the ,ghost, suddenly, before
cutting had been. completed t on thatportion
9, lawn
east of the driveway, It looked badly at the time, That -was,
two weeks ago. Now one -would never, -know it,
Thegrass is clipped m '31 spot than more closely
.5 n, the reel,
type power mOlffer did it, Except clo. 4e to the house, it really'
looks neat. And I.P.0 l0mr_ mower, powered by Man or rentor
has done it just hundreds of smo
,11 mandibles- working tnr
Hoppers INIA-h Choppers
Have you '.:guessed the riddle? The answer is.; Grass,,
Yes, they are back again this year by the millions, Lucy
would Judge, A month ago, there was a- nice second mittinlK
of alfalfa on the corner lot, free for the harvesting. No one
seemed to wish it, but the grasshoppers moved in an it, Then -
grown tired of the one food, tbey decided to change I ge their
The corn leaves looked good to them s6 they disappeared
also the leaves off 4. precious little flowering crab tree graft,
and leaves off other fruit trees .before Lucy knew of the
return of the grasshopper plague,
Enjoyed Calendula. Salad
(They came about a month later this Year, MTs. Fred
Weston has since informed Lucy. The Weston property is'
immediately South of the corner lot, And the ,grasshoppers
have again played havoc in their garden. Not a vestige of a
carrot top Is left. There -is no sign of the row. Mer vege-
tables, too, a4id also the canna leaves have been riddled by
these hungry .chewing insects.)
It Seemed that the east border which had been so ga)r
with calendula, marigolds :and red zinnias, had gone off bloom
-very suddenly. Lucy didaYt give it much thought until she
saw a grasshopper atop a marigold outside the sun room
"Mr." went over and viewed the border. Sure enough -
all the yellow petals had been devoured. He got out the
dusting gun an4t'went over all the flowers and -small fruit
trees, But It was like locking the barn door after the horse,
had been stolen.
Pickled Hoppers, Anyone?
Lucy had plans for having -the calendula petals gathered
,and dried. She read a recipe 'for putting them in jelly and
.then serving it with a circle of flowers around. the base of
the mould. It sounded most -attractive!
Then, too, the seeds inserted in the base of a roast of
venison make it very -tasty. (Not that Lucy expects to be
eating venison. Her husband's hunting days are past, But
it is pleasant to contemplate such dishes.) And since Lucy
is on a very strict diet, tempting recipes whet her appetite—
but she licks her lips in Imagination only!
Boy! She'd pickle those grasshoppers if she could catch
them! But since her husband doesn't take much stock in
such delicacies of foreign lands, she'd probably have
them herself!
Gobblers vs. Hoppers
Lucy has' been considering what steps to take to eradicate
these pests. Last year her neighbour .communicated with the
Ontario Department of Agriculture Office regarding poison-
ing them, She was assured they'd all be gone this year.
Poison spray is not the thing to use, Lucy .feels, as she
read somewhere that the product used out West for grass-
rasshoppers got into the `soil; was absorbed by grasses afid grains
and so there was danger of it being passed on to human
beings through the cereals, milk and meat supply. No sense
in poisoning ourselves!
She even ventured the suggestion that next year they
raise turkeys on those lots. Her spouse showed no enthusiasm
for that project!
Like Lilacs Too
What is to be done about them? They are even attacking
the lilac leaves on clumps- in the border. About the only
plants tehy seem to have avoided are a patch of garlic and
a raw of perennial onions.
Lucy isn't worried about the lilacs. They were two trees.
(one pink and one blue) which were -left over, after the garden
had been I -aid out, from stock trans -planted from her former -
home on Main Street, They were rather scrubby and just,
left by the fence.
In 18 years those two lilacs have spread out vastly. In
fact, they've grown over a six-foot border onto the lawn,•
spread farther each,, way along the fence, and through it
equally distant. While they are in bloom, Lucy hates to part
with them. But she has come to the conclusion that they -
have to go this year.
First Come, First Served
Lucy never can resist nursery catalogues, And so if she,
is to .have 'other flowering shrubs for -which there is no room
at present, a spot -must be cleared before, planting. time.
And yet, she dislikes to think of, them being destroyed.
So she hopes that anyone who wishes lilacs will contact her,
All one •has to do it dig out sufficient for his or her needs.
and cart them away. Pint come, first served!
Now is a good time -to transplant them, and if the grass-
hoppers are still here, a few of -them might be thrown in for•
good measure'!!
Brucefeld Service
Complete Fertilizer ServIces
Spreading Equipment
gulk Petfi'lixo .. 'lag Ptrfi111'2e_ e
Contact ADri+�oSelyke Delet
Brucofiold,i.." 4924439