Clinton News-Record, 1963-07-04, Page 3Members of Clinton Public School Graduating Class
Shown with some of their teachers, these students were
members of the. grade eight class at Clinton Public School, and
those successful in the recent examinations will be attending high
school in September. They are, back row, left to right: Brian Cox,
Brian Kennedy, Graham Amy, Graham Yeats, Gregory McCarty,
Gregory Crowe, George Elliott, Peter Black. Third row, Richard
Dixon, Richard Clark, Ronnie Crich, Douglas Deline, Robert Lee,
Jack Colquhoun, John Irwin, Don Bartliff, Garry Butler, Allen
Howes. Second row: Mr. Ron McKay, Linda Kennedy, Marie
Cudmore, Margaret Ladd, Brenda Langille, Suzanne Pugh, Heather
VanRiesen, Heather Darling, Dianne McLeod, Dianne Switzer,
Linda Hoy, Mr. Bob Hanna, Mrs: Don Morton. Front row: Mrs.
Doug Thorndike, Elaine Kennedy, Karen McLean, Joy Langdon,
Wanda Fremlin, Mr. J. A. Gray, principal, Patsy Edward, Marie
Ann Hymers, Linda Switzer, Dianne Hanley, Mary Ann Watson.
Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service
Special Values and Reminders This Week
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SPECIALS all this week July 1-6
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1/4 Grain 1000s reg. 89c . . 69c
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SUNGLASSES "Imported" '
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VASELINE White Petroleum Jelly
16-oz.--$1.29 .. „ . 98c
Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton Ontario
Clinton Native
Elected President
Of Baptist Clem
Rev. Roy C. Cook, Toronto,
son of Mr .and Mrs. William
Cook, Maple Street, Clinton,
was elected President of the
Baptist Convention of Ontario
and Quebec, the highest post
in the gift of Ontario and Que-
bec Baptists, at the recent
meeting of that body in First
Baptist Church, Montreal, on
June 13.
Mr. Cook attended Clinton
schools, and graduated from
Toronto Bible College and the
Arts and Divinity Colleges of
McMaster University, gaining
his B.A. in 1938 and his B.D.
in 1941.
Since ordination, he has serv-
ed his church in Chesley,
Beamsville, Toronto, and Chat-
ham, and is now back in To-
ronto as minister of Bethel
Baptist Church. He has been
a frequent contributor to the
Baptist press in Canada, a writ-
er of Sunday School quarterlies
for the United and Baptist
churches, and a well-known
lecturer and preacher across
Many in Clinton will remem-
ber his radio ministry during
his pastorate in William Street
Baptist Church in Chatham.
The primary industries—agri-
culture, forestry, fisheries,
trapping, mining and electric
power—now employ only about
16 percent of all working Cana-
Highway 8:— East of Goderich
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THUR., FRI., SAT. --- July411-12-13 — Double Bill
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Also Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Iristallationt
48 King Street CLINTON — Phone HU 2-7652
Clinton, Ontario
262 Bavfield Road ur Local ANTHES Dealer
The following is a list of the promotions at the
Clinton Public School as of June 28, 1963. The names
appear accordinr. gr: cio:9 that the pupils will be
in at the opening, cf LI September.
Promotions At Clinton Public School
Graham Amy, Donald Bart-
lift Peter Black, Garry Butler,
Richard Clark, Jack Colquhoun,
Brian Cox, Ronald Crich, Greg-
ory Crowe, Marie Cudmore,
Heather Darling, Douglas De-
line, Richard Dixon, Patsy
Edward, George Elliott, Wanda
Fremlin, Dianne Hanley, Allen
Howes, Linda Hoy,
Mary Ann Hymers, John Irwin,
Brian Kennedy, Elaine Ken-
nedy, Linda Kennedy, Margaret
Ladd, Joy Langdon, Brenda
Langille, Robert Lee, Gregory
McCarty, Karen McLean, Suz-
anne Pugh, Dianne Switzer,
Linda Switzer, Heather Van-
Riesen, Mary Ann Watson,
Graham Yeats.
Beth Armstrong, Twyla. Arn-
ston, Barbara Ball, Sidney Ban-
man, Elizabeth Bartliff, Mary
Jane Bertrand, Larry Boyce,
Patsy Brown, Ruth Anne
Brown, Donald Brubacher,
Robbie Campbell, Betty Lou
Carter, Michael Carter, Chris-
tine Clark, Richard Clark, Judy
Collins, Cameron Colquhoun,
Kenneth Colson, Marilyn
Cutler, Susan Delaney, Gary
Deline, Ricky Fremlin, Janis
Galbraith, Michael Graham,
Darlene Hanley, Linda Hicks,
Valerie Holland, Marie John-
ston, Bradley Kempston, Paul
Lavis, Jerry Lobb, Scott Mac-
aulay, Dianne McLeod, Bonnie
McLean, Jack McMichael, Gor-
don. Merrill,
Robert Miller, Thomas Mor-
gan, Ruth-- Murphy, Harold
Newland, Linda Nip, Bonnie
Perdue, Marianne Phinney, Ken
Rozell, Corrie Rudd, Bruce
Schoenhals, Kenneth Slade,
Denise Smith, Bob Snell, Sand-
ra Steep, Ken Strong, Stephen
Williams, Stewart Young.
John Aiken, Lynda Allen,
Don Beck, Wayne Bradley,
Bonnie Butler, Don Cameron,
Douglas Cameron, Janet Car-
ter, Derwin Carter, Bjarni
Christenson, Teddy Collins,
David Cooper, Robert Cooper,
Ivan Crittenden, Ken Currie,
Carol Edwards, Sibyl Fisher,
Suzanne Grainger, Keith Ham-
Wendy Holmes, John Hudie,
Steven Jenkins, Rod Jervis,
David. Johnson, Steven John-
ston, Ray Kennedy, Brenda
Kingswell, Tommy Leppington,
Joan Lobb, Maureen Lockwood,
Lucky MacDonald, Steven
MacDonald, Ronnie Mail', Larry
Ralph McAdam, 'Gail Mc-
Carty, Sahron McKenzie, Larry
Mercer, Linda Moodie, Arlene
Mountford, Doug Palmer, Cher-
yl Steepe, Patty Strong, Ricky
Susan Bakelaar, Paul Bart-
liff, Laverne Bezzo, Donald
Bradley, Judy Carter, Beverly
Cudrnore, Helen, Cudmore, Jean
Cunningham, Denise Currie,
John Dixon, Shirley . Dttpee,
Judy Finley, Dennis Fleischau-
er, Phyllis Premlin, Larry Gib-
bings, Glenda Gray, Janice
Herrnan, Donna Hoggart, Way-
ne Koy,, David Jervis, Gregory
Jervis, Marilyn Johnston,
Robert Kay, Jim Kellar,
Jerry Lang, Linda Lavis, John
Leppington, Ronald Lobb,
Diane Matthews, David Me-
Carty, Bruce McKenzie, John
McPherson, Martha Newland,
Lorraine Overboe, Patricia
Phinney, Nancy Pickett, Clare
Proctor, Terry Richardson,
Sandra Schoenhals, Lyle steep,
Joan Switzer, Ruth Ann betty
Watson, Lynn, Williams,
David Aiken, Marilyn Aiken,
Dru Andrews, Janet Arnsteti,
John Bakelaar;- Peggy Bartliff,
Jo Ann Bates, Alan. Bell-
Chambers, Betty. Bertrand,,
Lynn Boyce, Peter Cameron,
Tommy Campbell, Ove Christ-
ensen, Randall Clegg, Lois
Cooper, Susan Cox,
Bruce Craig, Douglas Crich,
Paul Crittenden, Steven Cur-
eie, Grant Delaney, Robert
Delaney, Brian Delawski, Den-
nis Deline,. Brian Edgar, Don-
ald Elliott, Michael Elliott,
Jeffrey Falconer, Edward For-
cier, Lynne Gibbings, Peggy
Grovier, Christine Hartley, Gary
Hills, Debbie Hopf, Leila Hor-
banuik, ,
Glenn Irwin, Ronald Irwin,
Mark Jenkins, Dick Jewson,
Paul Johnston, Bobby Langille,
Gordon Lavis, Gary Lockwood,
Terry MacDonald, Ricky May,
Jimmy McKenzie, Bob Mercer,
Brian Merrill, Mary Ann Mil-
lar, Frank Newland,
Susan Palmer, Donna Reich-
art, Bonnie Riehl, David Slade,
Donna Smith, Wendy Smith,
Arthur Snell, Patsy Steffen,
Steven Switzer, Barbara Sy-
mons, Deborah Troy, Pamela
White, Bryan Williams.
Beth Allan, George Allan,
Christopher Amy, Bobby And-
rews, Jane Bakelaar, Rudy
Bakelaar, Ileana Bellefleur,
Douglas Bradley, Jenny Brom-
mer,. George Brown, Robbie
Brown, Sharon Brubacher.
Lynne Caldwell, Frank Cam-
eron, Steven Carter, Douglas
Clark, Peter Clark, George
Collins, Sheron Collins, Ann
Crittenden, T e d Cudmore,
Cathy Cunningham,. Barry Ed-
gar, Barbara Elliott, Patsy El-
liott, David Fawcett, Timmy
Fletcher, Cal Fremlin, Bonita
Gardner,, Debra Glenn, Cathy
David Henry, Beverley Hol-
mes, Brian Hough, Colleen
Ketcheson, Nola Lee, Ray Lobb,
Fred MacDonald, Kenneth Mar-
men, Heather McAdam, Donald
Mercer, Tommy Murch, Kathy
Murphy, James Newland, Jim
Overboe, Albert Pepper, Paul
Radford, Barbara Rudd, Peggy
Schoenhals, Grace Strong, Jim-
my Switzer, Murray Taylor,
Hamilton Watson, George
Wright, Russell Wright.
Cathy Aiken, Wendy Allin,
Robert Andrews, Joanne Bake-
laar, Bernie Banman, Cathy
Bartliff, Willie Bezzo, Laurie
Bowers, Rod Campbell, Beth
Chowen, Cindy Colquhoun,
Danny Colquhoun, Lynda Cook,
Wonda Cox, Keith Crittenden,
David Dalgliesh, Janet Delaw-
ski, Holly Deline,
Mark Gehring, Paul Gehring,
Valerie Hebron, Harold Hills,
Leon Horbannik Bonnie John-
ston, Debbie Johnston, Paul
Kay, Brian Kennedy, Wendy
Kotilla, Brian Langille, Use
Lavallee, Walter Leppington,
Alex Mason, Karen Matthews,
Karl Matthews, Kathleen Mc-
Esther Merrill, Holly Mun-
eoe, Joyce Neilans, Bill Nex,
Keith O'Connell, Douglas Os-
born, Mamie Doug-
las Peterson, Bobby Riehl, El-
don Schmidt, Elizabeth Stef-
fen, Dennis Steep, Richard
Troy, Jon VanLoo, Gail Wag-
er, David White, Sharon Wil-
liams, Glen Young.
James Anderson, Christianne
Barnett, Ronnie Bell-Chambers,
Joe Bezzo, Brenda Boyce, Mary
Jean Cameron, Henry Christen-
sen, Keld Christensen, Karen
Clarke, Brian Clegg, Janice
Cole, Cathy Colquhoun, Clare
Colquhoun, Nancy Colson,
Bradley Cooper, Peggy Coop-
er, Brenton Craig, Lloyd Crich,
Cliffy Currie, Sheri Denis, Kev-
in Dutot, Dougie Fawcett, Jule
Fisher, Brenda Forcier, Sandra
Fremlin, Karen Graham, Peter
Grainger, David Hanley, Bill
Hayter, Paul Herman, Marilyn
Holmes, Bruce Hough, Leslie
Stewart Keller, Delores Ken-
ney, David Ketcheson, Brian
Keys, Alice Kuiper, Sylvia
Langille, Mary Lester, Robbie
MacAulay, Judy MacDonald,
Cheryll Mermen, Linda Mason,
Kim Matthews, Kim Motomura,
Jean Nex, Cathy Noble, Andrea
Overboe, JoAnne Palmer,
Britta Pedersen, Dannie Pet-
erson, Richard Peterson, Patsy
Proctor, Linda Riley, John
Snell, Brenda Smith,\. Janice
Smith, Nancy Smith, Geraldine
St. Joseph's CWL
Honor Member
Before Departure
Mrs. David Varga was the
guest of honour on June 19,
when the members of St. Jos-
eph's CWL held a farewell
party for her in St. Joseph's
Parish Hall,
Mrs. Eldon O'Brien present-
ed her with a gift on behalf
of the members and there were
31 ladies present.
A few rounds of euchre were
played and Miss Eileen Tighe
and Mrs, A. L. Shanahan were
the prize winners.
A strawberry social was en-
joyed by all present. We wish
Mrs. Varga good luck in her
Sarnia home.
Hullett Students
Enjoy Sports,
Receive Reports
Students: and their parents
at USS 2 igllett honored their
teacher, Mrs, .Qsorge.
RR Goderich,. at a social
evening and picnic at the school
last week,
Mrs. Milian, who has resign;
ed her position, was presented
with a pair of rose vases by the
school section and flowers and
a stand by the children,
The .winners of the various
races held in the evening were
as follows:
Pm-school, Debbie Pickard,
Susan Tyndall; three-legged
race, seniors, Timothy and Douglas Bylsma, Faye
East and Diane Pickard; jim-,
iors, Marlene Crich and Marie. Trewartha, Patsy East and
Janet East, wheelbarrow race,
seniors ,Douglas and Timothy
Bylsma, Linda Faye East and Diane Pickard; junior, Cheryl
Tyndall and Marie Trewartha,
Fred Trewartha and Albert
Rapson; sack race, Marie Tre-
wartha, Timothy Bylsrna; kick the slipper, ladies, Mrs, Harold.
East ,Patsy Millian; men, Bill
Vedden, Ross Trewartha.
The program concluded with
a short program of solos and
piano numbers by the winners
of the recent music festival.
Mrs. George Millian, teacher
at USS 2 Hullett, reports the
following ' promotions at her
school this year. The students'
names appear under the grade
into which. they wilt „enter in
Grade Wallace East ai), Douglas
Ronald Crick (H), Linda
Faye Best, plane .plelcard, Fred.
Trewartha Jeffrey Tyn.,
Grade /
.Timmy Bylsma, Linda Mary
,(4:ra4la ,g.
Trewartha Sheryl
4411 ,(H),,
Douglas #.3ylstne, (Cl'), Marie
Marlene .Crich Bonnie
East (U),. Wayne Pickard, Al,.
beet Rapson,
Spatsy East Janet East (H) (H),
Grade. (T
-1), Karen Tyndall
'Thursday, July 4, 1/63--clinton News-Record—Page a
Strong, Peggy Switzer, Lorrie
Symons, Lynn Tienkamp, Paul
Wheeler, Bruce Williams, Toni
Williams, James Wright.
Conrad Bakelaar, Marlene
Bakelaar, Brenda Ball, Douglas
Banman, David Bartliff, Ricky
Bell, Jack. Bender, Brenda
Bradley, Nancy Ann Brubacher,
Gregory Butler, Danny Camp-
bell, Gerald Cantelon, Carolyn
Chowen, Joanne Cochrane,
Cindy Collins, Caroline Colqu-
houn, Debbie' Colquhoun, Patsy
Cook, Steven Cook, Sandra
Crich, Judy Damsrna, Marion
Doucette, Matthew Dymond,
Brenda Edgar, Ken Emmerson,
Neil Falconer, Ronnie Fletcher,
Paul Garrow, Geoffrey Gibb,
Steven Gibbings, Ross Govier,
Ruth Ann Govier.
Cam Grigg, Linda Grigg, Ken-
neth Hacock, Heather Hardie,
Debbie Hart, Brett Hawthorne,
Karen Hicks, Gregory Holffies,
Alex Holf, Cathy Rolf, Rose-
mary Hunter, Cathy Irving,
Billy Irwin, John Jackson,
Tim Jewson, Kathryn Johnson,
Debbie Johnston, Patti Kay,
Danny Keller, Bruce Kemp-
ston, Debra Knipstrom, Sherry
Kotilla, Allan Lavis, Yvonne
Lazet, Nancy MacDonald, Rob-
in McAdam, Barbara McKenzie,
Steven McPherson, Beverly
Millar, Ruth Ann Neilans,
Debra Nice, Janice Osborn,
Roddy Paterson, Mark Rad-
ford, Stephen Ronnie,
Martin Rutledge, Lucinda
Reading, Ricky Somerville,
Bradley ,Snell, Ann Sproul
Cindy Stanley, Lionel Stanley,
Debra Steepe, Donald Taylor,
Robbie VanLoo, Carol White,
Jane Worth, Robin Wright,
Heather Mason.
Last month she mastered egg-breaking.
This morning she's managing breakfast.
Your little girl's learning to cook with a chef's
best friend — Natural Gas, the Friendly Fuel.
That gleaming gas range puts her in
complete control. She knows how hot the
flame needs to be—she can see it, (She can
see when it's off too.) And that big bright
range is helping her With its burner-with-
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She made this morning a special Mother's Day...
vvith the help of the Friendly Fuel
ranges give you automatic control, precision
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Install a modern gas range soon. Your gas
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Home-owners are happier with Natural Gas
FINK Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Services
Limited --- Sales and Service
84 Wellington Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-7682
After Hours Phone Bill Fink HU 2-7682