Clinton News-Record, 1963-03-21, Page 3Win Kinsmen Pee Wee Puck Crown By virtue of two straight wins over the Canadiens, the Maple Leafs wrap- ped up the title in the Clinton Kinsmen peewee houseleague action, Saturday. Members of the championship squad, displaying their winning smiles are, back row, left to right: Larry Jones, coach, Steven Williams, Durwin Carter, Arthur Snell and Cam Colquhoun. Front row: Ronnie Mair, Bill Stirling, Paul Bart- liff, Brian Edgar and Larry Gibbings. (News-Record Photo) At the Library.. • Open Daily — 2-5,30 p.m. 7-9.00 p.m. Saturday till 8 p.m. By Librarian Evelyn G. • Hall, BA Closed all day Wednesday "CONDOTTIERE" Jan Westeott The author of "The Border Lord", "The Walsingham Wo- man" and many other novels with an historical setting, has chosen for the subject of her newest book, Bartolommeo Col- leoni, whose rise to power came about 1450. A member of a well known family, he loses first his father, mother and then . his protector by the time he is 16. He has received a fair education for a BAC When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired .feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate Iddn'oys to normal . duty. You feel better, sleep hotter, work better. 86 ,mW A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST, TELEPHONE GOIDERICH, ONT JA 4-7562 1111•11111•11111111.mlomor See Our CORNER for INE GIFTS HOME-MADE SWEATER SETS BABY SOCKS, Etc, SEWING THREAD—White and Black only-500 yards-49c Now in Stock—A Selection Of BERNARD WOOLS Girls Beginners Pack—$1.59 Also Rug Packs FAMOUS IMPORTED WOOLS,—Shrink-Resistant 109 Gram Skeins (33/i.-dz.)---$1,35 & $1.45 AMSING'S VARIETY STORE Albert Street Across from News-Record isimmeimisommilassimammonamimmatinanimiamonsinumnk 1.4. PARK Theatre Goderich NOW PLAYING—March 21-22-23 JERRY LEWIS as "The Delicate Denquent MON.,. TUES., WED. — March 25-26-27 PETER SELLERS, Mai Zetterling and Virginia Maskell In the subtle and sophisticated British comedy "ONLY TWO CAN PLAY" — Adult Entertainment — THUR., FRI., SAT.—March 28-29-30—Double Bill • Jack Palance and Eleanor Rossi in "SWORD OF THE CONQUEROR Sally Fraser and Chris Warfield in "DANGEROUS CHARTER" — Both In Technicolor — START RETIREMENT NOW! CAPITAL CAN TAK4 DARE OF YOU, IF YOU LET L.1 TAKE CARE OF W. G. Campbell Box 659 $eafortn, O nta rio Phone 486 Head Pfrcp;'Winnils043 Pfflcesin .ciftelt iN4417,0 GODERICH , DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT For The Young Crowd One Night Only - arch 23 "The Bel-Aires" and "The Crown imperials" 4 hours continuous dancing-8 p.m. to midnight Admission: $1.00 per person 'Thurs.. March "Z1,1903,-0;040 .New-Record,Page Special Values and Reminders This Week I.D.A. SPECIALS March 18-23 Heatmaster Heating Pad $4.49 Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo 6.4 oz.-79c Gillette Foamy Shave Cream and 15 Super Blue Blades—$1.5O Wax Paper 2 for 55c. Colgate Fluoride Tooth Paste 67c, 57c North Rite Special 2 pens 49c Breck Shampoo with Breck Set Lotion $11.00 Noxzema, 10-oz. $1.35 Dorothy Gray Deodorant Cream or Roll On, Reg. $1.25-85e Nestle Spraze 69c, 99c Bromoselfzer $1,49, $1.29 Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service F. B.PENNEB Every step of the way 011,04,11VAWAVAWAVAI.A., Coming — "LOLITA" Starring JAMES MASON ADMITTANCE to TO PE 'avg. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton Ontario v. mv*Avonwmnotromte~~* ••••;••••Nr.wrooM.V.V.....• ... iir0A4v4Amw, YOUR RED CROSS SERVES YOU All ages. all stages...every Step of the way through life your Red Crete serves you the infant, the adolescent, the adult and the aged 411 benefit from the services and programthe8 being carried out In your community. Help your qed Cross to continue its humanitarian work—think of the many ways the Iced Cross Serves you and your neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge to the best of y6ur means. A tieneraiS donation Will do 86 hutch for so Many in 1953. RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW Door-to-boor Canvass in Clinton and Area Monday, April 1, at 7,00 pan, Conducted by members of Clinton Lions Ciub, Clinton Kinsmen Club, Clinton Legion, and Fisk & Game Club. Supervised by Mrs. W. A. Oakes, chairman; Mrs, J. A, Addison, Mrs. P. G. Thompson, Mrs. !~rank Newland, and Mr, A. J. McMurray. .11.1.1•111.111V01011101111.1 ' INSURANCE GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. HU 2-7200 Clinton H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2.7556 HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost th e C0•OP way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gorden Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknbw; Mrs. D. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. L 1 6 y d Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gerrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Kropp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield;. Kenneth johns, RR. 1, Woodham. C. EL Magee Sedretary-Manager Miss 0. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your Clearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- Earl° Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751. lad in the 15th century and in addition possesses a strong physique. The most promising career of that era was the mercenary sol- dier. Colleoni develops rapidly from the ranks and becomes an outstanding leader with his ability to assess the characters of his friends and opponents and his uncanny way in extri- cating himself from almost im- possible situations. The leaders of mercenary groups contracted with a duke or lord who needed protection or assistance in adding to his domain. These leaders, in turn, could become too powerful and a menace to those currently in power. Colleoni is moving sure- ly to the peak of his career when the story opens. Strategy and drama help him to win his beautiful bride, Tisbe Martinengo, and control of the lands formerly in the family. Jan Westcott does such a thor- is able to make the people and INSURANCE THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dungannon; Vice-Pres., Herson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul *`aesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; Allan Maclntyre, R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or 'the secretary, Frank F. Thompson, Dungannon. 27-tfb OPTOMETRY J. E. LONG STAFF OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE Mondays Only HU 2-7010 Soaforth — 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. -- OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA 4.7251 GODERICH 35-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN1 GoderIch, Ontario 'Telephone Box JA 4-9621 479 ough job of research that she the times vivid and real. "A NURSE IN NAPLES" Sheila O'Donnell . This is another book in the contrived biography section. The author, a state Registered Nurse, spends a year in a hospi- tal in Naples. It is quite inter- esting to learn how a nurse adapts herself to the different routine of a foreign hospital, without a knowledge of the language. One of the amusing incidents concerns the time she is sent on successive days to a patient and in discussing the patient with other nurses she mentions that she has had more difficulty than usual in understanding her dialect. The others break out into a hearty laugh as they ex- plain the unknown dialect is Spanish as the patient is from Spain. Her few trips to the nurses' rest home and to Capri are told in simple but effective language spiced by dashes of humour. "A FRAGMENT OF BIOGRAPHY" John Gunther To be truthful we were disap- pointed in "A Fragment of Bio- graphy". It seems as though the author is trying to recap- ture some of the fame he won with his "Inside" books. Frequently he recounts the times of intense concentration, the torments of writing, check- ing, revising, proof-reading and deadlines. Each time he does this he fears that he is leaving the wrong impression and hast- ily says that it was all "fun". One statement stood out like a sore thumb—that he wrote for fun and pleasure, Nonsense. He made sure he had good con- tracts for books and articles before he planned an itinerary. With his world wide experienc- es as a reporter and commenta- tor he could have done an ex- cellent "Inside Gunther". There is no intention of be- Recreation .Activities Poilunn wu,5 VrVared th e Imime relations _com- mittep of the Clinton Recrea- tion Cemmittee in an effort to acquaint residents with the opportnnities nvailahle in rec- reation in the coulnumitY-) In an effort to acquire in, structors, community leaders, night-school teachers, craft in- structors and activity grOUp leaders for their program, the Clinton Recreation Committee are seeking. persons interested in attending a Leaders' Insti- tute to be held from July 8 to 12. These courses are being of- fered at Guelph OAC and Ridgetown Agricultural School for those in this area, These courses will afford per- sons an opportunity to increase their knowledge of leadership and teaching techniques a n d their skill in the activity in which they are interested. This purpose is achieved th- rough lectures, formal teaching sessions, discussion groups and, practice teaching periods under the guidance of a competent staff. Some of t h e graduates of these courses will be qualified to teach adult classes in regular night schools or in community classes or as private teachers. All applicants must be over 18 years of age and each par- ticipant will be issued an at- tendance certificate that states 30 hours of instruction have been received in the activity. The courses offered are as follows: Art, ceramics, children's art and crafts, community leader- ship, community planning, dr- ama, folk and square dance in- struction, group games and singing, millinery, music, phy- sical recreation, puppetry, rug hooking, senior citizens execu- tives, tailoring and weaving. Persons interested in receiv- ing further information may do so by reviewing the brochure of the courses at the News- Record. Details are also included as to requirements needed by the applicants, The Recreation Committee would be pleased to hear from anyone wishing to attend these worthwhile and profitable cour- ses. Weaving Course Another program being offer- ed more locally is a course for any persons interested in weav- ing. This is being offered by the Lake Huron Zone Recrea- tion Council. Interested parties are also asked to leave their names at the News-Record. 0 James Miller HENSALL — Mrs. C. L. Jinks received word on Satur- day of the sudden death of her nephew, James Miller who died at North Bay, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had just returned home from an extend- ed vacation spent with Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Sherritt and Jim at Florida. Born in Hensall, he was the "son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. His father was a blacksmith .here, and his moth- er was the late Laura Blatch- ford. Surviving are his wife; one brother, Ross, Hamilton; one sister, Marie, Windsor. Funeral service was held from North Bay, Tuesday, with burial in Windsor cemetery. ing facetious, for surely he would have a tremendous back- log of information and anec- dotes about people, places and events that would have been well worth reading. 0 CLASSUitiD ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS gunungge .Sale The Women's Auxiliary of this Station held a meeting on March 4 at the Ritchie Mg and the president, Mrs, M. push, thanked all the ladies who catered to the curlers .dur- ing the recent bonspiel. The next meeting of the WA will, be on April 4, the first Thursday Of next month. Mrs, J. Farrell of the ways and means committee is in ch- arge of the annual rummage sale which is to take place on Saturday, April ,6 at the Coun- cil Chambers in .Clinton, House-to-house pick-up is planned for Wednesday, April 3, rrotestant -Guild - On March 11 the Guild of the Protestant chapel held their monthly meeting at the chapel annex. The ladies had the bus- iness dealt with then proceeded to look at films of life in In- dia. The projectionist was Mrs, J, Fehr and commentator, the president of the Guild, Mrs. A, Koch. Title of the movie was "In, dig My Country". Flight Sergeant Dick Wilson, Colorado Springs, USA, has been visiting at the home of Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Ron Burnside. Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Bob Siebert, were on camp . for a few days also. Elect Officers The CWL had their general meeting on March 11 at the Ritchie building. Elections were held and the following ladies are on the new executive. President, Mrs. G. Hebert; secretary, Mrs. Y. Scott; treas- urer, Mrs. P. Huard; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. P, Peterson. The Chaplain gave a short address to the members, after which Father Bussey showed colourful slides of colonial Vir- ginia, New Orleans, Florida, Jamacia, etc., etc. Refreshments were served under the able direction of Mrs. J. Hall. Declare Winners The curling season has end- ed for the Ladies' Club and the last evening was Friday, March 15 with the finals being held on Saturday morning and af- ternoon. The last event saw the teams of S. Tremblay and ia. Math- hews in an exciting match at 2 Tension ran high' nil through the eight ends before the vic, tory went to the rink skipped by Bdie 'Mathhews,. Tier third was Doris Cole; 2nd. Helen Firick and lead, Mrs. Margaret Mathieson. Opponents were; S. Tremblay skip; third, Jean Wright; 2nd, Pat Marcell .gntl lead, Monica Puguisl, Both teams gave the gallery a real treat in expert purling and all deserve congratulations, Forty women curled regularly with several spares to fill in a very busy schedule, Individual trophies were pre— sented to the winning team by the president of the Curling Club, Betty Buis. 0 Expect Rates To Re, t Ain Same For Huron Cow* GODERICH — Huron County council assembles Thursday forenoon for a one-day session at which all committees will report. These have been reduc- ed from 12 to nine, and a num- ber of matters which claimed attention at the March session last year are out of the way. The warden's personnel com- mittee was in session most of Monday. Most important business on Thursday will be adoption of the budget, The mill rate of 14 —six general, eight for roads— is likely to be the same, it was learned at the county building, President of the University of Western Ontario, E. G. Hall, made a plea at the January ses- sion for assistance in the fin- ancial campaign now under way, but indications are for only the usual grant of 82,500, for bursaries. 'Flu has not laid low any of the county councillors, so far as clerk-treasurer John Berry has heard. Adastral Park. Social Notes. News Editor: Anne Aileron Phone HU 2-7349 Business and Professional Directory