Clinton News-Record, 1962-12-13, Page 8Page 8—Clinton Hews-Record—Thurs./ Dec. 13, 1962 Letter to the Editor The Editor, Clinton News-RecPrd, Clinton, Ontario. Dear Sir: May I bring to your~attention two very conflicting and mis- leading statements in your pap- er dated December 6, 1962. The first statement is on, the front page, column three under "Bayfield will vote to select 1963 Government" and I quote, "He said that the plan to pave Tuyall Street with only four homes on it was ridiculous be- fore main street was done", The second statement is on Page 8t column three under Letter to Bayfield Citizens, and I quote, "He mentioned paving Tuyall Street Ibefore other streets", The four homes mentioned above are the permanent resi- dences of persons living on' the street which was paved last year. I do not know how Tuyall Street entered into the picture, for what I said was "I am not very happy with the street which was paved last year when main • street needed repaving", The persons attending this meeting know what was said and this letter is in the interest of everyone in Bayfield and to settle once and for all, the dif- ference between fact and fic- tion. The following statements will also be found on page 8, column 3, and I quote, "and made some remarks to cleaning the whole town up". What I actually said was, "If I am elected it will look like Spring Cleaning and the by-laws shall fall where they may". Also in this column, and I quote, "It was mentioned by one nominee that if he were elected he would have them all re- scinded". What I actually said was, "These by-laws must be reviewed, revised or rescind• - ed". Column three, page 8 was written with only one thing in mind, for the writer to do his best to keep me Loin being elected. - I wish to thank the voters' of Bayfield for their support, and shall do as promised, "To do my utmost to make Bayfield a better place in which to live". Very truly yours, IRVIN W. PEASE P.S.: If I had known the con- fusion caused by my speech, I too probably would have taken 'a walk. Thank-you. Bayfield, Ontario, December 11, 1962. 0 LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone BLyth 37 r 5) Mrs. Harry Durnin returned home on Friday after a week spent with her son Murvin and family, Stratford. Tom Allen arriver home Fri- day night from a two weeks • vacation 'at his hunting ledge at Matateheovan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Millson and baby daughter, Sebringville, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Living- stone, spent a few days last week with their daughter sand family at Alliston. The Women's Institute met on Thursday, December 6 and roll call was' answered by donations and treats 'for the Shut-ins. Dr. D. J. Lane, Clinton, gave an in- teresting discourse on Christ- mas end customs in various countries. Demonstrations on making Christmas decorations' wer e given 'by Mrs. Glen Carter and Mrs. Edwin Wood. Mrs. Stan- ley Lyon gave a splendid report of the area convention held in London recently. • The Cheerio Club met Wed- Good Selection of TABLE LAMPS Priced $7.95 & up FLOOR LAMPS TO MATCH Coffee Tables Step Tables $11.95 up HAMPERS Complete Selection of Colours ASH TRAY' SETS MAGAZINE BASKETS HASSOCKS And Many More Gift Items at Beattie Furniture O inesemet Perfect Presents far 111etAir4 G"OdlIRInsfe'' Long Sleeve KNIT SHIRTS By Forsyth Orlon - Wool - Cotton $5 to $10.95 GLOVES -- SCARVES -- SOCKS 1 BELTS -- JEWELLERY -- TIES FORSYTH WHITE' SHIRTS Single or Double Cuff $5 to $7.95 BILTMORE Gift Certificates Priced from $7.95 F a GIFTS • BOYS' CARCOATS and PARKAS • TAM '0' SHANTER KNIT SHIRTS • STANFIELD'S POLO PYJAMAS • Boys' SOCKS, PANTS, UNDERWEAR OPEN EVENINGS FROM DECEMBER 17 to 22 Herman's Men's Wear HU 2-9351 CLINTON GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES B 3 Install Anti-Freeze 3 Recharge Battery 'V Test Cooling System WE SELL THE WELL-KNOWN HART BATTERIES Wells Auto. Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Dealer For The Famous McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS Phone KING STREET.HU 2-3851 CLINTON HASSOCKS Thank You! For your support at the polls on Monday, in the Township of Stanley election. ALVIN RAU .504 THANK YOU! To all those who supported me at the polls and during my campaign, I would like to express my sincere appreciation. I will endeavour to fill the position'as reeve of the Township of Stanley to the best of my ability, and wish every one the compliments of the coming season, and the best in 1963. ERNEST TALBOT 50b Weekend Specials at CLINTON Royal Gold Butter lb. 53c TIDE — King Size $1.23 Maple Leaf MINCEMEAT28 oz. 43c Betty Crocker CRUST MIX 18 or I.G.A. PINEAPPLE JUICE 48 oz. 29c FRESH PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDER lb. 39c PORK Fre BUTTS lb. 49c TABLERITE WEINERS lb. 49c CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE 2 heads for 29c BANANAS 2 lbs. 29c 31c Get TRACTION and SAFETY ALL WINTE LONG Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steekle, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer, spent Friday in 1-cridon. Miss Brenda Blair returned to St. Thomas on Sunday after having been home for a couple of days. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Sturg- eon and family and Mrs. •Lottie Davis, Hespeler,, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. Kenneth Mackie underwent a tonsilectomy in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday of last week. He returned home an Thnrsday to recuperate. Miss Elaine Weston accomp- anied by Robert Marshall, Lon- don spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston. Mr. and Mrs. William. C. Par- ker, Charlie and Kim, London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Par- ker were' dinner guests of Mrs. Fraser at a birthday celebration for her husband. Mrs. C. Parker provided a beautiful birthday cake for her father., Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johns' ac- companied by his mother, Mrs. McLean and brother Frank Johns, Landon called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston on Sun- day, December 2. It is 12 years since Pete has visited old haunts in Bayfield, and al- though he was through Dun- kirk and served with the British Army and other fields of ac- tion, living in many lands, he still calls Bayfield "home". He has four children and is oper- ating a tourist resort business in' Northern Quebec. Bingo Whiners There was a good attendance at the Lions Club turkey bingo in the town hall on Friday ev- ening. Master of ceremonies was Reginald Francis and Les- lie Elliott assisted. It was or- ganized by the finance com mittee under the chairmanship of Charles Scotchmer. Winners at the game were as follows: Mrs. Dutot, Bruce- field (two); Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. M. Toms, Ron Smith, Jdhn, Marks, Lloyd Heard, Varna; Mrs. l(en 'Hunter, Goderich (two); Mrs. Ran Glazier, Gode- rich; Mr. Rivers, Mrs. Ken Mackie, Mrs. Cliff Utter, Mrs. SHEAFFER PENS & DESK SETS at ANSTETT JEWELLERS V 1 K. Gemeinhardit (two) ; Mrs, Brown Higgins, Mary Boyce, Varna; Bonnie Johnston, Mrs. Elmer Lee, RR 2, Clinton; Mrs. Jack Hammond, Walter Turner, Betty Lou McLeod, Mrs, Lloyd Makins, Mrs. Norman Baird, Bruce field'; Tiny Bedard, Gode- rich. Share-theevealth first won by Douglas Gememhardt; sec- ond by Betty Lou McLeod; third by Jan Koene. UCW St. ,Andrew's The IJCW of St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, met Thursday, December 6 in the church. President, Mrs. John Lindsay, presided, Mrs. John Scotchmer read Romans 12: 1- 18. Mrs. A. G. Pease offered prayer. Mrs Robert Scotchmer gave an interesting reading. All of- ficers were returned for 1963. They are: president, MTS. John Lindsay; vice-presidents, Mrs. Jack Scotchnier, Mrs. Lloyd Makins and ,Mrs. Percy Renner; secretary, Mrs. Grant Stirling; treasurer, Mrs. Leroy Both. Community friendship n d visiting, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Mrs. A. G. Pease, Mrs. Roy Scotch- mer, Mrs. Ivan Steckle, Mrs. Leroy Potts Mrs. John Watson; literature and communication, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer; stewardship and re- cruiting, Mrs. A. G. Pease; supply and • social assistance, Mrs. Robert S'cotchmer (Mrs. Scotchmer also fill the role of an additional office, press re- porter); card convener, Mrs. M. Toms. Mrs. J. Lindsay reported some of the duties as outlined at the laymen's banquet held recently in Clinton. They ap- pealed for donations for West- minster College building fund. Mrs. Leroy Poth took a chap- ter of the study book "The Word and the Way". The meet- ing was closed with the lVfizpab. benediction. An auction was held after which lunch was ser- Unit One Leader of Unit One- is Mrs. Lloyd Makins; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Jack Scotchtmer; second Vice-president,. Mr . Percy Renner; third vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Lindsay Smith; sec- retary, Mrs. Ivan Steckle; as- sistant, Mrs. J. McKenzie; treasurer, Miss J. Stirling. Unit Two Unit Two, Willing Workers, president, Mrs. Percy Renner; first vicespresident, Mrs. Don Campbell; second vice-president, Mrs. Tom Penhale; third vice- president, Mrs. Robert Blair; secretary, Mrs. Reg. Francis; treasurer, Ms. William Mal- wain; card and flower secre- tary, Mrs. Fred Wallis; visiting committee, Mrs. Grant Stirling, Mrs. Wilfred Castle; program, Mrs. Jack Scatchmer and Mrs. Bert Greer. Bayfield Trinity .Elects Officers At Yule Meeting Befgre taiting the 'Chair for the eleetien Of officers Trinity Branch Wo- rn.e's Auxiliary Meeting heldat "The Hut" on1 Thursday, eeMber 6, the .1341r. El, J. Harrison commented On this happy harmonious year in this organization. He spoke of the love and appreciation for the work of ti-4irrossioryary-minded group and commended the over- all picture of the Diocesan church 'budget 'as used 'for good Pur1)0SeS to them, Mrs. J. M. Stewart was re- turning effieer. The following is the slate of officers for 1963: honorary prepident, Mrs, J, M. Stewart; president, Mrs'. R. J. Larsen; first vice president, Mrs, Emerson Heard; second vice':-president, Mrs, Carl Diehl; secretary, Mrs, J, B. Higgins; treasurer, Mrs. R. H, F. Gaird- ner; .Dorcas Secretary, Mra., Percy Weston; sick and visit- ing committee, Mrs. Lou B. Smith and Mrs. H. K. King; press reporter, Mrs. Carl Diehl; educational secretary, Mrs. R. H. F, Gail-direr; prayer partner secretary, Mrs. C. Knuckeys, Living Mess. agill%Stt!er°ar3r, Mrs' William R ;F In the absence of the retir- ing presidlent, Mrs. Emerson Heard, the meeting was chaired by the second vice-president, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. Mrs. E. A. Featherston was at 'the piano for the opening hymn "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" 'and the rector led in the opening exercises. The scripture, St. Luke 21: 25-33 was read by Mrs. J. M. Stewart. Mrs. L. B. Smith act- ed as secretary for Mrs. J. B. Higgins. Mrs. R. J. Larson, treasurer, reported 'all bills paid with a small balance on hand. St. An- drew's Day self-denial fund amounted to $18. Mrs. Percy Weston, Dorcas secretary, stated that a bale had been .the to be forwarded to the Venerable Archdeacon Ahab Spence, North. Battleford, Sask., and that two quilts had been quilted the previous: week 'at the home of Mrs. Emerson Heard and iforwarded to the Mohawk Institute. Received at 'the meeting was a ,gift from the Trinity Club. of the contents of their birthday box. A prayer for the prayer part- ner was' said in unison and the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison remem- bered sick and lonely in the closing prayers. Mrs. H. K. King and Mrs. L. B. Smith were hostesses. They added a seasonal touch to the refreshments with tradition- al Christmas delicacies. Mrs. W. R. Elliott ,assisted in, serv- ing. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, London, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Steckle over the weekend. Average profit per dealer of sales was 4.9 cents in the. Cana- dian manufacturing, industry in 1961; the record post-war high was 5.9 cents in 1955. Orange Lodge Installs Officers Murphy Loyal Orange Lodge No. 710 held the annual meet- ing in the 'form of a snpper meeting in the Orange Hall on Thursday, November 29. Coenty Master of South Huron, Wor- shipful Brother Oliver Jacques, Herself, was in charge of the election of officers. In.stallation was carried out by the county master of North Huron, Wor- shipful Brother Ross Errington, St. Helen's, vin the chair. Mr. Erri.ngton also was the guest speaker. He installed the following: worshipful master, Alex McMichael; deputy mast- er, Clayton Hocigins; chaplain Ross Millar; recording secre- tary, Harry R. Crich; financial secretary, Mervyn Falconer; treasurer, Henry Sloman. Marshall, Wilfred Glazier; lecturers, Robert Glen an d Frank Falconer; committee- men, Frank Andrews, Mervyn Haply, Garnet Cornish, Mel Schoeniaals, Asa Deeves; audi- tors, Charles Nelson; past mast- er, Jack Henderson; tyler, Bruce Walker, The (Christmas party of the LOL and LOBA will be held in the Orange Hall on December 19 at 8 p.m. All members and their families are cordially in- vited to attend. Mrs. Arthur Currie Funeral service was conduct- ed on Thursday 'afternoon, De- cember 6 at the Ball and lvlutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, for Mrs. Arthur Currie, who passed 'away in London on December 4. The Rev. C. J. Park officiat- ed and interment was in Olin- ton Cemetery'. Pall - bearers were Gladstone Grigg, Ray Tyn- dall, Fred Hudie and Alvin Wise, Clinton; George Hudie, Brussels and Murray McDoug- all, Goderich. Flower - bearers were Kenneth Currie, Walker-. tons .Robert Emmerson, Eric Switzer, Donald Switzer and Douglas Currie, all of Clinton. Born on May 3, 1873, she was the former Mary Elizabeth Em- mersois daughter of Robert Em- merson and Jane Thompson, of Goderich Township. She mar- ried Arthur Currie on June 27, 1894 and they lived on Con- cession 16, one and a half miles northwest of Clinton. Besides her housewife duties, Mrs. Currie operated la rural mail route for 20 years. She belonged to Wes- ley-Willis United Church. Surviving are one son How- ard John, Clinton; two daugh- ters, 'Mat. Harold (Laura Mae) Emmersan 'and Mrs. Ed. (Ruby Ethel) Grealls, both of Clin- ton; two brothers, George and Fred, both of Clinton; eight grandchildren and 13 great 'grandchildren. A second son, Percy, died in 1940. The Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings in Otta- wa, which contains the House of Commons and the Senate Chamber, has a total of 490 rooms. nesday at the home of the pre- sident, Mrs. Laura Lyon, Group two provided the program. $10 was donated to the junior choir to assist in purchasing their new surplices. A pot luck sup- per -proved very appetizing. • Trinity Club Matters Enjoy Christmas bent BAYFIELD — Mrs. H. 401A) was 'hostess lse the Trinity Club for its December meeting at which 12 •were present. The Worship service, led by Mrs. Ross Middleton, opened with the pledge, followed by 'the singing of "Silent Night", end a poem of inspiration. Mrs. W. Parker led in prayer and Mrs. A. Flowers read the beautiful Bible verses telling of Christ's 'birth; Two readings were much en- joyed, the first by Mrs'. M. C.orrie• on Christmas traditions and customs and the second by Mrs. F, Hulls on the orogin of the Christmas poem, "A Visit From St: Nicholas". After the business session all took part 'in a discussion on the future of the Trinity Mb. Officers for the coming year are: president, Mrs. M. Corrie; vice-president, Mrs. R. Middle- ton; secretary, Mrs. J. B. Hig- gins; assistant secretary, Mrs. A. Flowers; treasurer, Mrs. W. Parker. The next •meeting will be on January 9 at the home of Mrs', Gairdner. 'Teen Humour What did the letter say to the .stamp? "You're square — butt you send me." Electors of Bayfield: My sincere thanks for your confidence in me and your support at the polls on Monday. LeRoy Poth 50p Electors of Bayfield: Your vote for me on Monday is deeply appreciated and I shall endeavour to justify your confidence in me. Thank you. Fred Arkell 50p • ved. N 0 W IS THE TIME TO INSTALL GOODAEAR SUBURBANITES .....i;t4,31;b0fr;;4P0-7,' •Neg NEW TIRES or RETREADS et us give your car a WINTER, TUNE-UP w. xr •••••4,,,,,,,•••••• All Shapes and Sizes ,SSES.SOSSW:M.sisss:,sissss... BALL and MUTCH FURNITURE have all styles of Occasional Chairs TABLES LAMPS COFFEE TABLES END TABLES STEP TABLES STACKING TABLES CARD TABLE SETS MMI 440.00 • •••` • • ..••••ir mers, Tri- Lig hts Table Lamps Lamp Sets Clothes Hampers BALL & MUTCH Ash Tray Stands FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Doll Carriages Albert Street—CLINTON—HU 2-9505 Visit Our Hardware Department for Gift Ideas and a Full Line Of Household Items TOY DISPLAY IN HARDWARE DEPARTMENT 4111111111111111111......