Clinton News-Record, 1962-10-25, Page 5AVA A A 11 'Pr, Cl6 N� Jobs for Grads o ko 11 c Smate essuews Outlined In initiation Of Neer Student: Is introducing. New NESr Book Carried Out in 'Legion Hall.Party A.Hew Teacher,' The zxecuove gn4-, .Pi. wesna- 1 the Nate �Servjce has just QAntm, Dj_,�triet Collegiate '�n,- are by 6t?4t#)g- right now. GeorgeM. Bullen =,,iis:iert �ts gnaual 1)0011delt, stitute initiated the Grade Nin- The Lirribo"Rocli; ;;�s -4 required (By $y1*1 Fit 01TkqjqS 12 P.) "Supply and Dema. nd_viniver, erp, 10to the school iat a spec- dance. CDCI—Geonge M, Bjxlle n, t 1, for , , 1.90.9-63, a,,� is �t now gy0oble free on re- i. party hold in flip Legion Prize for most comical aMe � t X s a new rnember -of ' , . ''' L, 0 . . a! p. q. Slt, t WmOJ,j,a_ ea I Hall Friday, ay, P, placard Which each, Grad Nin the staff apt _Nhtm �Ivllvl$t frM -OYour, 1OP41 NE$- -1 . ' sitqd de. R, tuber 12. ent was�, required to make District CoOelgkote Institlp pllo,Veos will, find the book - Special costuming created' the and wear, was won by 0EWol received his early educati*n, in let a mine of useful information atmaspherle of HAUowe!ent, a R�eichlart, Goderich and is a grA a help. them in itheiv search, for duate good 'two weeks'ahead of time. With initiation over,. those suit. qb1leip manpower, m.fessionaJ manpo �- Qftl$ were required, to wear •a initiated were dismissed, so :they A table, of stimatled graduations potlato saclk w0h, head and, arm could go -home and return ares- in 1963, lo,39 dliff`e_nit bralnlch- holes, long underwo4rand long sed' suitably for the d= es, of science, engineering -and woollen socks, With rubber i4ftich fbW, stoic eabs f the humanities, lists, 28 unliver, wed. most boo. Hair was b4ck-eom:bed, reP0,11ted, "We 444- 4 b4lil". sWes ,and collegies from whieb and no madX-up was permitted, 0 graduates mwi be re ruite butt each spoptod a roan s; tie. The itex. desic I ribe's the trend,; "Ore The boys were, gym shorts or increase or -decrease f - or girls shorts with Indles ny- CACI Redmen seen In graduations, •in more lons, and bright garters, -pneak, &I tegor!�es- than 40 Profession, ca 7hv extent of demand by ere and. py)ama, tops, Lose Out To & I ndustry for grad - Both "bays and girls wore business and, 1, necla,gces of "cultured Ontarlio, ua1te$, in, lthe various idi5dPlit"e-9 'Listowel Twelve is also forecast. A summary grown potatoes". 1:4 some cas- es, later in the evening, the (By John Stryker Or. 13) �c_ of esitfmated starting monthly wearer was required to eat CDOI—It must- h salaries, received in 1962 by tavo been some of these potatoes. Cfinitpal's, fate to lose the foot- tinivIerslilty graduates in more An hour of party games, in- bail game last Wedhesday, Oct- g. than 30 professional fields, ml� clruded,a. varlatdon of the music, Ober 17. As one, team, mem- 4 dicaltes what 1963 graduates al, chairsgame, when the boys ber said "Nothing but bad may expect to, be offered. occupied all the chairs, and luck i s, U Jduajteg, and High school gra 14 thle girls Were On the march,The Tuesday", October 18, iss- students now In their graduat When, the music stopped, elRoll ue of the London Free Press jug year, who ,are not yet ab - girl scrambled!to, ftd a sett of verified ,this when they pr1nitel&,, solotely certain what, courses knees on which to alt. "Listowel took first place by .Sir George Wjilijapis, University they should fcallow, Will find in - Another game was a contest downing Cfivtan in a defensive in, Montreal. Mr, Builen, has his valuable !guidance io this book, to roll peanW6, or potatoes struggle Of 9-1.1' Bachelor of Commerce and his let, along the floor with ones nose, This was Clinton's fourth Registered Industrial and Cost The text explains, in which There were ",twist" exhibitions, game of !the season. The first Accountant degree's. disciplih-tes graduate studleots and impromptu •speeches, on was lost 21-0 to Mitchell, Next He teaches business, practice are expected- in excess of de - "my ,Host embarrassing mom- the Reldmeu'tied, Goderich 12. In [four grade 9 classes, b,0010-- mend, arld in which courses 12. Sonlethlhg happened and keeping, In grlade 10, econmnics there will not be en0ugh guadV- Wton was, -an top of a 39-2 and law, and business colrreL'�- altleS to. supply the manpower Travelogue On game �N*h Stratford. pondence in grade 12, special needled by employers. The Huron_pftth football comme&cal. He is especaW The preference by employers standings are as follows: interested in accounting. for honours ratyer than, pass Holy Land By Listowel, .................... 7 UP. Buller, betleives that the course graidualtes, Is Clearly Former Vera Lobb mitcheu, 6 new Vocational School is a pointed out. The types of em- sealf-0111 ffil . .................... 6 great opportunity for all Aud- P10Yment for which. graduates ... ......... The regular generlea g meatinWlhg.ham . ................... 5 ents In the commercial and in the various disciplines May of the United Church Women Clinton . ........................ 3 technipal fields. be best suited, are also deScrib- of Wesley-AWillis will; be held on Godlerich ... ................ 3 o- ed. Wednesday evening, November South Huron. ............ 2 Situdenrts shouldbe able to 7, ;at 8 o'cilook, in thle SundW S tratford ..................... 0 St. Paul's WA see a copy of the booklet in School, room. With two games -to go as their own high school library. Unit four d9 advancing its this, is written Ithe Rotten still S , , 11 wd employets November meeting. from, have e chance of entering the Presents Awa ,nay obtain copies -of the book- its- rog- playoffs belt from their focal NES whose ullar date on second Tueoday of 0 staff as. geared to handle either the month to Friday Novem. To Mrs. A. Hudle ovIde-rs from employers for ex- ber 2, ,at 2.30 p.m. The Badies MrS. Clifford Lobb elcutive and prafessiond, M8111 am inviting everyone -who is St. Paull's, Womien?s Auxiliary interested, .and especially the I' Victoria Hospital, London, met at the- home of Mrs. Clif- power or appleatlions 'for jobs memblers of the other units, Of on, Thursday, October 18, there ford Epps and Mrg. Thomas in 19 -As. category• h1veiv year the NES has Mie organization to hear the Passedaway a ,lifetime •resident Herman opened the meeting been Viadng graduate students. guest •speaker, M --sl 1,Torman of this diStrict In the person with the Bible reading. The Wiilssoa4, London, (formerly Vera of Mrs. Clifford Lobb. Born in Rev. Peter Dymond spoke of During 1961-62 some 3,000 were placed in, permanent employ - Lobb), Gloderich Township, Stanley Township on August the- splendild, work of the Aux- motet while many more were Mrs. Wilson mom,describe the 9, 1893, Flwsde Ann Pearson 1!liary landi said it was hS i h relferiledl to tour she ma& Or the Holy Land was 'thee only 'daughter Of the that mom, peop:Xe. be as: de - summer jobs be - last summer, and show her late Robert and Janet (Mc- .ed' in the missionary Of tween university semesters, s h -des: of the -trip. There will, be Le'od) Pearson, the church. 0 -- no admission, charge, 'but an In 1911 Mr. and, Mrs, Pear- 'Mr. Dymond' introduced the offering will betaken, A sacralson and thew familly moved to new study book, "The Church PM Club Has halif-jhlour with, refrelshments Godw�' Township to the farm. in the 60's" which was written wilh follow )the mieeiting. - presently owned by Leslie Pear- for the Anglilem, Congress Another event of •special im. son on, the 16th concession and which will be held in Toronto Euchre Party portance and interest will be there the marriage of Clifford in, 1963, Me Anglican Congress the Autumn rMankofferiLg Lobb and' Flossie Ann Pearson provid1ees people mrM a new vis- The Past MistreWes Club Of ineeting, which will be held in was solemnized in 1916. ion of the greatness of the Ang- Huron Loldige LOBA No. 377 the Sunday School Ro(in at Mr. and Mrs. Lobb took up lican commurAon, In spite of held their monthly meeting on 8 pm. on Fr!&W, November residence on a, farm on the the vast cultural, raclial, and Monday evening, October 22. 16th concession dust north, Of geographical differences, its The hostess, Mrs. Tom Deeves 16. 'Me speaker will be the invited the to their cot - Rev. Wialton Ton e. chaplain Of the Telephone Road' where members share a common bro. tagle in Mneandine. Following Chung -Chi Christian College in they remained until 1926 when therhoodi, The Church in the * 9 the evening I Hong Kong. 4beY moved' to Clinton to go in- 60', presents a highly challeng- th meebm —0— to -business. The last 36 yem-, ing and, exciting front to all eft'Qoyed Playing euchre, of her lite were spent in Clin, who live in them. Winners -were ladies, high, Huron Institutes ton. A highlight of the meeting Mrs. Wilfred!, Golclough; lone Mrs. Lobb entered hospital was prelsentaton, of a Life than&, Aft. Henry Sloman; low, on, December 28, 1961, and Membprship in the Women's Mrs. Wilfred Glazier; men's Study Meat sdnce that time has, been In Auxiiiary Of tbhe� Angrlican Ch. high,, Wolfred Glazier; Tonle falffin-g heayth, -although 11 Por- arch of Canada to Mrs. Fred hands, Henry Sloman, and IOW, Mrs. -Charles Elliott and Mrs, tion of -the past ten months has Hudie, the president. Mrs. L. Tom beeves. A delicious lunch W E. Radford' of the Clinton been Spent an her new home on McKinnon! spoke. of her faith. was served, by the hostm. Women's Instxtute are leadems Shipley Street. full' and d6vated work. Mrs, _o__ for the winter's Project 11143,4 She leaves, to mourn, her loss Cliff Epps pinned on the gold Pounds of Meat" being 8ftud_ her hUsband; a d1aughiter, Heel -Winchester Crass, and Mrs. Shower Held For jedby members Of the Imtabutte- lien (Mrs. Dalton, Chabot), Jack- Charles Wise presented the cer- They�attendeditraining school sonville, - Florida; two soh� Or- tweate. at H-ensall on, October 16-17 -�- vial; I in Chatham, and Everett, Mrs. Hudie gradowly thank- Miss Sandra Lee long with leaders of five other pmently statiolr*d a Cmp ed everyone for the high hon - groups studying the same pro- Borden with the Royal Cana- our. Committee reports, were The shower for Miss Sandra ject. From the KiPPen East dian. Dental Corps; a; broltherr received and the church eaten- Lee was held at the home of 4 W1, leaders •are Mrs. R. Cald- Leslie Pearson, and six gmUd,- dms distributed. The hostess Mrs- JAM Brown, gran&n'other Welland Mrs. V. Cooper. From did1dren. one brother, George, served lunch and Rev. Dymond of the bride -to -bo, an October 4 the Seaforth WI, leaders -are kit Wayne, Michigan, predeceas- dosed the meeting, with prayer, 18 with 35 fmiend's and neigh - Mrs. Robert J. Doig and Mrs, ed her six years ago. 0 boum present. Hostess was Jd1n Hilletlreft. The Indit- Rev. C. G. Park, Wesley- Miss Barbara Corey. Games utes,atCreditcA Hurondafle and Willis United Church, of which Da-5hW00a 8190 %are conducting Mrs. Lobb was a menilber, con- Rebekah Group wSang m1D1p,1ayVed1y' 1,91101ot!wet ubnychoPwenas- the course, I ducted the funeral service -from served' by the ladies, A second tramwngschool was the Beattie funeral, hano on Has Cal ds held in Wingham on October Saturday, October 20, and in - Of Nontherh, Rhodesia. She is 18 -19,, with -leaders from Fmd- terment was in Clinton Ceme- A euchre pwV, sponsored, by wich, Walton,0vanbrook, Wing- tery. Group 10 of Hurande Rebekah ham, Brusisels, Molesworth, The Pall­bemmm Were Terry Lodge was held Saturday night, Wroxeter, Gonrle, Auburn, Ti- and Ronald Pearson, Mervyn October 20 in the IOOF hlMl. .ger •Dunlop, Blyth and St, and Wallh-am Lobb, Zlwin Mer- Them were 18 tables playing Hdleh,'a W1 laftending. Leaders rilft land Tuck Henderson. Two cards. W&nners were ladies, frown Auburn -are Mrs. T. Law- gr,&rXhoM, john and Walter high, Mrs. Cb0k, Sarnla,; low, lorand Mrs. L. Humphreys, Lobb, land two nephews, Robert Mrs. CaleDoucette; men, high, The course is conducted, un- and Larry Pearson, -acted, as Leonard Bownlan, Benmiller- p der the direction of Miss Is- flower :bearers. low, Lloyd Betidn, Luckydraw abelile Gilchrist, Clinton; the r Ale many beautiful floral tri- wa& won by Mrs. Clarence Bag. home eemmnlst for Huron butes land sincere expressions Whifter of the lamp was Miss County. Under discussion will of syan achy Were ltaugghle evi- Mdol DoWson, Varna: Lundh be' such toqXcs as various cuts deuce of the high regard in was served. 'and- cooking and serving of which Mrs, Lobb was head, Her txeasumrs reppa" were read thes6, carving, leftovers, and 5UMV idiepos imorn, sense of hum, 13422gar Plans Were Again - 4isT cussed' -and flnpl arrangements. the place of meat in the Can. our land, capacity for ma -king Unit with several trios, Me made for October M offering meeting to, The held in adlan meal .pattern today. friends wherever she went, en- GIANT November. W07k was done On, a quilt, Summary Day for all. groups will be -held on Thursday, Dec- deft*d, her to those with Whom tht? came in contact and she R UMMAGE Lunch was served by �drs, ember 6, with final details to Willi be sadly missed by her To . Town wos, taken., by Mirs. Mer, vi, Lobb with XM . Mcxez- n, le, Murray Forbes and Mrs. Tra 'hostess, be announced later. family and •friends. -1 1 1. 1 1 *—% SALE Merrml assisting the ahe next meeting wig be held. ducted -the business meeting an the absence of -the unit leader, of the Word Xrs- Les Ball gave a scrIpture read- Mrs, ShaddIdl iall, takl.Dig part, qk , be �at t , Thome of Xrs. Haxolcl HALLOWE'EN MASQOERADE DANCE HARBOURLITE INN, GODMICH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 Dancing TO 0'.rn, to , 1.436 cl.nlii FARRIER'S ORCHESTRA CASH COSTUME PRIZES Sponsored ,6y,d6deikh Orbdubfoi Nuesdi.'Association CHAMBERS C .1.UNCIL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 1 - to 4 P.m. Sponsors. WA of RCAF STATION CLINTON momminim . ­ . NiEwwMi WeS1yNWo11i$ V]Plt Q;lle 1 UCW '600, Mrs, Purst ,and RM Cur- Thur, —_Clinton He --,--PC St., Andrew s WMS W, Club Nas. "IJ8 "o $t FePtA was the'rie, theme of the dwPtiom'). service missiOnArY in, the Copper Belt October Meeting Packed, A 'Sale when Unit or*, UnitedThree CbUTch Of Nontherh, Rhodesia. She is Proper usage' of l6sure time principal of a training school Warren met in. the church � , ''. The October meeting of Unit �ft. Cool< wigs. 1,4 charge of The Oaober wet ng of* ITr On TUOS00y eypolpg, Octob- Tutee Was held in the church the devoitiqual exerciKes of the 4, Pr parlours an Thursday, 0 Women's Missionary Society of M14114Y Oub was held at the Mrs, A,. Bodges spolippf th cellebrattion -the "Harvest 11 with X I= rs, Reid in the chair and 15 la�djes present. Airs, Reid or %, AA4MW'$ P t 14A Chr m ,of the prpr4d tame �ent Mrs, of al",the Flestiv rites,ot).servedby read, g ppie . m, "Thaqpdi�sglving pxtli, 0W.1, room. 10- in the school William Lobllo, AoR pal War,, responded to by 12 mgmbeirs lthe early day Christians. as Faith" qnd, Miss Flossie Joiner pre*dkinit Mrs. WoWn and and there was one viptoor, c—Omplared to qu ,:r moil:1einjr . h olft, , , piet - of Thanksgiving, son lell In prayer, Roll ea. was answered by, a verse on, 1310ckier tQ* charge Of the Members amwered roll call by The service was can, . ThalrV40giVing "Justice" W,%s 1)US1i4`e$ls, -494 , MR was aoswor, "The givIing avOolles of i�lothjng for a We, Three -large bQxes were 'ducted by Mrs. obs, r1es Neasm'. suggested. for Nqyem 9r, ed with a. 13.iblo vors'eon pa ked for shipping, 11liq, &d� Several hymns were sung and An executive weelt� ng wason. 1 Oat Sverp ax Gaspe. goo r easure% e—porpt sbAOWed 4 .5cr1,Pture,,4,4d prayers read, n1ounced' for Friday evening, txeasumrs reppa" were read ballaMe of $54.DL Three CT of Mrs. aqghters Qes!ch, Zurich, entertgIllipa the 13422gar Plans Were Again - 4isT cussed' -and flnpl arrangements. 400 Ad bpted. Disoligsion. fal, lowed on plans for the Thank- Plans, wmv made for ja social Unit with several trios, Me made for October M offering meeting to, The held in to be hold in, the sebool, This has sinoe beenoF"lceflied-, musical mbers were so epj oy� Mrs. McGlu intro0aced a niew "The November. W07k was done On, a quilt, ed, the girls were requested -to book enUtled Word' and the Way" which is book The 'topic #,The,Cnurc�h do dawn , Lunch was served by �drs, sing several. times during the meeting. a of B'i'ble study. Min 'tether Jam. To . Town wos, taken., by Mirs. Mer, vi, Lobb with XM . Mcxez- n, le, Murray Forbes and Mrs. Tra 'hostess, Mrs. Douglas Andrews con, ieson gave several d`efjnfti%1s "religior"'. Mrs, Mpjklns., Airs. 1�14-clrer Mid. Merrml assisting the ahe next meeting wig be held. ducted -the business meeting an the absence of -the unit leader, of the Word Xrs- Les Ball gave a scrIpture read- Mrs, ShaddIdl iall, takl.Dig part, qk , be �at t , Thome of Xrs. Haxolcl Krs, WifliPlam Hearn, Finial ing, Mr.-, Livermore and Mrs. The meeting closed, with the Howard. phases were discussed for the Cox compared the re. liglor , of -reading of a hymA in unisrcq PERMANENTS bazaar held October 20 and Buddha and' Moses, A Bible and a social, ti e was s spent, Women now make up 30 volunteers were requested to Word contest wa's cOn'dizOtedl by u 1, ndi was served' by Mrs. Far� hostess, for the percent of Canada's 6,8 million help in, the baidng booth, A Mrs, Reld. ff quhar, meeting, civilian labour force. tiominating committee was in- 111M, new $1,11gy loqux, un structed to present a slate of Asla!s Rim" was introduced by Dfficers at the December� meet- Mrs- Redd. She g4ve the lin. ing to be held early that trOductiOn to title .back and' the month. I first chapter on Korea. A dd Unit Four extended, an ini- cussion wasp held on which book vkhation to their meeting an to study and it was decidedl to 131riday, November 2 at 2,30 start with "On. Asda's Rim". p.m. when, Mirs. Wilson, London, Unit Four MW speak of her trip, a tour )f the Holy Land. The gen.e.raa The worbsip service of Unit nleeting of the UCW is sehed. Four was based on the theme I Aled. for Wednesday evening, "Praise ye the Lord', for His "Tovember 7, Bounty". Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs, , Miss Louella Johnson, the Shepherd and Mrs. Holland ,ruest speaker, gave a dehgbt- took part, A special item was Og by Mrs. E�pps, entit-10d talk on, "Leisure", The pura readl . , 70s* of leisure time is to rest The Man in, the Moon' '. ,he body and, mind. Miss John- Mrs. Jervis rpregented an in- ion stressed, that "never before tFTesting account of the work .11-u Of Mrs. Eissie Johnston, a IMSyVAIS 110y been paced' upon the people of the missiOnArY in, the Copper Belt 1111MMM milth" -and, therefore our need Of Nontherh, Rhodesia. She is Proper usage' of l6sure time principal of a training school Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service ,Or s; greater than, In the past 'What we earn, we put into 'Lor African women.. At itheir next meeting it -is 'hoped that Mrs. Wilson Lon - E 011 " S mr pockets; how we spend, our d=, MR, be telling of i�;r trip DRUG Sl leisure ime, we put Into OUT ftractenf? to •the Holy Land and showing Mrs. R. B. Sutter expressed her pictures, Members of the )he gratitudLe of Unft One to other urAts are cordially invit- Special Values and Reminders This Week ,hose who hiadby their conb-i- )Ution made the evening so in- ed to be the guests of Unit Pow at this meeting, I.D.A. SPECIALS — Oct. 22 - 27 .cresting and' informativLe. Sev- —0— n1al contests were introduced )y Miss L. Johnson, andRr - LOBA Card Party VITA DIET CAPSULES 1. Park. The -next meeting will )e held November 20. Last Saturday $2.96 — 2 for $4.99 BRONCHIDA TRIO Unit Two. Uxat Two meltin -the church on October 9. The ThHuron Lodge No. 377 of 'e ,the the COLD CAPSULES—$1.25 I ne0ting opened, With a reading Ladies Orange Benevolent Association held their regular COUGH SYRUP -85c S2.29 ),Y the leadeT, Mrs. Ken Johns- ,on, "Duty of Friendship". The Bard party on-Salturday, Octob- CHEST RUB -59c I EASI-GLOSS FLOOR, WAX )Ian-Ast for the evening Was er 20. Prize winners were lad, ies, high, Mrs. Henry Sloman; &s. G. Cantelon. Mrs. Don Jefferson read, the lone hands, Mrs. Mae Falcon- 45c — 2 for 89c ,cripture and lead in Psalters.er, lirs. Don- rarn chair.- Grieve, prog consiolation, Mls9 Bessie y Sloman- men, high, Henry Slo- IDAVITE CAPSULES nan, gave to ,tall( on Korea and he -four (ounta-les, on the run 'man'lWe h=dfs, Wilfred Glaz- ier; consolation, Jack MeMich- 100—$4.95 — 3 for $11.88 of East Asia. ael. A mystery draw was won Pillams were discussed for the by Henry Sloman, toMwed by SPOT REMOVER >azaar. unit two will be in 1harge lunch. The next card party will be held in the lodge rooms Reg. 40c -33c Reg. 75c -59c of the touch and bake and delicatessen booths. There on SaturdaY, October 27, spore sored by the LOL. B R E C K HAIR SET MIST vas further discussion about he thankoffming, meeting to Reg. 79c -59c )e held November 7 at 8 p.m. A quantity of -tete yarn, was SALE ON FINEST —HOLLYWOOD' WAVE SET Imated by IhIrs. C. G. Park to )e used, in the project of knit - PERMANENTS AND FREE COMB -29c ling baby sweater sets, The meeting -closed with Val'Yer land' lunch was served Reg. SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO—Reg. 45c .......... 39c $10.00 ONLYS6*75 w the hostesses Mrs. Stephen- Reg. $12.50 ONLY SPRAZE —Reg, $1.39 .................................... 99C •IS8.00 Sugar and Spice All Perms. Complete IDAVITE LIQUID -1'6 -oz, $2.49 COLLATES TOOTH PASTE (Continued from Pbtge Two)including Shampoo, Cut, Style, Set nle andl allthebousewivesinthe and. Please. phone now for Reg. 98c -89c Reg. 65c -57c I However, every skeleton bw appointment as sale ends Nov. 10 is closet, •-and' there's, a black 'V'o't,h,d'Z1ov8 !enmn-TAnds,,i1v=,rd in HOUSE OF US CHARLES BEAUTY Fn B. PENNEBAKER tyre fight Of the last two weeks, 1 mow Balt, shoWd I -be turfed 74 Victoria St. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE nit of my present job, I could Phone HU 2-7065 Hair. Stylfipg Cold Waving Dial HU 2-66216 Clinton, Ont. % alsily. find, another: capabje, ­­c%vu TiOusle Keeper, dllwg; experiented cook; good vith, childtlen; to live in,; top IaDaTy; 130 scrubbling. CLINTON Ade brinks, 48 -oz, ............ 19C DEL MONTE Peas or Corn, 15 -oz. ...... ........ 4 for 69c BURNS Canned Midget Hams, 11/2 Ib. ...... .$1.39 Spam 60 Spork, 12 -oz. — ......... 2 for 89c Red Brand Blade Roasts 55c Ib. Red Brand Short Rib Roasts 65c Ib. Tahlente R'rndless ''Bacon 79c Ib,, Uow Apples ............ ...... S 16-, bag 24C Bananas .......................... ......... I lb, 249 touliflowor ........... ...... ...... . ORA StAVALt fish & Chios. 24,,oz ... _ -got 2 7, at Herman's Now • WINTER JACKETS • SLACKS • SHIRTS • UNDERWEAR • SWEATERS All Sizes 8 to, 18 Special in our Boys' Department THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY BO`rS IVY LEAGUE CORDUROY' SLACKS Matching Belt, Charcoal or, Green. Sizes 8 for 18 A Regular $5,05 Value NoOnly$4.95 _ THUR. , ORL - SAT. Wermn,is'' �14U ..2-930 MCIIsS Wear I CLINTON