Clinton News-Record, 1962-10-25, Page 3� , . ,. , .� ,,. __, � .,r-�--- _---�--. _.. . .. . , , . . . ,.. � ° ., � � �r�� n �� . �s� �, C� . ��° �OSS*�QQdl�lg ,, W�h�i�� candel�bra, gl�d�.io�lla ;'? and fu'$i 'mwivs c�ecara�t�ed S,t. c� � Pe�t�r's A�nl�lic��'uzv c�lu1'�ch �rtrc�lc- ville, s� Satwrd,lay mar,ning, Au- ' gtzs,�t 25, io�r �t1te tiu�e�d�i�n�g A'� M.is�S '� Many� Lesl-i� W9Adi�ig, S;eGanld _,� ciau�lit�er a�' M�:, �an!� 1VL�s, T3!em�, P.; 1�e�rt �,. Woa�l!i���g, an�d i]o�ald .'� 3 Gamdo�,� I3amald! I�oss, s��an�cl�q+n ��� af QVDt•, a�vd Ml'�. Gard'ar� R. ���� �.o�s�, ;a�11 q�i B,i�pe]cvillc�, .�v. ��. D�lbe��t Ch�a�are�au o�ffic�ia���dl aClld ���'� w'e�d'ir�g �sn;usic vv�as pRn�y�e�' 1�Y �an, S�, A��,1�eay, , ��. � 'Il►�1c� gro�oun's mother :is a sis- � !Ger a%P 1NTrs. �G+eo¢��e k'� E11ia,Ut, Gllin!4an'. �ive� in n7�aXxiag� l�y hea falhi�icr, �tih� �,rid'e� wn� e ani on�i, � �giu�la:l an:a'd�l af g,ard'eu�ii�a White 1us�tr'e s�a�;in�g flon�izvg to a c3��a- �p�el� ia•aQn, wii�h s�co,o�p �neek• �si� �i��� ��hree-qu�am;ten �slee�v�s ��ui6Pe'c� Wit�lz �s�aL•t pl��at�i�nig m:a�t- c1�pn� �e pl�e�a�te�; �bo�dqce. 13c�ac1S o�f :�eiamlis •anld cryslGal �almed v�vnie� arud flnweo.• �;lus�tems omm �;he bo�d4ce •�,rnd' sliia-t �F �h2q°� :fl�aar 1�ea���LR� gon��, ,A ,rrn�,bc�I�qm�g �i11 +box, Gl�e �;o� ci��crusttd� �iUlz seed pea�^]s�, �caug�l7�i: �ne� e�1Uo�w le�n�°t!h �e�L1 0� tu�lle il]�us�ozv. S�h�e ca2�^�ied vs�1��i;te �bse�+ Wi,th +�V�. lYl�iss� S�ame� �Curr�e, Ba ac�kvil:l�e�, r�a� maid! o�-han!aum and; �h�+ b�r�id�s+m�ailct�si we,i�e Mms. Da:vid; cs Gao�d�c�llaw, s�isitex o�f 't�he b?id�, Mis�s Mary�an�av� Rass-, s�ist�r o�i U'h�e g7ra�rm �airudi M��S. Daugl�as NLa�nsl��al3. �h�e!vr go�w�nis; af ��h,�ema�y ro:s�e �e,au d�e� s�ene� tivene� d�'ign�ee� w�:tah s�cao�� ,r,�e�ckl;in!e�s. am�d' 11ia�e-qu�al,f;e� I�n�Gki s�leev, es., wx^ap �amau��vd� s�t�i�tis accem�e'd � �h�e fm�an,i; w�ith �bon�vs. a,�t �t�h�e w'ass�bin� am�l �heaxi, �azvd were �vcvrav wilbh. m�a�tcYvirvg �cherny xas�e pii11 bo� airclebs, bow �trimrcned arid� w�iih ��ar�t vehRs. 'Ph�e ma'i'd'_ aP-�i�om!au�r c�amri�d a l�auquet .ai �pink d�eligth�t mases� �a+n� pale� �imtk �fiu,gu 'an,um�:s �w�iith� �ivy. � h e �ax+id�sun�a�ids' I�OI.iCjU'C"bS ryv e a� e ' s�im�ilar wi�th td�e� ro�se caaa-rua- biants� am,d� �piale �pin� �uugi 'mnwnl� Vwith i�vy. �wiaa°di Ross aititem�d�d' ,h!i,�s �bro�Ghem as •graoan:san�aaa, �andi it�h� us�he�^s tiv'es�e Dottgl�a�s� Maa+silvaiT, DoRvg,la6' �C7hrar�la�d' �amrl; Jeihr� Rass, ibiroth�er af �he �g�rao�. Foli�aw�uvg •t'h�z ceremlat�y, an ou�td�oom re!ce��bion� Nvas �h�e1�1 ,a�t Gald�n Oak wh�e�r�e �a wc�vdldlircLg 1�um�ch�ean� �wa�s se.rved. �lhe� uxia- It�h� -o� rtih� brid'e� weia��n+g a pvtuk-bei�ge d�i�cs�s' �o� ahm£fan� aavd lla�cc vcTL�h m�i�vk bTawn, accessar- zes ia�d� a�cars�a�ge �af pirnk rases� and ivy, a�ceived �, gues�bs, a,ss¢sibe,�l� lxy ;hhe rt�at�e.r af rfih� graom, �o wam�e �a k�lue pu� sdl�k O1'erg Ca�sisin�i -oa�igin�a�l amKi' �a crn�a�g�e �af �ink ro�s� an�d' ivy. Far a�we�cl'dl'vrvg it�rip ta Mws- kal�a�, ,tll�!e� bridle� �rare a ]�nn�ibed s�uit �orP, s�a�pph�'vr� ��b1ue, matc�l�iavg ��aatihe�r ,Yva� am�d' a ears�age aE w�h�i�e gaxd'ervi�a. Upoa�� �heim re�twr,n �h�ey �a��e i�esid�itlg at 55 Ste�amt , Boul�- vaa�d, B,raal�w�,le. Ba,th� are om; �Uhe be�aahi��vg s�Ga�Ff o� hIlre Brc�al�- v�i91e Pub�lic Schao�s. _ O�ut�af-tawn ��xe'shs wese �r.e- sezv� �fram� 1�i;au�n,R, F'1o�id�a, 1�;eno, Nevad�a, Gria�s�se Is1z, Micihii;gami, Va1lcy�iiel�d, Que�be;c, New Bz�un- sw'vok, Mom�ro�;l, Clin�ton�, Alex- a�r�dziia am�d To2on.to, Love�y Brockvilee Cererr�ony MR. a�c� MRS,17QNA.LD GORDON �IA�,OZ.I� R,O�SS 55 Stewart �ouIeva� d, Eracl{ville, were rriaa ried on August 25 zn St. Petei�'s Anglican Churck�, Frock- ville, �t�e bride is M�ry Leslie�, seconc� daughi:er of Mx, ar�d Mrs. Herbert L< W`ooding, and tl�e grooxn's parents �a�e Mx. and Mrs, Gozdon R. Rass, all oi $rocl�ville, The gi qom's rrzoiYzer is a sister of� Mrs, Georg� P. Elliott, Clinton , �Por�rait by Laure7z�e Redman) TO MAKE 1Q1 lMPROVEMENTS Add a rug or a whole new room ! Repair, repaint or redecorate ! There may be 101 reasons why you could use an HFC Householder's Loan. What's more, you can trust Household Finance because they offer helpful, friendly seryice to hundreds of fhousands of Canadians every year. You, too, wil I appreciate Hauseho�d's � convenient offices and neighbourly service, as weli as the way we respect yaur wish for privacy. Life insurance available at /otv group rate AUove payments inciutle principal and interasl, and are baseQ on prompt repayment, 6ul do not Inciude Ibe cust ot Ille Insurance. � � . HOUSEN��D. ��NA�tCE G. N. Crawford, Mannger 35A West Slreet Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERfCH � - ..�..�__.__.. __.__.: _�-:-�, Cl�ssif ied Ads Bring Results $usianess and Frof essior�.al Directory INSURANCE I � OPTOMETRY H. E, HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance -- Aruiuities CANADA LIFE ASSURAN�E CO. Ctinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN lNSURAfVCE & REAL �CSTATE phones: Office HLl 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH M T AL J. �, LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined OPTtC1AN Oculists' Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustments At No Furthex Charge Clinton-Mondays Only 9.00 a.m, to 5.30 p.m. Clinton Medacal Centre 44 Rattenbury Street West Seafarth---Weekdays except Mandays, grounB floor. phone 794 U U FIR� INSURANCE C0. Head Office, DUNGANNON G, s. C�N�Y, Q,n, Established 1878 ~ �, 01�70METRIST .- BOARD OF D1REC70RS For Appointment president, B r o w n Smyth, phone JA 4-725f Dungta.nnon; Vice-Pres., Herson G O D E R i C(4 Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. Z, Dungannon; George ?,�_� C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Ptzee, R. 3, Auburai; Donald P. - MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; rohn �°. pUBL{C ACCO�UNTANT MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; -- A11an Maclntyre, R. 5, Luclrnow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, AuT�urn ROY N. BENTLEY For informaiion on your itt- PUBLIG ACCOUNTAN7 surance, ca.11 yaur neaxest direc- �oderich, Ontaria tox who is a.lso an agent, or the secret�ry, Frank F. Thompson, Telephane Box D�.uzgannon. Ja 4-9521 478 2?-tfb THE McKiILOP �M�fi�AI FIRE 1N�URANCE C�MPANY Offiae -- Main StreCt � - ,e+� SEAFQRTH r`.�' .��L' D ��' i r � � �i: �, � ��5� � P p � /�.� �%�r �����' 7,risuTeB: .l���i� � �1R��11 �'�YY� �i6J l� � �, .,,. b , �,� � r 'Fnwn Dweilin�s : � �;. a, _;� ,� � �: . Ati Ciasses of F�rm Property � r � � . SUmmer Cottag�s � X� � �� �„��y ��; . Churchiesr SGhools, Mi�tfs � ,�,,� �q,�'�L i��%3� `�ft( �Sr .r . 4 i p 3 4m5eY �4 ��` ����� '�� ��� � Extend�d e o v� e r a g e Cwind, ``� � - ,� �' , z.<<- . ��� , E. s Sr�oke water dam�. e �allin ���' r��Ju���,�k���� oi��ects, etc.) i5 alsb available.' AG�NfiS: James Keys, ii'R 1, Se�.foz•tl"�; V, �. �ane, RR 5, 'Sea- forth; Wm: I.�iper, Jr.; Lbnd�sbora; Selwyri B�.ker, Brus§eZs; ' �iarold Squires Clxnton; , S�aforEh. Gc�rg� Co�e, DubXis�• �7ona.ad G. Eatdn,. 1�►� M. �iA�tP��t & ��� CHIK.RT�RED A�GbUNtANtS 33 HAMI4TO�N' ST. TEL�PHONE C�C�ERfChI, dN7r .�A 4�7562 �..r.f�r...l�.l�.r.�.... � � .� , , , , Gaunt-Morrow � �Mn. and TVLrs. Ke�nm�tih Eaai ;�a�u!nrt �aa^e L'uv�il�g at 40 Ra�tt,�m;- �umy' Sftrc�e�+t, E'as;G, A,�amtmenvt >, c]lin�ou�,,, �o�l.�g Y�h�ear rx�an - :�ag!� om Thursld�ay, Oc�abar 6, rv �'Jhansit �hzt�-ch Amlg7ric�amy Ge� .�iG't Cl Z� Get al� t)te G�t r�lZ tJze iltfnrmatian ... and hetp speed your mait! J �st follow ih�st. ��1ur poit�ts t fasYer mail service every t tteyouaddressanenvelopec Us �futl and correct name of persoct yau're wrtiing io. Us 2ulf and Coirect atldress wifh Posfal Zbne hlumb4r in Canada's six "Zaned^ citios. 3 Write y0uf oWn r�tu�rn address �nd 'Postai Zbne N�mb�r in upper left cbrnet of envelopo. e M'M�C'� � I�'1 5 '� �.,i'c�!�s i��e�,d, Wee�tc�n,� !u� I�S�j,scar�.�s�un� a���� tl�e+n, `i�he� em�j�oyed a��vee�l�-lon� :SUan�edi a�ot'al* tr��Z It�crqu��h y�e�dfdi2i� tiru.p �� Nar�Uhe�; 0�lG- ,1'he eas�t, en rp�u�'� to Lalte �;z�io. .aaa� lJ�t���awa�, fb�ip�� �e'- Wates, F'lairicila, �h,eme t.i��y w,�ll $Wr��in4 �,ere, w�t��ea�e 'tii�� �'�o�ou?�, �!?.ve. �VLr. VWi�itesid'e ah.t�ep�d'ed #s em�pl�oy�e�d� wu�h Bart�itifs Frak,, �b�a�t Cal,leg�, Ge��na,, N.X., �ty Li,m,ute�. `�he b�+ial� lv�s be- �cl i� ma�:aiger o� ithe Gre�at em, a� o�pe!rat�olr M1vit,h ihe� Bedl �V1aste�ie,� 2�t�ii��it. ir� I.rake `I`�!].�dz�cu�� Ck�r�,P�at�� • a;� 0wem .Wa1e�s, �'onznt�, �ie bl id,� is a�x�adu�ate af ' Zlhe �e�v. '�,'., A. aco�Gt, xe�t�� ��'atis�tom E�igh Schqal ra�nld �e� a�t Ch,�r�iut C�hiurcl�, o�Pf'ic�ia�t�d �ah� �e�v� a B.S, de�grs�e �r�nn W�eiu- �he d�aul�l�e a�in� c�ea"�m�omy, Gi.y,' ber Ca17e�e, Laiie Wales, Sl�e eat m�n�ni��,�g� bY h� �fa�t��e�^, t�e "�'as �au�, ��,ss�istanit Ganit�6ru.a.�ty � ,bi�vdJe wa�s 1bNe�ly in 2, �l�o�, d'ireclar fo�- WI3I',�M x�a�tio �Ghis i ]�t��iZ�h gcnwlv a� �i:11� #�a�iale t�a��P, ��s't Y�'am, fe�ta�, sity�]!e�d' wi�;i�� �a s'Wee�t�he�nit - asvcl sequu���s�, A, ]�us�tl� e��feio mie�c c�au� if�r��uned wut�h. cia�, � � � Bell-�ie woa Sn man�lwnlg s��t] ���� ,e� �se�s � � ' a ?-IE�XVSALL -- �arr�:eQ Tares��y_ u��'fiam�t vc�il �W'�s he�l'd' �b�y �a te�+ia�n; �thw�~ah, Heavs.ai]J, wias �kihe sma�l4 :p�i111}�.ox ai t�a�:FeiGa W�Uh �eltUin� "Par a lavely a,u�Uum�n ma�q�hii�ig bacI� �b�nr �and �tmim� 'we�ld�inig S��i�urday, Ocitolbex 6, , �ne�d witih pe�m:M1S'. S'�1�;� aamx�ie�cl v+�'1��epv D,anm�a� Da�tle�n� H�y�w�oiaci, �an� helunwrr��s, �h� i�k ��se�ns�u�tiara d�mairu ageNvo�w��Ue�fore���Uhe' � � �. �� � � m��es �am�l tmk'uils� o¢ ivy. Re�v. Rass NI�acDon�•il�d •arcnid a I� �ViiatnMpm o�P �hom�awr wa� �VI��s, se�flt7n� af aw't'U�v�j �lawe�l"s. Tt DaVud NLon�mon�v, qw'en So�u�nicl, w�as a' dbiu+l�le ri�ag c+e2emb�ny, sisit4'�'-�iai�-La�w oT t�h�e b�rid�e, w�hn The brude 'zs �iz;e d'au�g�hite�r af t�are mana�r.ie� b�lue� p�eau de spie Mr. an�cl� Ma�s; Lanze��ne HeyW�oad, wa�aka� �Pl�al� Pa on�t, 'be�l]-s�h��pe�d Exet�er, �an�' �he� graam is rbhe skir!G, stfy�l�d �ubh ,a ba�ck i��tstl� so�r� orf M1�s. Roy Bell, •an�d! tl�e aP �a sa1�E r.ase. Sl�e ca��ied �a I��,�e Mr. Be�l1, Heua�sall., s�a1�1 �e�a�scaicl� o�P �h:ite s�ais�a �'�. �alc�alm Dou:g�,14 px�o-. �ays�a�n�tiveaniLuns� wibh feath'er v�ad'eld ib2�dla�1 musac amd a�ccoanip, f�. amii.e�d' �t�h�e s�ol�iis�t Ro�ber�L- Larn- I3mi,d'e.�un,a�i:dls z�vere 1VIis5� 1VIar� mie, Ce�rntu�alia. gu'�z�it',e Ly�bm, cp�a�srn o� the gma- 'lllle i�rad'e, guveaz Sn rrnarriage oml �an�d' NTiiss Li�ianl ILuLcI�insb�ny i�y �her fla�tlh�em, w�a�s laveJy in �a��a boibh o�P K�i.�tc���n;en. 1VLvss Qar�hy rn�i�ginad� �floaral�em�glt� gon�vm� a� Ly�om, Anallntrr�rn, causin� o� �tfti� v�hiite �Ghan�t,il�ly l�aee avea~ S�Fi�, gi aam. rYia� %lbnues��gis�], T h e�e�r s�ah�'vrv �trirnune�ct �wi�h �whibo aC�n�c!!am�t� wea� �go�wm�e� sim- ch�iTian a ase�ttt�s;. 'Phe fi�ect� beld- il�r �to, the ma�on af �hatYaum. ie� �tmi7nmleci �wit�h se'ed p�caml�s C�i�o�amsn��a�n �was Ham�aId Iaal- auld imid�s'ce+n,�t sequin�s� feiaituned x+y�mQ�Il�e, �S'eafar�, brat'he� in- �a �o7tt�"au�t ne�ck�laa�� aa�id 7i1y- lavv o� th� �g7 an¢n, a�n'�i us�kvems .�'onnl� slleoves. A crawn• o� s.ee�d � w�re D�a�aa Nlorraw, Ow�en p'e'arl's �am;d �immidesre�rut s�eqwin�s Wmaiy Wa01pa1�, Che�sley, braLh- h�vd h�eu� �flimbmemti•� vea�l af �`s�envch Sat�m�i, �bmorUhem af �bh�e brid�e� a7ud d4�lta:s�iarv ;bor'd'erc�d w+i�Lh Ch�an�il�l•y er-am�-+t�a�w a�.' �he �bsicl�. MiaSt;em bace�, S�h�e c�au�ieid a�bauque,�t aP B�dl�l�y W�I,p�o1'ey Ch,esley, n�e�h_ �re�d ras�es wSirh sie�p}van�atis .a�vd c�w af th� bm�id'�, vwats r,im;g!bc�aa - dviy. A s�tra�nd' af pe�ar7s� vc�it+h e�'. m�a,t�chri�g �arrin�gs', �h�e ,gi�t a[ H�au�y Osnvierl�l, • 7�ion's H�ad, rtahe graom, cam�pleted� �he�r �- was .ar�a,n+is�t ain�d' accampam2cd seanft�fl'e. Mms. H,arralid Bmu�im,, a;i�s�a aP NIia�tT�n af honor dViirs�. Jea�a°y I1i�dr�'s He�a,d �as s1i�e sam�g ��O R�eu�V, He�ats�aJ], am�l` krridesYrla�ix7ls Pe�rFe�� L�e" �a�nk1 "The LarcT�'�s B�amb�ama Cla�us�iusy Zursch, •a�n�l Pir'a�r." Shii�lc�y Hc�ywaacP, E'xetem, snscLem A re�ce�Uioicv w�as� lield in �,he o�f �he� �rad�, vvere ,gawned �aliike �a�ri�h �h�al� ai rtrhe ch�tw�h, ��eire vru ,aqua s�bre�e�-Ic��t4h p�+au d� �pdn�ic am�d whi� s�tnea�ueas �d saie w�iltQ� he�adkl'mess�s o�. �na;t+e �be�is, ,a�nd� av,'�vm� fl�aweR� �om; n�at vwi�h w�hn�te� m�ara�bau miml �tlhe ��le�s Sat �the s!ceine, Th'e 2,nid �vbcdlinig acce�ss,aries. Th�y b�ridle's� �La�l�]!o was cen,�hre+� �by ca�r� i;e�1' 1�a'b�y unhdne ca��marbiens. �, �ilvre� �i;em we�lclir�+g caldei, �ain� �11a�>e� g�ixl, Jud�y Hey�woo�d, kc�d� k�y c¢y�lt+all cam�ded�a�i�s+a �amd �is�t�r aP I�h� bri�d�e, ware vvhi�te �Ch� �atlbe�nid��'t� bauque�s'. n�y�Lon� cha�ffani over taEfeba w�v�la M,L�. Manronv recie�ve�l' �in s�am- rrnaroch7m,g h�e�a�dd�r�ss ,anti she �hire ihlue �p�eaw de sai� w�i;bh caamie�di �a b�asiket o�f aqua oamrua- �h�Lte !acces�somi'as and� 112os. iian�s. Bab!by I�ey�waa�i, ,bi:at�hes Gawn� vv�are m�a.vy sfilk je�s�ay aP �Ihe brid�, was nvn�g �l�e.'a;rea. wu:pYt unh��� a��ccssaries. J���s BeI�, �xater, vv�ais� h�is � 'lliz�ey� c�ac�Yi nuorc+e� wha�e bu�t- bmabhe�r's gr,aamsma��. Rabert t�ea�Elly r'oses w�'vtlr. si�vem �bies. CSTamk, H�a�L1 �an�d� R;on�a�ld �ie�3T- Cxue�sihs �we2 e �fronn WvamL'any unaar�, �xe!te�r, brabher a�f ,the Owlercn Sovn�l�, Liuzds�ay, L`u�`k;' lxivde, us�here�d' gues�ts. no!w, Lond'�s�l�ara, �T?ressden, Au- Far r,e!ceav�izvg 3? gues�ts �a� ,l�ttmm, Kii�ahem!ea�, t�he Bsuce� Pem�- the N'�w Com2nc�cial Fio�:e�1, �r�s�tl�a, SeatEas�h an�di Be�I�r�ave. Ii�n�am, ��he br�'u1e'�s mo!thea 'Ilhe ,bmi'de� dan�n�eidl a w�n�ute ware �a s�h�aNh af w!hi'�e ,aa�.�! b1u� v�naal� �suit w�v�1h we�d�linig ri�vg flawc����1 s�a�tvn urith �access�o¢�ies co�arr amdl co�f�e!� acces�sanies � �blar�k, +arnd� carsiag� af carra�l �am.d� a car+s�a,ge orf �bm�os�ze poan- 'iruc�mis. �lhe ,g+roo�rr�'s mat�h�r pam chaiys+amttil��m�uxns, fom �a�v- ah;ose �a 5lawes'ed! sh�alt�h af mty- e�llincg. � lom ahiifPan; �av+er taEfe�Ua w�:�h gald accessomies�, a,nd' a carsaige 11 � � � � S � Lt \r " � � 3J ! \ af � atd�n lu anze 'mturns NonUhun�inis;ter Pze�lay�tae�ri�a�n Chu�ah,� �ans'bon�, I�l�lun�o�i�s, was Gh� se�Gt� +far the m�a7�ria,ge an, S�a�bua^dlay, Oa�abcr 6, af 1VL�iss �Chm3s�:in�e Ga21 Cao�l� a�rnd Geoi�ge� Watsaru W�hit�esud�e�, J�r. 'Iihe bi�i�de is �he clawg�lvLe7• � Nir. amid Mr�. La�ne �C. Caak, 62 Sial�em La�ne�, •a,n�l� the �'o�om'i's parerirt5, �th� sen�ar W�hi�elle+ac�, lnv� in V�ema B�a��h, �'la. Dr. M�e�Pv�in Pe�aa�ee and tjhe Rev. G,eomge Kinpg7h't afificia�ted a�t t�he r�he5, whaah we�e �iallotiv- e,dl '!�y a xee�p!hio,n in the Fick- � Geangia�n Hat�t. � .Al�ten�lnmig firarn �th�is �arc�a, I w�eme �he �l�rid�e'�s� gra�r�d'pareru�, Mr. aridl 112rs. J'. Cree Caak, �.08 O�vtaria Slttt'�eet, Cl�initom; Mr. and' M,�s. L. A. S�te�heuvs, r�arlle, Nlat�lc ,a��d I�armami, Tar- omiira; M�"s. F. S, Cnalc, N�an�cy axui laomallcl, .S�tx+abfomd'. Mrs. H�army� L. Daughk�.y TII; Mar�tinst�ille, S�a.�,, w-as rivartir'ara aP nqmoux a.n�l: t�he b�raclesnvaadls, were �11�iis�� B�arbaa�a Waxe�h�am1, ' 112is�s Margdrie Nixwv ,an� Miss �ayce Kwha�e��, a�11 crf �v�ans�tox� ancl' SVlass •Den�i�s'� Bo.wZ�eS, Gle�iv- view, ILisnl�'i5 Ct}�a�rles Tov�tan, J�aai�s�i:lle, � Wlis„ tx�a�s �i�es�t rriian. T��e ba�d'e�'s l�i!a,tih�r, �.ewds, Ewan�L-on,, ��u��1 Gh�c fb�id�gro�oun's �broth�r-i�n�-l�tW . danoJl I-�u;n�Cl�es�s, Wd�zl;e�fis�lZ Ba,y, 'Wis,, �ere ushems. Other us�h�s^s� w�e¢^�e� 1'aut A�but�a�ib�:, 1V�iadisemi am�t� ��ume� Ho�fanar�, Hiud'son�, Ohaa. 7.ilze ��kw�csides gav� �a �'e-� � l��e'arsiail: idiurimer bhe F.ridia.y ��- I e�n!in�g U'e�fame, .a�� S�kbkie ,Catult» 1'� �.`1U�1. Th:� nevWl�+weds sper�t bhc YA�NA � r e nite � ( coxs n I�► r rreci mrcCJrymont. The tJniied Chtz�ch Women are ,hoZdin,g �heir annual baz{ aar on Saturctay afternoon, Octbber` 27, ih th� b�seinent oP �the c1�urCYi, A number' of loeal Orati�e{ men attended the Semi-�n'nUaX districi; ]bdge At Woba�a�� last Thursda� everiing, A. , m�eting bf �t]i� qiat.irte�ly offi�i�l Uqa�cl a� tli� 'UY��i:ed Chureh Vvill be he�d thi� Fii- day evenuig at 8.30 iri t�� chut�ch THe �'yra �i"oup df i,he UnitL ed Churcl� is canvassin� ���c cornrr�u�iiy �ta7cix,� orcle�s fo�.� Chri�trrias c�,lce� o�k Th�trSday� ewening b€ lhis �ve�ky �' Fo�r i8r�av�lli�in,g tlh•e ��ri�ide ware a� c�y d'owble� kn�it 5urilt urilbh red and w�hi�e� a�cce�sarier, �aavd�. a com�age o� rc�d roses'. The yau�g cau��e w�i�ll r'eside a�t G�eniview, ,Ai�t. 12, 852 Tra�faligam S'Ya�2.�e�t, I.:oaz+dfar�. �Brintnell --Nunsberg�� iIENSAL.L--Tsim�ity Umited ' Ch2trch CJha�pe�l, In�g�ercs�Ll; w!ais the s'e�tfiaraig fiar hh� wed'clim�g om S�aiturdkzy, OcLakr�r 7.3, 1962, oF S�am^dMa Bell� �iunsbemgerc' �g- em�d1l, amxI W�ilTmam Daw�as Br- in�n!c�l:l, RR 1, I3�emtsiall. The knicle� �i5 �the �c�iawg��L�e�r of Mr. �am;d' Mrs. J`ahn H-u�bemg�, �.89 Johr� Slt�e�t, ingersall a�vd �he g�rtvom's :paa'e�,�ts �am� Mrc, an;d M�s, TSham�as Bm�nUm,e1T, R:R x, x�,��i. `Ilh�e ,13,ev, R. T�:irug �an�i bhe �;ev, C. D. 17ani�1 affiicia�t�e�l ,at 1,7h� �'o�uibde �^ing ce�em�or�y. Mnss�' Lais' Pairl�eu , Windsoa , wia�s m�add �af �han�awr, �aixd`. bh�e b2�ide�sun�a�dls w,e� 112iss Loavg- fie�leT, Im�s�lll aavcl� 1VJuss CaZ�al Demmds, Se�faa;bh, A1vin Taylar, RR 2, �ippen a�i�;en�d� t�he .gu aarri �an,d R;o��emt Clam�k, RR 2, Ki,�Ae'n a�t�d 'Wi,l- ��rcri Sih�adtli`ok, He��a'11, w�re tushe�rs. ��7iara]cl Riddb�lls pravzd'e�� �ra- dliliibmia;l �We�:�'in�g mUs�ic amrci �:c� campar�necZ Itihl� saXais�t, �lVIass T�i�.�eht; P�,�ciidloni, wkla s�at�g "T,he� �V`e�d'iazg Pr��yem" ��.n�l "I'11 �U'a;1ik ,Sesade� Yo�tu." F�1'lawin� ;a wed�ding t�ip �to �the U',n�ted� S�t�ates, Uhe yo�umig conzplc� wiZr ]iv� +a,t R�R 2, xruge�r- 5oi11. , ol�quho�r�- mith A c�.:aWb,l� mirug r�xex�?:c?n� W�s sdle�uf�ed m�e��y ;a� �i�,�to �J�nit'e� •Ol�trte�, ,N�o4s�� .�a�w, S'a�sk, ��,e�r� G�ez�ys Gama� �' � �"� R � �� r. � � ,'�. �7n�i•�h, Mar�&e ,�:anv� axt+� �'/O �Tiugh Malcalatl �Calqt�ho�un, Ciur�- � � � � �,. �an, e�ch#����ge��l �vedc��i;n� �o�s. "� r�. '�`he �br�d'� i,g tk�e c�au�ihil�cx ,a� _,:� � �?'1, •aT��' MC's, D��i� B, Sn�ii�tQ�, " ' �Vl�as� 7�aW d�is�a��c�, az�d Uhe , g,�aar� is �h� Y4un�e�t soul s�f 1YLr, .a.i��' M'�'. �. W. CaTquhwan, 111 HumAq� Sltmeet�, Clxn�:4��u. }�,�v, " . �laxl C�nigg �ex!f�rr�ed �the c�a e, �n,4n5', aiss�is�.��d bY R�v, C, 1�,. � Mc!NLt�2�ty, E�s�ca��rtecl c�c�w� 1:he a.i�7� bY x� % j�e2 ��bhe�, i:he Uracle was �4�wm�- 3� ' , etl in a�w1?ilt� F1oar ler��gt;h �a�r�a E'' Q.f ini�por�e�d' �mg�,is11 �z^c�k�icl :'br�- _ :>` aa�l'e. '�he bald'ice feabw�ed a F�. II $�� �sco,og n�e.ciclim�e, li.ly �patiil� �s1�e'�!v- �.� � II es' �ar�.d w�edd�un�g rc�qrvg vvausl�line, �, .yi ; � � Il � �1 'k' • i �c 1- �. fi' 7�h� ful Uel s A� t w� S a � lalaccl �:em,lin� �ve�i; ita a ta'es- � � �eav� �b�u�s,tle �kYa�elc, ±be�auiifwl,l�y "� ��"� accc�nited urit'� 1ar'ge %afl�ric xos . �x` es, He� fa1,u iaemed, hamfd� r�o�11- �� e�d� si41c iI7usaon,� Veu1 flaa�t:ed � Prcmn axv he�ixleoqn taered' c��ys- = r' t�al :a. tl e�arl corpnel;, Sl�e � f,'' ' � n P ; ; � cvzrie�d' a cas�c�ac�e +bauqu�G o�f ,' � = a �rale p�iu�k ro�ses �and s1�atGt�erect �' � � ;; � $<�%;' c�a��m�tri�oms wit�h� satin ribboz�� ` � fu �� '��R��` F� e.arnems. � �� 4 ���� ,� �;` '. � Thie �,wa at;tendants c�o�e �; �"� ��; x��' "°� c�p�per •aa�d� �d1c1' �eau c�e Sa�:e :'_ .. . ,:: ., ... a�. .�3�,,..: �` . .... ,.: � dtiresse� Fvith scoop 1��c�k].Lm�e� �vbon�v Le�ug�h sleeves, belle�cl sk, Newlyw�d� i/i��t�ng �ea�e ix�ts with bor�ved accents �mid FLYING OFFICER HUGH M. COL matching shae�s. Theix head'� QUHOUN �es�ses w�r� ma�tcr�n�n� ve�lve� and his brzde, the karmer Glenys Caral Smith, were �yr�e�ts wit�h veLvei� p,e,ta7s, le�aiv- married in Moose Jaw, Sask., in September. They �s �and baws. They c�ax-rie�d ca�s, are presently visiti»g here with tYze groom's par- aw �actE� �bou�ue�s af bTanz� ana. ents, Mx. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun, 111 �-Iuron y�elLo�w �m�um�s. Street, prior to taking u� residence at RCAF Stai;- F/O $�rLa�n sm�t,n, Porta�g� ion BagotviIIe, Quebec. Mrs. Colquhoun, daughter r�a Pra�rie, 1via�., an�t� Jc�rol:d of Mr, and Mrs. Delwin B. Smith, Moose Jaw, is Dell�h�ey, M�aos�e� .r�a,w, wcire a meazcal. �abaratory technologist. The groom ;r�oamismen�, Us�he�rs were �Sem- ;c��auvt Gar�d�om Ca,rter, Wimmap'eg, �s a graduate of Royal Military College, Kingston, �an., �a�d� �zvt�au�ice �y�ora, and of the University of Toronto, and holds a. vroose J�anrr. Bachelor of Applied Science degxee. F 1�a m a 1 �arrar�g�emenlhs af '�°��� ��'� '���� '�u�� ��� Young Teacher To >nabeid' �tk�e ciht�2ch �amd whi,be �aws mamked �tihe gues't pe�w5, .Vii'�s Nam�cy Gre�mtivao�d, s�dl�ai�t, �o To Kenya On �nas accampamie!d �l�y Mxs;. C. :�ni�gh;t, axyga�nasi�. Mrs. Smith chas� fam tie�m �p�n'nn ��CC�On �auglhiterr's we�!cUiinlg, a s�h��Uh �i p��y JJ �� Lm;d jaake�t af �e�al� g�ee� Ital�"vam �T�D�U7JF.�PON-Mr, an�d' ,Mr�s, U yracad�e eanlaroid'ered sn� �to�n�s Kes�m�bh� Z�lar & Cl�air:e, Bly'th >f �b�x�awrn, brawm �a�eces�ari�s axvcl �, mabahin�g f�a�hex k�a� cam_ we�re gntest;�� o¢� S�a�turri�ay af Ms. a1'eited� hem eavsem:ble. FLer car- arvd' Nlrs,. F'm,e�ci Midd7etarL an�.d ar >�age cv�as �al�isan7a�rv ras,e5. Mrs, �aRn;il,y. Miss T�ayl�om, a te�ache¢�, �alqwh�oumi, matU�:cr a� iah�e _ isi om� o� tw�o Can�adliian� wlio ;r•aam, tivar.e a beige lace dre�s ��ave an S�a�trund�ay, Octa.he� 27, amc� jacl�el�, carnpl'emiem�bc�d by far Kem�ya, 'E�as�t Afsi�ca. She natich�iraig •ac�es�som5es ia,n�dl �a coa�- ,��� firom NLaLbo�n, �ta Lan�lan, Yage of �ink �ras.es. Enlgland' anid' i;he�n� �ta Gleaa�v!a; en Miss Bchity Ayme2, Re�gi�n�a, �,wi�tzerland far Ibhme�,e� d�ays, .a� e� ua,s in; charge af t,he �.�e�gus��er, �;he heia�d'qu�a.ntems af �hhe� Wax�ld ;7:gmerl i�y 90 gue�sts! at a reae+p- .Cauncil �af Ohux+ohes�, w�ha s�pan�- :o:an in •the Min�Ga So�c'va], Hal�l. ,sar ,Uhis mi�ssioni af r�h�a!bi�i1'a��- Ilh�e �b2�id�'s t�able was .ce�n;tsed ian of �a fiaaded arr�a 20U rzvil�es �y a thxee-�tdc�ed� wed!dfinig aake�, �pr,�, of Mrnnh�as�a, K�ny�a. 7anit'ed �by wQ�iN;e r�apems �n� ,si1�- Firom Ge�neva Miss Taylar fl�ies �er cand'c�l�iUna, anid� fia�aiLirvg �niglis�h ivy initers�pem'sed wibh ufld�te 'm,urris, ln onze �amd' yeillaw m,um5 aaman�gexnem�ts carrllp'lete ;h�e id'�Com. �Rev. E1a21 Grigg was arnas�er � c�+remotn2hs a�tvci gave� tahe �1e�img. Reg. De�1•ahey, uncle �f Uh� bmicl'� �l�r'apased �h�e to�s�t �vit�h �;he b �aom x�espan�li�n;g. Tel�gr,ams ryvere rece�iv�ed' a2xd �ead frc� Trnanto, Pa2Uage La ?(radnie, Marn. ar�xi S�a:n!ba Ylaniica, C1a1�6on�ia. Fc�llo�*rimig ;he clamnier a i e�ce�p�t�ou� was �he1d n the O�flfi�c'c�s�' Mess, I�LCA�F �atuan�, Moose J�aw. For t,�au�efl�lii�nig, th�e �bi�i:d�e yhan�ge�d� ta a wQi�iit'e waal s�I�ea�flh, �vahc�hiin�g m�ar5.�b�aw �[va�, 1�1�a�cic i�ccesson,ies am�l a �mauve or�ohid ram�ple�ted h�e1 cos!tume. F/O a.ncT �Mrs, Cal'quhbwii� ufiill ;a�ke� up xe�s�Yd'ence at RCAF i�safifiaa�{ Bagotv�ille, Qucb'ec: 3ut-af=.tawal gue��s. wea�e�: M2. ��.a� ��. �. w. �cos�ur�a�,�, mr�. �. L. Conqwheun, Clvnhrnv; Mx�s. .. Tlhe�edb7n, Red Dee�, A1i;a.; ��rgea,nt• ,and� Mxs. Gard'on 7ar�ea^, Wimr�p�g, Man.; Mis�s �.rle�n� Wagmer, L�omd'an;; F/O 3. L. iM'. Smii�h, F/O S'�am, Ra1- Thurs,� Qc�, .ZS, 19b2-�--Clmtan News-R��o!rd-*-�4ge `� vi�; R� �ba Mam�bas�a w.herc� rtll� gr�au�g fmo¢n m�anp� �parts of •the w�omld wha az�e r�gres�entita- tive� o� var�ious� chu�he's me�t ia go oa� �ta �bh�i� xnissnom; af d'e- dicated' h�Lp to t�h� na�ive A�- ricams. w ;EVERYQtaE READS A�D US�S 1NAHT �QS � ���� ���atreGoderich Now Playing - A Hit! "The Counterfeit Traitor"-c°'°r.. with William Hniden and Lilti Palmer , MON., TUES., 'WED. -- October 2'9-3fl�31 Scope and Color Adult Entertainment "THE FOUR HORSE�IEN Q� T�E APOCAIYPSE" -- by Vincente $lasco-Ibanez '-- dNE SHOW EACH NIGH7 Starting at 8 o'clock Glenn Ford -- Ingrid Thulen -- Charies Boyer l.ee J, Cobb -- Paul Lukas -- Yvette Mimieux A Classic Romance - Up-dated to Woxld War Ti THUR., FR)., SAT. �-�- Norerr�ber �-2�3 By Papular F�equest . , "FIVE WEEKS IN A BALL40�" - Scope �nd Color - Red Suttons �- Fabian -- Barbara Eden -- Peter Lorre _ A suspenseful ad,vexxture in the skies of Africa �I�, F/O �. W. Fadkl�v, �'/O� G. &l,a�ilcne, 1VLiass� M� >ei�bysihire, Fo�age� La; , Pra@:rie, ✓La�n. ; Mr. a,nc�' �rs�. A. ��. Dc�- r�`aerG' :uh�ery, Sasaaa�:oan; ;Mas�s I3�et�Gy s �yni�er, 1VI�ss� C3�2 ole� Aymer anvd �ans Zaps, I�gina, S�a�s�k, � Tlie bz�i,d�, �a :med2cal 1�,bara- i oay te�c3�n;alo�gisrt, ,is a, g7�a�'�alte & � � �f Pa�ou�idem�ce� I�os �t�1 M.aas�e � � � m � ��aw. 1�1�e giaa�n •9�s ,a gi�d,4z�,te rP Ray�2S 1Vl�yifiasy Cadlege, �inlg+s'totn, tincl Ithe U�aversity a� � � bran�ta, wa.�li a ]3�ac�helor af �p- � �i � r1Se�1. Scn�eaic� de,gre�. � Froday, acfober 2b �������� Nhen kldneys fall to ramovo �xco9s acids and waslos; � � � � iacknclio-tfrod fooling- _ fi�fur6ed rosf ofton may � - ollow. bdtid's Kidnoy Piiis �-'� timulfltb kldnoys to norrnnl � '. luty. You fool bettor; sloeti iattar, work �ottor. 80 �.;,,: �^°�� . . I ���►� V� Gl7L��RICH , O!�"'t"� a�nc�n� Ever ��tu�da �igh� � � tt��� ��'�SC��IC�QS�f kf2inctng 5i to i�g A� �� fi�� '���s nr�cin to t�� �aun � ctrriissioY� i5c per p�rsbh W� CAT�f�i `T6 WLbUiNG�, L.l1NCHEbIVS, BLU�WAT�R DAI�CELAND .- p��z� c�sr --� 'IS� `�RCI �rize Prize �est Fdncy Goupl� ,,.,,,,.$6AA $4.pIJ I�est Comic Co�uple .,,...., d,00 d.i1Q $est �dnc� Lady ...,,...,... 3.Ofl �.qQ $es� �ancy Geht� .,,,....,... 3�00 2.A0 I�est Comic l.ady .,.,.,..,, 3.00 2.OQ Best �omic Mhn ,....,... 3.04 2,OQ $esk Hollctwe"eh Cas�u�t�e 3,00 �.bQ �P'riz� �`o� � T'V�i�l`S�` C'Qnte�t �c"3t1�lYiC� � b.�� '�3��Yi� �'O �'.�� c`1i1'Y'1• ��S���'C���1� �l���1�St1"� � �