Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-14, Page 12MISCELLANEOUS WATPH is a JO for experts. Our Work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Ests, buiShed Jewellery Store, POt-fh LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take ehaneeS. Expert work clone reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb AS S BOARD AND ROOM. ACCOMMODATION for one alone!. or two sharing, phone KU 2-9093, 23-4b ACCOMMODATION for Board- ers or roomers, Apply Mrs, Carl MeClinchey, 10 William St., Phone HU 2-3844, 24b REAL ESTATE Notice To Creditors „. In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN PI,VMSTgE1-, late :of Clinton, Ontario, Gentleman. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are reqUired to send fUll partic- ulars of such claims to the un- dersigned Executor on or before the 2nci day of July, A.D. 1962, after which date the estate's es- sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COM- PANY, London, Ontario, Exec- utor, by E. BEECHER MEN- ZI gS, Solicitor, Clinton, `Ont. 24-5-6b ABOUT BOX NUMBERS: LOTS, FOR SALE, in Clinton. Phone NU 2-6692. 21tfb 50, LEVEL WORTABLE acres, bank barn, garage, corn crib, 4 bedroom brick house, hydro, convenient for schools, village, Price $10,000 including trac, tor and implements worth ab- out $1,400. Crops extra. 20 miles to Clinton RCAF, 6 miles to RCAF Centralia. A goOd place to live while working at either. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Russ Broderick, sales- man. '21-4-5P Page 12---Clinton .News-Record---Thurs., Jime 14, 1962 ACCOMMODATION ARTICLES FOR SALE , ARTICLES FOR SALE News-Record box num- bers are used by ad-yortisers in classified Advertising for their own good reasons. Answers must be written, The News-Record office Is not prepared to tell the name of these advertisers to anyone. Please do not ask for information re- garding them. Clinton News-Record FOR RENT TWO SELF-CONTAINED ap- artments available July 1. Call 36, Hensall, Ed Fink 24-5b 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished; available immed- iately, Apply to Ii, C. Lawson, HU 2-9044, 24tfki, AGAIN THIS YEAR, outside white paint $2,99 gallon. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruoefield, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb FINDLAY RANGE, steel top, Sides white enamel, reservoir. Phone HU .2-9334 after 3 P.M. 241) DIAMOND RINGS, See dour newest cash specials at dis count prices—save up to one- third. PaY cash and save, Terms if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 1.8tfb CLOTHING FOR .SALE GENERAL ELECTRIC STOVE, 3-burner heavy duty electric range, apartment size. Clock- contrelled. Good condition. $50. Call HU 2-3232, 24b Featuring . Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 KORET SPORTS WEAR On Huron Street, lovely 4 bedroom home, just newly re- modelled with basement, fur- nace, garage, very realsonably priced with only $1,000 down payment, 2 apartment brick home, ex- ceptional good income property, down payment $2,500, monthly payment only $60. Located on, High Street. ' Close to Clinton, 80 acres, 3 bedroom home, modern ,con venien,ces, barn, only $5,500, One of the best 200-acre farms in Huron County on the highway, very good buildings, only $26,000, large mortgage at 5 'percent available. 100 acre farm, 7 acres of hardwood bush, trout stream, brick house, barn, $7,500, down payment $2,500. Lake frontage summer cot- tages, lots. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Ont. Ph. JA 4-8762 Salesmen: C. Buruma, Clinton HU 2-3287 23-4b ONE BEDROOM apartments available now. Unfurnished. Phone Ceriei Van Demme, HU 2-6685. 19tfb A ,1 TOPSOIL Learn the Facts on "COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANING in June Issue of McCalls. WHY DON'T YOU TRY A LOAD? 8 Lbs. For Only $2.00 IRENE'S WESTINGHOUSE COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANER 70 Albert St., Clinton 22tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, livingroom, kitch- en and bath, heated, available July 1. Apply IVIcEwan's Store. 24b In matching Co-ordinates in cotton knits -BATHING SUITS Now on Display By Beatrice Pine and Sea Queen .Bayfield- Woollen Shop BAYFIELD • 20tfb Prompt Delivery L. G. WINTER REAL ESTATE Phone HU 2-6692 19tfb 56 Albert St. HU 2-3443 Do-lt-Yourself 4 ROOM UPSTAIRS Apart- ment, unfurnished, self-contain- ed, private entrance, available immediately, centrally located. Phone HU 2-7191. 23-4p RENT These Machines '' Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH TRAVEL TRAILER-141/2 ft. aluminum, furnished*, canopy track and canvass included, one year old. $800. Phone HU 2- 7155. 24p 2-BEDROOM upstairs apart- ment, unftunished, heated, self- contained, private entrance, available June 15. Apply 194 Mary Street, Clinton. 23-4b RABBITS FOR SALE, New Zealands (red and white), Chin- chilla, large number. Apply Bram Eendenburg, RR 2, Bay- field, phone HU 2-7100, 6 miles from Clinton on Bayfield Road, 24-5p EMPLOYMENT WANTED FURNISHED THREE-ROOM apartment, • ground floor with modern conveniences, heated by oil furnace, suitable for couple, available July 1, Phone I-1.13 2- 7855 or HU 2-9479. , 24tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk ASK FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT desires babysitting during the summer months, preferably steady employment. Phone HU 2-7009. 24-5b CLINTON 30-tft, PIANO TUNING eeveie ouN • C.,09 =IN\ Fancy Grade Spys 2-BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, including large liv- ingroom, kitchen with eating area, bathroom, large closet space, laundry room facilities. Apply Mackay Apartments, 201 King Street, Apt. 1, or phone HU 2-9227. 23tfb A I R MATTRESSES, $13,95- $19.95; Plastic Gas Cans with pouring spout $2.25; Charcoal, 45c per bag, at Ellwood Epps Sports Shop, King Street, Clin- ton. 24b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage' and other defects regularly, I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W: Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to21p tfb SALESMAN WANTED HELP WANTED MALE O INVITATIONS ' ANNOUNCEMENTS O ACCESSORIES Clinton News-Record $2.00 per Bushel Also GOOD COOKING APPLES '$1.00 per Bushel 1 STOREY, 6-roomed dwel- ling, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, large lot. Immed- iate possession. 1 STOREY Cut Stone Cottage with patio overlooking Maitland River, 8 miles north of Clin- ton. Secluded but accessible, hydro, partly furnished. Price $4,000. STOREY Dwelling, four bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen; 4-piece bath, oil heated, full basement, good location; price, $8,000, with $1,000 down, balance first mort- gage with owner, early posses- sion. 11/2 STOREY BRICK (Dup- lex), living room with natural fireplace, dining room with fire- place, modern kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, 3-piece bath upstairs, hardwood floors downstairs, hot water heating with oil, 2- car garage, spacious grounds, early possession. 24b EXPERIENCED shipper, fore- man and grader wanted for poultry processing plant. Apply Imperial Poultry Ltd., Watford Ontario. 23-4b SINGER SEWING MACHINES SALES and SERVICE TO ALL MAKES Rentals: by Week or Month WILL WHIDDEN HU 2-9103 — CLINTON 24tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED Stewart Middleton Clinton Citizens . Cast Your Ballot on Monday at Your Polling Booth Listed Here ST. ANDREW'S WARD — Poll No. 1 Town Council Chamber, 23 Albert Street. ST. JAMES' WARD Poll No. 2 — Canadian Legion Hall, 95 Kirk Street. ST. JOHN'S WARD — Poll No. 3 — Ball-Macaulay Ltd.• Showroom, 66 King Street. ST. GEORGE'S WARD Poll No. 4 Mrs. Mel Crich Residence, 38 Princess Street West, Corner of Orange and Princess The Above Information Published by Clinton Liberal Association For Transportation and Baby Sitting Services—Call Clinton Liberal Committee Rooms — HU 2-7842 MAN TO HELP WITH HAY- ing and Harvest on Hullett Township farm. Write to Box 245 Clinton News-Record. 24b Phone HU 2-7525 21-tfb $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Because we pay our top men in other cities from $8,000 to $15,- 000 in a year, this opening in the Clinton area is worth just as much to the right man. If you are over 30 . . can make short auto trips . . can call on small town rural and industrial property owners . . I hope to hear from you right away, I would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long time. All replies confidential. L. W. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. 24b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, unfurn- ished in Clinton vicinity, suit- able for family of four, Wanted by July 1. Phone HU 2-3411, Local 373, 8 to 5 p.m, 23-4p JUST ARRIVED — Thistle Coleco Plastic Play Boats and rigid wading pools, at Clayt Dixon's Auto Supply, Ratten- bury St. W. Phone HU 2-7034. 24b START A RAWLEIGH busi- ness. Real opportunity now- for permanent, profitable work in Huron County. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. F-169-29, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 24b HOUSE OR BIG THREE-Room apartment, by Clinton business- man; permanent resident, Want- ed by middle of July. Apply to Box No. 246 Clinton News- Record. 24b VACUUM CLEANERS ) Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb Rogers Majestic TV Sales and Service ROUTE MAN 23 to 45 years, married, with good references, for permanent position which will pay $80 to $110 a week to start for a man not afraid to work. This could be of interest to a man in a store or factory who might wish an outside position. All replies handled with confidence Apply in writing to Box No. 241, Clinton News-Record.• 24-5p ARTICLES FOR SALE DINING ROOM SUITE for sale, walnut. Phone HU 2- 9955, 24b Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 6tfb Used Lumber Doors Windows UNPAINTED DOUBLE BED with mattress. Phone HU 2- 7528. 24b H. C. LAWSON TENDERS WANTED INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence RE: ESTATE JAMES CHARLES WILSON WRITTEN TENDERS on the North Half of Lot 77, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township, will be received by undersigned before June 29th, 1962, at 12 a in Possssion to be given No- vember, 1962. ,HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors, P.O, Box 969, GODERICH, Ontario. 24-5-6b SILVERTONE electric guitar with amplifier; cost $90 new, will sell for $50. Also assorted collection of LP records, will haggle. Apply 126 Joseph St., phone HU 2-9329. 24p CHICKEN HOUSE, 10'x6', to be removed from the property. HU 2-9556. 24b LOST AND FOUND Large Variety - Reasonable. Rear of Dearborn Steel Tubing, Brock St., Goderich. Ask for Jake 23-4-b TWO SMALL BOATS; second hand refrigerator. Phone HU 2-3807. 22tfb YELLOW CANARY, found near Post Office. Phone HU 2-3836. 24b TEACHERS WANTED DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, ;win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb CANADIAN CEMENT FOR sale. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and- Son. '38tfb Goderich Township School Area requires an additional Protest- ant teacher for the graded school at Holmesville. Duties to commence September 1, 1962. Apply stating qualifica- tions and name of last inspec- tor, if any; to Frank Yeo, sec- retary-treasurer, RR 3, Clin- ton. - 23-4b PET STOCK KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also KENWOOD Baby Blankets; all sizes and colors. MARTIN'S Dept. Store. 33tfb AUTOS FOR SALE 1958 BORGWARD STATION Wagon. Phone HU 2-7018. 24b 4-BURNER ELECTRIC stove, heavy duty, with oven, HU 2- 7015. 24p COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE, a- bout six weeks old. Phone HU 2-9910, 24b We Stock Deep Freezers 'NATURALIZERS' — Famous footwear can now be bought in Clinton at The Clifford Lobb Store. 24-5p ATTENTION FARMERS! 3 )'LY ADMIRA L Upright Freezers 14 Cubic Feet $259 in the following sizes 10, 14,'16, 17, 20, 22, 26 cu. ft. with immediate delivery T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD - OPEN EVENINGS 21-26b 1962 DELUXE VOLKSWAGEN, 1 owner Very good condition. Write to P.O. Box 340, Clinton News-Record. 24p SERVICES LIVE STOCK FOR SALE FARMERS, TRUCKING Sea-- vice, local and long distance. For prompt service,. phone P. W. Transport Ltd,, Blyth, 162 (collect). 20to43p THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb YORK SOWS, first litter, due in one week, bred Landrace. Ken Tyndall, HU 2-7460. 23-4p 30 YORK PIGS, 7 weeks old. John Watson, Bayfield, 58r13. ' 24b ,(Tax Extra) FREE DELIVERY T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD Open Evenings 'Till 9 p.m. HU 2-3232 24b SHIRTS 1953 4-DOOR CHEVROLET. In very good condition throughout. Apply upstairs (after 5.30 p.m.) 309 Albert Street, Clinton. 24-5p ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs. or over, ac, cording to condition. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service. Call Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth, 8tfb FOR SALE 15 FT. FIBREGLASS BOAT with trailer, '58 model, like new. Cost $1,195, will sell for $475. Apply to Reed's Garage, east end, Mitchell, Ontario. 23-4p THE PERFECT GIFT 15 ACRES GOOD STANDING Hay. Phone 56r14 Blyth. 24b 1961 ENVOY station wagon, 9,000 miles. Still under original warranty. $1,500 cash, RCAF PMQ's, 9 Quebec Road. 24p 1947 FORD 2-door, in good running condition; $55. Also hauling trailer, $55. HU 2- 7626. 24b D ress Whites In long or short sleeves, single McKEE FORAGE HARVEST- er, complete with pipes and box, Phone HU 2-9125, 24b AQUA-LUNG TANK. Mistral regulator, wet suit, weight belt, fins, snorkel, etc. Phone HU 2-7798. 24p DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call or double cuffs. Cotton and Terylene Blends. from $2.95 to $9.95 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich' Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb 6 ACRES OF TIMOTHY and Alfalfa hay. Apply Stuart Dick, phone HU 2-7400. 24p 12 FOOT PLYWOOD BOAT, complete with 51/2 h.p. Evinrude motor, for $50. Phone HU 2- 9485, 24p Sp ort Shirts Hundreds to choose from. Long or short sleeve. S, M, L, XL. $2.98 and $7.95 ALLIS-CHALMERS twine bal- er, new condition, cheap for cash. Eddie McBride, 278J2, Hensall. 24'-5b CUFF LINKS T-SHIRTS WALLETS SOCKS JACKETS SLACKS SPORT COATS CUSTOM WORK DARLING CUSTOM SPRAYING for grain and corn. Apply Lloyd and George Picot, phone HU 2- 3388. ,21-4p & Company Of Canada Limited Dashwood 35 r 20 Dead Animal Licence No. 175-C-62 ltfb INTERNATIONAL drop head hay loader, in good condition. Apply Harold Elliott, Varna, HU 2-9169. 23-4b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 4.42w6 Brussels. 10to39p TIES No. 1 MASSEY-HARRIS baler with Wisconsin motor, in ex- cellent working condition, Ap- ply Malcolm Davidson, Bruce- field. Phone Hensall 346J1. 24b AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects from the home of Mrs. Lillian Webster, Lonclesboro, on Saturday, June 16th at 1:30 p.m. the following: Cherry drop leaf table; 4 wal- nut ladder back chairs; 3 cane seated 'chairs; 3 piece bedroom suite; mattress; cherry chest of drawers; Boston rocker; 2 rocking chairs; child's high chair; McClary refrigerator; Princes's Rose enamel range; Quebec heater; pipe glass top cupboard; lawn chair; clothes horse; bedding, pillows; White sewing machine; ladder; lawn mower; lard . press; dishes; a complete toilet set; cooking utensils and numerous other articles, CAKES -- PASTRIES -- COOKIES SWEET GOODS THE FRESHEST, TASTIEST BREAD IN TOWN Our Friday Special All shapes and patterns. EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK done reasonably to your satis- faction. For kitchen cupboards, coffee tables, bookcases, china cabinets, etc., and all small odd jobs around your home. Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 19tfb ATTENTION FARMERS: 262- acre dairy farm, with milk con- tract, can be bought with herd and farm equipment. Apply to Oscar Huber, RR 5, Mildmay. 22-3-4-p $1.00 to $2.50 GIFT BOXED INCREASE your monthly milk cheques, new milkers, spring- ers and heifers, Terms. Apply John Walker, 3 miles east of Aylmer on Highway No. 3, phone Aylmer 129W, 23-4-5-6-7b MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on 'hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640, 40tfb From Our Store Only Walker Shorts Raisin Oatmeal Cookies JAMAICA or Regular Lengths, Plains or Plaids $3.95 up Reg. 35c pkg. Special 29c pkg. FORAGE MASTER forage box- es,, self-unloading unit; Brady Crimpers and hay conditioners. On Display. We also handle Kools Forage Blowers; Long double-chain elevators, Post hole digger, $198. G. and E. Welding, Main Street, Zurich, phone 72 r 12. 14to26b Flowers STRAW HATS $2.95 to $4.95 ea. Featuring . . Saturday Father's Day Cakes Special 99c each ORDER YOURS EARLY Telegraphed Anywhere Terms -- Cash Mrs, Lillian Webster, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 23-4b Banlon T-Shirts RODNEY OATS, also York' barley, good clean grain. Wrecking' an Allis-Chalmers 60 combine, some new parts including grain raddle, grain elevator chain and cups, cyl- inder &wen John W. Thomp- son, 13/2 nilleS east of Kinburn. Phone Seaforth 86,1 r 23. 24-5p GIFT BOXES , GIFT CERTIFICATES Short Sleeve, All Shades $7.95 to $9.95 K. C. Cooke, BOXHOLDERS° NAMES NOT GIVEN OUT! It is not, possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any adventiser Using a News-Record box number, Please do 'not ask for this information, Bartiliffs Bakery HU 2-9727 Limited Bakery and Restaurant 411111111111111111111111111L & Campbell Ltd. Pickett FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE. FOR 15 to 20 Head of cattle, plenty of grass, water and shade. Lloyd, Medd, RR 1, Clinton, HU 2.9830, 24b CLINTON • CLINTON HU 2.9732 Main Corner. •