Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-07, Page 16Fine Horses Under Judge's Eye At Fair Final event in the six-hour program in the show ring at Clinton Spring Show Saturday was the competition of seven sets of four-horse hitches. Taken at dusk, the picture fails to do justice to the magnificent showing of grand horseflesh which was on display. Gleaming harness, with silver mountings shining, makes this class one of the most colourful of the horse show. (News-Record Photo) • Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion and Clinton Community Concert Band Extend An Invitation To All To Attend Their First Annual CAVALCADE of BANDS IN 'CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK This Weekend — Fri & Sat , June 8-9 Special Feature Saturday- Afternoon and Evening MAVAINtiem • `,••••••,•••••••••<,..A0ik,o1,,:••.Y:^1,'0 SARNIA LIONETTES DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS BAND Winners of Numeroui Awards Both in Canada and U.S.A. The Host Band: Clinton Community Concert Band FRIDAY EVENING 3 on S h PIPE BAND TATTOO featuring District Bands 0 one 7.15—Parade to ;Tinton Commit•tity Park 8.00-Tattoo and Concert Special Feature: LARY' LYCIN LEONARD SCOTCH DANCERS, from Goderich ADMISSION: Adults 50; Children 5c SATURDAY AFIMMON„ hne 9 Brass, Pipe & Bugle Band Competitions 1.30—Ketade of at Least 15 Bonds, led by Sarnia Lionettes Drum and Bugle Corps Band. ADMISSION: Adults 50c; Children 25c SATURDAY EVEN! 1, June 9 MASSED BAND CONCERT 15 BANDS 7.06,__Froade of Bands to Park, led by, Clinton Community Condert Band 8.00 Massed Band Concert Special Feature: PERTH REGIMENT PIPE BAND, from STRATFORD 9.00-,CONCERT by SARNIA LioNtrtes- DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS BAND 10.00--Awarding of Competition Prizes, 11:00-,-Grand Finale With All Bands Partitipating. AbM15510N: Adulth 75c; Chircken 50c ' DRAW S turday Even`ng Three P 0„„-. a 1st-eleoistable televisioin 2nd,,-.Made.to.Measuro Suit I n ' 1 Radio. y Clot es, rd Po table Trens atoe Radio. tieketet, `256 eabh or 8 tor"Iii.e0-L-Frein any Menthe of Legion Clinton GOrntintitiitY Corteett bend, eieeeeeeeeeeeeeeieeeeee.seeekeiemee BROWNIE'S PRIVE114 THEATRE Limited CLINTON 2 131q HITS EACH EVENI Two Complete Shows. Nightly' Children 'under le in Cars Free THURSDAY ..4! FRIDAY June 7 anti e Hit No. 1,-,ehown et 9:45 only '$TARTED . IN NAPLES" Clark Gable -- $ophie Loren: (flour) Hit No. 2--Shown at 11:30 "Prisoner Of The Volga" John Derek (Colour) Cartoon SATURDAY & MONDAY June 9 and 11 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:45 only "UNDER TEN FLAGS" Van Heflin -- Charles Laughton Hit No. 2—Shown at 11:15 "FOXHOLE IN CAIRO" (Cartoon) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY June 12 and 13 ,Hit No, 1—Shown at 9:45 only "FAST AND SEXY" Gina Lollabrigida Dale Robertson (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 11:30 "Stranglers of Bombay" Guy Wolfe (Adult Entertainment) (Scope) (Colour) COMING NEXT: "ON THE DOUBLE" and "TIN STAR" For. Father On Has 'Day — June 17th A iFAT.14.R'S DAY CARD bar Qoutts. or Rustcraft, When "you care enough to give the very best", - "CARDINAL TUCK" by Hommol—g. new friar in red habit — Pitchers 2.25 & .3.15 Timer • .3.15 Liquor Set 8.00 SET OF BEER GLASSES with colored handles . ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, , set of .8 — 5.75 TANKARDS in Aluminum with Glass Bottoms 4,95 to 6,50 WALLETS in Leather—Brown, .Block, Mahogany 3.95 to 15.00 STATIONERY in Gentleman's Size--- boxed 1.75 TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK 6.95 -- 9.98 McEvvan's Clinton Ontario F I, Absolutely FR EE 10 Shares in Million Dollar Organization Given Away To Person Depositing The ONE MILLIONTH DOLLAR Before July 12th in CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 'LIMITED LOCALLY OWNED ONE-OWNER TRADE-INS "Better" Cars At Lowest Prices I These cars have had only one owner since new. Most were sold and serviced by us. They have been fully inspected and reconditioned as required. Get a real buy on the car of your choice. '61 Envoy 4 Cyl. Sedan '61 Corvair Deluxe Sedan '60 Envoy Station Wagon '60 Chevrolet 6 Bel Air Sedan '59 Chevrolet 8 Sedan '58 Pontiac 6 Sedan '58 ChevrOlet 6 Station Wagon Extra Special '57 Chevrolet 8 Two Door Hardtop Gleaming black finish. Automatic tranarnissiori, Radio, etc, A good selection of "Cheap" Cars from $150 up If you have an eye for a bargain ask to see the 'S6 Dodge on sale this Weekend talc only $350. Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. YOUR. PiRtENDLY dHEVROLET, oLDSM0131LE, AND gisiV0V DEALtk Clinton and District Obituaries rage,ROO, „e, firs In, ,Car ,On , . Princess. Street West ',MP fire 4.14m, .10gt night WO; Members of the Clinton 11wrscSay, Jime 7,190x; fire department to Princess Street West, where P. blaze. was reported in a car .owned by Robert Robins:en. However, it was extinguished' before the firemen arrived. Sunday School At Ontario Street Has Anniversary The Sunday School .executive of Ontario Street United 'Chen- eh, met •an, May 24 in the ch- urch parlour, Plans were corn, ple'ted for the Anniversary on June 3 with Rev, Vardy, Eg- moneeille as guest speaker. It was decided to continue with the departmental discus- sions at the next meeting, It was 4eplcledd to hold the an- neal picnic in 13v-field July 1$ at 3 .o'clock,. The anniversary was a see-. eess, Mesie was •supplied by the Junior Choir and two school members, Miss Bar, baea. Irwin and Feed Tyndall assisted the superintendent, Mrs. Clayton Nivins . Funeral service was; conduct- ed on Saturday, June 2, in the Lodge funeral lime, .Goderiele for Mrs. Clayton, Nivins, Goder- ich, who passed• away in Ales- endra General and Marine Hospital, Goderich on Thurs- day, May 31. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Born on July 12, 1923, et Clinton, she was Susan Doris Livermore, daughter of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Castle, She married Clayton Nivins in 1938, and they have made their home in Goderich, where she was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Surviving are two brothers, John Livermore, Clinton; Har- old Livermore, St, Catherines;: three sisters, Mrs. Mildred Cook, St. Catheriees; Mrs. Ar- thur (Lottie) Risby, St. Cath- erines; Mrs. Fred (Nora) Mac- Donald, Clinton. ated. Interment followed the next clay in St. John's Norway Cem- etery, Toronto. Born on June 6, 1881, at Georgetown Mr. Barber was the son of Joseph Mark Barber and Harriett Ridout. He mar- ried Maisie 'Carling, who pre- deceased him 32 years ago. He had lived in Toronto mainly, 'and' over the years sp- ent about 15 years in' Huron County. He was a retail gro- cery salesman Surviving is one sister, Mat. Bernard Price, Creston, 13,C.; three nieces, Mrs, Harry Coch- rane, Mrs. Harold Hartley and Mise Marjorie Hale, all of Clin- ton. His son, eaelt Barber, Ta- ranto, pred'ecea,s,ed him on May 8, 1962 and' a sister Mrs. Char- lee B. Hale, Clinton,, died 'in 1952. Urbane R. Moore Funeral service was conduct- ed on Friday, June 1 at the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rat- tenbury Street,, East, Clinton, for Urbane Richard Moore, Goderich Township, who passed away in Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Wednesday, May 30, in his 87th year. The Rev. A. H. Johnston, Brucefield, officiated. Pale-bearers were Bryce Sk- inner, Francis Morris, Lyle Decking, Fred Lobb, Lorne Jervis and Howard PYin• Fl- ower-bearens were Fred, Dick and Phyllis Lob,b. Interment was' in Munroe Cemetery, Ful- lerton Township. Barn on June 16, 1875, in Perth 'County, to Eliza and Richard Moore, Mr. Moore was. single. He was a public school teacher for 26 years in the Canadian' West, and resided in Chicago until 1954, when he came to this district. He made his home with hes nephew, W. R. "Bert" Lobb, for the past six years. Mr. Moore, a member of the United Church, had been in ill health since 1952. He was the last surviving member of a family of two boys and five girls. He was 'a brother of the late Mrs. Wile liam H, Lobb, of Goderich Township. Wm. A. MacDougall ' William A. • 11/McDougall, a veteran of World War I, in the 161st Regiment passed away in Westminster Hospital, in London, on May 10.. He had been a patient there for nearly two years. The deceased, born in Code- rich Township, on the Fourth Concession, just north of the railroad crossing, was the sem; of John MacDougall II and his wife, 'the former Mary Corrig- an. Like his cousin, Mrs. An- nie Morgan, whose obituary ap- peared in the News-leecord on April 26, he descended, an the father's side, from two of the older pioneer Highland' Sent- tieti families, the MacDougalLs and the Chisholms. He had lived the greater part of his 1111.11M111101.01.111.111101111111•111111111111111=11. SERVICE REPAIR Galbraith Radio & TV Phone HU 14041 Clinton life in Goderich where the family moved after his father gave up farming. The deceased saw active service overseas during World War I as did his younger bro- ther, Austin MacDougall, and his, couein Neal Gordon Mac- Dougall (DOM) both of whom made the supreme sacrifice, The deceased' was unmarried and is survived by two sisters, Miss Catherine and Mrs. Grady (Christina), Brantford. A sister Miss Annie MacDougall, passed away several years ago as did the parents. Requiem mass was coneheted in Se. Peter's' Church, Goderich by' the Rev. Raymond Moyn- ahan, the pastor. Burial was in Colborne R omen Catholic Cemetery. Orval Alexander From a North Dakota rela- tive comes' news of -the death on April 18, 1962, of Orval Alexander,, in Vancouver, B.C., in 'his 80th year. While the news about his immediate sur- vivors is not available at pre- sent, his Huron County back- ground is known to a few in Gaclerich Township, who are kin, The deceased was' the son of Robert Alexander and his wife, Margaret MacDonald Stirling, and they started their married life on the Biggart farm, sixth concession, Goderich Township, which Robert Alexander had bought and and which he built a two storey log house which is still standing. The property is now owned by his nephew, Harvey Alexander. Four children were born, to them and it is presumed they were all born in this log house. They were Harvey, a retired captain on a vessel carrying mail on the Pacific, between Vancouver and Dawson City; Bert, who gave hie life on a construction project on the watereront in B.C., whose body was carried out to sea by the tide and never recovered; Ma- bel, now Mrs. Rose, living in Vancouver, and, deceased Orval, the youngest of the group. Following the migration of relatives to Wiarton, along went the Alexanders, and when a later migration took place, the Alexanders went to British Columbia, while the Stirlings, Curries and 'other old neigh- bours settled in the Dakotas, so that most of the lives of the Alexanders were spent in British Columbia. Among the pioneers of Gode- rich Township were the Alex- anders, and. •on the paternal side, the Warne who sold their land .0 the Torrances about the mid 1840s, •and John Andrew Torrance still lives 'there. Through the Splann marriag- es they have relatives in; many families, beet known here, the Hudies and Weston, Harrison and Currie. Miss Bertha Can- teIon, residing in Huronvie:w, through her mother was, a first cousin as is Harvey Alexand- er, and Herb Alexander in London', The late Mrs. Archi- bald Macbotigall (Isabella) was a sister of Mrs. Alexander. N'OrITIJO, lViaepougall London, is a son of Isabella. Two bro- thers •of Mrs. Alexander, Wil- liam and Alex passed away many years ago in N. Dakota. The late James' R. Stirling was a half-brother, Mrs. Scoyne, Port Stanley is 'a niece; the late Mrs, Annie Morgan was also a niece. The various Stirling families, the MaeDen- alds teattered through the northwest, as well as those in Centel/4o else, come under the relative classification, also the MacDougallS„ About tb years ago Captain Harvey Alexander and his sis- ter spent some time Visiting Gederieli Tewnship toiattve, and a few` years ago the de- ceased paid a Visit here. A Son Wee working in 1-fatnitton tit the tithe and , When his father returned homer the sten aatem- penied 'hint it Might be added that ho, bort Alexander was A Fenian itaid Voteftn: 7 of the old ,83rd Hunan; Metalline nave the 161st. COMING EVENTS !,1301<now Legion p ingo every Thursday ate in Legion Han at 845 sharp. 12 regular pares at 1.0; 3 share-the-wealth and eeeelal for X50 mast go. Pro- ceeds for artificial ice, nue Thuraday, June 7 — Binge in Legion Memorial Hall, '<ire Street at 8.30 p.m. 35 regular games few $5; J. game for $e5; 3 Share, the - Wealth games; faclzpot $55 in 55 numbers, Theee doer prizes, $2.50 each, Acniseion, 50e, Friday evening, June 8 -- Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Kennet'? Moore (roe Lois Jon- es) at Seaforth Legion Hall. Everyone welcome, Mueller's Orchestra. 23p Fri, June 8 — Old Tyme Dance, Londesboro Commun- ity Hall, sponsors, Blyth Regal Chapter OES, Norris Orchestra 9.e0 to 1.30 a.m. Admission, 75 cents. Lunch counter. 22-23p Sat., June 9 — Reception and dance for Mr, and Mrs, Erie Clutter (nee Sharon Reder) Hayfield. Pavilion, Melody Mast- ens, p.m, 23x Sat, June 9 — Strawberry Social ande bake sale, St, And- rew's Presbyterian Sunday School rooms, auspices Made- leine Lane. Auxiliary, 3 to 5 19-22-3b Tues., June 12 — Seaforth District High School. 'Meeting with all four electoral candid- ates taking part. Public invited. Sponsors: Farmers Union. 23b Tuesday, June 12 — Huron Fish and Game Bingo. Jackpot: $61 in 61 numbers. Three door prizes. 8.30 p.m 43tfb Friday, June' 15 Reception fee Mr. and Mrs. James, Saut- er, Brucefield, in Legion Hail, Seafdrth. Norris' Orchestra. Ladies; please bring lunch. 23b-24x Sat., June 23 — CKNX, Barn Dance, CDCI auditorium, aus- pices Clinton IOOF, 23 4 5x Joseph L. Barber Funerel service was conduct- ed on Monday, June 4, for• Jo- seph Lawrence Barber, Toeon- to, who passed away on Sunday morning, June 3, at Huron- view. The Rev. Peter L. Dy- mond, rector at St. Paul's An- glican Church, Clinton, offiei-