Clinton News-Record, 1962-05-10, Page 11W
WO ARAPNpti.K,,,••CorrqW!r~d0-*-„P.ho X26=7;5 h,5
Mks StV4jo- La ' tier Uakviile, Mari
;fit 'fie weekend t?v�lth 1Ylr: Thr
aged' Mrs1. Bert Craig; aunt,
Mr. and 14,iV.. Cecil. 'Wheezer; and ,
M34th, vi4'itedon' Suniday' wen, 'Gl'l'ff
ing with Mr, Arid Ma+s• Fid, hove
Davies, t'or rte,
�) MoAb,
Fronk pjWs, WwdsWkt foot i
4r *estaur-
ich to be ready
season on the
This 20 by 40 -
as .moved rby a
� 0409b, ?,t, Har'v'ey Snell, Nit
gas i�eatierlarnd' and $ill St'?nT,
C7litiford; Brown' was the-chalp-
crone and the booth where
they solei. Pap was in charge of
M Laux'a, Phillips, _'ate Mrs..
W, Brad►Wk, Members of the
executive of 'Teenville will
fangs At,
. �d� CJS
HEOU” (Staff)—Hensali
vdlage council . W0 lt'S fapgS,
at local .dogs' Mon'd'ay n'lght
wrllern It lPtnt some t"tb into the
dcrg by-law.
Council �Tecid'ed t•4 enromo,
the by -lane, which fstc►hubnts
dogs running at large; Cani4es
found, co tl•re• stneet'S p; this
community will be. taken •to titre
iihe wee!kenri 'w,uth sis-
moved „ ch an car..
veteris}aty alirniq 'at Zurich
+ . float .owned by G. .S. Elllatt n?+et. Gills Saturday averring •at Where they Will be irnPoundeid. ., .4t :nal? ....
tEr, 'Mils. Arthur Grafi' and
u h 0oWt�uct1gn CQomixany, Clin- e :home of CalMolyn :glwR to Dogs, remaining at. the} .plin' c Prpserrt l�i1e?istex
g,..y ;ton, plan for future ,events'. artier three days will be dost Church School Te�achex�',
k aend's -of Bert Pae ?'he
y Xrs, Albert Shackletar> Miss
�� .,. .{s. ..:, ., _ , . y �; ��°' • �pieased to see Jrlarl home after � _ Pr!Bs�bY�rlan TPU royed�, anti B1ble Feillo�WtsliiP met at
a.>.. Ma.. $, ac�kleton, Thoma And
=r.;x,, seYeU'al 'Weeks slink ' Clipton J'wdb' AxGhgxr .reside 'for the In 011ier ,bgs'ipess a building
the iJaruited! ChurCl} May 2 for
Hospital,ex+son and daug'hrter, Toponto, a 'preserltaition for Rev. Cattle
,• Puialic y te+d bailees in the cl' . triat CQII meeting ih. Knox :: 'tom- inslppator was appointed, tend-
miss 'Wathleen Craig, G'lu'e- i� re _ terzaru Church $SdhaaI el'S nailed for excavation and Win'law who has accepted a
and. attended the bivfihday cele un+day_
s vales recently spent the week- a :rOOM .ago, Mom 'ret Sanderson u . R� brlanon at -the lAominxan Hotel, . ZPalvirug s'eve+ra;1 streets in the
` end weth hen grandPaxent , Mm. Zurich f bf ' illi den°: was •tihe pianist, Minuted were
a Mrs. James ds T -.... for . .s. William ,An . road h village and six building ,pexunits
and m Craig ,son's 88th, birthday: secretal"J', Gall Were au.•thgrized, c
.., Explorers G>rou lyY the r O gJ O 1
weekend ito hex N '�, N , rbamin Paiute Chief E. R. Dat les (Cor spon4ent Mrs. 8 AX an
Miss Laura Wagner R bl•., r- Miller. 13,x111 call was �ahswerod
turned- kart by g a speaker they
The Explgrers grDgp meet- wins appoixuted buil'din' 1 Phone iRlvth 37r5
• r Name at Syra ?use N.Y.,after wgilld like at t}ie rather and g 'ng ect. )
a we'ek's vacatiox with rola uvg at Knox United Chur"dh dlau lutea ban uei, Seri lure: or, The
• was lodr by Nancy Ander". g 9 goad neighbours club
First UCW Life Member lives here, l' from, Ruth I, was read' by Pat Permits for buU4ings were met at the home of Mrs, Ed.
Charles W'il.lams, G`iin- Psalm 140 was read in unison, y�, Millarcn With xxledtatkcar issued to 'Gook Brothers for Yaungbiut With 14 meanbers
r5. Cha Karen; East ave the mellita- ,
tori, vriSited last Sunday* with ,tion ,arid Laura ' D:aer lied: un tak'eru by tbhe leader, Mrs, W0. four silos, Douglass Cook for hall and adapted. S. tectal .goad" read-
o life-long friends, Mss, Herbert Mogridge, . her sister -'in. -law, Mrs. C1h."10s BratUnoalc, and a contest were _en-
pnalyer, T studry from Jun- addition to .his :garage and Jack jugs C n w
left, and Mrs, Charles Straughan are pictured as Strraiu hint lar R�crur�d-up, ,'told' about the The atf>ering was received:�b�' Caklwel'1 to zenovateg�ecentJ a orad a social hour spent,
Mrs. Straughan presented the first life membership Svif'r. and Mrs, John R. Wein 4t? BamQus •wres�trlers MamJaxae Youngblut a?nd declir- y J yell
vvho, as Group one Served lunch.
'pin of Auburn UCW to Mrs. Mogridge for her,out- and son Baby London, visited early Christians an the days' of caged. The topic was given' by
Fused t o Roma n ars a on ,the Bible WaLS' folonveck .
standing Work for many years making petit the weekend With, the far o bey fixe assistant leader, Mays. Dung ;by a discussion 'od with James McCool has returned
g quilts .for mem' father, D. , 13. C. Wein' load, Te can MacKay. 2t was ran inter l to his home after nd' the
leaders and became the first Rev, 0varles Lewis assisting. � ing '
bales. (Photo by Mrs. Biadnock) alnd Mr• and Mrs, Duncan estirng 11tory of the first woralin
ChrUtian martyrs, Fatsy Reed The president, Margie Ko winter months witki his daugh-
doaior' in, thre USA, EliZabeth
and c4fe Lapp received :the Blackwell', her ear 1'' m'arntg 'took charge of the busi- ter and family, Hyde Park,.
• ' thankaFferin and all sang the , early life chaos -
g mess sessorn, Miivutes were read
4fnS nor Negotiation irng her career axed the dhffer- Chraxles ,smolt was. aweek-
dedicatory prayer. After World h3' ¢eoretary Martie Koopmans.
Friends were dustributecl, Mrs. ent places' she studied and her end visitor with his son and
■ Gxarvge cllosed the 4neetix>lg T efin r'vcial s1ahement was a tilinvitation,
gtin the -aparty
fa'm%r in Port Elgin..
with pr+ayex, p given, , y Patsy 1Vi lian .and the ��� bee' "°n crept- A kona, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
0FUQuits rn Recent ttempts eenvilie Ho nd mesa wars plaarned fcm Ube mo night of this Week was ac spa he,
edA hebSaturday eveninge crowd arecord 'that and daughter
SghMeot banquet. tend he Hi -C as abD the invitation
inn Ster, Mr..and Mrs, Ed. Young.
lerich as The Youn Peo le's Societ S da a nim �Q Amalgamate With CF � 'hop .spansared by Nlleenviile Delgrave 'United Church neat she junior chair will furnish
with Jun Bridle, Gad rhe music for Mother's D
d!isc jockey. Warnneas of the of the Auburn charge metinZt' �as� evening.
cad that a de- ay
p g pot dance were Allary Fa2n+- the Sunday ,Schaal: moan of :bat'e "Resolved that 'Teenagers service on June 13.
C�UEIaPH--In a statement ds- has rYo time for any further the ubiiities ,4f .an •a¢na1 a- S
sexed by the Ontario Farmers fraternizing, until the feiler�a- matnorn, and, at that time 'they service 'an Linda Wilson; Ear Knox Uniterdl Church with sihau1dl ga Steady" will be held
Union 'Executive following a linin indicates .a definite desire fotiaud it was virtually impels'_ the broom .dance, Gerald Mac- Garth, Walden paysiding., Scrip- at the next meeting on April,
Michael and, Joanne Sheard'own. tu're lesson Was read by Don- 20, The affirmative side will
meeting in Guelph recently, :the to change 'tile structure of their sibl'e, because of the structure A jiving competition was ald McDoweX followed by be taken by Garth Walden
present attempts to work tea- organization. With such being of the :fedbrations a agricul- won by Toni de Jong and Oar- prayer by Harvey Snell.. The and Margje Koapmarns' white
ward an 'amiallglaination of the the case, 'there could; be no W, Lure. It Was at this time the olyyn, $$ruing. Zn, charge of the offeritw was received by Doom- the Irtive nide will be Up-
OFU and the Ontario Feder+a- vantage in, leading farmers to decision, was made by the far door tickets Were 'Carolyn old ' McDmvell and- Harvey held rby John McDowell and
ton of Agriculture were die- believe that one general farin u0ionbs .to build' a National Clark, Shirley Brown, Betty Snnoll. An interesting ques�ti,on- Betty Youngbl'ut.
scribed as being "entirely ¢rias- organization was about to be Farr Union.
leading". born. They said recent proposals Still The open' Door
A spokesman for the execu- The Fawn ijnion wink .started made, that ways laird' means be
give comnAttee said, "the OFU with, the intention of •Farmers found to Provide. Opportunity
organizing into one over -'all for Farm Unions to participate �%■��group whicdh they would✓ fin 2n the CFA, On' nationnal or OFA Sets Record Straight In
RECEPTION 'arnce,annd conteal. Farriers will through provincial fedembionls',
not solve this problem by bull& would not be the type' of or-,
for ling adbmiration' societies, but ganixatiOn farmers needed, Negotiatio*n's
*With The O.� U
Mr. and Mrs. Berk pepper rather• should build a direct Farmers musrt first .of ail'or-
(nee Sandra Doig)• former duos�paying controlled ;garAze .and a. merge such as
organ�izati'on where farmers this would not lend any support TORONTO—Mem of the Lure, The Ontario Fed'em don small number of dues-payinng
'Saturday, May 12 to this need+ - goverr- niemmbers, the Ontario Feder�a•-
y net to make nerd control Ontario Federation of Agrirul of .A;grioulbure board of
SEAFORTM LEGION policy, 'lie said, „Thee proposals made up until -tore, .at a meeting in. Toronto n'ors (29 in number) is made 'tion of Agriculture on the
HALL The executive reminded that *this, -tune: ,are not the type that
Friday firmly refuted: a up of eight county Federations' other .hand gives unqualified,
IAN WILBEE'S wine years ,past a committee concur with the wishes of the numbw of claims made by the of Agriculture representatives,; recognition to all Ontario farm -
ORCHESTRA was named, with members, re- OFU membership nor ,that of Farmers Unum. Deep dusap- eight commodity ;group repre- ers.
Donee starts 9:30 p.m. presenting the provincial farm their constitution," the OFU poiotmernt was expressed, re- sesntativers; four co-operative
EVERYONE WELCOME . unions and ,the Canadian Fed leaders said. gamdinng the latest 'turn of '�prese+intatives; three women's The members tionmeeof of the
When the federations are ' eveavb�s relating Ito n:e'gat'i a'tions representatives, one educatiomal Ontario Fedex scion of Agri
ex atibn of Agriculture, to study culture was attended' by elect-
-adty to bru'ld �t' between tihe Ontario Fedeita- group, one Jttnuox' Formes, •two'
Thyrs.,�, May '1.0. IPP-�0109pt �>�Wrs Record-�--�Po.09 11
I � N S A M L Cali Lb Central XJx}'ItCd � 1,.
�tratfgxd, Dpn'ad :dolt, s41
M$� MAlI ligiR.l.N. enixntendet of the Slanday SCh
±w4t'i'IAAln�eri oql presented4% linlarw yviUil
00wong' Tom a i c er ca i terse
money, Lu;richeap Was served,.
MSS', E, .Dav*_entterta`in4A at oumchased nroaerty.
Fgrarrel solicitor for He,00al'l
W, G. Cochrane, QQ, recently
s; apppinted Huron C,aunty crown
attorney introduced the new
7. solicitors. for the village, tilt
1� yaw lire# of l*ymgnd ,and Mc-
lenziea ,Exeter,
A Jaye}y cup
2 an omganuza inti
by merger, that: will bbe conn
tion sof Agriculture and 'thee
membox-a �at large: anal two ex-
ed derlegates, of 'the county fed -
emaltions, Commodity assacia-
rptetely; autonomous, of other
empire - bulk]Rng commodity
union, and particular rofe�ren6e•
was made to a recent press re-
officio members.
These PactS clearly indicate
tions, and, other member organh-
�groups,I then the farm unions
lease issued by the executive
the 'irrupassibilnty of control and
zations. The OFA-OFU rela-
tionships came up for discus -
will be in a position to 'work
of the Ontario Farmers Union.
domination of Ontario F'edor'a.
tion of Agriculture policy fall••
sion dhmirng the presentation of
towards this end', they said,
(This release appears above,)
The noted. the
Ing Into the hands- of the com-
a number of resolutions, dealing
A belief seems to exist ori'
mem'abers -that
edoxati f A ' -i
'm''evei�al organizations.
with a 'broad' lila of subject's,
between the covers
cif one of our
Wedding Alburtis
Hadden Studio
118 St. David St. JA 4-876
Can ratulations
We are pleased to have had the
pleasure of supplying and installing
RADIO SYSTEM for the three tabs
and Cab Stand.
These new Citizens Band Transceivers,
licensed April 1, 1962, by the 'Department
of Transport, • are now available for
your business.,or pleasure purposes._
For demonstration, information
or prices phone HU 2-7021
lsoan•'e -areas that Farm Union Osibain0 F 4n o amici -
leadens' can negotiate a merg- ture had, for some time been S. The Ontario Farmers
er as can, the board of gov- carrying on open discussions Union assumption that.;a farm -
with :the union in the hope er lo�sds his concern for the � � }° � ��� �, It was our
calors of dhre CFA. This is, just "3; � 'leasure to
that from these •would comae the general welfare of his fellown p
n'at the case, the executive �
stated. faianers as so= as he assumes � � � � r {y �n � � � supply the
basis .for one over-all general
Within the federation farm organization representing a ,pdsition within a commodity " ry
all farmers. It w�ats, made' clear 'organization or co-operative
there are comgith aramaj of is (absolute ,folly. K , z • 1 RAD.iO
organizations with :a majority at the meeting that these Itis- i�: `" '�� '�" ' '' � • '� BAN D
rifle ramaivg from commercial ppe , `l• int' a finger of °
cussi0m' fallonrred 'a eal4� :from pointing g _..
the former Ontario Minister of cid :at inie Ontario Fed'.. ,
type organizata;ans, ori. file 1�arid; ,� ,� y µ �� = 4 :;, . �
of directors which; in .•turn Agriculture; and -as, a result of enatiion of AgricultuVes system � installed in
Some Cars driven
directives from the memben%l lbership grant.9 in:
mamas' a ,board of govegovernors-.p 'of mean
there should be-
an oral oration, of ;trhe Clo- ''s'indeed d`arrnina;ted, by grass- fit nears also pointed curt 'atred a eaims Exeter High School Auditorium g 52, is organizations ions with over the mthn(bems rrieertumg that
o7c�ative Unioai. of Canada amici' �• '
the Canadian,, Fedenartiom: of W0 Ontario farmers, paying while the Ontario Fatrmers '� i � •
one fation, loon membership feels to the oelgahn- Union in East restricbs its re-
Agtyiculbure into o izatioax. Thesemembers are re- :presentation, to a relativelyr8:30
of commercial und'ertakitigs. Tt .. .. p • � • Ipre50rllbatnve of 47 conrtnt,�' ra.n'tl '
was turbher resalved that one, g c,••.; M
dndtrict Fedieratians of Agri{ OMI
auer-£ill national direct mean culture, and' their feels repot14 3 FT
bertship organization be built in, sv vacs rau�v
sent the Ornbaria F'ed�era:tioar s
wlnidll Farmers can meet with4 lar. gest source of revenue 1V[cmeAM
out being unduly :itufluenced by than 50,000 'other farmers in W4.4 004"
AIP6 catnmerciarl or political inter- avar 104 oter t
Ontarno own
tris htwo 0 PMLZr..,
ghip r�cive memliiip reel ' We are leased to Anl�otrnca Iiia+ All Cars at
aghibion through the municipal
1111fd lik i graft syttem• In .addition, 26
�m Cly carYnmad'ity orgamd�tjlxo"" five
w .. �N tW�ovoo SSlle� L �Utir's oa= e+rativee; and nix tineas '
iv►urt i[BNotttt tionoiapl Organizations hotid mem ,-
• +bdnalvip iii the Ohtdria Federtt- i
Brin �l�x�� �
bioiY ,till Agh'icu3ttire, •:
1! bo8i cent or iarat i The Ontario Farnners
�I � �'e%ekniollgbilikits ani! r Ct�r36rn gttesrtRans the gtatusr of
_geSJUItSthe bdartl of /AR5 NOW 9ANO DISPATCHED
govern oi` the
Obtario FedON11dn of AgiriooW-
✓ }� , For More Effic enf and Promp# Seevicts to our Cus#omers
�btr rvaril: #kb typo 'til^ bird #htr# Will i►telCel
TiIADw reliable ptb#i#� you milled tete fiig6
prbdo�ctiba Looh h — STON9 1446-11
Cllr• or *006
AfW66d, 06t. ph'ona 3$6.211 g�
We are iihlpping aattla teeny'' Mantidali fat+ United
6i-apet•ativ6 bf Ontario And solicit ybue patrona#e. Wes
will btck tMhl elft at yoikO farm:
Pleats- O H614i~ -66WCd'f hot later that, tAtueday
Seafirth Farm, er s . 6-ioperafive
H, S. ktthfrt Sh oodt
phoil 66-9'�l I
DIIAL HUI 2*9012
Arid yOu Will be ttlayed +o the
• dab inear+�sf Your` call..
George McGee, proprietor
This removes the farmer on the
concession more than once i
of the ,organization,
!'We have been led to believe
cakes, the Flarmers xnloai s
to ,make clear -that they therm -
se+llves leave adopted this system
v � g � � by
k � �., r =
foiazuularthv g policy.
The Farm Union an the other
that the officials of the Ontario
1~ ali7mers' Union were demon -
a number of areas where
> $ <z �t
Y t (` �c
their dues have failed, to. the
, � �� p f u � CAB
hlarnd is' governed by direct dues-
striating the . same . sincerity;
-paying members;, who through
fanner delegates from country
where they met with us, and
'there was evidence that ora-
5• The Ontario Farmers
Union i n attempting to mepre-
,ax" I nsta i l ed b
locals car -and. decide the
being made," said
gre+ss was „
cervi attself �a� loran
t y
,Policy to the convention floor.
Ontario Federation of Akricui-
a major
organization in Ontario has en-
1. r y � `_° �� � �� MERRILL
Hear Meet
They said, "no individual mom-
ber, local, county, or -any other
tare president William Tild,em
Harnuston, "We are shocked
tun�e+ltiy failed' to state as inkl7cart-
by fees, In
z ,.
F � ".
ed membership their.
fialitn union, ou has au;thior
group authority
and deeply disappointed by this
;faruarnci,ad, statements, that in
to make, (alter or withdraw
policy except -as made b defile-
Sudbden turn of events."
The - the
it re0 more an
, victoria St.
�` ' '
rrnennibex:v, in setting
some f
same 3,040 Ontario farm. opera-
Ontario a
A z, �� � =f �,,
Lawyer in Niagara Fails
'partes' in convention: There-
fore 'farmers t]iemselves, are at
'record straight, paned a reso-
, bution which accused the Ori-
rtarg, while the Ontario Fedora:-
`° �: � `� n ' < phone
HU 2-7021
the resol'utioneins, of eaorganization.
gani ti the
o ted a an•
•o Farmers Union of mis'-
ti'ohn of Agriculture represents
-at least 1.00,000 farm opera -
.. , _;,
1961 OFU convention recM
rc g -the facts when
they claimed, that the fedem-
tors an this, province. .
g; Therefore be it s'esolved
Western Ontario Distributors
rminded, that because we �hralve
a miiUtitud'e of commodity
;Dion was' rmade: u of commer-
mal p
t>Ype organizations. The
that, the well-being of On-
of Johnson General �
Radia Service
tarria flaru>ierly the Ontario Fe»i-
pinups, co-operatives and aUh�
resolution stated the following
enation of Agriculture continue
L 1 M T E D
e- commercial enter arises,
an its next;
to seek to ' evolve one over-all
First with the Latest
which pursue their awn im-
x 7.ilvart the OFA mem'beirsh�ip
organization in drnrtari°a.
in Electronics" 124-30 CURTIS S'T'REET ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO
there should be-
an oral oration, of ;trhe Clo- ''s'indeed d`arrnina;ted, by grass- fit nears also pointed curt 'atred a eaims Exeter High School Auditorium g 52, is organizations ions with over the mthn(bems rrieertumg that
o7c�ative Unioai. of Canada amici' �• '
the Canadian,, Fedenartiom: of W0 Ontario farmers, paying while the Ontario Fatrmers '� i � •
one fation, loon membership feels to the oelgahn- Union in East restricbs its re-
Agtyiculbure into o izatioax. Thesemembers are re- :presentation, to a relativelyr8:30
of commercial und'ertakitigs. Tt .. .. p • � • Ipre50rllbatnve of 47 conrtnt,�' ra.n'tl '
was turbher resalved that one, g c,••.; M
dndtrict Fedieratians of Agri{ OMI
auer-£ill national direct mean culture, and' their feels repot14 3 FT
bertship organization be built in, sv vacs rau�v
sent the Ornbaria F'ed�era:tioar s
wlnidll Farmers can meet with4 lar. gest source of revenue 1V[cmeAM
out being unduly :itufluenced by than 50,000 'other farmers in W4.4 004"
AIP6 catnmerciarl or political inter- avar 104 oter t
Ontarno own
tris htwo 0 PMLZr..,
ghip r�cive memliiip reel ' We are leased to Anl�otrnca Iiia+ All Cars at
aghibion through the municipal
1111fd lik i graft syttem• In .addition, 26
�m Cly carYnmad'ity orgamd�tjlxo"" five
w .. �N tW�ovoo SSlle� L �Utir's oa= e+rativee; and nix tineas '
iv►urt i[BNotttt tionoiapl Organizations hotid mem ,-
• +bdnalvip iii the Ohtdria Federtt- i
Brin �l�x�� �
bioiY ,till Agh'icu3ttire, •:
1! bo8i cent or iarat i The Ontario Farnners
�I � �'e%ekniollgbilikits ani! r Ct�r36rn gttesrtRans the gtatusr of
_geSJUItSthe bdartl of /AR5 NOW 9ANO DISPATCHED
govern oi` the
Obtario FedON11dn of AgiriooW-
✓ }� , For More Effic enf and Promp# Seevicts to our Cus#omers
�btr rvaril: #kb typo 'til^ bird #htr# Will i►telCel
TiIADw reliable ptb#i#� you milled tete fiig6
prbdo�ctiba Looh h — STON9 1446-11
Cllr• or *006
AfW66d, 06t. ph'ona 3$6.211 g�
We are iihlpping aattla teeny'' Mantidali fat+ United
6i-apet•ativ6 bf Ontario And solicit ybue patrona#e. Wes
will btck tMhl elft at yoikO farm:
Pleats- O H614i~ -66WCd'f hot later that, tAtueday
Seafirth Farm, er s . 6-ioperafive
H, S. ktthfrt Sh oodt
phoil 66-9'�l I
DIIAL HUI 2*9012
Arid yOu Will be ttlayed +o the
• dab inear+�sf Your` call..
George McGee, proprietor