Clinton News-Record, 1962-05-03, Page 249e 2--r Mews-�tecvrd--ThursdgY, kaY 3, 19¢3
Editorials 0 411 0
Nv... Dollars or Ex an for
When the councillors of the Town
of Clinton presented theirfinancial•
At present time our councils (not
budget, before the tax ayers this vyeel,
only in Clinton) .are a weal -,kneed sort
-they good
put behind them a cad . e of
d. al .
f a a r, e .ent in which all are
o ? . r. ing m
hanged• by the .actions of the majority..
One can picture .a Food deal of
`What 00es this give the voter to.
whittling here, and adding on there,.
of or on election day? Nothing..
padding to satisfy someone, chiseling a
thousand dollars off some place where
We note with particular interest
sen 1 tgtal.:of
that with town p ng a
it ma not not
A. y be iCed,
However, there was no discussion
.Qui' ...d
$3Q9,QQO his year, there was not even
$5 set aside for the industrial commit.
in the public eye. There is no lndicat�
ion from any direction, just which of
tee to. spend,
the councillors favoured any particular
action, or did not favour it. No
r s estion in all sncerit is
Our ugg , Y
that ,the industrial committee be dis-
e re ed the 1 es.
exp m,
banded. The heart of Clinton is not in
h ,
is ,
This, to us, is a particularly fine
this business of promoting the town for
�. g'
in, Council apparently does not
reason for the need of .litics on the.
local munici al scene. Ir counc'llors
p ou. .. i
want to bring jobs to our town,
reeves and mayor were elected for the
Without some action from this
party which they represent, then on
.quarter, the existence of an industrial
budget night, a debate on, the budget
committee is a mockery, and a waste
could be held, •and we feel with good re-
of everyone's time.
Sympathy? None Here
The. finance committee of the town
to learn at first hand what is new in the
of Clinton, announced its decision, to
world around them, then, though they
spend $12,000 more this year than last
may .need sympathy, they will not get
year, .to an empty council chamber
it from us.
On Tuesday in the same room a rep-
resentative of Social, Credit proposed
new ideas (new at least in Ontario with
its rock-bound clinging to tories and
grits) to provide .easier times and grea-
ter prosperity for all. Again, as far as
Clintonians were concerned it was an
empty hall. '
There were three persons attend-
ing from Clinton — one was the pro-
jectionist, and one was a reporter.,
From this time on, if there are
heard any grumblings whatsoever
about taxes, high cost of living, or un-
employment, we will not hear thein.
If people are not willing to shake'
themselves loose from their easy chairs
The Printed Word
An incident reported by a Van-
couver correspondent' is to the point,
"Some time ago," he writes, "the trees
around my house needed trimming, es-
pecially at the top; and my wife, after
the manner of wives, decided it would
be better for me not to risk my neck so
many 'feet above ground level, but to
hire a man to do the topping,
"The man I engaged was a lively
Dane, and very energetic. He said;
`I yust luff vurking, but ,every time I
say I Tuff to vurk everybody say: Huh,
you must be crazy or else a foreigner."
Clinton NewspwRecord
Est. 1865 Amalgamated 1924 Est, 1881
�� T p A Published every Thursday at the
,O qw Heart of Huron County
e ( O Clinton, Ontario -- Population 3,369
A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher
+ O • }
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance -- Canada and Great Britain: $4.00 a year;
United States" and Foreign: $5.50; Single Copies Ten Cents
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
and for payment of postage. in cash
Junction of Highways No. 8 and 21
Passed. Here"'
If yoti.have, perhaps you've noticed that great progress
is being made on our new Goderich branch office
building: The reinforced concrete work is completed and
there are crews working away on the stone work.
Yes, we're happy to report that the job is on schedule and
we'll be ready to open some time in the summer.
Plan to come to .seo us when we hold Open House,
West & 'Waterloo Sftseets, Godee cb ]
Branch Manager.- Edward 1l6wiand5 r
Telephone~ JA- 4-1991, E
_ t
Clinton Representative,
H- caold C. Lemam
Phone HU 24964 ,. Reftenbury r'eeS++- . C1 s '01
h fl
TWO 1962,
abawt 'thc others Were ballot to an lar*ent sel<lait!
Feeler .and Opening 1?aD', dxeYe g ,home. Three hours hater', that we'd have just as good',
whopped past, apld .?narkaetl I Thad lead a Pleasant :o4ubix;g; :qr as bad, government,
icom}e ithr'o h, if :not wit?ti rhe �tokep; acs. murky rout a ,ehe ,only ftnproveir}eot I can
k?'n loP4, Alit least w',tthWt any of ler "year', ,and d dsi t ,fee'_. pep to the rWggeption w0ld
dlisgrruging rri�'self* like 'the ,wreck of the- 90, be to .gpmbine tate event with
])aster was !a re lila!^ fad,u!ational. Sweetakep, 'based
darnga larau!nd icon lace tlhi's' ilei +label ?hos'e awe ]'app on. the draw. All raFites would
ear. With -All ar94 ist, .am al,- markls in the year have !been be applied to the national dept.
J^ ..
star boy, and ?a ,girl Ghmister ill slucce otully negotiated, we can Who Z$' wvth roe in prornotiuvg
fl rrni and' aborit Silt auxr thoaghts to m'pre tariv< this sensiixle policy?
the a., Ly - '14��?l i e lit` s for
church services �gd ;the . wegk :>!as t�iliit?g's.. L.k.. pa ttG .,, .......
end, the dog; the cat,, ithe kit- eXrapnlpXe, des, gentle. reader,
t am nn el'f hA4 tea, wank he .miv hty stirrings :of than.
L.. d ys �. .. � .:�' t0.. �0 theEditor�.� � .
warrily', as +t -he >aaclli�es. hwwod ,b}g., lay bibemns for raAlled
by alt ,thio ,speed' of those in.:can L?erriocrac3" tare :belog' ;hearid 41 For Cexrtexir+lnl'
olid silexi't movielihe lanldl. Thee b'lg-game Ilpu eVs To tthe. Editor;
Cluneal: of the weeks nfd arri:v- ane sfham . rOng their spears axed. Xou were as4kin'g for ideas for
ed erg x7alater Monday, when' •amilgws, •arend the beaters (tfiert's the centel!'nial irx 1967. VYelu
Ks' Smiley rriade her t0levisilali u Vgtens) are bei?~ harcemgyze'd now, .there could be a "]fog"
Fin s g
debut with a recorder gro!a•'p• befrore we starrt out =60• ;fll* soh'o�ol, with benchesv, siarteS apnO
I dMove a garload of 'the kilos ,the be into the oipegz, , slate 'pex!c11S (remember theme
to the Aw ios cams ringi ' ,As. nearly as I can s'n'ake' out, squeaky thin s? ):, Ever'ybod'y
my !;
With lasitaruirnuter lnstnuctioms fitogra iiSttenirrg c'axefiruRY to dressed I old t ^xne clafthessi,
fimn, the boss, about combing "!omen of the various fp dt- Beards for the raentOlk. Plop -
the ehfid's hair, msikirng sure des„ 'the Tories are going to ibe eer fum#ure set yup to look 1'Jke
.her ship wesi''t 'Showing and turned out without mercy, the a. Nouse, (I ?lave a 'baby m b
about 1.4 other items, 2Ubettrals are going to be turned and high chair about 100 years
I did i my best.. B'ut I'd ]like pint with a sh, 0l11aeking, the o$d) , There must bemany
to ;see s'ornie of you •f ther's try- NDP hashit a hope, aryl the things `among yolur' soiuvemii W
iing, to comb a kid's hair when Socred's chain -m are in the that you would n't want to parwt
She's wild With excitement realm of dlrearnland, with, but you'd lend, for exb'ibi-
about fappearirvg on TV in a few
minutes. It's like trying tai las- If this is true, why harve an There are .a, few sleighs .and
So is hurMning-bird, With a lawm elec don that will cast the voter wagons garth'ering d,.1ust in, the
?hose. Arid sure eanaugh, her OP 22 cool milll onts? Why not just Barn, 'al's'o spinning wheels and'
was sitnofwfirNg; plenty of pit. gio '(buWb1in)g :and stumbling ail- old be'd's, etc. Since the centern-
During the Easter holidaysomlg? Ivexyiboidy says the niial won't come again for us,
lets girls went off to visit Guam- Xaaxks wall own the place in maybe it would .be bertter if the
ny, while Hugh and I stayed a Ifew years:, anywey, datet could- bre ,discussed with
home to work. Something was I have, a suggestion which neighbouring itowns.
proved which we head both sus- would salve us all thole mill;- maybe I'm greedy, but when
petted. Females are directly lions, as "11 as a lot of .'Flo--there',s something good going
,responsible far 97 percent of terndall earache. Its simplicity on in Exciter an' .Goderich the
+the noise and confusion in the itrseff. Every 11our years, let same day, I feel 'bad at Missing
average h'ousehoid. It was as era)ch party nominate Itt, choice on+e! If th:e "Big Birthday" was
peaceful as a, tomb while they for each seat :in ' Parbamenit, spread out over ithe wiholle sum -
were away, And just about as Then we accept them all. This mer, the people like Us. who
interesting. wouldn't cost a Denny, talce their summer .vacations
In'thlis' way, we'd have about one day -ata, tune can enjoy a
Then, along name Opening -1,100 :candidates, all; good' linen. couple mono .trips tmtt way. For
Day of the trout season, the Thi's is too many. We don't the -others, if they missy the
annual shedding of winter's want to have to build an alder only weekend, well, they've had
oer''eanenits. Usually, it's an ex- di,tion to the House of Com- it!
citing ordeal. You stay up until mons, withall +thdse school ad- And how about some ama-
itwo in the morning, the night dliiti'oa'ns shill to be built. W'±e11, •teur shows for the few months
before, making plan's for next merle's what we'd dla. We'd before the ;big day. Then we
day, over ,a noggi'ni, with a have the 1,100 diraw lots ,for could have some "medicine
couple of wiled -eyed friends. the se'arts available. shoves", barbershop singing,
Two hours laiter, you groan out The lucky ticket holders community singing -and magxe.
of 'bed), totter into the cold would' . •be came MPs. Each Maybe even a "waggon train",
blackness, and spend the next would retain his own partly and clamp out and elan stew or
14 hours' lurching +through an'embiembip,' so that we'd still bearnts ,= 'a finplate and make
s7wairnp5, frozen, frustrated and have ra loyal, opposition. The our tea and ciaflfee in •a can
wishing you were 18 again,. tpamty with the most luck over th'e fire!
This year, I ,tried'.a now •tech- would form the 'government. And, of course, a square
nitlad, rand ?ift was the best We'd save alrl .that erection dance and buggy rides, a hay
Opening Day I've ever expert- m miey, and we woudh t have nide and maybe a horse livelly,
enced. I passed up the night- all those broken hearts on el- where you could hire a halve
before session. When, the alarm ectiom night. ;for a voice slow tour of some of
went off ,at 4 a.m., I stent It * * « the nice lilttle sideroads, round.
off, diusck le -d fiendishly, and There'd be just as much; sus- town. Well, 'there's a start. I
,went backto +%deep. I roses alt per>ise, under my plan, als there hope you gest a lot more ideas;
10, had a. lleisurely breakfast, would be with. a regular elec- ,as I am most definitely
wind aivrWed at the trout stream I tion. And I'll. bet you a spoiled An biterested Party.
British Mortqage and Trust Readies
New Branehfbr Summer e
O nin
P. q
execute a glass mosaic mural,
depicting a Primavera design,
adjacent to the conference
conn entrance. Both of these
wMlwlrs of art will be visible rt'o
Rounthwaite and Associates
of Toronto are .the architects
for this project, and Ellis -Dan
Linifted of London, is the gen-
general' contractor.
British Mortgage and Trish
has under construction, at pre-
sent two other offices—a new
head office builldintg in Strat-
ford, to be opened in June of
this year, and a branch office
in Hanover. Branch offices in
Brampton and Listowel were
openeldf in 1961.
The temporary headquarters
of British Mortgage and Trust
in ,God'erleh is located at West
and Waterloo streets, with, Ed-
ward Rowlands; ars manager.
GODFAUCH—The new GadL-
richi branch office of British
Mortgage and Trust Company
wrifi he ready for occupancy
this summer, W. P. Gregory,
QC, executive vice-presideiA
alnd managing director, an-
nounced today. Located-, in a
commanding ,position an High
wap 8, at the entrance to .the
Goidendh business district, the
building's design is both strik-
ing anti -unusual.
The interior of the grace-
fully moldlern (building will be
completely visible from the ex-
ter(ior, Three curved limestone
walls, ,laid out in a t riarngular
piattterrrp, will appear to float
over .a 7'6" 'high continuous,
double-rglazed, !alum num-fttram-
ed window. Between the curv-
edstone walls, at the points,
of. the triangle, the glazing will
ou n from the floor too 134aot
high ceiling. Above these high
windows ,a deep .granite fascia
will link the curved stone
malls. So that the friendly
transparency off the building -is
n!at d'eetroyed,, glazed Walls are
aged to divide the offices from
the Main savings department.
Privacy will be ensured,by soft,
iandwovem curtaining.
Constructed, of reinforced
nocret7e, the building has been
iesnig:n'ed ito stand for hundreds
cif years. The entrance floor
P111 be •terrazzo, and a fter*rrazzo
mifb willl be constructed under
01 windows. Other floors- will
.v cook, viripnl asbestos 4 le and
mrpot. Interior walks will be.
Aaot Bred ,and- painted. The celil-
a;ug, which will be finished with
icouati'c &s+tm' 'will be sepa r -
ted :0rom the fpbrinnetedr walls
it a diisitanc , of about 18 iinchets
yo permit concealment bff light -
ng fixtures and' air-condittm-
ng gr3111es'r Year-roufnd comfort
Niall be provided by canplet'e
dr-c'ondlfty wiing,
Special attention hag been
ihitit+en to tore , 5iirround Ings to.,
!bite heavy B•ritishi Mortgage
Chat Company office, Exislt-
ng sidewalks orotxnd the, Brite
vill be removed and replaced
v ibrbiader rsidewaik's laid out
it A pattern. to enhance the
Wign of the building. T
save been c'arretully irmcaiprn b -
fid fi5 t'o the paving pattei-A &0d
onbrete fiats+ wlill proitiedt the
`r'as'p bo ddvard. both off stre0t
and iyt iib 1parlt ng will be pro!
The ultiimaw ih secild1ty will
+e ensured by a- masbive 66n,
rate vault: oentmid .deep it, the•
,ttu1-ding: Its gft*ngtih and ool-
Mlitiy "wi%I iconiti eat efCec'tinreiy
the parent
lighltyness bf
ett of the ;structure:
the bas'mhent will cOntaiin an
unusual, conference roomwhich
cant be reserved, at no charger,
by local 'groups. Its wells',
curved' in the corners, also
curve -to form the ceiling. A
portAm ref the ceiling, over the
conference table, will bee raised.
so ,trait air-conditioning grilles
and lighting fixtures will ,be
conceeed. A band of verticle
walnut battens will surround'
the room, lending It great dig-
nity. The abasement will also
contain a staff room, storage
rooms ,and, a mechanical room.
Glass will be used in this
new building, nat only for win-
dows rand' walls', but 'in' the
building's artistic design. Don-
ald' Wallace Jnterrnationally-
krnown Toronto sculptor, will
create the British Mortgage
and Trust Company crest in
stained- glass ° above the main
entrance doors. He will adso
Experienced Carpenter Available
For All Types or Corpentry Work
Specializing In:
Phone Hunter 2-7726 KEN-McNAIRN
1111' �From, our -Ear F-i'les"'111
40 Years Ago
35 Years .Ago
'r1[ur$#4X, Atay 4,, 1922
TharAd Ly, .April 2p, 1937
Q1'rnhon fdspital .13 .has
J, _5utper secret r C' ,
,, - w',v of .lin
aoGept'ed magnificent g>7ft
iton Football imlague expeatrs
by Major M. D. McTaggart of
the 1Q( 1 lye lace s
..:..8M to go places
the bamUy ,horde, for use 'as a
this 'year,
hos+piital, lit will be ideal. in
The Normandy Building wh-
lootition, .away from the cox!S-
ioh has been vaaarit ar
i Mt dME0fie which passes the
; of Y cis :??lay soon ibe tt>
plresent hospital every cloy and
t'i'nt bt,
I The Ministerial Association
The '`coldMary':S t air►.
'1._ . .. ... Street fir.._...
will molt! a +public service on
. .
cam stn! u trou>ale ,airy old
1VZ 12
ay , Coi�niatron Day, m
ibe axil .lt can keep .five r oun'-
C?xntamio Street. Unviecl'4iurcfl..
pilRom +tal:kiing on its ;posit ,ano
A 60 -'mile gale swept .over
future higt'ory. James McNeil
the Pouter s Hill dbtmipt, Quite
+has asked that his for
4 number of barns -and houses
tile on this drain be looped
are minus part of +their• roofs,
into, 13 tie will he ,used .cut
. Many roads are impassable
end sand-poxinect with
he westwest.
in Tuckersmlth Township ow-
file already
y there,
ing to •rains •an d flooding.
D. L, McPherson received,
Mrs, Allen Betitles group of
$137.50 For $ months • work as .
ladies had a qu-thing .at Mrs.
clerk of Clinton,
lteid Torrance's home least
Chy�i n Collegiate Institute;
weeJk, .also one at Mrs. Bet -
Cadets' will attend oven, iryg
.tles' Thome the week before.
services in Willis Church on
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Reym-
10 Years Argo
olds,, keeper and matron at
Huron County Home are re-
tiring after four' years.
Thursday, May 1, 1952
Rt, Hon. J. G. Gardiner ad -
40 "Years Ago
Thursday, May 41 1922
Thursday +afternoon the pes-
ky drill wh'ic'h had been snuck
in the well, being drilled here
(since the week before Christ-
ma!s) was dxagged to light and
the work of drilling is' going
merrily an.
A water trough for the use
of lh'orsres will be erected. The
street conunAtee, !headed by
Councillor C. G. Middleton, will
be in :charge of deciding loca-
R. H Johnston.displayed to
enrvuous eyes a string of 13
speckled trout We suggest
this was unlucky, ithinkmg he
Might discard one, but he evi-
dently wasn't !superstitious. He
was also rather vague when
explaining where he caught
dressed -Clinton Lions Club on
IRMui ers Night. Minsiter of
Agriculture Gardiner is a rua-
tive of Usborne Township.
Clinton Kin Club received
their charter in Goderich: on
Tuesday, at an enthusiastic
meeting. Presildernt Trev Ian -
son received the gavel.
Clinton Public School Board
needs: $310,000 for the new
Egg marketing scheme East
in light vote.
-C. A. Trott is principal and
W/C B., G. Miller chairman of
the b+oai1d far the new •A/V/M
Hugh Campbell Public School
at Station. Clinton.
UDCI At Rome marked the
silver anniversary of the pres-
ent collegiate building.
In Siam, houses are con-
structed with odd numbers of
floors and steps to insure godd
Wm. Reid .says ...
Chesterfields, Occasional Chairs,
Sofas, Antiques Re -done, Choice of
Quality Coverings. Pick -Up and De-
livery. Estimates Given. Correctly
Done. 35 Years Experience, Terms
Arranged. '
(Opposite Post Office)
48 East St. -- GODERICH --- Phone JA 4-8422
Business and Professional
Phone JA 4.756,2 Phone HU 2<7721
All Types of Life
Term Insurance — Annuities
Clinton, Ontario
Phones: Office HU 2-9747
Res: HU 2-7556
Head office, DUNGANNON
Established 1878
priced as low 'as $19:95
Cli"tonEl , ed �•c Shop
Nth 14646- Ialfnton
For information on your in -
Eyes Examined
Oculists' Prescriptions Filled
Includes Adjustments At
No Further Charge
Clinton --Mondays Only
9.00 a.rn, to 5.30p.m:
Clinton Medical Centre
44 Rattenbury Street West
$eaforth--Weekdays except
Mondays, ground floor.
Phone 791
For Appointment
Phone JA 4-7251
Goderich, Ontario
Telephone Bax
JA 4-9521 +478
Office Main Street
x Y Town Dwellings
_ * All Classes of f=arm Property
« $firmer Cottages
3 , Churches; $ohooisf Halls
Eaktended c o v e r a g e (wind,
smolre, water damage, falling .
6blect§, etc,) is also aVailable.
AG NTS James Keys, All i, Seaforbh Vi J, tanb, RR 5, Sea-
fort=h; Win, T elpet, .Tr.t >Landesbbro 961-Wyn Baker, Brussels;
Harold 801t6g, ointoi4 George Coyne, Duh tn, ]b6nald G, tto`n;
Seafoz?th: .