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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-03-31, Page 8
J THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1038 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Permanents..... Look your best fox' the Easter Sea son. Have your hair dressed in the latest style. For charm and indiv iduality get your permanent from oui’ new machine. All Waves Guaranteed Day or Evening by Appointment V’s Beauty Shoppe V, C. Decker, Prop. Phone 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat 86 c. Oats 45c. Manitoba’s Best Floux* $3,95 Welcome Flour $2.65 Shorts $1.75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2.15 'Creamery Butter 40c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Do You I ■< Wear Glasses? ARE YOU CONSCIOUS OF OVERBRIGHTNESS ten. A Large 15c A Medium 14c B 13e C 12c $9.60 Tlhe Westminster Carilloners, the only organization of its kind on the continent, will present an evening of fascinating entertainment in James Street church on Wednesday, April 20th. Keqp the date open. Savory Drumsticks 5c. EACH; 6 FOR 25c. THURSDAY & FRIDAY only — at the —- MAKE YOUR OWN UNDERWEAR Try a $1 bundle of rayon, cotton or wool remnants. Mail orders filled the same day as received. Fairview Textile Shop, 861 Dundas St., Wood- stock, Ont. Ideal Meat Market Wherever you go—on the street, in the stores, or at home — over brightness will be on hand, star ing at you from unshaded bulbs, from mirrors and windshields, bright metals and other reflective surfaces. By bed time the delicate nerve ends of your eyes may protest and you spend the ‘dark hours recuperating from these repeated shocks only to face them again on the morrow. Our scientifically tinted lenses are made to overcome this trouble They do not mar your appear ance and can be made with your present formula. The cost is small. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill. B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J. g. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship iSermon: “On the Road to the Cross” p.m.—Public Worship (Sermon: “The Hardness of your Hearts” 7 Tuesday, April 5tlh at 8 p.m. at the manse, the regular monthly meet ing of the W. M. S. Mr. Henry Strang will be the speaker. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA WANTED: Man with car to take over profitable Rawleigh Route. Es tablished customers. 'Sales way up this year. Must be satisfied with earnings of $30. a week to start. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. No. ML-202- 101—C, Montreal, Canada. Save the Coupons Phone 38 Main St. ------------ ----- -—.—— n S3' itmnwHi urn n ■umi-,xui 1 I LOCALS I 1 1 I BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmone’s cement gravel for all cement work. Approved by engine ers. All grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt ser vice for all concrete jobs. Phone 171 r 3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R. R. 1, Hensail. 3-31-tfc To-morrow (Friday) will be All Fool’s Day. Mrs. T. Aeiheson, who has been ill for several weeks, is improving. Clarence Boyle, of London, his home C. E. ZURBRIGG, io Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable glasses at reason able prices Open every week day except Wednesday J USED ELECTRIC WASHER FOR SALE—Apply to G. A. Hawkins, Exeter. ltp FOR SALE—.Second hand piano and several small articles. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Laverty, Huron St. ltp MIXED FEED FOR SALE- and baa ley; also little pigs, have a load of horses in of the week. Oats Will beginning house in Acre of and hen Apply to T. A. Mitchell, R. , Centralia. Phone 48rl4 Kirk- ltp. FOR SALE—'7-roomed Centralia, in good repair, land for garden, garage house. R. 1 ton. TENDERS will be received for the caretaking of the Exeter bowling greens for the season. State wages by the hour or the month. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted. Tenders to be in by April 9th.—J. M. Southcott, Secretary. FOR SALE-—Potted Plants, ering Plants. L. Day & Son. Flow FOR RENT—50 acre grass running water, good fences, Laing, Hensail. farm, Thos. 3-31-2tp FOR SALE—Beatty electric wash er, $15.00; 1J ih. P-p DeLaval gas engine, $'20.00; pine timber 10 x 10 inches by 22 feet, $5.00; steel sash with 'glass 7i x 3 feet, $5.00. E. <L. Gibson, Exeter. 3-31-2 tp ■FOR SALE—Tractor stiff tooth cultivator with front trolley. J. Strange, Maguire. ltp. OR EX- -I will have ihorses for sales ■after HORSES FOR 'SALE CHANGE- ■private sale or exchange at barns, Exeter. Will ibe there 2 p.m. each day. G. J. Dow. FARMS FOR SALE — 75 pasture to rent. Houses for in Exeter, Hensail and Lucan.- Pearce, Exeter. acres sale -Wm. WANTED—A farm-hand from 20 to 35 years of age. Apply at Times- Advocate.ltp. QUANTITY SEED BARLEY sale—Phone 90 r 21 Hensail. FOR 2tp FOR SALE—Colony ihouse, range shelters, brooder stove. R. E. Balk will, Phone 150 J 3-24-2te SEED BARLEY FOR SALE—O.A.C. 21, 3rd generation. 80©. a ibus. Ap ply W. T. Colwill, Centralia 3-24-2tp FOR SALE—Barn 22 by 37 feet by 14 feet high. Good for drive shed or double deck hen ihouse, close to the Arena.—Joshua Johns 3-24-tfc. Don’t forget our one wire electric fences. For sale by Thomson Bros, phone 48r2, Kjirkton. FOR SALE—House in Exeter with every -convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply to- L. Huston, phone 162j. 3-17-tfc. -Choice 70 acre farm Others ihp acres.—C. V. Pickard, phone FOR SALE- brick house, good barn, to 175 165. SALE—Residential property late Lancelot Hardy on the FOR Of the West side of Main street, in Exeter. For particulars apply to J.W. Mor ley, Exeter Ontario. 3-17-3tc. HOMES FOR SALE-— Several Exeter, two with acreage. Also Honsall, Pankhill and Lucan, C, PICKARD, phone 165. In in V. Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Communion Service11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Tlhe Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m., Prayer Service APRIL’S HERE Jos. Senior has his home for the illness. been con- past week been con- few days Mr. spent the week-end at he.e. ■Clerk fined to through Mr. F. J. Delbridge has fined to his home for a through illness. Mr. Seth Winer made a business trip to Detroit and Flint, Michigan, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of Loudon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hicks on Sunday. Miss Annie Handford returned home last week after visiting for some time in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis, of Tav istock, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pollen, of Flint week-endMich., visited over the with relatives in town. 'Tommy Easton, young and Mrs. Andy Easton, pneumonia, but is improving. Mr. W. J. Birney, of Toronto, spent the week-end visiting with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mrs. John Stewart has been con fined to hex’ bed for the past three or four days with appendicitis. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson re turned home Tuesday evening after spending the winter in California. Dr. and Mrs. O. G. Tremner and daughter, of Strathroy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer on Sun day. 'Tomlinson’s have redecorated their barbei' shop and beauty parlor having added greatly to the appear ance. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Mrs. W. S. Howey and Mrs. R. Moffatt motored to Toronto Sunday and took in the flower show. Mr. H. C. Rivers has installed a new forced convection coil, the new est type of refrigeration, in his re frigerator at the butchei’ shop. Mrs. J. Wanless and daughtei' Mirs. Lightfoot,, who are returning to Duluth after spending the winter in Florida are visiting at the home ■of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Miss Bernice Sanders and Mrs. E. Willert accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing to Toronto where they spent a couple of week-. Mr. and Mas. Wilbert Markdale, spent the past visiting with the latter’s father, Mr. Ernest Collingwood, at the home of Mrs. Sam. Stanlake. 4 Mr. and Mrs. N. Oigden and Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, of Blanshard, were in Brantford on Thursday and while there went to Hamilton to visit with Mrs. W. Davis and Miss Vina Fisher. ■Mr. .John (Collingwood and son George, and daughter Mrs. Barnes and Mir. Barnes, of Port Huron, vis ited with the former’s brother Mr. Thomas Collingwood on Sunday. Last week it was mentioned that Mr. J. H. Hookey of town had at tended the funeral of Lieut.-iCol. G. G. Mitchell, former officer of the 88th Battalion C.E.-F. This should have read of the 58th' Battalion. Mr. Wm. Gardiner, and daughter Shirley, of Meaford, motored here Sunday and on Tuesday returned to their home accompanied by Mrs. Gardiner, who has been visiting here for a week. The latter’s mother Mrs. S. Parsons, wlho had been vis* iting at Meaford returned home last- week. son of Mr. is ill with days last Brodie, of two weeiks Traquair’s Hardware is holding spring sale. See full page advt. A RAMBLING CHAT ON IRELAND — by —* President W. S. Sherwood Fox of the University of Western Ontario CA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEDNESDAY, APRIL Otli at 8 p.ni. Admission 25c. DON’T BE FOOLED AGAIN 4 Get a Real Permanent at TOMLINSON’S Every Wave Guaranteed Phone 146 Screens! Warm weather will soon be here. Get those SCREENS and SCREEN DOORS NOW DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Wood Shingles, Toronto Asphalt Roofing Products This office will be open Saturday Evenings from 7 to 10 Huron Lumber Co. Phone 48 T EXETER Residence 255 6 G. M. Simpson . BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 FLOOR SURFACING Have your old varnished floors sanded and made look like new. No dust. Orders left with Mr. L. C. Johnston, your local dec orator will be promptly attended to Or phone 224w, SEAFORTH, HARRY W. HART (csmOal: Imotom&i USED CARS 1935 Ford Deluxe Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coach Master 1934 Chevrolet Coach Master Low Mileage 1930 Pontiac Coach 1928 Chrysler Sedan 1935 Chev I*Pick up 1930 Ford Truck Long Wheelbase, Racks & Platform SNELL BROS. AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-'Leader a.m.—The Sacrament11 Lox'd’s Supper 3 p.m.—.Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Ministei' Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Monday 8> p.m.—Meeting of ficial Board. of the servlet? the Of- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 11 Fifth Sunday in Lent Passion Sunday Communion of Christ” A Lenten and i i messaige service a.xn.—Holy Sermon “The Gospel 3 p.m.—iS. S. Wednesday 8 p.m.—'Lenten Tuesday, April 5 th — Deanery of ■Huron Laymen’s Banquet in the Parisihi Hall at 7 p.m. Special . speakex- Mr. G. H. Jefferson D.A. The laymen are urged to* be pres ent. the 2 2 8 8 The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Bible Study Friday Evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, April 3rd p.m. S. S. and Bible Class p.m.—>S. S. and Bible Class p.m.—A real Evangelistic meeting p.m.—Great Evangelistic Meeting At the evening service the mes sage will be chiefly on, Ontario’s foremost debate, the pastoiri thinks Mr. Hepburn, only mild in his re- proibation of supposed, spiritual ad vise leaders. Don't fail to heai’ this tixnely and profitable message. We welcome you to oui’ meetings. J. T. EDGAR, Pastor JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s best Domestic Coal Get a trial tori JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ Misses’ and Ladies’ Spring Coats We invite you to call and see our showing of Misses’ and Ladies’ Spring Coats. We feel sure you will like the new numbers. The prices are most reasonable. Smart New Boy’s and Men’s Suits We are showing the newest cloths in Tweeds and Worsteds in plain and fancy models. You will find a big assortment of the season’s newest at prices to suit your pocket book. Wallpapers Now is the time to do your papering. A few rolls of our lovely new papers will make a great change in the appearance of your home. We also have a number of Rooms Lots at $1.29, $1.49 and $1.79. Linoleums and Linoleum Rugs We are showing the new patterns in Linoleum Rugs and Linoleums. We offer a few large size rugs much below regular prices ______9 by 10 1-2 feet 9 by 12 feet 12 by 12 feet 12 by IS feet New Curtains and Curtain Nets We offer a very wide range of New Curtain Nets in a variety of new weaves. They are priced at per yard 20c.f 25c., 29c., 35c., 39c., 50c., 65c. and 75c. Special Prices on Seamless Axminister Rugs We offer special prices on Seamless Axminister Rugs. They are exceptional value 7 1-2 by 9 feet—$19.95 9 by 10 1-2 feet—$29.95 9 by 9 feet—$34.95 GROCERY SPECIALS APPLES Dried for Pies 5 ib. for 25c MATCHES 3xlarge boxes for 20c PEAS 3 tins for . .. 25c WASHING AMMONIA . 3 boxes for . . 10c FLOUR Pastry—Choice 24 lb. bag . . 65c GRAPE-NUT FLAKES 2 boxes for 23c WHEATFLAKES M-Y-.T- Nice 7 5 lb. bag . .23c RAISINS Australian Seeded 2 boxes for . . 25c COMFORT SOAP 5 bars of Comfort for 23c with dish cloth free Southcott Bros. Exeter,Phone 16 fia STANLEY J. SMITH, Teacher A. T. C. M. class 1938 Piano, Theory, Cornet, few more pupils accepted Reasonable Rates Studio, Exeter, Ont. Phone 231 A James Street Y. P. U. James Street Y. P. U. held their weekly meeting on Thursday even ing with tihe president Charles Cox ■presiding. The meetinlg was opened with a hymn followd by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. After business was discussed Irene Sweet took charge. Hannah .Mathers led in pi'-ayer followed by the scripture les son read by Arnold Ford. The topic “A New Church Faces a New World” was very well given by Harvey Hil- lan. After the singing of a ihymn a mouth origan selection was given by John Page followed with a reading given by Helen Westcott. Af-ter a contest the meeting closed with re peating the Mizipah benediction. members of the Lions Club Sarnia Thursday evening of Four were in last week taking part in a bridge tournament held by tlhe clubs in zone two. ed GOOD NEWS FOR MEN! Advance showing of New Fabrics and Styles MR. M. R. PARK, Special Johnston Approved Clothes Representative will visit us on MONDAY, APRIL 4 Why his visit is important: 1. He brings dozens of actual fabrics with him for Spring and Summer wear. 2. He brings an outstanding array of new styles and ideas created by Johnston designers. 3. His many years of experience is at your disposal. He will help you select your most becoming fabric and style. Plan to be in our store on the above date. It’s an outstanding opportunity for you to choose your new tailored-ito-measure Johnston clothes. You’ll be well rewarded if you’re there. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. J. W. Batson, of Toronto, Spent tlhe week-end visiting - Mrs. Batson and two children town. Miss Jessie Brooiks and Mr. Gor- with don Brooks, visited over the week- l of end with their aunt, Mrs. Delbridge, of town. that with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Soutihcott were in Toronto Friday and Saturday of last week whe^e they took in the In-i ternational Flower Show held in the Automotive building at the Exhibi tion grounds. It was a magnificant affair that, beggars description. One of the outstanding exhibits was of Dale’s Limited, of Brampton, their orchids, tulips, daffodils, hya cinths and other spring bloom ning into the thousands and (bank ed in a perfect setting. There were numerous otihei’ exhibits showing garden layouts, rockeries, foreign flowers that were rare and beauti ful. One of the attractions was a replica of Westminster Abbey made from sugar, with stained glass Win dows and from within could be heard the sweet music' of an organ and the singing of a choir. The exhibition is said to be the greatest ever held on the American contin ent. run- Cop Emoff, tihe local 'policeman cop ped off his Corns, Calluses and Bunions with. CreSS Corn- and Buna ion Salves. Featured by Brown* Ing's, Cole’s and all Dritrg Count ers, REMEMBER THE DATE ONE CENT SALE APRIL 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th SUPER SPECIAL GARDENIA LADIES’ SET Face Powdei' ...................$1.00 Vanishing Cream ....... .50 Perfume .................................50 SUPER SPECIAL FOR THE FAMILY Antiseptic Mi-31 .............. Shaving Cream Mi-31 .... Tooth Paste Mi-31 ........ SAVE with SAFETY a- DRUG STORE FOUR DAYS ONLY SUPER SPECIAL FOB THE MEN Gardenia Shaving Set 'Gents’ Talcum ........... IShaving Cream ............ iShaving Lotion ............... Regular $1.20Regular ........... , ALL 3 FOR 49c. Re'giulai' ....................$2.00 ALL 3 FOR 99c. .95 EXTRA SAVINGS Ext. Malt and Cod Livex’ Oil ....... Rexalllne White Vaseline ............. Peptona (iroxi tonic) .................... Riker’s French Balm .................... ... 2 for 60c. ... 2 for 26c. . 2 for $1.01 .. 2 for 51c. EXTRA SAVINGS Blood Purifier ...........•..................... 2 for $1.01 Velvo Sanitary Pads .... 2 for 3 6'0. Lady Daintee Cleansing Tissue ....... 2 for 16c. SEE BILLS FOR BIG SAVINGS ON 360 ITEMS OF EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Phone 65 COLE’S DRUG STORE (Phone Orders Accepted) SHOP — in the — MORNING n