The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-23, Page 5*
yuletide euchre and
Hensall Town Hall
at 8.30 sharp
Good Prizes —- Good Music
Fun Galore — Balloons
Streamers, Etc.
Lunch will be provided
General A4nii^sion-**85c.
Boyd and children,
visiting with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
in t/his district are
Miss Annie Jarrott, of Hillsgreen,
visited friends in town last week.
Mr. William Fee visited with his.
friends in London for a few days
last week.
Mr. Nelson Blatchford has been
very poorly at his home for several
Mr. William Dow has been very
poorly for several weeks at his home
on Queen St.
A special Christmas service will
be held in St. Paul’s Anglican ehurch
on Christmas Day.
Mr. William Dow, of Windsor, is
visiting with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. William Dow Sr,
Mr. Owen Geiger has been confin
ed to his home for several days suf
fering from a severe cold.
’ The Rink Committee are busy1 get
ting the rink flooded and hope to
have skating for Christmas.
'Commencing next week tihe Hen
sall stores will he closed Tuesday
evenings for the winter months.
Mr. Alex Filshie, who has been
attending the University of Toronto
is home for the 'Christmas holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Ohas. A. McDonell
accompanied by their daughters Dor
othy and Mildred visited in London
last week,
Mrs. Norman
of Guelph, are
Boyd’s parents
■The farmers
taking advantage of the good sleigh
ing and are hauling a lot of saw logs
to Welsh’s saw mill.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Parsons who celebrated their
forty-second wedding anniversary
at their,home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Bowen, of 'Grand Bend, were visitors
with relatives in town on Sunday.
Miss Ethel Murdock is assisting
at the post office during the Christ
mas rush. The Christmas mail so
far, has been the heaviest in years.
Miss Mildred JFollick nurse-in-
'training- at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, speht the week-end here with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fol-'
Mr. Geo. Ramsay, of Toronto, is
spending the ’Christmas holidays
with his uncle Mr. Will Reynolds
and aunts, Miss Reynolds and Mrs.
Mr. Norman Sinclair and his sist
er Miss Marion Sinclair^ olf Toronto,
•are spending the Christmas holidays
with their parents Rev. Arthur and
Mrs. Sinclair.
Miss Minnie Reid was in Goderich
on Monday last attending the funeral
.of her cousin the late Miss Matheson
who died there from pneumonia and
heart failure.
Mrs. Ostberg, of Dominion City,
Man., accompanied by her daughter
Mrs. Baskerville, of Airnaut, Man.,
.are visiting with Mrs. Ostberg’s sis
ter Mrs. James Simpson.
Miss Lois MoClinchey, bride-elect
of Saturday was recently presented
by Miss Ellis’ Sunday School class,
with a handsome water set accom
panied by their best wishes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton accom
panied by Mrs. John ’Stewart and
Mrs. Geo. ‘Snell, of Exeter and Mr.
(Hogan, of Lucknow, left on Wednes
day for Florida, where they will
spend the winter.
Mrs. Manson’s group Of the
Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Presbyterian
church held a sale of home made
cooking in Mrs. gangster’s store on
Thursday afternoon. A nice sum of
money was realized.
The Hensall Public and Continu-
1 ation Schools closed for the Christ
mas holidays on Wednesday after
noon. Each school held their own
entertainment and Christmas Tree
the same day, providing splendid
programs. A large number of patents
and friends of tlxe pupils were pres
ent ■ to enjoy the afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hudson have
received woi’d from their son Cecil
Hudson that his wife had passed
away at their home in Chicago on
December 13th after a few days ill
ness from pheumonia. The funeral
took place from her late home in
Chicago on December l(6ith with in-
. terment in a Chicago cemetery. Ce
cil’s many friends'here will be very
. sorry to hear oif his sad loss.
Get Rid Of The
Cough That Sticks
Don’t Let It Settle
In The Bronchial Tubes
Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine
Loosens The Phlegm and Mucous
Dislodges Accumulations
Mr. Fred Smallacombe opened up
his new restaurant the "Cosy CQr-
ner” for business on Saturday morn
ing. It is in the former Bank of
Commerce building which Mr. Small
acombe recently purchased and is on
the best corner in town. Both the
dining room and restaurant are
beautifully finished and equipped
with everything necessary and is
the equal of any large city restaurant
Mr. Smallacombe is to be congratu
lated on his enterprise.
A trip through the different Hen
sall stores on Monday, .showed that
the merchants are doing a big Christ
mas business. Every store was
crowded with buyers who seemed de
lighted with the largej varied and
beautiful stocks of,Christmas goods
to choose from. The windows of
each store are very attractive. Every
effort will be made to look after the
wants of the large crowd of buyers
who will be in town on Thursday af
ternoon for the Community Christ
mas Tree.
Hensall W. I.
A meeting of the Hensall Women’s
Senior Institute was held on Wed
nesday evening last at the home ot
Mrs. R. J. Moore. The meeting op
ened with the singing of the Insti
tute Ode and "Joy to the World,”
this was followed by the Lord’s pray
er in unison. A business period was
held, the roll called and which was
answered with "What I Would Like
for Christmas," The motto "Peace
on Earth, Good Will Towards Men,”
was given by Miss Mabel Workman.
A piano instrumental by Miss Ruth
Young and a vocal solo by Rev. W.
A. Young. A splendid and very in
teresting address on "'Conservation
and Reforestration” was given by
Mr. Ian McLeod, of Clinton, Huron
County Agricultural representative,
and guest speaker pf the evening.
‘‘Silent Night, Holy Night’’ was sung'
and the Mizpah benediction pro
nounced. A social half hour was
then spent, Christmas gifts exchang
ed and lunch served.
S. S. Entertainment
The Sunday .School of St. Paul’s
Anglican church held their entertain
ment and Christmas Tree in the
basement of the church on Friday
evening. There was a 'beautifully
decorated 'Christmas ‘Tree loaded
with presents. Santa Claus was pres
ent to distribute the presents from
the tree. This was Santa’s first visit
to Hensall this Christmas time and
his visit was greatly enjoyed by
those present and he expected to be
in Hensall several more times before
Christmas day. A splendid program
was presented with' Rev. M. A.. Hunt
acting as chairman. A play, the story
of Bethlehem was given by the schol
ars of the Sunday School; recitation
"A Christmas Tip” by Fred Robin
son; song, '‘Holy Night” by Shirley
Wolff and Mona,Hedden; recitations
by Mona McEwen, Shirley Wolff and
Helen Wolf f. musical selections by
George Pearce on the guitar and Geo.
Ramsay on the month organ.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the United Church manse
on Saturday afternoon December 18
at 2.3 0, when Rev. Arthur Sinclair
united in marriage Laius Mary Mc
Clinchey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Janies McClinchey, of Hensall, .and
Jack Mervyn Russell Tinney, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tinney, of Hay
Township. Mrs. Manley Jinks, sis
ter olf the bride was bridesmaid and
Mr. Manley Jinks was groomsman.
The charming bride was gowned in
a Royal taffeta ankle length gown
on princess lines with bolero jacket
and accessories to match. The
bridesmaid’s dress was of glory blue
crepe, trimmed in silver. After the
ceremony a wedding dinner was ser
ved at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iVl.
Jinks to the immediate relatives
and friends. Tlhe dining room was
beautifully decorated and the bride’s
table was centred with the wedding
cake. After dinner the young couple
left on a motor trip to London and
other points."' -The bride’s travelling
dress was of navy taffeta trimmed
in silver, wiiie coat with black trim
mings and wine colored ihat with ac
cessories to match. On their return
they will reside on the groom’s farm
on the Blind1 Line, Hay Township.
Mr. and Mrs. T'inney have the best
wishes of their many friends.
Villugto Council
The last regular meeting of the
Village Council was held on Wed
nesday last, at 8 p.m. as per Statute
in the Council Chambers with all the
members present. Minutes of the
previous meeting were. read. Jones
& .Shepherd that the . minutes be
adopted as.,, read. Carried.
C. Moore appeared -as a delegate
from the Chamber of Commerce ask- ■
ing for tihe usual grant for the
Christmas . ’f'ree. Twitchell & (Shep
herd: That we grant tihe Chambei* ■
of Commerce ten dolalrs toward the '
Christmas. I’ree. Carried.
George.Fee reported re Toll Tax <
collections as being very good,
F. G. Bonthron, Tax iCollector
ported re Tax Collections the
rears being $936,216? same being
per cent, less than last year.
Jones & Shepherd; That the CoL
lector he instructed not to collect
business taxes of Southcott Bros.. aL
so B. Hicks.’ carried.
Brock & Twitchell: That wo ex
tend Tax toll until next re/gniar
meeting. Carried,
Communications read as follows:
county Tfoasufpr
re Tax Deed;
of Highways re Traffic Dy-
Same filed.
Bills and accounts:
Chamber of Commerce, Christmas
tree, $10,00; County Terasurer, tax
Deed $3.76; O. Twitchell, telephone
and car expense $2.00; I, Geiger
teaming streets and rink $'9.2'0; ,A.
W- E. Hemphill, supplies hall $3.75;
$10.0'0; j
lights $1,006.00',' County of Huron,
County rates $1510,17; School Bd.,
school rates $34<5I6.I17; Publie Lib
ray, library rates $195.20; H. Bell,
labour rink $3.40; R. Hedden, ditto
$4.00; Levi Rands ditto $3.2'0; W.
Taylor "streets $14.50, rink $3.20,
total $1.7.70; total $6240.98..
Jones & Brock: That we pay Coun
cillor Twitchell $2.00 for car ex
penses and telephone calls. Carried.
Brock & Twitchell: That accounts
as read be paid. Carried.
Jones & .Shepherd; That we ad
journ. Carried
James A, Paterson, Clerk
Death of Mrs. Richard Blatchford,,
Mrs. Charlotte Blatchford, widow,
of the late Richard Blatchlford and a
well-known and highly respected
resident of Hensall for over 20
years passed away on Saturday af
ternoon at the .home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Jinks. She was in her 85th
year. Mrs. Blatchford /had been in
■poor health for some time and about
ten days ago. suffered a severe stroke
from which she failed to rally. She
was a daughter olf the late Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Harvey, of Usborne
Township and spent her early life
there. About 3 7 years ago she
ried Richard Blatchford and
to live in North Dakota. They
moved back to Exeter, coming
Exeter to Hensall aibout 20 years
ago. After the death of Mr. iBtlatch-
ford five years ago she lived for sev
eral years with her brother, the late
Charles Harvey, of Exeter. Two
years ago she came back to Hensall
and has since resided with her step
daughter, Mrs.
where she has had the best of nurs
ing and care.
the Hensall United church and was
an active and willing church worker.
.She is survived by one brother “Wes
ley Harvey, of British Columbia, and
two sisters in Saskatchewan. The
late Joseph, Charles and Thomas
Harvey, of Exeter were brothers of
the ' .
Union cemetery,
vices at the church and the grave
were conducted by her pastor, Rev.
Arthur iSinclair. Miss Florence
Welsh sang a beautiful solo "The
Unbroken Circle" at the churcUr ser
vice, The pallibearers were: Messrs.
Meryin Brown, John Passmore,. Wil
liam Woods. G. Dunn, Luther Row-
cli'ffe and Frank Down. Among those
who attended the funeral from a
distance were; Mrs. Thos. Harvey,
Mr. E. C. Harvey, Mrs. E. Buswell.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie, Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Coates, of Exeter and Harold
iSherritt, of Toronto. A large num
ber of
ed the
gravel, 'Streets and rink
Moore Bros., repairs hall,
Municipal World, supplies
Hydro Commission, street
12-J6-2tp»We have choice quality New Raisins, Currants, Dates,
Bleached Sultanas, Cherries, Peels (cut or whole), Pineapple
Rings, all colors, Almonds, Walnuts, Spices and Flavorings,
Everything for your Christmas Cake or Mincemeat.
WX’RSDAY, DEO1BEH 23, 1087
Charles Jinks and
She was a member of
deceased. The funeral was
from the United church, Hen-
on Monday afternoon, inter
taking place in the Hensall
The funeral ser-
relatives and friends attend-
funeral to pay their last re-
Christmas Services
'Christmas services were held
■the different churches in Hensall
.Sunday and large congregations were
out, to enjoy the services.
United Church
At the United Church the pastor
Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached both
morning and evening, his sermons
being appropriate for the Christmas
.season. The choir had special
Christmas music prepared. Those tak-
inng special parts at the morning
service were: solo and choir, Mrs. A.
Clark; anthem, "I Bring Good Tid
ings”; soloist, Miss Florence Welsh,
Miss McMurchy and Mr. Harry Hor
ton; solo, a French carol5 Dr. Smil-
lie. At the evening service the
choir again had‘a splendid musical
program. Those assisting in the’
special parts were: solo and choir,
Mr. Harry Horton; solo and Choir,
Mr. Claud Blowes; anthem, “Glory
to God”; soloist, Mr. W. O. Goodwin
anthem, "Above the Hills"; soloist,
Dr. Smillie; solo and choir Miss
Carmel (Presbyterian Church
Beautiful services were held
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
pastor Rev. W. A. Young, occupying
t.he pulpit, both morning and even
ing and giving splendid Christmas
addresses. The church was nicely
decorated with Christmas ’frees and
holly. Tlhe choir had special Christ
mas music prepared. At the morning
service they gave
hold’’ and "Trust
with the
Junior Class of girls dressed in their
pantomine gowns. They sang carols
out Of the Cantata "The Nativity of
Christ." Miss Margaret Dougal saftg
a solo entitled "o Love'ly Star*1 with
the Junior choir girls coming in on
the chorus. The anthems given by
the regular choir were: "Christmas
Bells" and "Glory to God." >
Bt, prniVs Anglican Church
At St. Paul’s Anglican Church a
special Christmas service was hold
on Sunday morning with the Rector
Rev. M. a. Hunt giving a splendid
Christmas address, The choir had
special Christinas music prepared
especially Christmas Carols.
two antihems "Be-
in God" and a
Mrs. James W.
First Christmas
solo by
In the evening along
regular choir there was a
Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D,£>.£.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office .over the Post Office, In Zu
rich, last three days of week.
PR. W, B, COXON, B.V. Sc.
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 96 Zurich, Ont.
We wish to advise our customers
that we have moved our stock of
mill feed grain and concentrates
from the chopping mill to the rear
Of our store and will be pleased to
serve you from this location at any
J. 0. REID & CO.
(Season’s Greetings — As minister
of the Calvary Evangelical Church,
Dashwood, I hereby extend greet
ings, with best wishes for a very
merry Christmas and a prosperous
happy new year to the general pub
lic in this district. Those who have
met with misfortune^ sickness, sor
row or bereavement during the past
year are especially thought of in
this word of cheer and good wishes.
Tlhe Mission Circle will sing
Christmas Carols to the shut-ins on
Christmas Eve and after
service the band with
Christmas Carols.
Miss Anna Tieman is
few days in Toronto this week.-
Miss Mary Martinson, of Elmira^
is visiting with her sister this week,
Mrs. Ro'bt. Hayter spent a few
days in Centralia with her mother
Mrs. Willert who is confined to her
home through illness.
There was no service in the Luth
eran Church last .Sunday evening
owing to the illness of the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Luft.
John C. Reid was porn in Stanley
Township near Varna, Ontario, on
November 5t'h, 1866 and after a lin
gering illness he passed away in
quiet sleep on Thursday morning
December 16, 1937i; He reached the
age of 71 years, if’month and
days. His youth
hood were spent
Varna. About 19
to Dashwood and
keeping and -lias
well and favorably known to the
general public in this entire district.
His passing away has removed from
our midst a devoted husband, a kind
father a .good citizen and a true
friend. He mourn his loss
a ‘ sorrowing widow, two daughters
Laura Mae (Mrs.-'Gordon Elliott) of
Thedford , and Phyllis at (home. Also
one grandchild, five sisters and one
brother. The funeral was held on
Saturday afternoon, private, with
Rev. Mr. Koppel officiating. Inter
ment in Exeter Cemetery. Pall bear
ers were Henry Schrader, Ed. Nadi-
ger, Reuiben Goetz, David Tieman
John Madden and Henry Eagleson.
Ladies’ Aid
The Ladies Aid^of Zion Lutheran
church held their Annual meeting on
December 8th in the school room of
the church. 'The pastor Rev. T. Luft
opened the meeting with a prayer
and a discourse on St. Matthew chap
ter 1, verse 16, followed by singing
of .hymn "It Came Upon tlhe Mid
night Clear,” The business meet
ing was then taken over and con
ducted by the president Mrs. T.
Luft. In spite of the inclement
weather nineteen members respond
ed to the roll call. The minutes of
t’lie previous meeting were read, ap
proved and adopted. After the var
ious committees reported on the
activities of the month, the meeting
held its election of officers for the
ensuing year.
President, Mrs. T. Luft; Vice-
President, Mrs. J. Schroeder; Secre
tary, Mrs. H. Wein; Treasurer, Mrs.
R. Hayter; Work’ Committee, Mrs.
H. Rader, Mrs. D. Schroeder; Social
Committee; Mrs. M. Laub, Mrs. F.
Fassold, Mrs. T. Miller; Entertain
ment Committee, Mrs. W. Klein-
stiver, Mrs. L. Restemeyer, Mrs. A.
Kuntz; Pianist, Mrs. T'. Luft; Mem
bership Committee, Mrs. F. Preeter,
Mrs. J, Willert; Parsonage Commit
tee, Mrs. F. Guenttner, Mrs. E. Kraft
Librarians, Mrs. Wm. Musser, Mrs.
G. Merner ;• Auditors, Mrs. Ed. Wil
lert, Mrs. A. Keller. The meeting
closed by singing "Silent* Night, Holy
Night” and the Lord’s prayer in uni
the church
also play
spending a
and young man-
on a farm near
years ago he .came
took up store-
thereby become
Y. P. M. U Annual
The Young peoples’ Mission Circle
Of the Dashwood Evangelical church
Held their anntial business meeting
and election of officers recently in
the church basement. Harry Hoff
man occupied the chair for the
Christmas program whidih -consisted
of chapter four of the Study Book
"The Young Moslems Looks at Life"
by Myrtle Gaiser; a Ghristmas read
ing by Miss Gertrude amy: a clar
inet duet by Stuart and Murray
Wolfe and a solo, "Star of the East"
iby Harry Hoffman also the Scripture
Lesson by Carl Gestbicher. Rev. H.
E. ROppel then took chage of the
meeting, The secretary, Miss Aldefth
Eaglesoft reported the ifteiftberslhip
and fift average of 19 nt the meet
ings. The treasurer, Miss Rlla Mar
tinson sent in a report showing a
total of $39.82 raised during the
year. The report*of,“the nominat
ing committee was than given by
Miss Myrtle Gaiser and the election
resulted as follows; president, Miss
We have a. large assortment of Christmas Capdies ip bulk
or fancy boxes.
Fresh Christmas Nuts mixed or separate.
New Oranges, all sizes
Prices and Quality are the best we have ever beep able
to offer you.
Special Reduced Prices for School and Xmas Concerts.
FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—California Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit
Cranberries, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Carrots Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Par
snips, Onions, Etc.; also Oysters, Codfish, Fillets of Haddies and Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon
Phone 102 We Deliver
Anna Tieman; Vice-President, Stuart
Wolfe; Secretary, Miss Aldene Eag-
leson; Treasurer, Miss Mrytle Gais-
er; Pianist, Donald Oestriclher; As
sistant pianist, Miss Gertrude Hoff
man; Librarians, Gerald Mason
Walter Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Geromette
of London, is spending two weeks
vacation with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Shubert and babe
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Halkan, of
Detroit, visited with Mr. and
Houla'han last Sunday.
Mr. Gordon O’Rourke spent
week-end at London.
iMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hagon
Mr. Abraham Desjardine spent
urday in London.
Mr.s. Isaac Gower and grandchild,
Shirley Brunzlowj of 'Centralia,
spent a few days last week with her
daughters Mrs. J. Bullock and Mrs.
Ross Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner and
daughter Audrey spenr Thursday in
Exeter with Mrs. R. Stewart.
Mr. Charles Anderson spent Mon
day in London.
Mr. G. Parker and Vera Edwards,
of Ingersoll, spent the week-end with
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and
children and Mr, Sam Lawson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David
Sturgeon near Grand Bend,
dohfluiui CHRISTMAS
Re: JANET MOIR, late of the Vil
lage of Hensall, in the County of
Huron, Spinster deceased.
claims against the estate of the said
deceased are required to send full
particulars of such claims duly veri
fied to the undersigned on or before
January 15, 1938, after which?!date
the Executors will proceed to dis
tribute the^ assets of the said estate
having regard only to the claims or
which notice 'has been received, .
DATED this 22nd day of Decem
ber, 1937,
Good going Thursday, December 23 until 2 p.m. Sunday. December 26. Return
limit to leave destination not later than midnight, Monday, December 27, 1937.
Also good going Thursday. December 30 until 2 p.m. Sunday, January 2. Returning
to leave destination not later than midnight, Monday, January 3. 1938.
Solicitor fur’Executors
Exeter, Ontario
J What more appreciated Gift than a prepaid rail- )
1 tl,c£et for R anywhere in Canada or >
United States? Ask about this convenient plan. J
-■Tickets tand complete information from any agent
Good going Tuesday. December. 21 until Sunday, January 2 inclusive. Return limit
to leave destination jiot later than midnight, Friday, January 7, 1938.
more massive/ <Thm rich interior
appointments of the cat match its
outward beauty. Longer bodies pro
vide more room and comfort and
there is larger luggage space in all
models. The De Luxe car is pow
ered with the proved .85 horse
power V-8 engine. Shown above
(top photograph) is the De Luxe
Fordor Sedan.
The Standard Ford V-8 for 1958
brings new styling with a longer
TpORD MOTOR Company of Can-
A ada, Limited, announces the new
Ford V-8 cars for 1938. For the
first time Ford presents two dis
tinct lines, the De Luxe Ford V-8
—a big luxury car—and the newly
styled Standard Ford V-8.
The De Luxe Ford V-8 car is
entirely new in appearance, longer,
roomier and more streamlined. The
front design is modem and dis
tinctive. Fenders are deeper and
hood and flowing curves. Interiors
are spacious and neatly appointed.
New instrument panels have knobs
recessed for safety. The radiator
grille louvres continue back into
the hood to present smooth flowing
body lines from bumpei’ to bumper.
It is built on the same 112-inch
wheelbase as the new De Luxe and
has the famous Ford V-8 engine.
The new Standard Tudor Sedan is
shown above (lower photograph).
••••••Now on Display at our Showrooms
Phone 64 o < 1WTTYXZ -per y TOHT kMrXjLXw -JLyr JL -JmBwHmm JKmJI JKft JU Exeter