The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-09-23, Page 8<3 Thursday, September 23, it>37 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * •Of.0 Scalp Treatment Exeter Markets A Reminder! Don’t miss these. The c’xrective scalp treatment is the foundation for all -beautiful hair. You will find them relaxing and comfortable. It gives new life to the hair and the blood circulation is built up. These are preventatives f'.’r Alo- peua, pityriasis, psoreais and all Other scalp disorders. V’s Beauty Shoppe 112 for Appointments Successui’ to Miss H. Smith 3 Wheat $1.10 Oats 43c Manitoba’s Best $3.95 Welcome Flour $3.15 Shorts $1.80 Bran $1.70 Low Grade Flour $2.25 Creamery Dairy Eggs,Eggs, Eggs,Hogs Butter 31-3 2 c. Butter 24c, to 27c. A large 24e. medium 22c. C H6c.$10.00 LOCALS and Mi’s. Ben Elder, of Ubly, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. of town and with Mr. the Mr. Mich., Kuntz, Mrs. H. Either, of Crediton, ter part of the week. and lat-Your Business sil-and Reward LOST—In Exeter, black ver Parkex’ fountain pen. Kindly leave at Times-Advocate. ltp Appreciated No Matter How Small With the longer evenings just ahead you will want your eyes in the best possible condition. To be sure of this see. C. E. ZURBRIGG, io. Successor to S. Fitton at Exeter For Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices Open every week day except Wednesday -Itz $ 5 Ladies’ Winter Coats CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist In the cloths and styles that you will like. You will find a splendid as­ sortment from which to choose. You do not have to pay a big price here. - Our special prices range from TENDERS WANTED—By Satur­ day night for the painting of the outside of the Oddfellows Block. Tenderer to supply -paint and to start work Monday. For further particulars apply to the Secretary, E. A. How’ald. ■ FOR SALE—10 0 Barred Reck pullets. Apply to Mrs. Garnet Min­ ers. Phone Kirkton 32r9. 2tp FOR SALE—.Several malt barrels and milk powder barrels. Apply at Middleton’s Bakery. ltp WANTED—A man to work on the farm for the winter. Apply to Times-Advocate. PRIVATE SALE—at the home of Mrs. T. Collins, Khiva, on Saturday afternoon next: wrashstand, Vietro- la, 3 large tables, 6 chairs, cupboard, box stove, cook washstand, wash tub and rocker coal-oil stove and-*other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. glass stove, board, TO RENT—Rooms, newly decor­ ated, hard-wood floors, hot and cold soft water all year, town wrater, lights, use of phone and frigidaire, cellar, garden, fruit trees and small fruits. Apply at Time^-Advocate. ■Blow torch, ensilage 32 Ap- St., FOR SALE- fork, springs for trailer, belting ft 3 inch, belting 10 ft. 1A inch, ply to Joshua Johns, Andrew north of Victoria St., Exeter 9123-2tc. toBUY OR SELL—If yo-u wish buy or sell a farm or house see— C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—John Deere sugar beet lifter, lever lift, practically new. Apply Mrs. M. Simpson, Clandeboye R.R. 1. FOR colony cutter, Ralph SALE — Cream separator, house 10 x 12 feet, buggy, set light sleighs. Apiply to Willis, Exeter. FOR SIALE — 3-furrow tractoi’ plow, stiff tooth cultivator, tractoi' lift. Apply to John Strange, Ma­ guire. ' ltp Cash paid foi* dead animals or fertlizier horses, phone 341'15, Dash­ wood. We pay phone call. Jack Williams. 9-30-3tp FOR SALE—1927 Ford, coupe, newlj- painted, new top, mechanic­ ally O.K., $20.00. Apply to Keith McLaren, Cromarty. ltp. FOR SALE1—.Quebec Heater with oven and pipe. Very reasonable. Apply at People’s Cash Shoe Store. FOR RENT—Ai modern home on William street; also- office ox’ store. Apply to J. W. Ward. NEED A HOUSE? See my list of houses, some__ __ . _ _____ ___ with acreage for gulden, rruit, chickens; also -1-931 Essex c oupe. Prised rea­sonably.—WM. PEARCE, Exeter. FOti SALE—Two farms, 70 and 100 acres. Weil located. Both with ■good houses, bank barns. Land and buildings in good condition. Both good buys.;—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. NOTICE — The Dashwood Cider Mill will be open every working day in the week.—Alex Zimmer, p.rop. 9-15-4tp. NOTICE—Persons wanting same quality (gravel as used in Exeter sidewalks or reservoir phone 171r3 Exeter. Our truck, will deliver gra­ vel from this pit. Cudmore, Gravel. Exeter Ideal Meat Market Main St.Phone 38 Mr. Silas Reed, of Byron, was in Exetex* fox’ Fail* Day. The again Mr. ed on week. Mr. visited .... l-ast w’eek'. M-xs. J. A. a couple of and Toronto, Miss "Ruth Frasei’ returned to London Sunday aftex- spending two weeks at her home. Kirkton Fair will be held Thurs­ day and Friday of next week, Sept. 30th and Octobex’ '1-st. Mr. Cyril Cornish friend ixx Beamsville week-end at Niagara Mrs. Jas. Fiancis; visited with hex’ parents, Mrs. Geo. Jaques this week. M.r. Petei’ Case is again able out after being confined to his for a week through illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollen the week-end visiting with the for­ mer’s brothex’ at Flint, Miclx. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton, of Pt. Elgin, visited with Mrs. N. Hannigan over the week-end. Miss Ruth Fraser has- returned to Londoxx after recuperating from her recent operation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murray and son Douglas, of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hay on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. John Johns, Sr., of town, ■who quietly celebrated Mr. R. V. Case, station-mastei’ of Wyoming, has been transferred to the Agency at Dunnville. On Saturday Mrs. Geo. Jaques ■picked a quart box of raspberries from her garden. The bushes were loaded with green berries. Mrs. Hattie- Kilmer, of St. Thom­ as, has returned to her home after visiting fox- a few weeks with her brother M.r. George Penhale. -Mr. Allan Hobibs, of Galt, and Miss L. Bowman, of Preston, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Southcott over the week-end. Mrs. (Dr.) Case, Case, * ~ weekly half holidays over for another season. A. E. Fuke, of London, friends in town one day are call- Iasi of friends and Jeffery Carrick, with Wasago, relatives Stewart is visiting for weeks in Bownianville visited with a and spent the Falls. of Tavistock, Mr. and to be home spent on Friday last his 89th birthday, who has been the the C. N. R. at o. Mr. Benson of Toronto, and Mr. G. McTaggart, of Watford, were recent visitors with Mrs. HcTaggart. Mrs. Eva Hummeston and daugh­ ter, Miss Helena and Mr. Fred Brown, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes on Sunday. Mr. D. C. Crittendpn, of St. Thom­ as, visited with his ibrother-in-law Mr. George Penhale for several days and 'called on old friends in town. It looked like old times to see Mr. Jack Mallett, of London, par­ ade with the Exeter band and handle the snare-drum Fair Day. •Mr. and -Mrs. E. J. Harwood, Mrs. John Davidson and daughter MiSs Viola, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May last week. Former residents of Exeter who were in town for Faix’ Day were: Mr. G. K. Heaman, of Toronto; Mr. J. T. Scott, of Toronto; Mr. and 4rs. 0. F. Hooper, Mr. John Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. Walter; Dearing, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ogden, Mr. T’. H. M-cCal- lum, Mr. Geo. Willig, Mr. and Mrs. G-. R. Ferguson, all of London.♦ S. E. People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Partlo, Prop. Phone 131w “Shoes to fit the Family”Ontario SPECIAL New Fall Shoes Men’s Work Shoes For Values to $2.49 BROKEN LINES Mostly large sizes $1.79 a pr. All members of the family in all the popular styles and materials See the New Fall Shades in Butterfly Hosiery 10 a.m.—Sundajr School 11 a.m.—Public Worship Subject: ‘The Gate of the Church’ Evening service withdrawn in rec- ognitioxx of the Harvest Home in the Trivitt Memorial Church. Friday, October 17tlx—Our 76tlx An­ niversary, Rev. C. S. Oke, of Knox Chui ch, Stratford, will conduct the service. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Men’s and Boys’ Winter Coats If it is a good Winter Coat you are looking for, let us show you some of the smartest styles and the best cloths you- will see this season. These Coats were bought before advance in prices and we are passing this saving on to you. Boys’ $6.95 to $12.50 . Men’s $16.50 to $30.00 on Sunday. Marjorie and Oakland, Cal., on Tuesday to Jean arriv- ma’ke Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston ‘’Organist and Choir Leader 11a.nx.—Rev. J. W. Penrose Subject: “Man’s perogative of the Human Will” p.m.—-Sunday School. Special Rally Day service .Mr. ThoH. Pryde will be the speaker, Special music. p.m.—The Minister Sunday, October 31st, Church Anni­ versary. 3 7 Regent Yarns and Knitted Goods We have taken the agency for this well known and popular line of Yarns and Knitted Goods. We carry a full range of colors in Sea Shell 15c, Sea Gull 22c, Sea Beach 25c, Sea Hawk 25c, Bonnie Lass 25c LOCAL NEWS Mr. Lome Johnston spent the week-end ixx Toronto. Miss Pearl Wood returned Satur­ day after visiting ixx Toronto. Hex’ sister, Miss Olive Wood, motored up with her and spent the forepart of the week here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Elder, of Ubly, Mich., Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, Miss Dor­ othy Kuntz and Miss Ella Link spent Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bickell, in Londoxx. Mr. and Mis. Hector Taylor, Mrs. A. Gunning, Mrs. Fred Delbridge, Mrs. Geo. Jaques and Mrs. H. Kyle, attended the memorial services at Zion cemetery The, Misses Hagerinan, of ed ixx Exeter their home with their aunts Mrs. Horney and Miss Maud Horton. Mr. and Mrs. James' Jewell re­ turned home Saturday aftex- visiting fox* a week iix London. Mr. and Mis. W. Bradt and family came up with them and spent the week-end. Miss Reta Rowe, Rowe and Bob Dinney motored to Toronto for the week-end and were accompanied home by Miss Vera Rowe, who has been holidaying in Toronto and Hamilton. The following were visitors in the home Of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John­ ston: Mr. Frank Ross, of London; Mr. Thos. Webster, Mrs. H. Alton, Mr. John Durnin and his father all of West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Tor­ onto; iMiss Allie Eacrett, of Preston Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eac-rett, Wood- stock; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Forrest, of New Jersey and -Mr. Reg. Beavers of -St. Catharines, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mr's. N. J. Dore return­ ed Monday from a very enjoyable boat trip down the St.... Lawrence and up the Saugenay-rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Dore accompanied a party of C. N. R. ticket .agents and thexx* wives numbering about one hundred. They took the boat at Toronto across Lake Ontario, through the Thou­ sand Islands and the rapids to Mont­ real. At Montreal they boarded an­ other boat for the trip up the Sau- gnay which is one of rare beauty. They also paid a visit to the his­ toric city of old Old Quebec. The regulax* meeting of the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Horney oh Tuesday evening, Sept. 2-8th. Meeting to commence at 7.45. Miss Ena Gooding, of London, will resume her classes in dancing in Exeter on Friday, September 24. Mrs. Howald, of Denfield, will be at the home of Silas Stanlake for readings, on Saturday afternoon and evening, September 25th. Anyone wishing to have a reading1 please call. VETERANS ATTENTION The first fall meeting of Canadian Branch of the B. E. S. L. will be held in the Legion Rooms on Friday, September 24th. As there are many items of business to discuss a full attendance of members is requested. the EXETER PUBLIC CEMETERY o Those desiring bulbs planted this fall please communicate with the Caretaker, K. G. Clarke not later than .September 30, 1937. Phone, 13r3. Thames Road Farmer’s Club are booking orders for hard coal, Al­ berta coal and coke. Order at once to get in on September prices. We have lots of salt on hand. P. Pass- more, Secretary. HENS CULLED New is the time to get your hens culled. Price fox’ 501 or undex* 50c.; ovex* that .01c. per hen. We cull for age and laying qualities and will buy your hens if you wish. We have a nice lot of Pullets for sale yet. If you are interested, write or phone for prices. Phone 38-3, Granton. A. H. SWITZER, Granton, Ont. NOTICE The Fullarton Cider and Apple- ibutter Mill will be in operation on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week starting, Tuesday, Octo- bei* 5 th, CHOPPING—Monday, Wednesday .and Friday LORNE E. HARMER phone: Kirkton 65r4 9-23-3tC MEN — Ambitious, active, trust­ worthy, preferably with car, exper­ ience helpful but hot essential, to distribute household, farm medicinal and alimentary products in .reserved territories, for willing workers. Complete information, write; FAM- ILEX PRODUCTS CO., 570 St. Cle­ ment St., Montreal, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 11 3 Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and a.m.—Fourth “Miracles” ' p.m.—-Rally Day sion . of school. Douglas Hill, B.A., p.m.—The Minister Service in Main 7 Thursday—Prayer Street at 7.30 Choir-Leader sermon on Service.. Open Speaker B.D. the . ses- Rev. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middleniiss Hai’vest Festival a.m.—-Holy Communion 10 a.m.—‘Sunday School 1/1 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon Rev. Waltei’ Jones Anthem—“I will feed 7 p.m.—Evensong andRev. A. L. M’anley, Anthem: “Sing to the vest” The harvest this year has been bountiful and the church asks for a special offering in return. Let each and everyone endeavox’ to be pres­ ent. 8 my flock” ' ' Sermon B.A., Lord of Har- ‘4 Be Permanently Beautiful ........... A Permanent Wave will you that Fashionable Look every girl and woman desires* Look Your Loveliest This Fall. give that G. M. Simpson Phone 245 JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s Best Domestic Coal Just the fuel for this tiifre year. Phone 157J for a trial ton. of JAS. P. BOWEY ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ Miss Marjory Hern, of Togo, Sask., spent the past week visiting witn Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques and with the Hern relatives in this commun­ ity. Mrs. Jaques and Miss Hern al­ so visited with. Mr. and Mrs. James Francis in Tavistock. Miss Hern has left to visit with friends at Rouyn, Que., and leaves from- Montreal to motor home with friends. The crops are a total failure in their district, the worst they have ever had. <? Kenwood Famous All-wool Blankets The Kenwood label is your guarantee of quality. These all wool blan­ kets are pre-shrunk at the mill and dyed with the most permanent dyes ob­ tainable. They come in all colors of the rainbow, and are obtainable in plain and reversible Plain Shades $5.95 Reversible $9.50 GROCERY SPECIALS r COOKING ONIONS 10 lb. bag . . 25c PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bags. 79c RUBBER RINGS White, Heavy Quality Perdoz. .?......5c. Best Quality ZINC RINGS Per doz. ....... 19c PORK & BEANS Libby’s ’ 3 large tins . . 25c CROWN FRUIT JARS 1 doz. pints .. 99c 1 doz. quarts 1.15 SPECIAL Chase and Sanborn DATED COFFEE Per lb.................36c VINEGAR Spirit or Blended Best Quality Cj&le ••••••• 35c Peaches Peaches Peaches are now at their best for canning. We would appreciate your order. Price and qualty guaranteed. >■ Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Driver Exonerated Aix inquest into the death of Miss Helen Heywood, who died September 3rd following an accident while rid­ ing on the front fender of an auto­ mobile near Kincardine oxx July 14th was held ixx London Friday evening. The coroner’s jury exonerated the driver holding that lxe - was not to blame for the fatality but recom­ mended that riding on the outside of cars be forbidden. Martin Lake, aged 24, o-f London, who was engag­ ed to Miss Heywood, was the driver of the car. T-b-e injured girl suffer­ ed a fractured spine when the wheels of the car pa'ssed over hex’ body after being thrown from the fender of the car. Four Londoners were rid- 1 in-g on the car. Mr. Lake and Dun­ can Little were inside th-e coupe while on the two front fenders were Miss Heywood and Bertha 'McLean. They had driven a Tittle more than a mile from Kincardine to a swim­ ming beach and were driving along the sand of the beach when the front wheels dropped into a wash out throwing both girls off the fenders. Miss McLean was thrown cleai’ tout Miss Heywood fell beneath the front wheels. j In the reports of the Penny Bank for the months of -May and June the average weekly -percentage bf pupils' of the Exetex* Public -School who made deposits was 39 per cent. Tlh-e total amount on deposit at the end of June 19-37 was $65-4.16 as com­ pared With $732.21 the year pre­ vious. * . PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION PENTECOSTAL * Services for Sunday—2 p.m., 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Here as your Opportunity of hearing Evangelist GORDON MILL in his soul-stirring messages of the last days. Sunday a special Rally Day—commencing with Mrs. Gordon Mill givfrg special Object Lesson to the Junior ^Sunday School at 2 p.m. " We invite you to come early for Sunday fright as we had a capacity audience last week. . Pastor, J. T. EDGAR J Fall & Winter Clothes / Tailored Smartness MEN Come in an see our New Fall Samples. Patterns to suit all types. "Prices to Suit Your Pocket Hats, Sweaters, Scarfes, Shirts, Ties, Etc. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. W. C. T.U. The monthly W. G. T. U. meeting was h-eld in James Street church Sunday School room on Thursday, September 16th. After the devotion­ al exercises a program prepared by Miss B. Hartnoil was giVeix dealing with the advertisements which the 1 Brewers’ Association are putting in the daily newspapers. Point by point thieir arguments were taken up and slxowii to be false and misleading, It whs felt that this subtle iorm of advertising is more injurious than the open advertising of liquor. Dur­ ing the business session eight dol­ lars was voted to be given toward prizes for the -best papers submit­ ted by the schools of Exeter districts in t-hie national study course, Tem­ perance. Mrs, C. Johns was ap­ pointed delegate to the edming Pro­ vincial Convention to be held at J Oshawa. A lengthy discussion took J place re the matter of how we , should vote as temperance women, at the provincial election. Without a dissenting voice it was agreed we could not cast our ballots for either of the two candidates tn the field. Wp felt oui’ choice lay between not voting at all or spoiling oui’ ballots purposely. Charles Pearce, the hobo king aha candidate for the premiership of On­ tario, according to his own version, was the guest of Chief Nor.ry at the town kitchen on Tuesday, and was a caller at the Times-Advocate. The hoibo king, said that since last Oc­ tober he had made a trip to Vahcou- ver and back. He had settled three strikes alohg the way home and wa“ now in line for the premiership of Ontario. His coat and vest are -dec­ orated with scores of souvenirs. For the ontertaininent of the Times-Ad­ vocate staff he played several pieces* with the bones and mouthorgan. He states he is out for new government tn aid of the laboring <flasses. The W. M. s. Convention of the South Section of the Huron Presby- terial will be held in Chiseihurst United Church on Thursday, Sept. 30th, Miss Elisabeth MacKenaie, of iSutami,- Africa, will bo the guest speaker. 4