The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-29, Page 8JMICRSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE i==S New Scientific Discovery ., . Meams I’ermanejit Waving results never before possible Exeter Markets itamm f m t ess. da nd Vitamm an ent 5 Meth It is now that lack of definitely sh ficieney synj tleness, dul By restori ■during per, Vitamjn symptom: mess, bea,, it has nev Phone 23Iw for further informa­ tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. to the hair Ing, the Bonat orrects these ■s the hair a soft- glowing lustre that before. Wheat $1.02 Oats, standard 45 e. ed Bailey 65e. Innitoba’s Best $3.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.55 Bran $1.50 Low Grade Flour $1.90 Creamery Butter 2Sc Dairy Butter 22-25c. Eggs, A large 37e Eggs, A medium 35c. Eggs A. pullets 25c. Eggs, B 20c Hogs, $7.35 Iz i? HL M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE LOCALS .................4 SHAVES YOU INSTEAD OF YOtJ SHAV YOURSELF. OE WITH SMA F BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE 100% BRITISH MADETHE nicest; CLEANEST. QUICKEST KINO OF SHAVE. LEAVES SKIN l-N NATURAL CONDITION. SOLD BY ^SCRAPING PRESSURE. Potted Plpifts now in stock at aider’s Dnig Store.Walter d«>ck pul- Apply to FOR SALE—50 ba$re< uS, 70 white leg<ho>m$r «£Uxas. Godbolt, Phon^YG r 23. ^WANTED — BJorses ^aiid cattle Suitable for fox , *feed, Jackson Phene 1^X5 Seaforth. Re- <Jfc£rse chargesfoj*^ FOR SALE—New/ Kji’ick cottage, price reasonable. Terjiis if desired. Apnly Mrs. C. Lee>Exeter. WANTED—AXbgrding place for four H. S. girlX’MouXvintei’ months. Information left^Uy Times-Advocate.V / . ltp, I' ----------------------- ---------------—— jdfc sfc^are ar- ;rl>r- A any article Our new Christmag goo> riving every day. ,Buy^ small deposit will IfoWFa . till Christmas at Taylor’s, FOUND—'On Main street,; a'house key. Ownei* may havft9-"'same by paying for advt. ApplF at Times- Vacate. . LOST—<Oh. Than^^^^g Day a white and tan beagfe,AJ®und. Kindly notify Mrs. EllajO®)od, R.R. No. 1, Exeter. ReWO0. ftp. — - ------ Would you like to earn good steady income right(in youn^bwn lo­ cality? Special extferien^- not cessary. Openings t0„<-^eliable, telligent men. G. St/ George, St. Clement Street, Montreal. -----1HOUSES FOljl SALE^F- I : several comfortable hplnes for at reasonable firicq^f C. V. PICK­ ARD, Phone LOST.—On ThaniWfitHng Day a white and tan,.^^ft|3e hound. Kindly notify Mr^s^^a Heywood, R.R. No. 1, ExetW^'J ltp. ne- in- 570 have sale PIANOS—Clearance sale,^ guar­ anteed used pianos,; all^Hi'oroughly everhauled by our experts. Write for special list of^W^ains. Heintz- man & Co., 242 Dfmdas St. London. for special list of | even-roo repair and particulars apply al an Tth electric FOR SALE The residence of the Mitchell, in Centralia. This is a tage, in goo, lights and d hard and so. frame stabli acre of go$ perty wou$ farmer. For to Gia T. Al tralia. ood furnace, There is a ’Stage, about an '. This pro- suitable for a retired st_______ . ... ffan & Stanbury, Exeter, or ft Mitchell, R. R. No. 1, Cen- FOR SALE—Farm in J$th state of cultivation, '/good bluings, fall wheat well advoiiced^Eall ploughing done. Convenient terms. C. Phone 165, pFExeter. Liberal 5KARD, Exeter, WANTED—Will buy an unlimited number oiT^heap horses. Fertilizer horses \afso Wef hides, horse hides and hofrfe hjar^hone 15on34 Dash- wood.—polatf a ■ CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Service conducted by Rev. C. S, Hawke, 7 p.m.—The Minister. “Have you a Lawyer?” Text—-1st John II:il—“If any man sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the right­ eous.” Thursday 8 p.m,—Prayer meeting. 2 poundsTfor 45c. For a Delicious M MARKET Main St. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Arthur Page, Minister rW. R, GOulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader A • • •• • • We are showing some very smart styles and materials in Ladies’ Winter Coats, beautifully furred with Seal, Wolf, Fox, Opossum and Sable, Our children’s range include both untrimmed and fur trimmed coats. Fall Dresses IDEAL Ml Phone 38 HALLOWE’EN held in th der the ausj) day, Nove from 5.30^tj 8 and 15c. ___ PPER will be Trijifftt Parish Hall un- s of the W. A. Tues- 3rd. Supper served p.m. Admission 25c. Stanbury, of Toron- In rough sheer and ribbed crepes, with tunics or princess lines, faggotting and braid trimmings. Our woollen dresses are m jersey, crepe and angora. $3.50 to $10.95 ....................................................................................- HOSE SCARVES r ■ ' 1 ...i GLOVES In crepe, in shades of Moon­ dusk, London Mist, Debon­ air, Saunter and Chiti brown To complete your fall outfit add one of our scarves. We have three smart lines of chamo-suede, gloves pric­ ed at at $1.00 per pair 79c. and $1.00 59c., 69c. and $1.00 Flannelette Blankets SALESMAN WANTED . Financial -House desires.,^ne services of a ifigh class man to represent thenyl this locality. We ’ issue of real no other. -O were winners production. . . with a connection can do real well, commission basis. Apply Box 280A mg an handle two issues re now in proper mail ci 'XAC0 ingi’s Drugstore Mr. Kenneth to, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. John McClaren, of Seaforth, called on Mrs. Gillard one day last week. The Spooks and Gobblins will walk Saturday evening it being Hal­ lowe’en. B. R. Hopper is announcing a re­ moval sale of furniture. See advt. page three. Mrs. Hillary Horton is spending some time Stratford, Mrs, M. visiting at has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith son, of Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. J. Handford’s. , Remember the Chicken Supper at Crediton United church on Wednes­ day, November 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May spent the forepart of the week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary at Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jaques and family, of Woodham, visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. Chicken thieves visited the farm of Mr. Thos. Fisher Saturday even­ ing and carried away a number of fowl. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, of Whalen, spent Sunday evening with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden have re­ turned home after, visiting for a few days in Hamilton and St. Cath­ erines. •Mr. and Mrs. Eric Armstrong, of Hamilton, are visiting with re­ latives combining business with pleasure. Mrs. Harold Hern and little son Bobby, of Zion, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl, of Exeter. Mrs. Powles and daughter, of St. Thomas, and Mrs. Crisp, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Pow­ ell on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Jaques has returned home after spending the past two weeks with her sister Mrs. S. R. Peart, of Rockwood. Mrs, C. Harness, of Ailsa Craig, called urday. ing to Mr. _________________ -Harold Cook, of Welland visited a couple of days last week with the latter’s father Mr. Wm. Cook. Little Miss Winona MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald entertained several little girls Thursday last, it being her fifth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern and Mrs. Coward and Miss Florence Aikins, of Norwich, spent last Fri­ day afternoon with Mrs. Jas. Hern, the occasion being the latter’s birthday. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques were Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peart and Betty, oif Rockwood; Mr. Tom. Thomson, of Parkhill and Mr. J. H. Francis, of Tavistock. Mr/ and Mrs. Alvin Baker and Miss Doreen, of Crediton and Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Winer,, of town, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cham­ bers and Miss Alma Winer in Lon­ don on Sunday. Mrs. John Gordon and two daugh­ ters, o(f Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin and two daughters, of Windsor and Mrs. Lyle Gordon, of Cranbrook, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gordon. People who visited at the horn© of Mrs, Lydia Sweitzer last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gaiser, of Detroit; Mrs. N. Sinclair, Credit­ on; Mrs. Hutchinson, of Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. S. Morloek and fam­ ily, of Crediton, Ont, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Middleton, of town and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Washburn, of Kirkton, were in St, Thomas Saturday attending the wedding 41 Miss Dallas Ailcen Me- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie, to Mr, Lloyd Gor- Searlo, The ceremony was .......I in ch by Rev. J ANNIVERSARY services Rev. D. McTavish, of Pt. Hope, a former minister will conduct the services. 11 a.m.—Subject: “The Liberty of the Gospel” p.m.—(Sunday School p.m.—“New Creations” Special music by th?, choir assist­ ed by Mrs. J. H. Stainton and S. M. Holcombe, of St. Thomas and Harry Hcffman, of Dashwood. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. A men’s meeting is being arrang­ ed for Monday evening to hear the Rev. Harold Swann, returned mis­ sionary from Trinidad. Definite announcement will be made next Sunday Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Young P. U. In all white or with borders of pink, blue, green and orchid. The blankets are the large size and at popular prices of $2.00, $2.25 and $2.35 per pair Fall Dress Materials In cotton flannels and tweeds in checks, plaids and small patterns^. the mater­ ial for a warm but washable tdress. ^i)c, 35c and 45c per yard ji with her daughter in Hewlett, who has Shipka for the past been week and on friends in Exeter on Sat- Mrs. Harness intends go- ILondon to reside. and Mrs. Earl Staley and Mr. performed cliu ‘ * The _______ the Central United H, Stainton. t’ e ZIRCON birthstono onher _____ Taylor’s Jewellery M1 th^now Decern- dis’fiK^y at S. B MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister. -Sunday School ” __ -.Evening service withdrawn in favor of James St. anniversary. Monday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Thursday at 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Ser­ vice. Church Anniversary, Nov. 15th. TOOKE SHIRTS J A large shipment of shirtSg by this popular maker hag? just arrived. These are piti­ ed at $1.50 to $1.95 > 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- 8 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. Mt. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleulss 21st Sunday After Trinity ALL SAINTS’ DAY ■Corporate communiona.m. the A.Y.P.A. a.m.—'Breakfast. > a.m.—'Holy communion “The Communion 9 ■ 10 sermon ■Saints.” Owing to James St. anniversary ■service will be at 10 a.m. for and of tihe THE SALVATION ARMY Main, Street Captain W. G. Gammon 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 2.30—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting Topic—“The Missing Link of Life.” Even with all the education, wealth, society, religion and moral­ ity that we have to-day, there is something missing. What is it? Come and hear this message. a THE MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street 2.30 p.m.—School and Bible Class 3.30 p.m.—Devotion 8 Subject “Jericho Theology” theological college a peril to the p.m.- or the modern a menace and ch u rob. No Service on Friday Evening ^Pastor, J. T. Edgar — JUST ARRIVED — Car Alberta’s Best Doniest^fc C^oal Phone 33^,^ a trial ton JAS. P.BOWEY THE GREAT WEST E ASSURANCE QO. £' tO Insurance Need C, Kone 165 Offer^Poli Meet Eve PICKARD About thirty young people from Trivitt Memorial A.Y.P.A. attended a masquerade. Hallowe’en party at St, George’s Parish Hall, London, Tuesday evening when they were entertained by St. George’s A.Y.P.A. Games were played and an enjoy­ able evening spent by all present. * SWEATER COATS Men’s All Wool S; with collars :ers COMBINATIONS Stanfield’s make, a well cut garment. at $2.00 ROCE SPECIALS rr COOKING Flfs new t 3 pounds for IsaJ'Sc'' NEW MINCEMEAT Choice for pies 2 lb. for . . . 25c ^EE! FREE! one full size package of Handy Ammonia with every purchase of 10 pound pail of Corn Syrup or 10 pound pail of Honey or 24 pounds Pastry Flour or 1 lb. of any kind of Tea NEW PACK PRUNES large size 2 pounds for . 25c ---------------------------------------- ARTIC LAUNDRY SOAft Real good soap 3 bars . .... 10c NEW DATES Choice Hallowi 3 pounds . . . 25c APPLES! 1 APPLES! 1 Let us supply you with winter needs of apples Price & Quality Guaranteed Choice DAIRY BUTTER Per pound . . . 25c Southcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 (Last week we were able to tell oil large vegetable growtihs and this week: we have a story in another’ field that we believe is unique. A few weeks ago Mrs. Ella Heywood, iof Huron Street sold a customer one dozen hen eggs. When used it was found that one of them con­ tained one yolk, one had three yolks and in the other ten eggs there were two yolks in each one. So verifies the customer who says that in a long life she never had an ex­ perience that approached this one. The Grandmothers’ meeting held at the home of Mrs. B. W. F. Beav­ ers on Tuesday afternoon by the Exeter Women’s Institute was well attended with eighteen members besides several visitors and grand­ mothers. Miss L. M. Jeckell gave a very, interesting paper on “The iptfoneer Women of Canhda’’’ and Mrs. J. C. Gardiner., of Kirkton, in her usual pleasing manner gave a talk on “The Life of the Pioneer Mothers.” A song by Marguerite Ho­ garth, short skit by Mrs. Ethering- ton and Mrs. Ab'bott on “The virtu­ ous Heart” or “Why do Cats Come Home.” The .prizes .for the oldest grandmother went to Mrs. Heide- man; youngest .grandmother, Mrs. . Bierling; youngest .grandmothe'n xwith most grandchildren^ Mrs. Campbell. A dainty lunch was serv­ ed by the hostess and her commit­ tee, FORTY-FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY An interesting event took place in Exeter on Wednesday, October 21st, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John 'Cole, it being their 45th wed­ ding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Cole were married in the old manse, Thames Road, by the Rev. Colin Fletcher. They lived on a farm at Lumley for a period of thirty years, thence moving to town where they have resided ever since. Residents were present from Goderich, Sea­ forth, Chiselhurst and Farquhar. All sat down to a beautifully decor­ ated table and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner of fowl and other delicacies. Upon leaving they al! wished Mr. and Mrs. Cole many more years of happy married life. MEET----- MR. M. CLARK “CLOTHES OF QUALITY” BRAND He will be here on Thursday, Novem (MORNINGJJH Special Representative •thes of Quality”. SURE TO INTRODUCE this experienced stylist of“ His visit .important to men of this community because he will present for their inspection the finest range of new woollens yet offered by Clothes of Quality. His experience as a well-known style annotator is at your disposal. If superior clothing interests you—you’ll want to meet the Clothes of Quality representative. The date is important. W.W. TAMAN e . PHONE 81 EXETER. OlU.'F ■ . ' . i; .. . !— — > —- I i • v I The Main St. Y.P.S- met Monday evening with Thelma Hockey in charge. The meeting opened by singing a hymn after which Clifford Quance led in prayer. The scrip­ ture was read by Lillian MacDonald. Marion Powell favored with a pleasing violin solo. An Interest­ ing topic was given by Charles Pearce. Mr. Charles Penfound, of Stanley and Mrs, Knight, his aunt, of Grey Township called dh Mr. and Mrs. W» H. Johnston, on their way home from the plowing match. Mr. Penfound has sold Ills farm to his brother George of London and his son is go­ ing to live on it. Neighbors and friends are sorry to lose him from the neighborhood as he has gone to live with liis aunt Mrs. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffatt, Keith and baby Donald came to see their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston on Monday. They went to Ashfield to visit Mrs, MOP fatt’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston. The,, latter’s mother Mrs. Wm. Slake was visiting with her daughter and going out on the ver­ andah fell and broke her arm, She is 81 years of age. The Stephen, Dsborne and Exeter Religious Education Council Will hold their annual convention at the Thames Road Church Friday after­ noon and evening. Rev, Harold Swann and Miss Nellie M. Lewis O.R.E.C., representative will be the supcial speakers in the afternoon and Miss Lewis will also speak in the evening, A drama will be giv­ en by the Centralia young people.