The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-09-03, Page 8THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1936 Bonat for Beauty The pet feet method to produce what current style demands ... in the shortest possible time . . . with the most comfq^. to- patrons. Bonat offers new st dards ofijirperfection in the art off perma^mtly waving hair. Satisfaction J£uar<y$feed. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 98c Oats 45e. Feed Barley 72c Manitoba’s Best $3.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.55 Bran $1.50 Low Grade Flour $1.85 Creamery Butter 30c Dairy Butter 19-22c, Eggs A large 25c. Eggs B, 21c. Eggs, C 15c Hogs $8.75 OFFICE CHANGED Mr. Jas. P. Bowey has transferred his office from the Oddfellow's building to the office of Mr. F. J. Wiokwire. Telephone 33, residence 157j a. 1 LOCALS Mrs. A. A. Ferguson has returned to Toronto after a week's visit with’ her sister Mis. Susan Egan and her brother, Mr. James Sweet. NOTICE Dr. Roulstftn desires to announce that his Denial Office after Sept<nber Date of re< ed later. closed vacation, announc- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pincombe, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pincombe and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn were in Lon­ don Saturday morning attending the a nephew of Mrs. Pin- Geo. C. Nethercott, son Mrs. H. Nethercott, of Miss Lorena M. Attrill, the wedding of cocr.be. Mr. of Mr. and London, to Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Attrill, of Grand View, Man, The ceremony was performed in the Hyatt Ave. United Church by Rev. J. J. Millyard. The home of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, of Simcoe, was ransacked Saturday evening while Mr. Roul­ ston was at work in his drugstore and while Mrs. Roulston was visiting at her home here. The burglar gain­ ed admittance to the house by climbing oyer the verandah and re­ moving a window screen. A stum of money and some jewellrv were stol­ en. A 'house across the street from them was also ransacked and in ad­ dition a Packard auto was The auto was seen Sunday gara Falls. Broderick visited in Ferndale over Prouty returned stolen, in Nia- cementFOR SALE—About 2000 blocks, 16 by 8; 100 10 apd 8 inch joists; 1500 ft. of oif maple flooring square; windows at Leavitt’s The sheet:F 1200 ft. Proofing 12 frames.—Call ltc. WANTED—-Sm rooms to rent, al Ray Waghorn', % horn, Exeter. 1 ho us ■r 3 or 4 gai^ge. Apply to Dora Wag- ltp. FARM FOR RENT—Lot 12, Con. 13, Township of Stephen, 100 acres, owned by Estate of the late William Witz el. Term 1936. Tena lands at anyftime. ■ticulars applf to^ Crediton. ec. 1, i" plough flTor more par- . Either & Son, il lb. . R. 8, 9-3-2tc I will have for sale, in a ten days a load o-f good In tween seven and eight hu Apply to Ernie Tin ^j&rkhill, Bell phon <.-•—' -----------; Build up a steady'-'business of your own. r and free yourself of financial Wor­ ries, start. Goods sell on sight Write today to Fainili Be our dealer in your district , _ _ „ ------------- --- ------------ -------v T" Make big .money the E Xper i e ncA- unm^essary. eyJ’Fy ho«me. JkF ProductsCo., 579 St. Cleme^tN^, Montreal. FOR SALE- used at the water ■ forms, at es 2x4, lj/ff,16 ft long^ Exeter Lumber Co. ■50iM JSjt. of lumber sin for cement Compris- 6 to new. , 1x8 shiplap ome as good as Combination sash Lumber Co. storm WARNING having conne to our knowledge certain persons are using our Ll It that jfiame, we wish to state that we em­ ploy no canvassers or agents, our iwork is all done personally and DE- 'MOTHING is given free at all times; S. Boardman will be in Exeter and district in,a few days, be sure and get our jirice before having any re­ pair wj)rk or tuning done on your piano. Phone, Exeter No. 3, Mar­ tin's Over Miss Lily Hunter spent week visiting in Detroit, i Miss Grace Strange is taking a business course in London. Mr. F. Coates was confined to his home the forepart of the week thro’ illness. Miss Ruby Davis returned Friday last after holidaying "with relatives at Putnam, Mr. J. G. Stanbury, K.C., was in Toronto on Friday and Saturday on legal business. Mrs. Arthur with her mother the week-end. Mrs. Clayton Sunday after spending a week with friends in Goderich. A cold .meat supper will be serv­ ed in James Street Church on- Fri­ day, September 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Redmond, of Detroit, were callers with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce on Sunday. Mrs. Lamlmie, of Detroit, visited with relatives in Hensail and also with Mrs. Christie in town last week. Miss Jessie Hodgert has returned after holidaying for six weeks with her brother Charles at Charleston Lake. Mrs. S. B. Taylor and two daugh­ ters have returned after holidaying for a couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Prof. Roger1 Zinn, wife and ily, of Oxford, Mich., visited cousin Mrs. Percy Mollard on urday. Don’t forget the Concert by Oipha Juvenile Choristers (over 50 voices) of Stratford, in James Street Church on October 2nd. Mr. Archie Davis was in Stratford Friday evening attending the second annual reunion and banquet of the overseas battalion. Miss Jean Stanbury left for Lon­ don on Tuesday where she will take t'he Office Training Course at Wes­ tervelt Business College. Mrs. Cliftmi Prouty and son Ted returned holme on Sunday after vis­ iting. for the past two- weeks with her brother near Par-khill. Mr. C. W. Christie and son La­ verne were in Toronto- during the past week visiting with the former’s son Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie. Mrs. William Consitt, of Hensall, Mrs. Evelyn Broderick and Mr. Har­ old B-roderick visited in Windsor with friends over the week-end. Miss Geraldine Armstrong loft this week for Toronto where she will make her home with her aunt Mrs. D. D. Smith and continue her studies. The stores of town are showing a fine display of fruit, particularly peaches. The latter are coming in fine and should be on for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Brown, and Miss B-rown, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strachan, of Michigan, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dtfre are on vacation and will and Windsor. Mr. Marys, is relieving Exeter station. Mr, K. .Hockey Mrs. G. Hockey, Mrs. .Sheere and Mrs. E. A. Howald motored to Lan­ sing, Mich., on .Sunday where they are spending a few days. E. Christie has returned to after spending several with her sister, Mrs. Lam- Detroit. She will make her BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ WOOL SWEATERSBOYS’ WOOL SWEATERS The newest thing for boys, made in the same shades as the Maple Leaf and Maroon Hockeys players PRICED AT $1.50 In V. V-Neck or Button styles. These sweaters are all wool and real value EACH $1.00 BOYS’ GOLF SOX Splendid for school wear for Boys, an extra special value AT PER PAIR 25c. THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE past UNION SERVICES Rev. A. E. Elliott in charge 13tli Sunday After Trinity 15c THE EMMANUEL TEMPLE BRANCHthe PICKLING Hensail, Phone 16 in in a 3 7 fam- his Sat- John IV 3 4—My meat is the will of Him that sent For your pickling wants this season our prices are right and quality the best. a.m.- a.m.- Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemisa Located in the Opera House, Exeter 2 •“The Christian Attitude to Labour Day sermon. •The work- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH -Sunday School Main St. 7 pun.—.Evensong Preacher—Rev. W. T. Smith B.A. Anthem—“Thou Majesty Divine” Petrie CAKES Fresh Twice Each Week Christies. Assorted Prices. per gallon . . TEA Our Own Blend, Mixed or Black SODA BISCUITS 2 lbs. for .. . 25c Main St. and James St. United Churches COCOA in Bulk, a Pure Dutch Cocoa per pound . . . 15c ■......... ....................-......—— - .. 49c p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.—Devotional p.m.—Prophetic message Come! ! The pastor will be present to conduct services next Sunday Bright singing ana a warm wel­ come to all. Come. pastor, J. T. Edgar Southcott Bros CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“The Source of Christian Strength.” Text St. to dj line. p.m.— Labour." Text St. Matthew X Io­ nian is worthy of his meat. 2nd Thessalonians III 10—If anj would not work, neither should he eat. ■Sept. Sth, Huron Presbyterial W. M. 3. at 10 a.m. and 2 p.'in. io n Main Street choir will have charge of the music Evening service withdrawn in fa­ vor of the Anglican anniversary. Prayer Service Thursday at 8 p.m. in Main St. Church ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY (48th) 10 a.m.—(Sunday School 11 a.m.—-Morning Prayer Preacher—Rev. C. F. Gilbert B.A. Anthem—‘Make His Name Glorious’ Simper THE SALVATION ARMY Maim Street Captain W. G. Gammon 111 a.m.—(Holiness Meeting 2.30 -p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting Topic—“W'hat is the greatest sin Exeter? Who ijs the greatest sinner? VERYBODY WELCOME Music Store and save money. 20 years' experience. NOTICE We are booking orders for fertil­ izer for fall wiheat and have on hand phosphates „and materialsJtfr mixed fertilizers. / All ingredients used in our mixe fertilizer^MYe guaranteed analyses./ Befotej^uying and mixed jfertiligffF. ffiut prices ^United Fanners’ be sure of club Club Cudmore, Sec'y-Treas Phone 13-2, Exeter, Amber Honey limbers, all sizes. W. F. Abbott. ----------- HONEY FOR ,.$ALE—'Stood qual­ ity amber hone^/at kc lb. in customers’ ■co/ftaineih^Any one customer tak^g-;?;^bj?yl), or over 6c per lb. Dar&II Parker, Exeter. R. R. 3. \ FOR .SlAfLE—Ne at Go a lb.i Market pric HONEY FOR G00(l quality light amber ihonej#’ 6c pel* lb, in custom^s’ cotita^rs, Parker, _ Geo. 4 tp visit in Toronto J. Inglis, of St. Mr. Dore at the SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE ALL WOOL PLAID BLANKETS j In a variety of colors and combinations A beautiful blanket moderately priced EACH $3.95 ESMOND BLANKETS Are made by a new process and are exceptionally warm. They come in plain also fancy plaid EACH $2.00 i IBEX BLANKETS In white or grey with pink or blue bor­ ders in the largest size SPECIAL AT PER PAIR $2.25 WEARBEST PLAID BLANKETS' < In largest size, in colors of blue, rose, or green. These are real value , AT PER PAIR $2.50 Regent Knitted Suits for Women Girls and Boys The styles are distinctive and they are made from fine all wool, botany yarns in the newest shades LADIES’ DRESSES AT $3.95 and-$6.95 GIRLS’ SUITS $3.75 & $4.50 BOYS’ $2.95 OZEN MEN’S WOOL SOX SPECIAL PER PAIR 25c. 5 JrEnglish Dinnerware the Jffew Embassy Pat We are giving this beautiful Dinnerwajp as premiums. With ej^gpF25c. purchase we give you a coupon. Start 'saving the coupons entitles you to a cup and saucer. COOKIES 1 A Splendid Assortment Strictly Fresh per pound .Special Heintz Vinegar this Season Nothing Better per gallon f. SPIRIT VINEGAR White Wine or Cider Extra Quality THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANC Miss Helen Stanbury who has been visiting at her home here and at Bayfield for several weeks returned to Toronto- this week to resume her duties as kindergarten specialist. Mr. and Mrs. N. Graham, oif Wind­ sor, spent the week-end with Mrs. Graham’s mother Mrs. D. Ro'wcliffe. Master jack Graham, who has been visiting with his grandmother eturned with them, Mastei’ Ronald raham will remain for a time and ttend school here. The union services which have >een held for the past two- months y Main St. and James .St. United hurch.es will be continued next Sun- ay morning. The service will be ;ld in Main St. church conducted Rev. Mr. Elliott. The evening ervices will be withdrawn in- favor 'of the Trivitt Memorial Church an­ niversary. NEW FALL HATS and this mother Mrs. Exeter inonths mie, of 'home with Mrs. Rose Russell. Mr. W. C. Davis, of t'he Times-Ad- vocate staff, returned on Sunday af­ ter holidaying for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hurdon and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurdon in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Stanbury and fam­ ily and Mrs. S. Hardy spent Sunday with Mrs. Stanfoury’s sister Mrs. E. A. Webber, at Ingersoll. Miss Elaine Stanbury returned home with them. Francis Blatchford has re- sev- Mrs. Roy Bay- Mr. turned home after visiting for eral weeks with 'his daughter Linklater, of Goderich. * Mr.* Blatchford was holidaying at field. Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon tmotored to Toronto Thursday and attended the Exhibition. Mrs. S. E. Quanee and Mrs. W. Brantoft, who had been visiting here returned with them, Meet SveryJRnsurance Need PICKARD Phone 165 EVENING AUXILIARY Miss Marjorie Pearce, of Toronto, is spending a month’s holidays with her parents. Mr, Fred Hooper, Municipal Clerk of Kenora, Ont., was in town on Friday last in consultation with Gladiman & Stanbury concerning the sale of the property of his uncle the late W. H. Hooper. The engagement is announced Miss Mary Isohel, eldest daughter Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Russell, of of of Hay, to Donald Douglas Wilson, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. F. D< Wil­ son, Chicago, Ill., the (marriage to take place this month. Rev. John and Mrs. Joan and John, of Utica, the foftmor’s mother, Mrs, of Milverton; also Mr, John Dignan visited with Mr, and Mrs, W, C. Pearce on Monday. Mr Redmond have just returned from trip to Alaska, The regular meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. H. C. Carey with a good at­ tendance. Miss Flossie Hunter took charge of the program as fol­ lows: Missionary for prayer, Mrs. Witmer; prayer by Mrs. Sharpe; a story, ‘The Piping Bullfinch”; by Miss M. A. Horton; devotional leaf­ let by Miss Marjorie Delbridge and a solo by Miss Jean Sheere. A well prepared and interesting topic was taken by Mrs. Robt, Paterson,- of Hensail, superintendent of Baby Bands for Huron Presbytery, who ciliose as her subject “Missionary Mothers”. Following the closing exercises lunch was served by the group in change. Redmond, N. Y. and Redmond 1 W'... and Mrs. a JusriSfrub tORN ets-dltesT/frrtST Price 35c. Owning’S Drugstore so New In Silvertones, Black, Blue, Brown ecks & V Necks s 50 SOCKS s A new line of socks just arrived at 50c. and 75c W. W. T A M A N PHONE SI EXETER, ONT. Milton Luther on TueS- Septeanber 1st, the oc- in 'honour of his mother Luther’s 81st -birthday. BIRTHDAY PARTY A surprise party was held at the home of Mr, day evening casion being Mrs. Henry The evening was spent in social ohat, mouthorgan and guitar selections and songs and recitations by Anne Luther and Glenn Jeffery. Lunch was served’ and the enjoyable1 ®ven* ing brought to a close by wishing Mrs. Luther many happy returns of the (lay, Mrs, -Luther, although not enjoying the best of health can read and sow without the aid Of glasses, I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holcombe, of (St. Thomas, spent the week-end vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding. CavCn Circle The regular monthly meeting of Caven Congregational Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Rose Rus­ sell on Tuesday afternoon, The presi­ dent Mrs. Harold Whyte 'was in charge. Mrs, Will Sillery led in the devotional .period. It was decided to hold a Congregational Pot Luck Supper on Friday evening, Septem­ ber 11 th. The meeting was well at­ tended and closed with a very pleas­ ant social half-hour, A