The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-07-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 1WBSDAY, alTY 23rd, 1030 HENSALL FOR. SALE-—That brick building on Main St. cupied by the C Commerce. Pric C. V. Pickard, Exeter Spot Cash for OLD GOLD, AVe will pay the newgjiiglh price fo^Cld gold and Old iate ___ tion. Lastjp S. B. TayF ' Henigll, formerly;,.,pp- adian... k of sacrifice. gold c Gold cash-Jfio wai hs, bring A m to our an this,dif^ek—-iinmed- Free valua- ETturday, July 2 a th j Jwellry Store, Exeter , Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore vis­ ited in Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Foster is holidaying lor a few weeks at Grund Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Orville Twitchell visited with relatives in London on Sunday. QTfite a number from here attend­ ed the Band Tattoo in Waterloo on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell Mc- the and visited with relatives in London on b unday. Mrs. Shortt, of Windsor, is visit­ ing with her sister Miss Emma Johnston. Miss Marie Miller, of Windsor, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks. Miss Lila Moir is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Moir, Thames Road. Miss Joy Taitt, of London, is vis­ iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clinchey, of Varna. Mr. Kerr, of Toronto, spent week-end with D. Jas. Bell sister Miss Jessie Bell. Mrs. Duncan McMartin, Emalie and Elaine Hoskins are visiting with relatives in Detriot. Master Billy Meyers, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, of Listowel, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Chas. Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Cook family are holidaying at their tage at Wasago Beach. Mr. Harry Joynt left this week for Byron Sanitorium where he lias ac­ cepted a good position. Mr. Keith and Miss Jean Buck, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt, of Tor­ onto, visited with relatives in the village over the week-end. Mr. Ross Miller, Mr. John Folds and father spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks. Mrs. Ken Traviss is visiting this week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, of Shelburne. Mrs. Maude Hedden visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald, of Chiselhurst. Mr. Russell Love, of Kincardine, visited with relatives in and around the village over the week-end. Miss Audrey Twitchell who has,, been visiting with friends in the country returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant and baby, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bldwes. Mrs. Grassick who has been living for the past few years in Toronto has moved in with Mrs. W. Luker. Miss Marion Drummond, who has •been holidaying with friends in Woodstock returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett accom­ panied by Mr. Ben Tinney visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair, of Denfield. Mr. Harold Bailey, of ,Shellbourne, who has been, visiting with Mrs. Traviss returned home day. Miss turned garage tion. Miss Shirley Twitchell returned 'home on Sunday after a very pleas­ ant vacation with relatives in Lon- doy. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, of De­ troit, have been visiting for the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle. Mr. Oliver Geiger, of and Mr. E. Geiger, of ited Sunday with Mr, Geiger. Miss Eleanor Fisher Mr. Mr. and on Sun- lias re-Margaret Hobkirk to her duties at Cook Bros, after a very pleasant vaca- Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, who has been visiting with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall re­ turned home on Bunday. Service Sunday evening in Carmel Presbyterian church was conducted by the pastor Rev. W- A. Young who delivered a very fine sermon. Mr. Thos. Simpson of the staff of the 'Canadian Bank of Commerce at Wingham and his mother Mrs. Simp­ son visited recently with friends in town. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, who has been spending the past i two weeks with relatives in and I around the village returned home on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and I family who have been camping for the past month at their cottage at Rondeau Park, Lake Erie, returned home this week. Dr. Hazen, of London, conducted the service at the United church Sun­ day morning and the evening ser­ vice was conducted by Rev. Mr, Chandler of Kippen. Mrs. W. R. Davidson, who under­ went an operation in Scott Memorial I Hospital, Sea.forth several days ago I returned home on Saturday and is recovering very rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Mr. W. L. MacLaren visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Mc­ Naughton and Mr. and Mrs. A. Christie, of Chiselhurst. Miss Jessie McMorran, Mrs. L. Fowler and Miss of Belvidere, Ill., left homes on Monday after pleasant visit at the home of Robert Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean, aldine, Betty and Billy who been visiting for the past two weeks with Mrs. McLean’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, returned to their home in Hamilton on Sunday. The Wohelo Sunday School class motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger, Zurich, on Friday evening and presented them with a kitchen shower. Games and coinr tests were indulged in after a very dainty lunch was served. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Southcott Bros, of Exeter, who have rented the building formerly Beane’s Bake Shop, are opening up a dry goods and ready to wear store here. The store presents a very pleasing effect having received a coat of paint and will be open for business on or about the first of August. Has Fingers Crushed Thomas Welsh, well known saw­ mill owner of Hensail, had several fingers badly crushed on Friday last by having a log roll on them. Leg Fractured Mrs. James Dick when overcome by heat, fell in. her home and suf­ fered fracture of the leg near the thigh. She was attended by Dr. Smillie, who had her removed to the hospital at 'Clinton. Hensail Nurse To Head Niagara Falls Hospital Mary A. Buchanan, of Hensall, Ont., instructor of nurses at the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital, Niagara Falls, since 19 28 has been appointed superintendent of Niagara General Hospital succeeding Miss Ada Hubbell, who resigned in June. Geiger-Elder A quiet wedding took place at the Welland United Church Manse, July 4th, when Gladys Pearl Elder, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, of Hensall, was united in marriage to Mr. Delbert Laird Geiger, -of Zurich. Rev. Roy Geiger uncle of the groom, performed the ceremony. The bride wore a pink crepe travel suit with matching ac­ cessories and corsage of blue corn­ flowers. After the ceremony Jhe happy young couple left on trip to the Muskoka Lake WOODHAM 1i Fenlon Falls London, vis- and Mrs. O. Miss Eleanor Fisher and Mrs. P. Fisher are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moffatt, of Brucefield. Miss Dorothy McQueen and Miss Mildred Follick are attending Sum­ mer 'School which is being held in Goderich. Mrs. Mary_ Morrison, of Atlanta, Georgia, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Alex Swan and Mrs. D. Mc­ Naughton. Mr. Kenneth and Gerald Passmore who have .been holidaying with their brothers of Delhi returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mary and Mrs. Maulkinson who have been camping at Lakeside home last week. Mrs. D. B. McLean has home from a motor trip with friends in Grimsby, and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Leon.^Bishop, of Battleford, Sask,, is visiting with her mother Mrs. Richard Welsh and other mem­ bers of the family. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron and Harold visited ever the week-end with Mrs. Bonthron’s mother Mrs. Yungblut in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock and daugli-1 ter Mrs. Mr. returned returned visiting Toronto of Souris, Man., are guests of J , Pollock’s brother and sisters Wm, and Misses Fee. of Chicago, May Earle, for cl their very Mrs. Ger- have Falls’ a motor District. services the past- S. B. Taylor’s Jewellery Store ter. We pay th Spot Cash, r and Testing w> expert on precl Miss Adeline Sweitzer, of London, visited a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Herb Morlock. Mr. Fred McDonald, of spending a few days with the community. i Robert Jewell returned alter spending a few weeks’ vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Rev. Mr. Pletch, Harold Pletch and Miss Ruby Finkbeiner are at­ tending summer camp near Paris this week. Miss Wealthy Schroeder, of Toron­ to, is spending the rest of the mer with her parents Mr. and Chas. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Lulu Kerr and Miss Myrtle Walker spent a few days at Boat Lake last week. “ Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haist attended the funeral of tihe late Mose Geiger at Zurich on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Beaver and son Eugene, of Carniege, Pa., are holidaying with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Miss Shirley Tavistock. Miss Addie Ratz are attending the camp school near Paris this week. Miss Nola F'aist and Miss Pauline Faist spent a ifew days in Cliesley last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and son Harry, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery and son Howard, of -Weyburn, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Miss Lulu Kerr and Miss Myrtle Walker have returned from a 'fishing trip at Lion’s Head. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel, Mr. and Mrs Sanford Lawson, spent Sunday with friends at Wallace. Mr. Carl Scriven and Miss Molly Scriven, of Toronto, Sipent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroe­ der. Mrs. Scriven .and son Ross who have spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder return­ ed with them to Toronto on Sunday. The July meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held in the Sunday 'School auditorium on Thurs­ day, July 9th with the president, Mrs. C. U. Misener, presiding. Mrs. B. Kestle read the iScripture and readings were given iby Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Woodall, made to hold a garden community grounds on ust 14th. Following Mrs. T. Yearley and Mrs. C. Jones served a dainty lunch. The annual picnic of the Y.P.U. of the United church was held on Saturday at Bright’s Grove, near Sarnia with forty in attendance. A girl’s ball game was played with Hannah Mathers and Mary Lamport as captains, Mary Lamport’s team winning 18 to 10. Also a game be­ tween the boys of the Y". P. U. the .'Spearson team of Sarnia, score being 29 to 5 in. favor of Y.P.U. -Swimming and sports lowed. The weather was ideal all reported an excellent time. CREDITON This week is OLD GOLI) week at. : Buying BT charge of an metals. Detroit, is friends in to Pontiac sum- Mrs. Miss Harry Beaver. Young is holidaying in Gaiser and Miss Reta Plans were party on the Friday, Aug- the business and the the fol- and and vis- WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson family, of Exeter, were Sunday itors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Millson, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson, of Lucan, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym yid fam­ ily, of Exeter, were recent visitors at the Mr. family at the Morley and also attended Decoration services at Zion, cemetery. Mrs. E. Johnson, of London, is holidaying with friends in this com­ munity. Miss Maibel Elliott is camping the Bend for a few weeks. Groining Reunion The fourth reunion or the Gun­ ning clan was held at Grand Bend Wednesday, July 15th, with an at­ tendance of 160. The usual sump- tous dinner was served at 12 o'clock Races, ball games and bathing oc­ cupied the time between dinner and supper. At the supper hour the president, Mr. Clarence Gunning called the gathering to order and the following officers were the coming year: Pres., ning; 'Sec’y, Harvey Treas., David Johnson. Squire Sr., of Granton was the eld­ est member at this gathering pres­ ent and Verna Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster youngest. home of Mr. E. Squire. and Mrs. Alymer Morley and of Brantford spent Sunday former’s brother, Mr. Wilson There were no church here last Sunday, owing to or being on vacation, but Sunday School was observed as usual at 10 o’clock p.m. Friends of Mr. Arthur Rundle are very sorry to hear of his unfortun­ ate accident which will lay him off work for some time. While draw­ ing manure and while leaving the yard, the horses in some manner be­ came frightened and ran away. Mr. Rundle fell from the load and got knocked under the spreader, break­ ing his arm in several places and dislocating it from his shoulder. At present Mr. Rundle is in Victoria Hospital, London and the injured members are in a plaster caste. Several 'from here attended the Garden Party in Kirkton on Wed­ nesday of last week held on Doctor Campbell’s lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd and family spent last Saturday at Grand Bend. Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Scott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunning and family attended the Gunning picnic held at Grand Bend last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and chil­ dren spent last Sunday at Ipperwash Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jaques and family spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and Vio­ let and Mr. and Mrs. Howard An­ derson spent Sunday afternoon at Ipperwash Beach. -The exterior painting of the Wood-, a crushed foot last winter is out ham Church has boon completed and | around now with the. aid of a wallt- it adds greatly to its appearance. Hng stick. at elected for Thos. Gun­ Parkinson ; Mr. George the CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney Miss Irma Ferguson, all of Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent the week-end in Cargill with Mrs. Lottie Colwell and family. Mrs. Young, of Cleveland, is vis­ iting her sister-in-law Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and family, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday in Dash­ wood with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mess­ ner. Mrs. Sam Baynham is visiting with relatives in Centralia. Mr. Fred Waghorn who received and THE RED and WHITE STORE Coffee, Fresh Ground with Cup and Saucer ... per lb, 39c. New Honey, Pure Clover ... 5 lb. pail 50c, 10 lb. pail 95c FALCON CATSUP ............................. KETA PINK SALMON....................... McCORMICK BUTTER SODAS SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS GOOD COOKING RICE .............. quart bottle each 18c. ............................. large tin 10c. .... 1 pound package 2 for 25c. 3 pkgs, for 21c. large tin 10c. 3 pounds for 14c. Olives, large bottle#............................. Falcon Prepared Mustard 24 oz. jar Brunswick Sardines ... Palmolive Toilet Soap I WE ALSO HAVE A 25c. 15c. Hereford Corned Beef ......... 2 tins for 25c. Dates ........................... 4 lbs. for 25c. Wonderful Laundry Soap ........... 8 for 25c. Large Watermelons ....................... each 69c. L LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ICE COLD DRINKS AND ICE CREAM Phone 102 CENTRALIA K face value No matter how*, badly your jewellery is brok Value remains t our Old 'Gold it valued and Jfeceive price—spot ca^h same. Brjjmnt to Have v high We .... on our window. Open W^B. Taylor, Exeter. and on Par- vis- in her pay a premi^i Gold coins evenings. ____ , ____ Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson daughter, of London, visited Tuesday of last week W’ith Mrs. sons and Mrs. Kershaw. Miss Marie Fletcher recently ited with Miss Jean Thompson Sebringville; Jean accompanied home and spent a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Neil, of Bad Axe, Mich., visited with relatives in the village for a fd\v days last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Cook and fam­ ily attended a reunion at Port Glas­ gow on Sunday. Mrs. Ellen Coultis, of Grosse Pt., Mich., visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Blue­ vale, visited over the week-end with the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamilton. f) Mrs. Geo. Baynham Sr., who re­ cently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, was able to return to her ihome on Sunday. Mrs. C. R. Young, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Wilspn Anderson, of Crediton, visited on Monday of this week with Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Nicholson and family, of Toronto, were week-end guests with Mrs. Thos. Willis at her cottage at Grand Bend. Miss Mary O’Brien is spending a week at Muskoka Lake. Miss Margaret Hicks Reg. N., re­ turned home on Thursday of last week after spending several days in London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, of Sebringville, visited with friends in the village on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hicks, of Re­ gina, recently visited with Mr. Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden family were Sunday visitors ’ Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McCann Stratford. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Penwarden were, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. L. Elston and Miss Sarah Neil, of London. Miss Beatrice Essery returned to her home Monday evening after camping for a week at Grand Bend with a number of high school girls of Exeter. The old time charivari proved very popular in this vicinity on Tuesday evening of last week. There was one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Beavers for Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Neil; one foi’ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrissey and one for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hodgson. Mrs. Baynham, of Crediton is at­ tending Mrs. George Baynham Sr. Centralia W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society of the Unit­ ed Church was held on Tuesday af­ ternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Mitchell with a splendid attendance The devotional part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Lome Schol- dice. read thur son. an instrumental. The last chapter of "We Walked in Darkness” was given by Mrs. Jas. Blair. Mrs. R. Smith gave a reading. The study book was in charge of Mrs. C. Skinner. Further reading were given by Mrs. A. Isaac and Mrs. L. Hicks, while Alma Skin­ ner favoured with a guitar selection. The travelling apron was opened and revealed a tidy sum. It was decid­ ed to assume responsibility for a morning service some Sunday dur­ ing August. The president, Mrs. A. McFalls closed the meeting with the benediction, Sunday School picnic Favoured with ideal weather, the Centralia United Church Sunday School Scholars gathered in large numbers at Grand Bend on ’Wednes­ day afternoon where a very enjoy­ able picnic Skinner, the took charge suited as follows: boys 10 and un­ der Elmer Powe, Louis Tasko; girls 10 and under, Annelda Sholdice, Marie Fletcher; boys 13 and under, Bill Cook, Elmer Powe; girls 13 and under, Hazel Buswell and Alma Skinner; boys 18 and under, Mel­ ville Buswell, Bill Elliott; girls 18 and under, Mildred Hicks, Mildred Elliott; married men, Win. Essery, Harrj’ Bowden; married women, Mrs E. Reeder, Mrs. E. Wilson; peanut scramble, Rex Skinner; three-legged race, under 16, C. Baynham and A. Field; three-legged race over 16, W. Elliott and A. Blair; three-legged race, girls, Marie Buswell and Alma Skinner; wheel-barrow race, M. Bus­ well and A. Blair; girls relay race, M. Elliott, D. Hicks, M. Hicks, F. Mitchell and L. Hamilton; boys re­ lay race, F. Bowden, C. Baynham; G. Thomson, L. Smith and E. Cook; family race, Lloyd Hodgson and family; feeding the elephant. A Blair and D. Hicks; stepping yards,. The last of the open air chuich services of the season will be held on the Evangelical Church lawn on Sunday evening. Rev. H. E, Roppel will base his sermon on the old fa­ miliar hymn “Stand Up For Jesu*” A special feature o'f the evening will be *the Grand Bend Male Quartette who will render several numbers. The Henrich Memorial Band wi.l al­ so be in attendance. Miss Hope Roppel is visiting her friends in Port Elgin. Mr. Robt. Hopcroft, of Crystal Beach and Miss Bennett, of Fort Erie, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybeil, Toronto, are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graybeil. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclaae, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. Miss Emma Anderson, of Ailsa Craig, visited friends in town on Sunday. Word was received here last week of the death of Melinda Rhode, wifeuiciii axiu u. nuns, stepping jtuuo, «> .-w Jas. Blair; ladies’ nail driving, Mrs. I tiie ^ate Charles Hintz, of Romeo, E. 'Wilson; clothes pin race, Donald I ^Irs' Hintz was born and Blair, J. Hepburn. FoUowtag the races supper was served. A meeting will be held on the' farm of Mr. Dan Hodgson on Tues-! day, July 28th to look over an oat j crop demonstration. Prof. Squirrel ' O'f the Field College will vited. Correction peared in the Centralia news of last. week’s issue: j “Mr. and Mrs. Goroun Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, Miss Lau- rena Hamilton and Mr. Mervyn Brock attended the Orangemen’s celebration in Listowel on Monday.” Husbandry Dept. O. A. | speak. Everyone is in­ of an item that ap-, MT. CARMEL and Mrs. John Barry and and and with i in The devotional leaflet was by Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Ar- McFalls took the Scripture Les- F’lorence Mitchell favored with was held. Mr. Cecil ■popular superintendent of the sports which rc- by many in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and family, Windsor, are spending their holidays with ihis parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. A number from here attended the Musical Festival in Waterloo Satur­ day where Howard Klumpp was successful in obtaining 2nd prize for E B Alto Saxaphone solo under 20 years and was accompanied by Mr. W. R. Goulding, of Exeter and Master Ellwood Truemner came fourth in a class of ten contestants in playing cornet solo under 12 years and was accompanied by Miss Gertrude Hoffman. Both boys are members of the Henrich Memorial Band. We the boys. extend congratulations to- Mr. family, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ducharme and family, of Detroit, visited -with Mrs. M. O’Brien. ..Misses Margaret Regan and Eliza­ beth Dietrich spent the week-end at their homes. - Mr. and Mrs. John Morrisey, of Centralia, called on friends here on Sjinday. Misses Clara and Madeline Glav’-n attended the funeral of Mrs. W. Kil- gallen in London last week. Mr. John Kilgallin, of Ottawa, vis­ ited with Mr. Jos. Glavin last week. Mr. Dennis Quarry . called on fiiends here on Sunday. Mr. Joseph Mulligan, of Detroit, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Dalehantz, of Le-Roy, N.Y., called on friends here last week. I Dr. DASHWOOD W. D. Br^ce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENT SURGEON r Office, of week. artleib B t. Dash- week and in Zu- At office in wood, first at office ov rich, last t NOTICE TO THE^UJJLIC We have^akenl oyer' the Dash­wood FlQjsir Miij''I*^ds'<-will be market ix>r all Ifinds of grain we will N Z flour. Clipping every day. Reid & Co SPOT CASH FOR OLD ...GOLD— We will pajj^the ney^fe?^ old gold atf cash as scrolj __ in the tr all Ifinfis of grain; also pplyzill kinds of feed and j. c. 7-9-3tp. rice for ^giving you the _____ rarjapr- article is valued. This________old gold week at S. B. Taylor’s Jewellry Store, Exeter. KIRKTON visitors at Pt. StanleySunday from the village were Mr. and Mrs. George Hill, Mr. W. Hazelwood and grandson, Edison and Mr. William. Pym. Miss Lindsay, daughter of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, of Erie, Pa., sang a solo “One Sweetly .Solemn Thought” at the morning service on Sunday. Mrs. P. Kennedy (Sarah Doupe) of Conquest, Sask., spent the past week with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walkom, of Munro, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.’ C. Paul. Mrs Sam. Doupe, of London, visit­ ed this past week with Mrs, M. Doupe Mrs. C. Lewis and son Charles motored to Toronto on Thursday and intend spending some time with her mother. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and family left last week to spend their summer vacation in Muskoka. Mrs. James Gardiner’s grandchil­ dren, from Ottawa are spending the summer holidays at her home in Usborne. Mrs. Fallis and daughter, of Wheaton, Ill., are visiting with Mrs. S. Batten. Mr. Elston, of Dundalk, is supply­ ing for two weeks at St. Paul’s church for Rev. Mr. Parsons. si A conscientious little-girl was ex­ plaining to her younger brother that it is wrong to work on Sunday. 'Well, policemen work on Sunday* said the boy. “Don’t they go to hea- ven?” "No.” replied his sister, “they do, not need policemen up there.” CREAM ing throughout each week will be continued or this service and the Creamery to meet their wishes. Cream co as usual for the Creameries at Exeter and Winchelsea. am prices.elivere Exeter Creamery Company, Limited every Saturday nigh^at their Exetei be delivered befor«Tnine o*clo and paid in full a Farmers hay Directors have JWake in Cream ery. Cream should will be graded, tested Exeter Creamery Co., Limited