The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-07-02, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Your Perinanent Wave Is a Summer’s Investment Qrganist of Hensall, UNION SERVICES service during the Fhone 16 10 11 HOME FOR SJKE Strang Sav- work in the able acci- '5? a.m.- a.m.- Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss M^cFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middletniss TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Main St. and James St. United Churches Rev. Arthur Page in charge. The James St. Choir will lead the service of song. ^Sunday School -James St. Church Fourth Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Sunday School Communion & Sermon of Service (St. Matt. 10 11 7 p.m.—Main St. Church Prayer Service Thursday at 8 p.m. in Janies St. Church A Good Permanent Is So Important Important if you’re staying home—doubly important if are going away for the sung. This office willbe closet! from the afternoon ok July Exeter Markets Wheat 70c, 2Sc.gBTriey 42c. ^Manitoba's Best $2.70 Welcome $2.20 Low Grade $25.00 a ton Bran $21.00 a ton Shorts $21.00 a ton ’ Standard Screening Chop $19.00 Mixed Chop $22.00 Creamery butter 26c Dairy Butter 19-22c. Eggs, A large 16c. Eggs B, 14c, Eggs, C 12c. Hogs $8.75 LADIES’ DRESSES Be Satis etion Gua ■ Phone 23d AU Bonat preparations tory tested.fb thin H SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE SURPRISE PRESENTATION Thursday evening a pleasant gath­ ering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis in honor of their Franc’s. teacher at S. S. Nearly one hundred including families. Among the guests was Mrs. H. Sanders, aged 94 years. A lively program was given with Mur­ ray Scott, one of Miss Francis' for­ mer pupils, very capably acting as chairman. At the conclusion of the (program Edward Triebner read an address and Ruby Preszcator on be­ half of the scholars presented their teacher with several fancy dishes, Ruby and Edward were entrance graduates this year. Mr, E. J. Shapton also read an address and on behalf of the ratepayers Mr. Frank Triebner presented with a beautiful end completely taken by Francis, who deeply spirit of the gathering and the warm expressions of appreciation, made a pleasing reply. The following pro­ gram was given: songs by the school mouthorgan selections by George Walker and Murray Scott; duet by Ilene Jory and Ruby Preszcator; so­ lo by h£r. Hiram Shapton; instru­ mental duet by Mrs. Hiram Shapton and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton; piano so­ lo by Doris Penhale; mouthorgan and guitar selection by Billy and Ed­ ward. Triebner; readings by Mrs. Penhale; Mrs. C. W. Christie and Mrs. Jas. Willis Sr., cornet solo by Alan Penhale. spoke in terms of praise and high commendation of Miss Fran-cis’ faith­ ful service. A short speech was al­ so given by Mr. Geo. Penhale. The f allowing were the addresses: Dear Miss Francis,— We, your scholars have gathered here to-night to bid our teacher fare­ well. We feel sure we will miss you in the school after being our teacher since the first day we start­ ed going to school. We are very sorry to lose you from our school. We hope whatever you do, not go far away that we may see you often. Will you please ................" gift as a token of Signed Exeter, To Miss Gertrude : Dear Miss Francis: We have come to the end of other school year and the joy of holiday season is mingled with grot to know that you, who have taught so faithfully and efficiently in our school for the past eleven years have tendered your resignation and at the opening of the new term will see another in your .place. During the years that you have taught oui’ school you have won a warm spot in the hearts of your pu­ pils and of the parents alike. Your teaching has been of the highest or­ der and at all times you have set a splendid example to- the children which should leave a lasting impres­ sion upon their minds and charac­ ters. We want you to know that we have appreciated your service and we a3k you to accept this small tok­ en of our esteem and with it goes our very best wishes for your future welfare. Signed on behalf of the Ratepayers of S. S. No. 3, Stephen. daughter Miss Gertrude who recently resigned as No. 3, Stephen, were present the ratepayers and their Among the i l i LOCALS I I I g in—u ■■ ii —i u-rnmiim <i — 11 mu ix—m —ii him ig Mr. James Parsons is confined to his bed through illness. Mr. Frank Strange, of London, is holidaying at his home here. Miss Caroline Wells, of London, is holidaying with relatives here. Mrs. W. J. Powell visited in Lon­ don on Saturday with Miss Good­ ings. Mr. W. J. Powell spent the week­ end in Toronto with his friend Mr. Brown. Dr. spent home Mr. LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Young, R. ScA. Interim M'oderatpr Mrs. J. G, Coclirane, 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Dr. Margaret age will Speak on her Peace River, Alta. Rev. W. A. Young, will be in charge. Evening service withdrawn during July. Union services with Car­ mel church, Hensall. Friday July 3rd, at 7:30 p.m. the Presbytery of Huron will induct Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A..B.D., to which service the -public are cor­ dially invited. At the close of th'is •service the congregation will hold a reception foi’ the newly induct- ■ed minister and his family. Miss Francis table. Although surprise Miss appeciated the Mr. E. J. Shapton accept this little our appreciation. The Scholars June 25, 1936 B. Francis, a li­ the re­ GOBLIN CLEANERS—See { fore you buy. RentM Gobjj ;vour cleaning only 5 —W. J. BEER. g be- o do day. HAY FOR SALE BY TE About three acres of eter school ground, be received b^" Secretary, BO Saturday everi R— Ex- ers will . MacFaul, ducation- up to 6 p.m. FOL SALLTwo storey brick house repair, situate onMhe cor~" and Hill Street/,, in Exeter, the progrert For further W. Morley, pod „__,'ain Village! of "John Dilling. Eiji^Gfars apply to J. ', Ont. IFO'R -SALE—20;, weeks old. Hugh I^ov^ iPhone 26 on 39 TAKE NOTICE that I er be responsible -for eurred by my wife Irei DATED this 24th day 15-26-210. W$.e ......... y FOR SALE—Mrs, T. Willis; ^feniJraljjP ,271*5, c Crefditon. STRAYED^Frl_t * Hay Township, re«;li black streaks dud Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, the week-end visiting at his here. and Mrs. W. H. Levett, of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Dunsford. Miss Harriet Knipe, R.N., of De­ troit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Miss Kathleen Perkins is visiting with her cousin Miss Gladys Batten, near Winchelsea. Mrs. R. Singleton, of Glencoe, was a visitor with her cousin Miss Isobel Turnbull last week. Mrs. J. Ault Fairley, of Vancouver is visiting with her sister Miss L. M. Jeckell for the summer. Miss Jean iStanbury was a week­ end guest of Miss Alma Brown, B.A., at her home in Parkhill. Mr. John Bell, who has been ill for several months was able to work in his garden last week. Miss Kathleen O’Brien, of Kirk­ ton, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Miss Margaret Martin, R.N., of Hamilton, is visiting with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin. Mrs. Hy. Hopper, of Wingliam, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Birney and her son Mr. E. R. Hopper. Master Billie McCreath, of Kin­ cardine, is visiting at the home of his grandmother Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Johnson, who recently suf­ fered a stroke 'at the home of Mrs. Wm. Baker, a sister, is improving. Rev. R. E. and Mrs Southcott and two sons Jack and James visited with the former’s mother on Monday Miss M. Hunter, who has been vis­ iting in Hensall has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ge’o. Hunter. Mr. Jeremiah Heaman, of Stephen, visited for a few days recently with Mr. and Mts. James Green, of Hay. The many friends of Mrs. Gill will be pleased to know that she is to be outside again after her dent. We are pleased to welcome Mooney and daughter Miss 1 who are returning to- Exete’r from London. Mrs. Irvin Armstrong returned home last week after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. D. Smith in Toronto. Capt. Hu-gh O’Connor and wife and son John, of’ Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis over the week-end. Mr. F. W. Gladman was in Toron­ to on legal business on Tuesday. Mrs. Gladman accompanied him .and visited with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson, aud daughter Jane, of Toronto, are holi­ daying for two w&eks with the form­ er’s mother, Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Miss Isobel Turnbull were Brantford on Tuesday attending funeral of their nephew Mr. R. very. Mr. ronto, Kuntz where rays. a.m.—-Holy Discipleship IV: 9.) No evening summer months. The Sunday School and Congrega­ tional picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Wednesday July S'th. At, Russell Phone 245 Mrs. Irene /b July 20 We have a large assortment to choose from in Crapes, Voiles, Piques and Linens Priced from $1.25 to $7.95 SUB-STANDARD HOSE We have received a new shipment of > full-fashioned sub-standard hose in Summer shades at 59c. PER PAIR NEW STYLES AND COLOURS IN BATHING SUITS, Bathing Suits in the New Styles and Colours, Orange and Flame, Sun Red and Talisman Blue' at $1.95 „ k LACE TABLECLOTHS Just arrived, new lace tablecloths priced at Size 60 by 80, $2.95; Size 70 by 90, $3.50 Size 70 by 90, $4.95. BLEACHED HEMSTITCHED SHEETS A good quality sheet in two widths, Size, 72 by "90 at $1.00; Size 81 by 90, at $1.15. ........ ........ ................................. .............M ..... Free Dinnerware% With every cash purchase you make from us, we give Free Coupans which al­ low you to procure this beautiful Embassy Dinnerware absolutely Free. Coupons with every 25c. purchase or more. GREEN WINDOW BLINDS This is a washable blind; looks like linen and is real value EACH 49c. INLAID LINOLEUMS We are showing five of the Season’s ' best sellers. Biring in the size of your room and let us quote you Prices. 4-Yards Wide English Linoleum One only piece of English Linoleum, 4 wide. This is a splendid .^j^reVn and will give excellent wear. This a a verwspecial price, per yard $2.75.^^^’“ LARGE SIZES IN LINOLEUM RUGS. J1ET OUR PRICES. W^^K SAVE YOU iJONEY. ‘ GROCBJpY SPBa^LS CERTO For Jams and Jelly Per bottle . . . 27c BLOCK SALT Plain or Iodized Each.................40c RUBBER RINGS Per doz;.........5c ZINC RINGS Perdoz.............23c Ejf l R A SPIMM^L! KtrfsCASTILE SOAP 3 cakes..... 14c < 4 cakes .... 15c Libby’s PORK & BEANS Large tin . . . 10c. CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp 3 pkgs, for . . 21c COLGATES HAND SOAP Coleo 3 cakes for .. 10c SALMON Cascade 2 large cans .. 25c 3 small cans^- 25c Southcott Bros. Phone 16 in the La- To- Modern ^ric ouse Hardv^oodJFloors ation Terms ICKARD gs, 5 Bend ong- ts in­ ApplyPhone 6-25-2tp e 1936. j Brock 7,Con, 7, r With few ________ . ’Borns coming two years old. ; InTOrmation gladly received by B. Makins, IL 1^. Exeter. It;FOR SALE—-Sever< j/built and enclosed coal oil stovw/2, 3 and 4 burner, Apply to W» jF'Melvillc. FOR SALE house. 4 bedr-house. 4 bedro|jms!, new furnace, gswdej| jOhone 165. hr HT — Brick _..l bathroom, 0. V. Pickard, and Mrs. Edgar Smith, o.f called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. on their way to Grand Bend they are spending their holi- I Main -St. Sunday School will hold I heir picnic at Grand Bend, Wednes­ day, July 8tli. James St. Sunday ■School will hold ,’their picnic the ■same day at Turnbull’s Grove. Rev. Harry Jennings conducted 'services in the Anglican church in Hensall on ^Sunday. Mr. Jennings leaves July 9th for his mission field at Fort Norman in the Peace River District. Messrs. Grafton Cochrane, of town, and George Eaton, of Pt. El­ gin, students at Western University, are leaving the fourteenth of this month on a cattleboat for England. 3They expect to make a tour of British Isles, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere two daughters Marion and Helen Mr. Earle Johnston, of Brantford, visited over the Week-end at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. M. Sheere. Miss Marion is remain­ ing on a visit. At the James St. United church on Sunday it was announced that the Women’s Association were this week paying off the last of the debt in­ curred in the remodelling of the basement and of the installation of the heating system. The many friends of Mr. Walter Dearing, who several weeks ago met with an accident in an excavation at the new station in London, will re­ gret to know that he is not improv­ ing very rapidly. .Mr. Dearing is still confined to his home and the possibilities are that he will be there for some time, the and and Mr. and Mrs. George Jewell, Miss Mildred Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ ald Gurd and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt and family, of London, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McAlister and family, of Mt. Brydges, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jewell, -of Here­ ford, England, who are spending the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnston, Mary and Hugh, of Washington, D.C., are at present visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. They ex­ pect to leave Hugh for a month with Mr. and Mrs. George -Stephenson, Walkerton, -who will camp at Bruce Beach in their summer cottage. They will then go to Toronto to see A. W. Johnston and to see Dr. Cecil Johnston, at Wattkill, N.Y., where they will leave Mary for a month to visit with her aunt and uncle and Peter. They expect to take in the Fourth of July celebration. Miss Margaret Taman, a student at Western University who has been successful in passing her third year examinations, left the latter part of the week for Trois Pistoles, a quaint French-Canadian village on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, about 50 miles below Quebec City, where they will study French for the next two months. About 50 stu­ dents will take the course under the direction of the French department of the University of Western On­ tario. Miss Taman visited over the week-end with her sister, Miss Jean­ ette in Montreal. While at Cam-p Miss Taman will act as secretary of the professors. Astounding Offer for Limited Time FREE PANTS!$210 C. M ONEY xtra Clothes Expenses . i needs’ by or- Cone-Cleaned when prices YOU’LL NEED THA AND THAT C This Fall you w and also Money f and otherVWint Anticipate t dering D.f; & Anthracite are low. Phone 157j JAS. P. BOWEY MELVILLE INN# Rooms Goo “A Home AvfcyJ From Home” FOR SALE; burner oil sto?ife number of sh Lodder. Bj^le $4.50; <3- mover and a articles. Charles (Ove’®5 Cantigs Store Itp Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crydermagu and son Gerald and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hues-ton, of Thamesville visit­ ed on Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Page at the James St, parsonage. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong has moved from the residence corner of Andrew and iSiimcoe Streets into the resi­ dence on Andrew St. recently vacat­ ed by Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. ^Garfield Sheere and family, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Johns and family, of Lucan. Miss' Phyllis Prouty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Prouty, Hay, has been critically ill pleuro- pneumonia, but we pleased to report that she is ed Mrs. Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Laverty over the week-end were Mrs. Laverty’s brother Mr. Fred Pryor and wifd, and daughter Mrs. Lorettce Hale and son Howard Pryor and Mrs. Hales three boys January, Har­ old and Lloyd all of Sarnia. AT CAMP to one WITH of with are now Wm. Camj) Hiawatha conducted Huron County Boy’s Work opened at the Goderich ______ School Site on Monday and will last until July Sth. The camp is for boys 12 years and over. Rev. Geo. Wylie, of Benmiller, is the camp ad­ ministrator. Among the boys from town who are attending are Leonard Harvey, Jack, Moise, Bartie Mots, Murray Moore and Robt. Southcott. Camp Keemosahbee for boys 9, 10 and 11 years will be held July Sth to 13th. by the Board Summer s' Drugstore WITH AN EXT Suit st as Tailored to EVERY SUIT TROUSERS FREE RE” our MEN! Here’s your from your own selection of f|ne quality fabric you desire it and guarantee “DEV — Astoundi PHONE 81 e Priced as low as W. W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT. W. I. GARDEN PARTY The Women’s Institute held then* regular meeting in the form of a -garden party at the home of Mrs. J. W. Powell on Fiday afternoon, June 26th with about 100 members and ests present. The president, Mrs. Walker, conducted the opening ex­ ercises and a short business session. Mrs. Skelton gave an interesting and instructive talk on the making of china, of which she exhibited a num­ ber of rare and beautiful specimens. Mrs. Kestle and Mrs*. Batson gave a lovely duett; Mrs. Abbott a reading; Marion Powell, a violin solo, accom­ panied on the piano by Mrs. Coch­ rane; Marguerite Hogarth, solo; Jean Appleton, a guitar solo; M?1'" jorie May, tap dancing. Mrs. Geo Etherington and Mrs. W. E. Walkei poured tea from a table with sunfmer blooms. A group of the In­ stitute members assisted the hostess in serving the gttests. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Body, of St. Mai’vs wcfo pls&saiit c&Hors witn Mr, and M-rs. B. W. F. Beavers oft Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing/^nd son Philip, of Dorchester; 'M.r'jp ; . Yrin,^Sunday- X ye-JCL Mr., Webley Mrs. Harold Down and son J ’ of London, visited on the former’s brother, Dearing. Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Mary left Tuesday to weeks holidays at Wasaga ___ Dr. Richmond, of Victoria Hospital, London, has change of the doctor’s practice during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Keddy, and daughter Lois, of Detroit, visited for several days the beginning of the week at the home of Mr. w. Chas. Keddy. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, Gibson, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Graing­ er, of Melfort, Sask., also visited at Mr, Keddy’s on- Tuesday. . Mr. Writ. Stacey, of Curtis, near Osliawa; Miss Madeline Bichards and Mr. Seibert Halls, of Oshawa and Miss Birdie Dean, of Toronto, Visited, over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. samuel Presacator. Mr. Stacey, who is S3 years of age is a brother of Mrs, PreszcatOr and the two had not seen each other for fifty years. Fletcher and spend -two i Beach.